def get_base58_shares(hex_str, m, n):
    Convert the hex string to a base58 string and split it into "n" shares.
    base58_str = change_charset(hex_str, string.hexdigits[0:16], base58_chars)
    shares = BitcoinToB58SecretSharer.split_secret(base58_str, m, n)

    return shares
Exemple #2
def pk_to_address(pk, version_byte=0, num_leading_zeros=1):  # 0 for main net
    step_1 = pk
    pk = unhexlify(step_1)
    step_2 = sha256(pk)  # hexdigest to get hex
    step_3 ='ripemd160', step_2.digest())
    step_4 = '00' + step_3.hexdigest()  # if main net, num_leading_zeros
    step_5 = sha256(unhexlify(step_4))
    step_6 = sha256(step_5.digest())
    step_7 = checksum = step_6.hexdigest()[:8]  # first 4 bytes
    step_8 = step_4 + checksum
    b58_s = change_charset(step_8, HEX_KEYSPACE, B58_KEYSPACE)  # pybitcoin lib
    return B58_KEYSPACE[0] * num_leading_zeros + b58_s
Exemple #3
def b58check_encode(bin_s, version_byte=0):
    """ Takes in a binary string and converts it to a base 58 check string. """
    # append the version byte to the beginning
    bin_s = chr(int(version_byte)) + bin_s
    # calculate the number of leading zeros
    num_leading_zeros = len(re.match(r"^\x00*", bin_s).group(0))
    # add in the checksum add the end
    bin_s = bin_s + bin_checksum(bin_s)
    # convert from b2 to b16
    hex_s = hexlify(bin_s)
    # convert from b16 to b58
    b58_s = change_charset(hex_s, HEX_KEYSPACE, B58_KEYSPACE)

    return B58_KEYSPACE[0] * num_leading_zeros + b58_s
Exemple #4
def b58check_encode(bin_s, version_byte=0):
    """ Takes in a binary string and converts it to a base 58 check string. """
    # append the version byte to the beginning
    bin_s = chr(int(version_byte)) + bin_s
    # calculate the number of leading zeros
    num_leading_zeros = len(re.match(r'^\x00*', bin_s).group(0))
    # add in the checksum add the end
    bin_s = bin_s + bin_checksum(bin_s)
    # convert from b2 to b16
    hex_s = hexlify(bin_s)
    # convert from b16 to b58
    b58_s = change_charset(hex_s, HEX_KEYSPACE, B58_KEYSPACE)

    return B58_KEYSPACE[0] * num_leading_zeros + b58_s
Exemple #5
def b58check_unpack(b58_s):
    """ Takes in a base 58 check string and returns: the version byte, the
        original encoded binary string, and the checksum.
    num_leading_zeros = len(re.match(r'^1*', b58_s).group(0))
    # convert from b58 to b16
    hex_s = change_charset(b58_s, B58_KEYSPACE, HEX_KEYSPACE)
    # if an odd number of hex characters are present, add a zero to the front
    if len(hex_s) % 2 == 1:
        hex_s = "0" + hex_s
    # convert from b16 to b2
    bin_s = binascii.unhexlify(hex_s)
    # add in the leading zeros
    bin_s = '\x00' * num_leading_zeros + bin_s
    # make sure the newly calculated checksum equals the embedded checksum
    newly_calculated_checksum = bin_checksum(bin_s[:-4])
    embedded_checksum = bin_s[-4:]
    assert(newly_calculated_checksum == embedded_checksum)    
    # return values
    version_byte = bin_s[:1]
    encoded_value = bin_s[1:-4]
    checksum = bin_s[-4:]
    return version_byte, encoded_value, checksum
Exemple #6
def b58check_unpack(b58_s):
    """ Takes in a base 58 check string and returns: the version byte, the
        original encoded binary string, and the checksum.
    num_leading_zeros = len(re.match(r'^1*', b58_s).group(0))
    # convert from b58 to b16
    hex_s = change_charset(b58_s, B58_KEYSPACE, HEX_KEYSPACE)
    # if an odd number of hex characters are present, add a zero to the front
    if len(hex_s) % 2 == 1:
        hex_s = "0" + hex_s
    # convert from b16 to b2
    bin_s = unhexlify(hex_s)
    # add in the leading zeros
    bin_s = '\x00' * num_leading_zeros + bin_s
    # make sure the newly calculated checksum equals the embedded checksum
    newly_calculated_checksum = bin_checksum(bin_s[:-4])
    embedded_checksum = bin_s[-4:]
    if not (newly_calculated_checksum == embedded_checksum):
        raise ValueError('b58check value has an invalid checksum')
    # return values
    version_byte = bin_s[:1]
    encoded_value = bin_s[1:-4]
    checksum = bin_s[-4:]
    return version_byte, encoded_value, checksum
Exemple #7
# Atividade - 12
# Leet é uma forma de se escrever o alfabeto latino usando outros
# símbolos em lugar das letras, como números por exemplo. A própria
# palavra leet admite muitas variações, como l33t ou 1337. O uso do
# leet reflete uma subcultura relacionada ao mundo dos jogos de
# computador e internet, sendo muito usada para confundir os
# iniciantes e afrmar-se como parte de um grupo. Pesquise sobre as
# principais formas de traduzir as letras. Depois, faça um programa
# que peça uma texto e transforme-o para a grafa leet speak.
# Desafo: não use loops nem desvios condicionais.

from utilitybelt import change_charset

texto = input("Digite um texto: ")
alfabeto = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ "
chaves = "4bcd3ƒgh1?k£mnopqr57µvwxyz4BCD3FGHI?KLMNOP0R57UVWXYZ_"
formatada = change_charset(texto, alfabeto, chaves)

Exemple #8
# 12 Leet é uma forma de se escrever o alfabeto latino usando outros
# símbolos em lugar das letras, como números por exemplo. A própria
# palavra leet admite muitas variações, como l33t ou 1337. O uso do
# leet reflete uma subcultura relacionada ao mundo dos jogos de
# computador e internet, sendo muito usada para confundir os
# iniciantes e afrmar-se como parte de um grupo. Pesquise sobre as
# principais formas de traduzir as letras. Depois, faça um programa
# que peça uma texto e transforme-o para a grafa leet speak.
# Desafo: não use loops nem desvios condicionais.

from utilitybelt import change_charset

print("Informe uma frase")
frase = input()

origspace = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ "
keyspace = "4bcd3fgh1?k£mnopqr57uvwxyz4BCD3FGHI?KLMNOPQR57UVWXYZ_"

trad = change_charset(frase, origspace, keyspace)
def combine_shares(shamir_shares, encoding=Encoding.BIP39, language="english"):
    Combine the shamir39 shares to get BIP39 mnemonics
    @param shamir_shares

    @return recovered_key: secret key recovered by combining the shamir shares

    hex_shamir_shares = list()
    num_required_shares = -1
    share_index = 1

    if encoding == Encoding.BIP39:

        for share in shamir_shares:
            words = share.split(" ")

            # Check version
            if words[0] != VERSION:
                abort(400, {'message': "Incompatible version!"})

            # Extract params from prefix
            m_bin_str = ""
            index_bin_str = ""
            param_end_index = 1
            for word in words[1:]:
                word_index = WORDLIST[language].index(word)

                if word_index < 0:
                    error_message = "Invalid word found in the mnemonics: " + word
                    abort(400, {'message': error_message})

                word_bin = "{0:b}".format(word_index)
                word_bin = word_bin.rjust(11, '0')

                end_of_param = word_bin[0]
                m_bin_str = m_bin_str + word_bin[1:6]
                index_bin_str = index_bin_str + word_bin[6:11]

                param_end_index += 1

                if end_of_param == "0":

            # Get m and index
            m = int(m_bin_str, 2)
            index = hex(int(index_bin_str, 2)).split("x")[1]

            # Set the required number of shares
            if num_required_shares == -1:
                num_required_shares = m
                # Check if the required number of shares is met
                if len(shamir_shares) < num_required_shares:
                    abort(400, {'message': "Insufficient shares provided!"})

            # Check consistency of m param in all shares -
            if m != num_required_shares:
                      {'message': 'Inconsistent M parameter in the shares!'})

            bin_share = mnemonics_to_bin(words[param_end_index:], language)
            hex_share = hex(int(bin_share, 2))
            hex_share = hex_share.split("x")[1]
            hex_share = str(index) + "-" + hex_share
            share_index += 1

        recovered_key_hex = SecretSharer.recover_secret(hex_shamir_shares)

        recovered_key_base58 = BitcoinToB58SecretSharer.recover_secret(
        recovered_key_hex = change_charset(recovered_key_base58, base58_chars,

    recovered_key_bin = bin(int(recovered_key_hex, 16)).split("b")[1]
    recovered_key = bin_to_mnemonics(recovered_key_bin, language)
    recovered_key = " ".join(recovered_key)

    return recovered_key