Exemple #1
def activate(activationId, dbInstance):
  response = ControllerResponse()
  table = dbUtils.getTable('users', dbInstance)
  items = []

  if table is None:
    MentiiLogging.getLogger().error('Unable to get table users in activate')
    response.addError('Could not access table. Error', 'The DB did not give us the table')
    return response

  #Scan for the email associated with this activationId
  scanResponse = dbUtils.scanFilter('activationId', activationId, table)

  if scanResponse is not None:
    #scanResponse is a dictionary that has a list of 'Items'
    items = scanResponse['Items']

  if not items or 'email' not in items[0].keys():
    response.addError('No user with activationid', 'The DB did not return a user with the passed in activationId')
    email = items[0]['email']

    jsonData = {
      'Key': {'email': email},
      'UpdateExpression': 'SET active = :a',
      'ExpressionAttributeValues': { ':a': 'T' },
      'ReturnValues' : 'UPDATED_NEW'

    #Update using the email we have
    res = dbUtils.updateItem(jsonData, table)
    response.addToPayload('status', 'Success')

  return response
Exemple #2
def createClass(dynamoDBInstance, classData, email=None, userRole=None):
    response = ControllerResponse()

    #g will be not be available during testing
    #and email and userRole will need to be passed to the function
    if g:  # pragma: no cover
        email = g.authenticatedUser['email']
        userRole = g.authenticatedUser['userRole']
    #role is confirmed here incase createClass is called from somewhere other
    #than app.py create_class()
    if userRole != 'teacher' and userRole != 'admin':
        response.addError('Role error', 'Only teachers can create classes')
    elif classData is None or not checkClassDataValid(classData):
        response.addError('createClass call Failed.',
                          'Invalid class data given.')
        classTable = dbUtils.getTable('classes', dynamoDBInstance)
        userTable = dbUtils.getTable('users', dynamoDBInstance)
        if classTable is None or userTable is None:
            response.addError('createClass call Failed.',
                              'Unable to locate necessary table(s).')
            classCode = str(uuid.uuid4())
            newClass = {
                'code': classCode,
                'title': classData['title'],
                'description': classData['description']

            if 'department' in classData.keys() and classData['department']:
                newClass['department'] = classData['department']
            if 'section' in classData.keys() and classData['section']:
                newClass['classSection'] = classData['section']

            result = dbUtils.putItem(newClass, classTable)

            if result is None:
                response.addError('createClass call Failed.',
                                  'Unable to create class in classes table.')
                # Note: if teaching attribute does not previously exist, a set of class codes will be created
                # otherwise, the class code will be added to the set of class codes
                codeSet = set([classCode])
                jsonData = {
                    'Key': {
                        'email': email
                    'UpdateExpression': 'ADD teaching :classCode',
                    'ExpressionAttributeValues': {
                        ':classCode': codeSet
                    'ReturnValues': 'UPDATED_NEW'
                res = dbUtils.updateItem(jsonData, userTable)
                if res is None:
                    response.addError('createClass call failed',
                                      'Unable to update user data')
                    response.addToPayload('Success', 'Class Created')
    return response
Exemple #3
def addActivity(classCode, jsonData, dynamodb, email=None, userRole=None):
    response = ControllerResponse()
    classTable = dbUtils.getTable('classes', dynamodb)

    if classTable is None:
            'Unable to get classes table in getPublicClassList')
        response.addError('Failed to add activity', 'A database error occured')
        if g:  # pragma: no cover
            email = g.authenticatedUser['email']
            userRole = g.authenticatedUser['userRole']
        if isTeacherOfClass(email, userRole, classCode, dynamodb):
            classData = getClassByCode(classCode, dynamodb)
            if not classData:
                response.addError('Failed to add activity',
                                  'A database error occured')
                activities = classData.get('activities', [])
                classData['activities'] = activities
                result = dbUtils.putItem(classData, classTable)
                if result is None:
                    response.addError('Failed to add activity',
                                      'A database error occured')
                    response.addToPayload('Success', 'Activity Added')
                email + ' is not the teacher of ' + classCode +
                ', but attempted to add an activity.')
            response.addError('Unable to add activity',
                              'A permissions error occured')
    return response
Exemple #4
def resetUserPassword(jsonData, dbInstance):
  response = ControllerResponse()
  email = jsonData.get('email', None)
  password = jsonData.get('password', None)
  resetPasswordId = jsonData.get('id', None)
  if email is not None and password is not None and resetPasswordId is not None:
    res = updatePasswordForEmailAndResetId(email, password, resetPasswordId, dbInstance)
    if res is not None:
      response.addToPayload('status', 'Success')
      response.addError('Failed to Reset Password', 'We were unable to update the password for this account.')
    response.addError('Failed to Reset Password', 'We were unable to update the password for this account.')
  return response
Exemple #5
def changeUserRole(jsonData, dbInstance, adminRole=None):
  response = ControllerResponse()

  #g will be not be available during testing
  #and adminRole will need to be passed to the function
  if g: # pragma: no cover
    adminRole = g.authenticatedUser['userRole']
  #adminRole is confirmed here incase changeUserRole is called from somewhere
  #other than app.py changeUserRole()
  if adminRole != 'admin':
    response.addError('Role Error', 'Only admins can change user roles')
  elif 'email' not in jsonData.keys() or 'userRole' not in jsonData.keys():
    response.addError('Key Missing Error', 'Email or role missing from json data')
    email = jsonData['email']
    userRole = jsonData['userRole']

    userTable = dbUtils.getTable('users', dbInstance)
    if userTable is None:
      MentiiLogging.getLogger().error('Unable to get table "users" in changeUserRole')
      response.addError('No Access to Data', 'Unable to get data from database')
      if userRole != 'student' and userRole != 'teacher' and userRole != 'admin':
        MentiiLogging.getLogger().error('Invalid role: ' + userRole + ' specified. Unable to change user role')
        response.addError('Invalid Role Type', 'Invaid role specified')

        data = {
            'Key': {'email': email},
            'UpdateExpression': 'SET userRole = :ur',
            'ExpressionAttributeValues': { ':ur': userRole },
            'ReturnValues' : 'UPDATED_NEW'

        result = dbUtils.updateItem(data, userTable)

        if result is None:
          MentiiLogging.getLogger().error('Unable to update the user with email: ' + email + ' in changeUserRole')
          response.addError('Result Update Error', 'Could not update the user role in database')
          response.addToPayload('Result:', result)
          response.addToPayload('success', 'true')

  return response
Exemple #6
def getProblemTree(problemTemplate):
    #When problem templates work problem could
    # be a problem template instead. If that's the case
    # we could get the problem from the template here
    response = ControllerResponse()
    numberOfFailurePoints = 2  #TODO: Replace this with the recommender system output
    problem = getProblem(problemTemplate)
    problemPath = mathsteps.getStepsForProblem(problem)
    if len(problemPath) <= 1:
        #We couldn't get a path for the problem
            'Problem Solve Error',
            'Could not generate path for problem {0}'.format(problem))
        problemTree = generateTreeWithBadSteps(problemPath,
        response.addToPayload('problemTree', problemTree)

    return response
Exemple #7
def getPublicClassList(dynamodb, email=None):
    response = ControllerResponse()
    classCodes = getClassCodesFromUser(dynamodb, email)
    classes = []
    classesTable = dbUtils.getTable('classes', dynamodb)
    if classesTable is None:
            'Unable to get classes table in getPublicClassList')
        response.addError('Failed to get class list',
                          'A database error occured')
        res = classesTable.scan()
        for pclass in res.get('Items', []):
            if pclass[
                    'code'] not in classCodes and 'private' not in pclass and pclass.get(
                        'private') != True:
        response.addToPayload('classes', classes)
    return response
Exemple #8
def getBookList(dynamoDBInstance):
    response = ControllerResponse()
    booksTable = dbUtils.getTable('books', dynamoDBInstance)
    if booksTable is None:
        MentiiLogging.getLogger().error('Could not get book table')
        response.addError('Failed to get book list',
                          'A database error occured')
        books = dbUtils.scan(booksTable)
        bookList = []
        if books is not None and 'Items' in books:
            for book in books.get('Items'):
                    'id': book.get('bookId'),
                    'title': book.get('title')
            response.addToPayload('books', bookList)
            MentiiLogging.getLogger().warning('Could not scan books table')
    return response
Exemple #9
def getTaughtClassList(dynamoDBInstance, email=None):
    response = ControllerResponse()
    if email is None:  # pragma: no cover
        email = g.authenticatedUser['email']
    usersTable = dbUtils.getTable('users', dynamoDBInstance)
    classTable = dbUtils.getTable('classes', dynamoDBInstance)
    if usersTable is None or classTable is None:
        response.addError('Get Taught Class List Failed',
                          'Unable to access users and/or classes')
        classes = []
        classCodes = getTaughtClassCodesFromUser(dynamoDBInstance, email)
        if classCodes is not None:
            for code in classCodes:
                request = {'Key': {'code': code}}
                res = dbUtils.getItem(request, classTable)
                if res is not None and 'Item' in res:
        response.addToPayload('classes', classes)
    return response
Exemple #10
def createBook(bookData, dynamoDBInstance, userRole=None):
    response = ControllerResponse()

    #g will be not be available during testing
    #userRole will need to be passed to the function
    if g:  # pragma: no cover
        userRole = g.authenticatedUser['userRole']
    #role is confirmed here incase createBook is called from somewhere other
    #than app.py createBook()
    if userRole != 'admin':
        response.addError('Role error', 'Only admins can create books')
    # check for required options
    elif 'title' not in bookData.keys() or 'description' not in bookData.keys(
        response.addError('Book creation failed.', 'Invalid book data given.')
        # Get books table
        booksTable = dbUtils.getTable('books', dynamoDBInstance)
        if booksTable is None:
            response.addError('Get Books Table Failed',
                              'Unable to get books table from database')
            bookId = str(uuid.uuid4())
            # prep json data
            book = {
                'bookId': bookId,
                'title': bookData['title'],
                'description': bookData['description'],
                'chapters': bookData.get('chapters', [])
            # put item into table
            result = dbUtils.putItem(book, booksTable)
            if result is None:
                response.addError('Book creation failed.',
                                  'Unable to create Book in database.')
                response.addToPayload('Success', 'Book Created')

    return response
Exemple #11
def getClass(classCode, dynamoDBInstance, email=None, userRole=None):
    response = ControllerResponse()
    classData = getClassByCode(classCode, dynamoDBInstance)
    if not classData:
        response.addError('Get Class Failed', 'Unable to load class data')
        if g:  # pragma: no cover
            email = g.authenticatedUser['email']
            userRole = g.authenticatedUser['userRole']
        #Checks that user is the teacher of the class w/ classCode
        if ((userRole == 'teacher' or userRole == 'admin')
                and classCode in getTaughtClassCodesFromUser(
                    dynamoDBInstance, email)):
            classData['isTeacher'] = True
        #Else remove students[] from classData, if it exists, because:
        #Only the teacher of a class can get the class's students
        elif 'students' in classData:
            if email in classData.get('students', []):
                classData['isStudent'] = True
            del classData['students']
        response.addToPayload('class', classData)
    return response
Exemple #12
def editBook(bookData, dynamoDBInstance):
    response = ControllerResponse()
    # check for required options
    if not bookData or 'title' not in bookData.keys(
    ) or 'description' not in bookData.keys() or 'bookId' not in bookData.keys(
        response.addError('Book update failed.', 'Invalid book data given.')
        # Get books table
        booksTable = dbUtils.getTable('books', dynamoDBInstance)
        if booksTable is None:
            response.addError('Get Books Table Failed',
                              'Unable to get books table from database')
            # put item into table
            result = dbUtils.putItem(bookData, booksTable)
            if result is None:
                response.addError('Book update failed.',
                                  'Unable to update Book in database.')
                response.addToPayload('Success', 'Book Updated')

    return response
Exemple #13
def updateClassDetails(jsonData, dynamodb, email=None, userRole=None):
    response = ControllerResponse()
    classesTable = dbUtils.getTable('classes', dynamodb)

    if classesTable is None:
            'Unable to get classes table in getPublicClassList')
        response.addError('Failed to get class list',
                          'A database error occured')
        # get data from request body
        code = jsonData.get('code')
        title = jsonData.get('title')
        desc = jsonData.get('description')
        dept = jsonData.get('department')  # optional
        sec = jsonData.get('section')  # optional

        if g:  # pragma: no cover
            email = g.authenticatedUser['email']
            userRole = g.authenticatedUser['userRole']
        #check if teacher is teacher of the class
        if ((userRole == 'teacher' or userRole == 'admin')
                and code in getTaughtClassCodesFromUser(dynamodb, email)):

            updateExprString = 'SET title =:t, description =:dn'
            expresionAttrDict = {':t': title, ':dn': desc}

            removeString = ''
            # if empty string is given, remove the attribute
            if dept == '' and sec == '':
                removeString = removeString + ' REMOVE department, classSection'
                if dept == '':
                    removeString = removeString + ' REMOVE department'
                    updateExprString = updateExprString + ', department = :dt'
                    expresionAttrDict[':dt'] = dept
                if sec == '':
                    removeString = removeString + ' REMOVE classSection'
                    updateExprString = updateExprString + ', classSection = :s'
                    expresionAttrDict[':s'] = sec

            updateExprString = updateExprString + removeString

            # update item
            updateData = {
                'Key': {
                    'code': code
                'UpdateExpression': updateExprString,
                'ExpressionAttributeValues': expresionAttrDict,
                'ReturnValues': 'UPDATED_NEW'

            res = dbUtils.updateItem(updateData, classesTable)
            if res is None:
                response.addError('updateClassDetails has error',
                                  'Unable to update class details')
                response.addToPayload('Success', 'Class Details Updated')
            response.addError('Teacher permissions incorrect',
                              'Unable to update class details')
    return response