Exemple #1
            t_stds_len = [len(x) - 1 for x in t_stds]  # 标准序列净值样本个数
            t_std_weeks = t_stds[7]  # 标准序列_本周
            t_std_alls = [
                                      date_s.today, t_min, 12),
                                  extend=4) for t_min in t_mins
            ]  # 标准序列_成立以来
            t_std_alls = [
                t_std_all[:len([x for x in t_std_all if x >= t_min]) + 1]
                for t_std_all, t_min in zip(t_std_alls, t_mins_tstp)

            # 基金标准序列_成立以来
            matchs_all = [
                tu.outer_match4indicator_w(t_real, t_std_all, False)
                for t_real, t_std_all in zip(t_reals, t_std_alls)
            ]  # 匹配
            idx_matchs_all = [x[1] for x in matchs_all]
            nav_matchs_all = [[
                nav[ix] if ix is not None else None for ix in idx.values()
            ] for nav, idx in zip(navs, idx_matchs_all)]
            navs_all_len = dict(
                    [len(x) for x in nav_matchs_all]))  # 实际序列净值样本个数

            # 基金标准序列_本周以来
            matchs_week = [
                tu.outer_match4indicator_w(t_real, t_std_weeks)
                for t_real in t_reals
Exemple #2
def calculate():
    conn = engine_rd.connect()

    year, month = yesterday.year, yesterday.month
    month_range = cld.monthrange(year, month)[1]
    time_to_fill = sf.Time(dt.datetime(year, month, month_range))
    year, month = time_to_fill.year, time_to_fill.month

    bms_used = [
        "hs300", "csi500", "sse50", "ssia", "cbi", "y1_treasury_rate", "nfi"
    sql_bm = sf.SQL.market_index(date=time_to_fill.today,
                                 whole=True)  # Get benchmark prices
    bm = pd.read_sql(sql_bm, conn)
    # bm.loc[bm["statistic_date"] == dt.date(1995, 8, 16), "y1_treasury_rate"] = 2.35

    bm["y1_treasury_rate"] = bm["y1_treasury_rate"].fillna(method="backfill")
    bm["y1_treasury_rate"] = bm["y1_treasury_rate"].apply(su.annually2weekly)
    bm["statistic_date"] = bm["statistic_date"].apply(su.date2tstp)

    prices_bm = [
        bm.dropna(subset=[bm_name])[bm_name].tolist() for bm_name in bms_used
    ts_bm = [
        for bm_name in bms_used

    prices = prices_bm.copy()
    ts = ts_bm.copy()

    t_mins_pe_all = sf.PEIndex().firstmonday  # 寻找指数中可被计算的
    pesid_used = []
    for k in t_mins_pe_all:
        if t_mins_pe_all[k].year < year:
        elif t_mins_pe_all[k].year == year:
            if t_mins_pe_all[k].month <= month:

    prices_pe = []
    ts_pe = []
    pes_used = []
    for idx in pesid_used:
        PE = sf.PEIndex(idx)
        sql_pe = sf.SQL.pe_index(time_to_fill.today, index_id=PE.id, freq="w")
        pe = pd.read_sql(sql_pe, conn)
        pe["statistic_date"] = pe["statistic_date"].apply(su.date2tstp)


    t_mins_tstp = [min(x) for x in ts]
    t_mins = tu.tr(t_mins_tstp)

    intervals = table.intervals
    intervals1 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
    intervals3 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11]

    index_used = bms_used.copy()

    index_name = {
        "FI01": "私募全市场指数",
        "FI02": "阳光私募指数",
        "FI03": "私募FOF指数",
        "FI04": "股票多头策略私募指数",
        "FI05": "股票多空策略私募指数",
        "FI06": "市场中性策略私募指数",
        "FI07": "债券基金私募指数",
        "FI08": "管理期货策略私募指数",
        "FI09": "宏观策略私募指数",
        "FI10": "事件驱动策略私募指数",
        "FI11": "相对价值策略私募指数",
        "FI12": "多策略私募指数",
        "FI13": "组合投资策略私募指数",
        "hs300": "沪深300指数",
        "csi500": "中证500指数",
        "sse50": "上证50指数",
        "ssia": "上证A股指数",
        "cbi": "中债指数",
        "nfi": "南华商品指数",
        "y1_treasury_rate": "y1_treasury_rate"

    result = []
    for mday in range(1, yesterday.day + 1):
        print("Day {0}: {1}".format(mday, dt.datetime.now()))

        date_s = sf.Time(dt.datetime(year, month,
                                     mday))  # Generate statistic_date

        t_stds = [
            tu.timeseries_std(date_s.today, interval, 52, extend=1)
            for interval in intervals
        ]  # 标准序列
        t_std_lens = [len(x) - 1 for x in t_stds]  # 标准序列净值样本个数
        t_std_week = tu.timeseries_std(date_s.today, "w", 52, 1)  # 标准序列_本周
        ts_std_total = [
                              tu.periods_in_interval(date_s.today, t_min, 12),
                              extend=4) for t_min in t_mins
        ]  # 标准序列_成立以来
        ts_std_total = [
            t_std_total[:len([x for x in t_std_total if x >= t_min]) + 1]
            for t_std_total, t_min in zip(ts_std_total, t_mins_tstp)

        # 基准指数的标准序列_成立以来
        matchs = [
            tu.outer_match4indicator_w(t, t_std_all, False)
            for t, t_std_all in zip(ts, ts_std_total)
        idx_matchs = [x[1] for x in matchs]
        prices_total = [[
            price[ix] if ix is not None else None for ix in idx.values()
        ] for price, idx in zip(prices, idx_matchs)]

        # 基准指标的收益率_不同频率
        rs_total = [
            fi.gen_return_series(price_total) for price_total in prices_total

        # 无风险国债的收益率
        r_f_total = prices_total[5][
            1:]  # the list `y1_treasury_rate` in prices_total is not price, but return
        r_f_total = pd.DataFrame(r_f_total).fillna(
        r_f_all = [r_f_total[:length - 1] for length in t_std_lens]

        # for i in range(len(index_used)):
        for i in range(len(index_used)):

            if index_name[index_used[i]] == "y1_treasury_rate": continue

            price_all = []
            r_all = []
            for j in range(7):
                if dt.date.fromtimestamp(
                    (t_mins[i] + relativedelta(months=intervals[j])
                     ).timestamp()) <= date_s.today:
                    r_all.append(rs_total[i][:t_std_lens[j] - 1])
            for j in range(7, 11):
                if rs_total[i] is not None:
                    r_all.append(rs_total[i][:t_std_lens[j] - 1])

            price_all1 = [price_all[i] for i in intervals1]
            price_all3 = [price_all[i] for i in intervals3]
            r_all1 = [r_all[i] for i in intervals1]
            r_all3 = [r_all[i] for i in intervals3]

            r_f_all1 = [r_f_all[i] for i in intervals1][:-1]
            r_f_all3 = [r_f_all[i] for i in intervals3][:-1]

            ir = [fi.accumulative_return(price) for price in price_all1]
            ir_a = [fi.return_a(r) for r in r_all1]
            stdev_a = [fi.standard_deviation_a(r) for r in r_all3]
            dd_a = [
                fi.downside_deviation_a(r, r_f)
                for r, r_f in zip(r_all3, r_f_all3)
            mdd = [fi.max_drawdown(price)[0] for price in price_all3]
            sharpe_a = [
                fi.sharpe_a(r, r_f) for r, r_f in zip(r_all3, r_f_all3)
            calmar_a = [
                fi.calmar_a(price, r_f)
                for price, r_f in zip(price_all3, r_f_all3)
            sortino_a = [
                fi.sortino_a(r, r_f) for r, r_f in zip(r_all3, r_f_all3)
            p_earning_weeks = [fi.periods_positive_return(r) for r in r_all3]
            n_earning_weeks = [fi.periods_npositive_return(r) for r in r_all3]
            con_rise_weeks = [fi.periods_continuous_rise(r)[0] for r in r_all3]
            con_fall_weeks = [fi.periods_continuous_fall(r)[0] for r in r_all3]

            tmp = [
                ir, ir_a, stdev_a, dd_a, mdd, sharpe_a, calmar_a, sortino_a,
                p_earning_weeks, n_earning_weeks, con_rise_weeks,
            result_i = [index_used[i], index_name[index_used[i]], date_s.today]
            for x in tmp:

    df = pd.DataFrame(result)
    df[list(range(3, 117))] = df[list(range(3, 117))].astype(np.float64)
    df[list(range(3, 117))] = df[list(range(3,
                                            117))].apply(lambda x: round(x, 6))
    df.columns = columns

    df.index_id = df.index_id.apply(lambda x: x.upper())
    return df
Exemple #3
def match_by_std(obj, **kwargs):
        Match objects with time series to standard time series, and apply the strategy to its other attributes.

        obj: dict
            Dict like {id: {key1: Iterable, key2: Iterable, ...}};

            key_tm: str
                Key of the time series;
            key_used: Iterable<str>
                keys to match to standard time series;
            date_s: datetime.date, datetime.datetime, or float
                Statistic date(or the start date) of the standard time series;
            date_e: datetime.date, datetime.datetime, float, or dict
                Earliest date(or the end date) of the standard time series. If a dict is passed, then it should be
                {id: date}_like and its ids should be the same as the `obj` length;
            intervals: Iterable
                Interval of the standard time series to match, optional {1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36, 60, "w", "m", "q", "a",
            freq: str
                Frequency of the standard time series, optional {"w", "m"};
            extend: int, or dict
                Extra sample number of `interval` to use. If an int is parsed, then all intervals in `interval` will use
                this int as the extra sample number, else if an dict like {interval: extra_num} is parsed, then the
                specified interval will use the given extra number. Default None;
            shift: dict
                Dict like {id: shift_num} to specified ids which need to be shifted on its match case;
            apply: dict
                Dict like {id: func}
        dict like {id: {key_used:{interval: Iterable}}}
    kw_used = ("key_tm", "key_used", "date_s", "date_e", "intervals", "freq",
               "shift", "extend", "apply")
    key_tm, key_used, date_s, date_e, intervals, freq, shift, extend, apply = meta.get_kwargs_used(
        kw_used, **kwargs)

    if isinstance(date_e, (dt.date, dt.datetime, float)):
        date_e = dict.fromkeys(obj.keys(), tu.universal_time(date_e)[1])
    elif date_e is None:
        date_e = {
            iid: tu.universal_time(min(attributes[key_tm]))[1]
            for iid, attributes in obj.items()

    tm_series_std_alls = gen_stdseries_longest(iids=obj,
                                                   "weekday", False))
    tm_series_std = gen_stdseries(date_s=date_s,
                                  weekday=kwargs.get("weekday", False))

    sample_nums = {
        interval: len(tm_serie_std)
        for interval, tm_serie_std in tm_series_std.items()

    if freq == "w" or freq == "d":
        matchs_whole = {
            iid: tu.outer_match4indicator_w(attributes[key_tm],
                                            tm_series_std_alls[iid], False)[1]
            for iid, attributes in obj.items()
        matchs_w = {
            iid: tu.outer_match4indicator_w(attributes[key_tm],
            for iid, attributes in obj.items()

    elif freq == "m":
        matchs_whole = {
            iid: tu.outer_match4indicator_m(attributes[key_tm],
                                            tm_series_std_alls[iid], False)[1]
            for iid, attributes in obj.items()

    result = dict.fromkeys(obj.keys(), {})
    if shift is None:
        shift = {}

    # match for each object
    date_s_dt = dt.date.fromtimestamp(tu.universal_time(date_s)[1])
    # intervals_regular = [interval for interval in intervals if interval not in ("w", "a", "whole")]   #
    intervals_regular = [
        interval for interval in intervals if interval not in ("w", "whole")
    for iid, attributes in obj.items():
        shift_iid = shift.get(iid, 0)
        result[iid] = dict.fromkeys(key_used, {})
        date_e_iid = dt.date.fromtimestamp(date_e[iid])
        for key in result[iid].keys():
            freq_of_key = {}

            freq_of_key["whole"] = [
                attributes[key][idx] if idx is not None else None
                for idx in matchs_whole[iid].values()

            if apply is not None and iid in apply:
                freq_of_key["whole"] = apply[iid](freq_of_key["whole"])

            if shift_iid > 0:
                freq_of_key["whole"] = freq_of_key["whole"][shift_iid:]

            # 根据每个基金产品的成立时间判断可以计算多长区间
            interval_used = _check_intervals(date_s_dt, date_e_iid, intervals)

            length_max = len(freq_of_key["whole"])
            for interval in intervals_regular:
                if interval_used[interval]:
                    sp_num = sample_nums[interval] - shift_iid - 1  #
                    # sp_num = sample_nums[interval] - 1
                    freq_of_key[interval] = freq_of_key["whole"][:sp_num]
                    if sp_num > length_max:
                        freq_of_key[interval].extend([None] *
                                                     (sp_num - length_max))
                    freq_of_key[interval] = None

            # freq_of_key["a"] = [attributes[key][idx] if idx is not None else None for idx in matchs_a[iid].values()]  #

            if freq == "w" or freq == "d":
                freq_of_key["w"] = [
                    attributes[key][idx] if idx is not None else None
                    for idx in matchs_w[iid].values()

            result[iid][key] = freq_of_key

    return result
Exemple #4
def cal_std(fund_ids=None, whole=False):
        fund_ids: str


    if whole is True:
        sql_navs = "SELECT fund_id, nav, added_nav, swanav, statistic_date FROM fund_nv_data_standard"
        sql_navs = "SELECT fund_id, nav, added_nav, swanav, statistic_date FROM fund_nv_data_standard \
                    WHERE update_time >= {ut}".format(ut=yesterday)

    if fund_ids:
        if 'WHERE' in sql_navs:
            sql_navs += " AND fund_id in ({})".format(fund_ids)
            sql_navs += " WHERE fund_id in ({})".format(fund_ids)

    su.tic("Fetching nv Data......")
    df_nav = pd.read_sql(sql_navs, conn)

    criterias = [(df_nav["nav"] >= 0.2), (df_nav["added_nav"] >= 0.2),
                 (df_nav["statistic_date"] >= dt.date(1970, 1, 2)),
                 (df_nav["statistic_date"] <= dt.date.today())]

    criteria = get_creterias(criterias)
    df_nav = df_nav.loc[criteria].sort_values(["fund_id", "statistic_date"],
                                              ascending=[True, False])
    df_nav.index = range(len(df_nav))
    ids = df_nav["fund_id"].drop_duplicates().tolist()

    t_mins = list(df_nav.groupby("fund_id")["statistic_date"].min())
    t_mins_tstp = [time.mktime(x.timetuple()) for x in t_mins]
    t_maxs = list(df_nav.groupby("fund_id")["statistic_date"].max())
    t_maxs_tstp = [time.mktime(x.timetuple()) for x in t_maxs]

    idx4slice = su.idx4slice(df_nav, slice_by="fund_id")
    navs = su.slice(df_nav, idx4slice, "nav")
    added_navs = su.slice(df_nav, idx4slice, "added_nav")
    swanavs = su.slice(df_nav, idx4slice, "swanav")
    t_reals = su.slice(df_nav, idx4slice, "statistic_date")
    t_reals_tstp = []
    for t_real in t_reals:
        t_reals_tstp.append([time.mktime(x.timetuple()) for x in t_real])

    t_std_alls_w = [
                          tu.periods_in_interval(friday, t_min, 12),
                          extend=4) for t_min in t_mins
    ]  # 标准序列_成立以来
    t_std_alls_w = [
        t_std_all[:len([x for x in t_std_all if x >= t_min]) + 1]
        for t_std_all, t_min in zip(t_std_alls_w, t_mins_tstp)
    t_std_alls_w = [
        t_std_all[-len([x for x in t_std_all if x < t_max]) - 1:]
        for t_std_all, t_max in zip(t_std_alls_w, t_maxs_tstp)

    t_std_alls_m = [
                          tu.periods_in_interval(date, t_min, 12),
                          extend=6) for date, t_min in zip(t_maxs, t_mins)
    ]  # 标准序列_成立以来
    t_std_alls_m = [
        t_std_all[:len([x for x in t_std_all if x >= t_min]) + 1]
        for t_std_all, t_min in zip(t_std_alls_m, t_mins_tstp)

    matchs_w = [
        tu.outer_match4indicator_w(t_real, t_std)
        for t_real, t_std in zip(t_reals_tstp, t_std_alls_w)
    idx_matchs_w = [x[1] for x in matchs_w]
    nav_matchs_w = [[
        nav[ix] if ix is not None else None for ix in idx.values()
    ] for nav, idx in zip(navs, idx_matchs_w)]
    anav_matchs_w = [[
        nav[ix] if ix is not None else None for ix in idx.values()
    ] for nav, idx in zip(added_navs, idx_matchs_w)]
    swanav_matchs_w = [[
        nav[ix] if ix is not None else None for ix in idx.values()
    ] for nav, idx in zip(swanavs, idx_matchs_w)]
    t_matchs_w = [[
        t_real[ix] if ix is not None else None for ix in idx.values()
    ] for t_real, idx in zip(t_reals, idx_matchs_w)]
    t_matchs_std_w = [
        tu.tr(x[:-1], "date") if x is not None else None for x in t_std_alls_w

    matchs_m = [
        tu.outer_match4indicator_m(t_real, t_std)
        for t_real, t_std in zip(t_reals_tstp, t_std_alls_m)
    idx_matchs_m = [x[1] for x in matchs_m]
    nav_matchs_m = [[
        nav[ix] if ix is not None else None for ix in idx.values()
    ] for nav, idx in zip(navs, idx_matchs_m)]
    anav_matchs_m = [[
        nav[ix] if ix is not None else None for ix in idx.values()
    ] for nav, idx in zip(added_navs, idx_matchs_m)]
    swanav_matchs_m = [[
        nav[ix] if ix is not None else None for ix in idx.values()
    ] for nav, idx in zip(swanavs, idx_matchs_m)]
    t_matchs_m = [[
        t_real[ix] if ix is not None else None for ix in idx.values()
    ] for t_real, idx in zip(t_reals, idx_matchs_m)]
    t_matchs_std_m = [
        tu.tr(x[:-1], "date") if x is not None else None for x in t_std_alls_m

    result_w = {
        "fund_id": ids,
        "nav": nav_matchs_w,
        "added_nav": anav_matchs_w,
        "swanav": swanav_matchs_w,
        "statistic_date": t_matchs_w,
        "statistic_date_std": t_matchs_std_w

    result_m = {
        "fund_id": ids,
        "nav": nav_matchs_m,
        "added_nav": anav_matchs_m,
        "swanav": swanav_matchs_m,
        "statistic_date": t_matchs_m,
        "statistic_date_std": t_matchs_std_m

    su.tic("Merging Result......")
    result = {}
    result["w"] = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(merge_result(result_w, ids))
    result["m"] = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(merge_result(result_m, ids))

    return result