def _process_utterance(out_dir, wav_path, text, hparams):
    Preprocesses a single utterance wav/text pair

    this writes the mel scale spectogram to disk and return a tuple to write
    to the train.txt file

        - mel_dir: the directory to write the mel spectograms into
        - linear_dir: the directory to write the linear spectrograms into
        - wav_dir: the directory to write the preprocessed wav into
        - index: the numeric index to use in the spectogram filename
        - wav_path: path to the audio file containing the speech input
        - text: text spoken in the input audio file
        - hparams: hyper parameters

        - A tuple: (audio_filename, mel_filename, linear_filename, time_steps, mel_frames, linear_frames, text)
        # Load the audio as numpy array
        wav = audio.load_wav(wav_path, sr=hparams.sample_rate)
    except FileNotFoundError:  #catch missing wav exception
            'file {} present in csv metadata is not present in wav folder. skipping!'
        return None

    #rescale wav
    if hparams.rescaling:  # hparams.rescale = True
        wav = wav / np.abs(wav).max() * hparams.rescaling_max

    #M-AILABS extra silence specific
    if hparams.trim_silence:  # hparams.trim_silence = True
        wav = audio.trim_silence(wav,
                                 hparams)  # Trim leading and trailing silence

    #Mu-law quantize, default 값은 'raw'
    if hparams.input_type == 'mulaw-quantize':
        #[0, quantize_channels)
        out = audio.mulaw_quantize(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)

        #Trim silences
        start, end = audio.start_and_end_indices(out,
        wav = wav[start:end]
        out = out[start:end]

        constant_values = mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.int16

    elif hparams.input_type == 'mulaw':
        #[-1, 1]
        out = audio.mulaw(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)
        constant_values = audio.mulaw(0., hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.float32

    else:  # raw
        #[-1, 1]
        out = wav
        constant_values = 0.
        out_dtype = np.float32

    # Compute the mel scale spectrogram from the wav
    mel_spectrogram = audio.melspectrogram(wav, hparams).astype(np.float32)
    mel_frames = mel_spectrogram.shape[1]

    if mel_frames > hparams.max_mel_frames and hparams.clip_mels_length:  # hparams.max_mel_frames = 1000, hparams.clip_mels_length = True
        return None

    #Compute the linear scale spectrogram from the wav
    linear_spectrogram = audio.linearspectrogram(wav,
    linear_frames = linear_spectrogram.shape[1]

    #sanity check
    assert linear_frames == mel_frames

    if hparams.use_lws:  # hparams.use_lws = False
        #Ensure time resolution adjustement between audio and mel-spectrogram
        fft_size = hparams.fft_size if hparams.win_size is None else hparams.win_size
        l, r = audio.pad_lr(wav, fft_size, audio.get_hop_size(hparams))

        #Zero pad audio signal
        out = np.pad(out, (l, r),
        #Ensure time resolution adjustement between audio and mel-spectrogram
        pad = audio.librosa_pad_lr(wav, hparams.fft_size,

        #Reflect pad audio signal (Just like it's done in Librosa to avoid frame inconsistency)
        out = np.pad(out, pad, mode='reflect')

    assert len(out) >= mel_frames * audio.get_hop_size(hparams)

    #time resolution adjustement
    #ensure length of raw audio is multiple of hop size so that we can use
    #transposed convolution to upsample
    out = out[:mel_frames * audio.get_hop_size(hparams)]
    assert len(out) % audio.get_hop_size(hparams) == 0
    time_steps = len(out)

    # Write the spectrogram and audio to disk
    wav_id = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(wav_path))[0]

    # Write the spectrograms to disk:
    audio_filename = '{}-audio.npy'.format(wav_id)
    mel_filename = '{}-mel.npy'.format(wav_id)
    linear_filename = '{}-linear.npy'.format(wav_id)
    npz_filename = '{}.npz'.format(wav_id)
    npz_flag = True
    if npz_flag:
        # Tacotron 코드와 맞추기 위해, 같은 key를 사용한다.
        data = {
            'audio': out.astype(out_dtype),
            'mel': mel_spectrogram.T,
            'linear': linear_spectrogram.T,
            'time_steps': time_steps,
            'mel_frames': mel_frames,
            'text': text,
            'tokens': text_to_sequence(text),  # eos(~)에 해당하는 "1"이 끝에 붙는다.
            'loss_coeff': 1  # For Tacotron

        np.savez(os.path.join(out_dir, npz_filename),
    else:, audio_filename),
                allow_pickle=False), mel_filename),
                allow_pickle=False), linear_filename),

    # Return a tuple describing this training example
    return (audio_filename, mel_filename, linear_filename, time_steps,
            mel_frames, text, npz_filename)
Exemple #2
def _process_utterance(out_dir, wav_path, text, hparams):
    Preprocesses a single utterance wav/text pair

    this writes the mel scale spectogram to disk and return a tuple to write
    to the train.txt file

        - mel_dir: the directory to write the mel spectograms into
        - linear_dir: the directory to write the linear spectrograms into
        - wav_dir: the directory to write the preprocessed wav into
        - index: the numeric index to use in the spectogram filename
        - wav_path: path to the audio file containing the speech input
        - text: text spoken in the input audio file
        - hparams: hyper parameters

        - A tuple: (audio_filename, mel_filename, linear_filename, time_steps, mel_frames, linear_frames, text)
        # Load the audio as numpy array
        wav = audio.load_wav(wav_path, sr=hparams.sample_rate) #1차원짜리 wav파일 뽑아옴
        #Load an audio file as a floating point time series.
        #Audio will be automatically resampled to the given rate (default sr=22050).
        #To preserve the native sampling rate of the file, use sr=None. 
        #print(wav,wav.shape) (240001,)
    except FileNotFoundError: #catch missing wav exception
        print('file {} present in csv metadata is not present in wav folder. skipping!'.format(
        return None

    #rescale wav
    if hparams.rescaling:   # hparams.rescale = True
        wav = wav / np.abs(wav).max() * hparams.rescaling_max
    #We rescale because it is assumed in Wavenet training that wavs are in [-1, 1] when computing the mixture loss. This is mainly coming from PixelCNN implementation.

    #M-AILABS extra silence specific
    if hparams.trim_silence:  # hparams.trim_silence = True
        wav = audio.trim_silence(wav, hparams)   # Trim leading and trailing silence

    #Mu-law quantize, default 값은 'raw'
    #The quantization noise is from the analog to digital conversion. The mu-law compression actually reduces the noise and increases the dynamic range.
    #If you search a little bit in the code you will find that the input is always mu-law encoded here.
    #scalar_input only determines if the model uses a one-hot encoding for every data point of the input waveform, or just uses floating point values for each sample.
    if hparams.input_type=='mulaw-quantize':
        #[0, quantize_channels)
        out = audio.mulaw_quantize(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)

        #Trim silences
        start, end = audio.start_and_end_indices(out, hparams.silence_threshold)
        wav = wav[start: end]
        out = out[start: end]

        constant_values = mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.int16

    elif hparams.input_type=='mulaw':
        #[-1, 1]
        out = audio.mulaw(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)
        constant_values = mulaw(0., hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.float32

    else:  # raw
        #[-1, 1]
        out = wav
        constant_values = 0.
        out_dtype = np.float32

    # Compute the mel scale spectrograFm from the wav
    mel_spectrogram = audio.melspectrogram(wav, hparams).astype(np.float32)
    #print(mel_spectrogram,mel_spectrogram.shape) #(80,797),(80,801) ...
    mel_frames = mel_spectrogram.shape[1]
    #print('===mel frame====')
    #print(mel_frames) 801, 797 ,...
    if mel_frames > hparams.max_mel_frames and hparams.clip_mels_length:   # hparams.max_mel_frames = 1000, hparams.clip_mels_length = True
        return None

    #Compute the linear scale spectrogram from the wav
    linear_spectrogram = audio.linearspectrogram(wav, hparams).astype(np.float32)
    #print(linear_spectrogram,linear_spectrogram.shape) #(1025,787),(1025,801)
    linear_frames = linear_spectrogram.shape[1]

    #sanity check
    assert linear_frames == mel_frames

    if hparams.use_lws:    # hparams.use_lws = False
        #Ensure time resolution adjustement between audio and mel-spectrogram
        fft_size = hparams.fft_size if hparams.win_size is None else hparams.win_size
        l, r = audio.pad_lr(wav, fft_size, audio.get_hop_size(hparams))

        #Zero pad audio signal
        out = np.pad(out, (l, r), mode='constant', constant_values=constant_values)
        #Ensure time resolution adjustement between audio and mel-spectrogram
        pad = audio.librosa_pad_lr(wav, hparams.fft_size, audio.get_hop_size(hparams)) #1024 == 2048//2 == fft_size//2
        #Reflect pad audio signal (Just like it's done in Librosa to avoid frame inconsistency)
        #print(out,out.shape) #(240001,)
        out = np.pad(out, pad, mode='reflect') #shape : (242049,) - 패딩
        #print(out,out.shape) #(242049,)

    assert len(out) >= mel_frames * audio.get_hop_size(hparams)

    #time resolution adjustement
    #ensure length of raw audio is multiple of hop size so that we can use
    #transposed convolution to upsample
    out = out[:mel_frames * audio.get_hop_size(hparams)] #240300으로 맞춤(자름)
    assert len(out) % audio.get_hop_size(hparams) == 0
    time_steps = len(out)
    #print(audio.get_hop_size(hparams)) : 300
    #print(out,out.shape) #(240300,) = 801*300
    # Write the spectrogram and audio to disk
    wav_id = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(wav_path))[0] #확장자 제외하고 파일 이름 얻기
    # Write the spectrograms to disk:
    audio_filename = '{}-audio.npy'.format(wav_id)
    mel_filename = '{}-mel.npy'.format(wav_id)
    linear_filename = '{}-linear.npy'.format(wav_id)
    npz_filename = '{}.npz'.format(wav_id)
    if npz_flag:
        # Tacotron 코드와 맞추기 위해, 같은 key를 사용한다.
        data = {
            'audio': out.astype(out_dtype),
            'mel': mel_spectrogram.T,  
            'linear': linear_spectrogram.T,
            'time_steps': time_steps,
            'mel_frames': mel_frames,
            'text': text,
            'tokens': text_to_sequence(text),   # eos(~)에 해당하는 "1"이 끝에 붙는다.
            'loss_coeff': 1  # For Tacotron
        np.savez(os.path.join(out_dir,npz_filename ), **data, allow_pickle=False) #여러개의 배열을 1개의 압축되지 않은 *.npz 포맷 파일로 저장하기
    else:, audio_filename), out.astype(out_dtype), allow_pickle=False), mel_filename), mel_spectrogram.T, allow_pickle=False), linear_filename), linear_spectrogram.T, allow_pickle=False)

    # Return a tuple describing this training example
    return (audio_filename, mel_filename, linear_filename, time_steps, mel_frames, text,npz_filename)
Exemple #3
def _process_utterance(out_dir, index, wav_path, text):
    # Load the audio to a numpy array:
    wav = audio.load_wav(wav_path)

    if hparams.rescaling:
        wav = wav / np.abs(wav).max() * hparams.rescaling_max

    # Mu-law quantize
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        # [0, quantize_channels)
        out = P.mulaw_quantize(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)

        # Trim silences
        start, end = audio.start_and_end_indices(out,
        wav = wav[start:end]
        out = out[start:end]
        constant_values = P.mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.int16
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        # [-1, 1]
        out = P.mulaw(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)
        constant_values = P.mulaw(0.0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.float32
        # [-1, 1]
        out = wav
        constant_values = 0.0
        out_dtype = np.float32

    # Compute a mel-scale spectrogram from the trimmed wav:
    # (N, D)
    mel_spectrogram = audio.melspectrogram(wav).astype(np.float32).T
    # lws pads zeros internally before performing stft
    # this is needed to adjust time resolution between audio and mel-spectrogram
    l, r = audio.lws_pad_lr(wav, hparams.fft_size, audio.get_hop_size())

    # zero pad for quantized signal
    out = np.pad(out, (l, r), mode="constant", constant_values=constant_values)
    N = mel_spectrogram.shape[0]
    assert len(out) >= N * audio.get_hop_size()

    # time resolution adjustment
    # ensure length of raw audio is multiple of hop_size so that we can use
    # transposed convolution to upsample
    out = out[:N * audio.get_hop_size()]
    assert len(out) % audio.get_hop_size() == 0

    timesteps = len(out)

    # Write the spectrograms to disk:
    audio_filename = 'bznsyp-audio-%05d.npy' % index
    mel_filename = 'bznsyp-mel-%05d.npy' % index, audio_filename),
            allow_pickle=False), mel_filename),

    # Return a tuple describing this training example:
    return (audio_filename, mel_filename, timesteps, text)
Exemple #4
def _process_utterance(out_dir, index, audio_filepath, text):
    # Load the audio to a numpy array:
    wav_whole = audio.load_wav(audio_filepath)

    if hparams.rescaling:
        wav_whole = wav_whole / np.abs(wav_whole).max() * hparams.rescaling_max

    # This is a librivox source, so the audio files are going to be v. long
    # compared to a typical 'utterance' : So split the wav into chunks

    tup_results = []

    n_samples = int(8.0 * hparams.sample_rate)  # All 8 second utterances
    n_chunks = wav_whole.shape[0] // n_samples

    for chunk_idx in range(n_chunks):
        chunk_start, chunk_end = chunk_idx * n_samples, (chunk_idx + 1) * n_samples
        if chunk_idx == n_chunks - 1:  # This is the last chunk - allow it to extend to the end of the file
            chunk_end = None
        wav = wav_whole[chunk_start: chunk_end]

        # Mu-law quantize
        if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
            # [0, quantize_channels)
            out = P.mulaw_quantize(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)

            # Trim silences
            start, end = audio.start_and_end_indices(out, hparams.silence_threshold)
            wav = wav[start:end]
            out = out[start:end]
            constant_values = P.mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels)
            out_dtype = np.int16
        elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
            # [-1, 1]
            out = P.mulaw(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)
            constant_values = P.mulaw(0.0, hparams.quantize_channels)
            out_dtype = np.float32
            # [-1, 1]
            out = wav
            constant_values = 0.0
            out_dtype = np.float32

        # Compute a mel-scale spectrogram from the trimmed wav:
        # (N, D)
        mel_spectrogram = audio.melspectrogram(wav).astype(np.float32).T
        # lws pads zeros internally before performing stft
        # this is needed to adjust time resolution between audio and mel-spectrogram
        l, r = audio.lws_pad_lr(wav, hparams.fft_size, audio.get_hop_size())

        # zero pad for quantized signal
        out = np.pad(out, (l, r), mode="constant", constant_values=constant_values)
        N = mel_spectrogram.shape[0]
        assert len(out) >= N * audio.get_hop_size()

        # time resolution adjustment
        # ensure length of raw audio is multiple of hop_size so that we can use
        # transposed convolution to upsample
        out = out[:N * audio.get_hop_size()]
        assert len(out) % audio.get_hop_size() == 0

        timesteps = len(out)

        # Write the spectrograms to disk:
        audio_filename = 'librivox-audio-%04d-%05d.npy' % (index, chunk_idx,)
        mel_filename = 'librivox-mel-%04d-%05d.npy' % (index, chunk_idx,)
        text_idx = '%s - %05d' % (text, chunk_idx,), audio_filename),
                out.astype(out_dtype), allow_pickle=False), mel_filename),
                mel_spectrogram.astype(np.float32), allow_pickle=False)

        # Add results tuple describing this training example:
        tup_results.append((audio_filename, mel_filename, timesteps, text_idx))

    # Return all the audio results tuples (unpack in caller)
    return tup_results
Exemple #5
def _process_utterance(out_dir, index, speaker_id, wav_path, text):
    sr = hparams.sample_rate

    # Load the audio to a numpy array. Resampled if needed
    wav = audio.load_wav(wav_path)

    lab_path = wav_path.replace("wav/", "lab/").replace(".wav", ".lab")

    # Trim silence from hts labels if available
    # TODO
    if exists(lab_path) and False:
        labels = hts.load(lab_path)
        b = int(start_at(labels) * 1e-7 * sr)
        e = int(end_at(labels) * 1e-7 * sr)
        wav = wav[b:e]
        wav, _ = librosa.effects.trim(wav, top_db=20)
        wav, _ = librosa.effects.trim(wav, top_db=20)

    if hparams.rescaling:
        wav = wav / np.abs(wav).max() * hparams.rescaling_max

    # Mu-law quantize
    if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
        # [0, quantize_channels)
        out = P.mulaw_quantize(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)

        # Trim silences
        start, end = audio.start_and_end_indices(out, hparams.silence_threshold)
        wav = wav[start:end]
        out = out[start:end]
        constant_values = P.mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.int16
    elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
        # [-1, 1]
        out = P.mulaw(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)
        constant_values = P.mulaw(0.0, hparams.quantize_channels)
        out_dtype = np.float32
        # [-1, 1]
        out = wav
        constant_values = 0.0
        out_dtype = np.float32

    # Compute a mel-scale spectrogram from the trimmed wav:
    # (N, D)
    mel_spectrogram = audio.melspectrogram(wav).astype(np.float32).T
    # lws pads zeros internally before performing stft
    # this is needed to adjust time resolution between audio and mel-spectrogram
    l, r = audio.lws_pad_lr(wav, hparams.fft_size, audio.get_hop_size())

    # zero pad for quantized signal
    out = np.pad(out, (l, r), mode="constant", constant_values=constant_values)
    N = mel_spectrogram.shape[0]
    assert len(out) >= N * audio.get_hop_size()

    # time resolution adjustment
    # ensure length of raw audio is multiple of hop_size so that we can use
    # transposed convolution to upsample
    out = out[:N * audio.get_hop_size()]
    assert len(out) % audio.get_hop_size() == 0

    timesteps = len(out)

    # Write the spectrograms to disk:
    audio_filename = 'cmu_arctic-audio-%05d.npy' % index
    mel_filename = 'cmu_arctic-mel-%05d.npy' % index, audio_filename),
            out.astype(out_dtype), allow_pickle=False), mel_filename),
            mel_spectrogram.astype(np.float32), allow_pickle=False)

    # Return a tuple describing this training example:
    return (audio_filename, mel_filename, timesteps, text, speaker_id)
Exemple #6
def _process_utterance(out_dir, index, wav_path, text, silence_threshold,
    '''Preprocesses a single utterance audio/text pair.

    This writes the mel and linear scale spectrograms to disk and returns a tuple to write
    to the train.txt file.

      out_dir: The directory to write the spectrograms into
      index: The numeric index to use in the spectrogram filenames.
      wav_path: Path to the audio file containing the speech input
      text: The text spoken in the input audio file

      A (spectrogram_filename, mel_filename, text, mel_len) tuple to write to train.txt
    # Load the audio to a numpy array:
    wav = audio.load_wav(wav_path)

    if hp.rescaling:
        wav = wav / np.abs(wav).max() * hp.rescaling_max

    if hp.input_type != "raw":
        # Mu-law quantize
        out = P.mulaw_quantize(wav)

        # Trim silences
        start, end = audio.start_and_end_indices(out, silence_threshold)
        out = out[start:end]
        wav = wav[start:end]
        constant_value = P.mulaw_quantize(0, 256)
        out_dtype = np.int16
        out = wav
        constant_value = 0.
        out_dtype = np.float32

    # Compute a mel-scale spectrogram from the trimmed wav:
    # (N, D)
    mel_spectrogram = audio.melspectrogram(wav).astype(np.float32).T

    # lws pads zeros internally before performing stft
    # this is needed to adjust time resolution between audio and mel-spectrogram
    l, r = audio.lws_pad_lr(wav, fft_size, audio.get_hop_size())

    # zero pad for quantized signal
    out = np.pad(out, (l, r), mode="constant", constant_values=constant_value)
    mel_len = mel_spectrogram.shape[0]
    assert len(out) >= mel_len * audio.get_hop_size()

    # time resolution adjustment
    # ensure length of raw audio is multiple of hop_size so that we can use
    # transposed convolution to upsample
    out = out[:mel_len * audio.get_hop_size()]
    assert len(out) % audio.get_hop_size() == 0

    timesteps = len(out)

    wav_id = wav_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
    # Write the spectrograms to disk:
    audio_path = os.path.join(out_dir, '{}-audio.npy'.format(wav_id))
    mel_path = os.path.join(out_dir, '{}-mel.npy'.format(wav_id)), out.astype(out_dtype), allow_pickle=False), mel_spectrogram.astype(np.float32), allow_pickle=False)

    # Return a tuple describing this training example:
    return os.path.abspath(audio_path), os.path.abspath(
        mel_path), text, timesteps