def convertDex2JarFilesWithRelativePaths(self, dexRootDir, dexFileNames, jarFilesRootDir, overwrite=True, proceedOnError=True):
     Converts provided dex files with relative paths into the specified 
     folder. Returns a list containing tuples that show the correspondence 
     between successfully converted dex files  and jar files (relative paths).
         :param dexRootDir: root dir for dex files
         :param dexFileNames: list of dex file paths against dexRootDir that need
             to be converted to corresponding jar file
         :param jarFilesRootDir: the path to the folder where the results of the
             convertion will be placed
         :param override: override jar file in the output folder if it exists
         :param proceedOnError: if True - proceed converting provided files
             even if an error during a file convertion occurred. The entry
             with dex and jar file, where an error occurred, will not be
             included into the final map 
         dex2jarRelativeCorrespondence: list of tuples that reflect 
         the correspondence between successfully converted dex and jar files
     dex2jarRelativeCorrespondence = []
     for dexFileRelative in dexFileNames:
         dexFileFull = os.path.join(dexRootDir, dexFileRelative)
         jarFileRelative = os.path.splitext(dexFileRelative)[0] + ".jar"
         jarFileFull = os.path.join(jarFilesRootDir, jarFileRelative)
             self.convertDex2Jar(dexFileFull, jarFileFull, overwrite)
         except Dex2JarConvertionError:
             if proceedOnError:
         dex2jarRelativeTuple = (dexFileRelative, jarFileRelative)
     return dex2jarRelativeCorrespondence  
 def convertJar2DexFiles(self, jarFiles, outputFolder, withFiles=[], overwrite=True, proceedOnError=True):
     Converts provided jar files into dex files to the specified folder. 
     Returns the map that shows the correspondence between successfully 
     converted jar files and dex files.
         :param jarFiles: list of jar files that are required to be converted
             to dex files
         :param outputFolder: the path to the folder where to store the
             resulting dex files
         :param withFiles: additional files that need to be included into the
             final dex file
         :param override: if True - override the destination jar file if 
         :param proceedOnError: if True - proceed converting provided files
             even if an error during a file convertion occurred. The entry
             with dex and jar file, where an error occurred, will not be
             included into the final map.
         jar2dexMap: map that reflects the correspondence between 
             successfully converted jar and dex files.
     jar2dexMap = {}
     for jarFile in jarFiles:
         dexFilename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(jarFile))[0] + ".dex"
         dexFile = os.path.join(outputFolder, dexFilename)
             self.convertJar2Dex(jarFile, dexFile, withFiles, overwrite)
         except Jar2DexConvertionError:
             if proceedOnError:
         jar2dexMap[jarFile] = dexFile 
     return jar2dexMap   
 def instrumentJarWithEmma(self, jarFile, outputFolder, emmaMetadataFile):
     Instruments provided jar file with Emma code coverage tool code. The
     resulting emmaMetadataFile is create with merge==yes, i.e., if the file
     exists the information about instrumentation will be merged with the 
     existing data. Only instrumented jar files will be copied to the
         :param jarFile: a jar file to instrument
         :param outputFolder: where to store instrumented file
         :param emmaMetadataFile: path to the file with emma instrumentation
     emma = EmmaInterface(javaPath = self.config.getEmmaJavaPath(),
                          javaOpts = self.config.getEmmaJavaOpts(),
                          pathEmma = self.config.getEmmaDir(),
                          jarEmma = self.config.getEmmaJar(),
                          jarEmmaDevice = self.config.getEmmaDeviceJar())
     (successfulRun, cmdOutput) = emma.instr(instrpaths = [jarFile],
                                   outdir = outputFolder,
                                   emmaMetadataFile = emmaMetadataFile,
                                   merge = EMMA_MERGE.YES,
                                   outmode = EMMA_OUTMODE.FULLCOPY)
     if successfulRun:
         #emma put instrumented jar files into lib folder so we need to move
         #them back to the output folder and delete
         jarsOutDir = os.path.join(outputFolder, "lib")
         for filename in os.listdir(jarsOutDir):
             shutil.move(os.path.join(jarsOutDir, filename), os.path.join(outputFolder, filename))
     if not successfulRun:
         err = "Cannot instrument jar file [%s] with Emma. %s" % (jarFile, cmdOutput)
         raise EmmaCannotInstrumentException(err)
 def decompileApk(self, pathToApk, dirToDecompile):
     Using Apktool tries to decompile an apk file. Currently decompile only resources
     (required to decompile AndroidManifest.xml).
         :param pathToApk: path to a valid apk file that needs to be
         :param dirToDecompile: path to a dir where the result of the
             decompile process will be stored
         ApkCannotBeDecompiledException: if the provided apk file cannot be decompiled.
     apktool = ApktoolInterface(javaPath = self.config.getApktoolJavaPath(),
                                javaOpts = self.config.getApktoolJavaOpts(),
                                pathApktool = self.config.getApktoolPath(),
                                jarApktool = self.config.getApktoolJar())
     (successfulRun, cmdOutput) = apktool.decode(apkPath = pathToApk,
                                       dirToDecompile = dirToDecompile,
                                       quiet = True,
                                       noSrc = True,
                                       noRes = False,
                                       debug = False,        #maybe true to enable debugging
                                       noDebugInfo = False,  #check this 
                                       force = True, #directory exist so without this this process finishes
                                       frameworkTag = "",
                                       frameworkDir = "",
                                       keepBrokenRes = True)
     if not successfulRun:
         err = "Cannot decompile file: [%s] into dir [%s]. ERRSTR: %s" % (pathToApk, dirToDecompile, cmdOutput)
         raise ApkCannotBeDecompiledException(err)
 def convertDex2JarFiles(self, dexFileNames, outputFolder, overwrite=True, proceedOnError=True):
     Converts provided dex files into the specified folder. Returns the map
     that shows the correspondence between successfully converted dex files
     and jar files.
         :param dexFileNames: list of files that need to be converted to
             corresponding jar files
         :param outputFolder: the path to the folder where the results of the
             convertion will be placed
         :param override: override jar file in the output folder if it exists
         :param proceedOnError: if True - proceed converting provided files
             even if an error during a file convertion occurred. The entry
             with dex and jar file, where an error occurred, will not be
             included into the final map. 
         dex2jarCorrespondence: tuple that reflects the correspondence between successfully
             converted dex and jar files.
     dex2jarCorrespondence = []
     for dexFile in dexFileNames:
         jarFilename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(dexFile))[0] + ".jar"
         jarFile = os.path.join(outputFolder, jarFilename)
             self.convertDex2Jar(dexFile, jarFile, overwrite)
         except Dex2JarConvertionError:
             if proceedOnError:
         dex2jarTuple = (dexFile, jarFile)
     return dex2jarCorrespondence