Exemple #1
    def fill(self):


        # cooling_down
        for idx in range(self.strip_length):
            cooldown = randint(
                ceil(((self.cooldown_list[idx] * 10) / self.strip_length)) +
            self.cooldown_list[idx] = bound_sub(self.cooldown_list[idx],

        for idx in range(self.strip_length - 1, self.mid, -1):
            v = (self.cooldown_list[idx - 1] +
                 2 * self.cooldown_list[idx - 2]) / 3
            self.cooldown_list[idx] = v

        for idx in range(0, self.mid - 1, +1):
            v = (self.cooldown_list[idx + 1] +
                 2 * self.cooldown_list[idx + 2]) / 3
            self.cooldown_list[idx] = v

        if randint(0, 255) < self.sparking():
            # sparking starting point
            y = randint(self.mid - 3, self.mid + 3)
            self.cooldown_list[y] = self.cooldown_list[y] + randint(160, 255)

        for idx in range(self.strip_length):
            self.pixels[idx]['color'] = heat_to_rgb(self.cooldown_list[idx])
Exemple #2
    def fill(self):

        # copy original dict
        center_copy = deepcopy(self.centers)

        # bound the rnadom point to the maximum 
        self.point_number.value = min(self.point_number(), self.strip_length)

        # for every center in the list
        for a, attr in center_copy.items():

            # get attributes
            color = attr["color"]
            alpha = attr['alpha']
            delay = attr['delay']
            increasing = attr['increasing']
            done = False

            # if point has to wait more then wait
            if delay > 0:
                self.centers[a]['delay'] -= 1

            # if increasing and there is still room for increasing do it
            if 0 <= alpha < 255 and increasing:
                alpha = bound_add(alpha, self.rate_start(inverse=True), maximum=255)
            # if not increasing and still in good range, decrease
            elif 0 < alpha <= 255 and not increasing:
                alpha = bound_sub(alpha, self.rate_end(inverse=True), minimum=0)
            # if zero and decreasing we're done
            elif alpha == 0 and not increasing:
                done = True
            # if 255 and increasing then start decreasing
            elif alpha == 255 and increasing:
                increasing = False

            # update and set color
            self.pixels[a]['color'] = color

            # update for original dict too
            self.centers[a]['alpha'] = alpha
            self.centers[a]['increasing'] = increasing

            # if is done
            if done:
                # pop center

                # if centers are less than supposed, add other
                if len(self.centers) < self.point_number():
                    # get a new one
                    new_c = randint(0, self.strip_length - 1)
                    while new_c in self.centers.keys():
                        new_c = randint(0, self.strip_length - 1)
                    # add it to list
                    self.centers[new_c] = self.empty_center()
Exemple #3
        def thunder_handler(idx):
            Handle thunder
            :param idx:
            # if current index is a thunder center
            if idx in self.thunder_centers.keys():
                # get the values
                start, end, alpha = self.thunder_centers[idx]

                # mimic thunder behavior to brighten up with random value
                if random() < 0.1:
                    alpha = bound_add(alpha, thunder_loss * 2)
                    alpha = bound_sub(alpha, thunder_loss)

                # update alpha
                self.thunder_centers[idx][2] = alpha

                # for every part of the thunder
                for jdx in range(start, end + 1):
                    # copy the thunder color
                    c = self.thunder_color.copy()
                    # estimate the distance from center as a loss + a random term
                    l = 200 * abs(jdx -
                                  idx) / self.thunder_size() // 2 + randint(
                                      0, 50)
                    # estimate new local alpha
                    v = bound_sub(alpha, thunder_loss + l)
                    # update in color
                    # set
                    # c.blend(self.pixels[jdx]['color'])
                    self.pixels[jdx]['color'] = c

                # if alpha is zero then remove the center
                if alpha == 0:
                    del self.thunder_centers[idx]
Exemple #4
    def fill(self):

        a = self.color.a

        if 0 <= a < 255 and self.increasing:
            a = bound_add(a, self.speed(), maximum=255)
        elif 0 < a <= 255 and not self.increasing:
            a = bound_sub(a, self.speed(), minimum=0)
            self.increasing = not self.increasing

        self.color.a = a

        for idx in range(self.strip_length):
            self.pixels[idx]['color'] = self.color
Exemple #5
        def rain_handler(idx):
            rn = self.pixels[idx]['rain']

            if not rn:
                rn = 255 * random() if random() < self.rain() else 0

                rn = bound_sub(rn, rain_loss)

            self.pixels[idx]['rain'] = rn

            if rn:
                c = self.rain_color.copy()

                self.pixels[idx]['color'] = c
Exemple #6
    def fill(self):


        loss_weight = 1.3
        center_copy = deepcopy(self.centers)

        # for every center in the list
        for a, attr in center_copy.items():

            # get the color and the tail
            color = attr["color"]
            step = attr["step"]
            has_popped = False

            # estimate the center intesity and update
            ci = bound_sub(255, loss_weight * self.loss() * step)
            self.add_update_pixel(a, color)

            idx = 1

            # if the intensity is more than zero, the the tail is still increasing
            if ci > 0:
                # for 1 to the current step
                for idx in range(idx, step + 1):
                    # get previous and next led
                    p = a - idx
                    n = a + idx
                    p %= self.strip_length
                    n %= self.strip_length

                    # estimate intensity and update
                    # ci is= 255 - the loss times the current step and the index (farther points from center are newer)
                    ci = bound_sub(255, self.loss() * (loss_weight * step + 1 - idx))

                    self.add_update_pixel(p, color)
                    self.add_update_pixel(n, color)

                    # update tail
                    attr["tail"].append((p, n, idx))
                # remove duplicates
                attr["tail"] = list(set(attr["tail"]))

            # if the center has faded then the tails need to fade too
                # if there are some non zero tail
                if len(attr["tail"]) > 0:
                    # for every tail
                    for t in attr["tail"]:
                        # get previous, next and index
                        p = t[0]
                        n = t[1]
                        idx = t[2]
                        # estimate ci as before
                        ci = bound_sub(255, self.loss() * (loss_weight * step + 1 - idx))
                        # update
                        self.add_update_pixel(p, color)
                        self.add_update_pixel(n, color)
                        # if ci is zero remove point from tail
                        if ci == 0:

                # if the center is faded and it has no more tail
                    # remove the center

                    if len(self.centers) < self.fires():

                        for _ in range(self.fires() - len(self.centers)):

                            # get another one which is not in the center lists already
                            rd = randint(0, self.strip_length - 1)
                            while rd in self.centers.keys():
                                rd = randint(0, self.strip_length - 1)
                            # put random color
                            self.centers[rd] = self.empty_center()
                        has_popped = True

            # is the center has been removed then dont update
            if not has_popped:
                    self.centers[a]["tail"] = attr["tail"]
                    step = circular_step(step, self.strip_length)
                    self.centers[a]["step"] = step
                except KeyError:
