Exemple #1
class Channel:
    def __init__(self, owner, channel_manager):
        self.owner = owner
        self.channel_manager = channel_manager

        self.mod_commands = CommandSet()
        self.commands = CommandSet(exact_match_commands={
            '!requestjoin': self.request_join,
            '!requestleave': self.request_leave

    def send_msg(self, msg):
        Makes the bot send a message in the current channel.
        :param msg: str - The message to send.
        self.channel_manager.bot.send_msg(self.owner, msg)

    def check_commands(self, display_name, msg, is_mod, is_sub):
        Connect to other command lists whose requirements are met.
        :param display_name: str - The display name of the command sender
        :param msg: str - The full message that the user sent that starts with "!"
        :param is_mod: bool - Whether the sender is a mod
        :param is_sub: bool - Whether the sender is a sub
        # Channel owner gets all accesses
        if display_name.lower() == self.owner:
            is_mod = True
            is_sub = True

        if is_mod:
            self.mod_commands.execute_command(display_name, msg)
            if self.mod_commands.has_command(msg):
                self.channel_manager.bot.send_whisper(display_name, 'That\'s a mod-only command.')

        self.commands.execute_command(display_name, msg)

    def request_join(self, display_name):
        Requests the bot to join their channel.
        :param display_name: str - User requesting the bot to join
        if settings.ENABLE_REQUEST_JOIN:
            self.send_msg('{} has now joined {}\'s channel.'.format(settings.BOT_NAME, display_name))
            self.send_msg('This command is disabled for this bot. Ask the broadcaster {} to re-enable it.'.format(

    def request_leave(self, display_name):
        Requests the bot to leave their channel.
        :param display_name: str - User requesting the bot to leave
        self.send_msg('{} has now left {}\'s channel.'.format(settings.BOT_NAME, display_name))
Exemple #2
class TwitchBot(IRCBot):
    Sends and receives messages to and from Twitch channels.
    def __init__(self, bot_name, owner_name, oauth):
        :param bot_name: str - The bot's username
        :param owner_name: str - The owner's username
        :param oauth: str - The bot's oauth
        super().__init__(bot_name, owner_name, oauth)
        self.last_join_send_time = 0

        self.channel_manager = None
        self.player_manager = None
        self.whisper_commands = None


    def initialize(self):
        log('Initializing channel manager...')
        self.channel_manager = ChannelManager(self)

        log('Initializing player manager...')
        self.player_manager = PlayerManager(self)

        # Commands for direct whispers to the bot
        self.whisper_commands = CommandSet()

    def connect(self):
        Connect to the IRC server and join the intended channels.

        # Enable twitch badges/tags
        self.send_raw_instant('CAP REQ :twitch.tv/tags')
        # Enable whisper receiving
        self.send_raw_instant('CAP REQ :twitch.tv/commands')

        # If the user hasn't changed from defaults, error out
        if self.owner_name == settings.DEFAULT_SETTINGS_JSON[settings.REQUIRED_STRING]['BROADCASTER_NAME'] or (
                self.nickname == settings.DEFAULT_SETTINGS_JSON[settings.REQUIRED_STRING]['BOT_NAME']):
            raise RuntimeError('Open up settings.txt and set the Twitch username for you and your bot!')

        # Bot should always join its own channel and the broadcaster's channel


    def send_msg(self, channel_name, msg_str):
        Send a message to a Twitch channel.
        :param channel_name: str - The channel to post a message to
        :param msg_str: str - The message to post
        self.send_raw('PRIVMSG #{} :{}'.format(channel_name, msg_str))

    def send_whisper(self, target_name, msg_str):
        Send a whisper to a user.
        :param target_name: str - The user to whisper
        :param msg_str: str - The message to whisper
        target_name = target_name.lower()
        # It doesn't matter what channel we use to send whispers, but our own channel is safest
        self.send_msg(self.nickname, '/w {} {}'.format(target_name, msg_str))

    def join_channel(self, channel_name):
        Join another Twitch channel.
        :param channel_name: str - The channel to join
        # Wait until the cooldown is over
        required_wait_time = settings.IRC_JOIN_SLEEP_TIME - (time.time() - self.last_join_send_time)
        if required_wait_time > 0:

        self.send_raw_instant('JOIN #' + channel_name)

        # Block further joins until we set the send_join_cooldown event
        self.last_join_send_time = time.time()

    def leave_channel(self, channel_name):
        Join another Twitch channel.
        :param channel_name: str - The channel to join
        self.send_raw_instant('PART #' + channel_name)

    def parse_tags(raw_tags):
        Given raw tags, parse them and return some crucial user info. Looks something like this:




        :param raw_tags: str - The first token of the IRC message, without the @ symbol
        :return: tuple<str, bool, bool> - A tuple of user info: (display_name, is_mod, is_sub)
        display_name = None
        is_mod = False
        is_sub = False
        for raw_tag in raw_tags.split(';'):
            raw_tag_split = raw_tag.split('=')

            key = raw_tag_split[0]
            value = raw_tag_split[1]

            if key == 'display-name':
                display_name = value
            elif key == 'mod' and value == '1':
                is_mod = True
            elif key == 'subscriber' and value == '1':
                is_sub = True

        return display_name, is_mod, is_sub

    def parse_msg(raw_msg):
        Given a raw IRC message that is either a whisper or a channel message, parse out useful information.
        :param raw_msg: str - The IRC raw message that includes the type PRIVMSG or WHISPER
        :return: tuple<str, str, str, bool, bool> - A tuple of user info:
                 (Display_Name, channel/whisper target, message, is_mod, is_sub)
            raw_msg_tokens = raw_msg.split(maxsplit=4)

            display_name, is_mod, is_sub = TwitchBot.parse_tags(raw_msg_tokens[0][1:])

            # If we fail to get the display name for whatever reason, get it from the raw IRC message
            if not display_name:
                display_name = raw_msg_tokens[1].split('!')[0][1:]
            target_name = raw_msg_tokens[3]
            # Channel messages have channel name starting with '#', whispers have no symbol
            if target_name.startswith('#'):
                target_name = target_name[1:]
            msg = raw_msg_tokens[4][1:]

            return display_name, target_name, msg, is_mod, is_sub
        except Exception as e:
            log_error('Unable to parse message "{}"'.format(raw_msg), e)
            return None

    def handle_channel_msg(self, raw_msg):
        Given a raw IRC message identified as a channel message, handle it as necessary. Looks something like this:

            @TAGS, :[email protected], PRIVMSG, #CHANNEL :MSG

                user-id=11111111;user-type= :[email protected] PRIVMSG #sometwitchuser :Normal user.

        :param raw_msg: str - The IRC raw message that includes the type PRIVMSG
        display_name, channel_name, msg, is_mod, is_sub = self.parse_msg(raw_msg)

        # All channel commands start with '!'
        if msg[0] != '!':

        # Skip the message if it's from an invalid channel; Xelabot should only be listening to channels it's in.
        if channel_name not in self.channel_manager.channel_settings:
            log('Skipping message from channel not added to Channel Manager: #' + channel_name)

        # Channel specific commands, like quest commands
        self.channel_manager.channels[channel_name].check_commands(display_name, msg, is_mod, is_sub)

        if msg in self.whisper_commands.exact_match_commands:
            self.send_whisper(display_name, 'Try whispering that command to Xelabot instead!')

    def handle_whisper(self, raw_msg):
        Given a raw IRC message identified as a whisper, handle it as necessary. Looks something like this:

            @TAGS :[email protected] WHISPER BOT_NAME :MSG

                user-id=11111111;user-type= :[email protected] WHISPER xelabot :This is a whisper.

        :param raw_msg: str - The IRC raw message that includes the type WHISPER
        display_name, whisper_target, msg, is_mod, is_sub = self.parse_msg(raw_msg)

        if whisper_target.lower() != self.nickname.lower():
            log('Invalid whisper target: {}'.format(whisper_target))

        self.whisper_commands.execute_command(display_name, msg)

    def handle_msg(self, raw_msg):
        Given an arbitrary IRC message, handle it as necessary.
        :param raw_msg: str - The IRC raw message

        lower_msg = raw_msg.lower()
        if lower_msg in [':tmi.twitch.tv notice * :error logging in', ':tmi.twitch.tv notice * :login unsuccessful']:
            raise RuntimeError('Failed to login, most likely invalid login credentials.')

        raw_msg_tokens = raw_msg.split()
        if len(raw_msg_tokens) < 3:
            if raw_msg_tokens[2] == 'PRIVMSG':
            elif raw_msg_tokens[2] == 'WHISPER':
        except Exception as e:
            log_error('IRC message handler error', e)
Exemple #3
class Channel:
    def __init__(self, owner, channel_manager):
        self.owner = owner
        self.channel_manager = channel_manager

        self.mod_commands = CommandSet()
        self.commands = CommandSet(exact_match_commands={
            '!requestjoin': self.request_join,
            '!requestleave': self.request_leave

    def send_msg(self, msg):
        Makes the bot send a message in the current channel.
        :param msg: str - The message to send.
        self.channel_manager.bot.send_msg(self.owner, msg)

    def check_commands(self, display_name, msg, is_mod, is_sub):
        Connect to other command lists whose requirements are met.
        :param display_name: str - The display name of the command sender
        :param msg: str - The full message that the user sent that starts with "!"
        :param is_mod: bool - Whether the sender is a mod
        :param is_sub: bool - Whether the sender is a sub
        # Channel owner gets all accesses
        if display_name.lower() == self.owner:
            is_mod = True
            is_sub = True

        if is_mod:
            self.mod_commands.execute_command(display_name, msg)
            if self.mod_commands.has_command(msg):
                    display_name, 'That\'s a mod-only command.')

        self.commands.execute_command(display_name, msg)

    def request_join(self, display_name):
        Requests the bot to join their channel.
        :param display_name: str - User requesting the bot to join
        if settings.ENABLE_REQUEST_JOIN:
            self.send_msg('{} has now joined {}\'s channel.'.format(
                settings.BOT_NAME, display_name))
                'This command is disabled for this bot. Ask the broadcaster {} to re-enable it.'

    def request_leave(self, display_name):
        Requests the bot to leave their channel.
        :param display_name: str - User requesting the bot to leave
        self.send_msg('{} has now left {}\'s channel.'.format(
            settings.BOT_NAME, display_name))
Exemple #4
class TwitchBot(IRCBot):
    Sends and receives messages to and from Twitch channels.
    def __init__(self, bot_name, owner_name, oauth):
        :param bot_name: str - The bot's username
        :param owner_name: str - The owner's username
        :param oauth: str - The bot's oauth
        super().__init__(bot_name, owner_name, oauth)
        self.last_join_send_time = 0

        self.channel_manager = None
        self.player_manager = None
        self.whisper_commands = None


    def initialize(self):
        log('Initializing channel manager...')
        self.channel_manager = ChannelManager(self)

        log('Initializing player manager...')
        self.player_manager = PlayerManager(self)

        # Commands for direct whispers to the bot
        self.whisper_commands = CommandSet()

    def connect(self):
        Connect to the IRC server and join the intended channels.

        # Enable twitch badges/tags
        self.send_raw_instant('CAP REQ :twitch.tv/tags')
        # Enable whisper receiving
        self.send_raw_instant('CAP REQ :twitch.tv/commands')

        # If the user hasn't changed from defaults, error out
        if self.owner_name == settings.DEFAULT_SETTINGS_JSON[
                settings.REQUIRED_STRING]['BROADCASTER_NAME'] or (
                    self.nickname == settings.DEFAULT_SETTINGS_JSON[
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Open up settings.txt and set the Twitch username for you and your bot!'

        # Bot should always join its own channel and the broadcaster's channel


    def send_msg(self, channel_name, msg_str):
        Send a message to a Twitch channel.
        :param channel_name: str - The channel to post a message to
        :param msg_str: str - The message to post
        self.send_raw('PRIVMSG #{} :{}'.format(channel_name, msg_str))

    def send_whisper(self, target_name, msg_str):
        Send a whisper to a user.
        :param target_name: str - The user to whisper
        :param msg_str: str - The message to whisper
        target_name = target_name.lower()
        # It doesn't matter what channel we use to send whispers, but our own channel is safest
        self.send_msg(self.nickname, '/w {} {}'.format(target_name, msg_str))

    def join_channel(self, channel_name):
        Join another Twitch channel.
        :param channel_name: str - The channel to join
        # Wait until the cooldown is over
        required_wait_time = settings.IRC_JOIN_SLEEP_TIME - (
            time.time() - self.last_join_send_time)
        if required_wait_time > 0:

        self.send_raw_instant('JOIN #' + channel_name)

        # Block further joins until we set the send_join_cooldown event
        self.last_join_send_time = time.time()

    def leave_channel(self, channel_name):
        Join another Twitch channel.
        :param channel_name: str - The channel to join
        self.send_raw_instant('PART #' + channel_name)

    def parse_tags(raw_tags):
        Given raw tags, parse them and return some crucial user info. Looks something like this:




        :param raw_tags: str - The first token of the IRC message, without the @ symbol
        :return: tuple<str, bool, bool> - A tuple of user info: (display_name, is_mod, is_sub)
        display_name = None
        is_mod = False
        is_sub = False
        for raw_tag in raw_tags.split(';'):
            raw_tag_split = raw_tag.split('=')

            key = raw_tag_split[0]
            value = raw_tag_split[1]

            if key == 'display-name':
                display_name = value
            elif key == 'mod' and value == '1':
                is_mod = True
            elif key == 'subscriber' and value == '1':
                is_sub = True

        return display_name, is_mod, is_sub

    def parse_msg(raw_msg):
        Given a raw IRC message that is either a whisper or a channel message, parse out useful information.
        :param raw_msg: str - The IRC raw message that includes the type PRIVMSG or WHISPER
        :return: tuple<str, str, str, bool, bool> - A tuple of user info:
                 (Display_Name, channel/whisper target, message, is_mod, is_sub)
            raw_msg_tokens = raw_msg.split(maxsplit=4)

            display_name, is_mod, is_sub = TwitchBot.parse_tags(

            # If we fail to get the display name for whatever reason, get it from the raw IRC message
            if not display_name:
                display_name = raw_msg_tokens[1].split('!')[0][1:]
            target_name = raw_msg_tokens[3]
            # Channel messages have channel name starting with '#', whispers have no symbol
            if target_name.startswith('#'):
                target_name = target_name[1:]
            msg = raw_msg_tokens[4][1:]

            return display_name, target_name, msg, is_mod, is_sub
        except Exception as e:
            log_error('Unable to parse message "{}"'.format(raw_msg), e)
            return None

    def handle_channel_msg(self, raw_msg):
        Given a raw IRC message identified as a channel message, handle it as necessary. Looks something like this:

            @TAGS, :[email protected], PRIVMSG, #CHANNEL :MSG

                user-id=11111111;user-type= :[email protected] PRIVMSG #sometwitchuser :Normal user.

        :param raw_msg: str - The IRC raw message that includes the type PRIVMSG
        display_name, channel_name, msg, is_mod, is_sub = self.parse_msg(

        # All channel commands start with '!'
        if msg[0] != '!':

        # Skip the message if it's from an invalid channel; Xelabot should only be listening to channels it's in.
        if channel_name not in self.channel_manager.channel_settings:
            log('Skipping message from channel not added to Channel Manager: #'
                + channel_name)

        # Channel specific commands, like quest commands
            display_name, msg, is_mod, is_sub)

        if msg in self.whisper_commands.exact_match_commands:
                'Try whispering that command to Xelabot instead!')

    def handle_whisper(self, raw_msg):
        Given a raw IRC message identified as a whisper, handle it as necessary. Looks something like this:

            @TAGS :[email protected] WHISPER BOT_NAME :MSG

                user-id=11111111;user-type= :[email protected] WHISPER xelabot :This is a whisper.

        :param raw_msg: str - The IRC raw message that includes the type WHISPER
        display_name, whisper_target, msg, is_mod, is_sub = self.parse_msg(

        if whisper_target.lower() != self.nickname.lower():
            log('Invalid whisper target: {}'.format(whisper_target))

        self.whisper_commands.execute_command(display_name, msg)

    def handle_msg(self, raw_msg):
        Given an arbitrary IRC message, handle it as necessary.
        :param raw_msg: str - The IRC raw message

        lower_msg = raw_msg.lower()
        if lower_msg in [
                ':tmi.twitch.tv notice * :error logging in',
                ':tmi.twitch.tv notice * :login unsuccessful'
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Failed to login, most likely invalid login credentials.')

        raw_msg_tokens = raw_msg.split()
        if len(raw_msg_tokens) < 3:
            if raw_msg_tokens[2] == 'PRIVMSG':
            elif raw_msg_tokens[2] == 'WHISPER':
        except Exception as e:
            log_error('IRC message handler error', e)