Exemple #1
 def GetSSOID(self):
     'method to get the StudySubjectOID using rest'
     import requests
     import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
     login_url = config['baseUrlRest'] + 'j_spring_security_check'
     login_action = {'action':'submit'}
     login_payload = {
         'j_username': config['userName'],
         'j_password': config['password'],
     mySession = requests.Session()
     cd_url = config['baseUrlRest'] + 'rest/clinicaldata/xml/view/' + config['studyOid'] + '/'
     cd_url = cd_url + self._studysubjectid + '/*/*'
     rest_response = mySession.get(cd_url)
     # only analyze the response, if the status code was 200 
     if(rest_response.status_code == 200):
         document = rest_response.content
         root = ET.fromstring(document)
         for clinical_data in root.findall('{http://www.cdisc.org/ns/odm/v1.3}ClinicalData/'):
             subject_info = clinical_data.attrib
             if subject_info['{http://www.openclinica.org/ns/odm_ext_v130/v3.1}StudySubjectID'] == self._studysubjectid:
                 return subject_info['SubjectKey']
         print('unexpected status %i when submitting %s' % (rest_response.status_code, cd_url))
Exemple #2
    def GetSSOID(self):
        'method to get the study subject oid'
        import requests
        import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
        from utils.dictfile import readDictFile
        config = readDictFile('oli.config')

        login_url = config['baseUrlRest'] + '/j_spring_security_check'
        login_action = {'action': 'submit'}
        login_payload = {
            'j_username': config['userName'],
            'j_password': config['password'],
            'submit': "Login"
        mySession = requests.Session()
        mySession.post(login_url, params=login_action, data=login_payload)
        cd_url = config[
            'baseUrlRest'] + '/rest/clinicaldata/xml/view/' + config[
                'studyOid'] + '/'
        cd_url = cd_url + self._studysubjectid + '/*/*'
        clinical_data = mySession.get(cd_url)

        document = clinical_data.content
        root = ET.fromstring(document)

        for cd in root.findall(
            sinfo = cd.attrib
            if sinfo[
                    '{http://www.openclinica.org/ns/odm_ext_v130/v3.1}StudySubjectID'] == self._studysubjectid:
                return sinfo['SubjectKey']
Exemple #3
def test_it():

    # initialise the oc-webservice
    myWebService = studySubjectWS(config['userName'], config['password'], config['baseUrl'])
    my_results = myWebService.getListStudySubjects('MA006')
def test_it():

    # initialise the oc-webservice
    myWebService = studyEventWS(config['userName'], config['password'], config['baseUrl'])
    my_results = myWebService.scheduleEvent(config['studyIdentifier'], 'TDS005',config['studyEventOID'], 'def', '1980-01-01')
def cycle_through_syncs():
    my_report = Reporter()

    start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
    my_report.append_to_report('INFO: cycle started at ' + str(start_time))
    # read configuration file for usernames and passwords and other parameters
    config = readDictFile('oli.config')
    # set from this config the survey id, sid, because it used everywhere
    sid = int(config['sid'])

    # create a connection to the postgresql database
    conn = ConnToOliDB()

    # initialize the oc-webservice
    myDataWS = dataWS(config['userName'], config['password'],

    tokens = {}
    tokens_list = read_ls_tokens(config, 0, 10)
    for token in tokens_list:
        tokens[token['token']] = token['participant_info']['firstname']
    tokens_list = read_ls_tokens(config, 10, 10)
    for token in tokens_list:
        tokens[token['token']] = token['participant_info']['firstname']

    # close the file so we can send it
def test_it():
    config = readDictFile('odkoc.config')
    conn_util = ConnToOdkUtilDB()
Exemple #7
    def __init__(self):
        'let us create the connection to use multiple times'
        conn_string = "host='" + config['db_util_host'] + "' dbname='" + config['db_util_name'] + "' user='******'db_util_user'] + "' password='******'db_util_pass'] + "' port='" + config['db_util_port'] + "'" 
        self.init_result = ''

        # get a connection, if a connect cannot be made an exception will be raised here
            self._conn = psycopg2.connect(conn_string)
            print('unable to class connect with %s' %  (conn_string))
        self.init_result = 'class connected '
Exemple #8
 def __init__(self):
     'let us create the connection to use multiple times'
     conn_string = "host='%s' dbname='%s' user='******' password='******' port='%s'" % (config['dbHost'], config['dbName'], config['dbUser'], config['dbPass'], config['dbPort'])
     self.init_result = ''
     # get a connection, if a connect cannot be made an exception will be raised here
         self._conn = psycopg2.connect(conn_string)
         connect_result = 'INFO: class connected to %s, %s as %s on port %s' % (config['dbHost'], config['dbName'], config['dbUser'], config['dbPort'])
         connect_result ='ERROR: unable to class connect to %s, %s as %s on port %s' % (config['dbHost'], config['dbName'], config['dbUser'], config['dbPort'])
     self.init_result = connect_result
Exemple #9
def test_it():
    config = readDictFile('odkoc.config')
    myDataWS = dataWS(config['userName'], config['password'],
    conn_odk = ConnToOdkDB()
    conn_util = ConnToOdkUtilDB()
    odk_results = conn_odk.ReadDataFromOdkTable(
    for odk_result in odk_results:
        study_subject_id = odk_result['GENERAL_INFORMATION_STUDY_SUBJECT_ID']
        study_subject_oid = conn_util.DLookup(
            'study_subject_oid', 'study_subject_oc',
            'study_subject_id=\'%s\'' % (study_subject_id))
        dummy = compose_reader(study_subject_oid, odk_result)

        import_results = myDataWS.importData(dummy)

Exemple #10
def cycle_through_syncs():
    my_report = Reporter()
    start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
    my_report.append_to_report('cycle started at ' + str(start_time))
    # read configuration file for usernames and passwords and other parameters
    config = readDictFile('oli.config')
    # read with combinations of StudyEventOIDs and LimeSurvey sids
    event_survey_pairs = readDictFile('event_survey_pairs')

    # initialise the oc-webservice
    myWebService = studySubjectWS(config['userName'], config['password'],
    myDataWS = dataWS(config['userName'], config['password'],

    # create a connection to the postgresql database
    conn = ConnToOliDB()

    while True:
        # retrieve all StudySubjectEvents, using the webservice
        allStudySubjectEvents = myWebService.getListStudySubjectEvents(
        # now we have the StudySubjectIDs, run them against the postgresql table subjects

        # retrieve the subjects, using the connection to the postgresql database
        subjects_in_db = conn.ReadSubjectsFromDB()

        for studysubject_event in allStudySubjectEvents:
            # check if StudySubjectID is already in pg_database
            add_subject_to_db = True
            for subject_in_db in subjects_in_db:
                # check if we must check this event
                if (studysubject_event[0] == subject_in_db[1]):
                    add_subject_to_db = False
            if (add_subject_to_db):
                myPgSubject = PGSubject(studysubject_event[0])
                my_report.append_to_report('added %s to database' %

        # now all StudySubjects in OpenClinica are also in our postgresql-database
        # so we refresh our list
        subjects_in_db = conn.ReadSubjectsFromDB()

        # collecting LimeSurvey data
        # Make a session, which is a bit of overhaed, but the script will be running for hours.
        api = LimeSurveyRemoteControl2API(config['lsUrl'])
        session_req = api.sessions.get_session_key(config['lsUser'],
        session_key = session_req.get('result')

        # initialise a new list for all tokens of all surveys
        # so we can check if a new token must be created
        all_tokens = []
        for event_oid, sid in event_survey_pairs.items():
            participants_req = api.tokens.list_participants(session_key, sid)
            participants = participants_req.get('result')
            for participant in participants:
                #loop through the participants, but only if there are any
                if participant != 'status':
                    p_info = participant.get('participant_info')
                    all_tokens.append((p_info.get('firstname'), event_oid, sid,

        for studysubject_event in allStudySubjectEvents:
            # check if we must check this event
            if studysubject_event[1] in event_survey_pairs:
                # yes, we must check this event
                blnAddTokens = True
                for one_token in all_tokens:
                    if one_token[0] == studysubject_event[0] and one_token[
                            1] == studysubject_event[1]:
                        # a token exists
                        blnAddTokens = False

                if blnAddTokens:
                    #self._logger.debug("add token for " + studysubject_event[0] + ", " + studysubject_event[1])
                    print("add token for " + studysubject_event[0] + " " +
                          str(event_survey_pairs[studysubject_event[1]]) +
                          ", " + studysubject_event[1])
                    participant_data = {'firstname': studysubject_event[0]}
                    #add_participant_req =
                        session_key, event_survey_pairs[studysubject_event[1]],
                        'created token for survey %s for subject %s' %
                        (sid, studysubject_event[0]))

        # we may have added tokens, so refresh all_tokens
        # TODO: lets's make this a method
        all_tokens = []
        for event_oid, sid in event_survey_pairs.items():
            participants_req = api.tokens.list_participants(session_key, sid)
            participants = participants_req.get('result')
            for participant in participants:
                #loop through the participants, but only if there are any
                if participant != 'status':
                    p_info = participant.get('participant_info')
                    all_tokens.append((p_info.get('firstname'), event_oid, sid,

        # now import the LimeSurvey results into OpenClinica
        # sorted by study subject id
        sorted_tokens = sorted(all_tokens, key=itemgetter(0))
        last_ssid = 'x'
        lime_survey_header = 'ev. token  completed
        lime_survey_data_to_import = lime_survey_header
        for token in sorted_tokens:
            survey_friendly_name = conn.DLookup("friendly_name", "ls_sids",
                                                "ls_sid=%d" % (int(token[2])))
            if last_ssid != token[0]:
                # new study subject ID, so write the previous one
                ssoid = conn.DLookup("study_subject_oid", "subjects",
                                     "study_subject_id='%s'" % (last_ssid))
                # skip the start-value
                if last_ssid != 'x':
                    ls_data_in_db = conn.DLookup(
                        "ls_data", "subjects",
                        "study_subject_oid='%s'" % (ssoid))
                    if lime_survey_data_to_import != ls_data_in_db:
                        myImport = myDataWS.importLSData(
                            ssoid, lime_survey_data_to_import)
                        conn.WriteLSDataToDB(ssoid, lime_survey_data_to_import,
                            'wrote ls_data for subject %s 1' % (ssoid))

                # reset the variables
                last_ssid = token[0]
                lime_survey_data_to_import = lime_survey_header + survey_friendly_name + ' ' + token[
                    3] + ' ' + token[4] + '
                lime_survey_data_to_import = lime_survey_data_to_import + survey_friendly_name + ' ' + token[
                    3] + ' ' + token[4] + '

        # print the last one
        ssoid = conn.DLookup("study_subject_oid", "subjects",
                             "study_subject_id='%s'" % (last_ssid))
        ls_data_in_db = conn.DLookup("ls_data", "subjects",
                                     "study_subject_oid='%s'" % (ssoid))
        if lime_survey_data_to_import != ls_data_in_db:
            myImport = myDataWS.importLSData(ssoid, lime_survey_data_to_import)
            conn.WriteLSDataToDB(ssoid, lime_survey_data_to_import, myImport)
            my_report.append_to_report('wrote ls_data for subject %s 2' %

        # some book keeping to check if we must continue looping, or break the loop
        # first sleep a bit, so we do not eat up all CPU
        current_time = datetime.datetime.now()
        difference = current_time - start_time
        loop_this_long = config['loop_this_long']
        max_diff_list = loop_this_long.split(sep=':')
        max_difference = datetime.timedelta(hours=int(max_diff_list[0]),
        if difference > max_difference:

    my_report.append_to_report('finished looping from %s till %s.' %
                               (start_time, current_time))
    # close the file so we can send it
Exemple #11
def cycle_through_syncs():
    # we start by reading the config file and preparing the connections to the databases
    my_report = Reporter()
    start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
    my_report.append_to_report('cycle started at ' + str(start_time))
    # read configuration file for usernames and passwords and other parameters
    config = readDictFile('odkoc.config')

    # initialise the oc-webservices
    myWebService = studySubjectWS(config['userName'], config['password'],
    myEventWS = studyEventWS(config['userName'], config['password'],
    myDataWS = dataWS(config['userName'], config['password'],

    # create connections to the postgresql databases
    conn_util = ConnToOdkUtilDB()
    my_report.append_to_report('try to connect to util database, result: %s ' %
    conn_odk = ConnToOdkDB()
    my_report.append_to_report('try to connect to odk database, result: %s ' %

    # our cycle starts here and ends at the break
    while True:
        start with form READER
        # 1: start with retrieving the rows of odk-table HS_RDT_READER_1_V1_CORE
        odk_results = conn_odk.ReadDataFromOdkTable(
        # for the study subject id look in:

        # 2: create subject in oc, if necessary
        # retrieve all StudySubjectEvents from oc, using the webservice
        allStudySubjectsInOC = myWebService.getListStudySubjects(

        for odk_result in odk_results:
            # check if StudySubjectID from odk is already in oc
            add_subject_to_db = True
            study_subject_id = odk_result[
            # compare with all oc subjects events
            for studysubjectid_oc in allStudySubjectsInOC:
                if (studysubjectid_oc == study_subject_id):
                    add_subject_to_db = False

            if (add_subject_to_db):
                # add study_subject_id to the oc
                add_results = myWebService.addStudySubject(
                    config['studyIdentifier'], config['siteIdentifier'],
                # TODO: add error-handling for fail of creating subject
                # and schedule the event
                study_subject_oid = myEventWS.scheduleEvent(
                    config['studyIdentifier'], study_subject_id,
                    config['studyEventOID'], 'def', '1980-01-01')
                #TODO: add errorhandling for fail of scheduling event

                # now add the combination id oid to the util database
                # only add the pair if the oid starts with SS_
                if (study_subject_oid.find('SS_') == 0):

            # extra check: maybe we somehow missed the study subject oid and then there will be no record in table study_subject_oc
            if (conn_util.DLookup(
                    'study_subject_oid', 'odkoc.study_subject_oc',
                    'study_subject_id=\'%s\'' % (study_subject_id)) == ''):
                new_subject = PGSubject(study_subject_id)

            # only import the data if this hasn't been done before
            if (not conn_util.UriComplete(odk_result['_URI'])):
                # now we should have the study subject id plus oid, so we can compose the odm for import
                study_subject_id = odk_result[
                study_subject_oid = conn_util.DLookup(
                    'study_subject_oid', 'odkoc.study_subject_oc',
                    'study_subject_id=\'%s\'' % (study_subject_id))
                complete_odm = compose_reader(study_subject_oid, odk_result)

                import_results = myDataWS.importData(complete_odm)
                # if our import was successful, then the result should start with Success
                # and if so, we can mark this uri as complete
                if (import_results.find('Success') == 0):
                    conn_util.MarkUriComplete(odk_result['_URI'], 'reader')

                my_report.append_to_report('reader ' + study_subject_id +
                                           ': ' + import_results)
        go on with with form SCREENING
        odk_results = conn_odk.ReadDataFromOdkTable(
            'not \"INFORMED_CONSENT_STUDY_SUBJECT_ID\" is null')
        # for the study subject id look in:

        # 2: create subject in oc, if necessary
        # retrieve all StudySubjectEvents from oc, using the webservice
        allStudySubjectsInOC = myWebService.getListStudySubjects(

        for odk_result in odk_results:
            # check if StudySubjectID from odk is already in oc
            add_subject_to_db = True
            study_subject_id = odk_result['INFORMED_CONSENT_STUDY_SUBJECT_ID']
            # compare with all oc subjects events
            for studysubjectid_oc in allStudySubjectsInOC:
                if (studysubjectid_oc == study_subject_id):
                    add_subject_to_db = False

            if (add_subject_to_db):
                # add study_subject_id to the oc
                add_results = myWebService.addStudySubject(
                    config['studyIdentifier'], config['siteIdentifier'],
                # TODO: add error-handling for fail of creating subject
                # and schedule the event
                study_subject_oid = myEventWS.scheduleEvent(
                    config['studyIdentifier'], study_subject_id,
                    config['studyEventOID'], 'def', '1980-01-01')
                #TODO: add errorhandling for fail of scheduling event

                # now add the combination id oid to the util database
                # only add the pair if the oid starts with SS_
                if (study_subject_oid.find('SS_') == 0):

            # extra check: maybe we somehow missed the study subject oid and then there will be no record in table study_subject_oc
            if (conn_util.DLookup(
                    'study_subject_oid', 'odkoc.study_subject_oc',
                    'study_subject_id=\'%s\'' % (study_subject_id)) == ''):
                new_subject = PGSubject(study_subject_id)

            print('we have study subject id %s and oid %s' %
                       'study_subject_oid', 'odkoc.study_subject_oc',
                       'study_subject_id=\'%s\'' % (study_subject_id))))
            # only import the data if this hasn't been done before
            if (not conn_util.UriComplete(odk_result['_URI'])):
                print('dive into it')
                # now we should have the study subject id plus oid, so we can compose the odm for import
                study_subject_id = odk_result[
                study_subject_oid = conn_util.DLookup(
                    'study_subject_oid', 'odkoc.study_subject_oc',
                    'study_subject_id=\'%s\'' % (study_subject_id))
                complete_odm = compose_screening(study_subject_oid, odk_result)
                # we'll make an exception for I_MA006_OTHER_DISEASE_HX, because this is a group of check-boxes
                # in complete_odm we have a placeholder {OTHER_DISEASE_HX}
                parent_uri = odk_result['_URI']
                hx_results = conn_odk.ReadDataFromOdkTable(
                    '\"_PARENT_AURI\"=\'%s\'' % (parent_uri))
                other_disease_hx = ''
                for hx in hx_results:
                    other_disease_hx = other_disease_hx + hx['VALUE'] + ','

                if (other_disease_hx != ''):
                    # take off the last comma
                    other_disease_hx = other_disease_hx[:-1]

                # finally we can replace the placeholder with the actual values
                complete_odm = complete_odm.replace('{OTHER_DISEASE_HX}',

                # import the odm data
                import_results = myDataWS.importData(complete_odm)
                if (import_results.find('Success') != 0):
                    # if something went wrong, print it
                    import_screening_core_success = False
                    # if our import was successful, then make a note of it
                    import_screening_core_success = True
                    my_report.append_to_report('screening ' +
                                               study_subject_id + ': ' +
                now we can look at the repeating item group for miscarriages

                odk_misca_results = conn_odk.ReadDataFromOdkTable(
                    '\"_PARENT_AURI\"=\'%s\'' % (parent_uri))
                for misca in odk_misca_results:
                    # print('misca ' + parent_uri + ' ' + misca['_URI'])
                    complete_odm = compose_misca(study_subject_oid, misca)
                    import_results = myDataWS.importData(complete_odm)

                if (import_results.find('Success') != 0):
                    # if something went wrong, print it
                    import_screening_misca_success = False
                    # if our import was successful, then make a note of it
                    import_screening_misca_success = True
                    my_report.append_to_report('misca ' + study_subject_id +
                                               ': ' + import_results)

                # now do the bookkeeping
                if (import_screening_core_success
                        and import_screening_misca_success):
                    conn_util.MarkUriComplete(odk_result['_URI'], 'screening')
        go on with with form LAMP
        odk_results = conn_odk.ReadDataFromOdkTable(
            'not \"GENERAL_INFORMATION_STUDY_SUBJECT_ID\" is null')
        # for the study subject id look in:

        # 2: create subject in oc, if necessary
        # retrieve all StudySubjectEvents from oc, using the webservice
        allStudySubjectsInOC = myWebService.getListStudySubjects(

        for odk_result in odk_results:
            # check if StudySubjectID from odk is already in oc
            add_subject_to_db = True
            study_subject_id = odk_result[
            # compare with all oc subjects events
            for studysubjectid_oc in allStudySubjectsInOC:
                if (studysubjectid_oc == study_subject_id):
                    add_subject_to_db = False

            if (add_subject_to_db):
                # add study_subject_id to the oc
                add_results = myWebService.addStudySubject(
                    config['studyIdentifier'], config['siteIdentifier'],
                # TODO: add error-handling for fail of creating subject
                # and schedule the event
                study_subject_oid = myEventWS.scheduleEvent(
                    config['studyIdentifier'], study_subject_id,
                    config['studyEventOID'], 'def', '1980-01-01')
                #TODO: add errorhandling for fail of scheduling event

                # now add the combination id oid to the util database
                # only add the pair if the oid starts with SS_
                if (study_subject_oid.find('SS_') == 0):

            # extra check: maybe we somehow missed the study subject oid and then there will be no record in table study_subject_oc
            if (conn_util.DLookup(
                    'study_subject_oid', 'odkoc.study_subject_oc',
                    'study_subject_id=\'%s\'' % (study_subject_id)) == ''):
                new_subject = PGSubject(study_subject_id)

            # only import the data if this hasn't been done before
            if (not conn_util.UriComplete(odk_result['_URI'])):
                # now we should have the study subject id plus oid, so we can compose the odm for import
                study_subject_id = odk_result[
                study_subject_oid = conn_util.DLookup(
                    'study_subject_oid', 'odkoc.study_subject_oc',
                    'study_subject_id=\'%s\'' % (study_subject_id))
                complete_odm = compose_lamp(study_subject_oid, odk_result)

                import_results = myDataWS.importData(complete_odm)
                if (import_results.find('Success') != 0):
                    # if something went wrong, print it
                    import_lamp_success = False
                    # if our import was successful, then make a note of it
                    import_lamp_success = True
                    my_report.append_to_report('lamp ' + study_subject_id +
                                               ': ' + import_results)

                if (import_lamp_success):
                    conn_util.MarkUriComplete(odk_result['_URI'], 'lamp')

        # some book keeping to check if we must continue looping, or break the loop
        # first sleep a bit, so we do not eat up all CPU
        current_time = datetime.datetime.now()
        difference = current_time - start_time
        loop_this_long = config['loop_this_long']
        max_diff_list = loop_this_long.split(sep=':')
        max_difference = datetime.timedelta(hours=int(max_diff_list[0]),
        if difference > max_difference:

    my_report.append_to_report('finished looping from %s till %s.' %
                               (start_time, current_time))
    # close the file so we can send it
Exemple #12
Created on 11 apr. 2017

@author: GerbenRienk

# Import smtplib for the actual sending function
import smtplib

# Import the email modules we'll need
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from utils.dictfile import readDictFile
config = readDictFile('odkoc.config')

def MailThisLogFile(LogFileName):
    # Open a plain text file for reading.  For this example, assume that
    # the text file contains only ASCII characters.
    with open(LogFileName) as fp:
        # Create a text/plain message
        msg = MIMEText(fp.read())

    msg['Subject'] = config['mail_subject']
    msg['From'] = config['mail_from']
    msg['To'] = config['mail_to']

    # Send the message via our own SMTP server,
    # but only if we can send mails
    if config['mail_enabled'].lower() == "true":
        mail_server = smtplib.SMTP(config['mail_server'])
def cycle_through_syncs():
    my_report = Reporter()

    start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
    my_report.append_to_report('INFO: cycle started at ' + str(start_time))
    # read configuration file for usernames and passwords and other parameters
    config = readDictFile('oli.config')
    # set from this config the survey id, sid, because it used everywhere
    sid = int(config['sid'])

    # create a connection to the postgresql database
    conn = ConnToOliDB()

    # initialize the oc-webservice
    myDataWS = dataWS(config['userName'], config['password'],

    #start the cycling here
    while True:
        # get the responses as a list
        tokens_list = read_ls_tokens(config)
        # now we want to transfer the token - study subject id into a dict
        tokens = {}
        for token in tokens_list:
            tokens[token['token']] = token['participant_info']['firstname']

        #print (tokens)
        # now we have the dict, we can reset the list
        tokens_list = []

        #now get the responses
        responses_list = read_ls_responses(config)

        # process the responses one by one
        for one_response in responses_list:
            for response_data in one_response:
                # make a dict of one response
                one_response_data = one_response[response_data]

                #check if the survey was started by looking at the last page
                if (one_response_data['lastpage'] != 0):
                    # get the response_id, for administrative purposes
                    response_id = one_response_data['id']
                    #print(sid, one_response_data)

                    # check if this combination sid-response-id already exists and if not, add it
                    conn.TryToAddSubjectToDB(sid, response_id)
                    # now see if we can do something with the data: start with the child code
                    # reset study_subject_id and study_subject_oid
                    study_subject_id = ''
                    study_subject_oid = None

                    if (one_response_data['token'] is None):
                        # write this to error report
                            'ERROR: Missing token for response id %i' %
                        # find the study subject id in the dict tokens
                        this_token = one_response_data['token']
                        # check if we have this token in our array tokens
                        if this_token in tokens:
                            study_subject_id = tokens[this_token]
                                'ERROR: No study subject id for token %s' %

                        if (len(study_subject_id) != 13):
                            # write this to error report
                                'ERROR: Incorrect study subject id for response id %i: %s'
                                % (response_id, study_subject_id))
                            # write the child-code / study subject id to the database
                            if (conn.DLookup(
                                    'study_subject_id', 'ls_responses',
                                    'sid=%i and response_id=%i' %
                                (sid, response_id)) is None):
                                    sid, response_id, study_subject_id)

                            # check if we already have a valid study subject oid
                            study_subject_oid = conn.DLookup(
                                'study_subject_oid', 'ls_responses',
                                'sid=%i and response_id=%i' %
                                (sid, response_id))

                            if (study_subject_oid is None
                                    or study_subject_oid == ''):
                                # try to get a valid study subject oid
                                study_subject_oid = PGSubject(
                                # we don't know if we now have study_subject_oid,
                                # but the procedure only writes the study subject oid to the database for later use
                                # if it is not null
                                    sid, response_id, study_subject_oid)

                        # only continue if we have both study subject id and study subject oid
                        if (study_subject_oid is None):
                            # write this to error report
                                'ERROR: Missing OID for ChildCode %s' %
                            # only compose the odm and try to import the result
                            # if this wasn't done before, so look at date_completed
                            if (conn.DLookup(
                                    'date_completed', 'ls_responses',
                                    'sid=%i and response_id=%i' %
                                (sid, response_id)) is None):
                                ws_request = compose_odm(
                                    study_subject_oid, one_response_data)
                                    sid, response_id, ws_request)
                                import_result = myDataWS.importData(ws_request)
                                    sid, response_id, import_result)
                                if (import_result.find('Success') == 0):
                                        'INFO: Successfully imported data for %s (%s)'
                                        (study_subject_id, study_subject_oid))
                                    conn.SetResponseComplete(sid, response_id)
                                    item_starts_at = import_result.find('I_')
                                    if (item_starts_at == -1):
                                            'ERROR: import for %s failed with message "%s"'
                                            (study_subject_id, import_result))
                                            'ERROR: import for %s failed with message "%s" and more'
                                            % (study_subject_id,

            # move on with the next response

        # check if we must continue looping, or break the loop
        # first sleep a bit, so we do not eat up all CPU
        current_time = datetime.datetime.now()
        difference = current_time - start_time
        loop_this_long = config['loop_this_long']
        max_diff_list = loop_this_long.split(sep=':')
        max_difference = datetime.timedelta(hours=int(max_diff_list[0]),
        if difference > max_difference:

    my_report.append_to_report('INFO: finished looping from %s till %s.' %
                               (start_time, current_time))
    # close the file so we can send it
Exemple #14
Created on 11 apr. 2017

@author: GerbenRienk
Copyright 2020 TrialDataSolutions

# Import smtplib for the actual sending function
import smtplib

# Import the email modules we'll need
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from utils.dictfile import readDictFile
config = readDictFile('alltogether.config')

def MailThisLogFile(LogFileName):
    # Open a plain text file for reading.  For this example, assume that
    # the text file contains only ASCII characters.
    with open(LogFileName) as fp:
        # Create a text/plain message
        msg = MIMEText(fp.read())

    msg['Subject'] = config['mail_subject']
    msg['From'] = config['mail_from']
    msg['To'] = config['mail_to']

    # Send the message via our own SMTP server,
    # but only if we can send mails
    if config['mail_enabled'].lower() == "true":
        mail_server = smtplib.SMTP(config['mail_server'])
Exemple #15
def cycle_through_syncs():
    my_report = Reporter()
    start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
    my_report.append_to_report('INFO: cycle started at ' + str(start_time))
    # read configuration file for usernames and passwords and other parameters
    # set from this config the sid, because it used everywhere
    sid = int(config['sid'])
    # create a connection to the postgresql database
    conn = ConnToOliDB()

    # initialize the oc-webservice
    myDataWS = dataWS(config['userName'], config['password'], config['baseUrl'])
    #start the cycling here
    while True:
        # get the responses as a list
        responses_list = read_ls_responses(config)
        # process the responses one by one
        for one_response in responses_list:
            # get the response_id, for administrative purposes
            response_id = one_response['id']
            # check if this combination sid-response-id already exists and if not, add it
            conn.TryToAddSubjectToDB(sid, response_id)
            # now see if we can do something with the data: start with the child code
            # reset study_subject_id and study_subject_oid
            study_subject_id = None 
            study_subject_oid = None
            if (one_response['ChildCode'] is None):
                # write this to error report
                my_report.append_to_report('ERROR: Missing ChildCode for resp.id. %i' % response_id )
                # add leading zero's and the study prefix
                study_subject_id = config['childcode_prefix'] + ('0000' + str(int(float(one_response['ChildCode']))))[-8:]
                if (len(study_subject_id) != 13):
                    # write this to error report 
                    my_report.append_to_report('ERROR: Incorrect ChildCode for resp.id. %i: %i' % (response_id, int(float(one_response['ChildCode']))))
                    # write the child-code / study subject id to the database
                    if (conn.DLookup('study_subject_id', 'ls_responses', 'sid=%i and response_id=%i' % (sid, response_id)) is None):
                        conn.WriteStudySubjectID(sid, response_id, study_subject_id)
                    # check if we already have a valid study subject oid
                    study_subject_oid = conn.DLookup('study_subject_oid', 'ls_responses', 'sid=%i and response_id=%i' % (sid, response_id))
                    if (study_subject_oid is None or study_subject_oid =='None'):
                        # try to get a valid study subject oid
                        study_subject_oid = PGSubject(study_subject_id).GetSSOID()
                        # we don't know if we now have study_subject_oid,
                        # but the procedure only writes the study subject oid to the database for later use
                        # if it is not null
                        conn.WriteStudySubjectOID(sid, response_id, study_subject_oid)
                    # only continue if we have both study subject id and study subject oid
                    if (study_subject_oid is None):
                        # write this to error report
                        my_report.append_to_report('ERROR: missing OID for resp.id. %i : ChildCode %s' % (response_id, study_subject_id))
                        # only compose the odm and try to import the result
                        # if this wasn't done before, so look at date_completed
                        if(conn.DLookup('date_completed', 'ls_responses', 'sid=%i and response_id=%i' % (sid, response_id)) is None):
                            print('resp.id. %i' % response_id)
                            # we try to compose the request, but if we can't convert an item to the correct data type
                            # then we put that in the report
                            ws_request = compose_odm(study_subject_oid, one_response)
                            if (ws_request.find('CONVERSION-ERROR') != -1):
                                item_starts_at = ws_request.find('CONVERSION-ERROR')
                                my_report.append_to_report('ERROR: conversion for resp.id. %i %s failed with message "%s" and more' % (response_id, study_subject_id, ws_request[item_starts_at:item_starts_at + 100]))
                                conn.WriteDataWSRequest(sid, response_id, ws_request)
                                import_result = myDataWS.importData(ws_request)
                                import_result = import_result.replace("'", "")
                                conn.WriteDataWSResponse(sid, response_id, import_result)
                                if (import_result.find('Success') == 0):
                                    my_report.append_to_report('INFO: Successfully imported data for %s (%s)' % (study_subject_id, study_subject_oid))
                                    conn.SetResponseComplete(sid, response_id)
                                    item_starts_at = import_result.find('I_')
                                    my_report.append_to_report('ERROR: import for resp.id %i %s failed with message "%s" and more' % (response_id, study_subject_id, import_result[item_starts_at:]))
            # move on with the next response 
        # check if we must continue looping, or break the loop
        # first sleep a bit, so we do not eat up all CPU
        current_time = datetime.datetime.now()
        difference = current_time - start_time
        loop_this_long = config['loop_this_long']
        max_diff_list = loop_this_long.split(sep=':') 
        max_difference = datetime.timedelta(hours=int(max_diff_list[0]), minutes=int(max_diff_list[1]), seconds=int(max_diff_list[2]))
        if difference > max_difference:
    my_report.append_to_report('INFO: finished looping from %s till %s.' % (start_time, current_time))
    # close the file so we can send it
Exemple #16
Created on 11 apr. 2017

@author: GerbenRienk

# Import smtplib for the actual sending function
import smtplib

# Import the email modules we'll need
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from utils.dictfile import readDictFile
config = readDictFile('oli.config')

def MailThisLogFile(LogFileName):
    # Open a plain text file for reading.  For this example, assume that
    # the text file contains only ASCII characters.
    with open(LogFileName) as fp:
        # Create a text/plain message
        msg = MIMEText(fp.read())

    msg['Subject'] = config['mail_subject']
    msg['From'] = config['mail_from']
    msg['To'] = config['mail_to']

    # Send the message via our own SMTP server,
    # but only if we can send mails
    if config['mail_enabled'].lower() == "true":
        mail_server = smtplib.SMTP(config['mail_server'])
Exemple #17
def cycle_through_syncs():
    # we start by reading the config file and preparing the connections to the databases
    my_report = Reporter()
    start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
    my_report.append_to_report('cycle started at ' + str(start_time))
    # read configuration file for usernames and passwords and other parameters
    config = readDictFile('odkoc.config')

    # initialise the oc-webservices
    myWebService = studySubjectWS(config['userName'], config['password'],
    myEventWS = studyEventWS(config['userName'], config['password'],
    myDataWS = dataWS(config['userName'], config['password'],

    # create connections to the postgresql databases
    conn_util = ConnToOdkUtilDB()
    my_report.append_to_report('try to connect to util database, result: %s ' %
    conn_odk = ConnToOdkDB()
    my_report.append_to_report('try to connect to odk database, result: %s ' %

    # our cycle starts here and ends at the break
    while True:
        start with form READER
        # 1: start with retrieving the rows of odk-table HS_RDT_READER_1_V1_CORE
        odk_results = conn_odk.ReadDataFromOdkTable(
        # for the study subject id look in:

        # 2: create subject in oc, if necessary
        # retrieve all StudySubjectEvents from oc, using the webservice
        allStudySubjectsInOC = myWebService.getListStudySubjects(

        for odk_result in odk_results:
            # check if StudySubjectID from odk is already in oc
            add_subject_to_db = True
            study_subject_id = odk_result[
            # compare with all oc subjects events
            for studysubjectid_oc in allStudySubjectsInOC:
                if (studysubjectid_oc == study_subject_id):
                    add_subject_to_db = False

            if (add_subject_to_db):
                # add study_subject_id to the oc
                add_results = myWebService.addStudySubject(
                    config['studyIdentifier'], study_subject_id)
                # TODO: add error-handling for fail of creating subject
                # and schedule the event
                study_subject_oid = myEventWS.scheduleEvent(
                    config['studyIdentifier'], study_subject_id,
                    config['studyEventOID'], 'def', '1980-01-01')
                #TODO: add errorhandling for fail of scheduling event

                # now add the combination id oid to the util database
                # only add the pair if the oid starts with SS_
                if (study_subject_oid.find('SS_') == 0):

            # now we should have the study subject id plus oid, so we can compose the odm for import
            study_subject_id = odk_result[
            study_subject_oid = conn_util.DLookup(
                'study_subject_oid', 'study_subject_oc',
                'study_subject_id=\'%s\'' % (study_subject_id))
            complete_odm = compose_reader(study_subject_oid, odk_result)

            import_results = myDataWS.importData(complete_odm)
            my_report.append_to_report(study_subject_id + ': ' +
        go on with with form SCREENING
        odk_results = conn_odk.ReadDataFromOdkTable(
            'not \"INFORMED_CONSENT_STUDY_SUBJECT_ID\" is null')
        # for the study subject id look in:

        # 2: create subject in oc, if necessary
        # retrieve all StudySubjectEvents from oc, using the webservice
        allStudySubjectsInOC = myWebService.getListStudySubjects(

        for odk_result in odk_results:
            # check if StudySubjectID from odk is already in oc
            add_subject_to_db = True
            study_subject_id = odk_result['INFORMED_CONSENT_STUDY_SUBJECT_ID']
            # compare with all oc subjects events
            for studysubjectid_oc in allStudySubjectsInOC:
                if (studysubjectid_oc == study_subject_id):
                    add_subject_to_db = False

            if (add_subject_to_db):
                # add study_subject_id to the oc
                add_results = myWebService.addStudySubject(
                    config['studyIdentifier'], study_subject_id)
                # TODO: add error-handling for fail of creating subject
                # and schedule the event
                study_subject_oid = myEventWS.scheduleEvent(
                    config['studyIdentifier'], study_subject_id,
                    config['studyEventOID'], 'def', '1980-01-01')
                #TODO: add errorhandling for fail of scheduling event

                # now add the combination id oid to the util database
                # only add the pair if the oid starts with SS_
                if (study_subject_oid.find('SS_') == 0):

            # now we should have the study subject id plus oid, so we can compose the odm for import
            study_subject_id = odk_result['INFORMED_CONSENT_STUDY_SUBJECT_ID']
            study_subject_oid = conn_util.DLookup(
                'study_subject_oid', 'study_subject_oc',
                'study_subject_id=\'%s\'' % (study_subject_id))
            complete_odm = compose_screening(study_subject_oid, odk_result)

            import_results = myDataWS.importData(complete_odm)
            my_report.append_to_report(study_subject_id + ': ' +

        # some book keeping to check if we must continue looping, or break the loop
        # first sleep a bit, so we do not eat up all CPU
        current_time = datetime.datetime.now()
        difference = current_time - start_time
        loop_this_long = config['loop_this_long']
        max_diff_list = loop_this_long.split(sep=':')
        max_difference = datetime.timedelta(hours=int(max_diff_list[0]),
        if difference > max_difference:

    my_report.append_to_report('finished looping from %s till %s.' %
                               (start_time, current_time))
    # close the file so we can send it