def simple_render(config, output_dir, args): from import squeezeToNumpy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from utils.draw import plot_imgs from utils.loader import get_save_path savepath = get_save_path(output_dir) savepath = savepath / "../rendered" os.makedirs(savepath, exist_ok=True) # Prepare for data loader renderloader = renderLoader(config, dataset=config['data']['dataset'], warp_input=True) steps = config['rendering']['steps'] # Denormalization & Save whole_step = 0 for batch_idx, (img0, img1, mat) in tqdm(enumerate(renderloader), desc='step', total=steps): whole_step += 1 img_0 = 255 * squeezeToNumpy(img0)[[2, 1, 0], :, :].transpose( (1, 2, 0)) img_1 = 255 * squeezeToNumpy(img1)[[2, 1, 0], :, :].transpose( (1, 2, 0)) plot_imgs([img_0.astype(np.uint8), img_1.astype(np.uint8)], titles=['img1', 'img2'], dpi=200) plt.title(str(batch_idx)) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(savepath / (str(batch_idx) + '.png'), dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') if whole_step >= steps: break
def evaluate(args, **options): # path = '/home/yoyee/Documents/SuperPoint/superpoint/logs/outputs/superpoint_coco/' path = args.path files = find_files_with_ext(path) correctness = [] est_H_mean_dist = [] repeatability = [] mscore = [] mAP = [] localization_err = [] rep_thd = 3 save_file = path + "/result.txt" inliers_method = 'cv' compute_map = True verbose = True top_K = 1000 print("top_K: ", top_K) reproduce = True if reproduce:"reproduce = True") np.random.seed(0) print(f"test random # : np({np.random.rand(1)})") # create output dir if args.outputImg: path_warp = path + '/warping' os.makedirs(path_warp, exist_ok=True) path_match = path + '/matching' os.makedirs(path_match, exist_ok=True) path_rep = path + '/repeatibility' + str(rep_thd) os.makedirs(path_rep, exist_ok=True) # for i in range(2): # f = files[i] print(f"file: {files[0]}") files.sort(key=lambda x: int(x[:-4])) from numpy.linalg import norm from utils.draw import draw_keypoints from utils.utils import saveImg for f in tqdm(files): f_num = f[:-4] data = np.load(path + '/' + f) print("load successfully. ", f) # unwarp # prob = data['prob'] # warped_prob = data['prob'] # desc = data['desc'] # warped_desc = data['warped_desc'] # homography = data['homography'] real_H = data['homography'] image = data['image'] warped_image = data['warped_image'] keypoints = data['prob'][:, [1, 0]] print("keypoints: ", keypoints[:3, :]) warped_keypoints = data['warped_prob'][:, [1, 0]] print("warped_keypoints: ", warped_keypoints[:3, :]) # print("Unwrap successfully.") if args.repeatibility: rep, local_err = compute_repeatability(data, keep_k_points=top_K, distance_thresh=rep_thd, verbose=False) repeatability.append(rep) print("repeatability: %.2f" % (rep)) if local_err > 0: localization_err.append(local_err) print('local_err: ', local_err) if args.outputImg: # img = to3dim(image) img = image pts = data['prob'] img1 = draw_keypoints(img * 255, pts.transpose()) # img = to3dim(warped_image) img = warped_image pts = data['warped_prob'] img2 = draw_keypoints(img * 255, pts.transpose()) plot_imgs([img1.astype(np.uint8), img2.astype(np.uint8)], titles=['img1', 'img2'], dpi=200) plt.title("rep: " + str(repeatability[-1])) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(path_rep + '/' + f_num + '.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') pass if args.homography: # estimate result ##### check homography_thresh = [1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50] ##### result = compute_homography(data, correctness_thresh=homography_thresh) correctness.append(result['correctness']) # est_H_mean_dist.append(result['mean_dist']) # compute matching score def warpLabels(pnts, homography, H, W): import torch """ input: pnts: numpy homography: numpy output: warped_pnts: numpy """ from utils.utils import warp_points from utils.utils import filter_points pnts = torch.tensor(pnts).long() homography = torch.tensor(homography, dtype=torch.float32) warped_pnts = warp_points( torch.stack((pnts[:, 0], pnts[:, 1]), dim=1), homography) # check the (x, y) warped_pnts = filter_points(warped_pnts, torch.tensor([W, H])).round().long() return warped_pnts.numpy() from numpy.linalg import inv H, W = image.shape unwarped_pnts = warpLabels(warped_keypoints, inv(real_H), H, W) score = (result['inliers'].sum() * 2) / (keypoints.shape[0] + unwarped_pnts.shape[0]) print("m. score: ", score) mscore.append(score) # compute map if compute_map: def getMatches(data): from models.model_wrap import PointTracker desc = data['desc'] warped_desc = data['warped_desc'] nn_thresh = 1.2 print("nn threshold: ", nn_thresh) tracker = PointTracker(max_length=2, nn_thresh=nn_thresh) # matches = tracker.nn_match_two_way(desc, warped_desc, nn_) tracker.update(keypoints.T, desc.T) tracker.update(warped_keypoints.T, warped_desc.T) matches = tracker.get_matches().T mscores = tracker.get_mscores().T # mAP # matches = data['matches'] print("matches: ", matches.shape) print("mscores: ", mscores.shape) try: print("mscore max: ", mscores.max(axis=0)) print("mscore min: ", mscores.min(axis=0)) except ValueError: pass return matches, mscores def getInliers(matches, H, epi=3, verbose=False): """ input: matches: numpy (n, 4(x1, y1, x2, y2)) H (ground truth homography): numpy (3, 3) """ from evaluations.detector_evaluation import warp_keypoints # warp points warped_points = warp_keypoints( matches[:, :2], H) # make sure the input fits the (x,y) # compute point distance norm = np.linalg.norm(warped_points - matches[:, 2:4], ord=None, axis=1) inliers = norm < epi if verbose: print("Total matches: ", inliers.shape[0], ", inliers: ", inliers.sum(), ", percentage: ", inliers.sum() / inliers.shape[0]) return inliers def getInliers_cv(matches, H=None, epi=3, verbose=False): import cv2 # count inliers: use opencv homography estimation # Estimate the homography between the matches using RANSAC H, inliers = cv2.findHomography(matches[:, [0, 1]], matches[:, [2, 3]], cv2.RANSAC) inliers = inliers.flatten() print("Total matches: ", inliers.shape[0], ", inliers: ", inliers.sum(), ", percentage: ", inliers.sum() / inliers.shape[0]) return inliers def computeAP(m_test, m_score): from sklearn.metrics import average_precision_score average_precision = average_precision_score( m_test, m_score) print('Average precision-recall score: {0:0.2f}'.format( average_precision)) return average_precision def flipArr(arr): return arr.max() - arr if args.sift: assert result is not None matches, mscores = result['matches'], result['mscores'] else: matches, mscores = getMatches(data) real_H = data['homography'] if inliers_method == 'gt': # use ground truth homography print("use ground truth homography for inliers") inliers = getInliers(matches, real_H, epi=3, verbose=verbose) else: # use opencv estimation as inliers print("use opencv estimation for inliers") inliers = getInliers_cv(matches, real_H, epi=3, verbose=verbose) ## distance to confidence if args.sift: m_flip = flipArr(mscores[:]) # for sift else: m_flip = flipArr(mscores[:, 2]) if inliers.shape[0] > 0 and inliers.sum() > 0: # m_flip = flipArr(m_flip) # compute ap ap = computeAP(inliers, m_flip) else: ap = 0 mAP.append(ap) if args.outputImg: # draw warping output = result # img1 = image/255 # img2 = warped_image/255 img1 = image img2 = warped_image img1 = to3dim(img1) img2 = to3dim(img2) H = output['homography'] warped_img1 = cv2.warpPerspective( img1, H, (img2.shape[1], img2.shape[0])) # from numpy.linalg import inv # warped_img1 = cv2.warpPerspective(img1, inv(H), (img2.shape[1], img2.shape[0])) img1 = np.concatenate([img1, img1, img1], axis=2) warped_img1 = np.stack([warped_img1, warped_img1, warped_img1], axis=2) img2 = np.concatenate([img2, img2, img2], axis=2) plot_imgs([img1, img2, warped_img1], titles=['img1', 'img2', 'warped_img1'], dpi=200) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(path_warp + '/' + f_num + '.png') ## plot filtered image img1, img2 = data['image'], data['warped_image'] warped_img1 = cv2.warpPerspective( img1, H, (img2.shape[1], img2.shape[0])) plot_imgs([img1, img2, warped_img1], titles=['img1', 'img2', 'warped_img1'], dpi=200) plt.tight_layout() # plt.savefig(path_warp + '/' + f_num + '_fil.png') plt.savefig(path_warp + '/' + f_num + '.png') # # draw matches result['image1'] = image result['image2'] = warped_image matches = np.array(result['cv2_matches']) # ratio = 0.2 # ran_idx = np.random.choice(matches.shape[0], int(matches.shape[0]*ratio)) # img = draw_matches_cv(result, matches[ran_idx], plot_points=True) img = draw_matches_cv(result, matches, plot_points=True) # filename = "correspondence_visualization" plot_imgs([img], titles=["Two images feature correspondences"], dpi=200) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(path_match + '/' + f_num + 'cv.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close('all') # pltImshow(img) if args.plotMatching: matches = result['matches'] # np [N x 4] if matches.shape[0] > 0: from utils.draw import draw_matches filename = path_match + '/' + f_num + 'm.png' # ratio = 0.1 inliers = result['inliers'] matches_in = matches[inliers == True] matches_out = matches[inliers == False] def get_random_m(matches, ratio): ran_idx = np.random.choice(matches.shape[0], int(matches.shape[0] * ratio)) return matches[ran_idx], ran_idx image = data['image'] warped_image = data['warped_image'] ## outliers # matches_temp, _ = get_random_m(matches_out, ratio) # print(f"matches_in: {matches_in.shape}, matches_temp: {matches_temp.shape}") draw_matches(image, warped_image, matches_temp, lw=0.5, color='r', filename=None, show=False, if_fig=True) ## inliers # matches_temp, _ = get_random_m(matches_in, ratio) draw_matches(image, warped_image, matches_temp, lw=1.0, filename=filename, show=False, if_fig=False) if args.repeatibility: repeatability_ave = np.array(repeatability).mean() localization_err_m = np.array(localization_err).mean() print("repeatability: ", repeatability_ave) print("localization error over ", len(localization_err), " images : ", localization_err_m) if args.homography: correctness_ave = np.array(correctness).mean(axis=0) # est_H_mean_dist = np.array(est_H_mean_dist) print("homography estimation threshold", homography_thresh) print("correctness_ave", correctness_ave) # print(f"mean est H dist: {est_H_mean_dist.mean()}") mscore_m = np.array(mscore).mean(axis=0) print("matching score", mscore_m) if compute_map: mAP_m = np.array(mAP).mean() print("mean AP", mAP_m) print("end") # save to files with open(save_file, "a") as myfile: myfile.write("path: " + path + '\n') myfile.write("output Images: " + str(args.outputImg) + '\n') if args.repeatibility: myfile.write("repeatability threshold: " + str(rep_thd) + '\n') myfile.write("repeatability: " + str(repeatability_ave) + '\n') myfile.write("localization error: " + str(localization_err_m) + '\n') if args.homography: myfile.write("Homography estimation: " + '\n') myfile.write("Homography threshold: " + str(homography_thresh) + '\n') myfile.write("Average correctness: " + str(correctness_ave) + '\n') # myfile.write("mean est H dist: " + str(est_H_mean_dist.mean()) + '\n') if compute_map: myfile.write("nn mean AP: " + str(mAP_m) + '\n') myfile.write("matching score: " + str(mscore_m) + '\n') if verbose: myfile.write("====== details =====" + '\n') for i in range(len(files)): myfile.write("file: " + files[i]) if args.repeatibility: myfile.write("; rep: " + str(repeatability[i])) if args.homography: myfile.write("; correct: " + str(correctness[i])) # matching myfile.write("; mscore: " + str(mscore[i])) if compute_map: myfile.write(":, mean AP: " + str(mAP[i])) myfile.write('\n') myfile.write("======== end ========" + '\n') dict_of_lists = { 'repeatability': repeatability, 'localization_err': localization_err, 'correctness': np.array(correctness), 'homography_thresh': homography_thresh, 'mscore': mscore, 'mAP': np.array(mAP), # 'est_H_mean_dist': est_H_mean_dist } filename = f'{save_file[:-4]}.npz'"save file: {filename}") np.savez( filename, **dict_of_lists, )
import cv2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from utils.draw import plot_imgs from utils.utils import pltImshow path = '/home/yoyee/Documents/deepSfm/logs/superpoint_hpatches_pretrained/predictions/' for i in range(10): data = np.load(path + str(i) + '.npz') # p1 = '/home/yoyee/Documents/deepSfm/datasets/HPatches/v_abstract/1.ppm' # p2 = '/home/yoyee/Documents/deepSfm/datasets/HPatches/v_abstract/2.ppm' # H = '/home/yoyee/Documents/deepSfm/datasets/HPatches/v_abstract/H_1_2' # img = np.load(p1) # warped_img = np.load(p2) H = data['homography'] img1 = data['image'][:,:,np.newaxis] img2 = data['warped_image'][:,:,np.newaxis] # warped_img_H = inv_warp_image_batch(torch.tensor(img), torch.tensor(inv(H))) warped_img1 = cv2.warpPerspective(img1, H, (img1.shape[1], img1.shape[0])) # img_cat = np.concatenate((img, warped_img, warped_img_H), axis=1) # pltImshow(img_cat) # from numpy.linalg import inv # warped_img1 = cv2.warpPerspective(img1, inv(H), (img2.shape[1], img2.shape[0])) img1 = np.concatenate([img1, img1, img1], axis=2) warped_img1 = np.stack([warped_img1, warped_img1, warped_img1], axis=2) img2 = np.concatenate([img2, img2, img2], axis=2) plot_imgs([img1, img2, warped_img1], titles=['img1', 'img2', 'warped_img1'], dpi=200) plt.savefig( 'test' + str(i) + '.png')