def __resize_image(self, img_original): """ Resize the input image """ print_nicer("RESIZE IMAGE - START") start_time = time.time() img, scale_factor = image_resize(img_original, self.resize_width, self.resize_height, cv2.INTER_CUBIC) print_time_info(start_time, "RESIZE IMAGE - END") print(f"\tResized image shape: {img.shape}") print(f"\tScale factor: {scale_factor}") print("-" * 50) self.show_image_main('pipeline_input', img, height=405, width=720) return img, scale_factor
def __paintings_and_people_localization(self, paintings_detected): """ Execute People Localization using Information about the detected paintings. """ print_nicer("PEOPLE LOCALIZATION - START") start_time = time.time() people_room = locale_paintings_and_people(paintings_detected, self.generator, self.show_image, self.print_next_step, self.print_time) print_time_info(start_time, "PEOPLE LOCALIZATION - END") print("-" * 50) return people_room
def __painting_segmentation(self, img_original, paintings_detected): """ Execute Painting Segmentation of the input image. """ print_nicer("PAINTING SEGMENTATION - START") start_time = time.time() painting_contours = [p.frame_contour for p in paintings_detected] segmented_img_original = create_segmented_image( img_original, painting_contours) print_time_info(start_time, "PAINTING SEGMENTATION - END") print(" Segmented shape: ", segmented_img_original.shape) print("-" * 50) # self.show_image_main('segmented_img_original_size', segmented_img_original, height=405, width=720) return segmented_img_original
def __draw_painting_and_people(self, img_original, paintings_detected, people_bounding_boxes, people_room, scale_factor): """ Draw information about Paintings and People found. """ print_nicer("DRAW PAINTINGS AND PEOPLE INFORMATION - START") start_time = time.time() # First draw the info on the paintings... draw_paintings_info(img_original, paintings_detected, scale_factor) # ...and then the info on the people, so as to respect the prospect... draw_people_bounding_box(img_original, people_bounding_boxes, scale_factor) # the end the information about the room draw_room_info(img_original, people_room, scale_factor) print_time_info(start_time, "DRAW PAINTINGS AND PEOPLE INFORMATION - END") print("-" * 50)
def __painting_detection(self, img, scale_factor): """ Execute Painting Detection on the input image. """ print_nicer("PAINTING DETECTION - START") start_time = time.time() paintings_detected = detect_paintings(img, self.generator, self.show_image, self.print_next_step, self.print_time, scale_factor=scale_factor) print_time_info(start_time, "PAINTING DETECTION - END") print("-" * 50) self.num_paintings_detected += len(paintings_detected) return paintings_detected
def __painting_rectification(self, img_original, paintings_detected): """ Execute Rectification of the painting received """ print_nicer("PAINTING RECTIFICATION - START") start_time = time.time() for i, painting in enumerate(paintings_detected): x, y, w_rect, h_rect = painting.bounding_box sub_img_original = img_original[y:y + h_rect, x:x + w_rect] corners = translate_points(painting.corners, -np.array([x, y])) painting.image = rectify_painting(sub_img_original, corners) print_time_info(start_time, "PAINTING RECTIFICATION - END") print("-" * 50) if self.task == Task.painting_rectification: for i, painting in enumerate(paintings_detected): x, y, w_rect, h_rect = painting.bounding_box sub_img_original = img_original[y:y + h_rect, x:x + w_rect] # self.show_image_main(f"sub_img_original_{i}", sub_img_original) self.show_image_main(f"painting_rectified_{i}", painting.image)
def __painting_retrieval(self, paintings_detected, scale_factor): """ Execute Painting Retrieval on the input image. """ print_nicer("PAINTING RETRIEVAL - START") start_time = time.time() retrieve_paintings(paintings_detected, self.paintings_db, self.generator, self.show_image, self.print_next_step, self.print_time, match_db_image=self.match_db_image, histo_mode=self.histo_mode, scale_factor=scale_factor) print_time_info(start_time, "PAINTING RETRIEVAL - END") print("-" * 50) for p in paintings_detected: if p.title is not None: self.num_paintings_retrieved += 1
def __people_detection(self, img, paintings_detected, scale_factor): """ Execute People Detection on the input image. """ print_nicer("PEOPLE DETECTION - START") start_time = time.time() max_percentage = 0.85 people_bounding_boxes = detect_people(img, self.people_detector, paintings_detected, self.generator, self.show_image, self.print_next_step, self.print_time, scale_factor=scale_factor, max_percentage=max_percentage) print_time_info(start_time, "PEOPLE DETECTION - END") print("-" * 50) self.num_people_detected += len(people_bounding_boxes) return people_bounding_boxes