def send_ena_report(): global REPORT if len(REPORT['ERROR']) == len(REPORT['FIXED']) == len(REPORT['CORRECT']) == 0: print 'No Report to be sent' return msg = """This report is about ENA Release Date Check.\n\n""" if len(REPORT['ERROR']) > 0: msg += 'The following experiments failed in updating via ENA Webin:\n' msg += '===========================================================\n\n' msg += 'ACC | RELEASE DATE | ENA MESSAGE\n' for i in REPORT['ERROR']: msg += '%s | %s | %s\n' % (i[0], i[1], i[2]) msg += '\n' if len(REPORT['FIXED']) > 0: msg += 'The following experiments were updated on ENA:\n' msg += '===============================================\n\n' msg += 'ACC | RELEASE DATE | ENA MESSAGE\n' for i in REPORT['FIXED']: msg += '%s | %s | %s\n' % (i[0], i[1], i[2]) msg += '\n' if len(REPORT['CORRECT']) > 0: msg += 'The following experiments were correct:\n' msg += '========================================\n\n' msg += 'ACC | RELEASE DATE\n' for i in REPORT['CORRECT']: msg += '%s | %s\n' % (i[0], i[1]) msg += '\n' msg += """ This email was sent automatically from the AE Automation Tool. Thank You! AE Automation Tool.""" send_email(from_email=settings.AUTOMATION_EMAIL, to_emails=['*****@*****.**'], subject='ENA Release dates report', body=msg)
def send_report(total, imported, skipped, error): msg = """Dear Curators, Geo Platform import report. Collected: %d Imported: %d Skipped: %d Errors: %d """ % (total, imported, skipped, len(error.keys())) if len(error) > 0: msg += 'Error are as follows:\n' for k, v in error.items(): msg += '%s: %s\n' % k, v send_email(from_email='AE Automation<*****@*****.**>', to_emails=['*****@*****.**'], subject='Geo Platform Import Report', body=msg)
def main(): out, err = execute_command("""sudo -u fg_cur -H sh -c "ssh oy-ena-login-1 ls -d /fire/staging/aexpress/*/" """) # print out # print '-' * 30 # print err # print '-' * 30 dirs = out.split('\n') removed = [] not_removed = [] for d in dirs: directory = d.replace('/fire/staging/aexpress/', '').replace('/','') if directory.startswith('E-MTAB'): acc = '-'.join(directory.split('-')[:3]) print acc id = retrieve_study_id_by_acc(acc) if id: out1, err1 = execute_command("""sudo -u fg_cur -H sh -c "ssh oy-ena-login-1 rm -rf %s" """%d) if err1: not_removed.append('%s:%s' % (directory, err1)) print err1 else: removed.append(directory) if removed: send_email(from_email='AE Automation<*****@*****.**>', to_emails=[CURATION_EMAIL], # to_emails=['*****@*****.**'], subject='/fire/staging Cleaning Report', body="""Dear Curator, The directories below have been deleted from /fire/staging. These were found loaded in AE database. Thanks, AE Automation Tool. REMOVED DIRECTORY LIST: ======================= %s""" % '\n'.join(removed)) if not_removed: send_email(from_email='AE Automation<*****@*****.**>', # to_emails=['*****@*****.**', CURATION_EMAIL], to_emails=['*****@*****.**'], subject='/fire/staging Error Report', body=""" ERROR DIRECTORY LIST: ======================= %s""" % '\n'.join(not_removed))
def manage_threads(accessions): global REPORT threads = [] for acc in accessions: # REPORT[acc] = '' # reload_experiment(acc) # break # print acc REPORT[acc] = '' t = threading.Thread(target=reload_experiment, args=(acc, )) threads.append(t) t.daemon = False running = [] while True: while len(running) <= 10 and threads: t = threads.pop() t.start() running.append(t) time.sleep(5) if not running: break for t in running: if not t.is_alive(): print 'removing thread' running.remove(t) break print 'Running Experiments: ', len(running) print 'pending Experiments: ', len(threads) time.sleep(30) if RED_FLAG: print'-' * 50 + '\nFAILURE REPORT\n' + '=' * 50) for flag in RED_FLAG: print flag msg = """This report is about ERAD experiments Loaded/updated in ArrayExpress.\n\n""" for k, v in REPORT.items(): msg += """%s\t%s\n""" % (k, v) msg += '\n\n' + generate_atlas_curated_report(accessions) msg += """ This email was sent automatically from the AE Automation Tool. Thank You! AE Automation Tool.""" send_email(from_email=settings.AUTOMATION_EMAIL, to_emails=[settings.CURATION_EMAIL], subject='ERAD Update Report', body=msg) print REPORT
def post(self, request): out = spring_framework.main() log(user=request.user, action='Restart Framework', extra={'out': out}) print request.user print dir(request.user) print 'USERNAME: '******'AE Automation<*****@*****.**>', to_emails=[], subject='Framework Restarted', body=body) return self.render_json_response({}, 200)
def import_geo_platform(geo_acc): try: soft_file = download_soft_file(geo_acc) header, table = parse_soft_file(soft_file) generate_adf(geo_acc, header, table) adf_file = os.path.join(settings.ADF_LOAD_DIR, geo_acc.replace('GPL', 'A-GEOD-'), geo_acc + '.adf.txt') print execute_command(' -f %s -a %s -c' % (adf_file, geo_acc.replace('GPL', 'A-GEOD-'))) # shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(settings.ADF_LOAD_DIR, geo_acc.replace('GPL', 'A-GEOD-')), ) out, err = execute_command(' -a A-GEOD-%s -c' % geo_acc.replace('GPL', '')) if 'error' in out.lower() or 'error' in err.lower(): msg = """Dear Curators, While trying to execute for %s the we had the following output: %s %s""" % (geo_acc, out, err) send_email(from_email='AE Automation<*****@*****.**>', to_emails=['*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'], subject='GEO Array Error ' + geo_acc.replace('GPL', 'A-GEOD-'), body=msg) return submit_conan_task(accession=geo_acc.replace('GPL', 'A-GEOD-'), pipeline_name=CONAN_PIPELINES.load_adf) except Exception, e: msg = """The following error occurred while importing: %s %s""" % (geo_acc, str(e)) send_email(from_email='AE Automation<*****@*****.**>', to_emails=['*****@*****.**'], subject='Platform imported', body=msg)
def change_to_private(email_body, email_address): ids = geo_email_parse(email_body) for geo_id, ae_id in ids.items(): check_url = '' + ae_id + '&rows=0&wt=json&indent=true' # print check_url r = requests.get(check_url) # print if r.json()['response']['numFound'] > 0: ATLAS_EXPERIMENTS.append(ae_id) print 'geo id: ', geo_id, ' AE id: ', ae_id status = retrieve_experiment_status(ae_id) remove_geo_accession(geo_id) if status is None: print 'Not Imported' continue update_experiment_status(ae_id) if status not in ([ 'Checking failed', 'GEO import failed', 'Validation failed', None ]): exp = retrieve_study_id_by_acc(ae_id) if exp and len(exp) > 0: print'%s found and unloading starting' % ae_id) plantain, plantain_ssh = retrieve_plantain_connection() plantain.send( 'dos2unix /ebi/microarray/home/arrayexpress/ae2_production/data/EXPERIMENT/GEOD/%s*.txt\n' % ae_id) wait_execution(plantain) # conan = ConanPage(url=settings.CONAN_URL) # conan.login(login_email=email_address) # conan.unload_experiment(ae_id) submit_conan_task(accession=ae_id, pipeline_name=CONAN_PIPELINES.unload) print '%s unload submitted to Conan' % ae_id else: print '%s not in AE database. It might has been unloaded before.' % ae_id) else: print colored.yellow('%s status is: %s. No need to unload' % (ae_id, status)) if ATLAS_EXPERIMENTS: print 'sending email for ', ATLAS_EXPERIMENTS body = """Dear %s, The following GEO experiments are turned into private as requested by GEO, and they are found in Atlas. ======================================================================================================= %s This email was sent automatically from the AE Automation Tool. Thank You! AE Automation Tool.""" % (settings.ATLAS_CONTACT['name'], '\n'.join(ATLAS_EXPERIMENTS)) send_email(from_email=settings.AUTOMATION_EMAIL, to_emails=[settings.ATLAS_CONTACT['email']], subject='GEO to Private Notification', body=body) print'EMAIL SENT')
if data_file.execution_error: report['execution_errors'].append(data_file.execution_error) shutil.rmtree(local_dir) except Exception, e: report['execution_errors'].append(str(e)) v.validation_report = json.dumps(report) v.status = 'V' if report['execution_errors']: v.status = 'P' send_email(from_email='AE Automation<*****@*****.**>', to_emails=['*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'], subject='Validation Execution Error', body="""ID: %s\nError: %s""" % (req_id, str(report['execution_errors']))) elif report['file_errors'] or report['integrity_errors'] or report[ 'pairs_errors']: v.status = 'F' print report if __name__ == '__main__': from random import randint from sys import argv #validate(randint(1, 99999999), 'pairs') validate(argv[1], argv[2])