async def purge(self, ctx, amount: int = 100): if not await ctx.confirm( **em(" ", title=f"Delete {amount} messages?", type="info")): return await ctx.error("Not purging.", "Process was cancelled", type="error") l = amount + 2 #this is so that it deletes ctx.message and the confirm message as well await, check=lambda msg: not msg.pinned) embed = discord.Embed( await"Finished purging " + amount + " messages.", type="done")
async def send_bot_help(self, mapping): embed = em("A list of all commands", "Help", type="info")["embed"] for cog, cog_commands in mapping.items(): if not cog: category = "No category" else: category = getattr(cog, 'qualified_name') command_signatures = '\n'.join( [self.get_command_signature(c) for c in cog_commands]) if not command_signatures: continue embed.add_field(name=category, value=command_signatures, inline=False) await self.context.send(embed=embed)
async def kill(self, ctx, target: discord.Member): if is killmsg = [ "You tried to kill me however you were to useless and died while you were doing the command!", "I am undefetable, dont even try or you will die", "You take a runup to hit me but while your on your way I hack into you and you get terminated." ] target = "me" else: target = bodypart = ["Heart", "Head", "Mouth", "Eye"] killmsg = [ f"You stab {target} straight throught the {random.choice(bodypart)}!", f"You run at {target} but slip and stab yourself!", f"You shoot {target} in the {random.choice(bodypart)} and they die!" ] msg = await ctx.done("Attack", f"You are attacking {target}...", icon="null") await asyncio.sleep(random.randint(5, 50) / 10) await msg.edit(**em("Attack finished!", killmsg, "done", icon=None))
async def format_new(self, ctx): if await ctx.confirm(**em("React with :thumbsup: to confirm!", "Would you like to create a new format?", "info", icon="null")): format_channel = await ctx.ask_channel( title="What channel do you want the format to take effect in?") n, m = await ctx.emoji_choice( { "1\N{combining enclosing keycap}": 1, "2\N{combining enclosing keycap}": 2, "3\N{combining enclosing keycap}": 2, "4\N{combining enclosing keycap}": 4, "5\N{combining enclosing keycap}": 5 }, **em("Right now you can choose up to 5 only.", "How many variables do you want to use for this format?", "info")) while True: vs = [] for i in range(int(n)): x = await ctx.question( title="What should we use as this variable", description= f"This should be short, eg '{random.choice(['title','text','user','suggestion'])}''" ) if x.content in vs and x.content in [ "user", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" ]: raise commands.CommandError( "You cant use the same variable 2 times.") vs.append(x.content) example = "```" for var in vs: example += "[" + var + "] <insert text here>\n" example += "```" if await ctx.confirm(**em(f"Please confirm. {example}", "This is how it will look like.", type="info")): break n, m = await ctx.emoji_choice( { "1\N{combining enclosing keycap}": 1, "2\N{combining enclosing keycap}": 2, "3\N{combining enclosing keycap}": 2, "4\N{combining enclosing keycap}": 4, "5\N{combining enclosing keycap}": 5 }, **em("Right now you can choose up to 5 only.", "How many actions do you want to do after this format?", "info")) while True: actions = [] for i in range(n): y = { "➕": "create_channel", "💬": "send_message", "🙂": "add_reaction", "📝": "add_role" } embed = em("You can choose only one at the time", "Choose an action", "info")["embed"] for x in y: embed.add_field( name=x + " " + y[x], value=f"Do this action by adding the {x} reaction") action, m = await ctx.emoji_choice(y, embed=embed) if action is "create_channel": action = {"name": action} cat = await ctx.question( description= "Please get the exact name of the category the channel should go to.", title= "What is the category the channel should go to.") cat = utils.get(ctx.guild.categories, name=cat.content) if cat is None: raise commands.CommandError("Invalid Category") x = "" for var in vs: x += f"${var} | The variable that was inputed for [{var}]\n" name = await ctx.question( title="What should be the name of the channel", description= "Placeholders:```{number} | the number of times this format has been done\n" + x + "{user} | The author of the message\n{user.mention} | Mentions the user\n{} | the name of the author```" ) if await ctx.confirm(**em( "React with a :thumbsup: if you want to set the topic.", "Do you want to have a topic")): x = await ctx.question( title="What should the topic be?", description= "You can use the same placeholders as before.") action["kwargs"]["topic"] = x.content var = i action["args"] = [name] actions.append(actions) await"") if action is "send_message": action = {"name": action} await "Mention a channel, use 'self' as the current channel or say the name of a variable before (create_channel actions only)", "Choose a channel to send the message to", icon="null") def check(m): return == and == try: m = await"message", check=check, timeout=60) except TimeoutError: raise commands.CommandError("Timed out!") try: x = int(m.content) except: x = 0 channel = None if channel is "self": channel = format_channel if x in range(i - 1) and not i >= 1 and actions[ x - 1]["name"] is "create_channel": channel = x else: for channel in ctx.guild.text_channels: if len(str(m.content).split(str( >= 2: action["channel"] = if channel is None: raise commands.CommandError( "That is not a channel!") t = await ctx.question( title="What should the title for this message be", description= "This here is a description above is the title") d = await ctx.question( title= "What should the description for this message be", description= "This here is a description above is the title") action["kwargs"] = em(d, t, "info", icon="null") action["args"] = [] actions.append(action) if await ctx.confirm( **em(str(actions), "Do you wish to use this", "info")): break await ctx.send("done") data = { "channel":, "guild":, "variables": vs, "example": example, "number": 0, "actions": actions } db.update("formats", f"{}-{}", data) await"Its a work in progress. {channel.mention} {vs}") else: await ctx.error("Process Cancelled", "Cancelled.")
async def unknownerror(self, error, title=None, **kwargs): x = await self.send(**em(error, title, "unknown", **kwargs)) return x
async def info(self, description, title=None, **kwargs): x = await self.send(**em(description, title, "infos", **kwargs)) return x
async def done(self, description, title=None, **kwargs): x = await self.send(**em(description, title, "done", **kwargs)) return x
async def error(self, error, title=None, **kwargs): x = await self.send(**em(error, title, "error", **kwargs)) return x