def index(): """Renders and returns the index-page HTML template.""" sw = Stopwatch() try: return render_template("index.html") except Exception as ex: error_handler.log_error(ex) return str(ex) finally: di.service_stats.log_command(name="index", elapsed_ms=sw.elapsed_ms)
def set_task_iterations(self, id_: UUID, total_iterations: int) -> None: """Sets the total number of iterations after a task has been started, when the total isn't known until later.""" try: with self.__task_lock: if id_ in self.__running_tasks: task_stats = self.__running_tasks[id_] task_stats.set_total_iterations(total_iterations) except Exception as ex: error_handler.log_error(ex)
def update_task(self, id_: UUID, completed_iterations: int, is_total: bool) -> None: """Updates running task with new number of completed iterations. This number can be just the number of new iterations since the last update, or the total number of iterations since the task was started.""" try: with self.__task_lock: if id_ in self.__running_tasks: task_stats = self.__running_tasks[id_] task_stats.update_task(completed_iterations, is_total) except Exception as ex: error_handler.log_error(ex)
def begin_task(self, name: str, total_iterations: int = 0) -> UUID: """Starts a long running task and returns its UUID. Task must be ended on completion.""" try: task_stats = TaskStats(name, total_iterations) with self.__task_lock: if not in self.__running_tasks: self.__running_tasks[] = task_stats return except Exception as ex: error_handler.log_error(ex) return uuid4()
def ping() -> Response: """Returns the plain text "Up", "LoadingData", or "Down" depending on service state.""" sw = Stopwatch() try: response = except Exception as ex: error_handler.log_error(ex) response = str(ex) finally: di.service_stats.log_command(name="ping", elapsed_ms=sw.elapsed_ms) return Response(response=response, mimetype="text/plain")
def log_command(self, name: str, elapsed_ms: int) -> None: """Logs a command.""" try: if name is None: name = "" cmd_stats = OperationStats(name, elapsed_ms,, False) with self.__queue_lock: if name not in self.__command_queue: self.__command_queue[name] = [] self.__command_queue[name].append(cmd_stats) except Exception as ex: error_handler.log_error(ex)
def error(errors: List[Exception], command: str = "unknown") -> str: """Writes the standard JSON response for fatal error, if a more specific command handler was not reached.""" try: w = JsonWriter() w.write_start_object() __write_info(w, command, 0) __write_errors(w, errors) w.write_end_object() json = w.to_string() return json except Exception as ex: error_handler.log_error(ex) return ""
def end_task(self, id_: UUID) -> None: """Ends the specified task.""" try: with self.__task_lock: if id_ in self.__running_tasks: task_stats = self.__running_tasks.pop(id_) task_stats.end_task() self.__completed_tasks.append(task_stats) six_hours_ago = - timedelta(hours=6) while len(self.__completed_tasks) > 0 and self.__completed_tasks[0].end_time < six_hours_ago: self.__completed_tasks.pop(0) except Exception as ex: error_handler.log_error(ex)
def get_stats() -> Response: """Generates service statistics and returns JSON response.""" errors = [] sw = Stopwatch() try: response = command_writer.get_stats() except Exception as ex: errors.append(ex) error_handler.log_error(ex) response = command_writer.error(errors, "getstats") finally: di.service_stats.log_command(name="getstats", elapsed_ms=sw.elapsed_ms) return Response(response, mimetype="application/json")
def __data_process_thread(self) -> None: """Internal data processing thread.""" try: self.__signal.set() while True: try: now = six_hours_ago = now - timedelta(hours=6) if now >= self.__last_swap + timedelta(seconds=6): self.swap_and_rollup(self.__operation_queue, self.__operation_rollups, now, six_hours_ago) self.swap_and_rollup(self.__command_queue, self.__command_rollups, now, six_hours_ago) self.__last_swap = now except Exception as ex: error_handler.log_error(ex) time.sleep(0.25) except Exception as ex: error_handler.log_error(ex)
def word_split() -> Response: """Performs word split operation, returns JSON response with metadata OR plain text.""" errors: List[Exception] = [] output = "json" sw = Stopwatch() try: # parse params inputs: List[str] = (request.args.get("input") or "").replace("|", ",").split(",") pass_display = int(request.args.get("passdisplay") or "5") exhaustive = (request.args.get("exhaustive") or "0") == "1" verbosity = VerbosityLevel(int(request.args.get("verbosity") or "0")) output = (request.args.get("output") or "json").lower() cache = (request.args.get("cache") or "1") == "1" # parse restrictions if not exhaustive: max_input_chars = config.default_max_input_chars max_terms = config.default_max_terms max_passes = config.default_max_passes else: max_input_chars = config.exhaustive_max_input_chars max_terms = config.exhaustive_max_terms max_passes = config.exhaustive_max_passes # limit input for i in range(len(inputs)): if len(inputs[i]) > max_input_chars: inputs[i] = remove(inputs[i], max_input_chars) if len(inputs) > 1000: del inputs[1000:] # perform splits results = [] for s in inputs: if (verbosity < VerbosityLevel.High) and (not exhaustive): result = di.word_splitter.simple_split(s, cache, max_terms, max_passes, errors) else: result = di.word_splitter.full_split(s, cache, pass_display, max_terms, max_passes, errors) results.append(result) # write response response = "" if output == "json": response = command_writer.word_split(verbosity, inputs, pass_display, exhaustive, results, sw.elapsed_ms, errors) elif output == "text": for r in results: response += r.output + "\n" except Exception as ex: errors.append(ex) error_handler.log_error(ex) response = command_writer.error(errors, "wordsplit") finally: di.service_stats.log_command(name="wordsplit", elapsed_ms=sw.elapsed_ms) return Response( response, mimetype="application/json" if output == "json" else "text/plain")