Exemple #1
class TestInputErrorFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        # Instantiate an InputError object
        self.error = InputError("This is an input error.")

    def tearDown(self):
        # Release instantiated objects
        del self.error

    def test_init(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.error.msg, "This is an input error.")
        # The caller is the InputError instantiation of the setUp() function, so please update these lines if needed
                         utest_path + 'test_utils_error_handling.py')
        self.assertEqual(self.error.frame_info.lineno, 51)
        self.assertEqual(self.error.frame_info.function, 'setUp')
            ['        self.error = InputError("This is an input error.")\n'])

    def test_str(self):
            str(self.error), "  File \"" + utest_path +
            "test_utils_error_handling.py\", line 51, in setUp" + EOL +
            "    Error: This is an input error.")

    def test_handle(self):
        test = False
        except SystemExit:
            test = True
Exemple #2
def sort_order_read(filename):
    """! @brief Read an XML file giving sort order.
    @param filename The name of the XML file to read with full path, for instance 'pylmflib/pylmflib/config/default/sort_order.xml'.
    @return A Python dictionary of ordered characters.
    order = dict()
    type = dict()
    root = parse_xml(filename)
    # Parse XML elements
    for rules in root:
        # XML elements "rules" have 1 XML attribute: "level"
        if rules.tag != "rules":
            raise InputError(module_name + ".py", "XML file '%s' is not well-formatted." % filename)
        for rule in rules:
            # XML elements "rule" have 2 or 3 XML attributes: one for the character ("str"), a second for the rank value ("rank"), and an optional one for the type ("type")
            if rule.tag != "rule":
                raise InputError(module_name + ".py", "XML file '%s' is not well-formatted." % filename)
            order.update({rule.attrib["str"] : float(rule.attrib["rank"])})
                type.update({rule.attrib["str"] : rule.attrib["type"]})
            except KeyError:
    if len(type) != 0:
        return order, type
    return order
class TestInputErrorFunctions(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        # Instantiate an InputError object
        self.error = InputError("This is an input error.")

    def tearDown(self):
        # Release instantiated objects
        del self.error

    def test_init(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.error.msg, "This is an input error.")
        # The caller is the InputError instantiation of the setUp() function, so please update these lines if needed
        self.assertEqual(self.error.frame_info.filename, utest_path + 'test_utils_error_handling.py')
        self.assertEqual(self.error.frame_info.lineno, 51)
        self.assertEqual(self.error.frame_info.function, 'setUp')
        self.assertListEqual(self.error.frame_info.code_context, ['        self.error = InputError("This is an input error.")\n'])

    def test_str(self):
        self.assertEqual(str(self.error), "  File \"" + utest_path + "test_utils_error_handling.py\", line 51, in setUp" + EOL + "    Error: This is an input error.")

    def test_handle(self):
        test = False
        except SystemExit:
            test = True
Exemple #4
def factory(object_name, attributes):
    """! @brief This function is an object factory. Indeed, from an object name and its attributes, it creates a Python object and sets its attributes.
    @param object_name A Python string containing the object name, for instance 'LexicalEntry'.
    @param attributes A Python dictionary containing pairs of attribute name (as a Python string) and value, for instance {'partOfSpeech': 'n'}.
    # Compute module name from object name
    module_name = compute_name(object_name)
    # Find the package in which the object class is defined, in order to be able to import the correct Python module
    import sys, os, glob
    running_path = sys.path[0]
    if os.name == 'posix':
        # Unix-style path
        separator = '/'
        # Windows-style path
        separator = '\\'
    full_path = glob.glob(running_path + separator + ".." + separator + ".." +
                          separator + "pylmflib" + separator + "*" +
                          separator + module_name + ".py")
    if len(full_path) < 1:
        # No file with this name exists
        raise InputError(
            module_name + ".py",
            "No file named '%s' exists in the library. It is not allowed, so please solve this issue by renaming files correctly."
            % (module_name + ".py"))
    elif len(full_path) > 1:
        # Several files with this name exist
        raise InputError(
            module_name + ".py",
            "Several files named '%s' exist in the library. It is not allowed, so please solve this issue by renaming files correctly. Here is the list of found files with this name: %s"
            % ((module_name + ".py"), str(full_path)))
    # Retrieve package name from full path
    package_name = full_path[0].split(separator)[-2]
    # Import object module: "package.module"
    object_module = __import__(package_name + "." + module_name)
    # Retrieve object class from module
    object_class = getattr(object_module, object_name)
    # Create an instance of it
    instance = object_class()
    # Set class attributes
    for attribute in attributes.iteritems():
        setattr(instance, attribute[0], attribute[1])
    return instance
Exemple #5
 def setUp(self):
     # Instantiate an InputError object
     self.error = InputError("This is an input error.")
Exemple #6
def config_read(filename):
    """! @brief Read an XML file giving the user configuration.
    @param filename The name of the XML file to read with full path, for instance 'pylmflib/pylmflib/config/default/config.xml'.
    @return A Lexical Resource.
    import os
    import config.xml
    configuration = parse_xml(filename)
    # Parse XML elements
    for format in configuration:
        if format.tag == "Language":
            # XML element "Language" have several XML subelements "lang"
            for lang in format:
                # XML elements "lang" have 2 XML attributes: one for the nature of the language ("att"), a second for the language code ("val")
                exec("config.xml." + lang.attrib["att"] + " = '" + lang.attrib["val"] + "'")
        elif format.tag == "Font":
            config.xml.font = dict()
            # XML element "Font" have several XML subelements "font"
            for font in format:
                # XML elements "font" have 2 XML attributes: one for the nature of the language ("att"), a second for the variable name ("var")
                exec("l = lambda " + font.attrib['var'] + ": " + font.text)
                config.xml.font.update({font.attrib['att']: l})
        elif format.tag == "LMF":
            # Create lexical resource and set DTD version
            lexical_resource = LexicalResource(format[0].attrib["dtdVersion"])
            for object in format[0]:
                if object.tag == "GlobalInformation":
                    # Set global information
                    for feat in object:
                        if feat.attrib["att"] == "languageCode":
                        elif feat.attrib["att"] == "author":
                        elif feat.attrib["att"] == "version":
                        elif feat.attrib["att"] == "lastUpdate":
                        elif feat.attrib["att"] == "license":
                        elif feat.attrib["att"] == "characterEncoding":
                        elif feat.attrib["att"] == "dateCoding":
                        elif feat.attrib["att"] == "creationDate":
                        elif feat.attrib["att"] == "projectName":
                        elif feat.attrib["att"] == "description":
                elif object.tag == "Lexicon":
                    # Create lexicon and set identifier
                    lexicon = Lexicon(object.attrib["id"])
                    # Set lexicon attributes
                    for feat in object:
                        if feat.attrib["att"] == "language":
                        elif feat.attrib["att"] == "languageScript":
                        elif feat.attrib["att"] == "label":
                        elif feat.attrib["att"] == "lexiconType":
                        elif feat.attrib["att"] == "entrySource":
                        elif feat.attrib["att"] == "localPath":
                            # Set absolute path to audio files
                            config.xml.audio_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.abspath('.') + "/" + feat.attrib["val"]) + "/"
                    # Attach lexicon to the lexical resource
        elif format.tag == "MDF":
            for mdf in format:
                if mdf.tag == "mdf_lmf":
                    # XML elements "mdf_lmf" have 2 XML attributes: one for the name of the marker ("marker"), a second for the variable name ("var")
                    exec("l = lambda " + mdf.attrib['var'] + ": " + mdf.text)
                    mdf_lmf.update({mdf.attrib['marker']: l})
                elif mdf.tag == "ps_partOfSpeech":
                    # XML elements "ps_partOfSpeech" have 2 XML attributes: one for the MDF value ("ps"), a second for the LMF value ("partOfSpeech")
                    ps_partOfSpeech.update({mdf.attrib['ps']: mdf.attrib['partOfSpeech']})
                    # Also automatically update range of possible values allowed for LMF part of speech LexicalEntry attribute -->
                    # And automatically update the reverse operation
                    partOfSpeech_tex.update({mdf.attrib['partOfSpeech']: mdf.attrib['ps']})
                elif mdf.tag == "pdl_paradigmLabel":
                    # XML elements "pdl_paradigmLabel" have 2 XML attributes: one for the MDF value ("pdl"), a second for the LMF value ("paradigmLabel")
                    pdl_paradigmLabel.update({mdf.attrib['pdl']: mdf.attrib['paradigmLabel']})
                    # Also automatically update range of possible values allowed for LMF paradigm label Paradigm attribute -->
                    # And automatically update the reverse operation
                    paradigmLabel_tex.update({mdf.attrib['paradigmLabel']: mdf.attrib['pdl']})
                elif mdf.tag == "lmf_mdf":
                    # XML elements "lmf_mdf" have 2 XML attributes: one for the name of the marker ("marker"), a second for the variable name ("var")
                    exec("l = lambda " + mdf.attrib['var'] + ": " + mdf.text)
                    lmf_mdf.update({mdf.attrib['marker']: l})
                elif mdf.tag == "mdf_order":
                    mdf_order = []
                    for element in mdf:
                        list1 = []
                        for level1 in element:
                            list2 = []
                            for level2 in level1:
                            if len(list2) != 0:
                        if len(list1) != 0:
        elif format.tag == "LaTeX":
            for param in format:
                if param.tag == "partOfSpeech_tex":
                    # XML elements "partOfSpeech_tex" have 2 or 3 XML attributes: one for the LMF value ("partOfSpeech"), a second for the LaTeX value ("tex"), and an optional one to define language
                        partOfSpeech_tex.update({(param.attrib['lang'], param.attrib['partOfSpeech']): param.attrib['tex']})
                    except KeyError:
                        partOfSpeech_tex.update({param.attrib['partOfSpeech']: param.attrib['tex']})
                    # Also automatically update range of possible values allowed for LMF part of speech LexicalEntry attribute -->
                elif param.tag == "paradigmLabel_tex":
                    # XML elements "paradigmLabel_tex" have 2 XML attributes: one for the LMF value ("paradigmLabel"), a second for the LaTeX value ("tex")
                    paradigmLabel_tex.update({param.attrib['paradigmLabel']: param.attrib['tex']})
                    # Also automatically update range of possible values allowed for LMF paradigm label Paradigm attribute -->
            raise InputError(module_name + ".py", "XML file '%s' is not well-formatted." % filename)
    return lexical_resource
 def setUp(self):
     # Instantiate an InputError object
     self.error = InputError("This is an input error.")