async def division_2_fetch(client, platform: str, username: str): if platform in ('uplay', 'xbl', 'psn'): pass else: raise InvalidPlatform("Platform is not: origin, xbl or psn.") headers = { 'TRN-Api-Key': await tracker_network(), 'cache-control': "no-cache" } async with client.get( f"{platform}/{urllib.parse.quote(username)}", headers=headers) as resp: if resp.status == 401: raise Forbidden("Invalid Authorization.") if resp.status == 500: raise Unknown() if resp.status == 503: raise Unavailable() if resp.status == 429: raise RateLimit() # Why can't you just return 404 here API and make my life easier. json = await resp.json() try: error = json["errors"] if error[0]["code"] == "CollectorResultStatus::NotFound": raise NotFound() except KeyError: pass if resp.status == 200: return await resp.json() else: raise Unknown()
async def fortnite_fetch(client, platform: str, username: str): if platform == "pc": pass elif platform == "psn": pass elif platform == "xbl": pass else: raise InvalidPlatform("Platform is not: pc, psn or xbl.") headers = { 'TRN-Api-Key': await tracker_network(), 'cache-control': "no-cache" } async with client.get( f"{platform}/{urllib.parse.quote(username)}", headers=headers) as resp: if resp.status == 401: raise Forbidden("Invalid Authorization.") if resp.status == 500: raise Unknown() if resp.status == 503: raise Unavailable() if resp.status == 429: raise RateLimit() # Why can't you just return 404 here API and make my life easier. json = await resp.json() try: if json["error"] == "Player Not Found": raise NotFound() except KeyError: pass if resp.status == 200: return await resp.json() else: raise Unknown()
async def league_fetch(client, region: str, username: str): headers = {'X-Riot-Token': await riot_games(), 'cache-control': "no-cache"} async with client.get( f"https://{region}{urllib.parse.quote(username)}", headers=headers) as resp: if resp.status == 401: raise Forbidden("No api key.") elif resp.status == 403: raise Forbidden("Invalid Authorization.") elif resp.status == 404: raise NotFound("Player not found.") elif resp.status == 500: raise Unknown("Internal server error") elif resp.status == 502: raise Unknown("Bad gateway") elif resp.status == 504: raise Unknown("Gateway timeout") elif resp.status == 503: raise Unavailable("Service unavailable") elif resp.status == 429: raise RateLimit("Rate limit exceeded") elif resp.status == 200: summoner_lookup = await resp.json() else: raise Unknown() await asyncio.sleep(1) async with client.get( f"https://{region}{urllib.parse.quote(summoner_lookup['id'])}", headers=headers) as resp: if resp.status == 401: raise Forbidden("No api key.") elif resp.status == 403: raise Forbidden("Invalid Authorization.") elif resp.status == 404: raise NotFound("Player not found.") elif resp.status == 500: raise Unknown("Internal server error") elif resp.status == 502: raise Unknown("Bad gateway") elif resp.status == 504: raise Unknown("Gateway timeout") elif resp.status == 503: raise Unavailable("Service unavailable") elif resp.status == 429: raise RateLimit("Rate limit exceeded") elif resp.status == 200: league_entries = await resp.json() else: raise Unknown() summoner = { "username": summoner_lookup["name"], "level": summoner_lookup["summonerLevel"], "profile_image": summoner_lookup["profileIconId"], "league_entries": league_entries } return (summoner)
async def clash_royale_fetch(client, usertag: str): stupid_f_strings = await clash_royale() headers = { 'Authorization': f"Bearer {stupid_f_strings}", 'cache-control': "no-cache" } async with client.get( f"{urllib.parse.quote(usertag)}", headers=headers) as resp: if resp.status == 403: raise Forbidden("Invalid Authorization.") if resp.status == 404: raise NotFound("Player not found.") if resp.status == 500: raise Unknown() if resp.status == 503: raise Unavailable() if resp.status == 429: raise RateLimit() if resp.status == 200: return await resp.json() else: raise Unknown()
async def destiny_fetch(client, botname, membershipType, username: str): headers = { 'X-API-Key': await destiny(), 'User-Agent': await destiny_user_agent(), 'cache-control': "no-cache" } async with client.get( f'{membershipType["value"]}/{urllib.parse.quote(username)}/', headers=headers) as resp: if resp.status == 500: json = resp.json() try: if json["ErrorStatus"] is not None: if json["ErrorStatus"] == "ApiKeyMissingFromRequest": raise Forbidden("No api key.") elif json["ErrorStatus"] == "ApiInvalidOrExpiredKey": raise Forbidden("Invalid Authorization.") elif json["ErrorStatus"] == "ParameterParseFailure": raise Unknown() raise NotFound() except KeyError: pass raise Unknown() elif resp.status == 503: raise Unavailable() elif resp.status == 429: raise RateLimit() elif resp.status == 200: json = await resp.json() if json["Response"] == []: raise NotFound("Player not found.") else: pass else: raise Unknown() await asyncio.sleep(2) async with client.get( f'{membershipType["value"]}/Profile/{json["Response"][0]["membershipId"]}/?components=100', headers=headers) as resp: if resp.status == 500: try: json = await resp.json() except: raise Unknown() try: if json["ErrorStatus"] is not None: if json["ErrorStatus"] == "ApiKeyMissingFromRequest": raise Forbidden("No api key.") elif json["ErrorStatus"] == "ApiInvalidOrExpiredKey": raise Forbidden("Invalid Authorization.") elif json["ErrorStatus"] == "ParameterParseFailure": raise Unknown() raise NotFound() except KeyError: pass raise Unknown() elif resp.status == 503: raise Unavailable() elif resp.status == 429: raise RateLimit() elif resp.status == 200: profile_json = await resp.json() else: raise Unknown() escaped_player_handle = await clean_escape(username) embed = discord.Embed( title= f'{botname} showing stats for Destiny 2 player: {escaped_player_handle}, on platform: {membershipType["name"]}' ) embed.set_footer( text= "© Bungie, Inc. All rights reserved. Destiny, the Destiny Logo, Bungie and the Bungie logo are among the trademarks of Bungie, Inc." ) embed.add_field(name="Last time played", value=profile_json["Response"]["profile"]["data"] ["dateLastPlayed"]) minutesplayed = 0 total_light = 0 is_first = False await asyncio.sleep(1) for characterId in profile_json["Response"]["profile"]["data"][ "characterIds"]: async with client.get( f'{membershipType["value"]}/Profile/{json["Response"][0]["membershipId"]}/Character/{characterId}/?components=200', headers=headers) as resp: if resp.status == 500: try: json = await resp.json() except: raise Unknown() try: if json["ErrorStatus"] is not None: if json["ErrorStatus"] == "ApiKeyMissingFromRequest": raise Forbidden("No api key.") elif json[ "ErrorStatus"] == "ApiInvalidOrExpiredKey": raise Forbidden("Invalid Authorization.") elif json[ "ErrorStatus"] == "ParameterParseFailure": raise Unknown() raise NotFound() except KeyError: pass raise Unknown() elif resp.status == 503: raise Unavailable() elif resp.status == 429: raise RateLimit() elif resp.status == 200: json_character = await resp.json() else: raise Unknown() if is_first is False: is_first = True embed.set_thumbnail( url= f'{json_character["Response"]["character"]["data"]["emblemPath"]}' ) minutesplayed = minutesplayed + int( json_character["Response"]["character"]["data"] ["minutesPlayedTotal"]) total_light = total_light + int( json_character["Response"]["character"]["data"]["light"]) await asyncio.sleep(1) embed.add_field(name="Total time played", value=str( datetime.timedelta(seconds=minutesplayed * 60))) embed.add_field(name="Total light amount", value=total_light) return (embed)