def _findItem(self, item): title = re.escape(item.getInfo('title')) cfg = item.getInfo('cfg') if cfg: cfg = re.escape(cfg) url = re.escape(item.getInfo('url')) regex = [\ '', '########################################################', '# ' + title.upper(), '########################################################', 'title=' + title, '.*?' ] if cfg: regex.append('cfg=' + cfg) regex.append('url=' + url) regex = '(' + '\s*'.join(regex) + ')' cfgFile = self._favouritesFile definedIn = item.getInfo('definedIn') if definedIn and definedIn.startswith('favfolders/'): cfgFile = os.path.join(self._favouritesFoldersFolder, definedIn.split('/')[1]) if os.path.exists(cfgFile): data = fu.getFileContent(cfgFile) matches = regexUtils.findall(data, regex) if matches and len(matches) > 0: fav = matches[0] return (cfgFile, data, fav) return None
def replaceFromDict(dictFilePath, wrd): dictionary = getFileContent(dictFilePath) dictionary = dictionary.replace('\r\n', '\n') p_reg = re.compile('^[^\r\n]+$', re.IGNORECASE + re.DOTALL + re.MULTILINE + re.UNICODE) m_reg = p_reg.findall(dictionary) word = wrd try: if m_reg and len(m_reg) > 0: index = '' words = [] newword = '' for m in m_reg: if not m.startswith(' '): index = m del words[:] else: replWord = m.strip() words.append(replWord) if word.find(' ') != -1: newword = word.replace(replWord, index) if (word in words) or (word == index): return index if newword != '' and newword != word: return newword except: common.log('Skipped Replacement: ' + word) return word
def removeCustomModule(self, moduleName): try: customCfg = self._customModulesFile content = fileUtils.getFileContent(customCfg) lines = content.splitlines() startIdx = -1 cfgUrl = '' for i in range(0, len(lines)): if lines[i].startswith("title=%s" % moduleName): startIdx = i elif startIdx > -1 and lines[i].startswith("url="): tmp = lines[i][4:] cfgUrl = os.path.join(self._customModulesFolder, tmp) break if os.path.isfile(cfgUrl): os.remove(cfgUrl) os.remove(cfgUrl.replace(".cfg", ".module")) return True except: pass return False
def moveToFolder(self, cfgFile, item, newCfgFile): if os.path.exists(cfgFile) and os.path.exists(newCfgFile): fav = self._createFavourite(item) old = fu.getFileContent(cfgFile) new = old.replace(enc.smart_unicode(fav).encode('utf-8'),'') fu.setFileContent(cfgFile, new) fu.appendFileContent(newCfgFile, fav)
def addXbmcFavourite(self): fav_dir = xbmc.translatePath( 'special://profile/favourites.xml' ) # Check if file exists if os.path.exists(fav_dir): favourites_xml = fu.getFileContent(fav_dir) doc = parseString(favourites_xml) xbmcFavs = doc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('favourite') menuItems = [] favItems = [] for doc in xbmcFavs: title = doc.attributes['name'].nodeValue menuItems.append(title) try: icon = doc.attributes ['thumb'].nodeValue except: icon = '' url = doc.childNodes[0].nodeValue favItem = XbmcFavouriteItem(title, icon, url) favItems.append(favItem) select = xbmcgui.Dialog().select('Choose' , menuItems) if select == -1: return False else: item = favItems[select].convertToCListItem() self.addToFavourites(item) return True common.showInfo('No favourites found') return False
def changeFanart(self, cfgFile, item, newFanart): if os.path.exists(cfgFile): fav = self._createFavourite(item) newfav = self._createFavourite(item, fanart=newFanart) old = fu.getFileContent(cfgFile) new = old.replace(enc.smart_unicode(fav).encode('utf-8'), enc.smart_unicode(newfav).encode('utf-8')) fu.setFileContent(cfgFile, new)
def changeLabel(self, item, newLabel): found = self._findItem(item) if found: item['title'] = newLabel [cfgFile, data, fav] = found # if it's a virtual folder, rename file, rename header, update link if self._isVirtualFolder(item): url = item.getInfo('url') oldFile = self._getFullPath(url) newFilename = urllib.quote_plus(fu.cleanFilename(newLabel)) virtualFolderFile = newFilename + '.cfg' physicalFolder = os.path.normpath(self._favouritesFoldersFolder) virtualFolderPath = os.path.join(physicalFolder, virtualFolderFile) # check if new target is valid if os.path.exists(virtualFolderPath): prefix = newFilename + '-' suffix = '.cfg' virtualFolderFile = fu.randomFilename(directory=physicalFolder, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix) virtualFolderPath = os.path.join(physicalFolder, virtualFolderFile) # update header content = fu.getFileContent(oldFile) oldHeader = self.cfgBuilder.buildHeader(item['title']) newHeader = self.cfgBuilder.buildHeader(newLabel) content = content.replace(oldHeader, newHeader) # rename file self._removeVirtualFolder(oldFile, False) fu.setFileContent(virtualFolderPath, content) # update link item['url'] = self._getShortPath(virtualFolderPath) newfav = self._createFavourite(item) new = data.replace(fav, enc.smart_unicode(newfav).encode('utf-8')) fu.setFileContent(cfgFile, new)
def _parseVirtualFolder(self, path): fullpath = self._getFullPath(path) data = fu.getFileContent(fullpath) data = data.replace('\r\n', '\n').split('\n') items = [] for m in data: if m and m[0] != '#': index = m.find('=') if index != -1: key = lower(m[:index]).strip() value = m[index+1:] index = value.find('|') if value[:index] == 'sports.devil.locale': value = common.translate(int(value[index+1:])) elif value[:index] == 'sports.devil.image': value = os.path.join(common.Paths.imgDir, value[index+1:]) if key == 'title': tmp = CListItem() tmp['title'] = value elif key == 'url': tmp['url'] = value items.append(tmp) tmp = None elif tmp != None: tmp[key] = value return items
def removeCustomModule(self, moduleName): try: customCfg = self._customModulesFile content = fileUtils.getFileContent(customCfg) lines = content.splitlines() startIdx = -1 cfgUrl = '' for i in range(0, len(lines)): if lines[i].startswith("title=%s" % moduleName): startIdx = i elif startIdx > -1 and lines[i].startswith("url="): tmp = lines[i][4:] cfgUrl = os.path.join(self._customModulesFolder, tmp) break if os.path.isfile(cfgUrl): os.remove(cfgUrl) os.remove(cfgUrl.replace(".cfg", ".module")) # remove all folder that start with cfg name and a dot baseDir = os.path.dirname(cfgUrl) prefix = os.path.basename(cfgUrl).replace(".cfg", ".") dirs = fileUtils.get_immediate_subdirectories(baseDir) for d in dirs: if d.startswith(prefix): fileUtils.clearDirectory(os.path.join(baseDir, d)) os.removedirs(os.path.join(baseDir, d)) return True except: pass return False
def _parseVirtualFolder(self, path): fullpath = self._getFullPath(path) data = fu.getFileContent(fullpath) data = data.replace("\r\n", "\n").split("\n") items = [] for m in data: if m and m[0] != "#": index = m.find("=") if index != -1: key = lower(m[:index]).strip() value = m[index + 1 :] index = value.find("|") if value[:index] == "sports.devil.locale": value = common.translate(int(value[index + 1 :])) elif value[:index] == "sports.devil.image": value = os.path.join(common.Paths.imgDir, value[index + 1 :]) if key == "title": tmp = CListItem() tmp["title"] = value elif key == "url": tmp["url"] = value items.append(tmp) tmp = None elif tmp != None: tmp[key] = value return items
def _parseVirtualFolder(self, path): fullpath = self._getFullPath(path) data = fu.getFileContent(fullpath) data = data.replace('\r\n', '\n').split('\n') items = [] for m in data: if m and m[0] != '#': index = m.find('=') if index != -1: key = lower(m[:index]).strip() value = m[index + 1:] index = value.find('|') if value[:index] == 'sports.devil.locale': value = common.translate(int(value[index + 1:])) elif value[:index] == 'sports.devil.image': value = os.path.join(common.Paths.imgDir, value[index + 1:]) if key == 'title': tmp = CListItem() tmp['title'] = value elif key == 'url': tmp['url'] = value items.append(tmp) tmp = None elif tmp != None: tmp[key] = value return items
def __replaceCatchers(self, data): m_reg = findall(data, self.regex('catch')) if not (m_reg is None or len(m_reg) == 0): for idat in m_reg: if idat.startswith('#'): continue ps = idat[7:-2].strip().split(',') catcherName = ps.pop(0).strip() # import catcher file and insert parameters pathImp = os.path.join(common.Paths.catchersDir, catcherName + '.txt') if not (os.path.exists(pathImp)): common.log('Skipped Catcher: ' + catcherName) continue dataImp = fu.getFileContent(pathImp) for i in range(len(ps)): dataImp = dataImp.replace('@PARAM' + str(i + 1) + '@', ps.pop(i).strip()) dataImp = dataImp.replace('\r\n', '\n') dataImp += "\nitem_info_name=type\nitem_info_build=video\nitem_url_build=%s" data = data.replace(idat, dataImp) return data
def replaceFromDict(dictFilePath, wrd): dictionary = enc.smart_unicode(getFileContent(dictFilePath)) dictionary = dictionary.replace('\r\n','\n') p_reg = re.compile('^[^\r\n]+$', re.IGNORECASE + re.DOTALL + re.MULTILINE) m_reg = p_reg.findall(dictionary) word = enc.smart_unicode(wrd).replace(u'Ãœ','Ü').replace(u'Ö','Ö').replace(u'Ä','Ä') try: if m_reg and len(m_reg) > 0: index = '' words = [] newword = '' for m in m_reg: if not m.startswith(' '): index = m del words[:] else: replWord = m.strip() words.append(replWord) if word.find(' ') != -1: newword = word.replace(replWord,index) if (word in words) or (word == index): return index if newword != '' and newword != word: return newword except: common.log('Skipped Replacement: ' + word) return word
def __init__(self): self.simpleScheme = {'(@PLATFORM@)': os.environ.get('OS'), '(@CURRENT_URL@)': fu.getFileContent(os.path.join(common.Paths.cacheDir, 'lasturl')), '(@LANGUAGE@)': self.languageShortName(common.language) } self.complexScheme = { 'import': '(#*@IMPORT=([^@]+)@)', 'find': '(#*@FIND\(.*?\)@)', 'catch': '(#*@CATCH\([^\)]+\)@)' }
def _findItem(self, item): cfgFile = self._favouritesFile definedIn = item.getInfo('definedIn') if definedIn and definedIn.startswith('favfolders/'): cfgFile = os.path.join(self._favouritesFolder, definedIn) if os.path.exists(cfgFile): data = fu.getFileContent(cfgFile) regex = self.cfgBuilder.buildItem(re.escape(item.getInfo('title')), "[^#]*", re.escape(item.getInfo('url'))) matches = regexUtils.findall(data, regex) if matches: return (cfgFile, data, matches[0]) return None
def install(self, filename): destination = xbmc.translatePath(INSTALL_DIR) files = self.extract(filename, destination) if files: addonXml = filter(lambda x: x.filename.endswith('addon.xml'), files) if addonXml: path = os.path.join(destination, addonXml[0].filename) content = getFileContent(path) addonId = findall(content, '<addon id="([^"]+)"') if addonId: return addonId[0] return None
def __loadLocal(self, filename, lItem=None): """Loads cfg, creates list and sets up rules for scraping.""" params = [] #get Parameters if filename.find('@') != -1: params = filename.split('@') filename = params.pop(0) # get cfg file cfg = filename if not os.path.exists(cfg): cfg = os.path.join(common.Paths.modulesDir, filename) if not os.path.exists(cfg): tmpPath = os.path.dirname( os.path.join(common.Paths.modulesDir, lItem["definedIn"])) cfg = os.path.join(tmpPath, filename) if not os.path.exists(cfg): srchFilename = filename if filename.find('/') > -1: srchFilename = srchFilename.split('/')[1] try: cfg = findInSubdirectory(srchFilename, common.Paths.modulesDir) except: try: cfg = findInSubdirectory( srchFilename, common.Paths.favouritesFolder) except: try: cfg = findInSubdirectory( srchFilename, common.Paths.customModulesDir) except: common.log('File not found: ' + srchFilename) return None #load file and apply parameters data = getFileContent(cfg) data = cr.CustomReplacements().replace(os.path.dirname(cfg), data, lItem, params) #log msg = 'Local file ' + filename + ' opened' if len(params) > 0: msg += ' with Parameter(s): ' msg += ",".join(params) common.log(msg) outputList = self.__parseCfg(filename, data, lItem) return outputList
def getSearchPhrase(self): searchCache = os.path.join(common.Paths.cacheDir, 'search') try: curr_phrase = fu.getFileContent(searchCache) except: curr_phrase = '' search_phrase = getKeyboard(default = curr_phrase, heading = common.translate(30102)) if search_phrase == '': return None xbmc.sleep(10) fu.setFileContent(searchCache, search_phrase) return search_phrase
def getSearchPhrase(self): searchCache = os.path.join(common.Paths.cacheDir, 'search') default_phrase = fu.getFileContent(searchCache) if not default_phrase: default_phrase = '' search_phrase = common.showOSK(default_phrase, common.translate(30102)) if search_phrase == '': return None xbmc.sleep(10) fu.setFileContent(searchCache, search_phrase) return search_phrase
def removeItem(self, item): cfgFile = self._favouritesFile definedIn = item.getInfo('definedIn') if definedIn and definedIn.startswith('favfolders/'): cfgFile = os.path.join(self._favouritesFoldersFolder, definedIn.split('/')[1]) if os.path.exists(cfgFile): fav = self._createFavourite(item) old = fu.getFileContent(cfgFile) new = old.replace(enc.smart_unicode(fav).encode('utf-8'),'') fu.setFileContent(cfgFile, new) # delete virtual folder if self._isVirtualFolder(item): self._removeVirtualFolder(item)
def getCustomModules(self): head = [\ '########################################################', '# Custom Modules #', '########################################################', '' ] txt = '\n'.join(head) self.modules = [] for root, _, files in os.walk(self._customModulesFolder , topdown = False): for name in files: if name.endswith('.module'): self.modules.append(name) txt += fileUtils.getFileContent(os.path.join(root, name)) + '\n' fileUtils.setFileContent(self._customModulesFile, txt)
def __loadLocal(self, filename, lItem = None): """Loads cfg, creates list and sets up rules for scraping.""" params = [] #get Parameters if filename.find('@') != -1: params = filename.split('@') filename = params.pop(0) # get cfg file cfg = filename if not os.path.exists(cfg): cfg = os.path.join(common.Paths.modulesDir, filename) if not os.path.exists(cfg): tmpPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(common.Paths.modulesDir, lItem["definedIn"])) cfg = os.path.join(tmpPath ,filename) if not os.path.exists(cfg): srchFilename = filename if filename.find('/') > -1: srchFilename = srchFilename.split('/')[1] try: cfg = findInSubdirectory(srchFilename, common.Paths.modulesDir) except: try: cfg = findInSubdirectory(srchFilename, common.Paths.favouritesFolder) except: try: cfg = findInSubdirectory(srchFilename, common.Paths.customModulesDir) except: common.log('File not found: ' + srchFilename) return None #load file and apply parameters data = getFileContent(cfg) data = cr.CustomReplacements().replace(os.path.dirname(cfg), data, lItem, params) #log msg = 'Local file ' + filename + ' opened' if len(params) > 0: msg += ' with Parameter(s): ' msg += ",".join(params) common.log(msg) outputList = self.__parseCfg(filename, data, lItem) return outputList
def __loadLocal(self, filename, lItem=None): params = [] # get Parameters if filename.find("@") != -1: params = filename.split("@") filename = params.pop(0) # get cfg file cfg = filename if not os.path.exists(cfg): cfg = os.path.join(common.Paths.modulesDir, filename) if not os.path.exists(cfg): tmpPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(common.Paths.modulesDir, lItem["definedIn"])) cfg = os.path.join(tmpPath, filename) if not os.path.exists(cfg): srchFilename = filename if filename.find("/") > -1: srchFilename = srchFilename.split("/")[1] try: cfg = findInSubdirectory(srchFilename, common.Paths.modulesDir) except: try: cfg = findInSubdirectory(srchFilename, common.Paths.favouritesFolder) except: try: cfg = findInSubdirectory(srchFilename, common.Paths.customModulesDir) except: common.log("File not found: " + srchFilename) return None # load file and apply parameters data = getFileContent(cfg) data = cr.CustomReplacements().replace(os.path.dirname(cfg), data, lItem, params) # log msg = "Local file " + filename + " opened" if len(params) > 0: msg += " with Parameter(s): " msg += ",".join(params) common.log(msg) outputList = self.__parseCfg(filename, data, lItem) return outputList
def __replaceImports(self, pathToImports, data): while True: m_reg = findall(data, self.regex('import')) if len(m_reg) > 0: for idat in m_reg: if idat[0].startswith('#'): data = data.replace(idat[0], '') continue filename = idat[1] pathImp = os.path.join(common.Paths.modulesDir, filename) if not os.path.exists(pathImp): pathImp = os.path.join(pathToImports, filename) if not (os.path.exists(pathImp)): common.log('Skipped Import: ' + filename) continue dataImp = fu.getFileContent(pathImp) dataImp = dataImp.replace('\r\n', '\n') data = data.replace(idat[0], dataImp) else: break return data
def __replaceImports(self, pathToImports, data): while True: m_reg = findall(data, self.regex('import')) if len(m_reg) > 0: for idat in m_reg: if idat[0].startswith('#'): data = data.replace(idat[0],'') continue filename = idat[1] pathImp = os.path.join(self.Paths.modulesDir, filename) if not os.path.exists(pathImp): pathImp = os.path.join(pathToImports, filename) if not (os.path.exists(pathImp)): common.log('Skipped Import: ' + filename) continue dataImp = fu.getFileContent(pathImp) dataImp = dataImp.replace('\r\n','\n') data = data.replace(idat[0], dataImp) else: break return data
def __replaceCatchers(self, data): m_reg = findall(data, self.regex('catch')) if not (m_reg is None or len(m_reg) == 0): for idat in m_reg: if idat.startswith('#'): continue ps = idat[7:-2].strip().split(',') catcherName = ps.pop(0).strip() # import catcher file and insert parameters pathImp = os.path.join(self.Paths.catchersDir, catcherName + '.txt') if not (os.path.exists(pathImp)): common.log('Skipped Catcher: ' + catcherName) continue dataImp = fu.getFileContent(pathImp) for i in range(len(ps)): dataImp = dataImp.replace('@PARAM' + str(i+1) + '@',ps.pop(i).strip()) dataImp = dataImp.replace('\r\n','\n') dataImp += "\nitem_info_name=type\nitem_info_build=video\nitem_url_build=%s" data = data.replace(idat, dataImp) return data
def changeLabel(self, item, newLabel): found = self._findItem(item) if found: item['title'] = newLabel [cfgFile, data, fav] = found # if it's a virtual folder, rename file, rename header, update link if self._isVirtualFolder(item): url = item.getInfo('url') oldFile = self._getFullPath(url) newFilename = urllib.quote_plus(fu.cleanFilename(newLabel)) virtualFolderFile = newFilename + '.cfg' physicalFolder = os.path.normpath( self._favouritesFoldersFolder) virtualFolderPath = os.path.join(physicalFolder, virtualFolderFile) # check if new target is valid if os.path.exists(virtualFolderPath): prefix = newFilename + '-' suffix = '.cfg' virtualFolderFile = fu.randomFilename( directory=physicalFolder, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix) virtualFolderPath = os.path.join(physicalFolder, virtualFolderFile) # update header content = fu.getFileContent(oldFile) oldHeader = self.cfgBuilder.buildHeader(item['title']) newHeader = self.cfgBuilder.buildHeader(newLabel) content = content.replace(oldHeader, newHeader) # rename file self._removeVirtualFolder(oldFile, False) fu.setFileContent(virtualFolderPath, content) # update link item['url'] = self._getShortPath(virtualFolderPath) newfav = self._createFavourite(item) new = data.replace(fav, enc.smart_unicode(newfav).encode('utf-8')) fu.setFileContent(cfgFile, new)
def changeLabel(self, cfgFile, item, newLabel): if os.path.exists(cfgFile): oldfav = self._createFavourite(item) old = fu.getFileContent(cfgFile) # if it's a virtual folder, change target url too; check if target already exists; rename target # (helpful, if you want to edit files manually) if self._isVirtualFolder(item): url = item.getInfo('url') oldTargetFile = os.path.join(self._favouritesFoldersFolder, url.split('/')[1]) # check if new target is valid newTargetFile = os.path.join(self._favouritesFoldersFolder, urllib.quote_plus(newLabel) + '.cfg') if os.path.exists(newTargetFile): common.showInfo('Folder already exists') return # rename target os.rename(oldTargetFile, newTargetFile) # update target url item.setInfo('url', 'favfolders/' + urllib.quote_plus(newLabel) + '.cfg') newfav = self._createFavourite(item, title=newLabel) new = old.replace(enc.smart_unicode(oldfav).encode('utf-8'), enc.smart_unicode(newfav).encode('utf-8')) fu.setFileContent(cfgFile, new)
def __parseCommands(self, item, src, convCommands): common.log('_parseCommands called') # helping function def parseCommand(txt): command = {"command": txt, "params": ""} if txt.find("(") > -1: command["command"] = txt[0:txt.find("(")] command["params"] = txt[len(command["command"]) + 1:-1] return command for convCommand in convCommands: pComm = parseCommand(convCommand) command = pComm["command"] params = pComm["params"] if params.find('@REFERER@'): referer = item['referer'] if not referer: referer = '' params = params.replace('@REFERER@', referer) if command == 'convDate': src = cc.convDate(params, src) elif command =='currenturl': print("--------------curenturl ------------------------") src= getFileContent(os.path.join(common.Paths.cacheDir, 'lasturl')) print("--------------curenturl ------------------------",src) elif command == 'convTimestamp': src = cc.convTimestamp(params, src) elif command == 'select': src =, src) if not src: continue elif command == 'unicode_escape': src = src.decode('unicode-escape') elif command == 'replaceFromDict': dictName = str(params.strip('\'')) path = os.path.join(common.Paths.dictsDir, dictName + '.txt') if not (os.path.exists(path)): common.log('Dictionary file not found: ' + path) continue src = cc.replaceFromDict(path, src) elif command == 'time': src = time.time() elif command == 'timediff': src = dt.timediff(src,params.strip('\'')) elif command == 'offset': src = cc.offset(params, src) elif command == 'getSource': src = cc.getSource(params, src) elif command == 'quote': try: src = urllib.quote(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src),'') except: cleanParams = params.strip("'") cleanParams = cleanParams.replace("%s",src) src = urllib.quote(cleanParams.encode('utf-8'),'') elif command == 'unquote': src = urllib.unquote(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src)) elif command == 'parseText': src = cc.parseText(item, params, src) elif command == 'getInfo': src = cc.getInfo(item, params, src) elif command == 'getXML': src = cc.getInfo(item, params, src, xml=True) elif command == 'getMobile': src = cc.getInfo(item, params, src, mobile=True) elif command == 'decodeBase64': src = cc.decodeBase64(src) elif command == 'decodeRawUnicode': src = cc.decodeRawUnicode(src) elif command == 'resolve': src = cc.resolve(src) elif command == 'decodeXppod': src = cc.decodeXppod(src) elif command == 'decodeXppodHLS': src = cc.decodeXppod_hls(src) elif command == 'replace': src = cc.replace(params, src) elif command == 'replaceRegex': src = cc.replaceRegex(params, src) elif command == 'ifEmpty': src = cc.ifEmpty(item, params, src) elif command == 'isEqual': src = cc.isEqual(item, params, src) elif command == 'ifFileExists': src = cc.ifFileExists(item, params, src) elif command == 'ifExists': src = cc.ifExists(item, params, src) elif command == 'encryptJimey': src = crypt.encryptJimey(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src)) elif command == 'gAesDec': src = crypt.gAesDec(src,item.infos[params]) elif command == 'aesDec': src = crypt.aesDec(src,item.infos[params]) elif command == 'getCookies': src = cc.getCookies(params, src) elif command == 'destreamer': src = crypt.destreamer(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src)) elif command == 'unixTimestamp': src = dt.getUnixTimestamp() elif command == 'rowbalance': src = rb.get() elif command == 'urlMerge': src = cc.urlMerge(params, src) elif command == 'translate': try: src = common.translate(int(src)) except: pass elif command == 'camelcase': src = string.capwords(string.capwords(src, '-')) elif command == 'lowercase': src = string.lower(src) elif command == 'reverse': src = src[::-1] elif command == 'demystify': print 'demystify' src = crypt.doDemystify(src) print 'after demystify',src elif command == 'random': paramArr = params.split(',') minimum = int(paramArr[0]) maximum = int(paramArr[1]) src = str(random.randrange(minimum,maximum)) elif command == 'debug': common.log('Debug from cfg file: ' + src) elif command == 'divide': paramArr = params.split(',') a = paramArr[0].strip().strip("'").replace('%s', src) a = resolveVariable(a, item) b = paramArr[1].strip().strip("'").replace('%s', src) b = resolveVariable(b, item) if not a or not b: continue a = int(a) b = int(b) try: src = str(a/b) except: pass return src
def __parseCommands(self, item, src, convCommands): common.log('_parseCommands called') #common.log('_parseCommands called %s | %s | %s' % (item,src, convCommands)) # helping function def parseCommand(txt): command = {"command": txt, "params": ""} if txt.find("(") > -1: command["command"] = txt[0:txt.find("(")] command["params"] = txt[len(command["command"]) + 1:-1] return command for convCommand in convCommands: pComm = parseCommand(convCommand) command = pComm["command"] params = pComm["params"] if params.find('@REFERER@'): referer = item['referer'] if not referer: referer = '' params = params.replace('@REFERER@', referer) if command == 'convDate': src = cc.convDate(params, src) elif command == 'currenturl': print("--------------curenturl ------------------------") src = getFileContent( os.path.join(common.Paths.cacheDir, 'lasturl')) print("--------------curenturl ------------------------", src) elif command == 'iklub': common.log('--------------ikulb ------------------------') common.log('src: %s' % src) src = cc.decodeIklub(src) common.log('src: %s' % src) #common.log('--------------ikulb ------------------------') elif command == 'decodemrknow2': common.log( '--------------decodemrknow2 ------------------------') #common.log('src: %s' % src) src = cc.decodeMrknow2(src) #common.log('src: %s' % src) elif command == 'convTimestamp': src = cc.convTimestamp(params, src) elif command == 'select': src =, src) if not src: continue elif command == 'unicode_escape': src = src.decode('unicode-escape') elif command == 'replaceFromDict': dictName = str(params.strip('\'')) path = os.path.join(common.Paths.dictsDir, dictName + '.txt') if not (os.path.exists(path)): common.log('Dictionary file not found: ' + path) continue src = cc.replaceFromDict(path, src) elif command == 'time': src = time.time() elif command == 'timediff': src = dt.timediff(src, params.strip('\'')) elif command == 'offset': src = cc.offset(params, src) elif command == 'getSource': src = cc.getSource(params, src) elif command == 'quote': try: src = urllib.quote( params.strip("'").replace('%s', src), '') except: cleanParams = params.strip("'") cleanParams = cleanParams.replace("%s", src) src = urllib.quote(cleanParams.encode('utf-8'), '') elif command == 'unquote': src = urllib.unquote(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src)) elif command == 'parseText': src = cc.parseText(item, params, src) elif command == 'getInfo': src = cc.getInfo(item, params, src) elif command == 'getXML': src = cc.getInfo(item, params, src, xml=True) elif command == 'getMobile': src = cc.getInfo(item, params, src, mobile=True) elif command == 'decodeBase64': src = cc.decodeBase64(src) elif command == 'decodeRawUnicode': src = cc.decodeRawUnicode(src) elif command == 'resolve': src = cc.resolve(src) elif command == 'decodeXppod': src = cc.decodeXppod(src) elif command == 'decodeXppodHLS': src = cc.decodeXppod_hls(src) elif command == 'decodeMrknow1': src = cc.decodeMrknow1(src) elif command == 'replace': src = cc.replace(params, src) elif command == 'replaceRegex': src = cc.replaceRegex(params, src) elif command == 'ifEmpty': src = cc.ifEmpty(item, params, src) elif command == 'isEqual': src = cc.isEqual(item, params, src) elif command == 'ifFileExists': src = cc.ifFileExists(item, params, src) elif command == 'ifExists': src = cc.ifExists(item, params, src) elif command == 'encryptJimey': src = crypt.encryptJimey(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src)) elif command == 'gAesDec': src = crypt.gAesDec(src, item.infos[params]) elif command == 'aesDec': src = crypt.aesDec(src, item.infos[params]) elif command == 'getCookies': src = cc.getCookies(params, src) elif command == 'destreamer': src = crypt.destreamer(params.strip("'").replace('%s', src)) elif command == 'unixTimestamp': src = dt.getUnixTimestamp() elif command == 'rowbalance': src = rb.get() elif command == 'urlMerge': src = cc.urlMerge(params, src) elif command == 'translate': try: src = common.translate(int(src)) except: pass elif command == 'camelcase': src = string.capwords(string.capwords(src, '-')) elif command == 'lowercase': src = string.lower(src) elif command == 'reverse': src = src[::-1] elif command == 'demystify': print 'demystify' src = crypt.doDemystify(src) print 'after demystify', src elif command == 'random': paramArr = params.split(',') minimum = int(paramArr[0]) maximum = int(paramArr[1]) src = str(random.randrange(minimum, maximum)) elif command == 'debug': common.log('--------------debug ------------------------') common.log('Debug from cfg file: ' + src) elif command == 'divide': paramArr = params.split(',') a = paramArr[0].strip().strip("'").replace('%s', src) a = resolveVariable(a, item) b = paramArr[1].strip().strip("'").replace('%s', src) b = resolveVariable(b, item) if not a or not b: continue a = int(a) b = int(b) try: src = str(a / b) except: pass return src