Exemple #1
    def get_stats(self, file_path, remove_file=False):
        s = rasterstats.get_raster_statistics(file_path, True)
        hist = rasterstats.get_histogram(file_path, True)
        stats = {"stats": s,"hist": hist}

        # remove tmp file
        if ( remove_file is True):
        return stats
Exemple #2
def get_zonalstatics_by_json(input_raster, json, force=True, dstnodata="nodata"):
    print json
    print "-------------  "
    json_file = filesystem.create_tmp_file(json, "json_", ".json")
    shp_file = vector.create_shapefile_from_json(json_file)
    shp = ogr.Open(shp_file)
    lyr = shp.GetLayer()
    stats = []
    # loop through the features in the layer
    feature = lyr.GetNextFeature()
    # print feature
    i = 0
    while feature:
        # create a tmp shapefile
        feature_shp_file = vector.create_shp_from_feature(feature)
        # create a tmp raster
        raster_file = crop_raster_by_vector(input_raster, feature_shp_file, dstnodata)
        # do statistics on the new raster
        stat = get_raster_statistics(raster_file, force)
        # calculate histogram
        hist = get_histogram(raster_file, force)
        stats.append({"fid": i, "stat": stat, "hist": hist})
        # check next feature
        feature = lyr.GetNextFeature()
        i += 1

        # remove tmp raster file

        # TODO: how remove all files related to the shp?
        # filesystem.remove(feature_shp_file.replace(".shp", ".*"))

    # remove tmp json and shp files
    return stats