Exemple #1
	def isIncluded(self, context, path):
		""" Decides whether the specified path within the archive should be 
		unpacked, based on the include/exclude filters
		@param path: a relative path within the archive
		if not self.__excludes and not self.__includes: return True
		if not self.__isResolved:
			self.__includes = flatten([context.expandPropertyValues(x, expandList=True) for x in self.__includes])
			self.__excludes = flatten([context.expandPropertyValues(x, expandList=True) for x in self.__excludes])
			self.__isResolved = True
		assert '\\' not in path
			path = path.lstrip('/')
			# first check if it matches an exclude
			if next( (True for e in self.__excludes if antGlobMatch(e, path)), False): return False
			if not self.__includes: # include everything
				return True
				m = next( (i for i in self.__includes if antGlobMatch(i, path)), None)
				if m: 
					return True
					return False
		except Exception, e:
			raise BuildException('FilteredArchiveContents error for %s'%(self), causedBy=True, location=self.__location)
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, dir, excludes=None, includes=None):
		@param dir: base directory to search (relative or absolute, may contain ${...} variables). 
		May be a simple string, or a DirGeneratedByTarget to glob under a 
		directory generated as part of the build. 

		@param includes: a list of glob patterns for the files to include (excluding all others)

		@param excludes: a list of glob patterns to exclude after processing any includes.
        self.__dir = dir
        self.includes = flatten(includes)
        self.excludes = flatten(excludes)

        bad = [
            x for x in (self.includes + self.excludes)
            if ('//' in x or x.startswith('/') or x.startswith('/')
                or '\\' in x or '${' in x)
        if bad:
            raise BuildException(
                'Invalid includes/excludes pattern in FindPaths - must not contain \\, begin or end with /, or contain substitution variables: "%s"'
                % bad[0])
        if isinstance(
                dir, basestring
        ) and '\\' in dir:  # avoid silly mistakes, and enforce consistency
            raise BuildException(
                'Invalid base directory for FindPaths - must not contain \\ (always use forward slashes)'

        self.location = BuildFileLocation()
        self.__lock = threading.Lock()
        self.__cached = None
Exemple #3
    def resolveWithDestinations(self, context):
        children = flatten([
            map(lambda s: s.strip(),
                context.expandPropertyValues(c, expandList=True))
            for c in self.__children

        dir = _resolveDirPath(self.__dir, context, self.__location)

        result = []
        for c in children:

            if '*' in c:
                raise BuildException(
                    'Cannot specify "*" patterns here (consider using FindPaths instead): "%s"'
                    % c,
            if os.path.isabs(c):
                raise BuildException(
                    'Cannot specify absolute paths here, must be relative (consider using basename): "%s"'
                    % c,

            isdir = isDirPath(c)

            c = os.path.join(context.expandPropertyValues(dir), c)
            c = os.path.normpath(c.rstrip('\\/' + os.path.sep))

            if isdir: c = c + os.path.sep

            result.append((c, c[len(dir):]))
        return result
Exemple #4
def defineAtomicTargetGroup(*targets):
    """ The given targets must all be built before anything which depends on any of those targets.
	Returns the flattened list of targets. 

    from buildcontext import getBuildInitializationContext
    targets = flatten(targets)
    return targets
Exemple #5
    def isIncluded(self, context, path):
        """ Decides whether the specified path within the archive should be 
		unpacked, based on the include/exclude filters
		@param path: a relative path within the archive
        if not self.__excludes and not self.__includes: return True
        if not self.__isResolved:
            self.__includes = flatten([
                context.expandPropertyValues(x, expandList=True)
                for x in self.__includes
            self.__excludes = flatten([
                context.expandPropertyValues(x, expandList=True)
                for x in self.__excludes
            self.__isResolved = True

        assert '\\' not in path
            path = path.lstrip('/')

            # first check if it matches an exclude
            if next((True for e in self.__excludes if antGlobMatch(e, path)),
                return False

            if not self.__includes:  # include everything
                return True
                m = next((i for i in self.__includes if antGlobMatch(i, path)),
                if m:
                    return True
                    return False

        except Exception, e:
            raise BuildException('FilteredArchiveContents error for %s' %
Exemple #6
	def __init__(self, archivePath, includes=None, excludes=None, destMapper=None):
		@param archivePath: The archive to unpack; either a string or a singleton PathSet

		@param destMapper: A functor that takes a (context, destPath) where destPath 
		is an archive-relative path (guaranteed to contain / not \\), and 
		returns the desired destination relative path string. 
		The functor should have a deterministic and 
		user-friendly __str__ implementation. 

		@param includes: a list of include patterns (if provided excludes all non-matching files)

		@param excludes: a list of exclude patterns (processed after includes)
		self.__path = PathSet(archivePath)
		self.__destMapper = destMapper
		self.__includes = flatten(includes)
		self.__excludes = flatten(excludes)
		self.__location = BuildFileLocation()
		self.__isResolved = False
Exemple #7
	def __init__(self, dir, excludes=None, includes=None):
		@param dir: base directory to search (relative or absolute, may contain ${...} variables). 
		May be a simple string, or a DirGeneratedByTarget to glob under a 
		directory generated as part of the build. 

		@param includes: a list of glob patterns for the files to include (excluding all others)

		@param excludes: a list of glob patterns to exclude after processing any includes.
		self.__dir = dir
		self.includes = flatten(includes)
		self.excludes = flatten(excludes)
		bad = [x for x in (self.includes+self.excludes) if ('//' in x or x.startswith('/') or x.startswith('/') or '\\' in x or '${' in x) ]
		if bad:
			raise BuildException('Invalid includes/excludes pattern in FindPaths - must not contain \\, begin or end with /, or contain substitution variables: "%s"'%bad[0])
		if isinstance(dir, basestring) and '\\' in dir: # avoid silly mistakes, and enforce consistency
			raise BuildException('Invalid base directory for FindPaths - must not contain \\ (always use forward slashes)')
		self.location = BuildFileLocation()
		self.__lock = threading.Lock()
		self.__cached = None
Exemple #8
    def __init__(self,
		@param archivePath: The archive to unpack; either a string or a singleton PathSet

		@param destMapper: A functor that takes a (context, destPath) where destPath 
		is an archive-relative path (guaranteed to contain / not \\), and 
		returns the desired destination relative path string. 
		The functor should have a deterministic and 
		user-friendly __str__ implementation. 

		@param includes: a list of include patterns (if provided excludes all non-matching files)

		@param excludes: a list of exclude patterns (processed after includes)
        self.__path = PathSet(archivePath)
        self.__destMapper = destMapper
        self.__includes = flatten(includes)
        self.__excludes = flatten(excludes)
        self.__location = BuildFileLocation()
        self.__isResolved = False
Exemple #9
	def __init__(self, dir, *children):
		@param dir: the base directory, which may include substitution variables.
		When fully expanded, it is essential that dir ends with a '/'. 
		May be a string or a DirGeneratedByTarget.

		@param children: strings defining the child files or dirs, which may 
		include ${...} variables but not '*' expansions. Can be specified 
		nested inside tuples or lists if desired. If any of the child 
		strings contains a ${...[]} variable, it will be expanded 
		early and split around the ',' character. 
		self.__dir = dir
		self.__children = flatten(children)
		self.__location = BuildFileLocation()
Exemple #10
    def __init__(self, dir, *children):
		@param dir: the base directory, which may include substitution variables.
		When fully expanded, it is essential that dir ends with a '/'. 
		May be a string or a DirGeneratedByTarget.

		@param children: strings defining the child files or dirs, which may 
		include ${...} variables but not '*' expansions. Can be specified 
		nested inside tuples or lists if desired. If any of the child 
		strings contains a ${...[]} variable, it will be expanded 
		early and split around the ',' character. 
        self.__dir = dir

        self.__children = flatten(children)
        self.__location = BuildFileLocation()
Exemple #11
    def _balanced_split(self, how_many: int, categories: bool):
        """Split data.

            how_many (int): Number of test data to have.
            categories (bool): True if 6 categories else 2 groups.
        uniq_vals = 6 if categories else 2
        targets = self._target_categories if categories else self._target_groups

        splitter = {i: defaultdict(list) for i in range(uniq_vals)}

        zipped = list(zip(self._data, targets))
        random.shuffle(zipped)  # inplace

        for d, t in zipped:  # data, target
            if len(splitter[t]["X_test"]) < how_many:

        if categories:
            self.X_train_categories = np.array(
                flatten([splitter[i]["X_train"] for i in range(uniq_vals)]))
            self.X_test_categories = np.array(
                flatten([splitter[i]["X_test"] for i in range(uniq_vals)]))
            self.y_train_categories = flatten(
                [splitter[i]["y_train"] for i in range(uniq_vals)])
            self.y_test_categories = flatten(
                [splitter[i]["y_test"] for i in range(uniq_vals)])
            self.X_train_groups = np.array(
                flatten([splitter[i]["X_train"] for i in range(uniq_vals)]))
            self.X_test_groups = np.array(
                flatten([splitter[i]["X_test"] for i in range(uniq_vals)]))
            self.y_train_groups = flatten(
                [splitter[i]["y_train"] for i in range(uniq_vals)])
            self.y_test_groups = flatten(
                [splitter[i]["y_test"] for i in range(uniq_vals)])
Exemple #12
    def __init__(self, *inputs):
		Construct a PathSet from the specified strings and other pathsets. 
		@param inputs: contains strings, targets and PathSet objects, nested as deeply as 
		you like within lists and tuples. 
		The strings must be absolute paths, or paths relative to the build file 
		where this PathSet is defined, in which case the PathSet must be 
		instantiated during the build file parsing phase (relative paths cannot 
		be used in a PathSet that is instantiated while building or resolving 
		dependencies for a target). 
		Paths may not contain the '*' character, and directory 
		paths must end with an explicit '/'. 
		>>> str(PathSet('a', [('b/', PathSet('1/2/3/', '4/5/6/'), ['d/e'])], 'e/f/${x}').resolveWithDestinations(BaseContext({'x':'X/'}))).replace('\\\\\\\\','/')
		"[('BUILD_DIR/a', 'a'), ('BUILD_DIR/b/', 'b/'), ('BUILD_DIR/1/2/3/', '3/'), ('BUILD_DIR/4/5/6/', '6/'), ('BUILD_DIR/d/e', 'e'), ('BUILD_DIR/e/f/X/', 'X/')]"

		>>> str(PathSet('a', [('b/', PathSet('1/2/3/', '4/5/6/'), ['d/e'])], 'e/f/${x}').resolve(BaseContext({'x':'X/'}))).replace('\\\\\\\\','/')
		"['BUILD_DIR/a', 'BUILD_DIR/b/', 'BUILD_DIR/1/2/3/', 'BUILD_DIR/4/5/6/', 'BUILD_DIR/d/e', 'BUILD_DIR/e/f/X/']"
		>>> str(PathSet('a', [('b/', PathSet('1/2/3/', '4/5/6/'), ['d/e'])], 'e/f/${x}'))
		'PathSet("a", "b/", PathSet("1/2/3/", "4/5/6/"), "d/e", "e/f/${x}")'

		>>> str(PathSet('a', [[PathSet('1/2/3/', DirGeneratedByTarget('4/5/6/'), '7/8/')]], DirGeneratedByTarget('9/'))._resolveUnderlyingDependencies(BaseContext({}))).replace('\\\\\\\\','/')
		"['BUILD_DIR/a', 'BUILD_DIR/1/2/3/', 'BUILD_DIR/4/5/6/', 'BUILD_DIR/7/8/', 'BUILD_DIR/9/']"

		>>> PathSet('a/*').resolve(BaseContext({})) #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
		Traceback (most recent call last):
        super(BasePathSet, self).__init__()
        self.contents = flatten(inputs)

        self.__location = None
        for x in self.contents:
            if not (isinstance(x, basestring) or isinstance(x, BasePathSet)
                    or hasattr(x, 'resolveToString')):
                raise BuildException(
                    'PathSet may contain only strings, PathSets, Composables, targets and lists - cannot accept %s (%s)'
                    % (x, x.__class__))

        self.__location = BuildFileLocation()
Exemple #13
    def __init__(self, dest, src, *mappers, **kwargs):
		@param dest: the output directory (ending with a "/") or file. Never 
		   specify a dest directory that is also written to by another 
		   target (e.g. do not specify an output directory here). If you need 
		   to write multiple files to the output directory, use separate Copy 
		   targets for each. 
		@param src: the input, which may be any combination of strings, PathSets and 
		   lists of these. 
		@param mappers: a list of mapper objects that will be used to transform 
		   the file, line by line. Can be empty in which case this behaves the same 
		   as a normal Copy target. 
		   For simple @TOKEN@ replacement see createReplaceDictLineMappers. 
		   In addition to per-line changes, it is also possible to specify 
		   mappers that add header/footer content to the file. 
		   Note that files are read and written in binary mode, so mappers 
		   will be dealing directly with platform-specific \\n and \\r 
		   characters; python's os.linesep should be used where a 
		   platform-neutral newline is required. 
		@param kwargs: Additional parameter: allowUnusedMappers:
		   To avoid build files that accumulate unused 
		   cruft or are hard to understand, it by default an an error to include a 
		   mapper in this list that is not used, i.e. that does not in any way 
		   change the output for any file. We recommend using conditionalization 
		   to avoid passing in such mappers e.g. 
		   FilteredCopy(target, src, [StringReplaceLineMapper(os.linesep,'\\n') if isWindows() else None]). 
		   If this is not practical, set allowUnusedMappers=True to prevent this 
        self.mappers = [m.getInstance() for m in flatten(mappers)]
        self.allowUnusedMappers = kwargs.pop('allowUnusedMappers', False)
        assert not kwargs, 'unknown keyword arg(s): %s' % kwargs
        super(FilteredCopy, self).__init__(
            implicitDependencies=[m.getDependencies() for m in self.mappers])
Exemple #14
	def __init__(self, *inputs):
		Construct a PathSet from the specified strings and other pathsets. 
		@param inputs: contains strings, targets and PathSet objects, nested as deeply as 
		you like within lists and tuples. 
		The strings must be absolute paths, or paths relative to the build file 
		where this PathSet is defined, in which case the PathSet must be 
		instantiated during the build file parsing phase (relative paths cannot 
		be used in a PathSet that is instantiated while building or resolving 
		dependencies for a target). 
		Paths may not contain the '*' character, and directory 
		paths must end with an explicit '/'. 
		>>> str(PathSet('a', [('b/', PathSet('1/2/3/', '4/5/6/'), ['d/e'])], 'e/f/${x}').resolveWithDestinations(BaseContext({'x':'X/'}))).replace('\\\\\\\\','/')
		"[('BUILD_DIR/a', 'a'), ('BUILD_DIR/b/', 'b/'), ('BUILD_DIR/1/2/3/', '3/'), ('BUILD_DIR/4/5/6/', '6/'), ('BUILD_DIR/d/e', 'e'), ('BUILD_DIR/e/f/X/', 'X/')]"

		>>> str(PathSet('a', [('b/', PathSet('1/2/3/', '4/5/6/'), ['d/e'])], 'e/f/${x}').resolve(BaseContext({'x':'X/'}))).replace('\\\\\\\\','/')
		"['BUILD_DIR/a', 'BUILD_DIR/b/', 'BUILD_DIR/1/2/3/', 'BUILD_DIR/4/5/6/', 'BUILD_DIR/d/e', 'BUILD_DIR/e/f/X/']"
		>>> str(PathSet('a', [('b/', PathSet('1/2/3/', '4/5/6/'), ['d/e'])], 'e/f/${x}'))
		'PathSet("a", "b/", PathSet("1/2/3/", "4/5/6/"), "d/e", "e/f/${x}")'

		>>> str(PathSet('a', [[PathSet('1/2/3/', DirGeneratedByTarget('4/5/6/'), '7/8/')]], DirGeneratedByTarget('9/'))._resolveUnderlyingDependencies(BaseContext({}))).replace('\\\\\\\\','/')
		"['BUILD_DIR/a', 'BUILD_DIR/1/2/3/', 'BUILD_DIR/4/5/6/', 'BUILD_DIR/7/8/', 'BUILD_DIR/9/']"

		>>> PathSet('a/*').resolve(BaseContext({})) #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
		Traceback (most recent call last):
		super(BasePathSet, self).__init__()
		self.contents = flatten(inputs)
		self.__location = None
		for x in self.contents:
			if not (isinstance(x, basestring) or isinstance(x, BasePathSet) or hasattr(x, 'resolveToString')):
				raise BuildException('PathSet may contain only strings, PathSets, Composables, targets and lists - cannot accept %s (%s)'%(x, x.__class__))
		self.__location = BuildFileLocation()
Exemple #15
    def __init__(self, dest, archives):
		@param dest: the output directory (ending with a "/"). Never 
		specify a dest directory that is also written to by another 
		target (e.g. do not specify a build 'output' directory here). 
		@param archives: the input archives to be unpacked, which may be any 
		combination of strings, PathSets, FilteredArchiveContents and lists of these. 
		If these PathSets include mapping information, this 
		will be used to define where (under the dest directory) each 
		file from within that archive is copied (but cannot be used to 
		change the archive-relative path of each item). 
		For advanced cases, FilteredArchiveContents can be used to provide 
		customized mapping and filtering of the archive contents, 
		including manipulation of the destinations encoded within the 
		archive itself. 
        if not dest.endswith('/'):
            raise BuildException(
                'Unpack target destination must be a directory (ending with "/"), not: "%s"'
                % dest)

        # NB: we could also support copying in non-archived files into the directory future too

        # we should preserve the specified order of archives since it may
        # affect what happens when they contain the same files and must
        # overwrite each other

        archives = [
            a if (isinstance(a, BasePathSet)
                  or isinstance(a, FilteredArchiveContents)) else PathSet(a)
            for a in flatten(archives)

        BaseTarget.__init__(self, dest, [(a.getDependency() if isinstance(
            a, FilteredArchiveContents) else a) for a in archives])
        self.archives = archives
Exemple #16
	def __init__(self, dest, src, *mappers, **kwargs):
		@param dest: the output directory (ending with a "/") or file. Never 
		specify a dest directory that is also written to by another 
		target (e.g. do not specify an output directory here). If you need 
		to write multiple files to the output directory, use separate Copy 
		targets for each. 
		@param src: the input, which may be any combination of strings, PathSets and 
		lists of these. 
		@param mappers: a list of mapper objects that will be used to transform 
		the file, line by line. Can be empty in which case this behaves the same 
		as a normal Copy target. 
		For simple @TOKEN@ replacement see createReplaceDictLineMappers. 
		In addition to per-line changes, it is also possible to specify 
		mappers that add header/footer content to the file. 
		Note that files are read and written in binary mode, so mappers 
		will be dealing directly with platform-specific \\n and \\r 
		characters; python's os.linesep should be used where a 
		platform-neutral newline is required. 
		@param allowUnusedMappers: To avoid build files that accumulate unused 
		cruft or are hard to understand, it by default an an error to include a 
		mapper in this list that is not used, i.e. that does not in any way 
		change the output for any file. We recommend using conditionalization 
		to avoid passing in such mappers e.g. 
		FilteredCopy(target, src, [StringReplaceLineMapper(os.linesep,'\n') if isWindows() else None]). 
		If this is not practical, set allowUnusedMappers=True to prevent this 
		self.mappers = [m.getInstance() for m in flatten(mappers)]
		self.allowUnusedMappers = kwargs.pop('allowUnusedMappers', False)
		assert not kwargs, 'unknown keyword arg(s): %s'%kwargs
		super(FilteredCopy, self).__init__(dest, src, implicitDependencies=[m.getDependencies() for m in self.mappers])
Exemple #17
	def resolveWithDestinations(self, context):
		children = flatten([
			map(lambda s: s.strip(), context.expandPropertyValues(c, expandList=True))
			for c in self.__children])

		dir = _resolveDirPath(self.__dir, context, self.__location)
		result = []
		for c in children:

			if '*' in c: 
				raise BuildException('Cannot specify "*" patterns here (consider using FindPaths instead): "%s"'%c, location=self.__location)
			if os.path.isabs(c):
				raise BuildException('Cannot specify absolute paths here, must be relative (consider using basename): "%s"'%c, location=self.__location)

			isdir = isDirPath(c)

			c=os.path.join(context.expandPropertyValues(dir), c)

			if isdir: c = c+os.path.sep

			result.append( ( c, c[len(dir):] ) )
		return result
Exemple #18
	def __init__(self, dest, archives): 
		@param dest: the output directory (ending with a "/"). Never 
		specify a dest directory that is also written to by another 
		target (e.g. do not specify a build 'output' directory here). 
		@param archives: the input archives to be unpacked, which may be any 
		combination of strings, PathSets, FilteredArchiveContents and lists of these. 
		If these PathSets include mapping information, this 
		will be used to define where (under the dest directory) each 
		file from within that archive is copied (but cannot be used to 
		change the archive-relative path of each item). 
		For advanced cases, FilteredArchiveContents can be used to provide 
		customized mapping and filtering of the archive contents, 
		including manipulation of the destinations encoded within the 
		archive itself. 
		if not dest.endswith('/'): raise BuildException('Unpack target destination must be a directory (ending with "/"), not: "%s"'%dest)
		# NB: we could also support copying in non-archived files into the directory future too
		# we should preserve the specified order of archives since it may 
		# affect what happens when they contain the same files and must 
		# overwrite each other
		archives = [a if (isinstance(a, BasePathSet) or isinstance(a, FilteredArchiveContents)) else PathSet(a) for a in flatten(archives)]
		BaseTarget.__init__(self, dest, [
			(a.getDependency() if isinstance(a, FilteredArchiveContents) else a)
			for a in archives])
		self.archives = archives
Exemple #19
    def __init__(self, patterns):
        """Do not call this constructor - use L{create} instead of constructing directly.
        patterns = flatten(patterns)

        self.filepatterns = []
        self.dirpatterns = []  # with no trailing slash
        self.origpatterns = []  # original file+dir patterns

        self.hasStarStarPrefixPattern = False  # set to true if there are any file or dir patterns starting **/
        # some booleans to save calculations later
        self.allfiles = False  # ** i.e. match all files regardless
        self.alldirs = False

        for p in patterns:
            if not p: continue

            if '?' in p:
                # would require some more work (maybe regexes), but a rare case so don't bother
                raise BuildException(
                    'Invalid pattern ("?" is not supported at present): %s' %

            if '\\' in p:
                raise BuildException(
                    'Invalid pattern (must use forward slashes not backslashes): %s'
                    % p)

            if p.endswith('**/*'):
                p = p[:-2]  # normalize since this is pointless

            if '**/*/' in p:
                # we disallow this because it messes up our ability to decide how many path elements the ** should eat;
                # breaks cases like >>> antGlobMatch('**/*/f/*.e', 'f/PPP/a/b/c/d/e/PPP/f/foo.e') (ought to be True)
                # in theory we could solve that case by counting from the back, but the potential presence of
                # **s later in the pattern would make that a very inefficient operation.
                # There isn't really a compelling case for supporting this so disable it to avoid people
                # shooting themselves in the foot
                raise BuildException(
                    'Invalid pattern (**/* sequences are not permitted): %s' %

            if p.startswith('**'): self.hasStarStarPrefixPattern = True
            if p[-1] == '/':
                if p == '**/': self.alldirs = True
                elements = [
                    for e in p[:-1].split('/')
                self.dirpatterns.append([elements, len(self.origpatterns) - 1])
                if p == '**': self.allfiles = True
                elements = [
                    self.__canonicalizePatternElement(e) for e in p.split('/')
                    [elements, len(self.origpatterns) - 1])

            for e in elements:
                if '**' in e and e != '**':
                    raise BuildException(
                        'Invalid pattern (pattern elements containing "**" must not have any other characters): %s'
                        % p)

        if self.allfiles:
            assert len(
            ) == 1, 'No point specifying additional file patterns after adding **'
        if self.alldirs:
            assert len(
            ) == 1, 'No point specifying additional directory patterns after adding **/'

        self.nofiles = self.filepatterns == []
        self.nodirs = self.dirpatterns == []