def format_exception(self): fmtd_exc = ''.join( traceback.format_exception(type(self.error), self.error, self.error.__traceback__)) formatted = ''.join(re.sub(r'File ".+",', 'File "<eval>"', fmtd_exc)) pages = group(formatted, 1500) return [self.ctx.codeblock(page, 'py') for page in pages]
async def _ocr_command(self, ctx, *, image_url: str = None): """Run an image through Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and return any detected text""" if image_url is None and not ctx.message.attachments: raise commands.MissingRequiredArgument( Parameter(name='image', kind=Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY)) image = image_url or ctx.message.attachments[0].url async with timeout(30), ctx.loading(tick=False), '', params={'q': image}) as resp: output = (await resp.json()).get('text', 'No result') await ctx.quick_menu(group(output, 1000), 1, delete_message_after=True)
async def sql(self, ctx, *, query: CBStripConverter): """Run SQL statements""" is_multistatement = query.count(';') > 1 if is_multistatement: strategy = else: strategy = start = time.perf_counter() results = await strategy(query) dt = (time.perf_counter() - start) * 1000.0 rows = len(results) if is_multistatement or rows == 0: return await ctx.send(f'`{dt:.2f}ms: {results}`') rkeys = [*results[0].keys()] headers = [ textwrap.shorten(col, width=40 // len(rkeys), placeholder='') for col in rkeys ] r2 = [list(r.values()) for r in results] r = [] for item in r2: for i in item: r.append( textwrap.shorten(str(i), width=40 // len(rkeys), placeholder='')) r = group(r, len(rkeys)) table = tabulate(r, headers=headers, tablefmt='pretty') pages = [ctx.codeblock(page) for page in group(table, 1500)] await ctx.quick_menu( pages, 1, delete_message_after=True, timeout=300, template=discord.Embed(color=discord.Color.main).set_author( name=f'Returned {rows} {pluralize("row", rows)} in {dt:.2f}ms') )
async def _dev_scope(self, ctx, toggle: BoolConverter = None): if toggle is None: pages = group(str(self.scope), 1500) pages = [ctx.codeblock(page, 'py') for page in pages] await ctx.quick_menu(pages, 1, template=discord.Embed( title=f'Retain: {self.retain}', color=discord.Color.main), delete_message_after=True, timeout=300) return async with ctx.loading(): self.retain = toggle
async def shell(self, ctx, *, args: CBStripConverter): """Invokes the system shell, attempting to run the inputted command""" hl_lang = 'sh' if 'cat' in args: hl_lang = return_lang_hl(args) if 'git diff' in args: hl_lang = 'diff' async with ctx.loading(tick=False): stdout, stderr = await do_shell(args) output = clean_bytes(stdout) + '\n' + textwrap.indent( clean_bytes(stderr), '[stderr] ') pages = group(output, 1500) pages = [ctx.codeblock(page, hl_lang) for page in pages] await ctx.quick_menu(pages, 1, delete_message_after=True, timeout=1800)
async def eval_(self, ctx, *, body: CBStripConverter): """Runs code that you input to the command""" env = { 'bot':, 'ctx': ctx, 'channel':, 'author':, 'guild': ctx.guild, 'message': ctx.message, '_': self._last_result } env.update(globals()) if self.retain: env.update(self.scope) stdout = io.StringIO() to_return = None to_compile = f'async def func(scope, should_retain=True):' \ f'\n try:' \ f'\n{textwrap.indent(body, " ")}' \ f'\n finally:' \ f'\n if not should_retain:' \ f'\n return' \ f'\n scope.update(locals())' async with ctx.loading(exc_ignore=HandleTb): try: import_expression.exec(to_compile, env) except Exception as e: raise HandleTb(ctx, e) evaluated_func = env['func'] try: with redirect_stdout(stdout): result = await evaluated_func(self.scope, self.retain) or '' except Exception as e: raise HandleTb(ctx, e) else: value = stdout.getvalue() or '' self._last_result = result to_return = f'{value}{result}' if to_return: pages = group(to_return, 1500) pages = [ctx.codeblock(page, 'py') for page in pages] await ctx.quick_menu(pages, 1, delete_message_after=True, timeout=1800)