class MyAsset: def __init__(self, strategy_config, cal, fac): self._strategy_config = strategy_config self._cal = cal self._fac = fac self._cfg = Config() self._path = self._cfg.get_value('path', 'path_to_portfolio_performance') self._general = General() self._factor_str = self._general.factor_to_string( self._strategy_config['factor']) self._show_task_detail() self._portfolio = Portfolio(self._strategy_config, self._cal, self._fac) self._write_portfolio_performance() def _show_task_detail(self): columns_list = [ 'factor', 'strategy', 'window', 'method', 'group', 'position', 'n_season', 'start_equity', 'period' ] df = pd.DataFrame().append( { 'factor': self._factor_str, 'strategy': self._strategy_config['strategy'], 'window': self._strategy_config['window'], 'method': self._strategy_config['method'], 'group': self._strategy_config['group'], 'position': self._strategy_config['position'], 'n_season': int(self._cfg.get_value('parameter', 'n_season')), 'start_equity': int(self._cfg.get_value('parameter', 'start_equity')), 'period': "from {} to {}".format( self._cfg.get_value('parameter', 'start_date'), self._cfg.get_value('parameter', 'end_date')) }, ignore_index=True)[columns_list] print(df.set_index('factor').T) def _write_portfolio_performance(self): portfolio_performance, portfolio_equity = self._portfolio.get_performance_data( ) path = self._path + self._factor_str # e.g. MOM_0_0_1_5 or MOM&GVI_1_0_1_5 file_name = "{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}".format( self._factor_str, str(self._strategy_config['strategy']), str(self._strategy_config['window']), str(self._strategy_config['method']), str(self._strategy_config['group']), str(self._strategy_config['position'])) # 如果沒有這個因子的資料夾就新增一個 if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) path = "{}/{}".format(path, file_name) portfolio_performance.to_csv(path + '.csv', header=True) portfolio_equity['date'] = portfolio_equity['date'].dt.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d') with open(path + '.json', 'w') as file: json.dump(portfolio_equity.to_dict(), file) print('[MyAsset]: completed writing portfolio performance files')
class Analysis: def __init__(self): self._cfg = Config() self._path = self._cfg.get_value('path', 'path_to_portfolio_performance') self._api_server_IP = self._cfg.get_value('IP', 'api_server_IP') self._start_equity = int(self._cfg.get_value('parameter', 'start_equity')) self._start_date = self._cfg.get_value('parameter', 'start_date') self._end_date = self._cfg.get_value('parameter', 'end_date') self._general = General() self._cal = Calendar('TW') def plot_equity_curve(self, request): perf_ind_inf_str = "" equity_df, performance_df = self._read_request_files(request) perf_ind, equity_max = self._compute_performance_ind(equity_df) # 計算CAGR MDD MAR並製作顯示字串 for elm in perf_ind: if elm != perf_ind[-1]: perf_ind_inf_str = perf_ind_inf_str + "[{}] CAGR: {}, MDD: {}, MAR: {}\n".format( elm[0], elm[1], elm[2], elm[3] ) else: perf_ind_inf_str = perf_ind_inf_str + "[{}] CAGR: {}, MDD: {}, MAR: {}".format( elm[0], elm[1], elm[2], elm[3] ) # 日期需設定為index ax = equity_df.plot.line(figsize=(12, 8)) # ax = equity_df.plot.line(figsize=(12, 8), color=COLOR[0]) ax.set_xlabel('Date') ax.set_ylabel('Equity') # 加上千位數逗點 ax.get_yaxis().set_major_formatter( FuncFormatter(lambda x, p: format(int(x), ',')) ) # 強調Y軸上某一個點 ax.axhline(10000000, color='black', linestyle='--') # 顯示文字註解 plt.text( # equity_df.index[200], equity_max/10*9, equity_df.index[500], 8000000, perf_ind_inf_str, size=14, ha='left', va='top', bbox=dict( facecolor='gray', alpha=1.5, edgecolor='gray' ) ) def plot_equity_curve_and_cap_util_rate(self, request): perf_ind_inf_str = "" equity_df, performance_df = self._read_request_files(request) df = equity_df[[equity_df.columns[0]]].rename({equity_df.columns[0]: 0}, axis=1) df.loc[:, :] = np.nan position = performance_df['flow'].max()+1 for i in range(1, position): df[i] = df[0] for i, row in performance_df.iterrows(): df.loc[row['start']: row['end'], row['flow']] = 1 df['cap_util'] = df.iloc[:, :].sum(axis=1) df['cap_util_rate'] = df['cap_util'].apply(lambda x: x/position*100) df['cap_util_rate'].iloc[-1] = np.nan equity_df = equity_df.join(df['cap_util_rate']) perf_ind, equity_max = self._compute_performance_ind(equity_df.iloc[:, :-1]) # 計算CAGR MDD MAR並製作顯示字串 for elm in perf_ind: if elm != perf_ind[-1]: perf_ind_inf_str = perf_ind_inf_str + "[{}] CAGR: {}%, MDD: {}%\n".format( elm[0], elm[1], elm[2] ) else: perf_ind_inf_str = perf_ind_inf_str + "[{}] CAGR: {}%, MDD: {}%".format( elm[0], elm[1], elm[2] ) perf_ind_inf_str = perf_ind_inf_str + "\nFull Use of Equity Rate: {}%".format( 100 - round(df.loc[df['cap_util'] != position].shape[0] / df.shape[0] * 100, 2) ) # ax = equity_df.iloc[:, :-1].plot.line(figsize=(12, 8)) ax = equity_df.iloc[:, :-1].plot.line(figsize=(12, 8), color=[COLOR[1], COLOR[2]]) # 顯示文字註解 plt.text( # equity_df.index[1], equity_df[equity_df.columns[0]].min(), equity_df.index[0], 3580000, perf_ind_inf_str, size=13, ha='left', va='top', bbox=dict( facecolor='gray', alpha=1.5, edgecolor='gray' ) ) ax2 = equity_df['cap_util_rate'].plot.line(color='grey', secondary_y=True) # 強調Y軸上某一個點 ax.axhline(10000000, color='black', linestyle='--') # 加上千位數逗點 ax.get_yaxis().set_major_formatter( FuncFormatter(lambda x, p: format(int(x), ',')) ) ax.set_xlabel("Date") ax.set_ylabel("Equity") ax2.set_ylabel("Capital Utilization Rate[%]") plt.ylim(-10, 110) def plot_performance_heatmap(self, request): heatmap_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[6, 15, 60, 150, 300]) df = self.read_performance_file() df = df.loc[ (df['factor'] == request['factor']) & (df['strategy'] == request['strategy']) & (df['window'] == request['window']) & (df['method'] == request['method']) ] for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]: cagr_list = [] for col in heatmap_df.columns: cagr_list.append( df[request['perf_ind']].loc[ (df['group']==i) & (df['position']==col) ].values[0] ) heatmap_df.loc[i] = cagr_list print(heatmap_df) ax = sns.heatmap(heatmap_df, cmap="YlGnBu") ax.set_xlabel("Position") ax.set_ylabel("Group") # ax.set_title("[{}] {}_{}_{}".format( # request['perf_ind'], request['factor'], # request['window'], request['method']) # ) print("[{}] {}_{}_{}_{}".format( request['perf_ind'], request['factor'], request['strategy'], request['window'], request['method'] ) ) def plot_profit_bar_chart(self, request): equity_df, trade_df = self._read_request_files(request) file_name = equity_df.columns[0] trade_df['win'] = trade_df['return'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x > 0 else 0) win_rate = round(trade_df['win'].sum() / trade_df.shape[0] * 100, 2) lose_rate = round(100 - win_rate, 2) trade_df['+0-20'] = trade_df['return'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x > 0 and x <= 20 else 0) trade_df['+20-100'] = trade_df['return'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x > 20 and x <= 100 else 0) trade_df['+100<'] = trade_df['return'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x > 100 else 0) trade_df['-0-20'] = trade_df['return'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x <= 0 and x >= -20 else 0) trade_df['-20>'] = trade_df['return'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x < -20 else 0) positive_df = trade_df.copy() positive_df['return'] = positive_df['return'].apply(lambda x: 0 if x < 0 else x) negative_df = trade_df.copy() negative_df['return'] = negative_df['return'].apply(lambda x: 0 if x >= 0 else x) text_str = "{}\n--------------------------------\n100 <: {}\n20 ~ 100: {}\n0 ~ 20: {}\n--------------------------------\n0 ~ -20: {}\n-20 >: {}\n--------------------------------\nTotal Trades Number: {}\nWin Rate: {}\nLose Rate: {}".format( file_name, trade_df['+100<'].sum(), trade_df['+20-100'].sum(), trade_df['+0-20'].sum(), trade_df['-0-20'].sum(), trade_df['-20>'].sum(), len(trade_df.index), win_rate, lose_rate ) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(80, 8)) sns.set_theme(style="whitegrid") ax = sns.barplot(x="index", y="return", data=positive_df.reset_index(), color="navy") ax = sns.barplot(x="index", y="return", data=negative_df.reset_index(), color="gray") plt.legend() plt.xlabel("Trade Series Number") plt.ylabel("Return[%]") plt.xticks(fontsize=2, rotation=90) plt.yticks(fontsize=12) # 顯示文字註解 plt.text( trade_df.index[200], trade_df['return'].max(), # trade_df.index[180], 90, text_str, size=14, ha='left', va='top', bbox=dict( facecolor='gray', alpha=1.5, edgecolor='gray' ) ) def plot_window_profit_bar_chart(self, request): equity_df, _ = self._read_request_files(request) file_name = equity_df.columns[0] report_date_list = self._cal.get_report_date_list(self._start_date, self._end_date) window_return = [] peroid_list = [] # 窗格數量會比期間內財報公布日數量多一個 for i in range(len(report_date_list)+1): # 第一個窗格T2: 回測期間第一個交易日~第一個財報公布日 if i == 0: date = self._cal.get_trade_date(self._start_date, 0, 'd') peroid_list.append(date) strat_equity = equity_df.loc[date, file_name] final_equity = equity_df.loc[report_date_list[i], file_name] final_equity = final_equity.iloc[0] # 最後一個窗格T2: 最後一個財報公布日~回測期間最後一個交易日 elif i == len(report_date_list): date = self._cal.get_trade_date(self._end_date, -1, 'd') peroid_list.append(report_date_list[i-1]) strat_equity = equity_df.loc[report_date_list[i-1], file_name] final_equity = equity_df.loc[date, file_name] strat_equity = strat_equity.iloc[0] # 其他窗格T2: 兩公布日之間 else: peroid_list.append(report_date_list[i-1]) strat_equity = equity_df.loc[report_date_list[i-1], file_name] final_equity = equity_df.loc[report_date_list[i], file_name] strat_equity = strat_equity.iloc[0] final_equity = final_equity.iloc[0] window_return.append(round((final_equity-strat_equity)/strat_equity*100, 2)) window_return_df = pd.DataFrame(window_return, columns=['return']) window_return_df['window_peroid'] = peroid_list total_return = (equity_df.iloc[-1, 0]-10000000) / 10000000 * 100 positive_df = window_return_df.copy() positive_df['return'] = positive_df['return'].apply(lambda x: 0 if x < 0 else x) negative_df = window_return_df.copy() negative_df['return'] = negative_df['return'].apply(lambda x: 0 if x >= 0 else x) result, _ = self._compute_performance_ind(equity_df) text_str = "{}\nCAGR: {}%, MDD: {}%".format( file_name, result[0][1], result[0][2] ) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 7)) sns.set_theme(style="whitegrid") ax = sns.barplot(x="window_peroid", y="return", data=positive_df, color="cornflowerblue") ax = sns.barplot(x="window_peroid", y="return", data=negative_df, color="gray") plt.legend() plt.xlabel("Start Date of Window", fontsize=8) plt.ylabel("Return[%]") plt.xticks(fontsize=8, rotation=35) plt.yticks(fontsize=12) # 顯示文字註解 plt.text( 17, window_return_df['return'].max()-2, text_str, size=13, ha='left', va='top', bbox=dict( facecolor='gray', alpha=1.5, edgecolor='gray' ) ) def plot_linear_regression(self, request): p_df = self.read_performance_file() lr_df = self.read_regression_file() factor_str_list = [] query_index = "{}_{}_{}_{}".format( request['strategy'], request['window'], request['method'], request['position'], ) print(lr_df.loc[ (lr_df['perf_ind'] == request['perf_ind']) & (lr_df['index'] == query_index) ]) lr_df = lr_df.loc[ (lr_df['perf_ind'] == request['perf_ind']) & (lr_df['index'] == query_index) ].set_index('index').T.drop('perf_ind') print(lr_df.sort_values(by=[query_index])) path = self._cfg.get_value('path', 'path_to_performance_analysis') lr_df.sort_values(by=[query_index]).to_csv(path+'lr_df.csv') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 7)) for i, factor in enumerate(request['factor_list']): factor_str = self._general.factor_to_string(factor) factor_str_list.append(factor_str) temp_df = p_df.loc[ (p_df['factor'] == factor_str) & (p_df['strategy'] == request['strategy']) & (p_df['window'] == request['window']) & (p_df['method'] == request['method']) & (p_df['position'] == request['position']) ] ax = sns.regplot(x=temp_df['group'], y=temp_df[request['perf_ind']], color=COLOR[i]) ax.set(xticks=range(1, len(temp_df['group'])+1, 1)) plt.legend(labels=factor_str_list) plt.xlabel('Group', fontsize=12) plt.ylabel(request['perf_ind'], fontsize=12) plt.xticks(fontsize=12) plt.yticks(fontsize=12) def output_performance_file(self, request): performance_df = pd.DataFrame( columns=[ 'factor', 'strategy', 'window', 'method', 'group', 'position', 'CAGR[%]', 'MDD[%]', 'MAR' ] ) response = requests.get("http://{}/task/get_task_combi".format(self._api_server_IP), params=request) combination = json.loads(response.text)['result'] for combi in combination: equity_df, _ = self._read_file(combi) ind_list, _ = self._compute_performance_ind(equity_df) performance_df = performance_df.append({ 'factor': self._general.factor_to_string(combi[0]), 'strategy': combi[1], 'window': combi[2], 'method': combi[3], 'group': combi[4], 'position': combi[5], 'CAGR[%]': ind_list[0][1], 'MDD[%]': ind_list[0][2], 'MAR': ind_list[0][3], }, ignore_index=True) print(performance_df) path = self._cfg.get_value('path', 'path_to_performance_analysis') performance_df.to_csv(path+'performance_indicator.csv') # performance_df.to_csv(path+'performance_indicator_a&na.csv') def output_linear_regression_file(self, request): df = self.read_performance_file() combination = [] lr_df = pd.DataFrame() column_order = ['index', 'perf_ind'] data = ( request['strategy_list'], request['window_list'], request['method_list'], request['position_list'] ) for combi in product(*data): # strategy: B&H if combi[0] == 0: # B&H 排除0之外的窗格 排除等權重之外的方法 if combi[1] != 0 or combi[2] != 0: continue combination.append(combi) for perf_ind in request['perf_ind_list']: for c in combination: factor_b1_val_dict = {} factor_b1_val_dict["index"] = "{}_{}_{}_{}".format( c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3] ) for i, factor in enumerate(request['factor_list']): factor_str = self._general.factor_to_string(factor) # if len(column_order) != 14: if len(column_order) != 3: column_order.append(factor_str) temp_df = df.loc[ (df['factor'] == factor_str) & (df['strategy'] == c[0]) & (df['window'] == c[1]) & (df['method'] == c[2]) & (df['position'] == c[3]) ] x = self._compute_simple_linear_regression(temp_df['group'], temp_df[perf_ind]) factor_b1_val_dict[factor_str] = round(x[1], 3) factor_b1_val_dict['perf_ind'] = perf_ind lr_df = lr_df.append(factor_b1_val_dict, ignore_index=True) lr_df = lr_df[column_order] print(lr_df) path = self._cfg.get_value('path', 'path_to_performance_analysis') lr_df.to_csv(path+'regression_b1.csv') # lr_df.to_csv(path+'regression_b1_a&na.csv') def read_performance_file(self): path = self._cfg.get_value('path', 'path_to_performance_analysis') df = pd.read_csv(path+'performance_indicator.csv').drop('Unnamed: 0', axis=1) # df = pd.read_csv(path+'performance_indicator_a&na.csv').drop('Unnamed: 0', axis=1) return df def read_regression_file(self): path = self._cfg.get_value('path', 'path_to_performance_analysis') df = pd.read_csv(path+'regression_b1.csv').drop('Unnamed: 0', axis=1) # df = pd.read_csv(path+'regression_b1_a&na.csv').drop('Unnamed: 0', axis=1) return df def _compute_simple_linear_regression(self, raw_x, raw_y): n = np.size(raw_x) x = np.array(raw_x) y = np.array(raw_y) x_mean = np.mean(x) y_mean = np.mean(y) num1 = np.sum(y*x) - n*y_mean*x_mean num2 = np.sum(x*x) - n*x_mean*x_mean b_1 = num1 / num2 b_0 = y_mean - b_1 * x_mean return (b_0, b_1) def _compute_performance_ind(self, df): result = [] equity_max = 0 for col in df.columns: equity_df = df[col] # [CAGR] start_date_list = self._start_date.split("-") end_date_list = self._end_date.split("-") final_equity = equity_df.iloc[-1] if end_date_list[1] == "1" and end_date_list[2] == "1": n = int(end_date_list[0]) - int(start_date_list[0]) else: n = int(end_date_list[0]) - int(start_date_list[0]) + 1 cagr = ((final_equity / self._start_equity) ** (1/n) - 1) * 100 # [MDD] highest_equity = equity_df.max() MDD = 0 for i, elm in enumerate(equity_df.values.tolist()): drawdown = elm - equity_df.iloc[:i].max() if drawdown < MDD: MDD = drawdown MDD = MDD / highest_equity *100 MAR = cagr / abs(MDD) result.append([col, round(cagr, 2), round(MDD, 2), round(MAR, 3)]) if equity_df.max() > equity_max: equity_max = equity_df.max() return result, equity_max def _read_file(self, param): # 將[fac1, fac2] 轉成 fac1&fac2 factor_str = self._general.factor_to_string(param[0]) path = "{}{}/".format(self._path, factor_str) file_name = "{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}".format( factor_str, param[1], # strategy param[2], # window param[3], # method param[4], # group param[5], # position ) performance_df = pd.read_csv("{}{}.csv".format(path, file_name)).drop('Unnamed: 0', axis=1) with open(path+file_name+'.json', 'r') as file: json_data = json.load(file) equity_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(json_data) equity_df['date']= pd.to_datetime(equity_df['date']) equity_df = equity_df.set_index('date') equity_df.columns = [file_name] print("read {}".format(file_name)) return equity_df, performance_df def _read_request_files(self, request): equity_df = pd.DataFrame() response = requests.get("http://{}/task/get_task_combi".format(self._api_server_IP), params=request) combination = json.loads(response.text)['result'] # combination = [ # [['EV_EBITDA'], 0, 0, 0, 1, 6], # [['EV_EBITDA'], 1, 0, 0, 1, 6], # [['EV_EBITDA'], 1, 1, 0, 1, 6], # [['EV_EBITDA'], 1, 2, 0, 1, 6], # ] # 讀檔並串接 equity for param in combination: temp_equity_df, performance_df = self._read_file(param) if equity_df.empty: equity_df = temp_equity_df else: equity_df = equity_df.join(temp_equity_df) return equity_df, performance_df
class NodeMsgHandler: def __init__(self): self._cfg = Config() self._dbmgr = DBMgr() self._general = General() # 基本參數 (伺服器設定值) self._processes = os.cpu_count() # 伺服器CPU核心數 self._server_name = getpass.getuser() # 伺服器使用者名稱 self._IP = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) self._host_IP = self._cfg.get_value('IP', 'host_IP') self.client_ID = self._server_name + "_" + self._IP self._mqtt_account = self._cfg.get_value('MQTT', 'account') self._mqtt_password = self._cfg.get_value('MQTT', 'password') def active_mqtt(self): mqtt_client = self.client_ID + " ProcessTask" # 設定節點名稱 client = mqtt.Client(client_id=mqtt_client) client.on_connect = self._on_connect client.on_message = self._on_message client.username_pw_set(self._mqtt_account, self._mqtt_password) client.connect(self._host_IP, 1883) # 開始連線 執行設定的動作和處理重新連線問題 client.loop_forever() def _on_connect(self, client, userdata, flag, rc): print("Connected with result code {}".format(str(rc))) # 0: 連接成功 # 1: 協議版本錯誤 # 2: 無效的客戶端標示 # 3: 伺服器無法使用 # 4: 使用者帳號或密碼錯誤 # 5: 未經授權 # 將訂閱主題寫在 on_connect 中,當重新連線時將會重新訂閱 client.subscribe("Analysis/FactorAnalysisTask", qos=2) client.subscribe("Analysis/StatusCheck", qos=2) client.subscribe("Analysis/HealthCheck", qos=2) def _on_message(self, client, userdata, msg): if msg.topic == "Analysis/FactorAnalysisTask": self._handle_factor_analysis_task(client, userdata, msg) elif msg.topic == "Analysis/StatusCheck": self._status_receive(client, userdata, msg) elif msg.topic == "Analysis/HealthCheck": self._health_receive(client, userdata, msg) # (CallBack) 處理狀態確認訊息 # input: client : 發送訊息的節點ID # userdata : 資料型態 # msg : 訊息內容 def _status_receive(self, client, userdata, msg): print("Receive Status Check and Respond...") self._publish_status_respond() # (Publish) 回傳節點系統狀態 def _publish_status_respond(self): mqtt_client = self.client_ID + " StatusRespond" # 設定節點名稱 # 轉換Json格式 payload = { 'node_name': self.client_ID, 'node_core_number': self._processes, 'node_cpu_status': psutil.cpu_percent() } payload = json.dumps(payload) # 送出訊息 publish.single(qos=2, keepalive=60, payload=payload, topic="Analysis/StatusRespond", client_id=mqtt_client, hostname=self._host_IP, auth={'username': self._mqtt_account, 'password': self._mqtt_password} ) print('%s publish status respond' % self.client_ID) # (CallBack) 處理健康狀態確認訊息 # input: client : 發送訊息的節點ID # userdata : 資料型態 # msg : 訊息內容 def _health_receive(self, client, userdata, msg): print("Receive Health Check and Respond...") self._publish_health_respond() # (Publish) 回傳節點系統狀態 def _publish_health_respond(self): mqtt_client = self.client_ID + " HealthResponse" # 設定節點名稱 # 轉換Json格式 payload = { 'node_name': self.client_ID, 'node_core_number': self._processes, 'node_cpu_status': psutil.cpu_percent(), } payload = json.dumps(payload) # 送出訊息 publish.single(qos=2, keepalive=60, payload=payload, topic="Analysis/HealthResponse", client_id=mqtt_client, hostname=self._host_IP, auth={'username': self._mqtt_account, 'password': self._mqtt_password} ) print('%s publish health request' % self.client_ID) # (CallBack) 處理接收到之任務 # input: client : 發送訊息的節點ID # userdata : 資料型態 # msg : 訊息內容 def _handle_factor_analysis_task(self, client, userdata, msg): # MQTT CallBack參數取出 payload = self._phase_mqtt_msg(msg) print("task_message = ", payload) # 收到指派之任務 print('task_message["owner"] = ', payload["owner"]) if payload["owner"] == self.client_ID: print("Processing...", str(payload['task_list'])) factor_analysis_task = FactorAnalysisTask(payload['task_list']) task_list_detail = factor_analysis_task.task_list_detail factor_list = factor_analysis_task.factor_list self._run_factor_analysis(task_list_detail, factor_list) time.sleep(10) # 全部工作完成 更新節點狀態 self._change_node_status('0') def _run_factor_analysis(self, task_list_detail, factor_list): # 預載交易日&因子資料 cal = Calendar('TW') get_factor_start = time.time() fac = Factor(factor_list) get_factor_end = time.time() print("Get factor time: %f second" % (get_factor_end - get_factor_start)) for task_detail in task_list_detail: try: start = time.time() strategy_config = { 'factor': task_detail['factor'], 'strategy': task_detail['strategy'], 'window': task_detail['window'], 'method': task_detail['method'], 'group': task_detail['group'], 'position': task_detail['position'], } factor_str = self._general.factor_to_string(task_detail['factor']) path = self._cfg.get_value('path', 'path_to_portfolio_performance') + factor_str file_name = "{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}".format( factor_str, task_detail['strategy'], task_detail['window'], task_detail['method'], task_detail['group'], task_detail['position'] ) file = pathlib.Path("{}/{}.csv".format(path, file_name)) if file.exists(): self._publish_factor_analysis_task_finish(task_detail['task_status_id'], 1) else: my_stra = MyAsset(strategy_config, cal, fac) end = time.time() print("Execution time: %f second" % (end - start)) # status: 0 - undo, 1 - success, 2 - error self._publish_factor_analysis_task_finish(task_detail['task_status_id'], 1) except Exception as e: # status: 0 - undo, 1 - success, 2 - error self._publish_factor_analysis_task_finish(task_detail['task_status_id'], 2) print(e) # (Publish) 回傳節點完成任務 # status # 0 - undo # 1 - success # 2 - error def _publish_factor_analysis_task_finish(self, task_status_id, status): mqtt_client = self.client_ID + " StatusRespond" # 設定節點名稱 payload = { 'node_name': self.client_ID, 'task_status_id': task_status_id, 'status': status } payload = json.dumps(payload) publish.single( qos=2, keepalive=60, payload=payload, topic="Analysis/FinishTask", client_id=mqtt_client, hostname=self._host_IP, auth={ 'username': self._mqtt_account, 'password': self._mqtt_password } ) def _change_node_status(self, health): current_time = str( sql = " UPDATE `node` \ SET `cpu_status`=%(cpu_status)s, `core_num`=%(core_num)s, \ `health`=%(health)s, `health_time`=%(health_time)s \ WHERE `name`=%(name)s" args = { "name": str(self.client_ID), "cpu_status": str(psutil.cpu_percent()), "core_num": str(self._processes), "health": str(health), "health_time": current_time } status, row, result = self._dbmgr.update(sql, args) def _phase_mqtt_msg(self, msg): node_msg = str(msg.payload, encoding="utf-8") node_msg = json.loads(node_msg) return node_msg
cal = Calendar('TW') fac = Factor(general.get_distinct_factor_list(factor_list)) api_server_IP = cfg.get_value('IP', 'api_server_IP') request["factor_list"] = general.factor_list_to_string( request["factor_list"]) response = requests.get( "http://{}/task/get_task_combi".format(api_server_IP), params=request) combination = json.loads(response.text)['result'] print(combination) try: for task in combination: factor_str = general.factor_to_string(task[0]) path = cfg.get_value('path', 'path_to_portfolio_performance') + factor_str file_name = "{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}".format( factor_str, task[1], task[2], task[3], task[4], task[5], ) file = pathlib.Path("{}/{}.csv".format(path, file_name)) if file.exists(): print('file exist!') continue