def btn_save_clicked(self): self.update_anno() do_save = True if os.path.exists(self.anno_file): reply = QMessageBox.question( self, 'Save Annotations', 'File does already exist. Do you want to overwrite: %s' % self.anno_file) if reply == QMessageBox.No: do_save = False if do_save: json_dump(self.anno_file, self.anno, verbose=True)
def detect_marker(marker_path, data_path, output_file=None, cache=False, verbose=0): # check if folder/image or video case if os.path.isdir(data_path): # folder case base_dir = data_path else: # video case base_dir = os.path.dirname(data_path) # check for existing detection file if output_file is not None: det_file = os.path.join(base_dir, output_file) if cache and os.path.exists(det_file): if verbose > 0: print('Loading detection from: %s' % det_file) return json_load(det_file) if verbose > 0: print('Detection marker on:') print('\tData path: %s' % data_path) print('\tMarker file: %s' % marker_path) if os.path.isdir(data_path): if verbose > 0: print('\tAssuming: Folder of images.') points2d, point_ids, img_shape, files, base_dir = _detect_marker_img_folder( marker_path, data_path, verbose) else: if verbose > 0: print('\tAssuming: Video file.') points2d, point_ids, img_shape, files, base_dir = _detect_marker_video( marker_path, data_path) # save detections det = { 'p2d': points2d, 'pid': point_ids, 'img_shape': img_shape, 'files': files } if output_file is not None: json_dump(det_file, det, verbose=verbose > 0) return det
def merge_all_index_files(model): # create output structures dataset_index_labeled, calib_all = defaultdict(list), list() # Iter all recordings and check which output files exist set_names = list() for db in model.datasets: ident = get_ident(db) out_path = os.path.join(model.preprocessing['data_storage'], ident) set_names.append(db['db_set']) # check for record file file_out_rec = os.path.join( out_path, model.preprocessing['index_file_name'] % db['db_set']) if os.path.exists(file_out_rec): data = json_load(file_out_rec) data = update_calib_id(data, len(calib_all)) dataset_index_labeled[db['db_set']].extend(data) # calib file calib_file = os.path.join(out_path, model.preprocessing['calib_file']) if os.path.exists(calib_file): calib_all.extend(json_load(calib_file)) # Save merged indices for set_name in set(set_names): file_out = model.preprocessing['index_file_name'] % set_name if len(dataset_index_labeled[set_name]) > 0: json_dump( os.path.join(model.preprocessing['data_storage'], file_out), dataset_index_labeled[set_name]) print( 'Saved %d samples to %s' % (len(dataset_index_labeled[set_name]), os.path.join(model.preprocessing['data_storage'], file_out))) # Save merged cam calibs if len(calib_all) > 0: json_dump( os.path.join(model.preprocessing['data_storage'], model.preprocessing['calib_file']), calib_all)
action='store_true', help='If set, saves data.') args = parser.parse_args() # load model data model = Model(args.model) # sanity check input assert os.path.exists( args.pose_pred_file), 'Given pose prediction file was not found.' if args.plane: assert os.path.exists( args.plane_file), 'Given plane definition file was not found.' # output file to save results to output_file_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(args.pose_pred_file), args.file_out_name) print('Output file: %s' % output_file_name) # load pose data pose_pred = json_load(args.pose_pred_file) # run analyse variables = analyse(args, model, pose_pred) if print('Saving file...') # save calculated variables json_dump(output_file_name, variables, verbose=True)
def calc_intrinsics(marker_path, data_path, det_file_name, output_file=None, estimate_dist=True, dist_complexity=5, cache=False, verbose=0): if os.path.isdir(data_path): base_dir = data_path else: base_dir = os.path.dirname(data_path) # try to load precomputed if output_file is not None: calib_file = os.path.join(base_dir, output_file) if cache and os.path.exists(calib_file): if verbose > 0: print('Loading intrinsic calibration from: %s' % calib_file) calib = json_load(calib_file) return np.array(calib['K']), np.array(calib['dist']) if verbose > 0: print('Calculating intrinsic calibration for:') print('\tData path: %s' % data_path) print('\tMarker file: %s' % marker_path) # set up detector and estimator detector = BoardDetector(marker_path) if os.path.isdir(data_path): if verbose > 0: print('\tAssuming: Folder of images.') base_dir = data_path else: if verbose > 0: print('\tAssuming: Video file.') base_dir = os.path.dirname(data_path) # check for detections if det_file_name is None: det = detect_marker(marker_path, data_path, cache=cache, verbose=verbose - 1) else: detections_file = os.path.join(base_dir, det_file_name) if not os.path.exists(detections_file): if verbose > 1: print( 'Could not locate marker detections. Running detector now and saving them to folder.' ) det = detect_marker(marker_path, data_path, det_file_name, verbose=verbose - 1) else: det = json_load(detections_file) # give points unique ids max_num_pts = len(detector.object_points) p2d, pid, p3dm, fid = enumerate_points(detector, det['p2d'], det['pid'], max_num_pts) if verbose > 0: print('Found %d unique points to estimate intrinsics from.' % pid.shape[0]) # estimate intrinsics K, dist = estimate_intrinsics(p2d, fid, p3dm, det['img_shape'], estimate_dist=estimate_dist, dist_complexity=dist_complexity, verbose=verbose) # save intrinsics if output_file is not None: calib = {'K': K, 'dist': dist} json_dump(calib_file, calib, verbose=verbose > 0) return K, dist
for offset, name in jobs: # open a new canvas c = canvas.canvas() # draw the board generateAprilBoard(canvas, parsed.n_cols, parsed.n_rows, name, offset, parsed.tsize, parsed.tagspacing, parsed.tagfamily, parsed.border) # write to file my_mkdir(output_name_pdf % name, is_file=True) c.writePDFfile(output_name_pdf % name) print('Created %s.pdf' % output_name_pdf % name) tag_desc = dict() tag_desc['family'] = parsed.tagfamily tag_desc['border'] = parsed.border tag_desc['double'] = parsed.double tag_desc['tsize'] = parsed.tsize tag_desc[ 'tspace'] = parsed.tsize * parsed.tagspacing # actual size in meters tag_desc['n_x'] = parsed.n_cols tag_desc['n_y'] = parsed.n_rows tag_desc['offset'] = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ] # these we dont know because they depend on the manufacturing process json_dump(output_name_json, tag_desc) print('Created %s' % output_name_json)
boxes[:, 2] /= orig_shapes[:, 0] boxes = np.expand_dims(boxes, 1) scores = np.ones_like(boxes[:, :, 0]) # process boxes pred = post_process_detections(boxes, scores, K_list, M_list, imgs.shape[1:3], verbose=False) predictions.append(pred) if img_vis_list = list() for bid in range(imgs.shape[0]): root_uv = cl.project(cl.trafo_coords(pred['xyz'], M_list[bid]), K_list[bid]) img =[bid].astype(np.uint8), (int(root_uv[0, 0]), int(root_uv[0, 1])), radius=5, color=(0, 255, 255), thickness=-1) img_vis_list.append(draw_bb(img, pred['boxes'][bid] * imgs.shape[1], mode='lrtb', color='g')) merge = StitchedImage(img_vis_list) cv2.imshow('img_bb_post', merge.image[:, :, ::-1]) cv2.waitKey(100) json_dump(pred_file_name, predictions, verbose=True)
def attribution_by_permutation(output_file, pose_names, pose_mat, class_labels): """ Attribute the influence to some body variables. """ # masking mask = np.abs(class_labels) > 0.5 y = class_labels[mask] X = pose_mat[mask] n_classes = np.unique(y).size result_table = PrettyTable(['Experiment', 'p-value']) # # classify from all factors # v = _p_value_from_permutation(X, y) # result_table.add_row( # ['all_factors', '%.3e' % v] # ) # iterate single factors results = list() for i, name in tqdm(enumerate(pose_names), desc='Single factors', total=len(pose_names)): pv, fs = _p_value_from_permutation(X[:, i:(i + 1)], y) results.append((name, pv, fs)) all_scores = np.array([x[1] for x in results]) mean_score = np.mean(all_scores) result_table.add_row(['single_factor_mean_score', '%.3e' % mean_score]) result_table.add_row(['---', '---']) sorted_inds = np.argsort(all_scores)[::-1] for i in sorted_inds[:10]: name = pose_names[i] v = all_scores[i] result_table.add_row([name, '%.3e' % v]) result_table.add_row(['---', '---']) for i in sorted_inds[-10:]: name = pose_names[i] v = all_scores[i] result_table.add_row([name, '%.3e' % v]) num_sig = np.sum(all_scores < 0.1) print('Attribution summary:') print('Number of significant factors: %d' % num_sig) print('Data set: %d samples' % pose_mat.shape[0]) print('Data set: %d samples valid' % np.sum(mask)) print('Data set: %d factors' % pose_mat.shape[1]) print(result_table) # with open(output_file, 'w') as fo: # fo.write('Attribution summary Attribution by permutation\n') # fo.write('Number of significant factors: %d\n' % num_sig) # fo.write('Data set: %d samples\n' % pose_mat.shape[0]) # fo.write('Data set: %d samples valid\n' % np.sum(mask)) # fo.write('Data set: %d factors\n' % pose_mat.shape[1]) # fo.write(str(result_table)) summary = { 'num_samples': pose_mat.shape[0], 'num_samples_valid': np.sum(mask), 'num_factors': pose_mat.shape[1], 'num_factors_sig': num_sig, 'results': results, } json_dump(output_file, summary)
def attribution(cls_type, output_file, pose_names, pose_mat, class_labels, pose_mat_eval, class_labels_eval, output_file_pred, save_pred=False): """ Attribute the influence to some body variables. """ # masking mask_train = np.abs(class_labels) > 0.5 mask_eval = np.abs(class_labels_eval) > 0.5 fmt = '%.3f' result_table = PrettyTable(['Experiment', 'p-value']) # classify from all factors if save_pred: ## looks like more than linear is not worth the effort # # for c in ['svm_linear', 'svm_linear_w', 'sgd', 'svm_nl', 'svm_nl_w', 'mlp', 'mlp', 'mlp', 'mlp']: # for c in ['svm_linear', 'svm_nl', 'mlp', 'mlp', 'mlp', 'mlp']: # pv, fs, acc, pred = _classify(c,#cls_type, # class_labels[mask_train], pose_mat[mask_train], # class_labels_eval[mask_eval], pose_mat_eval[mask_eval], return_pred=save_pred) # print('CLASSIFIER', c) # print('ALL FACTORS ACCURACY:', acc) # print('ALL FACTORS F1:', fs) # print('---------') # exit() pv, fs, acc, stat, dof, expected, pred = _classify( cls_type, class_labels[mask_train], pose_mat[mask_train], class_labels_eval[mask_eval], pose_mat_eval[mask_eval], return_pred=save_pred) json_dump(output_file_pred, pred, verbose=True) else: pv, fs, acc, stat, dof, expected = _classify( 'svm_linear', class_labels[mask_train], pose_mat[mask_train], class_labels_eval[mask_eval], pose_mat_eval[mask_eval]) acc_all_factors = acc result_table.add_row(['all_factors', '%.3e' % pv]) # iterate single factors results = list() for i, name in tqdm(enumerate(pose_names), total=len(pose_names), desc='Testing single factors'): pv, fs, acc, stat, dof, expected = _classify( 'svm_linear', class_labels[mask_train], pose_mat[mask_train, i:(i + 1)], class_labels_eval[mask_eval], pose_mat_eval[mask_eval, i:(i + 1)]) results.append((name, pv, fs, acc, stat, dof, expected, class_labels[mask_train].shape[0], class_labels_eval[mask_eval].shape[0])) all_scores = np.array([x[1] for x in results]) mean_score = np.mean(all_scores) result_table.add_row(['single_factor_mean_score', '%.3f' % mean_score]) result_table.add_row(['---', '---']) sorted_inds = np.argsort(all_scores)[::-1] for i in sorted_inds: name = pose_names[i] v = all_scores[i] if v < 0.1: result_table.add_row([name, fmt % v]) num_sig = np.sum(all_scores < 0.1) print('Attribution summary:') print('Number of significant factors %d' % num_sig) print('Train set: %d samples' % pose_mat.shape[0]) print('Train set: %d samples valid' % np.sum(mask_train)) print('Train set: %d factors' % pose_mat.shape[1]) print('Eval set: %d samples' % pose_mat_eval.shape[0]) print('Eval set: %d samples valid' % np.sum(mask_eval)) print('Eval set: %d factors' % pose_mat_eval.shape[1]) print(result_table) # with open(output_file, 'w') as fo: # fo.write('Attribution summary: Attribution by classification\n') # fo.write('Number of significant factors %d\n' % num_sig) # fo.write('Train set: %d samples\n' % pose_mat.shape[0]) # fo.write('Train set: %d samples valid\n' % np.sum(mask_train)) # fo.write('Train set: %d factors\n' % pose_mat.shape[1]) # fo.write('Eval set: %d samples\n' % pose_mat_eval.shape[0]) # fo.write('Eval set: %d samples valid\n' % np.sum(mask_eval)) # fo.write('Eval set: %d factors\n' % pose_mat_eval.shape[1]) # fo.write(str(result_table)) summary = { 'num_train_samples': pose_mat.shape[0], 'num_train_samples_valid': np.sum(mask_train), 'num_eval_samples': pose_mat_eval.shape[0], 'num_eval_samples_valid': np.sum(mask_eval), 'num_factors': pose_mat.shape[1], 'num_factors_sig': num_sig, 'acc_all_factors': acc_all_factors, 'results': results, } json_dump(output_file, summary)
def preproc_data(model): """ Preprocess labeled data so we can train networks with it. """ print('Running preprocessing for:', model) print('Saving to output folder:', model.preprocessing['data_storage']) # Init output structures calib_all = list() for i, db in enumerate(model.datasets): dataset_index = defaultdict(list) ident = get_ident(db) print('Preprocessing dataset entry %d: %s' % (i, ident)) # where we want to save the processed frames output_path = os.path.join(model.preprocessing['data_storage'], ident) # check if we previously dealt with this record if os.path.exists(output_path): print(' > This record was already preprocessed previously.') continue # check base paths existance if not os.path.exists(db['path']): print(' > Base path not found: %s' % db['path']) continue # check calib file calib_file_path = os.path.join(db['path'], db['calib']) if not os.path.exists(calib_file_path): print(' > Calib file not found: %s' % calib_file_path) continue calib_all.append( load_calib_data(calib_file_path, return_cam2world=False)) # check annotation file anno_file = os.path.join(db['path'], db['frame_dir'], db['anno']) if os.path.exists(anno_file): print(' > Loading annotations from %s' % anno_file) anno = json_load(anno_file) print(' > Got %d annotations' % len(anno)) else: print(' > Cant find annotation file: %s' % anno_file) print(' > Assuming dataset is not labeled.') continue if check_if_labeled(anno): print(' > Found labeled sequence: %s' % os.path.join(db['path'], db['frame_dir'])) cnt = sum([len(x) for x in dataset_index.values()]) this_index = process_labeled(model, cnt, output_path, db, anno, calib_all) print(' > Adding %d samples to labeled set %s' % (len(this_index), db['db_set'])) dataset_index[db['db_set']].extend(this_index) else: print( ' > Sequence appears to be unlabeled (f.e. annotation file is empty).' ) if len(dataset_index[db['db_set']]) > 0: file_out_rec = os.path.join( output_path, model.preprocessing['index_file_name'] % db['db_set']) json_dump(file_out_rec, dataset_index[db['db_set']]) print(' > Saved %d samples to %s' % (len(dataset_index[db['db_set']]), file_out_rec)) # save Calib file json_dump( os.path.join(output_path, model.preprocessing['calib_file']), calib_all) merge_all_index_files(model)
def btn_write(self): self.save_label_state() # save current annotation num_kp = len(self.config['keypoints']) empty = { 'kp_xyz': np.zeros((num_kp, 3)), 'vis3d': np.zeros((num_kp, )) } # assemble all info we want to write to disk output_data = dict() for k in self.file_list_sel_full_keys: fid = int(k) if k in self.label_tasks.keys(): output_data[fid] = self.label_tasks[k] # project into views for i, cid in enumerate(self.cam_range): # project into frame xyz = self.label_tasks[k]['kp_xyz'] kp_uv = cl.project(cl.trafo_coords(xyz, self.M_list[i]), self.K_list[i], self.dist_list[i]) output_data[fid]['cam%d' % cid] = { 'kp_uv': kp_uv, 'vis': self.label_tasks[k]['vis3d'] } else: output_data[fid] = empty self.pb_start(len(output_data)) # figure out base path i = 0 while True: base_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.video_list[0]), self.output_task_dir % i) if not os.path.exists(base_path): break i += 1 # dump frames for fid, _ in output_data.items(): img_list, K_list, M_list, dist_list = self.precacher.get_data(fid) # write image frames for cid, img in zip(self.cam_range, img_list): output_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'cam%d' % cid, '%08d.png' % fid) my_mkdir(output_path, is_file=True) cv2.imwrite(output_path, img) # print('Dumped: ', output_path) self.pb_update() self.pb_finish() # dump anno anno_out_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'anno.json') my_mkdir(anno_out_path, is_file=True) json_dump(anno_out_path, {'%08d.png' % k: v for k, v in output_data.items()}, verbose=True)