Exemple #1
    def run_epoch(self, sess):
        train_se = 0.0
        prog = Progbar(target=1 +
                       self.train_x.shape[0] / self.config.batch_size)
        for i, (train_x, train_y, train_sentLen, mask) in enumerate(
                minibatches(self.train_x, self.train_y, self.train_sentLen,
                            self.train_mask, self.config.batch_size)):
            loss = self.train_on_batch(sess, train_x, train_y, mask,
            train_se += self.evaluate_on_batch(sess, train_x, train_y, mask,
            prog.update(i + 1, [("train loss", loss)])

        train_obs = self.train_x.shape[0]
        train_mse = train_se / train_obs

        print 'Training MSE is {0}'.format(train_mse)

        print "Evaluating on dev set",
        dev_se = 0.0
        for i, (dev_x, dev_y, dev_sentLen, dev_mask) in enumerate(
                minibatches(self.dev_x, self.dev_y, self.dev_sentLen,
                            self.dev_mask, self.config.batch_size)):
            dev_se += self.evaluate_on_batch(sess, dev_x, dev_y, dev_mask,

        dev_obs = self.dev_x.shape[0]
        dev_mse = dev_se / dev_obs

        print "- dev MSE: {:.2f}".format(dev_mse)
        return dev_mse
Exemple #2
 def run_train_epoch(self, sess, train_inputs, train_labels):
     # Iterate through the train inputs, and train the weights
     prog = Progbar(target=1 + len(train_labels) / self.config.batch_size)
     iterator = get_minibatches([train_inputs, train_labels],
     for i, (train_x, train_y) in enumerate(iterator):
         loss = self.train_on_batch(sess, train_x, train_y)
         prog.update(i + 1, [("train loss", loss)])
 def run_epoch(self, sess, parser, train_examples, dev_set):
     prog = Progbar(target=1 + len(train_examples) / self.config.batch_size)
     for i, (train_x, train_y) in enumerate(
             minibatches(train_examples, self.config.batch_size)):
         loss = self.train_on_batch(sess, train_x, train_y)
         prog.update(i + 1, [("train loss", loss)])
     print "Evaluating on dev set",
     dev_UAS, _ = parser.parse(dev_set)
     print "- dev UAS: {:.2f}".format(dev_UAS * 100.0)
     return dev_UAS
    def run_epoch(self, sess, config, dataset, train_writer, merged):#按批次运行
        prog = Progbar(target=1 + len(dataset.train_inputs[0]) / config.batch_size)
        for i, (train_x, train_y) in enumerate(get_minibatches([dataset.train_inputs, dataset.train_targets],
                                                               config.batch_size, is_multi_feature_input=True)):
            # print "input, outout: {}, {}".format(np.array(train_x).shape, np.array(train_y).shape)

            summary, loss = self.train_on_batch(sess, train_x, train_y, merged)#训练主函数
            prog.update(i + 1, [("train loss", loss)])
            # train_writer.add_summary(summary, global_step=i)
        return summary, loss  # Last batch
    def run_epoch(self, sess, parser, train_examples, dev_set):
        prog = Progbar(target=1 + len(train_examples) / self.config.batch_size)
        for i, (train_x, train_y) in enumerate(minibatches(train_examples, self.config.batch_size)):
            loss = self.train_on_batch(sess, train_x, train_y)
            prog.update(i + 1, [("train loss", loss)])

        print "Evaluating on dev set",
        dev_UAS, _ = parser.parse(dev_set)
        print "- dev UAS: {:.2f}".format(dev_UAS * 100.0)
        return dev_UAS
    def run_epoch(self, sess):
        train_se = 0.0
        prog = Progbar(target=1 +
                       self.train_x.shape[0] / self.config.batch_size)
        for i, (train_x, train_y, train_sentLen, mask) in enumerate(
                minibatches(self.train_x, self.train_y, self.train_sentLen,
                            self.train_mask, self.config.batch_size)):
            loss = self.train_on_batch(sess, train_x, train_y, mask,
            train_se += self.evaluate_on_batch(sess, train_x, train_y, mask,
            prog.update(i + 1, [("train loss", loss)])

        train_obs = self.train_x.shape[0]
        train_mse = train_se / train_obs

        print 'Training MSE is {0}'.format(train_mse)

        print "Evaluating on dev set",
        dev_se = 0.0
        for i, (dev_x, dev_y, dev_sentLen, dev_mask) in enumerate(
                minibatches(self.dev_x, self.dev_y, self.dev_sentLen,
                            self.dev_mask, self.config.batch_size)):
            dev_se += self.evaluate_on_batch(sess, dev_x, dev_y, dev_mask,

        dev_obs = self.dev_x.shape[0]
        dev_mse = dev_se / dev_obs

        print "- dev MSE: {0}".format(dev_mse)

        print 'Evaluating on test set'
        test_se = 0.0
        test_correct = 0
        test_totalPred = 0
        for i, (test_x, test_y, test_sentLen, test_mask,
                test_rat) in enumerate(
                    get_minibatches_test(self.test_x, self.test_y,
                                         self.test_sentLen, self.test_mask,
                                         self.config.batch_size, False)):
            se, predCorrect, predTotal = self.run_test_batch(
                sess, test_x, test_y, test_mask, test_sentLen, test_rat)
            test_se += se
            test_correct += predCorrect
            test_totalPred += predTotal
        precision = float(predCorrect) / float(predTotal)

        test_obs = self.test_x.shape[0]
        test_mse = test_se / test_obs

        print '- test MSE: {0}'.format(test_mse)
        print '- test precision: {0}'.format(precision)
        print '- test predictions count: {0}'.format(test_totalPred)
        return dev_mse
Exemple #7
 def run_dev_epoch(self, sess, dev_inputs, dev_labels):
     # Iterate through the dev inputs and print the accuracy
     prf = []
     print "Evaluating on dev set"
     prog = Progbar(target=1 + len(dev_labels) / self.config.batch_size)
     iterator = get_minibatches([dev_inputs, dev_labels],
     for i, (train_x, train_y) in enumerate(iterator):
         prf.append(self.evaluate_on_batch(sess, train_x, train_y))
         prog.update(i + 1)
     prf = np.mean(np.array(prf), axis=0)
     print "Precision={:.2f}, Recall={:.2f}, F1={:.2f}".format(
         prf[0], prf[1], prf[2])
     return prf[2]
    def run_epoch(self, sess, dataset):
        train_examples, dev_set = dataset.get_train_and_dev_data(

        prog = Progbar(target=1 +
                       len(train_examples[1]) / self.config.batch_size)
        for i, (train_x, train_y) in enumerate(
                get_minibatches(train_examples, self.config.batch_size)):
            loss = self.train_on_batch(sess, train_x, train_y)
            prog.update(i + 1, [("train loss", loss)])

        print "Evaluating on dev set",
        dev_precision = self.evaluate(sess, dev_set)
        print "- dev precision: {:.2f}".format(dev_precision * 100.0)
        return dev_precision
    def run_epoch(self, sess, parser, train_examples, dev_set):
        total_loss = []
        prog = Progbar(target=1 + len(train_examples) / self.config.batch_size)
        for i, train_ex in enumerate(
                minibatches(train_examples, self.config.batch_size,
                            parser.pad_instance, self.config)):
            loss, summary = self.train_on_batch(sess, train_ex)
            self.writer.add_summary(summary, self.batch_cnt)
            prog.update(i + 1, [("train loss", loss)])
            total_loss += [loss]

        print("Evaluating on dev set")
        dev_UAS, dev_LAS, POS_acc, _ = parser.parse(
            dev_set, pjoin(self.args.model_path, "dev.result"))
        print("- dev UAS: {:.2f}".format(dev_UAS * 100.0))
        print("- dev LAS: {:.2f}".format(dev_LAS * 100.0))
        print("- dev POS acc: {:.2f}".format(POS_acc * 100.0))
        return dev_UAS, dev_LAS, POS_acc, np.mean(total_loss)
    def run_epoch(self, sess, inputs, labels):
        """Runs an epoch of training.

            sess: tf.Session() object
            inputs: np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features)
            labels: np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_classes)
            average_loss: scalar. Average minibatch loss of model on epoch.
        n_minibatches, total_loss = 0, 0
        inputs_shape = inputs.shape
        prog = Progbar(target=1 + inputs_shape[0] / self.config.batch_size)
        for input_batch, labels_batch in get_minibatches(
            [inputs, labels], self.config.batch_size):
            n_minibatches += 1
            loss = self.train_on_batch(sess, input_batch, labels_batch)
            total_loss += loss
            prog.update(n_minibatches, [("train loss", loss)])
        return total_loss / n_minibatches
    def run_epoch(self, sess, config, dataset, train_writer, merged):
        prog = Progbar(target=1 +
                       len(dataset.train_inputs[0]) / config.batch_size)
        for i, (train_x, train_y) in enumerate(
                get_minibatches([dataset.train_inputs, dataset.train_targets],
            print "word input, char input, outout: {}, {}, {}".format(

            summary, loss = self.train_on_batch(sess, train_x, train_y, merged)
            prog.update(i + 1, [("train loss", loss)])

        # feed = self.create_feed_dict(dataset.train_inputs, labels_batch=dataset.train_targets,
        #                              keep_prob_word=self.config.keep_prob, keep_prob_fc=self.config.keep_prob_fc,
        #                              is_training=False)
        # train_accuracy = sess.run(self.accuracy, feed_dict=feed)
        # print "- train Accuracy: {:.2f}".format(train_accuracy * 100.0)

        return summary, loss  # returns for Last batch
def run_epoch(model, config, parser, train_examples, dev_set):
    prog = Progbar(target=1 + len(train_examples) / config.batch_size)
    flag = False

    for i, (train_x, train_y) in enumerate(
            minibatches(train_examples, config.batch_size)):
        losses = []
        for x, y in zip(train_x, train_y):
            pred = model.create_network_return_pred(np.array(x).reshape(
                1, config.n_features),
            loss = model.create_network_return_loss(pred, y)
        loss = dy.esum(losses) / config.batch_size

    print "Training Loss: ", loss.value()
    print "Evaluating on dev set",
    dev_UAS, _ = parser.parse(dev_set)
    print "- dev UAS: {:.2f}".format(dev_UAS * 100.0)
    return dev_UAS
Exemple #13
def sgd(f,
    """ Stochastic Gradient Descent

    Implement the stochastic gradient descent method in this function.

    f -- the function to optimize, it should take a single
         argument and yield two outputs, a cost and the gradient
         with respect to the arguments
    x0 -- the initial point to start SGD from
    step -- the step size for SGD
    iterations -- total iterations to run SGD for
    postprocessing -- postprocessing function for the parameters
                      if necessary. In the case of word2vec we will need to
                      normalize the word vectors to have unit length.
    PRINT_EVERY -- specifies how many iterations to output loss

    x -- the parameter value after SGD finishes

    # Anneal learning rate every several iterations
    ANNEAL_EVERY = 20000
    # auto save if save every is true
    SAVE_EVERY = 10000

    if useSaved:
        start_iter, oldx, state = load_saved_params()
        if start_iter > 0:
            x0 = oldx
            lr *= lr**(start_iter / ANNEAL_EVERY)

        if state:
        start_iter = 0

    x = x0

    if not postprocessing:
        postprocessing = lambda x: x

    expcost = None
    prog = Progbar(target=iterations)
    for iter in xrange(start_iter + 1, iterations + 1):
        # Don't forget to apply the postprocessing after every iteration!
        # You might want to print the progress every few iterations.
        cost, grad = f(x)
        x -= grad * lr

        if not expcost:
            expcost = cost
            expcost = .95 * expcost + .05 * cost

        prog.update(iter, [("expcost", expcost)])

        if save_every and iter % SAVE_EVERY == 0:
            save_params(save_path, iter, x)

        if iter % ANNEAL_EVERY == 0:
            lr *= 0.5

    return x
 def run_epoch(self, sess, parser, train_examples, dev_set):
     prog = Progbar(target=1 + len(train_examples) / self.config.batch_size)
Exemple #15
def run_iter(data, learning_rate=0.05, x_max=100, alpha=0.75):
    Run a single iteration of GloVe training using the given
    cooccurrence data and the previously computed weight vectors /
    biases and accompanying gradient histories.

    `data` is a pre-fetched data / weights list where each element is of
    the form

        (v_main, v_context,
         b_main, b_context,
         gradsq_W_main, gradsq_W_context,
         gradsq_b_main, gradsq_b_context,

    as produced by the `train_glove` function. Each element in this
    tuple is an `ndarray` view into the data structure which contains

    See the `train_glove` function for information on the shapes of `W`,
    `biases`, `gradient_squared`, `gradient_squared_biases` and how they
    should be initialized.

    The parameters `x_max`, `alpha` define our weighting function when
    computing the cost for two word pairs; see the GloVe paper for more

    Returns the cost associated with the given weight assignments and
    updates the weights by online AdaGrad in place.

    global_cost = 0
    prog = Progbar(target=len(data) // 1000)
    i = 1
    for v_main, v_context, b_main, b_context, gradsq_W_main, gradsq_W_context,\
        gradsq_b_main, gradsq_b_context, cooccurrence in data:
        # weight of the sample
        w = weight(cooccurrence, x_max, alpha)
        # compute loss
        L = np.dot(v_main.T,
                   v_context) + b_main[0] + b_context[0] - np.log(cooccurrence)
        sample_cost = L**2
        sample_cost *= w
        # gradients of vectors and bias
        grad_v_main = 2 * L * v_context * w
        grad_v_context = 2 * L * v_main * w
        grad_b_main = 2 * L * w
        grad_b_context = 2 * L * w
        # adagrad square cache
        gradsq_W_main += grad_v_main**2
        gradsq_W_context += grad_v_context**2
        gradsq_b_main += grad_b_main**2
        gradsq_b_context += grad_b_context**2
        # update vector and bias
        v_main -= learning_rate * grad_v_main / np.sqrt(gradsq_W_main)
        v_context -= learning_rate * grad_v_context / np.sqrt(gradsq_W_context)
        b_main -= learning_rate * grad_b_main / np.sqrt(gradsq_b_main)
        b_context -= learning_rate * grad_b_context / np.sqrt(gradsq_b_context)

        global_cost += sample_cost
        if i % 1000 == 0:
            prog.update(i // 1000, [("train loss", global_cost / i)])
        i += 1

    return global_cost