Exemple #1
def createZip(album):
    songs = Song.objects.filter(album_id=album._id)
    set_user_for_sharding(songs, album.musician_id)
    album_id = album._id
    musician_id = album.musician_id
    musician_dir = os.path.join(settings.ZIP_ROOT, musician_id)
    if not os.path.isdir(musician_dir):
        # Create direcotry
    album_dir = os.path.join(musician_dir, album_id)
    if not os.path.isdir(album_dir):
        # Create direcotry

    version_hash = hashlib.sha256()
    for song in songs:
    filename = version_hash.hexdigest() + '.zip'
    full_filename = os.path.join(album_dir, filename)

    # If zip file already exists exit
    if (os.path.isfile(full_filename)):
        return version_hash.hexdigest()
    # else create zip
        zip_file = ZipFile(full_filename, "w")
        for song in songs:
            song_loc = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, str(song.media))
            zip_file.write(song_loc, song_loc.split('/')[-1])
        return version_hash.hexdigest()
def item(request, user_id, item_id):
	'''List of recent posts by people I follow'''

	user = get_user_from_cache(user_id)
	if user is None:
		return flashHomeMessage(request, 'Sorry, we could\'t find a user by that specification')
	# query items
	item = get_item_from_cache(item_id, user_id) # pass in the user_id as a backup to get the item from the db if it does not exist

	if item is None: # this means the cache doesn't have it and (if we passed in the user_id) the db doesn't have it
		return flashHomeMessage(request, 'Sorry, we could\'t find an item by that specification')

	if item.is_public == False:
		if request.user.is_authenticated():
			set_user_for_sharding(user_query, user_id)
			logged_in_user = user_query.get(user_id=request.user.id)
			if item.owner != logged_in_user:
				return flashHomeMessage(request, 'This is not your item so you unfortunately can\'t view it')
			return flashHomeMessage(request, 'Please log in to view this item')

	context = {
		'user': user,
		'item': item,
	return render(request, 'my_qrcode/item.html', context)
Exemple #3
def item(request, user_id, item_id):
    '''List of recent posts by people I follow'''

    user = get_user_from_cache(user_id)

    if user is None:
        return flashHomeMessage(
            request, 'Sorry, we could\'t find a user by that specification')

    # query items
    item = get_item_from_cache(
        item_id, user_id
    )  # pass in the user_id as a backup to get the item from the db if it does not exist

    if item is None:  # this means the cache doesn't have it and (if we passed in the user_id) the db doesn't have it
        return flashHomeMessage(
            request, 'Sorry, we could\'t find an item by that specification')

    if item.is_public == False:
        if request.user.is_authenticated():
            set_user_for_sharding(user_query, user_id)
            logged_in_user = user_query.get(user_id=request.user.id)
            if item.owner != logged_in_user:
                return flashHomeMessage(
                    'This is not your item so you unfortunately can\'t view it'
            return flashHomeMessage(request, 'Please log in to view this item')

    context = {
        'user': user,
        'item': item,
    return render(request, 'my_qrcode/item.html', context)
Exemple #4
    def clean_name(self):
        name = self.cleaned_data['name']
        device = Device.objects.filter(user_id=self.user_id, name=name)
        set_user_for_sharding(device, self.user_id)

        if device.exists():
            raise forms.ValidationError(
                "You already have a device with the same name!")
        return name
Exemple #5
 def get_object(self):
     device_id = self.kwargs['pk']
     devices = Device.objects.filter(user_id=self.request.user.id,
     set_user_for_sharding(devices, self.request.user.id)
     if len(devices) == 1:
         return devices[0]
         raise Http404
Exemple #6
def analytics(request):
    all_fulfilled_purchases = []
    for shard in range(0, NUM_PHYSICAL_SHARDS):
        purchases = Purchase.objects.filter(fulfilled=True)
        set_user_for_sharding(purchases, str(shard))
        all_fulfilled_purchases = all_fulfilled_purchases + [
            p for p in purchases

    return render(request, 'web/analytics.html',
                  {'purchases': all_fulfilled_purchases})
Exemple #7
def findId(Model, length, user_id, is_purchase_id):
    _id = ''
    if is_purchase_id:
        _id = uuid.uuid4().hex[0:length] + user_id
        _id = uuid.uuid4().hex[0:length]
    model_query = Model.objects
    set_user_for_sharding(model_query, user_id)
    while (model_query.filter(_id=_id).exists()):
        _id = uuid.uuid4().hex[0:length]
    return _id
Exemple #8
def home(request):
    user = request.user
    first_name = user.first_name
    devices = Device.objects.filter(user_id=user.id)
    set_user_for_sharding(devices, user.id)
    num_devices = len(devices)
    context = {
        'name': first_name,
        'devices': devices,
        'num_devices': num_devices,
        'page_title': 'Home',
    return render(request, 'micro/home.html', context)
def generate_item_id(user_id):
	# Check all items in all shards or keep last item id 
	# so that we can increment it, unless that doesn't matter
	shards_to_query = get_all_shards()
	all_items = []
	for shard in shards_to_query:   
		item_list = Item.objects.all().order_by('-pk')
		set_user_for_sharding(item_list, int(shard))
		# The list comprehension actually invokes the db query in the QuerySet.
		if len(item_list) > 0:
			all_items = all_items + [item_list[0]] # get the item with the highest pk
	# we just got the highest item pk from each shard
	last_item = sorted(all_items, key=lambda x: x.pk, reverse=True) # sort the items
	if len(last_item) > 0:
		return last_item[0].item_id + 1
	return 1
def get_item_from_cache(item_id, user_id = None):
	cache = caches['items']
	single_item_cache_key = 'qr_item_' + str(item_id) # have single item cache as well so that
	item = cache.get(single_item_cache_key)
	if item is None and user_id is not None:
			item_query = Item.objects
			set_user_for_sharding(item_query, user_id)
			item = item_query.get(item_id=item_id)
			cache.set(single_item_cache_key, item)
		except Item.DoesNotExist:
			#return flashHomeMessage(request, 'Sorry, we could\'t find an item by that specification')
			return None # both the cache and the db were tried
		print 'Item is in cache'
	return item
Exemple #11
def get_item_from_cache(item_id, user_id=None):
    cache = caches['items']
    single_item_cache_key = 'qr_item_' + str(
        item_id)  # have single item cache as well so that
    item = cache.get(single_item_cache_key)
    if item is None and user_id is not None:
            item_query = Item.objects
            set_user_for_sharding(item_query, user_id)
            item = item_query.get(item_id=item_id)
            cache.set(single_item_cache_key, item)
        except Item.DoesNotExist:
            #return flashHomeMessage(request, 'Sorry, we could\'t find an item by that specification')
            return None  # both the cache and the db were tried
        print 'Item is in cache'
    return item
Exemple #12
def generate_item_id(user_id):
    # Check all items in all shards or keep last item id
    # so that we can increment it, unless that doesn't matter
    shards_to_query = get_all_shards()
    all_items = []
    for shard in shards_to_query:
        item_list = Item.objects.all().order_by('-pk')
        set_user_for_sharding(item_list, int(shard))
        # The list comprehension actually invokes the db query in the QuerySet.
        if len(item_list) > 0:
            all_items = all_items + [item_list[0]
                                     ]  # get the item with the highest pk
    # we just got the highest item pk from each shard
    last_item = sorted(all_items, key=lambda x: x.pk,
                       reverse=True)  # sort the items
    if len(last_item) > 0:
        return last_item[0].item_id + 1
    return 1
Exemple #13
def get_user_from_cache(user_id):
    cache = caches['users']
    user_cach_key = 'qr_user_' + str(user_id)
    user = cache.get(user_cach_key)
    if user is None:
        # get user from shard

            # query user and get him from the shard
            user_query = FinderUser.objects
            set_user_for_sharding(user_query, user_id)
            user = user_query.get(user_id=user_id)
            cache.set(user_cach_key, user)
        except FinderUser.DoesNotExist:
            #return flashHomeMessage(request, 'Sorry, we could\'t find a user by that specification')
            return None  # user was not in cach or in the db
        print 'User is in the cache'
    return user
def get_user_from_cache(user_id):
	cache = caches['users']
	user_cach_key = 'qr_user_' + str(user_id)
	user = cache.get(user_cach_key)
	if user is None:
		# get user from shard
			# query user and get him from the shard
			user_query = FinderUser.objects
			set_user_for_sharding(user_query, user_id)
			user = user_query.get(user_id=user_id)
			cache.set(user_cach_key, user)
		except FinderUser.DoesNotExist:
			#return flashHomeMessage(request, 'Sorry, we could\'t find a user by that specification')
			return None # user was not in cach or in the db
		print 'User is in the cache'
	return user
Exemple #15
def genqr(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        musician_id = request.user.profile.musician_id
        purchase_id = findId(Purchase, 16, musician_id, True)
        album_query = Album.objects
        set_user_for_sharding(album_query, musician_id)
        album = album_query.get(_id=request.POST['album_id'])
        longitude = request.POST['longitude']
        latitude = request.POST['latitude']
        version_hash = createZip(album)
        p = Purchase(musician_id=musician_id,

        return redirect('/streeTunes/qr/{pid}'.format(pid=purchase_id))
        return HttpResponseNotFound()
Exemple #16
def stream(request, user_id):  
  # See if to present a 'follow' button
  form = None
  if request.user.is_authenticated() and request.user.id != int(user_id):
      following_query = Following.objects
      set_user_for_sharding(following_query, request.user.id)
      f = following_query.get(user_id=request.user.id, followee_id=user_id)
    except Following.DoesNotExist:
      form = FollowingForm
  user_query = Profile.objects
  set_user_for_sharding(user_query, user_id)
  user = user_query.get(pk=user_id)
  post_list = Post.objects.filter(user_id=user_id).order_by('-pub_date')
  set_user_for_sharding(post_list, user_id)
  paginator = Paginator(post_list, 10)
  page = request.GET.get('page')
    posts = paginator.page(page)
  except PageNotAnInteger:
    # If page is not an integer, deliver first page.
    posts = paginator.page(1) 
  except EmptyPage:
    # If page is out of range (e.g. 9999), deliver last page of results.
    posts = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)
  context = {
    'posts' : posts,
    'stream_user' : user,
    'form' : form,
  return render(request, 'micro/stream.html', context)
Exemple #17
def home(request):
  '''List of recent posts by people I follow'''
  my_posts = Post.objects.filter(user_id=request.user.id).order_by('-pub_date')
  set_user_for_sharding(my_posts, request.user.id)
  if my_posts:
    my_post = my_posts[0]
    my_post = None
  following_list =  Following.objects.filter(user_id=request.user.id)
  set_user_for_sharding(following_list, request.user.id)
  follows = [o.followee_id for o in following_list]
  # We need to query every shard where there are users who this user follows
  # We break the users into shards, then for each shard we annotate it with
  # a hint for that shard, issue a query and at the end join all results.
  # Note that this is not very efficient if users are spread accorss many
  # shards. This is where Fan-out could help improve performance.
  shards_to_query = bucket_users_into_shards(follows)
  all_posts = []
  for shard, user_ids in shards_to_query.iteritems():   
    post_list = Post.objects.filter(
    set_user_for_sharding(post_list, shard)
    # The list comprehension actually invokes the db query in the QuerySet.
    all_posts = all_posts + [p for p in post_list]
  # TODO: Note that all_posts still needs to be sorted by time again, because
  # it is only ordered within each shard.
  context = {
    'post_list': all_posts,
    'my_post' : my_post,
    'post_form' : PostForm
  return render(request, 'micro/home.html', context)
Exemple #18
def upload(request):
    if request.method == "GET":
        form = UploadFileForm()
        return render(request, 'web/upload', {'form': form})
        musician_id = request.user.profile.musician_id
        song_id = findId(Song, 32, musician_id, False)

        album_query = Album.objects
        set_user_for_sharding(album_query, musician_id)
        album = album_query.get(_id=request.POST['album_id'])

        new_song = Song(musician_id=musician_id,
        # set_user_for_sharding(new_song, musician_id)
        return redirect('/streeTunes/dashboard/')
Exemple #19
def dashboard(request):
    # Check if this is a first login (ie. just after signup)
    if request.session.has_key('first_login'):
        return redirect('/streeTunes/profile/')
    musician_id = request.user.profile.musician_id
    data = []
    albums = Album.objects.filter(musician_id=musician_id)
    set_user_for_sharding(albums, musician_id)
    for album in albums:
        songs = Song.objects.filter(musician_id=musician_id,
        set_user_for_sharding(songs, musician_id)
            "album_id": album._id,
            "title": album.title,
            "songs": songs

    return render(request, 'web/dashboard.html', {
        "data": data,
        "username": request.user.username
Exemple #20
def emailView(request, user_id, device_id):
    devices = Device.objects.filter(user_id=user_id, id=device_id)
    set_user_for_sharding(devices, user_id)
    device = devices[0]
    if request.method == 'GET':
        form = ContactForm()
        form = ContactForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            owners = Profile.objects.filter(user_id=device.user_id)
            set_user_for_sharding(owners, device.user_id)
            owner = owners[0]

            owner_email = owner.email
            owner_name = owner.first_name
            device_name = device.name

            subject = 'Found Device: %s' % device_name
            from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER
            finder_name = form.cleaned_data['first_name']
            body = email_body(device_name, finder_name, owner_name,

                          from_email, [owner_email],
            except BadHeaderError:
                return HttpResponse('Invalid header found.')
            return redirect('success')

    context = {
        'form': form,
        'device': device.name,
    return render(request, "micro/email.html", context)
Exemple #21
def public_profile(request, parameter_user_id):
        request_user = request.user
        if request_user == None:
            # Requesting user is not logged in, will always return public profile views

            # query user shards
            user = get_user_from_cache(parameter_user_id)

            # query items shards
            item_query = Item.objects
            set_user_for_sharding(item_query, parameter_user_id)
            items = item_query.filter(owner=user)
            context = {
                'user': user,
                'items': items,
            return render(request, 'my_qrcode/public_profile.html', context)
            # Requesting user is checking their own profile, allowed to edit
            if request_user.id == parameter_user_id:
                # User was matched, shown admin-rights profile page

                # query user shards
                user = get_user_from_cache(parameter_user_id)

                # query items shards
                item_query = Item.objects
                set_user_for_sharding(item_query, parameter_user_id)
                items = item_query.filter(owner=user)
                context = {
                    'user': user,
                    'items': items,
                return render(request, 'my_qrcode/profile.html', context)
                # query user shards
                user = get_user_from_cache(parameter_user_id)

                # query items shards
                item_query = Item.objects
                set_user_for_sharding(item_query, parameter_user_id)
                items = item_query.filter(owner=user)
                context = {
                    'user': user,
                    'items': items,
                return render(request, 'my_qrcode/public_profile.html',
    except FinderUser.DoesNotExist or UnboundLocalError:
        return flashHomeMessage(
            request, 'Sorry, we could\'t find a user by that specification')
def public_profile(request, parameter_user_id):
		request_user = request.user
		if request_user == None:
			# Requesting user is not logged in, will always return public profile views

			# query user shards
			user = get_user_from_cache(parameter_user_id)

			# query items shards
			item_query = Item.objects
			set_user_for_sharding(item_query, parameter_user_id)
			items = item_query.filter(owner=user)
			context = {
				'user': user,
				'items': items,
			return render(request, 'my_qrcode/public_profile.html', context)
			# Requesting user is checking their own profile, allowed to edit
			if request_user.id == parameter_user_id:
				# User was matched, shown admin-rights profile page

				# query user shards
				user = get_user_from_cache(parameter_user_id)

				# query items shards
				item_query = Item.objects
				set_user_for_sharding(item_query, parameter_user_id)
				items = item_query.filter(owner=user)
				context = {
					'user': user,
					'items': items,
				return render(request, 'my_qrcode/profile.html', context)
				# query user shards
				user = get_user_from_cache(parameter_user_id)

				# query items shards
				item_query = Item.objects
				set_user_for_sharding(item_query, parameter_user_id)
				items = item_query.filter(owner=user)
				context = {
					'user': user,
					'items': items,
				return render(request, 'my_qrcode/public_profile.html', context)
	except FinderUser.DoesNotExist or UnboundLocalError:
		return flashHomeMessage(request, 'Sorry, we could\'t find a user by that specification')
Exemple #23
def profile(request):
    user = request.user

    # TODO: a FinderUser is not created when a super user is created,
    # so we always make one for the user here
    cache = caches['users']
    user_cach_key = 'qr_user_' + str(user.id)
    finderUser = cache.get(user_cach_key)
    if finderUser is None:
            # get user from shard
            user_query = FinderUser.objects
            set_user_for_sharding(user_query, user.id)
            finderUser = user_query.get(user_id=user.id)
        except FinderUser.DoesNotExist:
            # get user from shard
            user_query = FinderUser.objects
            set_user_for_sharding(user_query, user.id)
            finderUser = user_query.get(user_id=user.id)

        cache.set(user_cach_key, finderUser)
        print 'User is in the cache'

    # get item from shard
    # item_cache_key = 'qr_items_' + str(user.id)
    # items = cache.get(item_cache_key)
    # if items is None:
    # 	item_query = Item.objects
    # 	set_user_for_sharding(item_query, user.id)
    # 	items = item_query.filter(owner=finderUser)

    # 	cache.set(item_cache_key, [item.item_id for item in items]) # store the item_id's so that we can get each from the cache
    # else:
    # 	item_vals = list()
    # 	still_need = list()
    # 	print 'Items are in cache'
    # 	cache = get_cache('items')
    # 	for item_id in items:
    # 		single_item_cache_key = 'qr_item_' + str(item_id) # have single item cache as well so that
    # 		cached_item = cache.get(single_item_cache_key)
    # 		if cached_item:
    # 			item_vals.append(cached_item)
    # 		else:
    # 			still_need.append(long(item_id))

    # 	if len(still_need) > 0:
    # 		item_query = Item.objects
    # 		set_user_for_sharding(item_query, user.id)
    # 		items = item_query.filter(owner=finderUser, item_id__in=still_need)
    # 		for item in items:
    # 			item_vals.append(item)
    item_query = Item.objects
    set_user_for_sharding(item_query, user.id)
    items = item_query.filter(owner=finderUser)

    context = {
        'user': finderUser,
        'items': items,
    return render(request, 'my_qrcode/profile.html', context)
def profile(request):
	user = request.user

	# TODO: a FinderUser is not created when a super user is created, 
	# so we always make one for the user here
	cache = caches['users']
	user_cach_key = 'qr_user_' + str(user.id)
	finderUser = cache.get(user_cach_key)
	if finderUser is None:
			# get user from shard
			user_query = FinderUser.objects
			set_user_for_sharding(user_query, user.id)
			finderUser = user_query.get(user_id=user.id)
		except FinderUser.DoesNotExist:
			# get user from shard
			user_query = FinderUser.objects
			set_user_for_sharding(user_query, user.id)
			finderUser = user_query.get(user_id=user.id)

		cache.set(user_cach_key, finderUser)
		print 'User is in the cache'

	# get item from shard
	# item_cache_key = 'qr_items_' + str(user.id)
	# items = cache.get(item_cache_key)
	# if items is None:
	# 	item_query = Item.objects
	# 	set_user_for_sharding(item_query, user.id)
	# 	items = item_query.filter(owner=finderUser)

	# 	cache.set(item_cache_key, [item.item_id for item in items]) # store the item_id's so that we can get each from the cache
	# else:
	# 	item_vals = list()
	# 	still_need = list()
	# 	print 'Items are in cache'
	# 	cache = get_cache('items')
	# 	for item_id in items:
	# 		single_item_cache_key = 'qr_item_' + str(item_id) # have single item cache as well so that
	# 		cached_item = cache.get(single_item_cache_key)
	# 		if cached_item:
	# 			item_vals.append(cached_item)
	# 		else:
	# 			still_need.append(long(item_id))

	# 	if len(still_need) > 0:
	# 		item_query = Item.objects
	# 		set_user_for_sharding(item_query, user.id)
	# 		items = item_query.filter(owner=finderUser, item_id__in=still_need)
	# 		for item in items:
	# 			item_vals.append(item)
	item_query = Item.objects
	set_user_for_sharding(item_query, user.id)
	items = item_query.filter(owner=finderUser)

	context = {
		'user': finderUser,
		'items': items,
	return render(request, 'my_qrcode/profile.html', context)