Exemple #1
def add_record(request):
        Function simulates the add new element into Cache Tree.
        INPUT POST parameters:
        1) [optional] data -- current content of Cache Tree in JSON format;
        2) [optional] parent_xpath -- full path of parent element where we'll add a child;
        3) [mandatory] parent_xpath -- full path of parent element where we'll add a child.

        :returns updated Cache Tree in JSON format.
    data = get_str_param(request, 'data')
    parent_key = get_str_param(request, 'parent_key')
    tag_name = get_str_param(request, 'tag_name')
    logger.info("Request received:\n tag = {}; \nparent_key={};\nCurrent Cache data: {} "
                .format(tag_name, parent_key, data))

    cache_tree = CacheTree(data)
    logger.info("Cache tree has been built.")
    if tag_name != "":
        cache_tree.add_new_node_by_key(parent_key, tag_name)
        logger.info("New note {} has been added.".format(parent_key))
        logger.info("New note {} has not been added cuz tag name is blank.".format(parent_key))
    tree_json = cache_tree.get_json()
    logger.debug("Response JSON has been built: {}".format(tree_json))

    return send_json(tree_json)
Exemple #2
def save_cache_changes(request):
        Function simulates the save Cache Tree changes into DB Tree.
        INPUT POST parameters:
        1) [mandatory] cache_data -- current content of Cache Tree in JSON format;
        2) [mandatory] db_data -- current content of DB Tree in JSON format.

        :returns updated DB Tree in JSON format.
    cache_data = get_str_param(request, 'cache_data')
    db_data = get_str_param(request, 'db_data')
    logger.debug("Save request received:\n Current DB data={};\nCurrent Cache data: {} ".format(db_data, cache_data))

    db_tree = DBTree("", db_data)
    cache_tree = CacheTree(cache_data)
    logger.info("Cache Tree changes has been saved.")
    tree_json = db_tree.get_json()
    logger.debug("Response JSON has been built: {}".format(tree_json))
    return send_json(tree_json)
Exemple #3
def cache_after_save(request):
        Function simply unmark edit and add nodes.
    cache_data = get_str_param(request, 'data')
    cache_tree = CacheTree(cache_data)
    logger.debug("Save cache request received:\n Current Cache data: {} ".format(cache_data))

    tree_json = cache_tree.get_json()
    logger.debug("Response JSON has been built: {}".format(tree_json))
    return send_json(tree_json)
Exemple #4
def remove_record(request):
        Function simulates the 'remove' element from Cache Tree.
        NOTE: it doesn't remove element from Cache Tree it just marks it and recursively all children as deleted nodes.
        INPUT POST parameters:
        1) [optional] data -- current content of Cache Tree in JSON format;
        2) [optional] xpath -- full path of element to be deleted;
        3) [mandatory] parent_xpath -- full path of parent element where we'll add a child.

        :returns updated Cache Tree in JSON format.
    data = get_str_param(request, 'data')
    key = get_str_param(request, 'key')
    logger.info("Remove request received:\n xpath={};\nCurrent Cache data: {} ".format(key, data))

    cache_tree = CacheTree(data)
    logger.info("Cache tree has been built.")
    logger.info("Note {} has been removed.".format(key))
    tree_json = cache_tree.get_json()
    logger.debug("Response JSON has been built: {}".format(tree_json))
    return send_json(tree_json)
Exemple #5
def cache_record(request):
        Function simulates the DB record caching process.
        INPUT POST parameters:
        1) [optional] data -- current content of Cache Tree in JSON format;
        2) [mandatory] xpath -- full path of caching element.

        :returns updated Cache Tree in JSON format.
    data = get_str_param(request, 'data')
    title = get_str_param(request, 'title')
    #xpath = get_str_param(request, 'xpath')
    key = get_str_param(request, 'key')
    parent_key = get_str_param(request, 'parent_key')
    logger.info("Request received:\n xpath = {}; title: {}; parent_key: {}; \nCurrent Cache data: {} ".format(key, title, parent_key, data))

    cache_tree = CacheTree(data)
    logger.info("Cache tree has been built.")
    cache_tree.cache_node_by_key(key, parent_key, title)
    logger.info("Note {} has been inserted.".format(key))
    tree_json = cache_tree.get_json()
    logger.debug("Response JSON has been built: {}".format(tree_json))

    return send_json(tree_json)