Exemple #1
print('img_np.HAPE', img_np.shape)
img = torch.from_numpy(img_np).float()

# Get predict heatmap
heatmaps_pred_eg = net_hg_torch(img)
heatmaps_pred_eg = heatmaps_pred_eg
heatmaps_pred_eg = heatmaps_pred_eg[-1].double()  #(1,16,64,64)

# Reshape pred heatmaps
heatmaps_pred_eg_np = heatmaps_pred_eg.detach().numpy()
heatmaps_pred_eg_np = np.squeeze(heatmaps_pred_eg_np, axis=0)
heatmaps_pred_eg_np = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(heatmaps_pred_eg_np, 0, 2), 0,
                                  1)  #(64,64,16)

# Show heatmaps
imgutils.show_heatmaps(img_np_copy, heatmaps_pred_eg_np)

# Stack points
coord_joints = modelutils.heatmaps_to_coords(heatmaps_pred_eg_np,
                                             resolu_out=[256, 256],
imgutils.show_stack_joints(img_np_copy, coord_joints, draw_lines=True)

#========================================================== TEST BY DATASET ==========================================================
# num_subset = 1  # 1-22
# num_instance = 277 # 0-999   256
# name_file_img = 'datasets/np__train_imgs_' + str(num_subset) + '.npy'
# name_file_heatmap = 'datasets/np__train_heatmaps_' + str(num_subset) + '.npy'
# name_file_pt = 'datasets/np__train_pts_' + str(num_subset) + '.npy'
Exemple #2
        loss = criteon(heatmaps_pred, heatmaps, target_weight)
        print('LOSS:', loss)


        # Show pred heatmaps
        heatmaps_pred_np = heatmaps_pred_copy.detach().numpy()
        # heatmaps_pred_np = np.squeeze(heatmaps_pred_np, axis=0)
        heatmaps_pred_np = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(heatmaps_pred_np, 0, 2), 0,
                                       1)  # (64,64,16)
        img_np = img_copy.detach().numpy()
        # img_np = np.squeeze(img_np, axis=0)
        img_np = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(img_np, 0, 2), 0, 1)  # (64,64,16)
        imgutils.show_heatmaps(img_np, heatmaps_pred_np)

# if step > 5:
#     break

# ================================== Load the model ==================================
# net_hg_torch = hg_torch(num_stacks=1, num_blocks=1, num_classes=16)
# path_model_torch_load = 'models/modelparams_hg_torch_' + str(num_subset) + '.pkl'
# net_hg_torch.load_state_dict(torch.load(path_model_torch_load))
# net_hg_torch.eval()
# print('===============MODEL LOADED===============')

# ================================== Save the model ==================================
path_model_torch = 'models/modelparams_hg_torch_' + str(num_subset) + '.pkl'
        # Show last layer output
        heatmaps_pred_copy = heatmaps_pred_final[1]
        heatmaps_copy = heatmaps[1]
        img_copy = img[1]

        # Show pred heatmaps
        heatmaps_pred_np = heatmaps_pred_copy.detach().cpu().numpy()
        heatmaps_pred_np = np.transpose(heatmaps_pred_np, (1, 2, 0))
        heatmaps_np = heatmaps_copy.detach().cpu().numpy()
        heatmaps_np = np.transpose(heatmaps_np, (1, 2, 0))
        img_np = img_copy.detach().cpu().numpy()
        img_np = np.transpose(img_np, (1, 2, 0))

        # In case too many figs to print
        if step % 5 == 0:
            imgutils.show_heatmaps(img_np, heatmaps_pred_np, num_fig=1)
            imgutils.show_heatmaps(img_np, heatmaps_np, num_fig=2)

        if (step % 300 == 0) and (step > 0):
            suffix_epoch = i
            suffix_step = step
            path_ckpt_torch = 'models/ckpt_hg_torch_EPOCH' + str(
                suffix_epoch) + 'STEP' + str(suffix_step) + '.tar'
                    'epoch': i,
                    'step': step,
                    'model_state_dict': net_hg_torch.state_dict(),
                    'optimizer_state_dict': optimizer.state_dict(),
#         # print('img_np', img_np.shape)
#         # print('heatmaps_np', heatmaps_np.shape)
#         img_np = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(img_np, 0, 2), 0, 1)
#         heatmaps_np = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(heatmaps_np, 0, 2), 0, 1)
#         print('img_np', img_np.shape)
#         print('heatmaps_np', heatmaps_np.shape)
#         imgutils.show_heatmaps(img_np, heatmaps_np)
#         joint_pts = modelutils.heatmaps_to_coords(heatmaps_np, resolu_out=[64,64], prob_threshold=0.0)
#         img_np = skimage.transform.resize(img_np, [64,64])
#         imgutils.show_stack_joints(img_np, joint_pts, c=[0, 0])
#         pass

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # ========== Test dataset ==========
    ds_torch = DatasetTorch(use_flip=True, use_rand_color=True)
    data_loader = datatorch.DataLoader(ds_torch, batch_size=1, shuffle=False)
    for step, (img, heatmaps, pts) in enumerate(data_loader):
        print('img', img)
        # print('heatmaps', heatmaps.shape)
        # print('pts', pts.shape)

        img = np.transpose(img.squeeze().detach().numpy(), (1, 2, 0))
        # img = np.fliplr(img)
        heatmaps = np.transpose(heatmaps.squeeze().detach().numpy(), (1, 2, 0))
        pts = pts.squeeze().detach().numpy()
        print('pts', pts)
        imgutils.show_heatmaps(img, heatmaps)

Exemple #5
# ================================== Visualize ==================================
# Load a single image
num_eg = 123
img_eg = train_imgs[num_eg, ...]  #(256,256,3)
img_eg_np = img_eg.numpy()
img_eg = img_eg[np.newaxis, ...]  #(1,256,256,3)
# Load heatmaps
heatmaps_eg = train_heatmaps[num_eg, ...]
heatmaps_eg = heatmaps_eg.numpy()

heatmaps_eg_pred = heatmap_pred = net_hg(img_eg)
heatmaps_eg_pred = heatmaps_eg_pred[-1]

heatmaps_eg_pred = tf.squeeze(heatmaps_eg_pred, axis=0)  #(64,64,16)
heatmaps_eg_pred_np = heatmaps_eg_pred.numpy()

coord_joints_eg_pred = modelutils.heatmaps_to_coords(heatmaps_eg_pred,
                                                     resolu_out=[256, 256])
coord_joints_true = train_pts[num_eg, ...].numpy() * (256 / 64)

# Show imgs
imgutils.show_stack_joints(img_eg_np, coord_joints_true)
imgutils.show_stack_joints(img_eg_np, coord_joints_eg_pred)

# Show heatmaps
imgutils.show_heatmaps(img_eg_np, heatmaps_eg)
imgutils.show_heatmaps(img_eg_np, heatmaps_eg_pred_np)

# ================================== Visualize ==================================
