Exemple #1
from collections import defaultdict
from utils.io_util import read_file

# input_path = 'inputs/day17_test.txt'
input_path = 'inputs/day17.txt'
inputs = read_file(input_path)

class Grid:
    def __init__(self, inputs):
        self.grid = defaultdict(int)
        self.x_min = self.x_max = 0
        self.y_min = self.y_max = 0
        self.z_min = self.w_min = 0
        self.z_max = self.w_max = 1


    def init_grid(self, inputs):
        """Inputs represent a 2d grid"""
        for i in range(len(inputs)):
            for j in range(len(inputs[i])):
                self.grid[(i, j, 0, 0)] = 0 if inputs[i][j] == '.' else 1

        self.x_max = len(inputs)
        self.y_max = len(inputs[i])

    def count_active(self, x, y, z, w):
        n_active = 0
        for dx in (-1, 0, 1):
            for dy in (-1, 0, 1):
Exemple #2
from utils.io_util import read_file

# input_path = 'inputs/day9_test.txt'
input_path = 'inputs/day9.txt'
nums = [int(n) for n in read_file(input_path)]

def process_nums(nums, preamble_len):
    # The rest
    head = 0

    for n in nums[preamble_len:]:
        valid_sums = []
        for i in range(head, head+preamble_len-1):
            for j in range(head+1, head+preamble_len):
                valid_sums.append(nums[i] + nums[j])

        if n not in valid_sums:
            print(f'Invalid number found: {n}')
            return n
        head += 1

def find_cont_nums(nums, target):
    for i in range(len(nums)):
        for j in range(i+1, len(nums)):
            if sum(nums[i:j]) > target:
            if sum(nums[i:j]) == target:
                print('Found the set:', nums[i:j])
Exemple #3
            print(f'Invalid cmd {cmd}')
    assert lo == hi, "lo must equals high after the binary search"
    return lo

def get_seat(input):
    row = get_pos(input[:7], 0, 127)
    col = get_pos(input[7:], 0, 7)
    seat_id = row * 8 + col
    return row, col, seat_id

assert get_seat('BFFFBBFRRR') == (70, 7, 567)
assert get_seat('FFFBBBFRRR') == (14, 7, 119)
assert get_seat('BBFFBBFRLL') == (102, 4, 820)

inputs = io_util.read_file('inputs/day5.txt')
ids = []
for input in inputs:
    _, _, seat_id = get_seat(input)

for i in range(1, len(ids) - 1):
    if ids[i] - 1 != ids[i-1]:
        print(f'{ids[i] - 1} is your seart')

    if ids[i] + 1 != ids[i+1]:
        print(f'{ids[i] + 1} is your seart')

Exemple #4
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from utils.io_util import read_file

# input_path = 'inputs/day11_test1.txt'
input_path = 'inputs/day11.txt'

map = read_file(input_path)
nrows = len(map)
ncols = len(map[0])

def print_map(map):
    for row in map:

def count_adjacent_seats(map, i, j):
    occupied = 0
    for di, dj in [(-1,-1),(-1,0),(-1,1),(0,-1),(0,1),(1,-1),(1,0),(1,1)]:
        if 0 <= i+di < nrows and 0 <= j+dj < ncols and map[i+di][j+dj] == '#':
            occupied += 1
    return occupied

def count_adjacent_seats_2(map, i, j):
    occupied = 0
    directions = [(-1,-1),(-1,0),(-1,1),(0,-1),(0,1),(1,-1),(1,0),(1,1)]

    for di, dj in directions:
        ii, jj = i + di, j + dj
        while 0 <= ii < nrows and 0 <= jj < ncols:
            if map[ii][jj] == '.':
                ii, jj = ii + di, jj + dj
Exemple #5
from utils.io_util import read_file, console_decode_line

input_file = 'inputs/day8_test.txt'
input_file = 'inputs/day8.txt'
inputs = read_file(input_file)

def console_run(lines):
    line_curr_idx = 0
    line_indices = []
    accumulator = 0

    while line_curr_idx not in line_indices and line_curr_idx < len(lines):
        line_inc, acc_inc = console_decode_line(lines[line_curr_idx])

        line_curr_idx += line_inc
        accumulator += acc_inc

    return line_curr_idx, accumulator

def fix_console(lines):
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        if 'nop' in line or 'jmp' in line:
            if 'nop' in line:
                line_new = line.replace('nop', 'jmp')
            elif 'jmp' in line:
                line_new = line.replace('jmp', 'nop')

            lines_new = lines[:i] + [line_new] + lines[i + 1:]
Exemple #6
# %% Import data
import math
from collections import defaultdict
from re import match
from utils.io_util import read_file

inputs = read_file('inputs/day21_test.txt')
inputs = read_file('inputs/day21.txt')

all_ingradients = []
allergens = defaultdict(set)

# Process each line
for input in inputs:
    curr_ingradients, curr_allergens = input.split(' (')
    curr_ingradients = set(curr_ingradients.split(' '))
    curr_allergens = curr_allergens[9:-1]
    curr_allergens = set(curr_allergens.split(', '))

    for allergen in curr_allergens:
        allergens[allergen] = allergens.get(
            allergen, curr_ingradients).intersection(curr_ingradients)

def print_dict(d):
    for k, v in d.items():
        print(k, v)

# %% Let's identify all the allergens
Exemple #7
def ocpx_report_forms(unit_file, set_value=1.5, save_file=None):
    result = list()
    unit_data = read_file(unit_file, types=unit_type, skip_head=True)

    last_day = ""
    last_time = ""
    last_imp = 0
    last_clk = 0
    last_consume = 0

    last_cpc_5 = 0.0
    last_cpm_5 = 0.0
    last_cpc_acc = 0.0
    last_cpm_acc = 0.0
    last_update_flag = -1

    for record in unit_data:
        sp_speed = record[17]
        update_flag = record[-1]
        if update_flag == last_update_flag:
            last_update_flag = update_flag
        tmp_record = list()
        cur_day = record[0]
        if cur_day != last_day:
            print(last_day, cur_day)
            last_cpc_5 = 0.0
            last_cpm_5 = 0.0
            last_cpc_acc = 0.0
            last_cpm_acc = 0.0
            last_imp = record[11]
            last_clk = record[12]
            last_consume = record[5]
            last_day = cur_day
            last_time = record[1]
        cur_time = record[1]
        imp_acc = record[11]
        clk_acc = record[12]
        consume_acc = record[5]
        imp_5 = imp_acc - last_imp
        clk_5 = clk_acc - last_clk
        consume_5 = consume_acc - last_consume
        last_imp = imp_acc
        last_clk = clk_acc
        last_consume = consume_acc
        if imp_5 < 0 or clk_5 < 0 or consume_5 < 0:
        tmp_record.extend([cur_day, cur_time,
                           imp_acc, clk_acc, consume_acc,
                           imp_5, clk_5, consume_5])
        if imp_5 == 0:
            cpm_5 = last_cpm_5
            cpm_5 = consume_5 / 1000.0 / imp_5
            last_cpm_5 = cpm_5
        if clk_5 == 0:
            cpc_5 = last_cpc_5
            cpc_5 = consume_5 / 1000000.0 / clk_5
            last_cpc_5 = cpc_5
        if imp_acc == 0:
            cpm_acc = last_cpm_acc
            cpm_acc = consume_acc / 1000.0 / imp_acc
            last_cpm_acc = cpm_acc
        if clk_acc == 0:
            cpc_acc = last_cpc_acc
            cpc_acc = consume_acc / 1000000.0 / clk_acc
            last_cpc_acc = cpc_acc

        tmp_record.extend([cpc_5, cpm_5, cpc_acc, cpm_acc])
        tmp_record.extend([record[13]/10.0, sp_speed, record[14]/10000.0, set_value])

        last_day = cur_day
    if set_value:
        pd.DataFrame(result, columns=ocpx_rf_schema).to_csv(save_file, index=None)
Exemple #8
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from utils.io_util import read_file

input_path = 'inputs/day10_test1.txt'
input_path = 'inputs/day10_test2.txt'
input_path = 'inputs/day10.txt'

nums = sorted([int(n) for n in read_file(input_path)] + [0])

def count_diff(nums):
    diffs = [nums[i] - nums[i - 1] for i in range(1, len(nums))]
    count = Counter(diffs)
    count[3] += 1
    return count

def dp(nums):
    dp_count = defaultdict(int)
    dp_count[0] = 1

    for n in nums[1:]:
        dp_count[n] = dp_count[n - 1] + dp_count[n - 2] + dp_count[n - 3]

    return dp_count

Exemple #9
    inc = kp * pid_err_hist[0] - ki * pid_err_hist[1] + kd * pid_err_hist[2]
    pid_err_hist[2] = pid_err_hist[1]
    pid_err_hist[1] = pid_err_hist[0]
    return inc

def get_new_price(consume, click):
    act_val = consume / 1000000.0 / (click + 0.0001) * 10000
    pid_inc = pid_core(10000, act_val)
    if abs(pid_inc) >= 30000:
        pid_inc = pid_inc / abs(pid_inc) * 30000
    curr_pid = last_pid + pid_inc
    print("curr cpc: {}, last pid: {}, curr pid inc: {}, curr pid: {} ...".
          format(act_val, last_pid, pid_inc, curr_pid))
    return curr_pid

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from utils.io_util import read_file
    # rt_hist = [(7834500, 1084, 6), (16241410, 1649, 8), (24330900, 2234, 16)]
    rt_hist = read_file("../data/pid_test", [int, int, int], False)
    counter = 0
    for tmp_rt in rt_hist:
        counter += 1
        if counter == 20:
            # break
            last_pid = 20
        last_pid = get_new_price(tmp_rt[2], tmp_rt[1])
        # print(last_pid)
Exemple #10
import re
from utils.io_util import read_file

# input_path = 'inputs/day14_test.txt'
input_path = 'inputs/day14.txt'

instructions = read_file(input_path)

def apply_bitmask(addr_in, bitmask):
    """Both value and bitmask are 36-bit string"""
    addrs_out = ['']
    for x, m in zip(addr_in, bitmask):
        addrs_out_new = []
        if m == '0':
            for i in range(len(addrs_out)):
                addrs_out_new.append(addrs_out[i] + x)
        elif m == '1':
            for i in range(len(addrs_out)):
                addrs_out_new.append(addrs_out[i] + '1')
        elif m == 'X':
            for i in range(len(addrs_out)):
                addrs_out_new.append(addrs_out[i] + '0')
                addrs_out_new.append(addrs_out[i] + '1')
        addrs_out = addrs_out_new

    return addrs_out

def apply_instrs(instructions):
    bitmask = ''
Exemple #11
# %%
from collections import defaultdict
from utils.io_util import read_file

filename = 'inputs/day24_test.txt'
filename = 'inputs/day24.txt'
inputs = read_file(filename)
# inputs = ['nwwswee']
directions = {
    'e': (1, 0),
    'se': (0, 1),
    'sw': (-1, 1),
    'w': (-1, 0),
    'nw': (0, -1),
    'ne': (1, -1)

def parse_inputs(inputs):
    instrs = []
    for line in inputs:
        instr = []
        i = 0
        while i < len(line):
            if line[i:i + 2] in ['se', 'sw', 'nw', 'ne']:
                instr.append(line[i:i + 2])
                i += 2
            elif line[i] in ['e', 'w']:
                i += 1
Exemple #12
from collections import deque
from utils.io_util import read_file

equations = read_file('inputs/day18.txt')

def solve(eq):
    if '(' not in eq:
        return solve_simple(eq)

    while '(' in eq:
        n_left, n_right = 1, 0
        left = eq.find('(')
        for i in range(left + 1, len(eq)):
            if eq[i] == '(':
                n_left += 1
            elif eq[i] == ')':
                n_right += 1
                if n_left == n_right:
                    eq_reduced = eq[left + 1:i]
                    res = solve(eq_reduced)
                    eq = eq[:left] + str(res) + eq[i + 1:]

    return solve_simple(eq)

def solve_simple(equation):
    """Solve equation with no parenthesis"""
    assert '(' not in equation and ')' not in equation
    eq = equation.split(' ')
def reform(unit1, u1_save_f):
    u1_data = read_file(unit1, unit_types)
    u1_df = __every_minute_analysis(u1_data)
    u1_df.to_csv(u1_save_f, index=None)