def flatten(x): """ Wrapper to convert mutli dimensional tensor into a one-dimension tensor. """ layer_shape = x.get_shape() nfeatures = layer_shape[1:].num_elements() watch_msg("Layer flatted to {} parameters".format(nfeatures)) return tf.reshape(x, [-1, nfeatures])
def inceptionC(name, x): """ Schema of the inception C module for Inception V4 """ with tf.variable_scope(name): watch_msg("Module {}".format(name)) pool1 = avgpool('{}_avgpool'.format(name), x=x, fsize=3, stride=1) conv1 = conv('{}_conv1_1x1'.format(name), x=pool1, fsize=[1, 1], nfilters=256) conv2 = conv('{}_conv2_1x1'.format(name), x=x, fsize=[1, 1], nfilters=256) conv3_1 = conv('{}_conv3_1_1x1'.format(name), x=x, fsize=[1, 1], nfilters=384) conv3_2_1 = conv('{}_conv3_2_1_1x3'.format(name), x=conv3_1, fsize=[1, 3], nfilters=256) conv3_2_2 = conv('{}_conv3_2_2_3x1'.format(name), x=conv3_1, fsize=[3, 1], nfilters=256) conv4_1 = conv('{}_conv4_1_1x1'.format(name), x=x, fsize=[1, 1], nfilters=384) conv4_2 = conv('{}_conv4_2_1x3'.format(name), x=conv4_1, fsize=[1, 3], nfilters=448) conv4_3 = conv('{}_conv4_3_3x1'.format(name), x=conv4_2, fsize=[3, 1], nfilters=512) conv4_4_1 = conv('{}_conv4_4_1_1x3'.format(name), x=conv4_3, fsize=[1, 3], nfilters=256) conv4_4_2 = conv('{}_conv4_4_2_3x1'.format(name), x=conv4_3, fsize=[3, 1], nfilters=256) concat = tf.concat( [conv1, conv2, conv3_2_1, conv3_2_2, conv4_4_1, conv4_4_2], axis=3, name='{}_concat'.format(name)) watch_msg("Layer {} has shape {}".format(name, concat.shape)) return concat
def avgpool(name, x, fsize=3, stride=2, padding='SAME'): """ Wrapper for Average Pooling layer. """ with tf.variable_scope(name): layer = tf.nn.avg_pool(value=x, ksize=[1, fsize, fsize, 1], strides=[1, stride, stride, 1], padding=padding) variable_summary(layer) watch_msg("Layer {} has shape {}".format(name, layer.shape)) return layer
def reductionB(name, x): """ Schema for the reduction B module for the Inception v4 """ with tf.variable_scope(name): watch_msg("Module {}".format(name)) pool1 = maxpool('{}_maxpool'.format(name), x=x, fsize=3, stride=2, padding='VALID') conv2_1 = conv('{}_conv2_1_1x1'.format(name), x=x, fsize=[1, 1], nfilters=192) conv2_2 = conv('{}_conv2_2_3x3'.format(name), x=conv2_1, fsize=[3, 3], nfilters=192, stride=2, padding='VALID') conv3_1 = conv('{}_conv3_1_1x1'.format(name), x=x, fsize=[1, 1], nfilters=256) conv3_2 = conv('{}_conv3_2_1x7'.format(name), x=conv3_1, fsize=[1, 7], nfilters=256) conv3_3 = conv('{}_conv3_3_7x1'.format(name), x=conv3_2, fsize=[7, 1], nfilters=320) conv3_4 = conv('{}_conv3_4_3x3'.format(name), x=conv3_3, fsize=[3, 3], nfilters=320, stride=2, padding='VALID') concat = tf.concat([pool1, conv2_2, conv3_4], axis=3, name='{}_concat'.format(name)) watch_msg("Layer {} has shape {}".format(name, concat.shape)) return concat
def load_weights(self, sess): """ Loads weights from specified layers (cfg) from a pre-trained network. """ weights = np.load(self.cfg.net_dict["weights"], encoding='bytes').item() for layer in weights: # Skip layers that will be trained if layer in self.cfg.net_dict["train_layers"]: continue # Load pre-trained weights on layers that won't be trained with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope(layer, reuse=True): watch_msg("Loading parameters for layer {}".format(layer)) for data in weights[layer]: if len(data.shape) == 1: var = tf.get_variable('biases', trainable=False) else: var = tf.get_variable('weights', trainable=False)
def load_weights(self, sess): """ Loads weights from specified layers (cfg) from a pre-trained network. """ weights = np.load(self.cfg.net_dict["weights"]) for i, layer_name in enumerate(weights.keys()): name_split = layer_name.split('_') # split w, b from name layer = '_'.join(name_split[:-1]) if layer in self.cfg.net_dict["train_layers"]: continue with tf.variable_scope(layer, reuse=True): watch_msg("Loading parameters for layer {}".format(layer)) if name_split[-1] == 'W': var = tf.get_variable('weights', trainable=False) elif name_split[-1] == 'b': var = tf.get_variable('biases', trainable=False)[layer_name]))
def conv(name, x, fsize, nfilters, stride=1, groups=1, padding='SAME', stddev=0.05, binit_val=0.05): """ Wrapper for convolutional layers """ ninputs = int(x.get_shape()[-1].value / groups) convolve = lambda i, w: tf.nn.conv2d( i, w, strides=[1, stride, stride, 1], padding=padding) with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope: # Create random weights w_init = tf.random.truncated_normal( shape=[fsize[0], fsize[1], ninputs, nfilters], stddev=stddev, dtype=tf.float32) w = tf.get_variable('weights', initializer=w_init, dtype=tf.float32) b_init = tf.constant(binit_val, shape=[nfilters], dtype=tf.float32) b = tf.get_variable('biases', initializer=b_init, dtype=tf.float32) # Convolution if groups == 1: layer = convolve(x, w) else: x_groups = tf.split(axis=3, num_or_size_splits=groups, value=x) w_groups = tf.split(axis=3, num_or_size_splits=groups, value=w) out_groups = [convolve(i, k) for i, k in zip(x_groups, w_groups)] layer = tf.concat(axis=3, values=out_groups) # layer = tf.nn.conv2d(x, w, strides=[1, stride, stride, 1], padding=padding) layer += b watch_msg("Layer {} has shape {}".format(name, layer.shape)) return tf.nn.relu(layer,
def fc(name, x, noutputs, relu=True, stddev=0.05, binit_val=0.05): """ Wrapper for Fully Connected layer. """ layer_shape = x.get_shape() ninputs = layer_shape[1:].num_elements() with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope: # Create random weights w_init = tf.random.truncated_normal(shape=[ninputs, noutputs], stddev=stddev, dtype=tf.float32) w = tf.get_variable('weights', initializer=w_init, dtype=tf.float32) # Initialize bias b_init = tf.constant(binit_val, shape=[noutputs], dtype=tf.float32) b = tf.get_variable('biases', initializer=b_init, dtype=tf.float32) layer = tf.nn.xw_plus_b(x, w, b, if relu: layer = tf.nn.relu(layer) watch_msg("Layer {} has shape {}".format(name, layer.shape)) return layer
def reductionA(name, x, n=384, m=256, l=224, k=192): """ Schema for the reduction A module for the Inception v4 """ with tf.variable_scope(name): watch_msg("Module {}".format(name)) pool1 = maxpool('{}_maxpool'.format(name), x=x, fsize=3, stride=2, padding='VALID') conv2 = conv('{}_conv2_3x3'.format(name), x=x, fsize=[3, 3], nfilters=n, stride=2, padding='VALID') conv3_1 = conv('{}_conv3_1_1x1'.format(name), x=x, fsize=[1, 1], nfilters=k) conv3_2 = conv('{}_conv3_2_3x3'.format(name), x=conv3_1, fsize=[3, 3], nfilters=l) conv3_3 = conv('{}_conv3_3_3x3'.format(name), x=conv3_2, fsize=[3, 3], nfilters=m, stride=2, padding='VALID') concat = tf.concat([pool1, conv2, conv3_3], axis=3, name='{}_concat'.format(name)) watch_msg("Layer {} has shape {}".format(name, concat.shape)) return concat
def stem(name, x): """ Schema of the stem module for InceptionV4 """ with tf.variable_scope(name): watch_msg("Module {}".format(name)) conv1_1 = conv('{}_conv1_1_3x3'.format(name), x=x, fsize=[3, 3], nfilters=32, stride=2, padding='VALID') conv1_2 = conv('{}_conv1_2_3x3'.format(name), x=conv1_1, fsize=[3, 3], nfilters=32, stride=1, padding='VALID') conv1_3 = conv('{}_conv1_3_3x3'.format(name), x=conv1_2, fsize=[3, 3], nfilters=64, stride=1) pool1_4a = maxpool('{}_mxpool1'.format(name), x=conv1_3, fsize=3, stride=2, padding='VALID') conv1_4b = conv('{}_conv1_4_3x3'.format(name), x=conv1_3, fsize=[3, 3], nfilters=96, stride=2, padding='VALID') concat1 = tf.concat([pool1_4a, conv1_4b], axis=3, name='{}_concat1'.format(name)) watch_msg("Filter concatenation {}_1 has shape {}".format( name, concat1.shape)) conv2_1a = conv('{}_conv2_1a_1_1x1'.format(name), x=concat1, fsize=[1, 1], nfilters=64, stride=1) conv2_2a = conv('{}_conv2_2a_3x3'.format(name), x=conv2_1a, fsize=[3, 3], nfilters=96, stride=1, padding='VALID') conv2_1b = conv('{}_conv2_1b_1x1'.format(name), x=concat1, fsize=[1, 1], nfilters=64, stride=1) conv2_2b = conv('{}_conv2_2b_7x1'.format(name), x=conv2_1b, fsize=[7, 1], nfilters=64, stride=1) conv2_3b = conv('{}_conv2_3b_1x7'.format(name), x=conv2_2b, fsize=[1, 7], nfilters=64, stride=1) conv2_4b = conv('{}_conv2_4b_3x3'.format(name), x=conv2_3b, fsize=[3, 3], nfilters=96, stride=1, padding='VALID') concat2 = tf.concat([conv2_2a, conv2_4b], axis=3, name='{}_concat2'.format(name)) watch_msg("Filter concatenation {}_2 has shape {}".format( name, concat2.shape)) conv3_1a = conv('{}_conv3_1_3x3'.format(name), x=concat2, fsize=[3, 3], nfilters=192, stride=2, padding='VALID') pool3_1b = maxpool('{}_mxpool3'.format(name), x=concat2, fsize=3, stride=2, padding='VALID') concat3 = tf.concat([conv3_1a, pool3_1b], axis=3, name='{}_concat3'.format(name)) watch_msg("Filter concatenation {}_3 has shape {}".format( name, concat3.shape)) return concat3