Exemple #1
 def evaluate(self, opt, grads, infos, objVar):
   Approximates gradient based on evaluated points.
   @ In, opt, dict, current opt point (normalized)
   @ In, grads, list(dict), evaluated neighbor points
   @ In, infos, list(dict), info about evaluated neighbor points
   @ In, objVar, string, objective variable
   @ Out, magnitude, float, magnitude of gradient
   @ Out, direction, dict, versor (unit vector) for gradient direction
   @ Out, foundInf, bool, if True then infinity calculations were used
     gradient = {}
     for g, pt in enumerate(grads):
         info = infos[g]
         delta = info['delta']
         activeVar = info['optVar']
         lossDiff = np.atleast_1d(
             mathUtils.diffWithInfinites(pt[objVar], opt[objVar]))
         grad = lossDiff / delta
         gradient[activeVar] = grad
     # obtain the magnitude and versor of the gradient to return
     magnitude, direction, foundInf = mathUtils.calculateMagnitudeAndVersor(
     direction = dict((var, float(direction[v]))
                      for v, var in enumerate(gradient.keys()))
     return magnitude, direction, foundInf
Exemple #2
 def localEvaluateGradient(self, traj, gradHist = False):
     Local method to evaluate gradient.
     @ In, traj, int, the trajectory id
     @ In, gradHist, bool, optional, whether store  self.counter['gradientHistory'] in this step.
     @ Out, gradient, dict, dictionary containing gradient estimation. gradient should have the form {varName: gradEstimation}
   # this method used to take a gradient estimation. Nothing actually used it, though. - PWT, 2018-10
   # denoising has already been performed, so get the results
   opt = self.realizations[traj]['denoised']['opt'][0]   # opt point is only one point
   pert = self.realizations[traj]['denoised']['grad'][0] # SPSA CURRENTLY only has one grad point
   gradient = {}
   # difference in objective variable
   lossDiff = mathUtils.diffWithInfinites(pert[self.objVar], opt[self.objVar])
   #gives pert[ans] - opt[ans]
   # we only need the +/- 1, we don't need the gradient value at all.
   lossDiff = 1.0 if lossDiff > 0.0 else -1.0
   # force gradient descent
   if self.optType == 'max':
     lossDiff *= -1.0
   # difference in input variables
   for var in self.getOptVars():
     dh = pert[var] - opt[var]
     # keep dimensionality consistent, so at least 1D
     gradient[var] = np.atleast_1d(lossDiff * dh)
   return gradient
Exemple #3
 def localEvaluateGradient(self, traj):
   Local method to evaluate gradient.
   @ In, traj, int, the trajectory id
   @ Out, gradient, dict, dictionary containing gradient estimation. gradient should have the form {varName: gradEstimation}
     gradient = {}
     inVars = self.getOptVars()
     opt = self.realizations[traj]['denoised']['opt'][0]
     allGrads = self.realizations[traj]['denoised']['grad']
     for g, pert in enumerate(allGrads):
         var = inVars[g]
         lossDiff = mathUtils.diffWithInfinites(pert[self.objVar],
         # unlike SPSA, keep the loss diff magnitude so we get the exact right direction
         if self.optType == 'max':
             lossDiff *= -1.0
         dh = pert[var] - opt[var]
         if abs(dh) < 1e-15:
             self.raiseADebug('Checking Var:', var)
             self.raiseADebug('Opt point   :', opt)
             self.raiseADebug('Grad point  :', pert)
                 'While calculating the gradArray a "dh" very close to zero was found for var:',
         gradient[var] = np.atleast_1d(lossDiff / dh)
     return gradient
Exemple #4
 def localEvaluateGradient(self, optVarsValues, traj, gradient=None):
   Local method to evaluate gradient.
   @ In, optVarsValues, dict, dictionary containing perturbed points.
                              optVarsValues should have the form {pertIndex: {varName: [varValue1 varValue2]}}
                              Therefore, each optVarsValues[pertIndex] should return a dict of variable values
                              that is sufficient for gradient evaluation for at least one variable
                              (depending on specific optimization algorithm)
   @ In, traj, int, the trajectory id
   @ In, gradient, dict, optional, dictionary containing gradient estimation by the caller.
                                   gradient should have the form {varName: gradEstimation}
   @ Out, gradient, dict, dictionary containing gradient estimation. gradient should have the form {varName: gradEstimation}
     gradArray = {}
     optVars = self.getOptVars(traj=traj)
     numRepeats = self.gradDict['numIterForAve']
     for var in optVars:
         gradArray[var] = np.zeros(self.gradDict['numIterForAve'],
     # optVarsValues:
     #  - the first <numRepeats> entries are the opt point (from 0 to numRepeats-1)
     #  - the next <numRepeats> entries are one each in each direction in turns (dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, etc)
     #      dx are [lastOpt +1, lastOpt +3, lastOpt +5, etc] -> [lastOpt + <#var>*<index repeat>+1]
     #      dy are [lastOpt +2, lastOpt +4, lastOpt +6, etc]
     # Evaluate gradient at each point
     for i in range(numRepeats):
         opt = optVarsValues[i]  #the latest opt point
         for j in range(self.paramDict['pertSingleGrad']
                        ):  # AKA for each input variable
             # loop over the perturbation to construct the full gradient
             ## first numRepeats are all the opt point, not the perturbed point
             ## then, need every Nth entry, where N is the number of variables
             pert = optVarsValues[numRepeats + i * len(optVars) +
                                  j]  #the perturbed point
             #calculate grad(F) wrt each input variable
             lossDiff = mathUtils.diffWithInfinites(pert['output'],
             #cover "max" problems
             # TODO it would be good to cover this in the base class somehow, but in the previous implementation this
             #   sign flipping was only called when evaluating the gradient.
             if self.optType == 'max':
                 lossDiff *= -1.0
             var = optVars[j]
             # gradient is calculated in normalized space
             dh = pert['inputs'][var] - opt['inputs'][var]
             if abs(dh) < 1e-15:
                 self.raiseADebug('Values:', pert['inputs'][var],
                     'While calculating the gradArray a "dh" very close to zero was found for var:',
             gradArray[var][i] = lossDiff / dh
     gradient = {}
     for var in optVars:
         gradient[var] = np.atleast_1d(gradArray[var].mean())
     return gradient
    def localEvaluateGradient(self, optVarsValues, traj, gradient=None):
      Local method to evaluate gradient.
      @ In, optVarsValues, dict, dictionary containing perturbed points.
                                 optVarsValues should have the form {pertIndex: {varName: [varValue1 varValue2]}}
                                 Therefore, each optVarsValues[pertIndex] should return a dict of variable values
                                 that is sufficient for gradient evaluation for at least one variable
                                 (depending on specific optimization algorithm)
      @ In, traj, int, the trajectory id
      @ In, gradient, dict, optional, dictionary containing gradient estimation by the caller.
                                      gradient should have the form {varName: gradEstimation}
      @ Out, gradient, dict, dictionary containing gradient estimation. gradient should have the form {varName: gradEstimation}
        gradArray = {}
        optVars = self.getOptVars(traj=traj)
        for var in optVars:
            gradArray[var] = np.zeros(self.gradDict['numIterForAve'])

        # Evaluate gradient at each point
        for i in range(self.gradDict['numIterForAve']):
            opt = optVarsValues[i]  #the latest opt point
            for j in range(self.paramDict['pertSingleGrad']):
                # loop over the perturbation to construct the full gradient
                pert = optVarsValues[self.gradDict['numIterForAve'] + i +
                                     j]  #the perturbed point
                #calculate grad(F) wrt each input variable
                lossDiff = mathUtils.diffWithInfinites(pert['output'],
                #cover "max" problems
                # TODO it would be good to cover this in the base class somehow, but in the previous implementation this
                #   sign flipping was only called when evaluating the gradient.
                if self.optType == 'max':
                    lossDiff *= -1.0
                var = optVars[j]
                # gradient is calculated in normalized space
                dh = pert['inputs'][var] - opt['inputs'][var]
                if abs(dh) < 1e-15:
                        'While calculating the gradArray a "dh" very close to zero was found for var:',
                gradArray[var][i] = lossDiff / dh
        gradient = {}
        for var in optVars:
            gradient[var] = np.atleast_1d(gradArray[var].mean())
        return gradient
Exemple #6
 def localEvaluateGradient(self, optVarsValues, traj, gradient=None):
   Local method to evaluate gradient.
   @ In, optVarsValues, dict, dictionary containing perturbed points.
                              optVarsValues should have the form {pertIndex: {varName: [varValue1 varValue2]}}
                              Therefore, each optVarsValues[pertIndex] should return a dict of variable values
                              that is sufficient for gradient evaluation for at least one variable
                              (depending on specific optimization algorithm)
   @ In, traj, int, the trajectory id
   @ In, gradient, dict, optional, dictionary containing gradient estimation by the caller.
                                   gradient should have the form {varName: gradEstimation}
   @ Out, gradient, dict, dictionary containing gradient estimation. gradient should have the form {varName: gradEstimation}
     gradArray = {}
     # number of gradient evaluations to consider (denoising or resampling)
     numGrads = self.gradDict['numIterForAve']
     # prepopulate array of collected gradient
     for var in self.getOptVars(traj=traj):
         gradArray[var] = np.zeros(numGrads, dtype=object)
     # Evaluate gradient at each point
     for i in range(numGrads):
         opt = optVarsValues[i]  #the latest opt point
         pert = optVarsValues[i + numGrads]  #the perturbed point
         # calculate grad(F) wrt each input variable
         # fix infinities!
         lossDiff = mathUtils.diffWithInfinites(pert['output'],
         #cover "max" problems
         # TODO it would be good to cover this in the base class somehow, but in the previous implementation this
         #   sign flipping was only called when evaluating the gradient.
         #   Perhaps the sign should flip when evaluating the next point to take, instead of forcing gradient descent
         if self.optType == 'max':
             lossDiff *= -1.0
         for var in self.getOptVars(traj=traj):
             # NOTE: gradient is calculated in normalized space
             dh = pert['inputs'][var] - opt['inputs'][var]
             # a sample so close cannot be taken without violating minimum step, so this check should not be necessary (left for reference)
             #if abs(dh) < 1e-15:
             #  self.raiseAnError(RuntimeError,'While calculating the gradArray a "dh" of zero was found for var:',var)
             gradArray[var][i] = lossDiff / dh
     gradient = {}
     for var in self.getOptVars(traj=traj):
         mean = gradArray[var].mean()
         gradient[var] = np.atleast_1d(mean)
     return gradient
Exemple #7
 def evaluate(self, opt, grads, infos, objVar):
     Approximates gradient based on evaluated points.
     @ In, opt, dict, current opt point (normalized)
     @ In, grads, list(dict), evaluated neighbor points
     @ In, infos, list(dict), info about evaluated neighbor points
     @ In, objVar, string, objective variable
     @ Out, magnitude, float, magnitude of gradient
     @ Out, direction, dict, versor (unit vector) for gradient direction
   gradient = {}
   lossDiff = np.atleast_1d(mathUtils.diffWithInfinites(grads[0][objVar], opt[objVar]))
   for var in self._optVars:
     # don't assume delta is unchanged; calculate it here
     delta = grads[0][var] - opt[var]
     gradient[var] = lossDiff / delta
   magnitude, direction, foundInf = mathUtils.calculateMagnitudeAndVersor(list(gradient.values()))
   direction = dict((var, float(direction[v])) for v, var in enumerate(gradient.keys()))
   return magnitude, direction, foundInf
Exemple #8
 def localEvaluateGradient(self, traj, gradHist = False):
     Local method to evaluate gradient.
     @ In, traj, int, the trajectory id
     @ In, gradHist, bool, optional, whether store  self.counter['gradientHistory'] in this step.
     @ Out, gradient, dict, dictionary containing gradient estimation. gradient should have the form {varName: gradEstimation}
   gradient = {}
   inVars = self.getOptVars()
   opt = self.realizations[traj]['denoised']['opt'][0]
   allGrads = self.realizations[traj]['denoised']['grad']
   gi = {}
   for g,pert in enumerate(allGrads):
     varId = g % len(inVars)
     var = inVars[varId]
     lossDiff = mathUtils.diffWithInfinites(pert[self.objVar],opt[self.objVar])
     # unlike SPSA, keep the loss diff magnitude so we get the exact right direction
     if self.optType == 'max':
       lossDiff *= -1.0
     dh = pert[var] - opt[var]
     if abs(dh) < 1e-15:
       self.raiseADebug('Checking Var:',var)
       self.raiseADebug('Opt point   :',opt)
       self.raiseADebug('Grad point  :',pert)
       self.raiseAnError(RuntimeError,'While calculating the gradArray a "dh" very close to zero was found for var:',var)
     if gradient.get(var) == None:
       gi[var] = 0
       gradient[var] = np.atleast_1d(lossDiff / dh)
       gi[var] += 1
       gradient[var] = (gradient[var] + np.atleast_1d(lossDiff / dh))* gi[var]/(gi[var]  + 1)
   if gradHist:
       self.counter['gradientHistory'][traj][1] = self.counter['gradientHistory'][traj][0]
     except IndexError:
       pass # don't have a history on the first pass
     self.counter['gradientHistory'][traj][0] = gradient
   return gradient
    def _updateConvergenceVector(self, traj, varsUpdate, currentLossVal):
      Local method to update convergence vector.
      @ In, traj, int, identifier of the trajector to update
      @ In, varsUpdate, int, current variables update iteration number
      @ In, currentLossVal, float, current loss function value
      @ Out, None
        # first, check if we're at varsUpdate 0 (first entry); if so, we are at our first point
        if varsUpdate == 0:
            # we don't have enough points to decide to accept or reject the new point, so accept it as the initial point
                'Accepting first point, since we have no rejection criteria.')
            self.status[traj]['reason'] = 'found new opt point'

        #otherwise, we need to accept/reject point and check convergence
        currentInputDenorm = self.denormalizeData(

        ## first, determine if we want to keep the new point
        # obtain the old loss value
        oldLossVal = self.counter['recentOptHist'][traj][0][self.objVar]
        # see if new point is better than old point
        newerIsBetter = self.checkIfBetter(currentLossVal, oldLossVal)
        # if this was a recommended preconditioning point, we should not be converged.
        pointFromRecommendation = self.status[traj][
            'reason'] == 'received recommended point'
        # if improved, keep it and move forward; otherwise, reject it and recommend cutting step size
        if newerIsBetter:
            self.status[traj]['reason'] = 'found new opt point'
                'Accepting potential opt point for improved loss value.  Diff: {}, New: {}, Old: {}'
                .format(abs(currentLossVal - oldLossVal), currentLossVal,
            #TODO REWORK this belongs in the base class optimizer; grad shouldn't know about multilevel!!
            #  -> this parameter is how multilevel knows that a successful perturbation of an outer loop has been performed
            #  maybe implement a "acceptPoint" method in base class?
            self.mlActiveSpaceSteps[traj] += 1
            self.status[traj]['reason'] = 'rejecting bad opt point'
                'Rejecting potential opt point for worse loss value. old: "{}", new: "{}"'
                .format(oldLossVal, currentLossVal))
            # cut the next step size to hopefully stay in the valley instead of climb up the other side
            self.recommendToGain[traj] = 'cut'

        ## determine convergence
        if pointFromRecommendation:
                'Setting convergence for Trajectory "{}" to "False" because of preconditioning.'
            converged = False
                'Checking convergence for Trajectory "{}":'.format(traj))
            self.convergenceProgress[traj] = {
            }  # tracks progress for grad norm, abs, rel tolerances
            converged = False  # updated for each individual criterion using "or" (pass one, pass all)
            #printing utility
            printString = '    {:<21}: {:<5}'
            printVals = printString + ' (check: {:>+9.2e} < {:>+9.2e}, diff: {:>9.2e})'

            def printProgress(name, boolCheck, test, gold):
          Consolidates a commonly-used print statement to prevent errors and improve readability.
          @ In, name, str, printed name of convergence check
          @ In, boolCheck, bool, boolean convergence results for this check
          @ In, test, float, value of check at current opt point
          @ In, gold, float, convergence threshold value
          @ Out, None
                    printVals.format(name, str(boolCheck), test, gold,
                                     abs(test - gold)))

            # "min step size" and "gradient norm" are both always valid checks, whether rejecting or accepting new point

            # min step size check
                lastStep = self.counter['lastStepSize'][traj]
                minStepSizeCheck = lastStep <= self.minStepSize
            except KeyError:
                #we reset the step size, so we don't have a value anymore
                lastStep = np.nan
                minStepSizeCheck = False
            printProgress('Min step size', minStepSizeCheck, lastStep,
            converged = converged or minStepSizeCheck

            # gradient norm
            if len(self.counter['gradientHistory'][traj][0]) > 0:
                gradNorm = self.counter['gradNormHistory'][traj][0]
                self.convergenceProgress[traj]['grad'] = gradNorm
                gradientNormCheck = gradNorm <= self.gradientNormTolerance
                gradNorm = np.nan
                gradientNormCheck = False
            printProgress('Gradient magnitude', gradientNormCheck, gradNorm,
            converged = converged or gradientNormCheck

            # if accepting new point, then "same coordinate" and "abs" and "rel" checks are also valid reasons to converge
            if newerIsBetter:
                #absolute tolerance
                absLossDiff = abs(
                    mathUtils.diffWithInfinites(currentLossVal, oldLossVal))
                self.convergenceProgress[traj]['abs'] = absLossDiff
                absTolCheck = absLossDiff <= self.absConvergenceTol
                printProgress('Absolute Loss Diff', absTolCheck, absLossDiff,
                converged = converged or absTolCheck

                #relative tolerance
                relLossDiff = mathUtils.relativeDiff(currentLossVal,
                self.convergenceProgress[traj]['rel'] = relLossDiff
                relTolCheck = relLossDiff <= self.relConvergenceTol
                printProgress('Relative Loss Diff', relTolCheck, relLossDiff,
                converged = converged or relTolCheck

                #same coordinate check
                sameCoordinateCheck = True
                for var, values in self.optVarsHist[traj][varsUpdate].items():
                    # don't check constants, of course they're the same
                    if var in self.constants:
                    # differentiate vectors and scalars for checking
                    if hasattr(values, '__len__'):
                        if any(values != self.counter['recentOptHist'][traj][0]
                            sameCoordinateCheck = False
                        if values != self.counter['recentOptHist'][traj][0][
                            sameCoordinateCheck = False
                    printString.format('Same coordinate check',
                converged = converged or sameCoordinateCheck

        if converged:
            # update number of successful convergences
            self.counter['persistence'][traj] += 1
            # check if we've met persistence requirement; if not, keep going
            if self.counter['persistence'][traj] >= self.convergencePersistence:
                    ' ... Trajectory "{}" converged {} times consecutively!'.
                    format(traj, self.counter['persistence'][traj]))
                self.convergeTraj[traj] = True
                    ' ... converged Traj "{}" {} times, required persistence is {}.'
                    .format(traj, self.counter['persistence'][traj],
            self.counter['persistence'][traj] = 0
            self.raiseAMessage(' ... continuing trajectory "{}".'.format(traj))
Exemple #10
#check hyperrectangle diagonal on several dimensions
## 2d
sideLengths = [3, 4]
checkAnswer('2D hyperdiagonal', mathUtils.hyperdiagonal(sideLengths), 5)
## 3d
checkAnswer('3D hyperdiagonal', mathUtils.hyperdiagonal(sideLengths), 13)
## 3d
checkAnswer('4D hyperdiagonal', mathUtils.hyperdiagonal(sideLengths), 85)

# check diffWithInfinites
i = float('inf')
n = np.inf
checkAnswer('InfDiff inf    - inf', mathUtils.diffWithInfinites(n, i), 0)
checkAnswer('InfDiff inf    - finite', mathUtils.diffWithInfinites(n, 0), i)
checkAnswer('InfDiff inf    - (-inf)', mathUtils.diffWithInfinites(n, -n), i)
checkAnswer('InfDiff finite - inf', mathUtils.diffWithInfinites(0, n), -i)
checkAnswer('InfDiff finite - finite', mathUtils.diffWithInfinites(3, 2), 1)
checkAnswer('InfDiff finite - (-inf)', mathUtils.diffWithInfinites(0, -n), i)
checkAnswer('InfDiff -inf   - inf', mathUtils.diffWithInfinites(-n, n), -i)
checkAnswer('InfDiff -inf   - finite', mathUtils.diffWithInfinites(-n, 0), -i)
checkAnswer('InfDiff -inf   - (-inf)', mathUtils.diffWithInfinites(-n, -n), 0)

