Exemple #1
    def _get_imu_samples_for_network(self, t_begin_us, t_oldest_state_us, t_end_us):
        # extract corresponding network input data
        net_tus_begin = t_begin_us
        net_tus_end = t_end_us - self.dt_interp_us

        net_acc, net_gyr, net_tus = self.imu_buffer.get_data_from_to(
            net_tus_begin, net_tus_end

        assert net_gyr.shape[0] == self.net_input_size
        assert net_acc.shape[0] == self.net_input_size
        # get data from filter
        R_oldest_state_wfb, _ = self.filter.get_past_state(t_oldest_state_us)  # 3 x 3
        # change the input of the network to be in local frame
        ri_z = compute_euler_from_matrix(R_oldest_state_wfb, "xyz", extrinsic=True)[
            0, 2
        Ri_z = np.array(
                [np.cos(ri_z), -(np.sin(ri_z)), 0],
                [np.sin(ri_z), np.cos(ri_z), 0],
                [0, 0, 1],
        R_oldest_state_wfb = Ri_z.T @ R_oldest_state_wfb

        bg = self.filter.state.s_bg
        # dynamic rotation integration using filter states
        # Rs_net will contains delta rotation since t_begin_us
        Rs_bofbi = np.zeros((net_tus.shape[0], 3, 3))  # N x 3 x 3
        Rs_bofbi[0, :, :] = np.eye(3)
        for j in range(1, net_tus.shape[0]):
            dt_us = net_tus[j] - net_tus[j - 1]
            dR = mat_exp((net_gyr[j, :].reshape((3, 1)) - bg) * dt_us * 1e-6)
            Rs_bofbi[j, :, :] = Rs_bofbi[j - 1, :, :].dot(dR)

        # find delta rotation index at time ts_oldest_state
        oldest_state_idx_in_net = np.where(net_tus == t_oldest_state_us)[0][0]

        # rotate all Rs_net so that (R_oldest_state_wfb @ (Rs_bofbi[idx].inv() @ Rs_bofbi[i])
        # so that Rs_net[idx] = R_oldest_state_wfb
        R_bofboldstate = (
            R_oldest_state_wfb @ Rs_bofbi[oldest_state_idx_in_net, :, :].T
        )  # [3 x 3]
        Rs_net_wfb = np.einsum("ip,tpj->tij", R_bofboldstate, Rs_bofbi)
        net_acc_w = np.einsum("tij,tj->ti", Rs_net_wfb, net_acc)  # N x 3
        net_gyr_w = np.einsum("tij,tj->ti", Rs_net_wfb, net_gyr)  # N x 3

        return net_gyr_w, net_acc_w
Exemple #2
def imu_integrate(gravity, last_state, imu_data, dt):
    Given compensated IMU data and corresponding dt, propagate the previous state in the world frame
    last_r = Rotation.from_rotvec(last_state[0:3])
    last_p = last_state[3:6]
    last_v = last_state[6:9]
    accel = imu_data[:3]
    omega = imu_data[3:]

    last_R = last_r.as_matrix()
    dR = mat_exp(omega * dt)

    new_R = last_R.dot(dR)
    new_v = last_v + gravity * dt + last_R.dot(accel * dt)
    new_p = (last_p + last_v * dt + 0.5 * gravity * dt * dt +
             0.5 * last_R.dot(accel * dt * dt))
    new_r = Rotation.from_matrix(new_R)

    return np.concatenate((new_r.as_rotvec(), new_p, new_v), axis=0)
Exemple #3
def save_hdf5(args):

    # get list of data to process
    f = open(args.data_list, "r")
    name = [line.rstrip() for line in f]
    n_data = len(name)
    print(f"total {n_data} datasets")

    gravity = np.array([0, 0, -args.gravity])

    for i in progressbar.progressbar(range(n_data), redirect_stdout=True):
        n = name[i]

        # set flag for which data has been processed
        datapath = osp.join(args.data_dir, n)
        flag_file = os.path.join(args.data_dir, n, "hey.txt")
        if os.path.exists(flag_file):
            print(f"{i}th data {n} processed, skip")
            print(f"processing data {i} - {n}")
            # f = open(flag_file, 'w'); f.write('hey'); f.close()

        # start with the 20th image processed, bypass vio initialization
        image_ts = np.loadtxt(osp.join(datapath, "my_timestamps_p.txt"))
        imu_meas = np.loadtxt(osp.join(datapath, "imu_measurements.txt"), delimiter=",")
        vio_states = np.loadtxt(osp.join(datapath, "evolving_state.txt"), delimiter=",")
        calib_data = np.loadtxt(osp.join(datapath, "calib_state.txt"), delimiter=",")
        attitudes = np.loadtxt(
            osp.join(datapath, "atttitude.txt"), delimiter=",", skiprows=3

        # find initial state, start from the 21st output from vio_state
        start_t = image_ts[20]
        imu_idx = np.searchsorted(imu_meas[:, 0], start_t)
        vio_idx = np.searchsorted(vio_states[:, 0], start_t)

        # get imu_data - raw and calibrated
        print("obtain raw and vio-calibrated IMU data")
        imu_data = imu_meas[imu_idx:, :]
        ts = imu_data[:, 0] * 1e-6  # s
        accel_raw = imu_data[:, 1:4]  # raw
        gyro_raw = imu_data[:, 7:10]
        accel = imu_data[:, 4:7]  # calibrated with vio calibration
        gyro = imu_data[:, 10:13]

        # get state_data (same timestamps as imu_data), integrated with vio-calibrated IMU
        print("obtain vio states by integrating vio-calibrated IMU")
        N = imu_data.shape[0]
        state_data = np.zeros((N, 9))

        r_init = Rotation.from_quat(
                vio_states[vio_idx, 2],
                vio_states[vio_idx, 3],
                vio_states[vio_idx, 4],
                vio_states[vio_idx, 1],
        p_init = [
            vio_states[vio_idx, 5],
            vio_states[vio_idx, 6],
            vio_states[vio_idx, 7],
        v_init = [
            vio_states[vio_idx, 8],
            vio_states[vio_idx, 9],
            vio_states[vio_idx, 10],
        state_init = np.concatenate((r_init.as_rotvec(), p_init, v_init), axis=0)
        state_data[0, :] = state_init

        for i in progressbar.progressbar(range(1, N)):
            # get calibrated imu data for integration
            imu_data_i = np.concatenate((imu_data[i, 4:7], imu_data[i, 10:13]), axis=0)
            curr_t = imu_data[i, 0]
            past_t = imu_data[i - 1, 0]
            dt = (curr_t - past_t) * 1e-6  # s

            last_state = state_data[i - 1, :]
            new_state = imu_integrate(gravity, last_state, imu_data_i, dt)
            state_data[i, :] = new_state

            # if this state has vio output, correct with vio
            has_vio = imu_data[i, 13]
            if has_vio == 1:
                vio_idx = np.searchsorted(vio_states[:, 0], imu_data[i, 0])
                r_vio = Rotation.from_quat(
                        vio_states[vio_idx, 2],
                        vio_states[vio_idx, 3],
                        vio_states[vio_idx, 4],
                        vio_states[vio_idx, 1],
                p_vio = [
                    vio_states[vio_idx, 5],
                    vio_states[vio_idx, 6],
                    vio_states[vio_idx, 7],
                v_vio = [
                    vio_states[vio_idx, 8],
                    vio_states[vio_idx, 9],
                    vio_states[vio_idx, 10],
                vio_state = np.concatenate((r_vio.as_rotvec(), p_vio, v_vio), axis=0)
                state_data[i, :] = vio_state
        # adding timestamps in state_data
        state_data = np.concatenate(
            (np.expand_dims(imu_data[:, 0], axis=1), state_data), axis=1

        # vio data
        vio_rvec = state_data[:, 1:4]
        vio_p = state_data[:, 4:7]
        vio_v = state_data[:, 7:10]
        vio_r = Rotation.from_rotvec(vio_rvec)
        vio_q = vio_r.as_quat()
        vio_q_wxyz = np.concatenate(
            [np.expand_dims(vio_q[:, 3], axis=1), vio_q[:, 0:3]], axis=1

        # get offline and factory calibration
        print("obtain offline and factory calibration")
        with open(osp.join(datapath, "atttitude.txt"), "r") as f:
            line = f.readline()
            line = f.readline()
        init_calib = np.fromstring(line, sep=",")
        # init_calib_fac = None
        accelScaleInv = init_calib[1:10].reshape((3, 3))
        gyroScaleInv = init_calib[10:19].reshape((3, 3))
        gyroGSense = init_calib[19:28].reshape((3, 3))
        accelBias = init_calib[28:31].reshape((3, 1))
        gyroBias = init_calib[31:34].reshape((3, 1))
        offline_calib = np.concatenate(

        # calibrate raw IMU with fixed calibration
        print("calibrate IMU with fixed calibration")
        accel_calib = (np.dot(accelScaleInv, accel_raw.T) - accelBias).T
        gyro_calib = (
            np.dot(gyroScaleInv, gyro_raw.T)
            - np.dot(gyroGSense, accel_raw.T)
            - gyroBias

        # integrate using fixed calibration data
        print("integrate R using fixed calibrated data")
        N = ts.shape[0]
        rvec_integration = np.zeros((N, 3))
        rvec_integration[0, :] = state_data[0, 1:4]

        for i in progressbar.progressbar(range(1, N)):
            dt = ts[i] - ts[i - 1]
            last_rvec = Rotation.from_rotvec(rvec_integration[i - 1, :])
            last_R = last_rvec.as_matrix()
            omega = gyro_calib[i, :]
            dR = mat_exp(omega * dt)
            next_R = last_R.dot(dR)
            next_r = Rotation.from_matrix(next_R)
            next_rvec = next_r.as_rotvec()
            rvec_integration[i, :] = next_rvec
        integration_r = Rotation.from_rotvec(rvec_integration)
        integration_q = integration_r.as_quat()
        integration_q_wxyz = np.concatenate(
            [np.expand_dims(integration_q[:, 3], axis=1), integration_q[:, 0:3]], axis=1

        # get attitude filter data
        print("obtain attitude filter rotation")
        ts_filter = attitudes[:, 0] * 1e-6  # s
        ts_start_index = 0
        ts_end_index = -1
        if ts_filter[0] > ts[0]:
            print("dataset " + n + " has smaller attitude filter timerange")
            ts_start_index = np.where(ts > ts_filter[0])[0][0]
        if ts_filter[-1] < ts[-1]:
            print("dataset " + n + " has smaller attitude filter timerange")
            ts_end_index = np.where(ts < ts_filter[-1])[0][-1]

        filter_r = Rotation.from_quat(
                [attitudes[:, 2:5], np.expand_dims(attitudes[:, 1], axis=1)], axis=1
        R_filter = filter_r.as_matrix()
        R_wf = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1], [0, 1, 0]])
        R_filter = np.matmul(R_wf, R_filter)
        filter_r = Rotation.from_matrix(R_filter)  # corrected rotation for filter
        filter_rpy = filter_r.as_euler("xyz", degrees=True)
        uw_filter_rpy = unwrap_rpy(filter_rpy)
        uw_filter_rpy_interp = interp1d(ts_filter, uw_filter_rpy, axis=0)(
        filter_rpy_interp = wrap_rpy(uw_filter_rpy_interp)
        filter_r_interp = Rotation.from_euler("xyz", filter_rpy_interp, degrees=True)
        filter_q_interp = filter_r_interp.as_quat()
        filter_q_wxyz_interp = np.concatenate(
            [np.expand_dims(filter_q_interp[:, 3], axis=1), filter_q_interp[:, 0:3]],

        # truncate to attitude filter range
        ts = ts[ts_start_index:ts_end_index]
        accel = accel[ts_start_index:ts_end_index, :]
        gyro = gyro[ts_start_index:ts_end_index, :]
        accel_raw = accel_raw[ts_start_index:ts_end_index, :]
        gyro_raw = gyro_raw[ts_start_index:ts_end_index, :]
        vio_q_wxyz = vio_q_wxyz[ts_start_index:ts_end_index, :]
        vio_p = vio_p[ts_start_index:ts_end_index, :]
        vio_v = vio_v[ts_start_index:ts_end_index, :]
        integration_q_wxyz = integration_q_wxyz[ts_start_index:ts_end_index, :]
        if ts.shape[0] != filter_q_wxyz_interp.shape[0]:
            print("data and attitude filter time does not match!")

        # output
        outdir = osp.join(args.output_dir, n)
        if not osp.isdir(outdir):

        # everything under the same timestamp ts
        with h5py.File(osp.join(outdir, "data.hdf5"), "w") as f:
            ts_s = f.create_dataset("ts", data=ts)
            accel_dcalibrated_s = f.create_dataset("accel_dcalibrated", data=accel)
            gyro_dcalibrated_s = f.create_dataset("gyro_dcalibrated", data=gyro)
            accel_raw_s = f.create_dataset("accel_raw", data=accel_raw)
            gyro_raw_s = f.create_dataset("gyro_raw", data=gyro_raw)
            vio_q_wxyz_s = f.create_dataset("vio_q_wxyz", data=vio_q_wxyz)
            vio_p_s = f.create_dataset("vio_p", data=vio_p)
            vio_v_s = f.create_dataset("vio_v", data=vio_v)
            integration_q_wxyz_s = f.create_dataset(
                "integration_q_wxyz", data=integration_q_wxyz
            filter_q_wxyz_s = f.create_dataset(
                "filter_q_wxyz", data=filter_q_wxyz_interp
            offline_calib_s = f.create_dataset("offline_calib", data=offline_calib)
            print("File data.hdf5 written to " + outdir)