def validate(StmMethodology, StmTestCase, InputJson, EnableTieCheck):
    plLogger = PLLogger.GetLogger('methodology')

    # Check that TestMethodologyName exists
    stc_sys = CStcSystem.Instance()

    test_meth = meth_man_utils.get_stm_methodology_from_handle(StmMethodology)
    if test_meth is None:
        plLogger.LogError("ERROR: Was unable to find StmMethodology with handle " +
                          str(StmMethodology) + " in the list of installed tests.")
        return "ERROR: Could not find test."
    test_meth_name = test_meth.Get('TestMethodologyName')
    plLogger.LogDebug("test_meth_name: " + test_meth_name)

    install_dir = meth_man_utils.get_methodology_dir(test_meth_name)
    if not install_dir:
        return "ERROR: Could not find path to the test."

    # Check that StmTestCase is in datamodel
    # If NO StmTestCase is provided, then assume it's the "original"
    test_case_name = ""
    if StmTestCase == 0:
        plLogger.LogDebug("No StmTestCase is provided, use the methodology itself")
        test_case_name = "original"
        test_case_path = install_dir
        hnd_reg = CHandleRegistry.Instance()
        test_case = hnd_reg.Find(StmTestCase)
        if test_case is None:
            plLogger.LogError("ERROR: Was unable to find StmTestCase" +
                              " in the list of installed test cases.")
            return "ERROR: Could not find test case."
        test_case_name = test_case.Get('TestCaseName')
        test_case_path = test_case.Get('Path')
    plLogger.LogDebug("test_case_name: " + test_case_name)
    plLogger.LogDebug("test_case_path: " + str(test_case_path))
    if not os.path.exists(test_case_path):
        return "ERROR: Could not find path to the test case."

    full_txml_path = os.path.join(test_case_path, mgr_const.MM_META_FILE_NAME)
    plLogger.LogDebug("full_txml_path: " + str(full_txml_path))
    if os.path.isfile(full_txml_path):
        test_instance_name = txml_utils.extract_test_case_name_from_file(full_txml_path)
        plLogger.LogDebug("test_instance_name: " + str(test_instance_name))
        if test_instance_name == test_case_name:
            return ""
    return "ERROR: Could not find txml file for test case."