Exemple #1
def get_dnn_cfg(dnn_fname):
    """ Construct a minimum required NetworkConfig given a model file """
    model_data = io.json_load(dnn_fname)
    cfg = NetworkConfig()
    cfg.hidden_layers_sizes = []
    i = 0
    while 'W{}'.format(i) in model_data:
        W_shape = string_2_array(model_data['W{}'.format(i)]).shape
        # Currently factored layer can only be the first hidden layer
        # TODO: change this!
        if i == 0:
            if 'side_W{}_0'.format(i) in model_data:
                factored_cfg = FactoredConfig()
                j = 0
                while 'side_b{}_{}'.format(i, j) in model_data:
                    assert 'side_W{}_{}'.format(i, j) in model_data
                    side_W_shape = string_2_array(model_data['side_W{}_{}'.format(i, j)]).shape
                    if j == 0:
                        factored_cfg.n_in_main = W_shape[0]
                        factored_cfg.n_in_side = side_W_shape[0]
                        # NOTE: this assumes that main and secondary features
                        # are disjoint, but this is not required by the model.
                        # TODO: find a way to relax this assumption.
                        cfg.n_ins = W_shape[0] + side_W_shape[0]
                    j += 1
                cfg.factored_cfg = factored_cfg
                cfg.n_ins = W_shape[0]
        if 'W{}'.format(i + 1) in model_data:
            cfg.n_outs = W_shape[1]
        i += 1
    return cfg
Exemple #2
def init_srbm(rbm_cfg, numpy_rng=None):
    """ Initialize a SRBM given a RBM config """
    if numpy_rng is None:
        numpy_rng = numpy.random.RandomState()
    theano_rng = RandomStreams(numpy_rng.randint(2 ** 30))
    # Following pdnn, initialize a parallel DNN and use it to initialize SRBM
    dnn_cfg = NetworkConfig()
    dnn_cfg.n_ins = rbm_cfg.n_ins
    dnn_cfg.hidden_layers_sizes = rbm_cfg.hidden_layers_sizes
    dnn_cfg.n_outs = rbm_cfg.n_outs
    dnn = DNN(numpy_rng, theano_rng=theano_rng, cfg=dnn_cfg)
    return SRBM(numpy_rng, theano_rng=theano_rng, cfg=rbm_cfg, dnn=dnn)
Exemple #3
    # numpy random generator
    numpy_rng = numpy.random.RandomState(89677)
    theano_rng = RandomStreams(numpy_rng.randint(2 ** 30))
    log('> ... initializing the model')

    # parse network configuration from arguments, and initialize data reading
    cfg = RBMConfig()

    # we also need to set up a DNN model, whose parameters are shared with RBM, for 2 reasons:
    # first, we can use DNN's model reading and writing functions, instead of designing these functions for RBM specifically
    # second, DNN generates 
    cfg_dnn = NetworkConfig()
    cfg_dnn.n_ins = cfg.n_ins; cfg_dnn.hidden_layers_sizes = cfg.hidden_layers_sizes; cfg_dnn.n_outs = cfg.n_outs
    dnn = DNN(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng = theano_rng, cfg = cfg_dnn)

    # now set up the RBM model with dnn as an argument
    srbm = SRBM(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng = theano_rng, cfg = cfg, dnn = dnn)
    # get the pre-training function
    log('> ... getting the pre-training functions')
    pretraining_fns = srbm.pretraining_functions(train_set_x=cfg.train_x, batch_size=cfg.batch_size,
                                                 k = 1, weight_cost = 0.0002)
    start_layer_index = 0
    start_epoch_index = 0
    if os.path.exists(wdir + '/nnet.tmp') and os.path.exists(wdir + '/training_state.tmp'):
        start_layer_index, start_epoch_index = read_two_integers(wdir + '/training_state.tmp')
        log('> ... found nnet.tmp and training_state.tmp, now resume training from layer #' + str(start_layer_index) + ' epoch #' + str(start_epoch_index))
        _file2nnet(dnn.layers, filename = wdir + '/nnet.tmp')
Exemple #4
    # numpy random generator
    numpy_rng = numpy.random.RandomState(89677)
    theano_rng = RandomStreams(numpy_rng.randint(2**30))
    log('> ... initializing the model')

    # parse network configuration from arguments, and initialize data reading
    cfg = RBMConfig()

    # we also need to set up a DNN model, whose parameters are shared with RBM, for 2 reasons:
    # first, we can use DNN's model reading and writing functions, instead of designing these functions for RBM specifically
    # second, DNN generates
    cfg_dnn = NetworkConfig()
    cfg_dnn.n_ins = cfg.n_ins
    cfg_dnn.hidden_layers_sizes = cfg.hidden_layers_sizes
    cfg_dnn.n_outs = cfg.n_outs
    dnn = DNN(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng=theano_rng, cfg=cfg_dnn)

    # now set up the RBM model with dnn as an argument
    srbm = SRBM(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng=theano_rng, cfg=cfg, dnn=dnn)
    # get the pre-training function
    log('> ... getting the pre-training functions')
    pretraining_fns = srbm.pretraining_functions(train_set_x=cfg.train_x,

    start_layer_index = 0
    start_epoch_index = 0
    if os.path.exists(wdir +
Exemple #5
    # numpy random generator
    numpy_rng = numpy.random.RandomState(89677)
    theano_rng = RandomStreams(numpy_rng.randint(2 ** 30))
    log('> ... initializing the model')

    # parse network configuration from arguments, and initialize data reading
    cfg = RBMConfig()

    # we also need to set up a DNN model, whose parameters are shared with RBM, for 2 reasons:
    # first, we can use DNN's model reading and writing functions, instead of designing these functions for RBM specifically
    # second, DNN generates 
    cfg_dnn = NetworkConfig()
    cfg_dnn.n_ins = cfg.n_ins; cfg_dnn.hidden_layers_sizes = cfg.hidden_layers_sizes; cfg_dnn.n_outs = cfg.n_outs
    dnn = DNN(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng = theano_rng, cfg = cfg_dnn)

    # now set up the RBM model with dnn as an argument
    srbm = SRBM(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng = theano_rng, cfg = cfg, dnn = dnn)
    # get the pre-training function
    log('> ... getting the pre-training functions')
    pretraining_fns = srbm.pretraining_functions(train_set_x=cfg.train_x, batch_size=cfg.batch_size,
                                                 k = 1, weight_cost = 0.0002)
    start_layer_index = 0
    start_epoch_index = 0
    if os.path.exists(wdir + '/nnet.tmp') and os.path.exists(wdir + '/training_state.tmp'):
        start_layer_index, start_epoch_index = read_two_integers(wdir + '/training_state.tmp')
        log('> ... found nnet.tmp and training_state.tmp, now resume training from layer #' + str(start_layer_index) + ' epoch #' + str(start_epoch_index))
        _file2nnet(dnn.layers, filename = wdir + '/nnet.tmp')