printTitle("lcd init") from lib.esp8266_i2c_lcd import I2cLcd lcd = I2cLcd(i2c, 39, 2, 16) lcd.putstr("octopusLab") def influx_write(temp, humi, press, gas): print(gc.mem_free()) gc.collect() print(gc.mem_free()) return influx.write(temp=temp, humi=humi, press=press, gas=gas) printTitle("WiFi + influx") w() influx = InfluxDB.fromconfig() printTitle("main loop") while True: temp = bme.temperature humi = bme.humidity press = bme.pressure gas = bme.gas print(temp, humi, press, gas) print("influx write: ", influx_write(temp, humi, press, gas)) lcd.move_to(0, 0) lcd.putstr( str(round(temp, 1)) + chr(223) + "C | " + str(round(humi, 1)) + "%") lcd.move_to(0, 1)
from components.iot import Thermometer tt = Thermometer(32) # DEV1 pin tx = tt.ds.scan() print(tt.get_temp(0)) # tt.get_temp(1) print("---wifi---") def influx_write(): print(gc.mem_free()) gc.collect() print(gc.mem_free()) temp = tt.get_temp() return influx.write(relay=statusRelay,tempset=tempX,temperature=temp) net = w() ip = net.sta_if.ifconfig()[0] oled_show(oled,strB="IP:" + ip,num=0) sleep(2) print("---button-ftp---") from machine import Pin btnum = 0 button = Pin(35, Pin.IN) print("press right button / CTRL+C or continue") sleep(1) for i in range(12): print("-",end="") btnum += button.value()
from shell import clear printTitle("examples/") print("this is simple Micropython example | ESP32 & octopusLAB") print() rtc = RTC() def add0(sn): return "0" + str(sn) if int(sn) < 10 else str(sn) def get_hhmm_sep(separator=":", rtc=rtc): #get_hhmm(separator) | separator = string: "-" / " " hh = add0(rtc.datetime()[4]) mm = add0(rtc.datetime()[5]) return hh + separator + mm w() # wifi connect settime() # server > time setup setlocal(1) # 1: time zone +1h while True: clear() print(get_hhmm_sep(":")) sleep(1) clear() print(get_hhmm_sep(" ")) # blinking ":" sleep(1)
print("--- octopusLAB: test_WiFi ---") print("-> init") from utils.octopus_lib import w net = w() # wifi connection ip = net.sta_if.ifconfig()[0] print("--- IP: ", ip)
# simple basic example - ESP32 - Micropython - EDU_KIT1 # RTC settime / zone from ntptime import settime from machine import RTC from utils.octopus_lib import w, setlocal, get_hhmm print("--- octopusLAB: test_rtc_ntp ---") rtc = RTC() w(logD=False) settime() print(get_hhmm(rtc)) # + 1/2 h. setlocal(1) print(get_hhmm(rtc))
from utils.octopus_lib import w from esp import espnow wc = w() # A WLAN interface must be active to send()/recv() # w0 = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) # print("--- espNow init ---") e = espnow.ESPNow() e.init() # peer = b'0\xae\xa4XC\xa0' # MAC address of peer's wifi interface mac = "" e.add_peer(mac) print(e.irecv()) for msg in e: print(msg) if (msg[1] == b'end') break