Exemple #1
    def use_Sbest_set_W_set_predicted_URM(self):
        if self.train_with_sparse_weights:
            self.W_sparse = self.S_best
            self.W_sparse = check_matrix(self.W_sparse, format='csr')
            self.W_sparse = similarityMatrixTopK(self.S_best, k=self.topK)
            self.W_sparse = check_matrix(self.W_sparse, format='csr')

        # Precompute URM
        self.predicted_URM = self.URM.dot(self.W_sparse)
Exemple #2
    def get_S_set_W_set_predicted_URM(self):
        self.S_incremental = self.cythonEpoch.get_S()

        if self.train_with_sparse_weights:
            self.W_sparse = self.S_incremental
            self.W_sparse = check_matrix(self.W_sparse, format='csr')
            self.W_sparse = similarityMatrixTopK(self.S_incremental,
            self.W_sparse = check_matrix(self.W_sparse, format='csr')

        # Precompute URM
        self.predicted_URM = self.URM.dot(self.W_sparse)
Exemple #3
    def applyPearsonCorrelation(self):
        Remove from every data point the average for the corresponding column

        self.dataMatrix = check_matrix(self.dataMatrix, 'csc')

        interactionsPerCol = np.diff(self.dataMatrix.indptr)

        nonzeroCols = interactionsPerCol > 0
        sumPerCol = np.asarray(self.dataMatrix.sum(axis=0)).ravel()

        colAverage = np.zeros_like(sumPerCol)
        colAverage[nonzeroCols] = sumPerCol[nonzeroCols] / interactionsPerCol[

        # Split in blocks to avoid duplicating the whole data structure
        start_col = 0
        end_col = 0

        blockSize = 1000

        while end_col < self.n_columns:

            end_col = min(self.n_columns, end_col + blockSize)

            self.dataMatrix.data[self.dataMatrix.indptr[start_col]:self.dataMatrix.indptr[end_col]] -= \
                np.repeat(colAverage[start_col:end_col], interactionsPerCol[start_col:end_col])

            start_col += blockSize
Exemple #4
    def applyAdjustedCosine(self):
        Remove from every data point the average for the corresponding row

        self.dataMatrix = check_matrix(self.dataMatrix, 'csr')

        interactionsPerRow = np.diff(self.dataMatrix.indptr)

        nonzeroRows = interactionsPerRow > 0
        sumPerRow = np.asarray(self.dataMatrix.sum(axis=1)).ravel()

        rowAverage = np.zeros_like(sumPerRow)
        rowAverage[nonzeroRows] = sumPerRow[nonzeroRows] / interactionsPerRow[

        # Split in blocks to avoid duplicating the whole data structure
        start_row = 0
        end_row = 0

        blockSize = 1000

        while end_row < self.n_rows:

            end_row = min(self.n_rows, end_row + blockSize)

            self.dataMatrix.data[self.dataMatrix.indptr[start_row]:self.dataMatrix.indptr[end_row]] -= \
                np.repeat(rowAverage[start_row:end_row], interactionsPerRow[start_row:end_row])

            start_row += blockSize
Exemple #5
    def _train(self, verbose=True):
        self.A = check_matrix(self.A, 'csr', np.float64)

        print("Starting training with {} learning rate, {} l1_reg, {} epochs".
              format(self.learning_rate, self.l1_reg, self.epochs))
        self.W, loss, samples_per_seconds = train_multiple_epochs(
            self.A, self.learning_rate, self.epochs, self.l1_reg)
        self.W = sp.csr_matrix(self.W)
        self.predicted_URM = self.A.dot(self.W)
Exemple #6
    def _stack(self, to_stack, param, format='csr'):
        Stacks a new sparse matrix under the A matrix used for training
        :param to_stack: sparse matrix to add
        :param param: regularization
        :param format: default 'csr'

        tmp = check_matrix(to_stack, 'csr', dtype=np.float32)
        tmp = tmp.multiply(param)
        self.URM = sp.vstack((self.URM, tmp), format=format, dtype=np.float32)
Exemple #7
    def fit(self):
        """ Fits the ElasticNet model """
        self.model = ElasticNet(alpha=self.alpha,

        # the matrix that has to be learnt
        self.A = check_matrix(self.URM, format='csc', dtype=np.float32)
def apply_feature_weighting(data, feature_weighting, K=1.2, B=0.75):

    if feature_weighting is None:
        return data

    data = data.astype(np.float32)
    if feature_weighting == "BM25-Transpose":
        data = _okapi_BM_25(data.T, K1=K, B=B).T
    elif feature_weighting == "BM25":
        data = _okapi_BM_25(data, K1=K, B=B)
    elif feature_weighting == "TF-IDF-Transpose":
        data = _TF_IDF(data.T).T
    elif feature_weighting == "TF-IDF":
        data = _TF_IDF(data)
        raise NotImplementedError()
    data = check_matrix(data, 'csr')
    return data
Exemple #9
    def compute_similarity(self, start_col=None, end_col=None, block_size=100):
        Compute the similarity for the given dataset
        :param self:
        :param start_col: column to begin with
        :param end_col: column to stop before, end_col is excluded

        values = []
        rows = []
        cols = []

        start_time = time.time()
        start_time_print_batch = start_time
        processedItems = 0

        if self.adjusted_cosine:

        elif self.pearson_correlation:

        elif self.tanimoto_coefficient or self.dice_coefficient or self.tversky_coefficient:

        # We explore the matrix column-wise
        self.dataMatrix = check_matrix(self.dataMatrix, 'csc')

        # Compute sum of squared values to be used in normalization
        sumOfSquared = np.array(self.dataMatrix.power(2).sum(axis=0)).ravel()

        # Tanimoto does not require the square root to be applied
        if not (self.tanimoto_coefficient or self.dice_coefficient
                or self.tversky_coefficient):
            sumOfSquared = np.sqrt(sumOfSquared)

        if self.asymmetric_cosine:
            sumOfSquared_to_1_minus_alpha = np.power(
                sumOfSquared, 2 * (1 - self.asymmetric_alpha))
            sumOfSquared_to_alpha = np.power(sumOfSquared,
                                             2 * self.asymmetric_alpha)

        self.dataMatrix = check_matrix(self.dataMatrix, 'csc')

        start_col_local = 0
        end_col_local = self.n_columns

        if start_col is not None and start_col > 0 and start_col < self.n_columns:
            start_col_local = start_col

        if end_col is not None and end_col > start_col_local and end_col < self.n_columns:
            end_col_local = end_col

        start_col_block = start_col_local

        this_block_size = 0

        # Compute all similarities for each item using vectorization
        while start_col_block < end_col_local:

            end_col_block = min(start_col_block + block_size, end_col_local)
            this_block_size = end_col_block - start_col_block

            # All data points for a given item
            item_data = self.dataMatrix[:, start_col_block:end_col_block]
            item_data = item_data.toarray().squeeze()

            # If only 1 feature avoid last dimension to disappear
            if item_data.ndim == 1:
                item_data = np.atleast_2d(item_data)

            if self.use_row_weights:
                this_block_weights = self.dataMatrix_weighted.T.dot(item_data)

                # Compute item similarities
                this_block_weights = self.dataMatrix.T.dot(item_data)

            for col_index_in_block in range(this_block_size):

                if this_block_size == 1:
                    this_column_weights = this_block_weights
                    this_column_weights = this_block_weights[:,

                columnIndex = col_index_in_block + start_col_block
                this_column_weights[columnIndex] = 0.0

                # Apply normalization and shrinkage, ensure denominator != 0
                if self.normalize:

                    if self.asymmetric_cosine:
                        denominator = sumOfSquared_to_alpha[
                            columnIndex] * sumOfSquared_to_1_minus_alpha + self.shrink + 1e-6
                        denominator = sumOfSquared[
                            columnIndex] * sumOfSquared + self.shrink + 1e-6

                    this_column_weights = np.multiply(this_column_weights,
                                                      1 / denominator)

                # Apply the specific denominator for Tanimoto
                elif self.tanimoto_coefficient:
                    denominator = sumOfSquared[
                        columnIndex] + sumOfSquared - this_column_weights + self.shrink + 1e-6
                    this_column_weights = np.multiply(this_column_weights,
                                                      1 / denominator)

                elif self.dice_coefficient:
                    denominator = sumOfSquared[
                        columnIndex] + sumOfSquared + self.shrink + 1e-6
                    this_column_weights = np.multiply(this_column_weights,
                                                      1 / denominator)

                elif self.tversky_coefficient:
                    denominator = this_column_weights + \
                                  (sumOfSquared[columnIndex] - this_column_weights)*self.tversky_alpha + \
                                  (sumOfSquared - this_column_weights)*self.tversky_beta + self.shrink + 1e-6
                    this_column_weights = np.multiply(this_column_weights,
                                                      1 / denominator)

                # If no normalization or tanimoto is selected, apply only shrink
                elif self.shrink != 0:
                    this_column_weights = this_column_weights / self.shrink

                #this_column_weights = this_column_weights.toarray().ravel()

                # Sort indices and select TopK
                # Sorting is done in three steps. Faster then plain np.argsort for higher number of items
                # - Partition the data to extract the set of relevant items
                # - Sort only the relevant items
                # - Get the original item index
                relevant_items_partition = (
                    -this_column_weights).argpartition(self.TopK -
                relevant_items_partition_sorting = np.argsort(
                top_k_idx = relevant_items_partition[

                # Incrementally build sparse matrix, do not add zeros
                notZerosMask = this_column_weights[top_k_idx] != 0.0
                numNotZeros = np.sum(notZerosMask)

                cols.extend(np.ones(numNotZeros) * columnIndex)

            # Add previous block size
            processedItems += this_block_size

            if time.time(
            ) - start_time_print_batch >= 30 or end_col_block == end_col_local:
                columnPerSec = processedItems / (time.time() - start_time +

                    "Similarity column {} ( {:2.0f} % ), {:.2f} column/sec, elapsed time {:.2f} min"
                        processedItems, processedItems /
                        (end_col_local - start_col_local) * 100, columnPerSec,
                        (time.time() - start_time) / 60))


                start_time_print_batch = time.time()

            start_col_block += block_size

        # End while on columns

        W_sparse = sps.csr_matrix((values, (rows, cols)),
                                  shape=(self.n_columns, self.n_columns),

        return W_sparse
    def fit(self):

        self.URM = apply_feature_weighting(self.URM, self.feature_weighting, K=self.K, B=self.B)

        # if X.dtype != np.float32:
        #     print("P3ALPHA fit: For memory usage reasons, we suggest to use np.float32 as dtype for the dataset")

        if self.min_rating > 0:
            self.URM.data[self.URM.data < self.min_rating] = 0
            if self.implicit:
                self.URM.data = np.ones(self.URM.data.size, dtype=np.float32)

        #Pui is the row-normalized urm
        Pui = normalize(self.URM, norm='l1', axis=1)

        #Piu is the column-normalized, "boolean" urm transposed
        X_bool = self.URM.transpose(copy=True)
        X_bool.data = np.ones(X_bool.data.size, np.float32)
        #ATTENTION: axis is still 1 because i transposed before the normalization
        Piu = normalize(X_bool, norm='l1', axis=1)

        # Alfa power
        if self.alpha != 1.:
            Pui = Pui.power(self.alpha)
            Piu = Piu.power(self.alpha)

        # Final matrix is computed as Pui * Piu * Pui
        # Multiplication unpacked for memory usage reasons
        block_dim = 200
        d_t = Piu

        # Use array as it reduces memory requirements compared to lists
        dataBlock = 10000000

        rows = np.zeros(dataBlock, dtype=np.int32)
        cols = np.zeros(dataBlock, dtype=np.int32)
        values = np.zeros(dataBlock, dtype=np.float32)

        numCells = 0

        start_time = time.time()
        start_time_printBatch = start_time

        for current_block_start_row in range(0, Pui.shape[1], block_dim):

            if current_block_start_row + block_dim > Pui.shape[1]:
                block_dim = Pui.shape[1] - current_block_start_row

            similarity_block = d_t[current_block_start_row:current_block_start_row + block_dim, :] * Pui
            similarity_block = similarity_block.toarray()

            for row_in_block in range(block_dim):
                row_data = similarity_block[row_in_block, :]
                row_data[current_block_start_row + row_in_block] = 0

                best = row_data.argsort()[::-1][:self.topK]

                notZerosMask = row_data[best] != 0.0

                values_to_add = row_data[best][notZerosMask]
                cols_to_add = best[notZerosMask]

                for index in range(len(values_to_add)):

                    if numCells == len(rows):
                        rows = np.concatenate((rows, np.zeros(dataBlock, dtype=np.int32)))
                        cols = np.concatenate((cols, np.zeros(dataBlock, dtype=np.int32)))
                        values = np.concatenate((values, np.zeros(dataBlock, dtype=np.float32)))

                    rows[numCells] = current_block_start_row + row_in_block
                    cols[numCells] = cols_to_add[index]
                    values[numCells] = values_to_add[index]

                    numCells += 1

            if time.time() - start_time_printBatch > 60:
                print("Processed {} ( {:.2f}% ) in {:.2f} minutes. Rows per second: {:.0f}".format(
                    100.0 * float(current_block_start_row) / Pui.shape[1],
                    (time.time() - start_time) / 60,
                    float(current_block_start_row) / (time.time() - start_time)))


                start_time_printBatch = time.time()

        self.W_sparse = sp.csr_matrix((values[:numCells], (rows[:numCells], cols[:numCells])), shape=(Pui.shape[1], Pui.shape[1]))

        if self.normalize_similarity:
            self.W_sparse = normalize(self.W_sparse, norm='l1', axis=1)

        if self.topK != False:
            self.W_sparse = similarityMatrixTopK(self.W_sparse, k=self.topK)

        self.W_sparse = check_matrix(self.W_sparse, format='csr')

        # Precompute URM
        self.predicted_URM = self.URM.dot(self.W_sparse)