def visualize(self, input_folder=None, save_path=None): _, restore_model_path = model_utils.pre_load_checkpoint(MODEL_DIR), bold=True) config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True config.allow_soft_placement = True with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: tf_util.optimistic_restore(sess, restore_model_path) samples = glob(input_folder, recursive=True) samples.sort() if len(samples) > 100: samples = samples[:100] for point_path in samples: start = time.time() data = pc_util.load(point_path, count=NUM_SHAPE_POINT) num_shape_point = data.shape[0] data = data[:, 0:3] is_2D = np.all(data[:, 2] == 0) data, centroid, furthest_distance = pc_util.normalize_point_cloud( data) if FLAGS.drop_out < 1: idx = farthest_point_sample( int(num_shape_point * FLAGS.drop_out), data[np.newaxis, ...]).eval()[0] data = data[idx, 0:3] if JITTER: data = pc_util.jitter_perturbation_point_cloud( data[np.newaxis, ...], sigma=FLAGS.jitter_sigma, clip=FLAGS.jitter_max, is_2D=is_2D) data = data[0, ...] ## get the edge information mid = data[(np.abs(data[:, 2]) < np.amax(data[:, 2]) * 0.2), :] idx = farthest_point_sample(5, mid[np.newaxis, ...]).eval()[0] # idx = np.random.choice(data.shape[0], 5, replace=False) patches = pc_util.extract_knn_patch(mid[idx, :], data, NUM_POINT) end = time.time() print("total time: ", end - start) path = os.path.join(save_path, point_path.split('/')[-1][:-4] + '.ply') total_levels = int(np.log2(UP_RATIO) / np.log2(STEP_RATIO)) for p in range(patches.shape[0]): patch = patches[p] for i in range(1, total_levels + 1): patch_result = self.patch_prediction( patch, sess, STEP_RATIO**i) pc_util.save_ply( (patch_result * furthest_distance) + centroid, path[:-4] + "_p_%d_%d.ply" % (p, i)) pc_util.save_ply((patch * furthest_distance) + centroid, path[:-4] + "_p_%d_%d.ply" % (p, 0)) pc_util.save_ply((data * furthest_distance) + centroid, path[:-4] + "_input.ply")
def analyze_uniform(idx_file, radius_file, map_points_file): start_time = time() points = load(map_points_file)[:, 4:] radius = np.loadtxt(radius_file) print('radius:', radius) with open(idx_file) as f: lines = f.readlines() sample_number = 1000 rad_number = radius.shape[0] uniform_measure = np.zeros([rad_number, 1]) densitys = np.zeros([rad_number, sample_number]) expect_number = precentages * points.shape[0] expect_number = np.reshape(expect_number, [rad_number, 1]) for j in range(rad_number): uniform_dis = [] for i in range(sample_number): density, idx = lines[i * rad_number + j].split(':') densitys[j, i] = int(density) coverage = np.square(densitys[j, i] - expect_number[j]) / expect_number[j] num_points = re.findall("(\d+)", idx) idx = list(map(int, num_points)) if len(idx) < 5: continue idx = np.array(idx).astype(np.int32) map_point = points[idx] shortest_dis = cal_nearest_distance(map_point, map_point, 2) disk_area = math.pi * (radius[j]**2) / map_point.shape[0] expect_d = math.sqrt(2 * disk_area / 1.732) ##using hexagon dis = np.square(shortest_dis - expect_d) / expect_d dis_mean = np.mean(dis) uniform_dis.append(coverage * dis_mean) uniform_dis = np.array(uniform_dis).astype(np.float32) uniform_measure[j, 0] = np.mean(uniform_dis) print('time cost for uniform :', time() - start_time) return uniform_measure
def eval_per_epoch(self, epoch, input_folder): step = self.step.eval() max_ratio = self.get_next_ratio(step) ratio_idx = int(np.log2(max_ratio) / np.log2(STEP_RATIO)) - 1 start = time.time() samples = glob(input_folder, recursive=True) samples.sort() for i in range(ratio_idx): ratio = STEP_RATIO**(i + 1) save_path = os.path.join( MODEL_DIR, "eval", "epoch_%d" % epoch, 'knn_p%d_s%d_x%d' % (NUM_POINT, NUM_SHAPE_POINT, ratio)) if len(samples) > 50: samples = samples[:50] for point_path in samples: data = pc_util.load(point_path, count=NUM_SHAPE_POINT) data = data[:, 0:3] ## get the edge information input_list, pred_list = self.pc_prediction( data, self.sess, ratio=ratio, patch_num_ratio=PATCH_NUM_RATIO) input_pc = np.concatenate(input_list, axis=0) pred_pc = np.concatenate(pred_list, axis=0) path = os.path.join(save_path, point_path.split('/')[-1][:-4] + '.ply') pc_util.save_ply(pred_pc, path[:-4] + '.ply') pc_util.save_ply(input_pc, path[:-4] + '_input.ply') # if len(input_list) > 1: # counter = 0 # for in_p, pred_p in zip(input_list, pred_list): # pc_util.save_ply(in_p, os.path.join(save_path, point_path.split('/')[-1][:-4]+"_input_patch_%d.ply" % counter)) # pc_util.save_ply(pred_p, os.path.join(save_path, point_path.split('/')[-1][:-4]+"_pred_patch_%d.ply" % counter)) # counter += 1 end = time.time()"Evaluation time: %.2f" % (end - start))
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--pred", type=str, required=True, help=".xyz") parser.add_argument("--gt", type=str, required=True, help=".xyz") FLAGS = parser.parse_args() PRED_DIR = os.path.abspath(FLAGS.pred) GT_DIR = os.path.abspath( print(PRED_DIR) # NAME = print(GT_DIR) gt_paths = glob(os.path.join(GT_DIR, '*.xyz')) gt_names = [os.path.basename(p)[:-4] for p in gt_paths] print(len(gt_paths)) gt = load(gt_paths[0])[:, :3] pred_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1, 8192, 3]) gt_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1, 8192, 3]) pred_tensor, centroid, furthest_distance = normalize_point_cloud( pred_placeholder) gt_tensor, centroid, furthest_distance = normalize_point_cloud(gt_placeholder) cd_forward, _, cd_backward, _ = tf_nndistance.nn_distance( pred_tensor, gt_tensor) cd_forward = cd_forward[0, :] cd_backward = cd_backward[0, :] precentages = np.array([0.008, 0.012]) def cal_nearest_distance(queries, pc, k=2):
# print("total inputs ", len(gt_pred_pairs)) tag ="/(\w+)/result", os.path.dirname(gt_pred_pairs[0][1])) if tag: tag = tag.groups()[0] else: tag = D print("{:60s}".format(tag), end=' ') global_p2f = [] global_density = [] with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(gt_pred_pairs[0][1]), "evaluation.csv"), "w") as f: writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=fieldnames, restval="-", extrasaction="ignore") writer.writeheader() for gt_path, pred_path in gt_pred_pairs: row = {} gt = load(gt_path)[:, :3] gt = gt[np.newaxis, ...] pred = pc_util.load(pred_path) pred = pred[:, :3] row["name"] = os.path.basename(pred_path) pred = pred[np.newaxis, ...] cd_forward_value, cd_backward_value =[cd_forward, cd_backward], feed_dict={pred_placeholder:pred, gt_placeholder:gt}) save_ply_property(np.squeeze(pred), cd_forward_value, pred_path[:-4]+"_cdF.ply", property_max=0.003, cmap_name="jet") save_ply_property(np.squeeze(gt), cd_backward_value, pred_path[:-4]+"_cdB.ply", property_max=0.003, cmap_name="jet") # cd_backward_value = cd_forward_value = 0.0 md_value = np.mean(cd_forward_value)+np.mean(cd_backward_value) hd_value = np.max(np.amax(cd_forward_value, axis=0)+np.amax(cd_backward_value, axis=0)) cd_backward_value = np.mean(cd_backward_value) cd_forward_value = np.mean(cd_forward_value) # row["CD_forward"] = np.mean(cd_forward_value) # row["CD_backwar"] = np.mean(cd_backward_value)
loss = weight * loss losses.append(loss) return losses, None if __name__ == '__main__': import utils.pc_util as pc_util from glob import glob gt_files = glob("../data/test_data/sketchfab/poisson_10000/*.xyz") pc_files = glob("../data/test_data/sketchfab/poisson_2500/*.xyz") is_2D = False gt = [] pc = [] for b in range(4): gt.append(pc_util.load(gt_files[b])[np.newaxis, :, :3]) pc.append(pc_util.load(pc_files[b])[np.newaxis, :, :3]) import pdb pdb.set_trace() gt = np.concatenate(gt, axis=0) pc = np.concatenate(pc, axis=0) # fetcher = Fetcher(input_data, label, radius, batch_size=10, # step_ratio=4, up_ratio=16, num_in_point=1024) gt = tf.constant(gt, dtype=tf.float32) pred = tf.constant(pc, dtype=tf.float32) # covariance matrix _, idx = knn_point(5, gt, pred) # [B, P, k, 3] grouped = tf.gather_nd(gt, idx)
def test_hierarical_prediction(self, input_folder=None, save_path=None): _, restore_model_path = model_utils.pre_load_checkpoint(MODEL_DIR), bold=True) config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True config.allow_soft_placement = True with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: tf_util.optimistic_restore(sess, restore_model_path) total_time = 0 samples = glob(input_folder, recursive=True) samples.sort() # if len(samples)>100: # samples = samples[:100] for point_path in samples: start = time.time() data = pc_util.load(point_path, count=NUM_SHAPE_POINT) num_shape_point = data.shape[0] data = data[:, 0:3] is_2D = np.all(data[:, 2] == 0) data, centroid, furthest_distance = pc_util.normalize_point_cloud( data) if FLAGS.drop_out < 1: idx = farthest_point_sample( int(num_shape_point * FLAGS.drop_out), data[np.newaxis, ...]).eval()[0] data = data[idx, 0:3] if JITTER: data = pc_util.jitter_perturbation_point_cloud( data[np.newaxis, ...], sigma=FLAGS.jitter_sigma, clip=FLAGS.jitter_max, is_2D=is_2D) data = data[0, ...] ## get the edge information input_list, pred_list = self.pc_prediction( data, sess, patch_num_ratio=PATCH_NUM_RATIO) end = time.time() print("total time: ", end - start) pred_pc = np.concatenate(pred_list, axis=0) pred_pc = (pred_pc * furthest_distance) + centroid data = (data * furthest_distance) + centroid folder = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(point_path)) path = os.path.join(save_path, folder, point_path.split('/')[-1][:-4] + '.ply') # pc_util.save_ply(pred_pc, path[:-4]+'_overlapped.ply') pc_util.save_ply(data, path[:-4] + '_input.ply') idx = farthest_point_sample( int(num_shape_point * FLAGS.drop_out) * UP_RATIO, pred_pc[np.newaxis, ...]).eval()[0] pred_pc = pred_pc[idx, 0:3] # pred_pc, _, _ = pc_util.normalize_point_cloud(pred_pc) # pred_pc = (pred_pc * furthest_distance) + centroid pc_util.save_ply(pred_pc, path[:-4] + '.ply') # if len(input_list) > 1: # counter = 0 # for in_p, pred_p in zip(input_list, pred_list): # pc_util.save_ply(in_p*furthest_distance+centroid, path[:-4]+"_input_patch_%d.ply" % counter) # pc_util.save_ply(pred_p*furthest_distance+centroid, path[:-4]+"_pred_patch_%d.ply" % counter) # counter += 1 print(total_time / len(samples))
for i, train_relpath in enumerate(train_relpath_shards): print("shard {}".format(i)) print(train_relpath) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter( os.path.join( out_dir, "{}_p{}_shard{}.tfrecord".format( "_".join(datasets), num_point, i))) as writer: for p in train_relpath: seed_points = None centroid = furthest_distance = None example = {} for i, zipped in enumerate( zip(ratios, npoints, dirs, datasets)): ratio, npc, dirname, dset = zipped point_path = dirname + p pc = load(point_path)[:, :3] if seed_points is None: seed_idx = np.random.choice( np.arange(pc.shape[0]), size=[num_patch_per_shape], replace=False) seed_points = pc[seed_idx, ...] input_patches_value = input_patches, feed_dict={ input_placeholder: pc[np.newaxis, ...], num_in_point_placeholder: num_point * ratio, seed_points_placeholder: seed_points[np.newaxis, ...]