def detect(q1, q2): model_config = parser.parse_args() print("Loading detector") model = "ssd_mobilenet_v2_coco" conf_th = 0.3 INPUT_HW = (300, 300) cls_dict = get_cls_dict("coco") vis = BBoxVisualization(cls_dict) trt_ssd = TrtSSD(model, INPUT_HW) print("Loading detector complete") if model_config.ui == 1: cv2.startWindowThread() cv2.namedWindow("window") while 1: try: frame, frame_time = q1.get() delay = time.time() - frame_time if delay > 0.4: print("Skipping frame") continue boxes, confs, clss = trt_ssd.detect(frame, conf_th) print([get_cls_dict("coco")[c] for c in clss]) if model_config.ui == 1: frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img = vis.draw_bboxes(frame, boxes, confs, clss) cv2.imshow('window', img[..., ::-1]) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc()
class TrtThread(threading.Thread): """TrtThread This implements the child thread which continues to read images from cam (input) and to do TRT engine inferencing. The child thread stores the input image and detection results into global variables and uses a condition varaiable to inform main thread. In other words, the TrtThread acts as the producer while the main thread is the consumer. """ def __init__(self, condition, cam, model, conf_th): """__init__ # Arguments condition: the condition variable used to notify main thread about new frame and detection result cam: the camera object for reading input image frames model: a string, specifying the TRT SSD model conf_th: confidence threshold for detection """ threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.condition = condition = cam self.model = model self.conf_th = conf_th self.cuda_ctx = None # to be created when run self.trt_ssd = None # to be created when run self.running = False def run(self): """Run until 'running' flag is set to False by main thread. NOTE: CUDA context is created here, i.e. inside the thread which calls CUDA kernels. In other words, creating CUDA context in __init__() doesn't work. """ global s_img, s_boxes, s_confs, s_clss print('TrtThread: loading the TRT SSD engine...') self.cuda_ctx = cuda.Device(0).make_context() # GPU 0 self.trt_ssd = TrtSSD(self.model, INPUT_HW) print('TrtThread: start running...') self.running = True while self.running: img = if img is None: break boxes, confs, clss = self.trt_ssd.detect(img, self.conf_th) with self.condition: s_img, s_boxes, s_confs, s_clss = img, boxes, confs, clss self.condition.notify() del self.trt_ssd self.cuda_ctx.pop() del self.cuda_ctx print('TrtThread: stopped...') def stop(self): self.running = False self.join()
def main(config): args = parse_args() data_sys = Data_sys() pub = Publish(host=config['Mqtt_pub']) cls_dict = get_cls_dict(args.model.split('_')[-1]) trt_ssd = TrtSSD(args.model, INPUT_HW) img_list = [] # video cap = cv2.VideoCapture('xiasha.avi') i = 0 while cap.isOpened(): frame, img = if img is not None: img_list.append([img]) result = trt_ssd.detect(img_list[0], conf_th=0.3) # print(result) data_sys.dataSynchronization(result, img_list, args.model, ['boundary_intrude', None], config['Zone'], config['Channel'][0], config['device_id'], pub, config['Polygon']) img_list = [] i = i + 1 print(i) else: msg = json.dumps({ "nvr_id": config['Zone'], "device_id": config['device_id'], "channel_id": config['Channel'][0] }) pub.send_msg(topic="zs/ai_spxwfx/rtsp/" + config['Zone'] + "/" + config['Channel'][0], msg=msg, Zone=config['Zone'], device_id=config['device_id']) '''
from utils.visualization import BBoxVisualization from utils.display import open_window, set_display, show_fps import time import numpy as np model = "ssd_mobilenet_v2_coco" filename = "./dogs.jpg" conf_th = 0.3 INPUT_HW = (300, 300) cls_dict = get_cls_dict("coco") vis = BBoxVisualization(cls_dict) img = cv2.imread(filename) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) trt_ssd = TrtSSD(model, INPUT_HW) # Kick start the model. for _ in range(20): boxes, confs, clss = trt_ssd.detect(img, conf_th) print([get_cls_dict("coco")[c] for c in clss]) img = vis.draw_bboxes(img, boxes, confs, clss) cv2.imwrite("result.jpg", img[..., ::-1]) times = [] for _ in range(20): start_time = time.time() boxes, confs, clss = trt_ssd.detect(img, conf_th) delta = time.time() - start_time times.append(delta) mean_delta = np.array(times).mean() fps = 1 / mean_delta print("Average(sec):{:.4f},fps:{:.2f}".format(mean_delta, fps))
if __name__ == "__main__": args = parse_args() trt_ssd = TrtSSD(args.model, (args.image_resize, args.image_resize)) mot_tracker = Sort(args.sort_max_age, args.sort_min_hit) video = '/home/mengjun/xianlu/data/digger.mp4' cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video) colours = np.random.rand(32, 3) * 255 fps = 0.0 tic = time.time() while cap.isOpened(): ret, frame = boxes, confs, clss = trt_ssd.detect(frame, args.det_conf_thresh) #print(boxes, confs, clss) if len(boxes) != 0: result = [] for bb, cf, cl in zip(boxes, confs, clss): result.append([bb[0], bb[1], bb[2], bb[3], cl]) result = np.array(result, dtype=object) #print('result:',result) height = frame.shape[0] width = frame.shape[1] if len(clss) == 0: continue else: det = result[:, 0:5] print('det:', det)