Exemple #1
def ks_plots(plots, flavour, species):

    pvals = []
    for plotname in plots:

        if plotname in ignore:

        plot = plots[plotname]

        L, U, N, T, x, plotfile = plot['attrs']
        sw, aw = abb_init_kernels(L, U, N, flavour, plotname)

        nsw, naw = plot['nsw'], plot['naw']

        for j, t in enumerate(T):
            if t in sw.years:
                if j > 0:
                    if species == 'sw':
                        ccdf, dcdf, d, p = ks1(sw.meas['SW'][t], nsw[j], x)
                        z = np.sort(sw.meas['SW'][t])
                    elif species == 'aw':
                        ccdf, dcdf, d, p = ks1(aw.meas['AW'][t], naw[j], x)
                        z = np.sort(aw.meas['AW'][t])

    # # histogram of pvals
    # plt.figure()
    # plt.hist(pvals, bins=21)
    # plt.xlabel('p-value')
    # plt.ylabel('frequency')
    # plt.savefig('plots/kshist_%s_%s.png' % (flavour, species))
    # plt.close()

    # sorted scatter plot
    x = range(len(pvals))
    plt.plot(x, sorted(pvals), '.k')
    plt.plot(x, len(x)*[0.05], '-r')
    plt.savefig('plots/ksscatter_%s_%s.png' % (flavour, species))

    pvals = np.asarray(pvals)

    n    = len(pvals)
    nsig = np.count_nonzero(pvals > 0.05)
    print flavour, species, n, nsig, n - nsig

    return pvals
Exemple #2
def ks_compare(plots1, plots2, flavour, species):

    pvals1 = []
    pvals2 = []

    for plotname in plots1:

        if plotname in ignore:

        plot1 = plots1[plotname]
        plot2 = plots2[plotname]

        L, U, N, T, x, plotfile = plot1['attrs']
        sw, aw = abb_init_kernels(L, U, N, flavour, plotname)

        nsw1, naw1 = plot1['nsw'], plot1['naw']
        nsw2, naw2 = plot2['nsw'], plot2['naw']

        for j, t in enumerate(T):
            if t in sw.years:
                if j > 0:
                    if species == 'sw':
                        ccdf, dcdf, d, p = ks1(sw.meas['SW'][t], nsw1[j], x)
                        # pvals1.append(p)

                        ccdf, dcdf, d, p = ks1(sw.meas['SW'][t], nsw2[j], x)
                        # pvals2.append(p)

                    elif species == 'aw':
                        ccdf, dcdf, d, p = ks1(aw.meas['AW'][t], naw1[j], x)
                        # pvals1.append(p)

                        ccdf, dcdf, d, p = ks1(aw.meas['AW'][t], naw2[j], x)
                        # pvals2.append(p)

    # pmax = 1.0
    pmax = 0.6

    # p-val vs p-val (actually d-val vs d-val for now...)
    plt.plot(pvals1, pvals2, 'ok', alpha=0.5)
    # plt.axhline(y=0.05, color='black', linestyle='--')
    # plt.axvline(x=0.05, color='black', linestyle='--')
    plt.plot([0.0, pmax], [0.0, pmax], color='black')
    # plt.xlabel('p-value (without competition)')
    # plt.ylabel('p-value (with competition)')
    plt.xlabel('KS statistic (without competition)')
    plt.ylabel('KS statistic (with competition)')

    dvals1 = np.asarray(pvals1)
    dvals2 = np.asarray(pvals2)

    print 'species', species
    print 'npoints', len(dvals1)
    print 'nbetter', np.count_nonzero(dvals1 > dvals2)

    plt.savefig('plots/ksscatter_%s_comp.png' % species)
Exemple #3
def comp_ks_plots(plots1, plots2, flavour):

    for plotname in plots1:

        if plotname != '237':

        plot1 = plots1[plotname]
        plot2 = plots2[plotname]

        L, U, N, T, x, plotfile = plot1['attrs']
        dx = float(U - L) / N

        nsw1, naw1 = plot1['nsw'], plot1['naw']
        nsw2, naw2 = plot2['nsw'], plot2['naw']

        sw1, aw1 = abb_init_kernels(L, U, N, flavour, plotname)
        sw2, aw2 = abb_init_kernels(L, U, N, flavour, plotname)

        for j, t in enumerate(T):
            if t in sw1.years and j > 0:

                if t != 2000:

                fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2)

                meassw = np.asarray(sw1.meas['SW'][t])
                measaw = np.asarray(aw1.meas['AW'][t])

                ytop = max(nsw1[j].max(), nsw2[j].max(), naw1[j].max(), naw2[j].max()) * 1.2

                # spruce
                weights = 1e4 / sw1.plot_size * (dx/4) * np.ones(meassw.shape)
                ax[0,0].hist(meassw, bins=N/4, weights=weights,
                             histtype='stepfilled', color='0.75', edgecolor='0.75')

                ax[0,0].plot(sw1.x, nsw1[j], color='r', linestyle='-', linewidth=1)
                ax[0,0].plot(sw2.x, nsw2[j], color='b', linestyle=':', linewidth=1)

                # ax[0,0].legend(loc='best')
                ax[0,0].set_ylabel('stems per hectare')

                ax[0,0].set_ylim(0, ytop)
                plt.setp(ax[0,0].get_xticklabels(), visible=False)

                # aspen
                weights = 1e4 / aw1.plot_size * (dx/4) * np.ones(measaw.shape)
                ax[0,1].hist(measaw, bins=N/4, weights=weights,
                             histtype='stepfilled', color='0.75', edgecolor='0.75')

                ax[0,1].plot(aw1.x, naw1[j], color='r', linestyle='-', linewidth=1)
                ax[0,1].plot(aw2.x, naw2[j], color='b', linestyle=':', linewidth=1)

                ax[0,1].set_ylim(0, ytop)

                plt.setp(ax[0,1].get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
                plt.setp(ax[0,1].get_yticklabels(), visible=False)

                # spruce ks
                ccdf, dcdf, d, p = ks1(sw1.meas['SW'][t], nsw1[j], x)
                z = np.sort(sw1.meas['SW'][t])
                ax[1,0].plot(z, dcdf, color='0.75', linestyle='--', linewidth=2)
                ax[1,0].plot(z, ccdf, '-r')

                ccdf, dcdf, d, p = ks1(sw1.meas['SW'][t], nsw2[j], x)
                ax[1,0].plot(z, ccdf, ':b')

                ax[1,0].set_xlabel('dbh (mm)')

                ax[1,0].set_xlim(L, U)
                ax[1,0].set_ylim(0, 1)

                # aspen ks
                ccdf, dcdf, d, p = ks1(aw1.meas['AW'][t], naw1[j], x)
                z = np.sort(aw1.meas['AW'][t])

                ax[1,1].plot(z, dcdf, color='0.75', linestyle='--', linewidth=2, label='data')
                ax[1,1].plot(z, ccdf, '-r', label='w/ competition')

                ccdf, dcdf, d, p = ks1(aw1.meas['AW'][t], naw2[j], x)

                ax[1,1].plot(z, ccdf, ':b', label='w/o competition')

                ax[1,1].set_xlabel('dbh (mm)')

                ax[1,1].set_xlim(L, U)
                ax[1,1].set_ylim(0, 1)

                ax[1,1].legend(loc='lower right', prop={'size': 10})

                plt.setp(ax[1,1].get_yticklabels(), visible=False)

                fig.savefig('plots/projkscomp_%s_%d.png' % (plotname, t))
                fig.savefig('plots/projkscomp_%s_%d.pdf' % (plotname, t))
                # plt.show()
Exemple #4
def comp_ks_plots(plots1, plots2, flavour):

    for plotname in plots1:

        if plotname != '237':

        plot1 = plots1[plotname]
        plot2 = plots2[plotname]

        L, U, N, T, x, plotfile = plot1['attrs']
        dx = float(U - L) / N

        nsw1, naw1 = plot1['nsw'], plot1['naw']
        nsw2, naw2 = plot2['nsw'], plot2['naw']

        sw1, aw1 = abb_init_kernels(L, U, N, flavour, plotname)
        sw2, aw2 = abb_init_kernels(L, U, N, flavour, plotname)

        for j, t in enumerate(T):
            if t in sw1.years and j > 0:

                if t != 2000:

                #fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2)

                meassw = np.asarray(sw1.meas['SW'][t])
                # measaw = np.asarray(aw1.meas['AW'][t])

                # ytop = max(nsw1[j].max(), nsw2[j].max(), naw1[j].max(), naw2[j].max()) * 1.2

                # spruce
                weights = 1e4 / sw1.plot_size * (dx/4) * np.ones(meassw.shape)
                plt.hist(meassw, bins=N/4, weights=weights,
                             histtype='stepfilled', color='0.5', edgecolor='0.5')

                plt.plot(sw1.x, nsw1[j], color='r', linestyle='-', linewidth=1)
                plt.plot(sw2.x, nsw2[j], color='b', linestyle='-', linewidth=1)

                plt.ylabel('stems per hectare')
                plt.xlim(L, 500)

                plt.savefig('plots/projkscompswonly_%s_%d_sph.png' % (plotname, t))

                # spruce ks
                ccdf, dcdf, d, p = ks1(sw1.meas['SW'][t], nsw1[j], x)
                z = np.sort(sw1.meas['SW'][t])


                plt.plot(z, dcdf, color='0.5', linestyle='-', linewidth=2)
                plt.plot(z, ccdf, '-r')

                ccdf, dcdf, d, p = ks1(sw1.meas['SW'][t], nsw2[j], x)
                plt.plot(z, ccdf, '-b')

                plt.ylabel('cumulative distribution function')

                plt.legend(['measurements', 'with comp', 'without comp'], loc='lower right')

                plt.xlim(L, 500)
                plt.ylim(0, 1)

                plt.savefig('plots/projkscompswonly_%s_%d_cdf.png' % (plotname, t))