def find_gate(self): self._logger.log("finding the gate") config = self.config['search'] MAX_TIME_SEC = config['max_time_sec'] MODE = config['mode'] stopwatch = Stopwatch() stopwatch.start() self._logger.log("started find gate loop") while stopwatch.time() < config['max_time_sec']: if MODE == "mvg_avg": for i in range(config['number_of_samples']): if self.is_this_gate(): return True elif MODE == "simple": bbox = False bbox = self.darknet_client.predict()[0].normalize(480, 480) if not bbox: self._logger.log("gate not found") return False self._logger.log("gate found") return True #self.movements.rotate_angle(0, 0, config['rotation_angle']) self._logger.log("gate not found") return False
def center_on_flare(self): """ rotates in vertical axis so flare is in the middle of an image TODO: obsługa dwóch flar """ config = self.config['centering'] flare_size = get_config( "objects_size")["localization"]["flare"]["height"] MAX_CENTER_ANGLE_DEG = config['max_center_angle_deg'] MAX_TIME_SEC = config['max_time_sec'] stopwatch = Stopwatch() stopwatch.start() while stopwatch <= MAX_TIME_SEC: bbox = self.darknet_client.predict()[0].normalize(480, 480) self.flare_position = location_calculator(bbox, flare_size, "height") angle = -m.degrees( m.atan2(self.flare_position['x'], self.flare_position['distance'])) if abs(angle) <= MAX_CENTER_ANGLE_DEG: self._logger.log("centered on flare successfully") return True self._control.rotate_angle(0, 0, angle) self._logger.log("couldn't center on flare") return False
def find_gate(self): self._logger.log("finding the gate") config = self.config['search'] MAX_ANG_SPEED = config['max_ang_speed'] MOVING_AVERAGE_DISCOUNT = config['moving_avg_discount'] CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD = config['confidence_threshold'] MAX_TIME_SEC = config['max_time_sec'] self._control.set_ang_velocity(0, 0, MAX_ANG_SPEED) stopwatch = Stopwatch() stopwatch.start() self._logger.log("started to find gate loop") result = self.darknet_client.predict() if not result: self._logger.log("Empty bounding box") else: self._logger.log("Num of bb: "+ str(len(result))) self._logger.log(str(result[0])) while stopwatch.time() < MAX_TIME_SEC: if self.is_this_gate(img): # TODO: zlokalizuj bramkę gate = {"x", "y", "angle"} # TODO: zlokalizuj przeszkodę obstacle = "{"x", "y"} # more info in create_path comment # self.create_path(gate, obstacle) #W trajektorii musi byc uwzgledniona przeszkoda funkcja wyszukujaca przeszkode is_this_obstacle(bounding_box, img): return True
def center_above_bucket(self): ''' centering above bucket ''' self.darknet_client.change_camera("bottom") stopwatch = Stopwatch() stopwatch.start() bbox = self.darknet_client.predict()[0].normalize(480, 480) while bbox is None and stopwatch.time() < self.MAX_TIME_SEC: bbox = self.darknet_client.predict()[0].normalize(480, 480) sleep(0.3) if bbox is None: self._logger.log("Could not locate bucket") return 0 position_x = bbox.x position_y = bbox.y Kp = 0.001 i = 0 while position_x > self.POSITION_THRESHOLD and position_y > self.POSITION_THRESHOLD: self._control.set_lin_velocity(front=position_y * Kp, right=position_x * Kp) bbox = self.darknet_client.predict()[0].normalize(480, 480) if bbox is not None: position_x = bbox.x position_y = bbox.y i += 1 if i == 1000: self._logger.log("Could not center above bucket") return 0 return 1
def run(self): self._logger.log("Bucket grab task exector started") self.darknet_client.load_model("bucket") ''' TO DO: uncomment loading model when its done ''' #self.darknet_client.load_model('buckets_task') stopwatch = Stopwatch() stopwatch.start() ## THIS LOOP SHOULD FIND AT LEAST FIRST BBOX WITH BUCKET while not self.find_buckets(): self._logger.log("Finding buckets in progress") if stopwatch.time() >= self.MAX_TIME_SEC: self._logger.log("Finding buckets time expired") return 0 #self.darknet_client.load_model("bucket") i = 0 # THIS LOOP SHOULD FIND BUCKET WITH PINGER if self.bucket == 'pinger': while i < self.PINGER_LOOP_COUNTER: if self.find_pinger_bucket(): self._logger.log("Found pinger bucket") i = self.PINGER_LOOP_COUNTER self.grab_marker() self._logger.log("Marker grabbed") return 1 i += 1 self._logger.log("Marker could not be grabbed") return 0 elif self.bucket == 'blue': k = 0 while k < self.BLUE_LOOP_COUNTER: if self.find_blue_bucket(): self._logger.log("Found blue bucket") k = self.BLUE_LOOP_COUNTER self.grab_marker() self._logger.log("Marker grabbed") return 1 k += 1 self._logger.log("Marker could not be grabbed") return 0 elif self.bucket == 'red': l = 0 while l < self.ANY_BUCKET_COUNTER: if self.find_random_bucket(): self._logger.log("Found random bucket") l = self.ANY_BUCKET_COUNTER self.grab_marker() self._logger.log("Marker grabbed") return 1 l += 1 self._logger.log("Grabbing marker failed") return 0
def load_gene_expression_profile(gene_list_file_name, gene_expression_file_name, gene_filter_file_name=None, gene_list_path=None, gene_expression_path=None, gene_filter_path=None ,by_gene=False, list_mode = "FROM_DISK"): stopwatch = Stopwatch() stopwatch.start() if list_mode == "ON_THE_FLY": gene_list = gene_list_file_name else: gene_list = load_gene_list(gene_list_file_name=gene_list_file_name, gene_list_path=gene_list_path) gene_list = [l.split(".")[0] for i, l in enumerate(gene_list)] print stopwatch.stop("done loading gene list") # random.shuffle(gene_list) # gene_list = gene_list[:400] if gene_filter_file_name: stopwatch.start() filter_gene_list = load_gene_list(gene_list_file_name=gene_filter_file_name, gene_list_path=gene_filter_path) gene_list = [cur for cur in gene_list if cur in filter_gene_list] print stopwatch.stop("done filter gene list") if gene_expression_path == None: gene_expression_path = os.path.join(constants.TCGA_DATA_DIR, gene_expression_file_name) stopwatch.start() f = open(gene_expression_path,'r') expression_profiles_filtered = [l.strip().split() for i, l in enumerate(f) if i==0 or l[:l.strip().find('\t')].split(".")[0] in gene_list] # or l.strip()[0:l.strip().find('\t')] in gene_list or l.strip()[0:l.strip().find('\t')].split(".")[0] in gene_list f.close() print stopwatch.stop("done filter gene expression") if not by_gene: stopwatch.start() expression_profiles_filtered = np.flip(np.rot90(expression_profiles_filtered, k=1, axes=(1,0)),1) print stopwatch.stop("done rotate gene expression") return expression_profiles_filtered
def center_on_gate(self): config = self.config['centering'] MAX_TIME_SEC = config['max_time_sec'] MAX_CENTER_DISTANCE = config['max_center_distance'] stopwatch = Stopwatch() stopwatch.start() while stopwatch.time() <= MAX_TIME_SEC: bbox = self.darknet_client.predict()[0].normalize(480, 480) if bbox.x <= MAX_CENTER_DISTANCE & bbox.y <= MAX_CENTER_DISTANCE: self._logger.log("centered on gate successfully") return True center_rov(move=self._control, Bbox=bbox, depth_sensor=self.depth_sensor) self._logger.log("couldn't center on gate") return False
def run(self): MAX_TIME_SEC = self.config['search']['max_time_sec'] #w configu trzeba zmienic bo na razie jest do samego gate self._logger.log("Gate task executor started") self._control.pid_turn_on() stopwatch = Stopwatch() stopwatch.start() if stopwatch.time() >= MAX_TIME_SEC: self._logger.log("TIME EXPIRED GATE NOT FOUND") self._control.set_ang_velocity(0, 0, 0) if not self.dive(): self._logger.log("GateTE: diving in progress") if not self.find_gate(): self._logger.log("GateTE: finding the gate in progress") if not self.go_trough_gate(): self._logger.log("GateTE: going through the gate")
def find_flare(self): # TODO: obsługa wykrycia dwóch flar self._logger.log("finding the flare") config = self.config['search'] stopwatch = Stopwatch() stopwatch.start() self._logger.log("started find flare loop") while stopwatch < config['max_time_sec']: # sprawdza kilka razy, dla pewności # (no i żeby confidence się zgadzało, bo bez tego to nawet jak raz wykryje, to nie przejdzie - # - przy moving_avg_discount=0.9 musi wykryć 10 razy z rzędu for i in range(config['number_of_samples']): if self.is_this_flare(): return True self._control.rotate_angle(0, 0, config['rotation_angle']) self._logger.log("flare not found") return False
def go_to_flare(self): """ moves distance to flare + a little more to knock it :return: True - if managed to move distance in time False - if didn't manage to move distance in time """ config = self.config['go'] MAX_TIME_SEC = config['max_time_sec'] stopwatch = Stopwatch() stopwatch.start() self._control.move_distance( self.flare_position['distance'] + self.config['go']['distance_to_add_m'], 0, 0) if stopwatch <= MAX_TIME_SEC: self._logger.log("go_to_flare - traveled whole distance") return True else: self._logger.log("go_to_flare - didn't travel whole distance") return False
def center_on_pinger(self): """ rotates in vertical axis so pinger signal is in front """ config = self.config['centering'] MAX_TIME_SEC = config['max_time_sec'] MAX_CENTER_ANGLE_DEG = config['max_center_angle_deg'] self._logger.log("centering on pinger") stopwatch = Stopwatch() stopwatch.start() while stopwatch < MAX_TIME_SEC: angle = self._hydrophones.get_angle() if angle is None: self._logger.log( "no signal from hydrophones - locating pinger failed") return False if abs(angle) < MAX_CENTER_ANGLE_DEG: self._logger.log("centered on pinger successfully") return True self._control.rotate_angle(0, 0, angle) self._logger.log("couldn't ceneter on pinger") return False
def gl_ProxGD_primal(x0: np.ndarray, A: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray, mu_0, opts: dict): default_opts = { "maxit": 2500, # 最大迭代次数 "thres": 1e-3, # 判断小量是否被认为 0 的阈值 "step_type": "line_search", # 步长衰减的类型(见辅助函数) "alpha0": 2e-3, # 步长的初始值 "ftol": 1e-6, # 停机准则,当目标函数历史最优值的变化小于该值时认为满足 "stable_len_threshold": 70, "line_search_attenuation_coeffi": 0.9, "maxit_line_search_iter": 5, } # The second dictionary's values overwrite those from the first. opts = {**default_opts, **opts} sparsity_func = lambda x: np.sum(np.abs(x) > 1e-6 * np.max(np.abs(x))) / x.size def real_obj_func(x: np.ndarray): fro_term = 0.5 * np.sum((A @ x - b) ** 2) regular_term = np.sum(LA.norm(x, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)) return fro_term + mu_0 * regular_term out = { "fvec": None, # 每一步迭代的 LASSO 问题目标函数值 "grad_hist": None, # 可微部分梯度范数的历史值 "f_hist": None, # 目标函数的历史值 "f_hist_best": None, # 目标函数每一步迭代对应的历史最优值 "tt": None, # 运行时间 "flag": None # 标记是否收敛 } maxit, ftol, alpha0 = opts["maxit"], opts["ftol"], opts["alpha0"] stable_len_threshold = opts["stable_len_threshold"] thres = opts["thres"] step_type = opts['step_type'] aten_coeffi = opts['line_search_attenuation_coeffi'] max_line_search_iter = opts['maxit_line_search_iter'] logger.debug("alpha0= {:10E}".format(alpha0)) f_hist, f_hist_best, sparsity_hist = [], [], [] f_best = np.inf x = np.copy(x0) stopwatch = Stopwatch() stopwatch.start() k = 0 for mu in [100 * mu_0, 10 * mu_0, mu_0]: logger.debug("new mu= {:10E}".format(mu)) # min f(x) = g(x) + h(x) # g(x) = 0.5 * |Ax-b|_F^2 # h(x) = mu * |x|_{1,2} def g(x: np.ndarray): return 0.5 * np.sum((A @ x - b) ** 2) grad_g = None def prox_th(x: np.ndarray, t): """ Proximal operator of t * mu * h(x). """ t_mu = t * mu row_norms = LA.norm(x, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1) rv = x * np.clip(row_norms - t_mu, a_min=0, a_max=None) / ((row_norms < thres) + row_norms) return rv def Gt(x: np.ndarray, t): return (x - prox_th(x - t * grad_g, t)) / t inner_iter = 0 def set_step(step_type: str): iter_hat = max(inner_iter, 1000) - 999 if step_type == 'fixed': return alpha0 elif step_type == 'diminishing': return alpha0 / np.sqrt(iter_hat) elif step_type == 'diminishing2': return alpha0 / iter_hat elif step_type == 'line_search': g_x = g(x) def stop_condition(x, t): gt_x = Gt(x, t) return (g(x - t * gt_x) <= g_x - t * np.sum(grad_g * gt_x) + 0.5 * t * np.sum(gt_x ** 2)) alpha = alpha0 for i in range(max_line_search_iter): if stop_condition(x, alpha): break alpha *= aten_coeffi return alpha else: logger.error("Unsupported type.") stable_len = 0 while inner_iter < maxit: # Record current objective value f_now = real_obj_func(x) f_hist.append(f_now) f_best = min(f_best, f_now) f_hist_best.append(f_best) sparsity_hist.append(sparsity_func(x)) k += 1 inner_iter += 1 if (k > 1 and abs(f_hist[k - 1] - f_hist[k - 2]) / abs(f_hist[k - 2]) < ftol and abs(sparsity_hist[k - 1] - sparsity_hist[k - 2]) / abs(sparsity_hist[k - 2]) < ftol): stable_len += 1 else: stable_len = 0 if stable_len > stable_len_threshold: break x[np.abs(x) < thres] = 0 grad_g = A.T @ (A @ x - b) alpha_k = set_step(step_type) # logger.debug("alpha_k: {}".format(alpha_k)) x = prox_th(x - alpha_k * grad_g, alpha_k) if k % 100 == 0: logger.debug( 'iter= {:5}, objective= {:10E}, sparsity= {:3f}'.format(k, f_now.item(), sparsity_func(x))) elapsed_time = stopwatch.elapsed(time_format=Stopwatch.TimeFormat.kMicroSecond) / 1e6 out = { "tt": elapsed_time, "fval": real_obj_func(x), "f_hist": f_hist, "f_hist_best": f_hist_best } return x, k, out
def gl_FGD_primal(x0: np.ndarray, A: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray, mu_0, opts: dict): default_opts = { "maxit": 1500, # 最大迭代次数 "thres": 1e-3, # 判断小量是否被认为 0 的阈值 "step_type": "line_search", # 步长衰减的类型(见辅助函数) "alpha0": 1e-3, # 步长的初始值 "ftol": 1e-6, # 停机准则,当目标函数历史最优值的变化小于该值时认为满足 "stable_len_threshold": 70, "line_search_attenuation_coeffi": 0.98, "maxit_line_search_iter": 5, "delta": 1e-6 # 光滑化参数 } # The second dictionary's values overwrite those from the first. opts = {**default_opts, **opts} sparsity_func = lambda x: np.sum(np.abs(x) > 1e-6 * np.max(np.abs(x)) ) / x.size def real_obj_func(x: np.ndarray): fro_term = 0.5 * np.sum((A @ x - b)**2) regular_term = np.sum(LA.norm(x, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)) return fro_term + mu_0 * regular_term out = { "fvec": None, # 每一步迭代的 LASSO 问题目标函数值 "grad_hist": None, # 可微部分梯度范数的历史值 "f_hist": None, # 目标函数的历史值 "f_hist_best": None, # 目标函数每一步迭代对应的历史最优值 "tt": None, # 运行时间 "flag": None # 标记是否收敛 } maxit, ftol, alpha0 = opts["maxit"], opts["ftol"], opts["alpha0"] stable_len_threshold = opts["stable_len_threshold"] thres = opts["thres"] step_type = opts['step_type'] aten_coeffi = opts['line_search_attenuation_coeffi'] max_line_search_iter = opts['maxit_line_search_iter'] delta = opts["delta"] logger.debug("alpha0= {:10E}".format(alpha0)) f_hist, f_hist_best, sparsity_hist = [], [], [] v_hist, t_hist = [], [] f_best = np.inf x_k = np.copy(x0) stopwatch = Stopwatch() stopwatch.start() k = 0 for mu in [100 * mu_0, 10 * mu_0, mu_0]: logger.debug("new mu= {:10E}".format(mu)) # min f(x) = g(x) + h(x) # g(x) = 0.5 * |Ax-b|_F^2 + mu * smoothed |x|_{1,2} # h(x) = 0 def g_func(x: np.ndarray): fro_term = 0.5 * np.sum((A @ x - b)**2) regular_term = np.sum( np.sqrt(np.sum(x**2, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1) + delta * delta) - delta) return fro_term + mu * regular_term def grad_g_func(x: np.ndarray): fro_term_grad = A.T @ (A @ x - b) regular_term_grad = x / np.sqrt( np.sum(x**2, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1) + delta * delta) return fro_term_grad + mu * regular_term_grad v_k = np.copy(x_k) t_k = alpha0 def prox_th(x: np.ndarray, t): """ Proximal operator of t * mu * h(x). """ return x inner_iter = 0 def set_step(step_type: str): iter_hat = max(inner_iter, 1000) - 999 if step_type == 'fixed': return alpha0 elif step_type == 'diminishing': return alpha0 / np.sqrt(iter_hat) elif step_type == 'diminishing2': return alpha0 / iter_hat elif step_type == 'line_search': t = t_k g_y = g_func(y) def stop_condition(t): x = prox_th(y - t * grad_g_y, t) g_x = g_func(x) return g_x <= g_y + np.sum(grad_g_y * (x - y)) + np.sum( (x - y)**2) / (2 * t) for i in range(max_line_search_iter): if stop_condition(t): break t *= aten_coeffi return t else: logger.error("Unsupported type.") stable_len = 0 while inner_iter < maxit: # Record current objective value f_now = real_obj_func(x_k) f_hist.append(f_now) f_best = min(f_best, f_now) f_hist_best.append(f_best) sparsity_hist.append(sparsity_func(x_k)) v_hist.append(v_k) t_hist.append(t_k) k += 1 inner_iter += 1 if (k > 1 and abs(f_hist[k - 1] - f_hist[k - 2]) / abs(f_hist[k - 2]) < ftol and abs(sparsity_hist[k - 1] - sparsity_hist[k - 2]) / abs(sparsity_hist[k - 2]) < ftol): stable_len += 1 else: stable_len = 0 if stable_len > stable_len_threshold: break x_k[np.abs(x_k) < thres] = 0 theta = 2 / (inner_iter + 1) y = (1 - theta) * x_k + theta * v_k grad_g_y = grad_g_func(y) t = set_step(step_type) x = prox_th(y - t * grad_g_y, t) v = x_k + (x - x_k) / theta x_k, v_k, t_k = x, v, t if k % 100 == 0: logger.debug( 'iter= {:5}, objective= {:10E}, sparsity= {:3f}'.format( k, f_now.item(), sparsity_func(x))) elapsed_time = stopwatch.elapsed( time_format=Stopwatch.TimeFormat.kMicroSecond) / 1e6 out = { "tt": elapsed_time, "fval": real_obj_func(x), "f_hist": f_hist, "f_hist_best": f_hist_best } return x, k, out
def check_group_enrichment_goatools(tested_gene_file_name, total_gene_file_name, th=1): if len(tested_gene_file_name) == 0 or len(total_gene_file_name) == 0: return [] if type(total_gene_file_name) == str: total_gene_list = load_gene_list(total_gene_file_name) else: total_gene_list = total_gene_file_name if type(tested_gene_file_name) == str: tested_gene_list = load_gene_list(tested_gene_file_name) else: tested_gene_list = tested_gene_file_name if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(constants.GO_DIR, constants.GO_FILE_NAME)): download(constants.GO_OBO_URL, constants.GO_DIR) obo_dag = GODag(os.path.join(constants.GO_DIR, constants.GO_FILE_NAME)) if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(constants.GO_DIR, constants.GO_ASSOCIATION_FILE_NAME)): download(constants.GO_ASSOCIATION_GENE2GEO_URL, constants.GO_DIR) with os.path.join( constants.GO_DIR, os.path.basename(constants.GO_ASSOCIATION_GENE2GEO_URL)), 'rb') as f_in: with open( os.path.join(constants.GO_DIR, constants.GO_ASSOCIATION_FILE_NAME), 'wb') as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) assoc = read_ncbi_gene2go(os.path.join(constants.GO_DIR, constants.GO_ASSOCIATION_FILE_NAME), no_top=True) sw = Stopwatch() sw.start() g = GOEnrichmentStudy( [int(cur) for cur in ensembl2entrez_convertor(total_gene_list)], assoc, obo_dag, methods=[], log=None) # "bonferroni", "fdr_bh" g_res = g.run_study( [int(cur) for cur in ensembl2entrez_convertor(tested_gene_list)]) print sw.stop("done GO analysis in ") # GO_results = [(cur.NS, cur.GO,, cur.pop_count, cur.p_uncorrected, cur.p_fdr_bh) for cur in g_res if # cur.p_fdr_bh <= 0.05] GO_results = [(cur.NS, cur.GO,, cur.pop_count, cur.p_uncorrected) for cur in g_res if cur.p_uncorrected <= th] hg_report = [{ HG_GO_ROOT: cur[0], HG_GO_ID: cur[1], HG_GO_NAME: cur[2], HG_VALUE: cur[3], HG_PVAL: cur[4], HG_QVAL: 1 } for cur in GO_results] # , HG_QVAL : cur[5] # hg_report.sort(key=lambda x: x[HG_QVAL]) hg_report.sort(key=lambda x: x[HG_PVAL]) if len(GO_results) > 0: go_ns, go_terms, go_names, go_hg_value, uncorrectd_pvals = zip( *GO_results) # , FDRs else: go_terms = [] uncorrectd_pvals = [] FDRs = [] go_names = [] go_ns = [] # output_rows = [("\r\n".join(e2g_convertor(tested_gene_list)), "\r\n".join(go_ns), # "\r\n".join(go_terms), "\r\n".join(go_names), "\r\n".join(map(str, uncorrectd_pvals)), # "\r\n".join(map(str, FDRs)))] # print_to_excel(output_rows, str(tested_gene_file_name)[:10], str(total_gene_file_name)[:10]) return hg_report
def gl_Alm_dual(x0: np.ndarray, A: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray, mu, opts: dict): default_opts = { "maxit": 100, # 最大迭代次数 "thres": 1e-3, # 判断小量是否被认为 0 的阈值 "tau": (1 + math.sqrt(5)) * 0.5, "rho": 1e2, "converge_len": 20, } # The second dictionary's values overwrite those from the first. opts = {**default_opts, **opts} def sparsity_func(x: np.ndarray): return np.sum(np.abs(x) > 1e-6 * np.max(np.abs(x))) / x.size def real_obj_func(x: np.ndarray): fro_term = 0.5 * np.sum((A @ x - b)**2) regular_term = np.sum(LA.norm(x, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)) return fro_term + mu * regular_term out = { "fvec": None, # 每一步迭代的 LASSO 问题目标函数值 "f_hist": None, # 目标函数的历史值 "f_hist_best": None, # 目标函数每一步迭代对应的历史最优值 "tt": None, # 运行时间 } def projection_functor(x: np.array): row_norms = LA.norm(x, axis=1, ord=2).reshape(-1, 1) return mu * x / np.clip(row_norms, a_min=mu, a_max=None) maxit, thres = opts["maxit"], opts["thres"] rho, tau = opts['rho'], opts['tau'] converge_len = opts['converge_len'] f_hist, f_hist_best, sparsity_hist = [], [], [] f_best = np.inf x_k = np.copy(x0) z_k = np.zeros_like(b) u_k = np.zeros_like(x_k) stopwatch = Stopwatch() stopwatch.start() L = LA.cholesky(np.identity(A.shape[0]) + rho * A @ A.T) k = 0 length = 0 while k < maxit: k += 1 u = solve_sub_problem(b, rho, A, x_k, L, mu) z = LA.solve(L.T, LA.solve(L, A @ (x_k - rho * u) - b)) x = x_k - tau * rho * (u + A.T @ z) r_k = u + A.T @ z # 原始可行性 s_k = A @ (u_k - u) # 对偶可行性 z_k, u_k, x_k = z, u, x f_now = real_obj_func(x_k) f_hist.append(f_now) f_best = min(f_best, f_now) f_hist_best.append(f_best) sparsity_now = sparsity_func(x_k) sparsity_hist.append(sparsity_now) if k % 1 == 0: logger.debug( 'iter= {:5}, objective= {:10E}, sparsity= {:3f}'.format( k, f_now.item(), sparsity_now.item())) r_k_norm = LA.norm(r_k, ord=2) s_k_norm = LA.norm(s_k, ord=2) if r_k_norm < thres and s_k_norm < thres: length += 1 else: length = 0 if length >= converge_len: break elapsed_time = stopwatch.elapsed( time_format=Stopwatch.TimeFormat.kMicroSecond) / 1e6 out = { "tt": elapsed_time, "fval": real_obj_func(x_k), "f_hist": f_hist, "f_hist_best": f_hist_best } return x_k, k, out
def gl_Admm_primal(x0: np.ndarray, A: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray, mu, opts: dict): default_opts = { "maxit": 100, # 最大迭代次数 "thres": 1e-3, # 判断小量是否被认为 0 的阈值 "tau": (1 + math.sqrt(5)) * 0.5, "rho": 1e-2, "eta_0": 100, "converge_len": 10, "converge_thres": 1e-5, "step_type": "fixed", } # The second dictionary's values overwrite those from the first. opts = {**default_opts, **opts} sparsity_func = lambda x: np.sum(np.abs(x) > 1e-6 * np.max(np.abs(x)) ) / x.size def real_obj_func(x: np.ndarray): fro_term = 0.5 * np.sum((A @ x - b)**2) regular_term = np.sum(LA.norm(x, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)) return fro_term + mu * regular_term out = { "fvec": None, # 每一步迭代的 LASSO 问题目标函数值 "f_hist": None, # 目标函数的历史值 "f_hist_best": None, # 目标函数每一步迭代对应的历史最优值 "tt": None, # 运行时间 } maxit, thres = opts["maxit"], opts["thres"] rho, tau, eta_0 = opts['rho'], opts['tau'], opts['eta_0'] converge_len = opts['converge_len'] converge_thres = opts['converge_thres'] step_type = opts['step_type'] f_hist, f_hist_best, sparsity_hist = [], [], [] f_best = np.inf def prox_tf(x: np.array, t): t_mu = t * mu row_norms = LA.norm(x, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1) rv = x * np.clip(row_norms - t_mu, a_min=0, a_max=None) / ( (row_norms < thres) + row_norms) return rv x_k = np.copy(x0) y_k = x_k z_k = x_k stopwatch = Stopwatch() stopwatch.start() k = 0 L = LA.cholesky(rho * np.identity(A.shape[1]) + A.T @ A) AT_b = A.T @ b length = 0 def set_step(step_type: str): if step_type == 'fixed': return eta_0 elif step_type == 'diminishing': return eta_0 / np.sqrt(k) elif step_type == 'diminishing2': return eta_0 / k while k < maxit: k += 1 eta = set_step(step_type) y = LA.solve(L.T, LA.solve(L, AT_b - z_k + rho * x_k)) # x = prox_tf(y + z_k / rho, 1/rho) x = prox_tf(x_k - eta * rho * (x_k - y - z_k / rho), eta) z = z_k - tau * rho * (x - y) r_k = x - y # 原始可行性 s_k = y - y_k # 对偶可行性 x_k, y_k, z_k = x, y, z f_now = real_obj_func(x_k) f_hist.append(f_now) f_best = min(f_best, f_now) f_hist_best.append(f_best) sparsity_hist.append(sparsity_func(x_k)) if k % 1 == 0: logger.debug( 'iter= {:5}, objective= {:10E}, sparsity= {:3f}'.format( k, f_now.item(), sparsity_func(x_k))) r_k_norm = LA.norm(r_k, ord=2) s_k_norm = LA.norm(s_k, ord=2) if r_k_norm < thres and s_k_norm < thres: length += 1 else: length = 0 if length >= converge_len: break elapsed_time = stopwatch.elapsed( time_format=Stopwatch.TimeFormat.kMicroSecond) / 1e6 out = { "tt": elapsed_time, "fval": real_obj_func(x_k), "f_hist": f_hist, "f_hist_best": f_hist_best } return x_k, k, out
def gl_SGD_primal(x0: np.ndarray, A: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray, mu_0, opts: dict): default_opts = { "maxit": 2100, # 内循环最大迭代次数 "thres": 1e-3, # 判断小量是否被认为 0 的阈值 "step_type": "diminishing", # 步长衰减的类型(见辅助函数) "alpha0": 1e-3, # 步长的初始值 "ftol": 1e-5, # 停机准则,当目标函数历史最优值的变化小于该值时认为满足 "stable_len_threshold": 100, "continuous_subgradient_flag": False, } # The second dictionary's values overwrite those from the first. opts = {**default_opts, **opts} sparsity_func = lambda x: np.sum(np.abs(x) > 1e-6 * np.max(np.abs(x))) / x.size out = { "fvec": None, # 每一步迭代的 LASSO 问题目标函数值 "grad_hist": None, # 可微部分梯度范数的历史值 "f_hist": None, # 目标函数的历史值 "f_hist_best": None, # 目标函数每一步迭代对应的历史最优值 "tt": None, # 运行时间 "flag": None # 标记是否收敛 } maxit, ftol, alpha0 = opts["maxit"], opts["ftol"], opts["alpha0"] stable_len_threshold = opts["stable_len_threshold"] thres = opts["thres"] if opts["continuous_subgradient_flag"]: L = np.max(LA.eigvals(A.T @ A)) alpha0 = 1. / L.real logger.debug("alpha0= {:10E}".format(alpha0)) f_hist, f_hist_best = [], [] f_best = np.inf x = np.copy(x0) stopwatch = Stopwatch() stopwatch.start() k = 0 stable_len = 0 for mu in [100 * mu_0, 10 * mu_0, mu_0]: logger.debug("new mu= {:10E}".format(mu)) def obj_func(x: np.ndarray): fro_term = 0.5 * np.sum((A @ x - b) ** 2) regular_term = np.sum(LA.norm(x, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)) return fro_term + mu * regular_term def subgrad(x: np.ndarray): fro_term_grad = A.T @ (A @ x - b) regular_term_norm = LA.norm(x, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1) regular_term_grad = x / ((regular_term_norm < thres) + regular_term_norm) grad = fro_term_grad + mu * regular_term_grad return grad inn_iter = 0 def set_step(step_type): iter_hat = max(inn_iter, 1000) - 999 if step_type == 'fixed' or mu > mu_0: return alpha0 elif step_type == 'diminishing': return alpha0 / np.sqrt(iter_hat) elif step_type == 'diminishing2': return alpha0 / iter_hat else: logger.error("Unsupported type.") while inn_iter < maxit: # Record current objective value f_now = obj_func(x) f_hist.append(f_now) f_best = min(f_best, f_now) f_hist_best.append(f_best) k += 1 inn_iter += 1 if k > 1 and abs(f_hist[k - 1] - f_hist[k - 2]) / abs(f_hist[k - 2]) < ftol: stable_len += 1 else: stable_len = 0 # if stable_len > stable_len_threshold: # break x[np.abs(x) < thres] = 0 sub_g = subgrad(x) alpha = set_step(opts["step_type"]) x = x - alpha * sub_g if k % 100 == 0: logger.debug('iter= {:5}, objective= {:10E}, sparsity= {:3f}'.format(k, f_now.item(), sparsity_func(x))) elapsed_time = stopwatch.elapsed(time_format=Stopwatch.TimeFormat.kMicroSecond) / 1e6 out = { "tt": elapsed_time, "fval": obj_func(x), "f_hist": f_hist, "f_hist_best": f_hist_best } return x, k, out
class Logger: def __init__(self): Context.logger = self self._episodes = Context.config['exp.episodes'] self._work_path = os.path.join(Context.work_path, WORK_DIR) self._sw = Stopwatch() self._saved_time = 0. self._train_history = [] self._eval_history = [] def __str__(self): return "%s:\n\t%s\n\t%s\n\t%s" % ( self.__class__.__name__, "saved_time: %s" % hms(self._saved_time), "train_history: %d" % len(self._train_history), "eval_history: %d" % len(self._eval_history), ) def on_start(self): self._sw.start() def on_train_episode(self, e, n, r, q): # episode, noise_rate, reward, q_max t = self.time_spent self._train_history.append([e, t, n, r, q]) self._log_training_episode(e, n, r, q) self._update_training_title(self._episodes, e, n, r, q) if (e + 1) % Context.config['report.write_every_episodes'] == 0: self._write_train_report() if (e + 1) % Context.config['report.summary_every_episodes'] == 0: self._log_summary(e, self._episodes, self.time_spent) if (e + 1) % Context.config['exp.save_every_episodes'] == 0: self._save_state() @staticmethod def on_evaluiation_start(): Context.window_title['episode'] = "| Evaluating..." def on_evaluiation_end(self, e, r): self._log_evaluiation_end(r) self._eval_history.append([e, self.time_spent, r]) # e,t,r Context.window_title['episode'] = "| Trainig..." @property def episode(self): return len(self._train_history) @property def time_left(self): return int((self.time_spent * (1 - self.progress) / self.progress) if self.progress != 0 else 0) @property def progress(self): return self.episode / float(self._episodes) @property def time_spent(self): return self._saved_time + self._sw.time_elapsed @property def _state_path(self): return os.path.join(self._work_path, "state.pickle") def _save_state(self): with open(make_dir_if_not_exists(self._state_path), 'w') as f: pickle.dump( [self.time_spent, self._train_history, self._eval_history], f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) def restore(self): with open(self._state_path, 'r') as f: [self._saved_time, self._train_history, self._eval_history] = pickle.load(f) def try_restore(self): try: self.restore() except (ValueError, IOError): return False return True def _write_train_report(self): info = { 'ep': len(self._train_history), 'eps': self._episodes, 'spent': self.time_spent, 'left': self.time_left, 'progress': self.progress, 'train_history': self._train_history, 'eval_history': self._eval_history, } report = TrainReport(Context.config, info) report.make() def _log_evaluiation_end(self, r): pass def _log_summary(self, ep, eps, spent): line = '=========================================================================' self.log(line + ('\n' * 3)) self._log_summary_time(ep, eps, spent) self.log(('\n' * 3) + line) @staticmethod def log(text, end='\n'): print(text, end=end) # noinspection PyStringFormat def _log_summary_time(self, ep, eps, spent): progress = ep / float(eps) left = (spent * (1 - progress) / progress) if progress != 0 else 0 self.log("Time spent: %s | " % hms(spent), end='') self.log("%.0f%% " % (progress * 100, ), end='') self.log("+ %s = %s, " % (hms(left), hms(spent + left)), end='') self.log("%.1f per sec" % (ep / float(spent), )) @staticmethod def _update_training_title(eps, e, n, r, q): Context.window_title['episode'] = "| %d%% N=%.2f R=%+.0f Q=%+.0f" % ( e / float(eps) * 100, n, r, q) def _log_training_episode(self, e, n, r, q): self.log("Ep: %3d | NR: %.2f | Reward: %+7.0f | Qmax: %+8.1f" % (e, n, r, q))