Exemple #1
 async def pendingbots(self, ctx, **flags):
     bots = await self.bot.pool_pg.fetch("SELECT * FROM pending_bots")
     menu = MenuBase(
                    key=lambda x: x["requested_at"],
                    reverse=not flags.get("reverse", False))))
     menu.cached_bots = self.cached_bots
     await menu.start(ctx)
Exemple #2
    async def recentbotadd(self, ctx, **flags):
        reverse = flags.pop("reverse", False)

        def predicate(m):
            return m.bot and m.joined_at.replace(
                tzinfo=None) > ctx.message.created_at.replace(
                    tzinfo=None) - datetime.timedelta(days=1)

        members = {m.id: m for m in filter(predicate, ctx.guild.members)}
        if not members:
            member = max(filter(lambda x: x.bot, ctx.guild.members),
                         key=lambda x: x.joined_at)
            time_add = humanize.precisedelta(
                member.joined_at.replace(tzinfo=None), minimum_unit="minutes")
            return await ctx.embed(
                title="Bots added today",
                "Looks like there are no bots added in the span of 24 hours.\n"
                f"The last time a bot was added was `{time_add}` for `{member}`"
        db_data = await self.bot.pool_pg.fetch(
            "SELECT * FROM confirmed_bots WHERE bot_id=ANY($1::BIGINT[])",
        member_data = [
            BotAdded.from_json(bot=members[data["bot_id"]], **data)
            for data in db_data
        member_data.sort(key=lambda x: x.joined_at, reverse=not reverse)
        menu = MenuBase(source=bot_added_list(member_data))
        await menu.start(ctx)
Exemple #3
 async def botrank(self,
                   bot: greedy_parser.UntilFlag[BotCommands] = None,
     reverse = flags.pop("reverse", False)
     bots = {x.id: x for x in ctx.guild.members if x.bot}
     query = "SELECT bot_id, COUNT(command) AS total_usage FROM commands_list " \
             "WHERE guild_id=$1 AND bot_id=ANY($2::BIGINT[]) " \
             "GROUP BY bot_id"
     record = await self.bot.pool_pg.fetch(query, ctx.guild.id, list(bots))
     bot_data = [
         BotCommands(bots[r["bot_id"]], 0, 0, r["total_usage"])
         for r in record
     bot_data.sort(key=lambda x: x.total_usage, reverse=not reverse)
     if not bot:
         menu = MenuBase(source=all_bot_count(bot_data))
         await menu.start(ctx)
         key = "(\u200b|\u200b)"
         idx = [*map(int, bot_data)].index(bot.bot.id)
         scope_bot = bot_data[idx:min(idx + len(bot_data[idx:]), idx + 10)]
         contents = [
             "`{0}. {1} {2} {1.total_usage}`".format(i + idx + 1, b, key)
             for i, b in enumerate(scope_bot)
         await ctx.embed(title="Bot Command Rank",
                         description="\n".join(realign(contents, key)))
Exemple #4
    async def allcommands(self, ctx, **flags):
        reverse = flags.get("reverse", False)
        query = "SELECT * FROM " \
                "(SELECT command, COUNT(command) AS command_count FROM " \
                "(SELECT DISTINCT bot_id, command FROM commands_list " \
                "WHERE guild_id=$1 " \
                "GROUP BY bot_id, command) AS _ " \
                "GROUP BY command) AS _ " \
                f"ORDER BY command_count {('DESC', '')[reverse]}"

        data = await self.bot.pool_pg.fetch(query, ctx.guild.id)

        async def each_commands_list(self, menu: MenuBase, entries):
            offset = menu.current_page * self.per_page
            embed = BaseEmbed(title=f"All Commands")
            key = "(\u200b|\u200b)"
            contents = [
                "`{i}. {command}{k}{command_count}`".format(i=i, k=key, **b)
                for i, b in enumerate(entries, start=offset + 1)
            embed.description = "\n".join(realign(contents, key))
            return embed

        menu = MenuBase(each_commands_list(data))
        await menu.start(ctx)
        def printing(*content,
            async def sending(cont):
                nonlocal channel, reply, mention
                if c := channel is not ctx:
                    channel = await commands.TextChannelConverter().convert(
                        ctx, str(channel))

                attr = ("send", "reply")[reply is not c]
                sent = getattr(channel, attr)
                text = textwrap.wrap(cont, 1000, replace_whitespace=False)
                ctx.channel_used = channel if channel is not ctx else ctx.channel
                if len(text) == 1:
                    kwargs = {"content": cont}
                    if attr == "reply":
                        kwargs.update({"mention_author": mention})
                    await sent(**kwargs)
                    menu = MenuBase(
                        empty_page_format([*map("```{}```".format, text)]))
                    await menu.start(ctx)
Exemple #6
 async def format_page(self, menu: MenuBase, entries):
     key = "(\u200b|\u200b)"
     offset = menu.current_page * self.per_page
     content = "`{no}. {b} {key} {b.count}`"
     contents = [content.format(no=i+1, b=b, key=key) for i, b in enumerate(entries, start=offset)]
     embed = BaseEmbed(title="Bot Command Rank",
                       description="\n".join(realign(contents, key)))
     return menu.generate_page(embed, self._max_pages)
Exemple #7
 async def format_page(self, menu: MenuBase, entries):
     key = "(\u200b|\u200b)"
     offset = menu.current_page * self.per_page
     content = "`{no}. {prefix} {key} {b.count}`" if self.count_mode else "`{no}. {b} {key} {prefix}`"
     contents = [content.format(no=i+1, b=b, key=key, prefix=pprefix(menu.ctx.bot, b.prefix)) for i, b in enumerate(entries, start=offset)]
     embed = BaseEmbed(title="All Prefixes",
                       description="\n".join(realign(contents, key)))
     return menu.generate_page(embed, self._max_pages)
Exemple #8
    async def format_page(self, menu: MenuBase, entries):
        offset = menu.current_page * self.per_page
        contents = ((f"{b.author}", f'**{b}** `{humanize.precisedelta(b.joined_at)}`')
                    for i, b in enumerate(entries, start=offset))

        embed = BaseEmbed(title="Bots added today")
        for n, v in contents:
            embed.add_field(name=n, value=v, inline=False)
        return menu.generate_page(embed, self._max_pages)
Exemple #9
 async def botcommands(self, ctx, bot: BotCommand):
     def each_page(self, menu, entries):
         number = menu.current_page * self.per_page + 1
         list_commands = "\n".join(f"{x}. {c}" for x, c in enumerate(entries, start=number))
         embed = BaseEmbed.default(ctx, title=f"{bot} Commands", description=list_commands)
         return embed.set_thumbnail(url=bot.bot.avatar_url)
     menu = MenuBase(each_page(bot.commands))
     await menu.start(ctx)
Exemple #10
    async def allprefix(self, ctx, **flags):
        bots = await self.bot.pool_pg.fetch("SELECT * FROM bot_prefix")
        attr = "count" if (count_mode := flags.pop("count", False)) else "prefix"

        def mem(x):
            return ctx.guild.get_member(x)
        if count_mode:
            PrefixCount = collections.namedtuple("PrefixCount", "prefix count")
            count_prefixes = collections.Counter(map(lambda x: x["prefix"], bots))
            data = [PrefixCount(*a) for a in count_prefixes.items()]
            data = [BotPrefix(mem(bot["bot_id"]), bot["prefix"]) for bot in bots if mem(bot["bot_id"])]
        data.sort(key=lambda x: getattr(x, attr), reverse=count_mode)
        menu = MenuBase(source=AllPrefixes(data, count_mode), delete_message_after=True)
        await menu.start(ctx)
Exemple #11
 async def botrank(self, ctx, bot: BotUsage = None):
     bots = {x.id: x for x in ctx.guild.members if x.bot}
     query = "SELECT * FROM bot_usage_count WHERE bot_id=ANY($1::BIGINT[])"
     record = await self.bot.pool_pg.fetch(query, list(bots))
     bot_data = [BotUsage(bots[r["bot_id"]], r["count"]) for r in record]
     bot_data.sort(key=lambda x: x.count, reverse=True)
     if not bot:
         menu = MenuBase(source=AllBotCount(bot_data), delete_message_after=True)
         await menu.start(ctx)
         key = "(\u200b|\u200b)"
         idx = [*map(int, bot_data)].index(bot.bot.id)
         scope_bot = bot_data[idx:min(idx + len(bot_data[idx:]), idx + 10)]
         contents = ["`{0}. {1} {2} {1.count}`".format(i + idx + 1, b, key) for i, b in enumerate(scope_bot)]
         embed = BaseEmbed(title="Bot Command Rank", description="\n".join(realign(contents, key)))
         await ctx.maybe_reply(embed=embed)
Exemple #12
 async def recentbotadd(self, ctx):
     def predicate(m):
         return m.bot and m.joined_at > ctx.message.created_at - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
     members = {m.id: m for m in filter(predicate, ctx.guild.members)}
     if not members:
         member = max(filter(lambda x: x.bot, ctx.guild.members), key=lambda x: x.joined_at)
         time_add = humanize.precisedelta(member.joined_at, minimum_unit="minutes")
         await ctx.maybe_reply(
                 title="Bots added today",
                 description="Looks like there are no bots added in the span of 24 hours.\n"
                             f"The last time a bot was added was `{time_add}` for `{member}`"))
     db_data = await self.bot.pool_pg.fetch("SELECT * FROM confirmed_bots WHERE bot_id=ANY($1::BIGINT[])", list(members))
     member_data = [BotAdded.from_json(bot=members[data["bot_id"]], **data) for data in db_data]
     member_data.sort(key=lambda x: x.joined_at)
     menu = MenuBase(source=BotAddedList(member_data), delete_message_after=True)
     await menu.start(ctx)
Exemple #13
    async def allprefix(self, ctx, **flags):
        bots = await self.bot.pool_pg.fetch("SELECT * FROM bot_prefix_list")
        attr = "count" if (count_mode := flags.pop("count", False)) else "prefix"
        reverse = flags.pop("reverse", False)

        def mem(x):
            return ctx.guild.get_member(x)

        temp = {}
        for bot in filter(lambda b: mem(b["bot_id"]), bots):
            prefixes = temp.setdefault(bot["bot_id"], {bot["prefix"]: bot["usage"]})
            prefixes.update({bot["prefix"]: bot["usage"]})
        data = [BotPrefix(mem(b), v) for b, v in temp.items()]

        if count_mode:
            PrefixCount = collections.namedtuple("PrefixCount", "prefix count")
            aliases = itertools.chain.from_iterable(map(lambda x: x.aliases, data))
            count_prefixes = collections.Counter([*map(lambda x: x.prefix, data), *aliases])
            data = [PrefixCount(*a) for a in count_prefixes.items()]

        data.sort(key=lambda x: getattr(x, attr), reverse=count_mode is not reverse)
        menu = MenuBase(source=AllPrefixes(data, count_mode))
        await menu.start(ctx)
Exemple #14
    async def botcommands(self, ctx, *, bot: BotCommands):
        owner_info = None
        if ctx.guild.id == DISCORD_PY:
            owner_info = await try_call(BotAdded.convert, ctx, str(int(bot)))

        def each_page(self, menu, entries):
            number = menu.current_page * self.per_page + 1
            list_commands = "\n".join(
                f"{x}. {c}[`{bot.get_command(c)}`]"
                for x, c in enumerate(entries, start=number))
            embed = BaseEmbed.default(
                title=f"{bot} Commands[`{bot.total_usage}`]",
            if owner_info and owner_info.author:
                                 name=f"Owner {owner_info.author}")

            return embed.set_thumbnail(url=bot.bot.avatar.url)

        menu = MenuBase(each_page(bot.commands))
        await menu.start(ctx)
Exemple #15
            if (given := flags.pop("max_row")) - MR:
                await ctx.maybe_reply(
                    f"Showing `{given}` rows was more than `1430` characters(`{was_size}`), showing `{MR}` rows instead.",

            tabledata = [*more_itertools.chunked(table[3:], MR)]
            for few_row in tabledata:
                last_row = [] if few_row is tabledata[-1] else last_row
                datarows.append(table[:3] + few_row + last_row)
            to_display = ["\n".join(row) for row in datarows]
            to_display = textwrap.wrap(str(rows),

        menu = MenuBase(show_result(to_display))
        await menu.start(ctx)

def setup(bot):
    cog = Myself(bot)
    for name in ("load", "unload", "reload"):

                          aliases=["c" + name, name + "s"],
        async def _cog_load(self, ctx, extension: Separator[ValidCog]):
            await self.cogs_handler(ctx, extension)

        cog.__cog_commands__ += (_cog_load, )
Exemple #16
class Helpful(commands.Cog):
    def __init__(self, bot):
        self._default_help_command = bot.help_command
        bot.help_command = StellaBotHelp()
        bot.help_command.cog = self
        self.bot = bot

    @commands.command(aliases=["ping", "p"],
                      help="Shows the bot latency from the discord websocket.")
    async def pping(self, ctx):
        await ctx.embed(
            description=f"Your pp lasted `{self.bot.latency * 1000:.2f}ms`")

                      help="Shows the bot uptime from when it was started.")
    async def uptime(self, ctx):
        c_uptime = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - self.bot.uptime
        await ctx.embed(
            description=f"Current uptime: `{humanize.precisedelta(c_uptime)}`")

        aliases=["src", "sources"],
        brief="Shows the source code link in github.",
        help="Shows the source code in github given the cog/command name. "
        "Defaults to the stella_bot source code link if not given any argument. "
        "It accepts 2 types of content, the command name, or the Cog method name. "
        "Cog method must specify it's Cog name separate by a period and it's method.",
        "Shows the code block instead of the link. Accepts True or False, defaults to False if not stated."
    async def source(self, ctx, content=None, **flags):
        source_url = 'https://github.com/InterStella0/stella_bot'
        if not content:
            return await ctx.embed(title="here's the entire repo",
        src, module = None, None

        def command_check(command):
            nonlocal src, module
            if command == 'help':
                src = type(self.bot.help_command)
                module = src.__module__
                obj = self.bot.get_command(command.replace('.', ' '))
                if obj and obj.cog_name != "Jishaku":
                    src = obj.callback.__code__
                    module = obj.callback.__module__

        def cog_check(content):
            nonlocal src, module
            if "." not in content:
            cog, _, method = content.partition(".")
            cog = self.bot.get_cog(cog)
            if method_func := getattr(cog, method, None):
                module = method_func.__module__
                target = getattr(method_func, "callback", method_func)
                src = target.__code__

        for func in (command_check, cog_check):
            if not src:
        if module is None:
            return await ctx.maybe_reply(f"Method {content} not found.")
        show_code = flags.pop("code", False)
        if show_code:
            param = {
                "text": inspect.getsource(src),
                "width": 1900,
                "replace_whitespace": False
            list_codeblock = [
                f"```py\n{cb}\n```" for cb in textwrap.wrap(**param)
            menu = MenuBase(empty_page_format(list_codeblock))
            await menu.start(ctx)
            lines, firstlineno = inspect.getsourcelines(src)
            location = module.replace('.', '/') + '.py'
            url = f'<{source_url}/blob/master/{location}#L{firstlineno}-L{firstlineno + len(lines) - 1}>'
            await ctx.embed(title=f"Here's uh, {content}",
                            description=f"[Click Here]({url})")
Exemple #17
            prefixes = temp.setdefault(bot["bot_id"],
                                       {bot["prefix"]: bot["usage"]})
            prefixes.update({bot["prefix"]: bot["usage"]})
        data = [BotPrefixes(mem(b), v) for b, v in temp.items()]

        if count_mode:
            PrefixCount = collections.namedtuple("PrefixCount", "prefix count")
            aliases = itertools.chain.from_iterable(
                map(lambda x: x.aliases, data))
            count_prefixes = collections.Counter(
                [*map(lambda x: x.prefix, data), *aliases])
            data = [PrefixCount(*a) for a in count_prefixes.items()]

        data.sort(key=lambda x: getattr(x, attr),
                  reverse=count_mode is not reverse)
        menu = MenuBase(source=AllPrefixes(data, count_mode))
        await menu.start(ctx)

        aliases=["bot_use", "bu", "botusage", "botuses"],
        brief="Show's how many command calls for a bot.",
        "Show's how many command calls for a given bot. This works by counting how many times "
        "a message is considered a command for that bot where that bot has responded in less than "
        "2 seconds.")
    async def botuse(self, ctx, *, bot: BotCommands):
        await ctx.embed(
            title=f"{bot}'s Usage",
                f"`{bot.total_usage}` command(s) has been called for **{bot}**.",