def calc_metrics(self, g_list, t_list): mrrs, hit_1s, hit_3s, hit_10s, losses = [], [], [], [], [] ranks = [] for g, t in zip(g_list, t_list): ent_embed = self.get_per_graph_ent_embeds(t, g) all_embeds_g = self.get_all_embeds_Gt(t) index_sample = torch.stack( [g.edges()[0], g.edata['type_s'], g.edges()[1]]).transpose(0, 1) label = torch.ones(index_sample.shape[0]) if self.use_cuda: index_sample = cuda(index_sample) label = cuda(label) if index_sample.shape[0] == 0: continue rank = self.evaluater.calc_metrics_single_graph( ent_embed, self.rel_embeds, all_embeds_g, index_sample, g, t) loss = self.link_classification_loss(ent_embed, self.rel_embeds, index_sample, label) ranks.append(rank) losses.append(loss.item()) ranks = return ranks, np.mean(losses)
def calc_metrics(self, per_graph_ent_embeds, g_list, t_list, hist_embeddings, start_time_tensor, cur_t): mrrs, hit_1s, hit_3s, hit_10s, losses = [], [], [], [], [] ranks = [] i = 0 for g, t, ent_embed in zip(g_list, t_list, per_graph_ent_embeds): time_diff_tensor = cur_t - start_time_tensor[i] all_embeds_g = self.get_all_embeds_Gt(ent_embed, g, t, hist_embeddings[i][0], hist_embeddings[i][1], time_diff_tensor) index_sample = torch.stack([g.edges()[0], g.edata['type_s'], g.edges()[1]]).transpose(0, 1) label = torch.ones(index_sample.shape[0]) if self.use_cuda: index_sample = cuda(index_sample) label = cuda(label) if index_sample.shape[0] == 0: continue rank = self.evaluater.calc_metrics_single_graph(ent_embed, self.rel_embeds, all_embeds_g, index_sample, g, t) loss = self.link_classification_loss(ent_embed, self.rel_embeds, index_sample, label) ranks.append(rank) losses.append(loss.item()) i += 1 try: ranks = except: ranks = cuda(torch.tensor([]).long()) if self.use_cuda else torch.tensor([]).long() return ranks, np.mean(losses)
def get_gradients_antoshka(self, x, y_true, y_target=None, eps=0.03, alpha=2 / 255, iteration=1): self.set_mode('eval') x = Variable(cuda(x, self.cuda), requires_grad=True) y_true = Variable(cuda(y_true, self.cuda), requires_grad=False) if y_target is not None: targeted = True y_target = Variable(cuda(y_target, self.cuda), requires_grad=False) else: targeted = False h = prediction = h.max(1)[1] accuracy = torch.eq(prediction, y_true).float().mean() cost = F.cross_entropy(h, y_true) x_grad = self.attack.get_gradients_anton(x, y_true, False) return x_grad
def ad_test(self, target, epsilon, alpha, iteration): self.set_mode('eval') correct = 0. cost = 0. total = 0. data_loader = self.data_loader['test'] for batch_idx, (images, labels) in enumerate(data_loader): x_true = Variable(cuda(images, self.cuda)) y_true = Variable(cuda(labels, self.cuda)) if isinstance(target, int) and (target in range(self.y_dim)): y_target = torch.LongTensor(y_true.size()).fill_(target) else: y_target = None if self.attack_mode == 'FGSM': x, _, _ = self.FGSM(x_true, y_true, y_target, epsilon, alpha, iteration) elif self.attack_mode == 'ILLC': x, _, _ = self.ILLC(x_true, y_true, y_target, epsilon, alpha, iteration) logit = prediction = logit.max(1)[1] correct += torch.eq(prediction, y_true).float().sum().data.item() cost += F.cross_entropy(logit, y_true, size_average=False).data.item() total += x.size(0) accuracy = correct / total cost /= total print('ACC:{:.4f}'.format(accuracy)) self.set_mode('train')
def sample_data(self): data_loader = self.data_loader['test'] for batch_idx, (images, labels) in enumerate(data_loader): x_true = Variable(cuda(images, self.cuda)) y_true = Variable(cuda(labels, self.cuda)) break return x_true, y_true
def get_model_config(self, config): if config.model_type.split('_')[0] == 'pd': position_dependent = True else: position_dependent = False if (config.model_type in ['gumbel_blstm', 'pd_gumbel_blstm' ]) and (config.downsample_method == 'no-op'): self.audio_net = cuda( GumbelBLSTM(self.K, n_layers=self.n_layers, n_gumbel_units=self.n_clusters, n_class=self.n_visual_class, input_size=self.input_size, ds_ratio=1, bidirectional=True, max_len=self.max_segment_num, position_dependent=position_dependent), self.cuda) elif (config.model_type in [ 'gumbel_mlp', 'pd_gumbel_mlp' ]) and (config.downsample_method != 'no-op'): self.audio_net = cuda( GumbelMLP(self.K, n_layers=self.n_layers, n_gumbel_units=self.n_phone_class, n_class=self.n_visual_class, input_size=self.input_size, max_len=self.max_segment_num, position_dependent=position_dependent), self.cuda) else: raise ValueError( f'Invalid model type: {config.model_type} for downsample method {config.downsample_method}' )
def cluster(self, n_clusters=50, out_prefix='quantized_outputs'): self.set_mode('eval') testset = self.data_loader['test'].dataset temp = self.history['temp'] us_ratio = int(self.hop_len_ms / 10) * self.audio_net.ds_ratio with torch.no_grad(): B = 0 utt_ids = [] X = [] for b_idx, (audios, phoneme_labels, word_labels,\ audio_masks, phone_masks, word_masks)\ in enumerate(self.data_loader['test']): if b_idx > 2 and self.debug: break if b_idx == 0: B = audios.size(0) audios = cuda(audios, self.cuda) audio_masks = cuda(audio_masks, self.cuda) if self.audio_feature == 'wav2vec2': x = self.audio_feature_net.feature_extractor(audios) else: x = audios audio_lens = audio_masks.sum(-1).long() outputs = self.audio_net(x, return_feat=True) embedding = outputs[-1] for idx in range(audios.size(0)): global_idx = b_idx * B + idx utt_id = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(testset.dataset[global_idx][0]))[0] embed = embedding[idx, :audio_lens[idx]].cpu().detach().numpy() X.extend(embed.tolist()) utt_ids.extend([utt_id]*embed.shape[0]) X = np.asarray(X) begin_time = time.time() clusterer = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters).fit(X) print(f'KMeans take {time.time()-begin_time} s to finish')'cluster_means.npy'), clusterer.cluster_centers_) ys = clusterer.predict(X) filename = self.ckpt_dir.joinpath(out_prefix+'.txt') out_f = open(filename, 'w') for utt_id, group in groupby(list(zip(utt_ids, ys)), lambda x:x[0]): y = ','.join([str(g[1]) for g in group for _ in range(us_ratio)]) out_f.write(f'{utt_id} {y}\n') out_f.close() gold_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(testset.data_path, f'{testset.splits[0]}')) token_f1, token_prec, token_recall = compute_token_f1( filename, gold_path, self.ckpt_dir.joinpath(f'confusion.png'), )
def universal(self, args): self.set_mode('eval') init = False correct = 0 cost = 0 total = 0 data_loader = self.data_loader['test'] for e in range(100000): for batch_idx, (images, labels) in enumerate(data_loader): x = Variable(cuda(images, self.cuda)) y = Variable(cuda(labels, self.cuda)) if not init: sz = x.size()[1:] r = torch.zeros(sz) r = Variable(cuda(r, self.cuda), requires_grad=True) init = True logit = p_ygx = F.softmax(logit, dim=1) H_ygx = (-p_ygx*torch.log(self.eps+p_ygx)).sum(1).mean(0) prediction_cost = H_ygx #prediction_cost = F.cross_entropy(logit,y) #perceptual_cost = -F.l1_loss(x+r,x) #perceptual_cost = -F.mse_loss(x+r,x) #perceptual_cost = -F.mse_loss(x+r,x) -r.norm() perceptual_cost = -F.mse_loss(x+r, x) -F.relu(r.norm()-5) #perceptual_cost = -F.relu(r.norm()-5.) #if[0] < 10: cost = prediction_cost + perceptual_cost #cost = prediction_cost if r.grad: r.grad.fill_(0) cost.backward() #r = r + args.eps*r.grad.sign() r = r + r.grad*1e-1 r = Variable(cuda(, self.cuda), requires_grad=True) prediction = logit.max(1)[1] correct = torch.eq(prediction, y).float().mean().data[0] if batch_idx % 100 == 0: if self.visdom: self.vf.imshow_multi(x.add(r).data) #self.vf.imshow_multi(r.unsqueeze(0).data,factor=4) print(correct*100,[0],[0],\ r.norm().data[0]) self.set_mode('train')
def FGSM(self, x, y_true, y_target=None, eps=0.03, alpha=2 / 255, iteration=1): self.set_mode('eval') x = Variable(cuda(x, self.cuda), requires_grad=True) y_true = Variable(cuda(y_true, self.cuda), requires_grad=False) if y_target is not None: targeted = True y_target = Variable(cuda(y_target, self.cuda), requires_grad=False) else: targeted = False h = prediction = h.max(1)[1] accuracy = torch.eq(prediction, y_true).float().mean() cost = F.cross_entropy(h, y_true) if iteration == 1: if targeted: x_adv, h_adv, h = self.attack.fgsm(x, y_target, True, eps) else: x_adv, h_adv, h = self.attack.fgsm(x, y_true, False, eps) else: if targeted: x_adv, h_adv, h = self.attack.i_fgsm(x, y_target, True, eps, alpha, iteration) else: x_adv, h_adv, h = self.attack.i_fgsm(x, y_true, False, eps, alpha, iteration) prediction_adv = h_adv.max(1)[1] accuracy_adv = torch.eq(prediction_adv, y_true).float().mean() cost_adv = F.cross_entropy(h_adv, y_true) # make indication of perturbed images that changed predictions of the classifier if targeted: changed = torch.eq(y_target, prediction_adv) else: changed = torch.eq(prediction, prediction_adv) changed = torch.eq(changed, 0) changed = changed.float().view(-1, 1, 1, 1).repeat(1, 3, 28, 28) changed[:, 0, :, :] = where(changed[:, 0, :, :] == 1, 252, 91) changed[:, 1, :, :] = where(changed[:, 1, :, :] == 1, 39, 252) changed[:, 2, :, :] = where(changed[:, 2, :, :] == 1, 25, 25) changed = self.scale(changed / 255) changed[:, :, 3:-2, 3:-2] = x_adv.repeat(1, 3, 1, 1)[:, :, 3:-2, 3:-2] self.set_mode('train') return,,\ ([0],[0],[0],[0])
def build_model(self): self.ent_encoder = SARGCN(self.args, self.hidden_size, self.embed_size, self.num_rels, self.total_time) self.time_diff_test = torch.tensor( list(range(self.test_seq_len - 1, -1, -1))).float() self.time_diff_train = torch.tensor( list(range(self.train_seq_len - 1, -1, -1))).float() if self.use_cuda: self.time_diff_test = cuda(self.time_diff_test) self.time_diff_train = cuda(self.time_diff_train)
def train(self): self.set_mode('train') for e in range(self.epoch): self.global_epoch += 1 correct = 0. cost = 0. total = 0. for batch_idx, (images, labels) in enumerate(self.data_loader['train']): self.global_iter += 1 x = Variable(cuda(images, self.cuda)) y = Variable(cuda(labels, self.cuda)) logit = prediction = logit.max(1)[1] correct = torch.eq(prediction, y).float().mean().data #[0] # Anton cost = F.cross_entropy(logit, y) self.optim.zero_grad() cost.backward() self.optim.step() if batch_idx % 100 == 0: if self.print_: print() print(self.env_name) print('[{:03d}:{:03d}]'.format(self.global_epoch, batch_idx)) print('acc:{:.3f} loss:{:.3f}'.format( correct, # [0])) # Anton if self.tensorboard:'performance/acc', tag_scalar_dict={'train': correct}, global_step=self.global_iter) main_tag='performance/error', tag_scalar_dict={'train': 1 - correct}, global_step=self.global_iter) main_tag='performance/cost', tag_scalar_dict={'train':[0]}, global_step=self.global_iter) self.test() if self.tensorboard:'performance/best/acc', tag_scalar_dict={'test': self.history['acc']}, global_step=self.history['iter']) print(" [*] Training Finished!")
def build_model(self): super().build_model() self.time_diff_test = torch.tensor( list(range(self.test_seq_len - 1, 0, -1)) + list(range(self.test_seq_len - 1, 0, -1)) + [0.]) self.time_diff_train = torch.tensor( list(range(self.train_seq_len - 1, 0, -1)) + list(range(self.train_seq_len - 1, 0, -1)) + [0.]) if self.use_cuda: self.time_diff_test = cuda(self.time_diff_test) self.time_diff_train = cuda(self.time_diff_train)
def test(self): self.set_mode('eval') correct = 0. cost = 0. total = 0. data_loader = self.data_loader['test'] for batch_idx, (images, labels) in enumerate(data_loader): x = Variable(cuda(images, self.cuda)) y = Variable(cuda(labels, self.cuda)) logit = prediction = logit.max(1)[1] correct += torch.eq(prediction, y).float().sum().data #[0] # Anton cost += F.cross_entropy(logit, y, size_average=False).data #[0] # Anton total += x.size(0) accuracy = correct / total cost /= total if self.print_: print() print('[{:03d}]\nTEST RESULT'.format(self.global_epoch)) print('ACC:{:.4f}'.format(accuracy)) print('*TOP* ACC:{:.4f} at e:{:03d}'.format( accuracy, self.global_epoch, )) print() if self.tensorboard:'performance/acc', tag_scalar_dict={'test': accuracy}, global_step=self.global_iter)'performance/error', tag_scalar_dict={'test': (1 - accuracy)}, global_step=self.global_iter)'performance/cost', tag_scalar_dict={'test': cost}, global_step=self.global_iter) if self.history['acc'] < accuracy: self.history['acc'] = accuracy self.history['epoch'] = self.global_epoch self.history['iter'] = self.global_iter self.save_checkpoint('best_acc.tar') self.set_mode('train')
def phone_level_cluster(self, out_prefix='predictions'): self.load_checkpoint() X_a = np.zeros((self.n_class, self.K)) norm = np.zeros((self.n_class, 1)) audio_files = [] encodings = [] # Find the centroid of each phone-level cluster B = self.data_loader['test'].batch_size testset = self.data_loader['test'].dataset for b_idx, (audios, _, _, audio_masks, _) in enumerate(self.data_loader['test']): if b_idx > 2 and self.debug: break audios = cuda(audios, self.cuda) audio_masks = cuda(audio_masks, self.cuda) _, _, encoding, embedding = self.audio_net(audios, mask=audio_masks, return_feat=True) encoding = encoding.permute(0, 2, 1).cpu().detach().numpy() embedding = embedding.cpu().detach().numpy() X_a += encoding @ embedding norm += encoding.sum(axis=-1, keepdims=True) audio_files.extend([ testset.dataset[b_idx * B + i][0] for i in range(audios.size(0)) ]) encodings.append(encoding.T) encodings = np.concatenate(encodings) X_a /= norm X_s = self.audio_net.bottleneck.weight +\ self.audio_net.bottleneck.bias X = np.concatenate([X_a, X_s], axis=1) kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=50).fit(X) phoneme_labels = kmeans.labels_ out_file = os.path.join(self.ckpt_dir, f'{out_prefix}_phone_level_clustering.txt') out_f = open(out_file, 'w') pred_phones = encodings.max(-1)[0] for idx, (audio_file, encoding) in enumerate(zip(audio_files, encodings)): audio_id = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(audio_file)[1])[0] pred_phonemes = ','.join( [str(phoneme_labels[phn]) for phn in pred_phones[idx]]) out_f.write('{audio_id} {pred_phonemes}\n') out_f.close() gold_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(testset.data_path, 'test/')) compute_token_f1( out_file, gold_path, os.path.join(self.ckpt_dir, 'confusion_phone_level_cluster.png'))
def calc_metrics(self, per_graph_ent_embeds_loc, per_graph_ent_embeds_rec, g_list, t_list, hist_embeddings_forward_loc, hist_embeddings_forward_rec, start_time_tensor_forward, hist_embeddings_backward_loc, hist_embeddings_backward_rec, start_time_tensor_backward, cur_t): mrrs, hit_1s, hit_3s, hit_10s, losses = [], [], [], [], [] ranks = [] i = 0 for g, t, ent_embed_loc, ent_embed_rec in zip( g_list, t_list, per_graph_ent_embeds_loc, per_graph_ent_embeds_rec): time_diff_tensor_forward = cur_t - start_time_tensor_forward[i] time_diff_tensor_backward = cur_t - start_time_tensor_backward[i] all_embeds_g_loc, all_embeds_g_rec = self.get_all_embeds_Gt( ent_embed_loc, ent_embed_rec, g, t, hist_embeddings_forward_loc[i], hist_embeddings_forward_rec[i][0], hist_embeddings_forward_rec[i][1], time_diff_tensor_forward, hist_embeddings_backward_loc[i], hist_embeddings_backward_rec[i][0], hist_embeddings_backward_rec[i][1], time_diff_tensor_backward) index_sample = torch.stack( [g.edges()[0], g.edata['type_s'], g.edges()[1]]).transpose(0, 1) # label = torch.ones(index_sample.shape[0]) if self.use_cuda: index_sample = cuda(index_sample) # label = cuda(label) if index_sample.shape[0] == 0: continue weight_subject_query_subject_embed, weight_subject_query_object_embed, weight_object_query_subject_embed, weight_object_query_object_embed = self.calc_ensemble_ratio( index_sample, t, g) # pdb.set_trace() rank = self.evaluater.calc_metrics_single_graph( ent_embed_loc, ent_embed_rec, self.rel_embeds, all_embeds_g_loc, all_embeds_g_rec, index_sample, weight_subject_query_subject_embed, weight_subject_query_object_embed, weight_object_query_subject_embed, weight_object_query_object_embed, g, t) # loss = self.link_classification_loss(ent_embed_loc, ent_embed_rec, self.rel_embeds, index_sample, label) ranks.append(rank) # losses.append(loss.item()) i += 1 try: ranks = except: ranks = cuda(torch.tensor( []).long()) if self.use_cuda else torch.tensor([]).long() return ranks, np.mean(losses)
def train(self): self.set_mode('train') acc_train_plt = [0] loss_plt = [] acc_test_plt = [0] for e in range(self.epoch): self.global_epoch += 1 local_iter = 0 correct = 0. cost = 0. total = 0. total_acc = 0. total_loss = 0. # train for each batch iteration for batch_idx, (images, labels) in enumerate(self.data_loader['train']): self.global_iter += 1 local_iter += 1 #print("image size is ", np.shape(images)) x = Variable(cuda(images, self.cuda)) y = Variable(cuda(labels, self.cuda)) logit = prediction = logit.max(1)[1] correct = torch.eq(prediction, y).float().mean().data.item() cost = F.cross_entropy(logit, y) total_acc += correct total_loss += self.optim.zero_grad() cost.backward() #back propagation self.optim.step() #for every 100th batch show accuracy and loss information of training result if batch_idx % 100 == 0: if self.print_: print() print(self.env_name) print('[{:03d}:{:03d}]'.format(self.global_epoch, batch_idx)) print('acc:{:.3f} loss:{:.3f}'.format( correct, total_acc = total_acc / local_iter total_loss = total_loss / local_iter acc_train_plt.append(total_acc) loss_plt.append(total_loss) acc_test_plt.append(self.test( )) #show test results every epochs and save in acc_test_plt. print(" [*] Training Finished!") self.plot_result(acc_train_plt, acc_test_plt, loss_plt, self.history['acc'])
def single_graph_negative_sampling(self, t, g, num_ents): t = t.item() triples = torch.stack([g.edges()[0], g.edata['type_s'], g.edges()[1]]).transpose(0, 1) sample, neg_tail_sample, neg_head_sample, label = self.negative_sampling( self.true_heads_train[t], self.true_tails_train[t], triples, num_ents, g) neg_tail_sample, neg_head_sample, label = torch.from_numpy( neg_tail_sample), torch.from_numpy( neg_head_sample), torch.from_numpy(label) if self.use_cuda: sample, neg_tail_sample, neg_head_sample, label = cuda( sample), cuda(neg_tail_sample), cuda(neg_head_sample), cuda( label) return sample, neg_tail_sample, neg_head_sample, label
def model_init(self, args): # Network = cuda(ToyNet(y_dim=self.y_dim), self.cuda)'kaiming') # Optimizers self.optim = optim.Adam([{'params', 'lr'}], betas=(0.5, 0.999))
def get_model_config(self, config): self.audio_net = cuda(InfoQuantizer(in_channels=self.input_size, channels=self.K, n_embeddings=self.n_clusters, z_dim=self.n_visual_class ), self.cuda) self.use_logsoftmax = config.get('use_logsoftmax', False) print(f'Use log softmax: {self.use_logsoftmax}')
def get_model_config(self, config): self.audio_net = cuda( GumbelBLSTM(self.K, n_layers=self.n_layers, n_gumbel_units=self.n_phone_class, n_class=self.n_visual_class, input_size=self.input_size, ds_ratio=1, bidirectional=True), self.cuda)
def get_model_config(self, config): if config.model_type == 'blstm': self.audio_net = cuda( BLSTM(self.K, n_layers=self.n_layers, n_class=self.n_visual_class, input_size=80, ds_ratio=1, bidirectional=True), self.cuda) elif config.model_type == 'mlp': self.audio_net = cuda( MLP(self.K, n_layers=self.n_layers, n_class=self.n_visual_class, input_size=self.input_size, max_seq_len=self.max_segment_num), self.cuda) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid model type {config.model_type}')
def calc_ensemble_ratio(self, triples, t, g): sub_feature_vecs = [] obj_feature_vecs = [] t = t.item() for s, r, o in triples: s = g.ids[s.item()] r = r.item() o = g.ids[o.item()] # triple_freq = self.drop_edge.triple_freq_per_time_step_agg[t][(s, r, o)] # ent_pair_freq = self.drop_edge.ent_pair_freq_per_time_step_agg[t][(s, o)] sub_freq = self.drop_edge.sub_freq_per_time_step_agg[t][s] obj_freq = self.drop_edge.obj_freq_per_time_step_agg[t][o] rel_freq = self.drop_edge.rel_freq_per_time_step_agg[t][r] sub_rel_freq = self.drop_edge.sub_rel_freq_per_time_step_agg[t][( s, r)] obj_rel_freq = self.drop_edge.obj_rel_freq_per_time_step_agg[t][( o, r)] # 0: no local, 1: no temporal sub_feature_vecs.append( torch.tensor([obj_freq, rel_freq, obj_rel_freq])) obj_feature_vecs.append( torch.tensor([sub_freq, rel_freq, sub_rel_freq])) # pdb.set_trace() try: sub_features = torch.stack(sub_feature_vecs).float() obj_features = torch.stack(obj_feature_vecs).float() if self.use_cuda: sub_features = cuda(sub_features) obj_features = cuda(obj_features) weight_subject = torch.sigmoid(self.subject_linear(sub_features)) weight_object = torch.sigmoid(self.object_linear(obj_features)) except: weight_subject = cuda(torch.tensor( []).long()) if self.use_cuda else torch.tensor([]).long() weight_object = cuda(torch.tensor( []).long()) if self.use_cuda else torch.tensor([]).long() return weight_subject, weight_object
def forward_ema(self, g, prev_embeddings, time_batched_list_t, node_sizes, alpha, train_seq_len): current_graph, time_embedding = self.forward(g, time_batched_list_t, node_sizes) cur_embeddings = current_graph.ndata['h'] + time_embedding pdb.set_trace() all_time_embeds = [prev_embeddings, cur_embeddings.unsqueeze(1)], dim=1) ema_vec = torch.pow(1 - alpha, cuda(torch.arange(train_seq_len))) ema_vec[:, :-1] *= alpha ema_vec = ema_vec.flip(-1).unsqueeze(0) averaged = torch.sum(all_time_embeds.transpose(1, 2) * ema_vec, -1) return averaged
def model_init(self, args): # Network if args.dataset == 'MNIST': print("MNIST") = cuda(ToyNet_MNIST(y_dim=self.y_dim), self.cuda) elif args.dataset == 'CIFAR10': print("Dataset used CIFAR10") if args.network_choice == 'ToyNet': = cuda(ToyNet_CIFAR10(y_dim=self.y_dim), self.cuda) elif args.network_choice == 'ResNet18': = cuda(ResNet18(), self.cuda) elif args.network_choice == 'ResNet34': = cuda(ResNet34(), self.cuda) elif args.network_choice == 'ResNet50': = cuda(ResNet50(), self.cuda)'kaiming') # setup optimizer self.optim = optim.Adam([{ 'params':, 'lr': }], betas=(0.5, 0.999))
def forward_ema_isolated(self, node_repr, prev_embeddings, time, alpha, train_seq_len): cur_embeddings, time_embedding = super().forward_isolated( node_repr, time) # pdb.set_trace() all_time_embeds = [prev_embeddings, (cur_embeddings + time_embedding).unsqueeze(1)], dim=1) ema_vec = torch.pow(1 - alpha, cuda(torch.arange(train_seq_len))) ema_vec[:, :-1] *= alpha ema_vec = ema_vec.flip(-1).unsqueeze(0) averaged = torch.sum(all_time_embeds.transpose(1, 2) * ema_vec, -1) return averaged
def calc_metrics(self, per_graph_ent_embeds_loc, per_graph_ent_embeds_rec, g_list, t_list, hist_embeddings, attn_mask): mrrs, hit_1s, hit_3s, hit_10s, losses = [], [], [], [], [] ranks = [] i = 0 for g, t, ent_embed_loc, ent_embed_rec in zip(g_list, t_list, per_graph_ent_embeds_loc, per_graph_ent_embeds_rec): all_embeds_g_loc, all_embeds_g_rec = self.get_all_embeds_Gt(ent_embed_loc, ent_embed_rec, g, t, hist_embeddings[:, i, 0], hist_embeddings[:, i, 1], attn_mask[:, i], val=True) index_sample = torch.stack([g.edges()[0], g.edata['type_s'], g.edges()[1]]).transpose(0, 1) label = torch.ones(index_sample.shape[0]) if self.use_cuda: index_sample = cuda(index_sample) label = cuda(label) if index_sample.shape[0] == 0: continue weight_subject_query_subject_embed, weight_subject_query_object_embed, weight_object_query_subject_embed, weight_object_query_object_embed = self.calc_ensemble_ratio(index_sample, t, g) rank = self.evaluater.calc_metrics_single_graph(ent_embed_loc, ent_embed_rec, self.rel_embeds, all_embeds_g_loc, all_embeds_g_rec, index_sample, weight_subject_query_subject_embed, weight_subject_query_object_embed, weight_object_query_subject_embed, weight_object_query_object_embed, g, t) ranks.append(rank) i += 1 try: ranks = except: ranks = cuda(torch.tensor([]).long()) if self.use_cuda else torch.tensor([]).long() return ranks, np.mean(losses)
def test(self): self.set_mode('eval') correct = 0. cost = 0. total = 0. data_loader = self.data_loader['test'] for batch_idx, (images, labels) in enumerate(data_loader): x = Variable(cuda(images, self.cuda)) y = Variable(cuda(labels, self.cuda)) logit = prediction = logit.max(1)[1] correct += torch.eq(prediction, y).float().sum().data.item() cost += F.cross_entropy(logit, y, size_average=False).data.item() total += x.size(0) accuracy = correct / total cost /= total if self.history['acc'] < accuracy: self.history['acc'] = accuracy self.history['epoch'] = self.global_epoch self.history['iter'] = self.global_iter self.save_checkpoint('best_acc.tar') if self.print_: print() print('[{:03d}]\nTEST RESULT'.format(self.global_epoch)) print('ACC:{:.4f}'.format(self.history['acc'])) print('*TOP* ACC:{:.4f} at e:{:03d}'.format( self.history['acc'], self.global_epoch, )) print() self.set_mode('train') return accuracy
def reparametrize_n(self, mu, std, n=1): # reference : # def expand(v): if isinstance(v, Number): return torch.Tensor([v]).expand(n, 1) else: return v.expand(n, *v.size()) if n != 1: mu = expand(mu) std = expand(std) eps = Variable(cuda(, std.is_cuda)) return mu + eps * std
def train(self, X, Y): self.set_mode('train') for e in range(self.epoch): self.global_epoch += 1 correct = 0. cost = 0. total = 0. for batch_idx, (images, labels) in enumerate(self.data_loader['train']): self.global_iter += 1 x = Variable(cuda(images, self.cuda)) y = Variable(cuda(labels, self.cuda)) logit = prediction = logit.max(1)[1] correct = torch.eq(prediction, y).float().mean().data[0] cost = F.cross_entropy(logit, y) self.optim.zero_grad() cost.backward() self.optim.step() if batch_idx % 100 == 0: if self.print_: print() print(self.env_name) print('[{:03d}:{:03d}]'.format(self.global_epoch, batch_idx)) print('acc:{:.3f} loss:{:.3f}'.format( correct,[0])) self.test() print(" [*] Training Finished!")
def get_model_config(self, config): self.audio_net = cuda(InfoQuantizer(in_channels=self.input_size, channels=self.K, n_embeddings=self.n_clusters, z_dim=self.n_visual_class ), self.cuda) self.use_logsoftmax = config.get('use_logsoftmax', True) print(f'Use log softmax: {self.use_logsoftmax}') self.clustering_method = config.clustering_method if self.clustering_method == 'kmeans': self.clusterer = KMeans(n_clusters=self.n_clusters) elif self.clustering_method == 'dib': self.clusterer = DIB(n_clusters=self.n_clusters) else: raise ValueError('Unknown clustering method: {self.clustering_method}')