def beginn(data, intents):
    global lang
    #load users data into json
    datas = json.loads(data)
    #load nlu data into json
    intents = json.loads(intents)
    lang = intents["lang"]

    song = ""

    # extract artis and music track
    artist = getSlotbyName("artist", intents)
    track = getSlotbyName("track", intents)

    if (artist):
        song += artist

    if (track):
        song += track

    # if either artist nor music track got found return False
    if (artist == None and track == None):
        return False

    song = geturl(song)

    # if only artist is given return False to ask fallback
    if (song == None):
        return False

    return generate_answer(), song
def beginn(data, intents):
	#load users data into json
	datas = json.loads(data)
	#load nlu data into json
	intents = json.loads(intents)
	intention = intents["intent"]["intentName"]
	answer_type = "answer"

	if(intention == "choice"):
		slots = ["0"]
		for xy in range(1):
			# get slots with ID's from zero to five
			for x in range(6):
				slot = getSlotbyName("slot" + str(x),intents)
				if(slot != None):

		# more than one slot could get extracted
		if(len(slots) > 1):
			choice = random.choice(slots)
			# choose random element untils it is not the first one
			while(choice == "0"):
				choice = random.choice(slots)

			return choice,""
			return False

	if(intention == "randomint"):
		# extract range numbers
		num1 = getSlotbyName("number1",intents)
		num2 = getSlotbyName("number2",intents)

		# if first number is not given, set to zero
		if(num1 == None):
			num1 = 0

		# second number is not given, set to ten
		if(num2 == None):
			num2 = 10

		# check if first number is bigger than seconds
		if(num1 >= num2):
			return random.randint(num2,num1),"",answer_type,False

		# check if first number is smaller than seconds
		if(num1 <= num2):
			return random.randint(num1,num2),"",answer_type,False
	# return random number between one and six as it is a real dice
	if(intention == "diceroll"):
		return random.randint(1,6),"",answer_type,False

	# return head or number as it is on coin
	if(intention == "coinflip"):
		return random.choice(["kopf","zahl","zahl","kopf"]),""
def beginn(data, intents):
    global lang
    #load users data into json
    datas = json.loads(data)
    #load nlu data into json
    intents = json.loads(intents)
    question = intents["input"]
    lang = intents["lang"]
    intention = intents["intent"]["intentName"]
    time = getSlotbyName("time", intents)
    answer_type = "answer"


    if (intention == "alarm"):
        # extract datetime
        time = getSlotbyName("time", intents)
        if (time == None):
            return "Ich habe die Zeit leider nicht verstanden", ""

        time = time.split(" ")
        time = time[1]
        time = time.split(":")
        intents["hours"] = time[0]
        intents["minutes"] = time[1]
        intents["seconds"] = time[2]

        # extract hours, minutes and seconds individually
        hours = getSlotbyName("time", intents, "hours")
        minutes = getSlotbyName("time", intents, "minutes")
        seconds = getSlotbyName("time", intents, "seconds")
        if (hours == None and minutes == None and seconds == None):
            return "Ich habe die Zeit leider nicht verstanden", ""

        if (hours == None):
            intents["hours"] = 0
            intents["hours"] = hours

        if (minutes == None):
            intents["minutes"] = 0
            intents["minutes"] = minutes

        if (seconds == None):
            intents["seconds"] = 0
            intents["seconds"] = seconds

    # return answer, url, answer type, set translator to true and change intents to adapted json
    return generate_answer(
    ), "", answer_type, True, intents
def beginn(data, intents):
    global lang
    #load users data into json
    datas = json.loads(data)
    #load nlu data into json
    intents = json.loads(intents)
    question = intents["input"]
    lang = intents["lang"]

    answer = ""

    # extract name and quantity
    appnames = getSlotbyName("appnames", intents)
    quantity = getSlotbyName("quantity", intents)

    if (appnames == None):
        return False

    # remove last characters to solve bug with search, bitcoin's --> bitcoin
    appnames = appnames[:-2]

        # search for names
        with urllib.request.urlopen(
                "" +
                urllib.parse.quote(appnames) + "&limit=5=") as url:
            datas = json.loads(
            # get price for each name
            for x in datas:
                with urllib.request.urlopen(
                        "" +
                        x["symbol"]) as url2:
                    datas2 = json.loads(
                    prices = datas2[0]["price"]
                    if (quantity != None):
                        prices = prices * float(quantity)
                    prices = str(prices)
                    # format prices, for text to speech
                    price1 = prices.split(".")[0]
                    price2 = prices.split(".")[1]
                    price2 = price2[0] + price2[1]
                    prices = price1 + "." + price2
                    # append to answer
                    answer += x["name"] + ": " + prices + " $\n\n"

    except Exception as e:
        return False

    # return if correct answer is generated
    if (answer != ""):
        return answer
        return False
Exemple #5
def beginn(data, intents):
	global lang
	#load users data into json
	datas = json.loads(data)
	#load nlu data into json
	intents = json.loads(intents)
	lang = intents["lang"]
	intention = intents["intent"]["intentName"]
	target = getSlotbyName("target",intents)
	answer_type = "answer"

	# try to get target address
	if(target == None):
			target = datas["get_adress"]
			intents["target"] = hours
			answer_type = "answer_requested"

	if(intention == "search"):
		# ask user whats the target he meaned
		if(target == None):
			return "Welchen Ort meinen sie ?","","get_adress",True,intents

	# return extracted data without statement
	return "    ","",answer_type,False,intents
def beginn(data, intents):
    global lang
    results = None
    #load users data into json
    datas = json.loads(data)
    #load nlu data into json
    intents = json.loads(intents)
    name = getSlotbyName("name", intents)
    if (name == None):
        return False
    lang = intents["lang"]

    # set lang for wikipedia
    wiki_wiki = wikipediaapi.Wikipedia(lang)

    page_py =

    # try to generate answer from wikipedia
        return wikipedia.summary(name, sentences=4).split("\n\n")[0]

    # use seconds wikipedia library if first one is not working
    if (page_py.exists()):
        sentences = page_py.summary[0:-1].split(". ")
        answer = ""
        for x in range(3):
                answer += sentences[x] + ". "
        return (answer.split("\n\n")[0])

    # try to search on english wikipedia for an answer
        return wikipedia.summary(name, sentences=4).split("\n\n")[0]

    # use seconds wikipedia library if first one is not working
    if (page_py.exists()):
        wiki_wiki = wikipediaapi.Wikipedia('en')
        page_py =
        sentences = page_py.summary[0:-1].split(". ")
        answer = ""
        for x in range(3):
                answer += sentences[x] + ". "

        return (answer.split("\n\n")[0])

        return False

    return False
def beginn(data, intents):
    data = json.loads(data)
    intents = json.loads(intents)

    url = data["calendar_url"]
    username = data["calendar_username"]
    password = data["calendar_password"]
    begin = None
    event = None
    intention = intents["intent"]["intentName"]
    if (intention == "getevents"):
            begin = getSlotbyName("datetime", intents)
        except Exception as e:

        return str(
        ), ""

        begin = getSlotbyName("datetime", intents)
        event = getSlotbyName("hobbys", intents)

        if (begin == None):
            return (False)
        if (event == None):
            return str(
            ), ""
            return str(
            ), ""
def beginn(data, intents):
	global lang
	#load users data into json
	datas = json.loads(data)
	#load nlu data into json
	intents = json.loads(intents)
	lang = intents["lang"]

	# extract name to call
	appnames = getSlotbyName("name",intents)

	# return False if no name to call was found
	if(appnames == None):
		return False

	return generate_answer(appnames),""
def beginn(data, intents):
	global lang
	#load users data into json
	datas = json.loads(data)
	#load nlu data into json
	intents = json.loads(intents)
	question = intents["input"]
	lang = intents["lang"]

	# extract object to search images for
	things = getSlotbyName("things",intents)

	if(things == None):
		return generate_answer()

	# return link to qwant images
	return generate_answer(),"" + urllib.parse.quote(things) + "&t=images"
Exemple #10
def beginn(data, intents):
    global lang
    #load users data into json
    datas = json.loads(data)
    #load nlu data into json
    intents = json.loads(intents)
    # get language
    lang = intents["lang"]

    # get app name
    appnames = getSlotbyName("appnames", intents)

    # return False if appname could not get extracted
    if (appnames == None):
        return False

    return generate_answer(
        appnames), ""
Exemple #11
def beginn(data, intents):
    #load users data into json
    datas = json.loads(data)
    #load nlu data into json
    intents = json.loads(intents)
    # extract name
    name = getSlotbyName("name", intents)
    # if name was not found return False
    if (name == None):
        return False

    # generate question for wolframalpha
    question = "how old is " + name

    # ask wolframalpha
    answer = wolfram_Alpha(question, data)

    # return False if wolframalpha found no answer
    if (answer == False):
        return False
        return answer
Exemple #12
def beginn(data, intents):
    #load users data into json
    data = json.loads(data)
    apiKey = data["newsapi"]
    #load nlu data into json
    intents = json.loads(intents)
    #get intention name
    intention = intents["intent"]["intentName"]
    lang = intents["lang"]
        lang = data["country"]

    thema = getSlotbyName("thema", intents)

    # return all actuall news
    if (intention == "allnews"):
        with urllib.request.urlopen(
                "" + str(lang) +
                "&apiKey=" + apiKey) as url:
            datas = json.loads(
            articles = datas["articles"]
            answer = ""
            limit = 0
            for x in articles:
                # only return five articles
                if (limit < 5):
                    answer += x["description"] + "\n\n"
                    limit = limit + 1

            # if articles got added successful, return those
            if (answer != ""):
                return answer
                return False

    # return news for specific topic
    elif (thema != None):
        with urllib.request.urlopen("" +
                                    str(thema) + "&language=" + str(lang) +
                                    "&apiKey=" + apiKey) as url:
            datas = json.loads(
            articles = datas["articles"]
            answer = ""
            limit = 0
            for x in articles:
                # only return five articles
                if (limit < 5):
                    answer += x["description"] + "\n\n"
                    limit = limit + 1

            # if articles got added successful, return those
            if (answer != ""):
                return answer
                return False

    #at least one return (no in, if or try) statement has to be not indented
    #this statement is not executed. Necessary for python interpreter tho.
    return False
Exemple #13
def beginn(data, intents):
    global lang
    #load users data into json
    datas = json.loads(data)
    #load nlu data into json
    intents = json.loads(intents)
    lang = intents["lang"]
    intention = intents["intent"]["intentName"]
    numbered = getSlotbyName("numbered", intents)
    president = getSlotbyName("president", intents)
    answer_type = "answer"
    answer = ""

    # download and read data of american presidents
    col_list = ["Number", "Name", "Time"]
    url = ""
    s = requests.get(url).content
    df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(s.decode('utf-8')), usecols=col_list)

    # check if user want to search by number or name
    if (intention == "presnumber"):
        # if ordinal not found, try with number
        if (numbered == None):
            numbered = getSlotbyName("number", intents)

        # if no number found, return false
        if (numbered == None):
            return False

        # iterate over dataset to find the right entrie
        for index, row in df.iterrows():
            if (int(row["Number"]) == int(numbered)):
                answer = answer + row["Name"] + "\n"

    if (intention == "whichpres"):
        if (president == None):
            return False

        # split name into single names
        president = president.split(" ")
        for index, row in df.iterrows():
            contains = True
            # check if alle single names are in entrie
            for name in president:
                if (name.lower() in row["Name"].lower()):
                    contains = True
                    contains = False

            # add entrie to answer
            if (contains):
                answer = answer + row["Name"] + ": " + str(
                    row["Number"]) + "\n"

    if (answer != "" and answer != None):
        """answer = text you want to speak out,
		second is the url to load in browser,
		third is answer type ( you need to define if you want to have dialogs),
		fourth is boolean if you want to use translator before output or not (this case we dont need translator because only return name or number)"""
        return answer, "", answer_type, False
        # return false, cause no answer found by skill
        return False