Exemple #1
 def __genBasePointSampler(self,**Kwargs):
     Figure out which distributions need to be handled by
     the grid or Stratified samplers by modifying distributions in the .i file.
     Let the regular moose point sampler take care of the rest.
     Returns (distributions,listDict) where listDict is the
     start of the listDict that tells how to modify the input, and
     distributions is a dictionary with keys that are the 'variable name'
     and values of [computedValue,distribution name in .i file]
     Note that the key has "<distribution>" in front of the variable name.
     The actual variable can be gotten from the full key by:
     TODO This should check that the distributions in the .i file (if
     they exist) are consistent with the ones in the .xml file.
     TODO For variables, it should add them to the .csv file.
     @ In, **Kwargs, dict, kwared dictionary containing the values of the parameters to be changed
     @ Out, returnTuple, tuple, returnTuple[0] distributions dictionaries returnTuple[0] modified dictionary
   distributionKeys = [key for key in Kwargs["SampledVars"] if key.startswith("<distribution>")]
   distributions = {}
   for key in distributionKeys:
     distributionName = Kwargs['distributionName'][key]
     distributionType = Kwargs['distributionType'][key]
     crowDistribution = json.loads(Kwargs['crowDist'][key])
     distributions[key] = [Kwargs["SampledVars"].pop(key),distributionName, distributionType,crowDistribution]
   mooseInterface = utils.importFromPath(os.path.join(os.path.join(uppath(os.path.dirname(__file__),1),'MooseBasedApp'),'MooseBasedAppInterface.py'),False)
   mooseApp = mooseInterface.MooseBasedApp()
   returnTuple = distributions, mooseApp.pointSamplerForMooseBasedApp(**Kwargs)
   return returnTuple
Exemple #2
    def localInputAndChecks(self, xmlNode):
      Function to read the portion of the xml input that belongs to this specialized class
      and initialize some stuff based on the inputs got
      @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, Xml element node
      @ Out, None
        #Model._readMoreXML(self, xmlNode)
        paramInput = ExternalModel.getInputSpecification()()
        if 'ModuleToLoad' in paramInput.parameterValues:
            self.ModuleToLoad = paramInput.parameterValues['ModuleToLoad']
            moduleToLoadString, self.ModuleToLoad = utils.identifyIfExternalModelExists(
                self, self.ModuleToLoad, self.workingDir)
            # load the external module and point it to self.sim
            self.sim = utils.importFromPath(
                self.messageHandler.getDesiredVerbosity(self) > 1)
        elif len(paramInput.parameterValues['subType'].strip()) > 0:
            # it is a plugin. Look for the type in the plugins class list
            if paramInput.parameterValues[
                    'subType'] not in ExternalModel.plugins.knownTypes():
                    IOError, 'The "subType" named "' +
                    paramInput.parameterValues['subType'] +
                    '" does not belong to any ExternalModel plugin available. '
                    + 'Available plugins are "' +
            self.sim = ExternalModel.plugins.returnPlugin(
                "ExternalModel", paramInput.parameterValues['subType'], self)
                '"ModuleToLoad" attribute or "subType" not provided for Model "ExternalModel" named "'
                + self.name + '"!')

        # check if there are variables and, in case, load them
        for child in paramInput.subparts:
            if child.getName() == 'variable':
                    '"variable" node included but has been depreciated!  Please list variables in a "variables" node instead.  Remove this message by Dec 2016.'
            elif child.getName() == 'variables':
                if len(child.parameterValues) > 0:
                        IOError, 'the block ' + child.getName() + ' named ' +
                        child.value + ' should not have attributes!!!!!')
                for var in child.value.split(','):
                    var = var.strip()
                    self.modelVariableType[var] = None
        # adjust model-aware variables based on aliases
        # check if there are other information that the external module wants to load
        #TODO this needs to be converted to work with paramInput
        if '_readMoreXML' in dir(self.sim):
            self.sim._readMoreXML(self.initExtSelf, xmlNode)
Exemple #3
  def _readMoreXML(self,xmlNode):
      Function to read the portion of the xml input that belongs to this specialized class and initialize
      some members based on inputs. This can be overloaded in specialize code interface in order to
      read specific flags.
      In this case, this is used for locating an external python module where the variables can be modified and the "vector" variables
      can be splitted in multiple single variables
      @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, Xml element node
      @ Out, None.
    if os.path.basename(xmlNode.find("executable").text) != 'raven_framework':
      raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: executable must be "raven_framework" (in whatever location)!')

    linkedDataObjects = xmlNode.find("outputExportOutStreams")
    if linkedDataObjects is None:
      raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: outputExportOutStreams node not present. You must input at least one OutStream (max 2)!')
    self.linkedDataObjectOutStreamsNames = linkedDataObjects.text.split(",")
    if len(self.linkedDataObjectOutStreamsNames) > 2:
      raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: outputExportOutStreams node. The maximum number of linked OutStreams are 2 (1 for PointSet and 1 for HistorySet)!')

    self.conversionDict = {} # {modulePath : {'variables': [], 'noScalar': 0, 'scalar': 0}, etc }
    child = xmlNode.find("conversion")
    if child is not None:
      for moduleNode in child:
        # get the module to be used for conversion
        source = moduleNode.attrib.get('source',None)
        if source is None:
          raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: no module "source" listed in "conversion" subnode attributes!')
        # fix up the path
        source = os.path.expanduser(source)
        if not os.path.isabs(source):
          source = os.path.abspath(source)
        # check for existence
        if not os.path.exists(source):
          raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: the conversionModule "{}" was not found!'
        # check module is imported
        checkImport = utils.importFromPath(source)
        if checkImport is None:
          raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: the conversionModule "{}" failed on import!'
        # check methods are in place
        noScalar = 'convertNotScalarSampledVariables' in checkImport.__dict__
        scalar = 'manipulateScalarSampledVariables' in checkImport.__dict__
        if not (noScalar or scalar):
          raise IOError(self.printTag +' ERROR: the conversionModule "'+source
                        +'" does not contain any of the usable methods! Expected at least '
                        +'one of: "manipulateScalarSampledVariables" and/or "manipulateScalarSampledVariables"!')
        # acquire the variables to be modified
        varNode = moduleNode.find('variables')
        if varNode is None:
          raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: no node "variables" listed in "conversion|module" subnode!')
        variables = [x.strip() for x in varNode.text.split(',')]
        self.conversionDict[source] = {'variables':variables, 'noScalar':noScalar, 'scalar':scalar}
Exemple #4
 def _readMoreXML(self,xmlNode):
     Function to read the portion of the xml input that belongs to this
     specialized class and initialize some variables based on the inputs
     @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, XML element node that represents the portion of the input that belongs to this class
     @ Out, None
   if 'file' in xmlNode.attrib.keys():
     self.functionFile = xmlNode.attrib['file']
     # get the module to load and the filename without path
     moduleToLoadString, self.functionFile = utils.identifyIfExternalModelExists(self, self.functionFile, self.workingDir)
     # import the external function
     importedModule = utils.importFromPath(moduleToLoadString,self.messageHandler.getDesiredVerbosity(self)>1)
     if not importedModule:
       self.raiseAnError(IOError,'Failed to import the module '+moduleToLoadString+' supposed to contain the function: '+self.name)
     #here the methods in the imported file are brought inside the class
     for method in importedModule.__dict__.keys():
       if method in ['__residuumSign__','__residuumSign','residuumSign',
         if method in ['__residuumSign__','__residuumSign','residuumSign']:
           self.__residuumSign                                =  importedModule.__dict__[method]
           self.__actionDictionary['residuumSign' ]           = self.__residuumSign
           self.__actionImplemented['residuumSign']           = True
         if method in ['__supportBoundingTest__','__supportBoundingTest','supportBoundingTest']:
           self.__supportBoundingTest                         =  importedModule.__dict__[method]
           self.__actionDictionary['supportBoundingTest' ]    = self.__supportBoundingTest
           self.__actionImplemented['supportBoundingTest']    = True
         if method in ['__residuum__','__residuum','residuum']:
           self.__residuum                                    =  importedModule.__dict__[method]
           self.__actionDictionary['residuum' ]               = self.__residuum
           self.__actionImplemented['residuum']               = True
         if method in ['__gradient__','__gradient','gradient']:
           self.__gradient                                    =  importedModule.__dict__[method]
           self.__actionDictionary['gradient']                = self.__gradient
           self.__actionImplemented['gradient']               = True
         self.__actionDictionary[method]                    = importedModule.__dict__[method]
         self.__actionImplemented[method]                   = True
     self.raiseAnError(IOError,'No file name for the external function has been provided for external function '+self.name+' of type '+self.type)
   cnt = 0
   for child in xmlNode:
     if child.tag=='variable':
       execCommand('self.'+child.text+' = None',self=self)
       cnt +=1
       if len(child.attrib.keys()) > 0:
         self.raiseAnError(IOError,'variable block in the definition of the function '+self.name + ' should not have any attribute!')
   if cnt == 0:
     self.raiseAnError(IOError,'not variable found in the definition of the function '+self.name)
Exemple #5
    def createNewInput(self, currentInputFiles, oriInputFiles, samplerType,
      This method is used to generate an input based on the information passed in.
      @ In, currentInputFiles, list,  list of current input files (input files from last this method call)
      @ In, oriInputFiles, list, list of the original input files
      @ In, samplerType, string, Sampler type (e.g. MonteCarlo, Adaptive, etc. see manual Samplers section)
      @ In, Kwargs, dictionary, kwarded dictionary of parameters. In this dictionary there is another dictionary called "SampledVars"
             where RELAP7 stores the variables that got sampled (e.g. Kwargs['SampledVars'] => {'var1':10,'var2':40})
      @ Out, newInputFiles, list, list of newer input files, list of the new input files (modified and not)
        MOOSEparser = utils.importFromPath(
                os.path.join(uppath(os.path.dirname(__file__), 1),
                             'MooseBasedApp'), 'MOOSEparser.py'), False)
        self._samplersDictionary = {}
        self._samplersDictionary[samplerType] = self.gridForRELAP7
        self._samplersDictionary['MonteCarlo'] = self.monteCarloForRELAP7
        self._samplersDictionary['Grid'] = self.gridForRELAP7
            'LimitSurfaceSearch'] = self.gridForRELAP7  # same Grid Fashion. It forces a dist to give a particular value
        self._samplersDictionary['Stratified'] = self.latinHyperCubeForRELAP7
            'DynamicEventTree'] = self.dynamicEventTreeForRELAP7
        self._samplersDictionary['FactorialDesign'] = self.gridForRELAP7
        self._samplersDictionary['ResponseSurfaceDesign'] = self.gridForRELAP7
            'AdaptiveDynamicEventTree'] = self.dynamicEventTreeForRELAP7
        self._samplersDictionary['StochasticCollocation'] = self.gridForRELAP7
        self._samplersDictionary['CustomSampler'] = self.gridForRELAP7

        found = False
        for index, inputFile in enumerate(currentInputFiles):
            if inputFile.getExt() in self.getInputExtension():
                found = True
        if not found:
            raise IOError(
                'None of the input files has one of the following extensions: '
                + ' '.join(self.getInputExtension()))
        parser = MOOSEparser.MOOSEparser(currentInputFiles[index].getAbsFile())
        Kwargs["distributionNode"] = parser.findNodeInXML("Distributions")
        if 'None' not in str(samplerType):
            modifDict = self._samplersDictionary[samplerType](**Kwargs)
            parser.modifyOrAdd(modifDict, False)
        #newInputFiles = copy.deepcopy(currentInputFiles)
        #if type(Kwargs['prefix']) in [str,type("")]:#Specifing string type for python 2 and 3
        #  newInputFiles[index].setBase(Kwargs['prefix']+"~"+newInputFiles[index].getBase())
        #  newInputFiles[index].setBase(str(Kwargs['prefix'][1][0])+'~'+newInputFiles[index].getBase())
        return currentInputFiles
Exemple #6
 def _handleInput(self, paramInput):
   Method to handle the External Function parameter input.
   @ In, paramInput, InputData.ParameterInput, the already parsed input.
   @ Out, None
     self.functionFile = paramInput.parameterValues["file"]
     # get the module to load and the filename without path
     moduleToLoadString, self.functionFile = utils.identifyIfExternalModelExists(
         self, self.functionFile, self.workingDir)
     # import the external function
     importedModule = utils.importFromPath(
         self.messageHandler.getDesiredVerbosity(self) > 1)
     if not importedModule:
             IOError, 'Failed to import the module ' + moduleToLoadString +
             ' supposed to contain the function: ' + self.name)
     #here the methods in the imported file are brought inside the class
     for method, action in importedModule.__dict__.items():
         if method in [
                 '__residuumSign__', '__residuumSign', 'residuumSign',
                 '__supportBoundingTest__', '__supportBoundingTest',
                 'supportBoundingTest', '__residuum__', '__residuum',
                 'residuum', '__gradient__', '__gradient', 'gradient'
             if method in [
                     '__residuumSign__', '__residuumSign', 'residuumSign'
                 self.__actionDictionary['residuumSign'] = action
                 self.__actionImplemented['residuumSign'] = True
             if method in [
                     '__supportBoundingTest__', '__supportBoundingTest',
                 self.__actionDictionary['supportBoundingTest'] = action
                 self.__actionImplemented['supportBoundingTest'] = True
             if method in ['__residuum__', '__residuum', 'residuum']:
                 self.__actionDictionary['residuum'] = action
                 self.__actionImplemented['residuum'] = True
             if method in ['__gradient__', '__gradient', 'gradient']:
                 self.__actionDictionary['gradient'] = action
                 self.__actionImplemented['gradient'] = True
             self.__actionDictionary[method] = action
             self.__actionImplemented[method] = True
     # get variables
     self.__inputVariables = paramInput.findFirst("variables").value
     # initialize variables
     for var in self.__inputVariables:
         execCommand('self.' + var + ' = None', self=self)
Exemple #7
 def read_input(self, xml):
     Sets settings from input file
     @ In, xml, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, input from user
     @ Out, None
   Placeholder.read_input(self, xml)
   # load module
   load_string, _ = utils.identifyIfExternalModelExists(self, self._source, self._workingDir)
   module = utils.importFromPath(load_string, True)
   if not module:
     raise IOError('Module "{}" for function "{}" was not found!'.format(self._source, self.name))
   # TODO do we need to set the var_names? self._var_names = _var_names
Exemple #8
 def localInputAndChecks(self, xmlNode):
   Function to read the portion of the xml input that belongs to this specialized class
   and initialize some stuff based on the inputs got
   @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, Xml element node
   @ Out, None
     #Model._readMoreXML(self, xmlNode)
     paramInput = ExternalModel.getInputSpecification()()
     if 'ModuleToLoad' in paramInput.parameterValues:
         self.ModuleToLoad = paramInput.parameterValues['ModuleToLoad']
         moduleToLoadString, self.ModuleToLoad = utils.identifyIfExternalModelExists(
             self, self.ModuleToLoad, self.workingDir)
             IOError, 'ModuleToLoad not provided for module externalModule')
     # load the external module and point it to self.sim
     self.sim = utils.importFromPath(
         self.messageHandler.getDesiredVerbosity(self) > 1)
     # check if there are variables and, in case, load them
     for child in paramInput.subparts:
         if child.getName() == 'variable':
                 '"variable" node included but has been depreciated!  Please list variables in a "variables" node instead.  Remove this message by Dec 2016.'
         elif child.getName() == 'variables':
             if len(child.parameterValues) > 0:
                     IOError, 'the block ' + child.getName() + ' named ' +
                     child.value + ' should not have attributes!!!!!')
             for var in child.value.split(','):
                 var = var.strip()
                 self.modelVariableType[var] = None
     # check if there are other information that the external module wants to load
     #TODO this needs to be converted to work with paramInput
     if '_readMoreXML' in dir(self.sim):
         self.sim._readMoreXML(self.initExtSelf, xmlNode)
Exemple #9
__moduleInterfaceList = []
startDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'CodeInterfaces')
for dirr, _, _ in os.walk(startDir):
    __moduleInterfaceList.extend(glob(os.path.join(dirr, "*.py")))
__moduleImportedList = []
 Interface Dictionary (factory) (private)
__base = 'Code'
__interFaceDict = {}
for moduleIndex in range(len(__moduleInterfaceList)):
    if 'class' in open(__moduleInterfaceList[moduleIndex]).read():
            utils.importFromPath(__moduleInterfaceList[moduleIndex], False))
        for key, modClass in inspect.getmembers(__moduleImportedList[-1],
            # in this way we can get all the class methods
            classMethods = [
                method for method in dir(modClass)
                if callable(getattr(modClass, method))
            if 'createNewInput' in classMethods:
                __interFaceDict[key.replace("Interface", "")] = modClass
__knownTypes = list(__interFaceDict.keys())

def knownTypes():
    Method to return the list of known code interfaces' type
Exemple #10
    def createNewInput(self, currentInputFiles, oriInputFiles, samplerType,
      this generates a new input file depending on which sampler has been chosen
      @ In, currentInputFiles, list,  list of current input files (input files from last this method call)
      @ In, oriInputFiles, list, list of the original input files
      @ In, samplerType, string, Sampler type (e.g. MonteCarlo, Adaptive, etc. see manual Samplers section)
      @ In, Kwargs, dictionary, kwarded dictionary of parameters. In this dictionary there is another dictionary called "SampledVars"
             where RAVEN stores the variables that got sampled (e.g. Kwargs['SampledVars'] => {'var1':10,'var2':40})
      @ Out, newInputFiles, list, list of newer input files, list of the new input files (modified and not)
        import RAVENparser
        if 'dynamiceventtree' in str(samplerType).strip().lower():
            raise IOError(
                self.printTag +
                ' ERROR: DynamicEventTree-based sampling not supported!')
        index = self.__findInputFile(currentInputFiles)
        parser = RAVENparser.RAVENparser(currentInputFiles[index].getAbsFile())
        # get sampled variables
        modifDict = Kwargs['SampledVars']

        # apply conversion scripts
        for source, convDict in self.conversionDict.items():
            module = utils.importFromPath(source)
            varVals = dict((var, np.asarray(modifDict[var]))
                           for var in convDict['variables'])
            # modify vector+ variables that need to be flattened
            if convDict['noScalar']:
                # call conversion
                newVars = module.convertNotScalarSampledVariables(varVals)
                # check type
                if type(newVars).__name__ != 'dict':
                    raise IOError(
                        self.printTag +
                        ' ERROR: convertNotScalarSampledVariables in "{}" must return a dictionary!'
                # apply new and/or updated values
            # modify scalar variables
            if convDict['scalar']:
                # call conversion, value changes happen in-place

        # we work on batchSizes here
        newBatchSize = Kwargs['NumMPI']
        internalParallel = Kwargs.get('internalParallel', False)
        if int(Kwargs['numberNodes']) > 0:
            # we are in a distributed memory machine => we allocate a node file
            nodeFileToUse = os.path.join(Kwargs['BASE_WORKING_DIR'],
                                         "node_" + str(Kwargs['INDEX']))
            if os.path.exists(nodeFileToUse):
                modifDict['RunInfo|mode'] = 'mpi'
                modifDict['RunInfo|mode|nodefile'] = nodeFileToUse
                raise IOError(self.printTag + ' ERROR: The nodefile "' +
                              str(nodeFileToUse) + '" does not exist!')
        if internalParallel or newBatchSize > 1:
            # either we have an internal parallel or NumMPI > 1
            modifDict['RunInfo|batchSize'] = newBatchSize
        #modifDict['RunInfo|internalParallel'] = internalParallel
        # make tree
        modifiedRoot = parser.modifyOrAdd(modifDict, save=True, allowAdd=True)
        # modify tree
        if self.inputManipulationModule is not None:
            module = utils.importFromPath(self.inputManipulationModule)
            modifiedRoot = module.modifyInput(modifiedRoot, modifDict)
        # write input file
        parser.printInput(modifiedRoot, currentInputFiles[index].getAbsFile())
        # copy slave files
        return currentInputFiles
Exemple #11
  def createNewInput(self,currentInputFiles,oriInputFiles,samplerType,**Kwargs):
      this generates a new input file depending on which sampler has been chosen
      @ In, currentInputFiles, list,  list of current input files (input files from last this method call)
      @ In, oriInputFiles, list, list of the original input files
      @ In, samplerType, string, Sampler type (e.g. MonteCarlo, Adaptive, etc. see manual Samplers section)
      @ In, Kwargs, dictionary, kwarded dictionary of parameters. In this dictionary there is another dictionary called "SampledVars"
             where RAVEN stores the variables that got sampled (e.g. Kwargs['SampledVars'] => {'var1':10,'var2':40})
      @ Out, newInputFiles, list, list of newer input files, list of the new input files (modified and not)
    import RAVENparser
    if 'dynamiceventtree' in str(samplerType).strip().lower():
      raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: DynamicEventTree-based sampling not supported!')
    index = self.__findInputFile(currentInputFiles)
    parser = RAVENparser.RAVENparser(currentInputFiles[index].getAbsFile())
    # get the OutStreams names
    self.outStreamsNamesAndType = parser.returnOutstreamsNamesAnType()
    # check if the linked DataObjects are among the Outstreams
    pointSetNumber, historySetNumber = 0, 0
    for outstream, dataObj in self.outStreamsNamesAndType.items():
      if outstream in self.linkedDataObjectOutStreamsNames:
        if dataObj[1].strip() == 'PointSet':
        if pointSetNumber > 1 or historySetNumber > 1:
          raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: Only one OutStream for PointSet and/or one for HistorySet can be linked as output export!')
    if pointSetNumber == 0 and historySetNumber == 0:
      raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: No one of the OutStreams linked to this interface have been found in the SLAVE RAVEN!'
                                 +' Expected: "'+' '.join(self.linkedDataObjectOutStreamsNames)+'" but found "'
                                 +' '.join(self.outStreamsNamesAndType.keys())+'"!')
    # get variable groups
    varGroupNames = parser.returnVarGroups()
    if len(varGroupNames) > 0:
      # check if they are not present in the linked outstreams
      for outstream in self.linkedDataObjectOutStreamsNames:
        inputNode = self.outStreamsNamesAndType[outstream][2].find("Input")
        outputNode = self.outStreamsNamesAndType[outstream][2].find("Output")
        inputVariables = inputNode.text.split(",") if inputNode is not None else []
        outputVariables =  outputNode.text.split(",") if outputNode is not None else []
        if any (varGroupName in inputVariables+outputVariables for varGroupName in varGroupNames):
          raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: The VariableGroup system is not supported in the current ' +
                                      'implementation of the interface for the DataObjects specified in the '+
                                      '<outputExportOutStreams> XML node!')
    # get inner working dir
    self.innerWorkingDir = parser.workingDir
    # get sampled variables
    modifDict = Kwargs['SampledVars']

    # apply conversion scripts
    for source,convDict in self.conversionDict.items():
      module = utils.importFromPath(source)
      varVals = dict((var,np.asarray(modifDict[var])) for var in convDict['variables'])
      # modify vector+ variables that need to be flattened
      if convDict['noScalar']:
        # call conversion
        newVars = module.convertNotScalarSampledVariables(varVals)
        # check type
        if type(newVars).__name__ != 'dict':
          raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: convertNotScalarSampledVariables in "{}" must return a dictionary!'.format(source))
        # apply new and/or updated values
      # modify scalar variables
      if convDict['scalar']:
        # call conversion, value changes happen in-place

    # we work on batchSizes here
    newBatchSize = Kwargs['NumMPI']
    internalParallel = Kwargs.get('internalParallel',False)
    if int(Kwargs['numberNodes']) > 0:
      # we are in a distributed memory machine => we allocate a node file
      nodeFileToUse = os.path.join(Kwargs['BASE_WORKING_DIR'],"node_" +str(Kwargs['INDEX']))
      if os.path.exists(nodeFileToUse):
        modifDict['RunInfo|mode'           ] = 'mpi'
        modifDict['RunInfo|mode|nodefile'  ] = nodeFileToUse
        raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: The nodefile "'+str(nodeFileToUse)+'" does not exist!')
    if internalParallel or newBatchSize > 1:
      # either we have an internal parallel or NumMPI > 1
      modifDict['RunInfo|batchSize'       ] = newBatchSize
    #modifDict['RunInfo|internalParallel'] = internalParallel
    #make tree
    modifiedRoot = parser.modifyOrAdd(modifDict,save=True,allowAdd = True)
    #make input
    # copy slave files
    return currentInputFiles
Exemple #12
    def _readMoreXML(self, xmlNode):
      Function to read the portion of the xml input that belongs to this specialized class and initialize
      some members based on inputs. This can be overloaded in specialize code interface in order to
      read specific flags.
      In this case, this is used for locating an external python module where the variables can be modified and the "vector" variables
      can be splitted in multiple single variables
      @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, Xml element node
      @ Out, None.
        if os.path.basename(
                xmlNode.find("executable").text) != 'raven_framework':
            raise IOError(
                self.printTag +
                ' ERROR: executable must be "raven_framework" (in whatever location)!'

        linkedDataObjects = xmlNode.find("outputExportOutStreams")
        if linkedDataObjects is None:
            raise IOError(
                self.printTag +
                ' ERROR: outputExportOutStreams node not present. You must input at least one OutStream (max 2)!'
        self.linkedDataObjectOutStreamsNames = linkedDataObjects.text.split(
        if len(self.linkedDataObjectOutStreamsNames) > 2:
            raise IOError(
                self.printTag +
                ' ERROR: outputExportOutStreams node. The maximum number of linked OutStreams are 2 (1 for PointSet and 1 for HistorySet)!'

        child = xmlNode.find("conversionModule")
        if child is not None:
            self.extModForVarsManipulationPath = os.path.expanduser(
            if not os.path.isabs(self.extModForVarsManipulationPath):
                self.extModForVarsManipulationPath = os.path.abspath(
            # check if it exist
            if not os.path.exists(self.extModForVarsManipulationPath):
                raise IOError(self.printTag +
                              ' ERROR: the conversionModule "' +
                              self.extModForVarsManipulationPath +
                              '" has not been found!')
            extModForVarsManipulation = utils.importFromPath(
            if extModForVarsManipulation is None:
                raise IOError(self.printTag +
                              ' ERROR: the conversionModule "' +
                              self.extModForVarsManipulationPath +
                              '" failed to be imported!')
            # check if the methods are there
            if 'convertNotScalarSampledVariables' in extModForVarsManipulation.__dict__.keys(
                self.hasMethods['noscalar'] = True
            if 'manipulateScalarSampledVariables' in extModForVarsManipulation.__dict__.keys(
                self.hasMethods['scalar'] = True
            if not self.hasMethods['scalar'] and not self.hasMethods[
                raise IOError(
                    self.printTag + ' ERROR: the conversionModule "' +
                    self.extModForVarsManipulationPath +
                    '" does not contain any of the usable methods! Expected at least '
                    'one of: "manipulateScalarSampledVariables" and/or "manipulateScalarSampledVariables"!'
__moduleInterfaceList = []
startDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'../../plugins')
for dirr,_,_ in os.walk(startDir):
__moduleImportedList = []
__basePluginClasses  = {'ExternalModel':'ExternalModelPluginBase'}

 Interface Dictionary (factory) (private)
__base                          = 'ModelPlugins'
__interFaceDict                 = defaultdict(dict)
for moduleIndex in range(len(__moduleInterfaceList)):
  if 'class' in open(__moduleInterfaceList[moduleIndex]).read():
    for key,modClass in inspect.getmembers(__moduleImportedList[-1], inspect.isclass):
      for base in modClass.__bases__:
        for ravenEntityName, baseClassName in __basePluginClasses.items():
          if base.__name__ == baseClassName:
            __interFaceDict[ravenEntityName][key] = modClass
            # check the validity of the plugin
            if not modClass.isAvalidPlugin():
              raise IOError("The plugin based on the class "+ravenEntityName.strip()+" is not valid. Please check with the Plugin developer!")
__knownTypes = [item for sublist in __interFaceDict.values() for item in sublist]

def knownTypes():
    Method to return the list of known model plugins
    @ In, None
    @ Out, __knownTypes, list, the list of known types