Exemple #1
def guest_power_on(domobj, domname, mac):
    """ power on guest virtual machine"""

    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" %
                     (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("fail to power on guest %s" % domname)
        return 1

    timeout = 600

    while timeout:
        timeout -= 10

        ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)

        if not ip:
            logger.info(str(timeout) + "s left")
            logger.info("vm %s power on successfully" % domname)
            logger.info("the ip address of vm %s is %s" % (domname, ip))

    if timeout == 0:
        logger.info("fail to power on vm %s" % domname)
        return 1

    return 0
def create(params):
    """create a domain from xml"""
    logger = params['logger']
    guestname = params['guestname']
    xmlstr = params['xml']

    flags = params.get('flags', 'none')
    if flags != "none" and flags != "start_paused":
        logger.error("flags value either \"none\" or \"start_paused\"")
        return 1

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']

    # Create domain from xml
        if flags == "none":
            domobj = conn.createXML(xmlstr, NONE)
        elif flags == "start_paused":
            domobj = conn.createXML(xmlstr, START_PAUSED)
            logger.error("flags error")
    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s"
                     % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("fail to create domain %s" % guestname)
        return 1

    if flags == "start_paused":
        state = domobj.info()[0]
        if state == libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED:
            logger.info("guest start with state paused successfully")
            return 0
            logger.error("guest state error")
            return 1

    logger.info("get the mac address of vm %s" % guestname)
    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(guestname)
    logger.info("the mac address of vm %s is %s" % (guestname, mac))

    timeout = 600

    while timeout:
        timeout -= 10

        ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)

        if not ip:
            logger.info(str(timeout) + "s left")
            logger.info("vm %s power on successfully" % guestname)
            logger.info("the ip address of vm %s is %s" % (guestname, ip))

        if timeout == 0:
            logger.info("fail to power on vm %s" % guestname)
            return 1

    return 0
Exemple #3
def guest_start(domobj, guestname, logger):
    """start guest"""
    timeout = 600
    ip = ''
    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(guestname)

        logger.info("start guest")
    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" %
                     (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("fail to start domain")
        return 1

    while timeout:
        timeout -= 10

        ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)

        if not ip:
            logger.info(str(timeout) + "s left")
            logger.info("vm %s power on successfully" % guestname)
            logger.info("the ip address of vm %s is %s" % (guestname, ip))

    if timeout <= 0:
        logger.info("fail to power on vm %s" % guestname)
        return 1, ip

    return 0, ip
Exemple #4
def shutdown(params):
    """Shutdown domain

        Argument is a dictionary with two keys:
        {'logger': logger, 'guestname': guestname}

        logger -- an object of utils/log.py
        guestname -- same as the domain name

        Return 0 on SUCCESS or 1 on FAILURE
    domname = params['guestname']
    logger = params['logger']

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']
    domobj = conn.lookupByName(domname)

    timeout = 600
    logger.info('shutdown domain')
    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(domname)
    logger.info("get ip by mac address")
    ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
    logger.info("the ip address of guest is %s" % ip)

    # Shutdown domain
    except libvirtError, e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" \
                     % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("shutdown failed")
        return 1
def shutdown(params):
    """Shutdown domain

        Argument is a dictionary with two keys:
        {'logger': logger, 'guestname': guestname}

        logger -- an object of utils/log.py
        guestname -- same as the domain name

        Return 0 on SUCCESS or 1 on FAILURE
    domname = params['guestname']
    logger = params['logger']

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']
    domobj = conn.lookupByName(domname)

    timeout = 600
    logger.info('shutdown domain')
    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(domname)
    logger.info("get ip by mac address")
    ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
    logger.info("the ip address of guest is %s" % ip)

    # Shutdown domain
    except libvirtError, e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" \
                     % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("shutdown failed")
        return 1
def check_current_vcpu(domobj, username, password):
    """dump domain xml description to get current vcpu number
    guestxml = domobj.XMLDesc(1)
    logger.debug("domain %s xml is :\n%s" % (domobj.name(), guestxml))

    xml = minidom.parseString(guestxml)
    vcpu = xml.getElementsByTagName('vcpu')[0]
    if vcpu.hasAttribute('current'):
        attr = vcpu.getAttributeNode('current')
        current_vcpu = int(attr.nodeValue)
        logger.info("domain did not have 'current' attribute in vcpu element")
        current_vcpu = int(vcpu.childNodes[0].data)

    logger.info("check cpu number in domain")
    ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)

    cmd = "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l"
    ret, output = utils.remote_exec_pexpect(ip, username, password, cmd)
    if not ret:
        logger.info("cpu number in domain is %s" % output)
        if int(output) == current_vcpu:
            logger.info("cpu number in domain is equal to current vcpu value")
            return current_vcpu
            logger.error("current vcpu is not equal as check in domain")
            return False
        logger.error("check in domain fail")
        return False
Exemple #7
def check_current_vcpu(domobj, username, password):
    """dump domain xml description to get current vcpu number
    guestxml = domobj.XMLDesc(1)
    logger.debug("domain %s xml is :\n%s" % (domobj.name(), guestxml))

    xml = minidom.parseString(guestxml)
    vcpu = xml.getElementsByTagName('vcpu')[0]
    if vcpu.hasAttribute('current'):
        attr = vcpu.getAttributeNode('current')
        current_vcpu = int(attr.nodeValue)
        logger.info("domain did not have 'current' attribute in vcpu element")
        current_vcpu = int(vcpu.childNodes[0].data)

    logger.info("check cpu number in domain")
    ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)

    cmd = "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l"
    ret, output = utils.remote_exec_pexpect(ip, username, password, cmd)
    if not ret:
        logger.info("cpu number in domain is %s" % output)
        if int(output) == current_vcpu:
            logger.info("cpu number in domain is equal to current vcpu value")
            return current_vcpu
            logger.error("current vcpu is not equal as check in domain")
            return False
        logger.error("check in domain fail")
        return False
def guest_power_on(domobj, domname, mac):
    """ power on guest virtual machine"""

    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s"
                     % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("fail to power on guest %s" % domname)
        return 1

    timeout = 600

    while timeout:
        timeout -= 10

        ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)

        if not ip:
            logger.info(str(timeout) + "s left")
            logger.info("vm %s power on successfully" % domname)
            logger.info("the ip address of vm %s is %s" % (domname, ip))

    if timeout == 0:
        logger.info("fail to power on vm %s" % domname)
        return 1

    return 0
def set_user_passwd(params):
       test API for setUserPassword in class virDomain

    logger = params["logger"]
    guest = params["guestname"]
    username = params["username"]
    userpasswd = params["userpassword"]

    if "flags" in params:
        if params["flags"] == "encrypted":
            flags = libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED
            flags = 0
        flags = 0

        if "conn" in params:
            conn = libvirt.open(params["conn"])
            conn = libvirt.open(optional_params["conn"])

        logger.info("get connection to libvirtd")
        vm = conn.lookupByName(guest)
        logger.info("test guest name: %s" % guest)

        if not check_agent_status(vm):
            logger.error("guest agent is not connected")
            return 1

        mac = get_guest_mac(vm)
        if not mac:
            logger.error("cannot get guest interface mac")
            return 1

        ipaddr = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
        if not ipaddr:
            logger.error("cannot get guest IP")
            return 1

        if flags > 0:
            passwd = crypt.crypt("123456", crypt.mksalt(crypt.METHOD_SHA512))
            passwd = "123456"

        if create_new_user(ipaddr, "usertestapi", username, userpasswd, logger) != 0:
            return 1

        vm.setUserPassword("usertestapi", passwd, flags)

        if verify_cur_user(ipaddr, "usertestapi", "123456") != 0:
            logger.error("cannot login guest via new user")
            return 1

    except libvirtError, e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s" % e.message)
        return 1
def flag_check(params):
    """ check if the flag file is present or not"""
    logger = params['logger']
    guestname = params['guestname']
    username = params['username']
    password = params['password']

    if 'expectedret' in params:
        expected_result = params['expectedret']
        expected_result = "exist"

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']

    if not check_domain_running(conn, guestname, logger):
        logger.error("need a running guest")
        return 1

    logger.info("get the mac address of vm %s" % guestname)
    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(guestname)
    logger.info("the mac address of vm %s is %s" % (guestname, mac))

    timeout = 300
    while timeout:
        ipaddr = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
        if not ipaddr:
            logger.info(str(timeout) + "s left")
            timeout -= 10
            logger.info("the ip address of vm %s is %s" % (guestname, ipaddr))

    if timeout == 0:
        logger.info("vm %s failed to get ip address" % guestname)
        return 1

    ret, out = utils.remote_exec_pexpect(
        ipaddr, username, password, FLAG_CHECK)
    if ret:
        logger.error("connecting to guest OS timeout")
        return 1
    elif out == FLAG_FILE and expected_result == "exist":
        logger.info("checking flag %s in guest OS succeeded" % FLAG_FILE)
        return 0
    elif out == FLAG_FILE and expected_result == 'noexist':
        logger.error("flag %s still exist, FAILED." % FLAG_FILE)
        return 1
    elif out is not None and expected_result == "exist":
            "no flag %s exists in the guest %s " %
            (FLAG_FILE, guestname))
        return 1
    elif out is not None and expected_result == 'noexist':
        logger.info("flag %s is not present, checking succeeded" % FLAG_FILE)
        return 0

    return 0
Exemple #11
def flag_check(params):
    """ check if the flag file is present or not"""
    logger = params['logger']
    guestname = params['guestname']
    username = params['username']
    password = params['password']

    if 'expectedret' in params:
        expected_result = params['expectedret']
        expected_result = "exist"

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']

    if not check_domain_running(conn, guestname, logger):
        logger.error("need a running guest")
        return 1

    logger.info("get the mac address of vm %s" % guestname)
    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(guestname)
    logger.info("the mac address of vm %s is %s" % (guestname, mac))

    timeout = 300
    while timeout:
        ipaddr = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
        if not ipaddr:
            logger.info(str(timeout) + "s left")
            timeout -= 10
            logger.info("the ip address of vm %s is %s" % (guestname, ipaddr))

    if timeout == 0:
        logger.info("vm %s failed to get ip address" % guestname)
        return 1

    ret, out = utils.remote_exec_pexpect(ipaddr, username, password,
    if ret:
        logger.error("connecting to guest OS timeout")
        return 1
    elif out == FLAG_FILE and expected_result == "exist":
        logger.info("checking flag %s in guest OS succeeded" % FLAG_FILE)
        return 0
    elif out == FLAG_FILE and expected_result == 'noexist':
        logger.error("flag %s still exist, FAILED." % FLAG_FILE)
        return 1
    elif out is not None and expected_result == "exist":
        logger.error("no flag %s exists in the guest %s " %
                     (FLAG_FILE, guestname))
        return 1
    elif out is not None and expected_result == 'noexist':
        logger.info("flag %s is not present, checking succeeded" % FLAG_FILE)
        return 0

    return 0
Exemple #12
def destroy(params):
    """destroy domain
       Argument is a dictionary with two keys:
       {'guestname': guestname}

       logger -- an object of utils/log.py
       guestname -- the domain name
       flags -- optional arguments:
                  noping: Don't do the ping test

       Return 0 on SUCCESS or 1 on FAILURE
    # Initiate and check parameters
    global logger
    logger = params['logger']
    guestname = params['guestname']
    br = params.get('bridgename', 'virbr0')
    flags = ""
    if params.has_key('flags'):
        flags = params['flags']

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']

    # Get running domain by name
    guest_names = []
    ids = conn.listDomainsID()
    for id in ids:
        obj = conn.lookupByID(id)

    if guestname not in guest_names:
        logger.error("guest %s doesn't exist or isn't running." % guestname)
        return 1

    domobj = conn.lookupByName(guestname)

    timeout = 60
    logger.info('destroy domain')

    if not "noping" in flags:
        # Get domain ip
        mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(guestname)
        logger.info("get ip by mac address")
        ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180, br)
        logger.info("the ip address of guest is %s" % ip)

    # Destroy domain
    except libvirtError, e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" \
                     % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("failed to destroy domain")
        return 1
def get_current_memory(guestname, username, password):
    """get domain current memory inside domain
    logger.debug("get the mac address of vm %s" % guestname)
    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(guestname)
    logger.debug("the mac address of vm %s is %s" % (guestname, mac))
    ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
    current = utils.get_remote_memory(ip, username, password)

    return current
def get_current_memory(guestname, username, password):
    """get domain current memory inside domain
    logger.debug("get the mac address of vm %s" % guestname)
    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(guestname)
    logger.debug("the mac address of vm %s is %s" % (guestname, mac))
    ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
    current = utils.get_remote_memory(ip, username, password)

    return current
Exemple #15
def destroy(params):
    """destroy domain
       Argument is a dictionary with two keys:
       {'guestname': guestname}

       logger -- an object of utils/log.py
       guestname -- the domain name
       flags -- optional arguments:
                  noping: Don't do the ping test

       Return 0 on SUCCESS or 1 on FAILURE
    # Initiate and check parameters
    global logger
    logger = params['logger']
    guestname = params['guestname']
    flags = ""
    if params.has_key('flags'):
        flags = params['flags']

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']

    # Get running domain by name
    guest_names = []
    ids = conn.listDomainsID()
    for id in ids:
        obj = conn.lookupByID(id)

    if guestname not in guest_names:
        logger.error("guest %s doesn't exist or isn't running." % guestname)
        return 1

    domobj = conn.lookupByName(guestname)

    timeout = 60
    logger.info('destroy domain')

    if not "noping" in flags:
        # Get domain ip
        mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(guestname)
        logger.info("get ip by mac address")
        ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
        logger.info("the ip address of guest is %s" % ip)

    # Destroy domain
    except libvirtError, e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" \
                     % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("failed to destroy domain")
        return 1
Exemple #16
def shutdown(params):
    """Shutdown domain

        Argument is a dictionary with two keys:
        {'logger': logger, 'guestname': guestname}

        logger -- an object of utils/log.py
        guestname -- same as the domain name

        Return 0 on SUCCESS or 1 on FAILURE
    domname = params['guestname']
    logger = params['logger']

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']
    domobj = conn.lookupByName(domname)

    timeout = 600
    logger.info('shutdown domain')
    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(domname)
    logger.info("get ip by mac address")
    ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
    logger.info("the ip address of guest is %s" % ip)

    # Shutdown domain
    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" %
                     (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("shutdown failed")
        return 1

    # Check domain status by ping ip
    while timeout:
        timeout -= 10
        logger.info(str(timeout) + "s left")

        state = domobj.info()[0]
        if state == libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF:

    if timeout <= 0:
        logger.error('The domain state is not equal to "shutoff"')
        return 1

    logger.info('ping guest')
    if utils.do_ping(ip, 300):
        logger.error('The guest is still active, IP: ' + str(ip))
        return 1
        logger.info("domain %s shutdown successfully" % domname)

    return 0
Exemple #17
def shutdown(params):
    """Shutdown domain

        Argument is a dictionary with two keys:
        {'logger': logger, 'guestname': guestname}

        logger -- an object of utils/log.py
        guestname -- same as the domain name

        Return 0 on SUCCESS or 1 on FAILURE
    domname = params['guestname']
    logger = params['logger']

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']
    domobj = conn.lookupByName(domname)

    timeout = 600
    logger.info('shutdown domain')
    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(domname)
    logger.info("get ip by mac address")
    ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
    logger.info("the ip address of guest is %s" % ip)

    # Shutdown domain
    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s"
                     % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("shutdown failed")
        return 1

    # Check domain status by ping ip
    while timeout:
        timeout -= 10
        logger.info(str(timeout) + "s left")

        state = domobj.info()[0]
        if state == libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF:

    if timeout <= 0:
        logger.error('The domain state is not equal to "shutoff"')
        return 1

    logger.info('ping guest')
    if utils.do_ping(ip, 300):
        logger.error('The guest is still active, IP: ' + str(ip))
        return 1
        logger.info("domain %s shutdown successfully" % domname)

    return 0
def ifstats(params):
    """Domain interface statistic"""
    logger = params['logger']
    guestname = params['guestname']

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']
    domobj = conn.lookupByName(guestname)

    if check_guest_status(domobj):
            logger.info("%s is not running , power on it" % guestname)
        except libvirtError as e:
            logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" %
                         (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
            logger.error("start failed")
            return 1

    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(guestname)
    logger.info("get ip by mac address")
    ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)

    logger.info('ping guest')
    if not utils.do_ping(ip, 300):
        logger.error('Failed on ping guest, IP: ' + str(ip))
        return 1

    xml = domobj.XMLDesc(0)
    doc = libxml2.parseDoc(xml)
    ctx = doc.xpathNewContext()
    devs = ctx.xpathEval("/domain/devices/interface/target/@dev")
    path = devs[0].content
    ifstats = domobj.interfaceStats(path)

    if ifstats:
        # check_interface_stats()
        logger.info("%s rx_bytes %s" % (path, ifstats[0]))
        logger.info("%s rx_packets %s" % (path, ifstats[1]))
        logger.info("%s rx_errs %s" % (path, ifstats[2]))
        logger.info("%s rx_drop %s" % (path, ifstats[3]))
        logger.info("%s tx_bytes %s" % (path, ifstats[4]))
        logger.info("%s tx_packets %s" % (path, ifstats[5]))
        logger.info("%s tx_errs %s" % (path, ifstats[6]))
        logger.info("%s tx_drop %s" % (path, ifstats[7]))
        logger.error("fail to get domain interface statistics\n")
        return 1

    return 0
Exemple #19
def ifstats(params):
    """Domain interface statistic"""
    logger = params['logger']
    guestname = params['guestname']

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']
    domobj = conn.lookupByName(guestname)

    if check_guest_status(domobj):
            logger.info("%s is not running , power on it" % guestname)
        except libvirtError as e:
            logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s"
                         % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
            logger.error("start failed")
            return 1

    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(guestname)
    logger.info("get ip by mac address")
    ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)

    logger.info('ping guest')
    if not utils.do_ping(ip, 300):
        logger.error('Failed on ping guest, IP: ' + str(ip))
        return 1

    xml = domobj.XMLDesc(0)
    doc = libxml2.parseDoc(xml)
    ctx = doc.xpathNewContext()
    devs = ctx.xpathEval("/domain/devices/interface/target/@dev")
    path = devs[0].content
    ifstats = domobj.interfaceStats(path)

    if ifstats:
        # check_interface_stats()
        logger.info("%s rx_bytes %s" % (path, ifstats[0]))
        logger.info("%s rx_packets %s" % (path, ifstats[1]))
        logger.info("%s rx_errs %s" % (path, ifstats[2]))
        logger.info("%s rx_drop %s" % (path, ifstats[3]))
        logger.info("%s tx_bytes %s" % (path, ifstats[4]))
        logger.info("%s tx_packets %s" % (path, ifstats[5]))
        logger.info("%s tx_errs %s" % (path, ifstats[6]))
        logger.info("%s tx_drop %s" % (path, ifstats[7]))
        logger.error("fail to get domain interface statistics\n")
        return 1

    return 0
Exemple #20
def set_guest_time(params):
    """ test setting guest time
    logger = params['logger']
    guestname = params['guestname']
    username = params['username']
    userpassword = params['userpassword']
    seconds = long(params['seconds'])
    nseconds = long(params.get('nseconds', 0))
    f = params.get('flags', 0)
    flags = parse_flags(f)

    if flags == -1:
        logger.error("unrecongnized flags: %s" % f)
        return 1

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']

    domobj = conn.lookupByName(guestname)

    # Check domain status
    if check_guest_status(domobj):

    # get guest MAC
    mac = get_guest_mac(domobj)
    if mac == None:
        logger.error("Failed to get guest's MAC address")
        return 1
        logger.info("guest's MAC is %s" % mac)

    ipaddr = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
    if mac == None:
        logger.error("Failed to get guest's IP address")
        return 1
        logger.info("guest's IP is %s" % ipaddr)

        domobj.setTime({'seconds': seconds, 'nseconds': nseconds}, flags)

        sec = long(utils.remote_exec(ipaddr, username, userpassword, GET_TIME))

    except libvirtError, e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" \
                     % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        return 1
def set_guest_time(params):
    """ test setting guest time
    logger = params['logger']
    guestname = params['guestname']
    username = params['username']
    userpassword = params['userpassword']
    seconds = long(params['seconds'])
    nseconds = long(params.get('nseconds', 0))
    f = params.get('flags', 0)
    flags = parse_flags(f)

    if flags == -1:
        logger.error("unrecongnized flags: %s" % f)
        return 1

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']

    domobj = conn.lookupByName(guestname)

    # Check domain status
    if check_guest_status(domobj):

    # get guest MAC
    mac = get_guest_mac(domobj)
    if mac == None:
        logger.error("Failed to get guest's MAC address")
        return 1
        logger.info("guest's MAC is %s" % mac)

    ipaddr = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
    if mac == None:
        logger.error("Failed to get guest's IP address")
        return 1
        logger.info("guest's IP is %s" % ipaddr)

        domobj.setTime({'seconds': seconds, 'nseconds': nseconds}, flags)

        sec = long(utils.remote_exec(ipaddr, username, userpassword, GET_TIME))

    except libvirtError, e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" \
                     % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        return 1
def guest_time(params):
    """ test guest time
    logger = params['logger']
    guestname = params['guestname']
    username = params['username']
    userpassword = params['userpassword']

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']

    domobj = conn.lookupByName(guestname)

    # Check domain status
    if check_guest_status(domobj):

    # get guest MAC
    mac = get_guest_mac(domobj)
    if mac is None:
        logger.error("Failed to get guest's MAC address")
        return 1
        logger.info("guest's MAC is %s" % mac)

    ipaddr = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
    if mac is None:
        logger.error("Failed to get guest's IP address")
        return 1
        logger.info("guest's IP is %s" % ipaddr)

        t1 = utils.remote_exec(ipaddr, username, userpassword, GET_TIME)

        t2 = domobj.getTime()['seconds']
    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" %
                     (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        return 1

    if check_guest_time(long(t1), t2):
        logger.info("checking guest time: %s" % t2)
        logger.error("checking guest time: failed")
        return 1

    return 0
def guest_time(params):
    """ test guest time
    logger = params['logger']
    guestname = params['guestname']
    username = params['username']
    userpassword = params['userpassword']

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']

    domobj = conn.lookupByName(guestname)

    # Check domain status
    if check_guest_status(domobj):

    # get guest MAC
    mac = get_guest_mac(domobj)
    if mac is None:
        logger.error("Failed to get guest's MAC address")
        return 1
        logger.info("guest's MAC is %s" % mac)

    ipaddr = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
    if mac is None:
        logger.error("Failed to get guest's IP address")
        return 1
        logger.info("guest's IP is %s" % ipaddr)

        t1 = utils.remote_exec(ipaddr, username, userpassword, GET_TIME)

        t2 = domobj.getTime()['seconds']
    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s"
                     % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        return 1

    if check_guest_time(long(t1), t2):
        logger.info("checking guest time: %s" % t2)
        logger.error("checking guest time: failed")
        return 1

    return 0
def suspend(params):
    """Suspend domain

        Argument is a dictionary with two keys:
        {'logger': logger, 'guestname': guestname}

        logger -- an object of utils/log.py
        guestname -- same as the domain name

        Return 0 on SUCCESS or 1 on FAILURE
    domname = params['guestname']
    logger = params['logger']

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']

    domobj = conn.lookupByName(domname)

    # Suspend domain
    logger.info('suspend domain')
    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" %
                     (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        return 1
    state = domobj.info()[0]

    if state != libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED:
        logger.error('The domain state is not equal to "paused"')
        return 1

    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(domname)

    logger.info("get ip by mac address")
    ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 10)


    logger.info('ping guest')
    if utils.do_ping(ip, 20):
        logger.error('The guest is still active, IP: ' + str(ip))
        return 1

    return 0
Exemple #25
def suspend(params):
    """Suspend domain

        Argument is a dictionary with two keys:
        {'logger': logger, 'guestname': guestname}

        logger -- an object of utils/log.py
        guestname -- same as the domain name

        Return 0 on SUCCESS or 1 on FAILURE
    domname = params['guestname']
    logger = params['logger']

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']

    domobj = conn.lookupByName(domname)

    # Suspend domain
    logger.info('suspend domain')
    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s"
                     % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        return 1
    state = domobj.info()[0]

    if state != libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED:
        logger.error('The domain state is not equal to "paused"')
        return 1

    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(domname)

    logger.info("get ip by mac address")
    ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 10)


    logger.info('ping guest')
    if utils.do_ping(ip, 20):
        logger.error('The guest is still active, IP: ' + str(ip))
        return 1

    return 0
def get_guest_ipaddr(*args):
    """Get guest ip address"""
    (guestname, logger) = args

    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(guestname)
    logger.debug("guest mac address: %s" % mac)

    ipaddr = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 15)
    logger.debug("guest ip address: %s" % ipaddr)

    if utils.do_ping(ipaddr, 20) == 1:
        logger.info("ping current guest successfull")
        return ipaddr
        logger.error("Error: can't ping current guest")
        return None
def get_guest_ipaddr(*args):
    """Get guest ip address"""
    (guestname, logger) = args

    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(guestname)
    logger.debug("guest mac address: %s" % mac)

    ipaddr = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 15)
    logger.debug("guest ip address: %s" % ipaddr)

    if utils.do_ping(ipaddr, 20) == 1:
        logger.info("ping current guest successfull")
        return ipaddr
        logger.error("Error: can't ping current guest")
        return None
Exemple #28
def resume(params):
    """Resume domain

        Argument is a dictionary with two keys:
        {'logger': logger, 'guestname': guestname}

        logger -- an object of utils/log.py
        guestname -- same as the domain name

        Return 0 on SUCCESS or 1 on FAILURE
    domname = params['guestname']
    logger = params['logger']

    # Resume domain
    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']
    domobj = conn.lookupByName(domname)
    logger.info('resume domain')
    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s"
                     % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("resume failed")
        return 1

    state = domobj.info()[0]
    expect_states = [

    if state not in expect_states:
        logger.error('The domain state is not equal to "paused"')
        return 1

    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(domname)
    logger.info("get ip by mac address")
    ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 120)

    logger.info('ping guest')
    if not utils.do_ping(ip, 300):
        logger.error('Failed on ping guest, IP: ' + str(ip))
        return 1

    return 0
Exemple #29
def resume(params):
    """Resume domain

        Argument is a dictionary with two keys:
        {'logger': logger, 'guestname': guestname}

        logger -- an object of utils/log.py
        guestname -- same as the domain name

        Return 0 on SUCCESS or 1 on FAILURE
    domname = params['guestname']
    logger = params['logger']

    # Resume domain
    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']
    domobj = conn.lookupByName(domname)
    logger.info('resume domain')
    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" %
                     (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("resume failed")
        return 1

    state = domobj.info()[0]
    expect_states = [

    if state not in expect_states:
        logger.error('The domain state is not equal to "paused"')
        return 1

    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(domname)
    logger.info("get ip by mac address")
    ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 120)

    logger.info('ping guest')
    if not utils.do_ping(ip, 300):
        logger.error('Failed on ping guest, IP: ' + str(ip))
        return 1

    return 0
def get_current_vcpu(domobj, username, password):
    """dump domain live xml description to get current vcpu number
       and check in domain to confirm
        guestxml = domobj.XMLDesc(1)
        guestname = domobj.name()
        logger.debug("domain %s xml is :\n%s" % (guestname, guestxml))
        xml = minidom.parseString(guestxml)
        vcpu = xml.getElementsByTagName('vcpu')[0]

        if vcpu.hasAttribute('current'):
            attr = vcpu.getAttributeNode('current')
            current = int(attr.nodeValue)
            logger.info("no 'current' atrribute for element vcpu")
            current = int(vcpu.childNodes[0].data)

        logger.info("domain current vcpu number in live xml is: %s" % current)

    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("libvirt call failed: " + str(e))
        return False

    logger.debug("get the mac address of vm %s" % guestname)
    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(guestname)
    logger.debug("the mac address of vm %s is %s" % (guestname, mac))

    logger.info("check cpu number in domain")
    ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)

    cmd = "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l"
    ret, output = utils.remote_exec_pexpect(ip, username, password, cmd)
    if not ret:
        logger.info("cpu number in domain is %s" % output)
        if int(output) == current:
            logger.info("cpu in domain is equal to current vcpu value")
            logger.error("current vcpu is not equal as check in domain")
            return False
        logger.error("check in domain fail")
        return False

    return current
def fsinfo(params):
       test API for fsInfo in class virDomain

    logger = params['logger']
    guest = params['guestname']
    username = params['username']
    userpasswd = params['userpassword']

        conn = libvirt.open(params['conn'])

        logger.info("get connection to libvirtd")
        vm = conn.lookupByName(guest)
        logger.info("test guest name: %s" % guest)

        if not check_agent_status(vm):
            logger.error("guest agent is not connected")
            return 1

        fsinfo = vm.fsInfo()
        logger.info("get guest filesystem information")

        mac = get_guest_mac(vm)
        if not mac:
            logger.error("cannot get guest interface mac")
            return 1

        ipaddr = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
        if not ipaddr:
            logger.error("cannot get guest IP")
            return 1

        if not check_fsinfo(ipaddr, username, userpasswd, fsinfo, logger):
            return 1

    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s" % e.message)
        return 1

    return 0
def file_flag(params):
    """ create a new file in the /tmp folder of the guest
        as a flag
    logger = params['logger']
    guestname = params['guestname']
    username = params['username']
    password = params['password']

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']

    if not check_domain_running(conn, guestname, logger):
        logger.error("need a running guest")
        return 1

    logger.info("get the mac address of vm %s" % guestname)
    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(guestname)
    logger.info("the mac address of vm %s is %s" % (guestname, mac))

    timeout = 300
    while timeout:
        ipaddr = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
        if not ipaddr:
            logger.info(str(timeout) + "s left")
            timeout -= 10
            logger.info("the ip address of vm %s is %s" % (guestname, ipaddr))

    if timeout == 0:
        logger.info("vm %s failed to get ip address" % guestname)
        return 1

    if not make_flag(ipaddr, username, password, logger):
        logger.error("making flag in guest %s failed" % guestname)
        return 1
        logger.info("making flag in guest %s succeeded" % guestname)

    return 0
def file_flag(params):
    """ create a new file in the /tmp folder of the guest
        as a flag
    logger = params['logger']
    guestname = params['guestname']
    username = params['username']
    password = params['password']

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']

    if not check_domain_running(conn, guestname, logger):
        logger.error("need a running guest")
        return 1

    logger.info("get the mac address of vm %s" % guestname)
    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(guestname)
    logger.info("the mac address of vm %s is %s" % (guestname, mac))

    timeout = 300
    while timeout:
        ipaddr = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
        if not ipaddr:
            logger.info(str(timeout) + "s left")
            timeout -= 10
            logger.info("the ip address of vm %s is %s" % (guestname, ipaddr))

    if timeout == 0:
        logger.info("vm %s failed to get ip address" % guestname)
        return 1

    if not make_flag(ipaddr, username, password, logger):
        logger.error("making flag in guest %s failed" % guestname)
        return 1
        logger.info("making flag in guest %s succeeded" % guestname)

    return 0
Exemple #34
def check_guest_kernel(*args):
    """Check guest kernel version"""
    (guestname, logger) = args

    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(guestname)
    logger.debug("guest mac address: %s" % mac)

    ipaddr = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 15)
    if ipaddr is None:
        logger.error("can't get guest ip")
        return None

    logger.debug("guest ip address: %s" % ipaddr)

    kernel = utils.get_remote_kernel(ipaddr, "root", "redhat")
    logger.debug("current kernel version: %s" % kernel)

    if kernel:
        return kernel
        return None
Exemple #35
def check_guest_kernel(*args):
    """Check guest kernel version"""
    (guestname, logger) = args

    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(guestname)
    logger.debug("guest mac address: %s" % mac)

    ipaddr = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 15)
    if ipaddr is None:
        logger.error("can't get guest ip")
        return None

    logger.debug("guest ip address: %s" % ipaddr)

    kernel = utils.get_remote_kernel(ipaddr, "root", "redhat")
    logger.debug("current kernel version: %s" % kernel)

    if kernel:
        return kernel
        return None
def set_vcpus(domobj, domain_name, vcpu):
    """set the value of virtual machine to vcpu offline , then boot up
       the virtual machine
    timeout = 60
    logger.info('destroy domain')

    logger.info("get the mac address of vm %s" % domain_name)
    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(domain_name)
    logger.info("the mac address of vm %s is %s" % (domain_name, mac))

    logger.info("get ip by mac address")
    ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
    logger.info("the ip address of vm %s is %s" % (domain_name, ip))

    except libvirtError, e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" \
                    % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("fail to destroy domain")
        return 1
def set_vcpus(domobj, domain_name, vcpu):
    """set the value of virtual machine to vcpu offline , then boot up
       the virtual machine
    timeout = 60
    logger.info('destroy domain')

    logger.info("get the mac address of vm %s" % domain_name)
    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(domain_name)
    logger.info("the mac address of vm %s is %s" % (domain_name, mac))

    logger.info("get ip by mac address")
    ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
    logger.info("the ip address of vm %s is %s" % (domain_name, ip))

    except libvirtError, e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" \
                    % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("fail to destroy domain")
        return 1
def reboot(params):
    """Reboot virtual machine
       Return 0 on SUCCESS or 1 on FAILURE
    # Initiate and check parameters
    global logger
    logger = params['logger']
    domain_name = params['guestname']

    # Connect to local hypervisor connection URI
    hypervisor = utils.get_hypervisor()
    if hypervisor == "kvm":
        logger.info("kvm hypervisor doesn't support the funtion now")
        return 0

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']
    domobj = conn.lookupByName(domain_name)

    # Get domain ip
    logger.info("get the mac address of vm %s" % domain_name)
    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(domain_name)
    logger.info("the mac address of vm %s is %s" % (domain_name, mac))
    logger.info("get ip by mac address")
    ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
    logger.info("the ip address of vm %s is %s" % (domain_name, ip))
    timeout = 600
    logger.info('reboot vm %s now' % domain_name)

    # Reboot domain
        domobj = reboot(0)
    except libvirtError, e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" \
                     % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("fail to reboot domain")
        return 1
Exemple #39
def reboot(params):
    """Reboot virtual machine
       Return 0 on SUCCESS or 1 on FAILURE
    # Initiate and check parameters
    global logger
    logger = params['logger']
    domain_name = params['guestname']

    # Connect to local hypervisor connection URI
    hypervisor = utils.get_hypervisor()
    if hypervisor == "kvm":
        logger.info("kvm hypervisor doesn't support the funtion now")
        return 0

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']
    domobj = conn.lookupByName(domain_name)

    # Get domain ip
    logger.info("get the mac address of vm %s" % domain_name)
    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(domain_name)
    logger.info("the mac address of vm %s is %s" % (domain_name, mac))
    logger.info("get ip by mac address")
    ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
    logger.info("the ip address of vm %s is %s" % (domain_name, ip))
    timeout = 600
    logger.info('reboot vm %s now' % domain_name)

    # Reboot domain
        domobj = reboot(0)
    except libvirtError, e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" \
                     % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("fail to reboot domain")
        return 1
    # Resume domain
    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']
    domobj = conn.lookupByName(domname)
    logger.info('resume domain')
    except libvirtError, e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" \
                     % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("resume failed")
        return 1

    state = domobj.info()[0]
    expect_states = [libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING, libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_NOSTATE, libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCKED]

    if state not in expect_states:
        logger.error('The domain state is not equal to "paused"')
        return 1

    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(domname)
    logger.info("get ip by mac address")
    ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 120)

    logger.info('ping guest')
    if not utils.do_ping(ip, 300):
        logger.error('Failed on ping guest, IP: ' + str(ip))
        return 1

    return 0
Exemple #41
def restart(params):
    """restart libvirtd test"""
    logger = params['logger']
    guestname = params['guestname']

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']

    logger.info("check the domain state")
    ret = check_domain_running(conn, guestname, logger)
    if ret:
        return 1

    logger.info("check the libvirtd status:")
    ret = libvirtd_check(logger)
    if ret:
        return 1

    # Get domain ip
    logger.info("get the mac address of domain %s" % guestname)
    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(guestname)
    logger.info("the mac address of domain %s is %s" % (guestname, mac))
    logger.info("get ip by mac address")
    ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
    logger.info("the ip address of domain %s is %s" % (guestname, ip))

    logger.info("ping to domain %s" % guestname)
    if utils.do_ping(ip, 0):
        logger.info("Success ping domain %s" % guestname)
        logger.error("fail to ping domain %s" % guestname)
        return 1

    ret, pid_before = get_domain_pid(logger, guestname)
    if ret:
        return 1

    logger.info("restart libvirtd service:")
    ret, out = utils.exec_cmd(RESTART_CMD, shell=True)
    if ret != 0:
        logger.error("failed to restart libvirtd")
        for i in range(len(out)):
        return 1
        for i in range(len(out)):

    logger.info("recheck libvirtd status:")
    ret = libvirtd_check(logger)
    if ret:
        return 1

    logger.info("ping to domain %s again" % guestname)
    if utils.do_ping(ip, 0):
        logger.info("Success ping domain %s" % guestname)
        logger.error("fail to ping domain %s" % guestname)
        return 1

    ret, pid_after = get_domain_pid(logger, guestname)
    if ret:
        return 1

    if pid_before != pid_after:
        logger.error("%s pid changed during libvirtd restart" %
        return 1
        logger.info("domain pid not change, %s keeps running during \
                     libvirtd restart" % guestname)

    return 0
def install_linux_check(params):
    """check guest status after installation, including network ping,
       read/write option in guest. return value: 0 - ok; 1 - bad
    global logger
    logger = params['logger']

    guestname = params.get('guestname')
    virt_type = params.get('virt_type')

    logger.info("the name of guest is %s" % guestname)

    # Connect to local hypervisor connection URI
    hypervisor = utils.get_hypervisor()

    logger.info("the type of hypervisor is %s" % hypervisor)

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']
    domobj = conn.lookupByName(guestname)
    state = domobj.info()[0]

    if(state == libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF):
        logger.info("guest is shutoff, if u want to run this case, \
                     guest must be started")
        return 1

    logger.info("get the mac address of vm %s" % guestname)
    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(guestname)
    logger.info("the mac address of vm %s is %s" % (guestname, mac))

    timeout = 300
    while timeout:
        ipaddr = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
        if not ipaddr:
            logger.info(str(timeout) + "s left")
            timeout -= 10
            logger.info("the ip address of vm %s is %s" % (guestname, ipaddr))

    if timeout == 0:
        logger.info("vm %s fail to get ip address" % guestname)
        return 1


    logger.info("Now checking guest health after installation")

    Test_Result = 0

    # Ping guest from host
    logger.info("check point1: ping guest from host")
    if utils.do_ping(ipaddr, 20) == 1:
        logger.info("ping current guest successfull")
        logger.error("Error: can't ping current guest")
        Test_Result = 1
        return Test_Result

    # Creat file and read file in guest.
    logger.info("check point2: creat and read dirctory/file in guest")
    if utils.create_dir(ipaddr, "root", "redhat") == 0:
        logger.info("create dir - /tmp/test successfully")
        if utils.write_file(ipaddr, "root", "redhat") == 0:
            logger.info("write and read file: /tmp/test/test.log successfully")
            logger.error("Error: fail to write/read file - /tmp/test/test.log")
            Test_Result = 1
            return Test_Result
        logger.error("Error: fail to create dir - /tmp/test")
        Test_Result = 1
        return Test_Result

    # Check whether vcpu equals the value set in geust config xml
    logger.info("check point3: check cpu number in guest equals to \
                 the value set in domain config xml")
    vcpunum_expect = int(utils.get_num_vcpus(domain_name))
    logger.info("vcpu number in domain config xml - %s is %s" % \
                 (domain_name, vcpunum_expect))
    vcpunum_actual = int(utils.get_remote_vcpus(ipaddr, "root", "redhat"))
    logger.info("The actual vcpu number in guest - %s is %s" %
                 (domain_name, vcpunum_actual))
    if vcpunum_expect == vcpunum_actual:
        logger.info("The actual vcpu number in guest is \
                     equal to the setting your domain config xml")
        logger.error("Error: The actual vcpu number in guest is \
                      NOT equal to the setting your domain config xml")
        Test_Result = 1
        return Test_Result

    # Check whether mem in guest is equal to the value set in domain config xml
    logger.info("check point4: check whether mem in guest is equal to \
                 the value set in domain config xml")
    mem_expect = utils.get_size_mem(domain_name)
    logger.info("current mem size in domain config xml - %s is %s" %
                 (domain_name, mem_expect))
    mem_actual = utils.get_remote_memory(ipaddr, "root", "redhat")
    logger.info("The actual mem size in guest - %s is %s" %
                (domain_name, mem_actual))
    diff_range = int(mem_expect) * 0.07
    diff = int(mem_expect) - int(mem_actual)
    if int(math.fabs(diff)) < int(diff_range):
        logger.info("The actual mem size in guest is almost equal to \
                    the setting your domain config xml")
        logger.error("Error: The actual mem size in guest is NOT equal to \
                      the setting your domain config xml")
        Test_Result = 1
        return Test_Result

    # Check app works fine in guest, such as: wget
    logger.info("check point5: check app works fine in guest, such as: wget")
    logger.info("get system environment information")
    envfile = os.path.join(HOME_PATH, 'global.cfg')
    logger.info("the environment file is %s" % envfile)

    envparser = env_parser.Envparser(envfile)
    file_url = envparser.get_value("other", "wget_url")

    if utils.run_wget_app(ipaddr, "root", "redhat", file_url, logger) == 0:
        logger.info("run wget successfully in guest.")
        logger.error("Error: fail to run wget in guest")
        Test_Result = 1
        return Test_Result

    # Check nic and blk driver in guest
    if 'kvm' in virt_type or 'xenfv' in virt_type:
        logger.info("check point6: check nic and blk driver in guest is \
                     expected as your config:")
        if utils.validate_remote_nic_type(ipaddr, "root", "redhat",
           nic_type, logger) == 0 and \
           utils.validate_remote_blk_type(ipaddr, "root", "redhat",
                                        blk_type, logger) == 0:
            logger.info("nic type - %s and blk type - %s check successfully" %
                       (nic_type, blk_type))
            logger.error("Error: nic type - %s or blk type - %s check failed" %
                        (nic_type, blk_type))
            Test_Result = 1
            return Test_Result

    return Test_Result
        logger.info('boot guest up ...')
    except libvirtError, e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" \
                     % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("fail to start domain %s" % domain_name)
        return 1

    timeout = 600

    while timeout:
        timeout -= 10

        ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)

        if not ip:
            logger.info(str(timeout) + "s left")
            logger.info("vm %s power on successfully" % domain_name)
            logger.info("the ip address of vm %s is %s" % (domain_name, ip))

    if timeout <= 0:
        logger.info("fail to power on vm %s" % domain_name)
        return 1

    return 0

def vcpu_affinity_check(domain_name, vcpu, expected_pinned_cpu, hypervisor):
        logger.info('boot guest up ...')
    except libvirtError, e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" \
                     % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("fail to start domain %s" % domain_name)
        return 1

    timeout = 600

    while timeout:
        timeout -= 10

        ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)

        if not ip:
            logger.info(str(timeout) + "s left")
            logger.info("vm %s power on successfully" % domain_name)
            logger.info("the ip address of vm %s is %s" % (domain_name, ip))

    if timeout <= 0:
        logger.info("fail to power on vm %s" % domain_name)
        return 1

    return 0

Exemple #45
def install_linux_cdrom(params):
    """ install a new virtual machine """
    logger = params['logger']

    guestname = params.get('guestname')
    guestos = params.get('guestos')
    guestarch = params.get('guestarch')
    br = params.get('bridgename', 'virbr0')
    xmlstr = params['xml']

    logger.info("the name of guest is %s" % guestname)

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']
    check_domain_state(conn, guestname, logger)

    logger.info("the macaddress is %s" %
                params.get('macaddr', '52:54:00:97:e4:28'))

    diskpath = params.get('diskpath',
    logger.info("disk image is %s" % diskpath)
    seeksize = params.get('disksize', 10)
    imageformat = params.get('imageformat', 'raw')
    logger.info("create disk image with size %sG, format %s" %
                (seeksize, imageformat))
    disk_create = "qemu-img create -f %s %s %sG" % \
        (imageformat, diskpath, seeksize)
    logger.debug("the command line of creating disk images is '%s'" %

    (status, message) = commands.getstatusoutput(disk_create)
    if status != 0:
        return 1

    os.chown(diskpath, 107, 107)
    logger.info("creating disk images file is successful.")

    hddriver = params.get('hddriver', 'virtio')
    if hddriver == 'virtio':
        xmlstr = xmlstr.replace('DEV', 'vda')
    elif hddriver == 'ide':
        xmlstr = xmlstr.replace('DEV', 'hda')
    elif hddriver == 'scsi':
        xmlstr = xmlstr.replace('DEV', 'sda')

    logger.info("get system environment information")
    envfile = os.path.join(HOME_PATH, 'global.cfg')
    logger.info("the environment file is %s" % envfile)

    os_arch = guestos + "_" + guestarch

    envparser = env_parser.Envparser(envfile)
    ostree = envparser.get_value("guest", os_arch)
    ks = envparser.get_value("guest", os_arch + "_http_ks")

    logger.debug('install source:\n    %s' % ostree)
    logger.debug('kisckstart file:\n    %s' % ks)

    if (ostree == 'http://'):
        logger.error("no os tree defined in %s for %s" % (envfile, os_arch))
        return 1

    logger.info('prepare installation...')
    cache_folder = envparser.get_value("variables", "domain_cache_folder")

    logger.info("begin to customize the custom.iso file")
    prepare_cdrom(ostree, ks, guestname, cache_folder, logger)

    bootcd = '%s/custom.iso' % \
        (os.path.join(cache_folder, guestname))
    xmlstr = xmlstr.replace('CUSTOMISO', bootcd)

    logger.debug('dump installation guest xml:\n%s' % xmlstr)

    installtype = params.get('type', 'define')
    if installtype == 'define':
        logger.info('define guest from xml description')
            domobj = conn.defineXML(xmlstr)
        except libvirtError as e:
            logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" %
                         (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
            logger.error("fail to define domain %s" % guestname)
            return 1

        logger.info('start installation guest ...')

        except libvirtError as e:
            logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" %
                         (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
            logger.error("fail to start domain %s" % guestname)
            return 1
    elif installtype == 'create':
        logger.info('create guest from xml description')
            domobj = conn.createXML(xmlstr, 0)
        except libvirtError as e:
            logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" %
                         (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
            logger.error("fail to define domain %s" % guestname)
            return 1

    interval = 0
    while (interval < 2400):
        if installtype == 'define':
            state = domobj.info()[0]
            if (state == libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF):
                logger.info("guest installaton of define type is complete.")
                logger.info("boot guest vm off harddisk")
                ret = prepare_boot_guest(domobj, xmlstr, guestname,
                                         installtype, logger)
                if ret:
                    logger.info("booting guest vm off harddisk failed")
                    return 1
                interval += 10
                logger.info('%s seconds passed away...' % interval)
        elif installtype == 'create':
            guest_names = []
            ids = conn.listDomainsID()
            for id in ids:
                obj = conn.lookupByID(id)

            if guestname not in guest_names:
                logger.info("guest installation of create type is complete.")
                logger.info("define the vm and boot it up")
                ret = prepare_boot_guest(domobj, xmlstr, guestname,
                                         installtype, logger)
                if ret:
                    logger.info("booting guest vm off harddisk failed")
                    return 1
                interval += 10
                logger.info('%s seconds passed away...' % interval)

    if interval == 2400:
        if 'rhel3u9' in guestname:
                "guest installaton will be destoryed forcelly for rhel3u9 guest"
            logger.info("boot guest vm off harddisk")
            ret = prepare_boot_guest(domobj, xmlstr, guestname, installtype,
            if ret:
                logger.info("booting guest vm off harddisk failed")
                return 1
            logger.info("guest installation timeout 2400s")
            return 1
        logger.info("guest is booting up")

    logger.info("get the mac address of vm %s" % guestname)
    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(guestname)
    logger.info("the mac address of vm %s is %s" % (guestname, mac))

    timeout = 300

    while timeout:
        timeout -= 10

        ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180, br)

        if not ip:
            logger.info(str(timeout) + "s left")
            logger.info("vm %s power on successfully" % guestname)
            logger.info("the ip address of vm %s is %s" % (guestname, ip))

    if timeout == 0:
        logger.info("fail to power on vm %s" % guestname)
        return 1


    return 0
def set_vcpus(domobj, guestname, vcpu, username, password):
    """set the value of virtual machine to vcpu offline , then boot up
       the virtual machine
    timeout = 60
    logger.info('destroy domain')

    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s"
                     % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("fail to destroy domain")
        return 1

    newguestxml = redefine_vcpu_number(domobj, guestname, vcpu)
    logger.debug('''new guest %s xml :\n%s''' % (guestname, newguestxml))

    logger.info("undefine the original guest")
    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s"
                     % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("fail to undefine guest %s" % guestname)
        return 1

    logger.info("define guest with new xml")
        conn = domobj._conn
    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s"
                     % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("fail to define guest %s" % guestname)
        return 1

        logger.info('boot guest up ...')
    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s"
                     % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("fail to start domain %s" % guestname)
        return 1

    timeout = 600

    while timeout:
        timeout -= 10

        logger.debug("get ip by mac address")
        ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
        logger.debug("the ip address of vm %s is %s" % (guestname, ip))

        if not ip:
            logger.info(str(timeout) + "s left")
            logger.info("vm %s power on successfully" % guestname)
            logger.info("the ip address of vm %s is %s" % (guestname, ip))

    if timeout <= 0:
        logger.info("fail to power on vm %s" % guestname)
        return 1

    ret = check_current_vcpu(domobj, username, password)
    if ret != 'False':
        return 0
        return 1

    return 0
Exemple #47
def reboot(params):
    """Reboot virtual machine
       Return 0 on SUCCESS or 1 on FAILURE
    # Initiate and check parameters
    global logger
    logger = params['logger']
    domain_name = params['guestname']

    # Connect to local hypervisor connection URI
    hypervisor = utils.get_hypervisor()
    if hypervisor == "kvm":
        logger.info("kvm hypervisor doesn't support the funtion now")
        return 0

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']
    domobj = conn.lookupByName(domain_name)

    # Get domain ip
    logger.info("get the mac address of vm %s" % domain_name)
    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(domain_name)
    logger.info("the mac address of vm %s is %s" % (domain_name, mac))
    logger.info("get ip by mac address")
    ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
    logger.info("the ip address of vm %s is %s" % (domain_name, ip))
    timeout = 600
    logger.info('reboot vm %s now' % domain_name)

    # Reboot domain
        domobj = reboot(0)
    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s"
                     % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("fail to reboot domain")
        return 1

    logger.info("the vm %s is power off" % domain_name)

    # Check domain status by ping ip
    while timeout:
        timeout -= 10
        if utils.do_ping(ip, 0):
            logger.info(str(timeout) + "s left")
            logger.info("vm %s power off successfully" % domain_name)
        if timeout == 0:
            logger.info("fail to power off %s" % domain_name)
            return 1

    timeout = 600
    logger.info("the vm %s is power on" % domain_name)

    while timeout:
        timeout -= 10
        if not utils.do_ping(ip, 0):
            logger.info(str(timeout) + "s left")
            logger.info("vm %s power on successfully")

        if timeout == 0:
            logger.info("fail to power on vm %s" % domain_name)
            return 1

    return 0
Exemple #48
def set_vcpus(domobj, guestname, vcpu, username, password):
    """set the value of virtual machine to vcpu offline , then boot up
       the virtual machine
    timeout = 60
    logger.info('destroy domain')

    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" %
                     (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("fail to destroy domain")
        return 1

    newguestxml = redefine_vcpu_number(domobj, guestname, vcpu)
    logger.debug('''new guest %s xml :\n%s''' % (guestname, newguestxml))

    logger.info("undefine the original guest")
    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" %
                     (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("fail to undefine guest %s" % guestname)
        return 1

    logger.info("define guest with new xml")
        conn = domobj._conn
    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" %
                     (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("fail to define guest %s" % guestname)
        return 1

        logger.info('boot guest up ...')
    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" %
                     (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("fail to start domain %s" % guestname)
        return 1

    timeout = 600

    while timeout:
        timeout -= 10

        logger.debug("get ip by mac address")
        ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
        logger.debug("the ip address of vm %s is %s" % (guestname, ip))

        if not ip:
            logger.info(str(timeout) + "s left")
            logger.info("vm %s power on successfully" % guestname)
            logger.info("the ip address of vm %s is %s" % (guestname, ip))

    if timeout <= 0:
        logger.info("fail to power on vm %s" % guestname)
        return 1

    ret = check_current_vcpu(domobj, username, password)
    if ret != 'False':
        return 0
        return 1

    return 0
Exemple #49
def restart(params):
    """restart libvirtd test"""
    logger = params['logger']
    guestname = params['guestname']

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']

    logger.info("check the domain state")
    ret = check_domain_running(conn, guestname, logger)
    if ret:
        return 1

    logger.info("check the libvirtd status:")
    ret = libvirtd_check(logger)
    if ret:
        return 1

    # Get domain ip
    logger.info("get the mac address of domain %s" % guestname)
    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(guestname)
    logger.info("the mac address of domain %s is %s" % (guestname, mac))
    logger.info("get ip by mac address")
    ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
    logger.info("the ip address of domain %s is %s" % (guestname, ip))

    logger.info("ping to domain %s" % guestname)
    if utils.do_ping(ip, 0):
        logger.info("Success ping domain %s" % guestname)
        logger.error("fail to ping domain %s" % guestname)
        return 1

    ret, pid_before = get_domain_pid(logger, guestname)
    if ret:
        return 1

    logger.info("restart libvirtd service:")
    ret, out = utils.exec_cmd(RESTART_CMD, shell=True)
    if ret != 0:
        logger.error("failed to restart libvirtd")
        for i in range(len(out)):
        return 1
        for i in range(len(out)):

    logger.info("recheck libvirtd status:")
    ret = libvirtd_check(logger)
    if ret:
        return 1

    logger.info("ping to domain %s again" % guestname)
    if utils.do_ping(ip, 0):
        logger.info("Success ping domain %s" % guestname)
        logger.error("fail to ping domain %s" % guestname)
        return 1

    ret, pid_after = get_domain_pid(logger, guestname)
    if ret:
        return 1

    if pid_before != pid_after:
        logger.error("%s pid changed during libvirtd restart" % \
        return 1
        logger.info("domain pid not change, %s keeps running during \
                     libvirtd restart" % guestname)

    return 0
Exemple #50
def install_windows_cdrom(params):
    """ install a windows guest virtual machine by using iso file """
    # Initiate and check parameters
    global logger
    logger = params['logger']

    guestname = params.get('guestname')
    guestos = params.get('guestos')
    guestarch = params.get('guestarch')
    xmlstr = params['xml']

    logger.info("the name of guest is %s" % guestname)

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']
    check_domain_state(conn, guestname)

    logger.info("the macaddress is %s" %
                params.get('macaddr', '52:54:00:97:e4:28'))

    diskpath = params.get('diskpath',
    logger.info("disk image is %s" % diskpath)
    seeksize = params.get('disksize', 20)
    imageformat = params.get('imageformat', 'raw')
    logger.info("create disk image with size %sG, format %s" %
                (seeksize, imageformat))
    disk_create = "qemu-img create -f %s %s %sG" % \
        (imageformat, diskpath, seeksize)
    logger.debug("the command line of creating disk images is '%s'" %

    (status, message) = commands.getstatusoutput(disk_create)
    if status != 0:
        return 1

    os.chown(diskpath, 107, 107)
    logger.info("creating disk images file is successful.")

    hddriver = params.get('hddriver', 'virtio')
    if hddriver == 'virtio':
        xmlstr = xmlstr.replace('DEV', 'vda')
    elif hddriver == 'ide':
        xmlstr = xmlstr.replace('DEV', 'hda')
    elif hddriver == 'scsi':
        xmlstr = xmlstr.replace('DEV', 'sda')

    logger.info("get system environment information")
    envfile = os.path.join(HOME_PATH, 'global.cfg')
    logger.info("the environment file is %s" % envfile)

    # Get iso file based on guest os and arch from global.cfg
    envparser = env_parser.Envparser(envfile)
    iso_file = envparser.get_value("guest", guestos + '_' + guestarch)
    cdkey = envparser.get_value("guest", "%s_%s_key" % (guestos, guestarch))

    windows_unattended_path = os.path.join(HOME_PATH,

    logger.debug('install source:\n    %s' % iso_file)
    logger.info('prepare pre-installation environment...')

    iso_local_path = prepare_iso(iso_file)
    xmlstr = xmlstr.replace('WINDOWSISO', iso_local_path)

    status = prepare_floppy_image(guestname, guestos, guestarch,
                                  windows_unattended_path, cdkey, FLOOPY_IMG)
    if status:
        logger.error("making floppy image failed")
        return 1
    xmlstr = xmlstr.replace('FLOPPY', FLOOPY_IMG)

    logger.debug('dump installation guest xml:\n%s' % xmlstr)

    # Generate guest xml
    installtype = params.get('type', 'define')
    if installtype == 'define':
        logger.info('define guest from xml description')
            domobj = conn.defineXML(xmlstr)
        except libvirtError as e:
            logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" %
                         (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
            logger.error("fail to define domain %s" % guestname)
            return 1

        logger.info('start installation guest ...')

        except libvirtError as e:
            logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" %
                         (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
            logger.error("fail to start domain %s" % guestname)
            return 1
    elif installtype == 'create':
        logger.info('create guest from xml description')
            conn.createXML(xmlstr, 0)
        except libvirtError as e:
            logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" %
                         (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
            logger.error("fail to define domain %s" % guestname)
            return 1

    interval = 0
    while (interval < 7200):
        if installtype == 'define':
            state = domobj.info()[0]
            if (state == libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF):
                logger.info("guest installaton of define type is complete.")
                logger.info("boot guest vm off harddisk")
                ret = prepare_boot_guest(domobj, xmlstr, guestname,
                if ret:
                    logger.info("booting guest vm off harddisk failed")
                    return 1
                interval += 20
                logger.info('%s seconds passed away...' % interval)
        elif installtype == 'create':
            guest_names = []
            ids = conn.listDomainsID()
            for id in ids:
                obj = conn.lookupByID(id)

            if guestname not in guest_names:
                logger.info("guest installation of create type is complete.")
                logger.info("define the vm and boot it up")
                ret = prepare_boot_guest(domobj, xmlstr, guestname,
                if ret:
                    logger.info("booting guest vm off harddisk failed")
                    return 1
                interval += 20
                logger.info('%s seconds passed away...' % interval)

    if interval == 7200:
        logger.info("guest installation timeout 7200s")
        return 1
        logger.info("guest is booting up")

    logger.info("get the mac address of vm %s" % guestname)
    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(guestname)
    logger.info("the mac address of vm %s is %s" % (guestname, mac))

    timeout = 600

    while timeout:
        timeout -= 10

        ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 0)

        if not ip:
            logger.info(str(timeout) + "s left")
            logger.info("vm %s power on successfully" % guestname)
            logger.info("the ip address of vm %s is %s" % (guestname, ip))


    if timeout == 0:
        logger.info("fail to power on vm %s" % guestname)
        return 1


    return 0
Exemple #51
def destroy(params):
    """destroy domain
       Argument is a dictionary with two keys:
       {'guestname': guestname}

       logger -- an object of utils/log.py
       guestname -- the domain name
       flags -- optional arguments:
                  noping: Don't do the ping test

       Return 0 on SUCCESS or 1 on FAILURE
    # Initiate and check parameters
    global logger
    logger = params['logger']
    guestname = params['guestname']
    br = params.get('bridgename', 'virbr0')
    flags = ""
    if 'flags' in params:
        flags = params['flags']

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']

    # Get running domain by name
    guest_names = []
    ids = conn.listDomainsID()
    for id in ids:
        obj = conn.lookupByID(id)

    if guestname not in guest_names:
        logger.error("guest %s doesn't exist or isn't running." % guestname)
        return 1

    domobj = conn.lookupByName(guestname)

    timeout = 60
    logger.info('destroy domain')

    if "noping" not in flags:
        # Get domain ip
        mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(guestname)
        logger.info("get ip by mac address")
        ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180, br)
        logger.info("the ip address of guest is %s" % ip)

    # Destroy domain
    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s"
                     % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("failed to destroy domain")
        return 1

    # Check domain status by ping ip
    if "noping" not in flags:
        while timeout:
            timeout -= 10
            logger.info(str(timeout) + "s left")

            logger.info('ping guest')

            if utils.do_ping(ip, 30):
                logger.error('The guest is still active, IP: ' + str(ip))
                return 1
                logger.info("domain %s was destroyed successfully" % guestname)

        if timeout <= 0:
            logger.error("the domain couldn't be destroyed within 60 seconds.")
            return 1

    return 0
def install_linux_net(params):
    """install a new virtual machine"""
    # Initiate and check parameters
    logger = params['logger']

    guestname = params.get('guestname')
    guestos = params.get('guestos')
    guestarch = params.get('guestarch')
    xmlstr = params['xml']

    installmethod = params.get('netmethod', 'http')

    logger.info("the name of guest is %s" % guestname)
    logger.info("the installation method is %s" % installmethod)

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']
    check_domain_state(conn, guestname, logger)

    logger.info("the macaddress is %s" %
                params.get('macaddr', '52:54:00:97:e4:28'))

    diskpath = params.get(
    logger.info("disk image is %s" % diskpath)
    seeksize = params.get('disksize', 10)
    imageformat = params.get('imageformat', 'raw')
        "create disk image with size %sG, format %s" %
        (seeksize, imageformat))
    disk_create = "qemu-img create -f %s %s %sG" % \
        (imageformat, diskpath, seeksize)
    logger.debug("the command line of creating disk images is '%s'" %

    (status, message) = commands.getstatusoutput(disk_create)
    if status != 0:
        return 1

    os.chown(diskpath, 107, 107)
    logger.info("creating disk images file is successful.")

    hddriver = params.get('hddriver', 'virtio')
    if hddriver == 'virtio':
        xmlstr = xmlstr.replace('DEV', 'vda')
    elif hddriver == 'ide':
        xmlstr = xmlstr.replace('DEV', 'hda')
    elif hddriver == 'scsi':
        xmlstr = xmlstr.replace('DEV', 'sda')

    logger.info("get system environment information")
    envfile = os.path.join(HOME_PATH, 'global.cfg')
    logger.info("the environment file is %s" % envfile)

    envparser = env_parser.Envparser(envfile)

    # Get http, ftp or nfs url based on guest os, arch
    # and installation method from global.cfg

    os_arch = guestos + "_" + guestarch

    if installmethod == 'http':
        ks = envparser.get_value("guest", os_arch + "_http_ks")
    elif installmethod == 'ftp':
        ks = envparser.get_value("guest", os_arch + "_ftp_ks")
    elif installmethod == "nfs":
        ks = envparser.get_value("guest", os_arch + "_nfs_ks")

    xmlstr = xmlstr.replace('KS', ks)

    ostree = envparser.get_value("guest", os_arch)
    logger.debug('install source:\n    %s' % ostree)
    logger.debug('kisckstart file:\n    %s' % ks)

    if (ostree == 'http://'):
        logger.error("no os tree defined in %s for %s" % (envfile, os_arch))
        return 1

    logger.info('prepare installation...')

    vmlinuzpath = os.path.join(ostree, 'isolinux/vmlinuz')
    initrdpath = os.path.join(ostree, 'isolinux/initrd.img')

    logger.debug("the url of vmlinuz file is %s" % vmlinuzpath)
    logger.debug("the url of initrd file is %s" % initrdpath)

    urllib.urlretrieve(vmlinuzpath, VMLINUZ)
    urllib.urlretrieve(initrdpath, INITRD)

    logger.debug("vmlinuz and initrd.img are located in %s" % BOOT_DIR)

    xmlstr = xmlstr.replace('KERNEL', VMLINUZ)
    xmlstr = xmlstr.replace('INITRD', INITRD)
    logger.debug('dump installation guest xml:\n%s' % xmlstr)

    installtype = params.get('type', 'define')
    if installtype == 'define':
        logger.info('define guest from xml description')
            domobj = conn.defineXML(xmlstr)
        except libvirtError as e:
            logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s"
                         % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
            logger.error("fail to define domain %s" % guestname)
            return 1

        logger.info('start installation guest ...')

        except libvirtError as e:
            logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s"
                         % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
            logger.error("fail to start domain %s" % guestname)
            return 1
    elif installtype == 'create':
        logger.info('create guest from xml description')
            domobj = conn.createXML(xmlstr, 0)
        except libvirtError as e:
            logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s"
                         % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
            logger.error("fail to define domain %s" % guestname)
            return 1

    if 'rhel3u9' in guestos:
        interval = 0
        logger.info("waiting 1000 seconds for the installation to complete...")
        while(interval < 1000):
            logger.info('%s seconds passed away...' % interval)
            interval += 10

        ret = prepare_boot_guest(
            domobj, xmlstr, guestname, logger, installtype)

        if ret:
            logger.info("booting guest vm off harddisk failed")
            return 1
            logger.info("guest is booting up")
        interval = 0
        while(interval < 3600):
            if installtype is None or installtype == 'define':
                state = domobj.info()[0]
                if(state == libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF):
                    logger.info("guest installaton of define type is complete")
                    logger.info("boot guest vm off harddisk")
                    ret = prepare_boot_guest(domobj, xmlstr, guestname, logger,
                    if ret:
                        logger.info("booting guest vm off harddisk failed")
                        return 1
                    interval += 10
                    logger.info('%s seconds passed away...' % interval)
            elif installtype == 'create':
                guest_names = []
                ids = conn.listDomainsID()
                for id in ids:
                    obj = conn.lookupByID(id)

                if guestname not in guest_names:
                        "guest installation of create type is complete")
                    logger.info("define the vm and boot it up")
                    ret = prepare_boot_guest(domobj, xmlstr, guestname, logger,
                    if ret:
                        logger.info("booting guest vm off harddisk failed")
                        return 1
                    interval += 10
                    logger.info('%s seconds passed away...' % interval)

        if interval == 3600:
            logger.info("guest installation timeout 3600s")
            return 1
            logger.info("guest is booting up")

    logger.info("get the mac address of vm %s" % guestname)
    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(guestname)
    logger.info("the mac address of vm %s is %s" % (guestname, mac))

    timeout = 300
    while timeout:
        timeout -= 10

        ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)

        if not ip:
            logger.info(str(timeout) + "s left")
            logger.info("vm %s power on successfully" % guestname)
            logger.info("the ip address of vm %s is %s" % (guestname, ip))

        if timeout == 0:
            logger.info("fail to power on vm %s" % guestname)
            return 1

    return 0
def set_vcpus(domobj, domain_name, vcpu):
    """set the value of virtual machine to vcpu offline , then boot up
       the virtual machine
    timeout = 60
    logger.info('destroy domain')

    logger.info("get the mac address of vm %s" % domain_name)
    mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(domain_name)
    logger.info("the mac address of vm %s is %s" % (domain_name, mac))

    logger.info("get ip by mac address")
    ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)
    logger.info("the ip address of vm %s is %s" % (domain_name, ip))

    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s"
                     % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("fail to destroy domain")
        return 1

    while timeout:
        timeout -= 10
        logger.info(str(timeout) + "s left")

        logger.info('ping guest')

        if utils.do_ping(ip, 30):
            logger.error('The guest is still active, IP: ' + str(ip))
            logger.info("domain %s is destroied successfully" % domain_name)

    if timeout <= 0:
        logger.error("the domain couldn't be destroied within 60 secs.")
        return 1

    newguestxml = redefine_vcpu_number(domobj, domain_name, vcpu)
    logger.debug('''new guest %s xml :\n%s''' % (domain_name, newguestxml))

    logger.info("undefine the original guest")
    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s"
                     % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("fail to undefine guest %s" % domain_name)
        return 1

    logger.info("define guest with new xml")
        conn = domobj._conn
    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s"
                     % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("fail to define guest %s" % domain_name)
        return 1

        logger.info('boot guest up ...')
    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s"
                     % (e.message, e.get_error_code()))
        logger.error("fail to start domain %s" % domain_name)
        return 1

    timeout = 600

    while timeout:
        timeout -= 10

        ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)

        if not ip:
            logger.info(str(timeout) + "s left")
            logger.info("vm %s power on successfully" % domain_name)
            logger.info("the ip address of vm %s is %s" % (domain_name, ip))

    if timeout <= 0:
        logger.info("fail to power on vm %s" % domain_name)
        return 1

    return 0
def managedsave_start(params):
    """ Start domain with managedsave image and check if its status is right
        according to given flags of running managedsave command.If it is
        correctly paused , resume it.

        Argument is a dictionary with two keys:
        {'logger': logger, 'guestname': guestname}

        logger -- an object of utils/log.py
        mandatory arguments : guestname -- same as the domain name
        optional arguments : flags -- domain create flags <none|start_paused
        |noping>.It allows only one flag be given.

        Return 0 on SUCCESS or 1 on FAILURE
    domname = params['guestname']
    global logger
    logger = params['logger']
    flags = params.get('flags', '')
    # Get given flags of managedsave
    if 'flagsave' in sharedmod.data:
        flagsave = sharedmod.data.get('flagsave')
        logger.error("Failed to get flags from managedsave")
    # Clean sharedmod.data
    sharedmod.data = {}

    conn = sharedmod.libvirtobj['conn']
    domobj = conn.lookupByName(domname)

    timeout = 600
    logger.info('start domain')
    # Check if guest has managedsave image before start
    if domobj.hasManagedSaveImage(0):
        logger.info("Domain has managedsave image")
        logger.info("Domain hasn't managedsave image")

        if "none" in flags:
        elif "start_paused" in flags:
            # this covers flags = None as well as flags = 'noping'
    except libvirtError as e:
        logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" % e.message)
        logger.error("start failed")
        return 1

    while timeout:
        state = domobj.info()[0]
        expect_states = [
            libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING, libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED,
            libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_NOSTATE, libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCKED

        if state in expect_states:

        timeout -= 10
        logger.info(str(timeout) + "s left")

    if timeout <= 0:
        logger.error('The domain state is not as expected, state: ' + state)
        return 1

    logger.info("Guest started")
    """If domain's current state is paused. Check if start command has
    --paused flag or managedsave has --paused flag (given flags in managedsave
    include '4'). If yes, it means domain successfully paused , then resume it.
    If not, throw error -guest state error."""

    if state == libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED:
        if "start_paused" in flags or "4" in flagsave:
            logger.info("Guest paused successfully ")


            except libvirtError as e:
                logger.error("API error message: %s, error code is %s" %
                logger.error("resume failed")
                return 1
            stateresume = domobj.info()[0]
            expect_states = [
                libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING, libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_NOSTATE,
            if stateresume not in expect_states:
                logger.error('The domain state is not equal to "paused"')
                return 1
                logger.info('Domain resume successfully')
            return 0
            logger.error("guest state error")
            return 1

    # Get domain ip and ping ip to check domain's status
    if "noping" not in flags:
        mac = utils.get_dom_mac_addr(domname)
        logger.info("get ip by mac address")
        ip = utils.mac_to_ip(mac, 180)

        logger.info('ping guest')
        if not utils.do_ping(ip, 300):
            logger.error('Failed on ping guest, IP: ' + str(ip))
            return 1

    # Check if domain' managedsave image exists,if not, return 0.
    if not domobj.hasManagedSaveImage(0) and check_savefile_remove(domname):
        logger.info("Domain %s with managedsave image successfully start" %
        return 0
        logger.error("Fail to start domain %s with managedsave image" %
        return 1