Exemple #1
class AcceptanceCondition(utils.metaclass_insert(abc.ABCMeta, object)):
    GradientApproximators use provided information to both select points
    required to estimate gradients as well as calculate the estimates.
    # Initialization Methods #
    def getInputSpecification(cls):
      Method to get a reference to a class that specifies the input data for class cls.
      @ In, cls, the class for which we are retrieving the specification
      @ Out, specs, InputData.ParameterInput, class to use for specifying input of cls.
        specs = InputData.parameterInputFactory(cls.__name__,
        specs.description = 'Base class for acceptance conditions in the GradientDescent Optimizer.'
        return specs

    def __init__(self):
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
        ## Instance Variable Initialization
        # public
        # _protected
        # __private
        # additional methods

    def handleInput(self, specs):
      Read input specs
      @ In, specs, InputData.ParameterInput, parameter specs interpreted
      @ Out, None

    def initialize(self):
      After construction, finishes initialization of this approximator.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None

    # Run Methods #
    def checkImprovement(self, new, old):
Exemple #2
    def addInternal(self,
      Method to add an internal run (function execution)
      @ In, Input, list, list of Inputs that are going to be passed to the
        function to be executed as *args
      @ In, functionToRun,function or method, the function that needs to be
      @ In, identifier, string, the job identifier
      @ In, metadata, dict, optional, dictionary of metadata associated to this
      @ In, modulesToImport, list, optional, list of modules that need to be
        imported for internal parallelization (parallel python). This list
        should be generated with the method returnImportModuleString in utils.py
      @ In, forceUseThreads, bool, optional, flag that, if True, is going to
        force the usage of multi-threading even if parallel python is activated
      @ In, uniqueHandler, string, optional, it is a special keyword attached to
        this runner. For example, if present, to retrieve this runner using the
        method jobHandler.getFinished, the uniqueHandler needs to be provided.
        If uniqueHandler == 'any', every "client" can get this runner
      @ In, clientQueue, boolean, optional, if this run needs to be added in the
      @ Out, None
        ## internal server is initialized only in case an internal calc is requested
        if not self.isParallelPythonInitialized:

        if self.ppserver is None or forceUseThreads:
            internalJob = Runners.SharedMemoryRunner(self.messageHandler,
                                                     Input, functionToRun,
                                                     identifier, metadata,
            skipFunctions = [utils.metaclass_insert(abc.ABCMeta, BaseType)]
            internalJob = Runners.DistributedMemoryRunner(
                self.messageHandler, self.ppserver, Input, functionToRun,
                modulesToImport, identifier, metadata, skipFunctions,
        with self.__queueLock:
            if not clientQueue:
Exemple #3
class Metric(utils.metaclass_insert(abc.ABCMeta, BaseType)):
    This is the general interface to any RAVEN metric object.
    It contains an initialize, a _readMoreXML, and an evaluation (i.e., distance) methods
    def __init__(self):
      This is the basic method initialize the metric object
      @ In, none
      @ Out, none
        self.type = self.__class__.__name__
        self.name = self.__class__.__name__
        self.acceptsProbability = False  #If True the metric needs to be able to handle (value,probability) where value and probability are lists
        self.acceptsDistribution = False  #If True the metric needs to be able to handle a passed in Distribution

    def initialize(self, inputDict):
      This method initialize each metric object
      @ In, inputDict, dict, dictionary containing initialization parameters
      @ Out, none

    def _readMoreXML(self, xmlNode):
      Method that reads the portion of the xml input that belongs to this specialized class
      and initialize internal parameters
      @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.Element, Xml element node
      @ Out, None

    def distance(self, x, y, **kwargs):
      This method actually calculates the distance between two dataObjects x and y
      @ In, x, dict, dictionary containing data of x
      @ In, y, dict, dictionary containing data of y
      @ In, kwargs, dictionary of parameters characteristic of each metric (e.g., weights)
      @ Out, value, float, distance between x and y
Exemple #4
class CrossValidation(utils.metaclass_insert(abc.ABCMeta),
    Cross validation methods used to validate models
    def __init__(self, messageHandler=None, **kwargs):
      This is the basic method initialize the cross validation object
      @ In, messageHandler, object, Message handler object
      @ In, kwargs, dict, arguments for the Pairwise metric
      @ Out, none
        assert messageHandler is not None
        self.messageHandler = messageHandler
        self.printTag = 'Cross Validation'
        if kwargs != None:
            self.initOptionDict = kwargs
            self.initOptionDict = {}

    def reset(self):
      Used to reset private variables
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None

    def getCrossValidationType(self):
      This method is used to return the type of cross validation to be employed
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None

    def generateTrainTestIndices(self):
      This method is used to generate train/test indices to split data in train test sets
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
Exemple #5
class MetricDistributor(utils.metaclass_insert(abc.ABCMeta, BaseType),
    This class represents an interface with all the metrics algorithms
    It is a utility class needed to hide the discernment between time-dependent and static
    def __init__(self, estimator, messageHandler):
      A constructor
      @ In, estimator, instance of given metric
      @ In, messageHandler, MessageHandler object, it is in charge of raising errors, and printing messages
      @ In, kwargs, dict, an arbitrary list of kwargs
      @ Out, None
        self.printTag = 'MetricDistributor'
        # object of message handler
        self.messageHandler = messageHandler
        # instance of given Metric
        self.estimator = estimator
        # True if the instance of given metric, i.e. 'estimator', can handle time-dependent data, else False
        self.canHandleDynamicData = self.estimator.isDynamic()
        # True if the instance of given metric, i.e. 'estimator', can handle pairwise data, else False
        self.canHandlePairwiseData = self.estimator.isPairwise()

    def getInitParams(self):
      This function is called from the base class to print some of the information inside the class.
      Whatever is permanent in the class and not inherited from the parent class should be mentioned here
      The information is passed back in the dictionary. No information about values that change during the simulation are allowed
      @ In, None
      @ Out, paramDict, dict, dictionary containing the parameter names as keys
        and each parameter's initial value as the dictionary values
        paramDict = {}
        paramDict['Handle dynamic data'] = self.canHandleDynamicData
        paramDict['Handle pairwise data'] = self.canHandlePairwiseData
        paramDict['Metric name'] = self.estimator.name
        return paramDict

    def evaluatePairwise(self, pairedData):
      Method to compute the the metric between each pair of rows of matrices in pairedData
      @ In, pairedData, tuple, (featureValues, targetValues), both featureValues and targetValues
        are 2D numpy array with the same number of columns. For example, featureValues with shape
        (numRealizations1,numParameters), targetValues with shape (numRealizations2, numParameters)
      @ Out, output, numpy.ndarray, 2D array, with shape (numRealizations1,numRealization2)
        assert (type(pairedData).__name__ == 'tuple'
                ), "The paired data is not a tuple!"
        if not self.canHandlePairwiseData:
            self.raiseAnError(IOError, "The metric", self.estimator.name,
                              "can not handle pairwise data")
        feat, targ = pairedData
        output = self.estimator.evaluate(feat, targ)
        return output

    def evaluate(self, pairedData, weights=None, multiOutput='mean'):
      Method to perform the evaluation of given paired data
      @ In, pairedData, tuple, ((featureValues, probabilityWeight), (targetValues, probabilityWeight)), both
        featureValues and targetValues  have the same shape (numRealizations,  numHistorySteps)
      @ In, weights, array_like (numpy.ndarray or list), optional,  An array of weights associated with the pairedData
      @ In, multiOutput, string, optional, 'mean', 'max', 'min' or 'raw_values'
      @ Out, output, numpy.ndarray, 1D array, processed output from the estimator
        assert (type(pairedData).__name__ == 'tuple')
        # Error check for input data
        dynamicOutput = []
        for pData in pairedData:
            if not self.estimator.acceptsDistribution and isinstance(
                    pData, Distributions.Distribution):
                                  "Distribution is provided, but the metric ",
                                  self.estimator.name, " can not handle it!")
        feat, targ = pairedData
        if isinstance(feat, Distributions.Distribution) and isinstance(
                targ, Distributions.Distribution):
            out = self.estimator.evaluate(feat, targ)
        elif isinstance(feat, Distributions.Distribution):
            targVals = np.asarray(targ[0])
            for hist in range(targVals.shape[1]):
                if targ[1] is not None:
                    assert (len(targVals[:, hist]) == len(targ[1]))
                    targIn = (targVals[:, hist], targ[1])
                    targIn = targVals[:, hist]
                out = self.estimator.evaluate(feat, targIn)
        elif isinstance(targ, Distributions.Distribution):
            featVals = np.asarray(feat[0])
            for hist in range(featVals.shape[1]):
                if feat[1] is not None:
                    assert (len(featVals[:, hist]) == len(feat[1]))
                    featIn = (featVals[:, hist], feat[1])
                    featIn = featVals[:, hist]
                out = self.estimator.evaluate(featIn, targ)
        elif self.estimator.type in ['CDFAreaDifference', 'PDFCommonArea']:
            featVals = np.asarray(feat[0])
            targVals = np.asarray(targ[0])
            for hist in range(featVals.shape[1]):
                if feat[1] is not None:
                    featIn = (featVals[:, hist], feat[1])
                    featIn = featVals[:, hist]
                if targ[1] is not None:
                    assert (len(targVals[:, hist]) == len(targ[1]))
                    targIn = (targVals[:, hist], targ[1])
                    targIn = targVals[:, hist]
                out = self.estimator.evaluate(featIn, targIn)
            featVals = np.asarray(feat[0])
            targVals = np.asarray(targ[0])
            assert (featVals.shape[0] == targVals.shape[0])
            if feat[1] is not None:
                dataWeight = np.asarray(feat[1])
                assert (featVals.shape[0] == dataWeight.shape[0])
                dataWeight = None
            # FIXME: Currently, we only use the weights of given features to compute the metric, this
            # can be biased or uncorrect. The correct way is to use the joint probability weight.
            # This needs to be improved in the future when RAVEN can handle the joint probability weight correctly.
            if self.canHandleDynamicData:
                dynamicOutput = self.estimator.evaluate(
                    featVals, targVals, dataWeight)
                for hist in range(featVals.shape[1]):
                    out = self.estimator.evaluate(featVals[:, hist],
                                                           hist], dataWeight)
        if multiOutput == 'mean':
            output = [np.average(dynamicOutput, weights=weights)]
        elif multiOutput == 'max':
            output = [np.amax(dynamicOutput)]
        elif multiOutput == 'min':
            output = [np.amin(dynamicOutput)]
        elif multiOutput == 'raw_values':
            output = dynamicOutput
                IOError, "multiOutput: ", multiOutput,
                " is not acceptable! Please use 'mean', 'max', 'min' or 'full'"
        output = np.asarray(output)
        return output
Exemple #6
class Sampler(utils.metaclass_insert(abc.ABCMeta, BaseType), Assembler):
    This is the base class for samplers
    Samplers own the sampling strategy (Type) and they generate the
    input values using the associate distribution. They do not have distributions inside!!!!

    myInstance = Sampler()
    myInstance.XMLread(xml.etree.ElementTree.Element)  This method generates all the information that will be permanent for the object during the simulation

    myInstance = Sampler()
    myInstance.XMLread(xml.etree.ElementTree.Element)  This method generate all permanent information of the object from <Simulation>
    myInstance.whatDoINeed()                           -see Assembler class-
    myInstance.generateDistributions(dict)             Here the seed for the random engine is started and the distributions are supplied to the sampler and
                                                       initialized. The method is called come from <Simulation> since it is the only one possess all the distributions.
    myInstance.initialize()                            This method is called from the <Step> before the Step process start. In the base class it reset the counter to 0
    myInstance.amIreadyToProvideAnInput                Requested from <Step> used to verify that the sampler is available to generate a new input
    myInstance.generateInput(self,model,oldInput)      Requested from <Step> to generate a new input. Generate the new values and request to model to modify according the input and returning it back

    --Other inherited methods--
    myInstance.whoAreYou()                            -see BaseType class-
    myInstance.myCurrentSetting()                     -see BaseType class-

    --Adding a new Sampler subclass--
    <MyClass> should inherit at least from Sampler or from another step already presents

    DO NOT OVERRIDE any of the class method that are not starting with self.local*

    ADD your class to the dictionary __InterfaceDict at the end of the module

    The following method overriding is MANDATORY:
    self.localGenerateInput(model,oldInput)  : this is where the step happens, after this call the output is ready

    the following methods could be overrode:
    def __init__(self):
      Default Constructor that will initialize member variables with reasonable
      defaults or empty lists/dictionaries where applicable.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
        self.counter = 0  # Counter of the samples performed (better the input generated!!!). It is reset by calling the function self.initialize
        self.auxcnt = 0  # Aux counter of samples performed (for its usage check initialize method)
        self.limit = sys.maxsize  # maximum number of Samples (for example, Monte Carlo = Number of HistorySet to run, DET = Unlimited)
        self.toBeSampled = {
        }  # Sampling mapping dictionary {'Variable Name':'name of the distribution'}
        self.dependentSample = {
        }  # Sampling mapping dictionary for dependent variables {'Variable Name':'name of the external function'}
        self.distDict = {
        }  # Contains the instance of the distribution to be used, it is created every time the sampler is initialized. keys are the variable names
        self.funcDict = {
        }  # Contains the instance of the function     to be used, it is created every time the sampler is initialized. keys are the variable names
        self.values = {
        }  # for each variable the current value {'var name':value}
        self.inputInfo = {
        }  # depending on the sampler several different type of keywarded information could be present only one is mandatory, see below
        self.initSeed = None  # if not provided the seed is randomly generated at the istanciation of the sampler, the step can override the seed by sending in another seed
            'SampledVars'] = self.values  # this is the location where to get the values of the sampled variables
        self.inputInfo['SampledVarsPb'] = {
        }  # this is the location where to get the probability of the sampled variables
            'PointProbability'] = None  # this is the location where the point wise probability is stored (probability associated to a sampled point)
        self.inputInfo['crowDist'] = {
        }  # Stores a dictionary that contains the information to create a crow distribution.  Stored as a json object
        self.constants = {}  # In this dictionary
        self.reseedAtEachIteration = False  # Logical flag. True if every newer evaluation is performed after a new reseeding
        self.FIXME = False  # FIXME flag
        self.printTag = self.type  # prefix for all prints (sampler type)
        self.restartData = None  # presampled points to restart from
        self.restartTolerance = 1e-15  # strictness with which to find matches in the restart data

        self._endJobRunnable = sys.maxsize  # max number of inputs creatable by the sampler right after a job ends (e.g., infinite for MC, 1 for Adaptive, etc)

        self.variables2distributionsMapping = {
        }  # for each variable 'varName'  , the following informations are included:  'varName': {'dim': 1, 'reducedDim': 1,'totDim': 2, 'name': 'distName'} ; dim = dimension of the variable; reducedDim = dimension of the variable in the transformed space; totDim = total dimensionality of its associated distribution
        self.distributions2variablesMapping = {
        }  # for each variable 'distName' , the following informations are included: 'distName': [{'var1': 1}, {'var2': 2}]} where for each var it is indicated the var dimension
        self.NDSamplingParams = {
        }  # this dictionary contains a dictionary for each ND distribution (key). This latter dictionary contains the initialization parameters of the ND inverseCDF ('initialGridDisc' and 'tolerance')
        self.addAssemblerObject('Restart', '-n', True)

        #used for PCA analysis
        self.variablesTransformationDict = {
        }  # for each variable 'modelName', the following informations are included: {'modelName': {latentVariables:[latentVar1, latentVar2, ...], manifestVariables:[manifestVar1,manifestVar2,...]}}
        self.transformationMethod = {
        }  # transformation method used in variablesTransformation node {'modelName':method}
        self.entitiesToRemove = [
        ]  # This variable is used in order to make sure the transformation info is printed once in the output xml file.

    def _localGenerateAssembler(self, initDict):
      It is used for sending to the instanciated class, which is implementing the method, the objects that have been requested through "whatDoINeed" method
      It is an abstract method -> It must be implemented in the derived class!
      @ In, initDict, dict, dictionary ({'mainClassName(e.g., Databases):{specializedObjectName(e.g.,DatabaseForSystemCodeNamedWolf):ObjectInstance}'})
      @ Out, None
        availableDist = initDict['Distributions']
        availableFunc = initDict['Functions']
        self._generateDistributions(availableDist, availableFunc)

    def _localWhatDoINeed(self):
      This method is a local mirror of the general whatDoINeed method.
      It is implemented by the samplers that need to request special objects
      @ In, None
      @ Out, needDict, dict, list of objects needed
        needDict = {}
        needDict['Distributions'] = [
        ]  # Every sampler requires Distributions OR a Function
        needDict['Functions'] = [
        ]  # Every sampler requires Distributions OR a Function
        for dist in self.toBeSampled.values():
            needDict['Distributions'].append((None, dist))
        for func in self.dependentSample.values():
            needDict['Functions'].append((None, func))
        return needDict

    def _readMoreXML(self, xmlNode):
      Function to read the portion of the xml input that belongs to this specialized class
      and initialize some stuff based on the inputs got
      The text is supposed to contain the info where and which variable to change.
      In case of a code the syntax is specified by the code interface itself
      @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, Xml element node
      @ Out, None
        Assembler._readMoreXML(self, xmlNode)

    def _readMoreXMLbase(self, xmlNode):
      Function to read the portion of the xml input that belongs to the base sampler only
      and initialize some stuff based on the inputs got
      The text is supposed to contain the info where and which variable to change.
      In case of a code the syntax is specified by the code interface itself
      @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, Xml element node1
      @ Out, None
        for child in xmlNode:
            prefix = ""
            if child.tag == 'Distribution':
                for childChild in child:
                    if childChild.tag == 'distribution':
                        prefix = "<distribution>"
                        tobesampled = childChild.text
                self.toBeSampled[prefix + child.attrib['name']] = tobesampled
                #if child.attrib['name'] != tobesampled:self.raiseAnError(IOError,"name of the <Distribution> node and <distribution> mismatches for node named "+ child.attrib['name'])
            elif child.tag == 'variable':
                foundDistOrFunc = False
                for childChild in child:
                    if childChild.tag == 'distribution':
                        if not foundDistOrFunc: foundDistOrFunc = True
                                'A sampled variable cannot have both a distribution and a function!'
                        tobesampled = childChild.text
                        varData = {}
                        varData['name'] = childChild.text
                        if childChild.get('dim') == None:
                            dim = 1
                            dim = childChild.attrib['dim']
                        varData['dim'] = int(dim)
                            child.attrib['name']] = varData
                        self.toBeSampled[prefix +
                                         child.attrib['name']] = tobesampled
                    elif childChild.tag == 'function':
                        if not foundDistOrFunc: foundDistOrFunc = True
                                'A sampled variable cannot have both a distribution and a function!'
                        tobesampled = childChild.text
                            prefix + child.attrib['name']] = tobesampled
                if not foundDistOrFunc:
                        IOError, 'Sampled variable', child.attrib['name'],
                        'has neither a <distribution> nor <function> node specified!'
            elif child.tag == "variablesTransformation":
                transformationDict = {}
                listIndex = None
                for childChild in child:
                    if childChild.tag == "latentVariables":
                        transformationDict[childChild.tag] = list(
                            for inp in childChild.text.strip().split(','))
                    elif childChild.tag == "manifestVariables":
                        transformationDict[childChild.tag] = list(
                            for inp in childChild.text.strip().split(','))
                    elif childChild.tag == "manifestVariablesIndex":
                        # the index provided by the input file starts from 1, but the index used by the code starts from 0.
                        listIndex = list(
                            int(inp.strip()) - 1
                            for inp in childChild.text.strip().split(','))
                    elif childChild.tag == "method":
                            child.attrib['distribution']] = childChild.text
                if listIndex == None:
                        'Index is not provided for manifestVariables, default index will be used instead!'
                    listIndex = range(
                transformationDict["manifestVariablesIndex"] = listIndex
                    child.attrib['distribution']] = transformationDict
            elif child.tag == "constant":
                value = utils.partialEval(child.text)
                if value is None:
                        'The body of "constant" XML block should be a number. Got: '
                        + child.text)
                    self.constants[child.attrib['name']] = value
                except KeyError:
                        child.tag + ' must have the attribute "name"!!!')
            elif child.tag == "restartTolerance":
                self.restartTolerance = float(child.text)

        if len(self.constants) > 0:
            # check if constant variables are also part of the sampled space. In case, error out
            if not set(self.toBeSampled.keys()).isdisjoint(
                    "Some constant variables are also in the sampling space:" +
                    ' '.join([
                        i if i in self.toBeSampled.keys() else ""
                        for i in self.constants.keys()

        if self.initSeed == None:
            self.initSeed = Distributions.randomIntegers(0, 2**31, self)
        # Creation of the self.distributions2variablesMapping dictionary: {'distName': ({'variable_name1': dim1}, {'variable_name2': dim2})}
        for variable in self.variables2distributionsMapping.keys():
            distName = self.variables2distributionsMapping[variable]['name']
            dim = self.variables2distributionsMapping[variable]['dim']
            listElement = {}
            listElement[variable] = dim
            if (distName in self.distributions2variablesMapping.keys()):
                self.distributions2variablesMapping[distName] = [listElement]

        # creation of the self.distributions2variablesIndexList dictionary:{'distName':[dim1,dim2,...,dimN]}
        self.distributions2variablesIndexList = {}
        for distName in self.distributions2variablesMapping.keys():
            positionList = []
            for var in self.distributions2variablesMapping[distName]:
                position = utils.first(var.values())
            positionList = list(set(positionList))
            self.distributions2variablesIndexList[distName] = positionList

        for key in self.variables2distributionsMapping.keys():
            distName = self.variables2distributionsMapping[key]['name']
            dim = self.variables2distributionsMapping[key]['dim']
            reducedDim = self.distributions2variablesIndexList[distName].index(
                dim) + 1
                'reducedDim'] = reducedDim  # the dimension of variable in the transformed space
            self.variables2distributionsMapping[key]['totDim'] = max(
            )  # We will reset the value if the node <variablesTransformation> exist in the raven input file
            if not self.variablesTransformationDict and self.variables2distributionsMapping[
                    key]['totDim'] > 1:
                if self.variables2distributionsMapping[key]['totDim'] != len(
                        'The "dim" assigned to the variables insider Sampler are not correct! the "dim" should start from 1, and end with the full dimension of given distribution'

        #Checking the variables transformation
        if self.variablesTransformationDict:
            for dist, varsDict in self.variablesTransformationDict.items():
                maxDim = len(varsDict['manifestVariables'])
                listLatentElement = varsDict['latentVariables']
                if len(set(listLatentElement)) != len(listLatentElement):
                    dups = set(var for var in listLatentElement
                               if listLatentElement.count(var) > 1)
                        'The following are duplicated variables listed in the latentVariables: '
                        + str(dups))
                if len(set(varsDict['manifestVariables'])) != len(
                    dups = set(var for var in varsDict['manifestVariables']
                               if varsDict['manifestVariables'].count(var) > 1)
                        'The following are duplicated variables listed in the manifestVariables: '
                        + str(dups))
                if len(set(varsDict['manifestVariablesIndex'])) != len(
                    dups = set(
                        var + 1 for var in varsDict['manifestVariablesIndex']
                        if varsDict['manifestVariablesIndex'].count(var) > 1)
                        'The following are duplicated variables indices listed in the manifestVariablesIndex: '
                        + str(dups))
                listElement = self.distributions2variablesMapping[dist]
                for var in listElement:
                        'totDim'] = maxDim  #reset the totDim to reflect the totDim of original input space
                tempListElement = {
                    k.strip(): v
                    for x in listElement for ks, v in x.items()
                    for k in list(ks.strip().split(','))
                listIndex = []
                for var in listLatentElement:
                    if var not in set(tempListElement.keys()):
                            'The variable listed in latentVariables ' + var +
                            ' is not listed in the given distribution: ' +
                    listIndex.append(tempListElement[var] - 1)
                if max(listIndex) > maxDim:
                        IOError, 'The maximum dim = ' + str(max(listIndex)) +
                        ' defined for latent variables is exceeded the dimension of the problem '
                        + str(maxDim))
                if len(set(listIndex)) != len(listIndex):
                    dups = set(var + 1 for var in listIndex
                               if listIndex.count(var) > 1)
                        'Each of the following dimensions  are assigned to multiple latent variables in Samplers: '
                        + str(dups))
                # update the index for latentVariables according to the 'dim' assigned for given var defined in Sampler
                    'latentVariablesIndex'] = listIndex

    def readSamplerInit(self, xmlNode):
      This method is responsible to read only the samplerInit block in the .xml file.
      This method has been moved from the base sampler class since the samplerInit block is needed only for the MC and stratified (LHS) samplers
      @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, Xml element node
      @ Out, None
        for child in xmlNode:
            if child.tag == "samplerInit":
                self.initSeed = Distributions.randomIntegers(0, 2**31, self)
                for childChild in child:
                    if childChild.tag == "limit":
                        self.limit = childChild.text
                    elif childChild.tag == "initialSeed":
                        self.initSeed = int(childChild.text)
                    elif childChild.tag == "reseedEachIteration":
                        if childChild.text.lower(
                        ) in utils.stringsThatMeanTrue():
                            self.reseedAtEachIteration = True
                    elif childChild.tag == "samplingType":
                        self.samplingType = childChild.text
                    elif childChild.tag == "distInit":
                        for childChildChild in childChild:
                            NDdistData = {}
                            for childChildChildChild in childChildChild:
                                if childChildChildChild.tag == 'initialGridDisc':
                                    NDdistData[childChildChildChild.tag] = int(
                                elif childChildChildChild.tag == 'tolerance':
                                        childChildChildChild.tag] = float(
                                        IOError, 'Unknown tag ' +
                                        childChildChildChild.tag +
                                        ' .Available are: initialGridDisc and tolerance!'
                                childChildChild.attrib['name']] = NDdistData
                            IOError, 'Unknown tag ' + child.tag +
                            ' .Available are: limit, initialSeed, samplingType, reseedEachIteration and distInit!'

    def endJobRunnable(self):
      Returns the maximum number of inputs allowed to be created by the sampler
      right after a job ends (e.g., infinite for MC, 1 for Adaptive, etc)
      @ In, None
      @ Out, endJobRunnable, int, number of runnable jobs at the end of each sample
        return self._endJobRunnable

    def localInputAndChecks(self, xmlNode):
      Local method. Place here the additional reading, remember to add initial parameters in the method localGetInitParams
      @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, Xml element node
      @ Out, None

    def getInitParams(self):
      This function is called from the base class to print some of the information inside the class.
      Whatever is permanent in the class and not inherited from the parent class should be mentioned here
      The information is passed back in the dictionary. No information about values that change during the simulation are allowed
      @ In, None
      @ Out, paramDict, dict, dictionary containing the parameter names as keys
        and each parameter's initial value as the dictionary values
        paramDict = {}
        for variable in self.toBeSampled.items():
                0]] = 'is sampled using the distribution ' + variable[1]
        paramDict['limit'] = self.limit
        paramDict['initial seed'] = self.initSeed
        return paramDict

    def localGetInitParams(self):
      Method used to export to the printer in the base class the additional PERMANENT your local class have
      @ In, None
      @ Out, paramDict, dict, dictionary containing the parameter names as keys
        and each parameter's initial value as the dictionary values
        return {}

    def getCurrentSetting(self):
      This function is called from the base class to print some of the information inside the class.
      Whatever is a temporary value in the class and not inherited from the parent class should be mentioned here
      The information is passed back in the dictionary
      @ In, None
      @ Out, paramDict, dict, dictionary containing the parameter names as keys
        and each parameter's initial value as the dictionary values
        paramDict = {}
        paramDict['counter'] = self.counter
        paramDict['initial seed'] = self.initSeed
        for key in self.inputInfo:
            if key != 'SampledVars':
                paramDict[key] = self.inputInfo[key]
                for var in self.inputInfo['SampledVars'].keys():
                    paramDict['Variable: ' + var +
                              ' has value'] = paramDict[key][var]
        return paramDict

    def localGetCurrentSetting(self):
      Returns a dictionary with class specific information regarding the
      current status of the object.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, paramDict, dict, dictionary containing the parameter names as keys
        and each parameter's initial value as the dictionary values
        return {}

    def _generateDistributions(self, availableDist, availableFunc):
      Generates the distributions and functions.
      @ In, availableDist, dict, dict of distributions
      @ In, availableFunc, dict, dict of functions
      @ Out, None
        if self.initSeed != None:
        for key in self.toBeSampled.keys():
            if self.toBeSampled[key] not in availableDist.keys():
                    IOError, 'Distribution ' + self.toBeSampled[key] +
                    ' not found among available distributions (check input)!')
            self.distDict[key] = availableDist[self.toBeSampled[key]]
            self.inputInfo['crowDist'][key] = json.dumps(
        for key, val in self.dependentSample.items():
            if val not in availableFunc.keys():
                    'Function', val,
                    'was not found among the available functions:',
            self.funcDict[key] = availableFunc[val]
            # check if the correct method is present
            if "evaluate" not in self.funcDict[key].availableMethods():
                    IOError, 'Function ' + self.funcDict[key].name +
                    ' does not contain a method named "evaluate". It must be present if this needs to be used in a Sampler!'

    def initialize(self, externalSeeding=None, solutionExport=None):
      This function should be called every time a clean sampler is needed. Called before takeAstep in <Step>
      @ In, externalSeeding, int, optional, external seed
      @ In, solutionExport, DataObject, optional, in goal oriented sampling (a.k.a. adaptive sampling this is where the space/point satisfying the constrains)
      @ Out, None
        if self.initSeed == None:
            self.initSeed = Distributions.randomIntegers(0, 2**31, self)
        self.counter = 0
        if not externalSeeding:
                self.initSeed)  #use the sampler initialization seed
            self.auxcnt = self.initSeed
        elif externalSeeding == 'continue':
            pass  #in this case the random sequence needs to be preserved
                externalSeeding)  #the external seeding is used
            self.auxcnt = externalSeeding
        #grab restart dataobject if it's available, then in localInitialize the sampler can deal with it.
        if 'Restart' in self.assemblerDict.keys():
            self.raiseADebug('Restart object: ' +
            self.restartData = self.assemblerDict['Restart'][0][3]
            self.raiseAMessage('Restarting from ' + self.restartData.name)
            #check consistency of data
                rdata = self.restartData.getAllMetadata()['crowDist']
                sdata = self.inputInfo['crowDist']
                self.raiseAMessage('sampler inputs:')
                for sk, sv in sdata.items():
                    self.raiseAMessage('|   ' + str(sk) + ': ' + str(sv))
                for i, r in enumerate(rdata):
                    if type(r) != dict: continue
                    if not r == sdata:
                        self.raiseAMessage('restart inputs %i:' % i)
                        for rk, rv in r.items():
                            self.raiseAMessage('|   ' + str(rk) + ': ' +
                            'Restart "%s" data[%i] does not have same inputs as sampler!'
                            % (self.restartData.name, i))
            except KeyError as e:
                    "No CROW distribution available in restart -", e)
            self.raiseAMessage('No restart for ' + self.printTag)

        #load restart data into existing points
        if self.restartData is not None:
            if not self.restartData.isItEmpty():
                inps = self.restartData.getInpParametersValues()
                outs = self.restartData.getOutParametersValues()
                #FIXME there is no guarantee ordering is accurate between restart data and sampler
                inputs = list(v for v in inps.values())
                existingInps = zip(*inputs)
                outVals = zip(*list(v for v in outs.values()))
                self.existing = dict(zip(existingInps, outVals))

        #specializing the self.localInitialize() to account for adaptive sampling
        if solutionExport != None:

        for distrib in self.NDSamplingParams:
            if distrib in self.distributions2variablesMapping:
                params = self.NDSamplingParams[distrib]
                temp = utils.first(
                    'Distribution "%s" specified in distInit block of sampler "%s" does not exist!'
                    % (distrib, self.name))

        # Store the transformation matrix in the metadata
        if self.variablesTransformationDict:
            self.entitiesToRemove = []
            for variable in self.variables2distributionsMapping.keys():
                distName = self.variables2distributionsMapping[variable][
                dim = self.variables2distributionsMapping[variable]['dim']
                totDim = self.variables2distributionsMapping[variable][
                if totDim > 1 and dim == 1:
                    transformDict = {}
                    transformDict['type'] = self.distDict[
                    transformDict['transformationMatrix'] = self.distDict[
                    self.inputInfo['transformation-' +
                                   distName] = transformDict
                    self.entitiesToRemove.append('transformation-' + distName)

    def localInitialize(self):
      use this function to add initialization features to the derived class
      it is call at the beginning of each step
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None

    def _constantVariables(self):
      Method to set the constant variables into the inputInfo dictionary
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
        if len(self.constants) > 0:
            # we inject the constant variables into the SampledVars
            # we consider that CDF of the constant variables is equal to 1 (same as its Pb Weight)
                dict.fromkeys(self.constants.keys(), 1.0))
                    'ProbabilityWeight-' + key
                    for key in self.constants.keys()
                ], 1.0))

    def amIreadyToProvideAnInput(self):  #inLastOutput=None):
      This is a method that should be call from any user of the sampler before requiring the generation of a new sample.
      This method act as a "traffic light" for generating a new input.
      Reason for not being ready could be for example: exceeding number of samples, waiting for other simulation for providing more information etc. etc.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, ready, bool, is this sampler ready to generate another sample?
        ready = True if self.counter < self.limit else False
        ready = self.localStillReady(ready)
        return ready

    def localStillReady(self, ready):  #,lastOutput=None
      Determines if sampler is prepared to provide another input.  If not, and
      if jobHandler is finished, this will end sampling.
      @ In,  ready, bool, a boolean representing whether the caller is prepared for another input.
      @ Out, ready, bool, a boolean representing whether the caller is prepared for another input.
        return ready

    def generateInput(self, model, oldInput):
      This method has to be overwritten to provide the specialization for the specific sampler
      The model instance in might be needed since, especially for external codes,
      only the code interface possesses the dictionary for reading the variable definition syntax
      @ In, model, model instance, it is the instance of a RAVEN model
      @ In, oldInput, list, a list of the original needed inputs for the model (e.g. list of files, etc. etc)
      @ Out, generateInput, tuple(0,list), list contains the new inputs -in reality it is the model that returns this; the Sampler generates the value to be placed in the input of the model.
      The Out parameter depends on the results of generateInput
        If a new point is found, the default Out above is correct.
        If a restart point is found:
          @ Out, generateInput, tuple(int,dict), (1,realization dictionary)
        self.counter += 1  #since we are creating the input for the next run we increase the counter and global counter
        self.auxcnt += 1
        #exit if over the limit
        if self.counter > self.limit:
                'Exceeded number of points requested in sampling!  Moving on...'
        #FIXME, the following condition check is make sure that the require info is only printed once when dump metadata to xml, this should be removed in the future when we have a better way to dump the metadata
        if self.counter > 1:
            for key in self.entitiesToRemove:
                self.inputInfo.pop(key, None)
        if self.reseedAtEachIteration:
            Distributions.randomSeed(self.auxcnt - 1)
        self.inputInfo['prefix'] = str(self.counter)
        self.localGenerateInput(model, oldInput)
        ##### TRANSFORMATION #####
        # add latent variables and original variables to self.inputInfo
        if self.variablesTransformationDict:
            for dist, var in self.variablesTransformationDict.items():
                if self.transformationMethod[dist] == 'pca':
                    self.pcaTransform(var, dist)
                        'transformation method is not yet implemented for ' +
                        self.transformationMethod[dist] + ' method')
        ##### REDUNDANT FUNCTIONALS #####
        # generate the function variable values
        for var in self.dependentSample.keys():
            test = self.funcDict[var].evaluate("evaluate", self.values)
            for corrVar in var.split(","):
                self.values[corrVar.strip()] = test
        ##### CONSTANT VALUES ######
        ##### RESTART #####
        #check if point already exists
        if self.restartData is not None:
            inExisting = self.restartData.getMatchingRealization(
                self.values, tol=self.restartTolerance)
            inExisting = None
        #if not found or not restarting, we have a new point!
        if inExisting is None:
            self.raiseADebug('Found new point to sample:', self.values)
            return 0, model.createNewInput(oldInput, self.type,
        #otherwise, return the restart point
            self.raiseADebug('Point found in restart:', inExisting['inputs'])
            realization = {}
            realization['metadata'] = copy.deepcopy(self.inputInfo)
            realization['inputs'] = inExisting['inputs']
            realization['outputs'] = inExisting['outputs']
            realization['prefix'] = self.inputInfo['prefix']
            return 1, realization

    def pcaTransform(self, varsDict, dist):
      This method is used to map latent variables with respect to the model input variables
      both the latent variables and the model input variables will be stored in the dict: self.inputInfo['SampledVars']
      @ In, varsDict, dict, dictionary contains latent and manifest variables {'latentVariables':[latentVar1,latentVar2,...], 'manifestVariables':[var1,var2,...]}
      @ In, dist, string, the distribution name associated with given variable set
      @ Out, None
        latentVariablesValues = []
        listIndex = []
        manifestVariablesValues = [None] * len(varsDict['manifestVariables'])
        for index, lvar in enumerate(varsDict['latentVariables']):
            for var, value in self.values.items():
                if lvar == var:
        varName = utils.first(
        varsValues = self.distDict[varName].pcaInverseTransform(
            latentVariablesValues, listIndex)
        for index1, index2 in enumerate(varsDict['manifestVariablesIndex']):
            manifestVariablesValues[index2] = varsValues[index1]
        manifestVariablesDict = dict(
            zip(varsDict['manifestVariables'], manifestVariablesValues))

    def localGenerateInput(self, model, oldInput):
      This class need to be overwritten since it is here that the magic of the sampler happens.
      After this method call the self.inputInfo should be ready to be sent to the model
      @ In, model, model instance, Model instance
      @ In, oldInput, list, a list of the original needed inputs for the model (e.g. list of files, etc. etc)
      @ Out, None

    def generateInputBatch(self,
                           projector=None):  #,lastOutput=None
      this function provide a mask to create several inputs at the same time
      It call the generateInput function as many time as needed
      @ In, myInput, list, list containing one input set
      @ In, model, model instance, it is the instance of a RAVEN model
      @ In, batchSize, int, the number of input sets required
      @ In, projector, object, optional, used for adaptive sampling to provide the projection of the solution on the success metric
      @ Out, newInputs, list of list, list of the list of input sets
        newInputs = []
        #inlastO = None
        #if lastOutput:
        #  if not lastOutput.isItEmpty(): inlastO = lastOutput
        #while self.amIreadyToProvideAnInput(inlastO) and (self.counter < batchSize):
        while self.amIreadyToProvideAnInput() and (self.counter < batchSize):
            if projector == None:
                newInputs.append(self.generateInput(model, myInput))
                newInputs.append(self.generateInput(model, myInput, projector))
        return newInputs

    def finalizeActualSampling(self, jobObject, model, myInput):
      This function is used by samplers that need to collect information from a
      finished run.
      Provides a generic interface that all samplers will use, for specifically
      handling any sub-class, the localFinalizeActualSampling should be overridden
      instead, as finalizeActualSampling provides only generic functionality
      shared by all Samplers and will in turn call the localFinalizeActualSampling
      before returning.
      @ In, jobObject, instance, an instance of a JobHandler
      @ In, model, model instance, it is the instance of a RAVEN model
      @ In, myInput, list, the generating input
        self.localFinalizeActualSampling(jobObject, model, myInput)

    def localFinalizeActualSampling(self, jobObject, model, myInput):
      Overwrite only if you need something special at the end of each run....
      This function is used by samplers that need to collect information from the just ended run
      For example, for a Dynamic Event Tree case, this function can be used to retrieve
      the information from the just finished run of a branch in order to retrieve, for example,
      the distribution name that caused the trigger, etc.
      It is a essentially a place-holder for most of the sampler to remain compatible with the StepsCR structure
      @ In, jobObject, instance, an instance of a JobHandler
      @ In, model, model instance, it is the instance of a RAVEN model
      @ In, myInput, list, the generating input

    def handleFailedRuns(self, failedRuns):
      Collects the failed runs from the Step and allows samples to handle them individually if need be.
      @ In, failedRuns, list, list of JobHandler.ExternalRunner objects
      @ Out, None
        self.raiseADebug('| RUN SUMMARY |')
        if len(failedRuns) > 0:
                'There were %i failed runs!  Run with verbosity = debug for more details.'
                % (len(failedRuns)))
            for run in failedRuns:
                metadata = run.getMetadata()
                self.raiseADebug('  Run number %s FAILED:' % run.identifier,
                self.raiseADebug('      return code :', run.getReturnCode())
                if metadata is not None:
                    self.raiseADebug('      sampled vars:')
                    for v, k in metadata['SampledVars'].items():
                        self.raiseADebug('         ', v, ':', k)
            self.raiseADebug('All runs completed without returning errors.')
        self.raiseADebug('  END SUMMARY  ')

    def _localHandleFailedRuns(self, failedRuns):
      Specialized method for samplers to handle failed runs.  Defaults to failing runs.
      @ In, failedRuns, list, list of JobHandler.ExternalRunner objects
      @ Out, None
        if len(failedRuns) > 0:
                              'There were failed runs; aborting RAVEN.')
Exemple #7
class DataObject(utils.metaclass_insert(abc.ABCMeta, BaseType)):
    Base class.  Data objects are RAVEN's method for storing data internally and passing it from one
    RAVEN entity to another.  Fundamentally, they consist of a collection of realizations, each of
    which contains inputs, outputs, and pointwise metadata.  In addition, the data object has global
    metadata.  The pointwise inputs and outputs could be floats, time-dependent, or ND-dependent variables.

    This base class is used to force the consistent API between all data containers
    def getInputSpecification(cls):
      Method to get a reference to a class that specifies the input data for class "cls".
      @ In, cls, the class for which we are retrieving the specification
      @ Out, inputSpecification, InputData.ParameterInput, class to use for specifying the input of cls.
        inputSpecification = super(DataObject, cls).getInputSpecification()
        inputSpecification.addParam('hierarchical', InputData.BoolType)

        inputInput = InputData.parameterInputFactory(
            'Input', contentType=InputData.StringType)  #TODO list

        outputInput = InputData.parameterInputFactory(
            'Output', contentType=InputData.StringType)  #TODO list

        # TODO this should be specific to ND set
        indexInput = InputData.parameterInputFactory(
            'Index', contentType=InputData.StringType)  #TODO list
        indexInput.addParam('var', InputData.StringType, True)

        optionsInput = InputData.parameterInputFactory("options")
        for option in ['operator', 'pivotParameter']:
            optionSubInput = InputData.parameterInputFactory(
                option, contentType=InputData.StringType)
        for option in ['inputRow', 'outputRow']:
            optionSubInput = InputData.parameterInputFactory(
                option, contentType=InputData.IntegerType)
        for option in ['outputPivotValue', 'inputPivotValue']:
            optionSubInput = InputData.parameterInputFactory(
                option, contentType=InputData.FloatType)

        #inputSpecification.addParam('type', param_type = InputData.StringType, required = False)
        return inputSpecification

    def __init__(self):
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
        self.name = 'DataObject'
        self.printTag = self.name
        self._sampleTag = 'RAVEN_sample_ID'  # column name to track samples
        self.protectedTags = ['RAVEN_parentID', 'RAVEN_isEnding'
                              ]  # list(str) protected RAVEN variable names,
        #   should not be avail to user as var names
        self._inputs = []  # list(str) if input variables
        self._outputs = []  # list(str) of output variables
        self._metavars = []  # list(str) of POINTWISE metadata variables
        self._orderedVars = []  # list(str) of vars IN ORDER of their index

        self._meta = {}  # dictionary to collect meta until data is collapsed
        self._selectInput = None  # if not None, describes how to collect input data from history
        self._selectOutput = None  # if not None, describes how to collect output data from history
        self._pivotParams = {
        }  # independent dimensions as keys, values are the vars that depend on them
        self._fromVarToIndex = {
        }  # mapping between variables and indexes ({var:index}).
        #   "index" here refers to dimensional variables (e.g. time, x, y, z etc)
        self._aliases = {}  # variable aliases

        self._data = None  # underlying data structure
        self._collector = None  # object used to collect samples

        self._inputKDTree = None  # for finding outputs given inputs (pointset only?)
        self._scaleFactors = None  # scaling factors inputs as {var:(mean,scale)}
        self.hierarchical = False  # this flag controls the printing/plotting of the dataobject
        #   in case it is an hierarchical one.
        #   If True, all the branches are going to be printed/plotted independenttly,
        #   otherwise the are going to be reconstructed

    def sampleTag(self):
      Getter property for _sampleTag, the tag that identifies the realization label for RAVEN
      @ In, None
      @ Out, sampleTag, string, variable name
        return self._sampleTag

    def _readMoreXML(self, xmlNode):
      Initializes data object based on XML input
      @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element or InputData.ParameterInput specification, input information
      @ Out, None
        if isinstance(xmlNode, InputData.ParameterInput):
            inp = xmlNode
            inp = DataObject.getInputSpecification()()

        # get hierarchical strategy
        self.hierarchical = inp.parameterValues.get("hierarchical", False)

        pivotParam = None  # single pivot parameter given in the input
        for child in inp.subparts:
            # TODO check for repeats, "notAllowdInputs", names in both input and output space
            if child.getName() == 'Input':
                    list(x.strip() for x in child.value.split(',')
                         if x.strip() != ''))
            elif child.getName() == 'Output':
                    list(x.strip() for x in child.value.split(',')
                         if x.strip() != ''))
            elif child.getName() == 'Index':
                depends = list(d.strip() for d in child.value.split(','))
                var = child.parameterValues['var']
                self._pivotParams[var] = depends
            # options node
            elif child.getName() == 'options':
                duplicateInp = False  # if True, then multiple specification options were used for input
                duplicateOut = False  # if True, then multiple specification options were used for output
                for cchild in child.subparts:
                    # pivot
                    if cchild.getName() == 'pivotParameter':
                        # TODO not applicable to ND, only to HistSet, but read it here
                        # TODO add checks somewhere if both "index" and "pivotParameter" are provided
                        self._tempPivotParam = cchild.value.strip()
                    # input pickers
                    elif cchild.getName() in ['inputRow', 'inputPivotValue']:
                        if self._selectInput is not None:
                            duplicateInp = True
                        self.setSelectiveInput(cchild.getName(), cchild.value)
                    # output pickers
                    elif cchild.getName() in [
                            'outputRow', 'outputPivotValue', 'operator'
                        if self._selectOutput is not None:
                            duplicateOut = True
                        self._selectOutput = (cchild.getName(), cchild.value)
                # TODO check this in the input checker instead of here?
                if duplicateInp:
                        'Multiple options were given to specify the input row to read! Using last entry:',
                if duplicateOut:
                        'Multiple options were given to specify the output row to read! Using last entry:',
            # end options node
        # end input reading
        # clear keywords InputPlaceHolder but NOT the OutputPlaceHolder, for legacy reasons
        while 'InputPlaceHolder' in self._inputs:
        #while 'OutputPlaceHolder' in self._outputs:
        #  self._outputs.remove('OutputPlaceHolder')
        # set default pivot parameters, if needed
        # remove index variables from input/output spaces, but silently, since we'll still have them available later
        for index in self._pivotParams.keys():
            except ValueError:
                pass  #not requested as output anyway
            except ValueError:
                pass  #not requested as input anyway
        self._orderedVars = self._inputs + self._outputs
        # check if protected vars have been violated
        if set(self.protectedTags).issubset(set(self._orderedVars)):
                'Input, Output and Index variables can not be part of RAVEN protected tags: '
                + ','.join(self.protectedTags))

        # create dict var to index
        # FIXME: this dict will not work in case of variables depending on multiple indexes. When this need comes, we will change this check(alfoa)
        if self.indexes:
            for ind in self.indexes:
                    dict.fromkeys(self._pivotParams[ind], ind))

        if self.messageHandler is None:
            self.messageHandler = MessageHandler()

    def _setDefaultPivotParams(self):
      Allows setting default pivot parameters.  In general, does nothing.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None

    def setPivotParams(self, params):
      Sets the pivot parameters for variables.
      @ In, params, dict, var:[params] as str:list(str)
      @ Out, None
        # TODO typechecking, assertions
        coords = set().union(*params.values())
        for coord in coords:
            if coord not in self._pivotParams:
                self._pivotParams[coord] = list(var for var in params.keys()
                                                if coord in params[var])
                self._pivotParams[coord] = list(
                        list(var for var in params.keys()
                             if coord in params[var]) +

    def setSelectiveInput(self, option, value):
      Sets the input selection method for retreiving subset data.
      @ In, option, str, from [inputRow,inputPivotValue]
      @ In, value, int or float, either the index (row number) or the pivot value (will be cast if other type)
      @ Out, None
        assert (option in ['inputRow', 'inputPivotValue'])
        if option == 'inputRow':
            value = int(value)
        elif option == 'inputPivotValue':
            value = float(value)
        self._selectInput = (option, value)
        self.raiseADebug('Set selective input to', self._selectInput)

    def setSelectiveOutput(self, option, value):
      Sets the output selection method for retreiving subset data.
      @ In, option, str, from [outputRow,outputPivotValue,operator]
      @ In, value, int or float or str, index or pivot value or operator name respectively
      @ Out, None
        assert (option in ['outputRow', 'outputPivotValue', 'operator'])
        if option == 'outputRow':
            value = int(value)
        elif option == 'outputPivotValue':
            value = float(value)
        elif option == 'operator':
            value = value.strip().lower()
        self._selectOutput = (option, value)
        self.raiseADebug('Set selective output to', self._selectOutput)

    def addExpectedMeta(self, keys, params={}):
      Registers meta to look for in realization
      @ In, keys, set(str), keys to register
      @ In, params, dict, optional, {key:[indexes]}, keys of the dictionary are the variable names,
        values of the dictionary are lists of the corresponding indexes/coordinates of given variable
      @ Out, None

    def addMeta(self, tag, xmlDict):
      Adds general (not pointwise) metadata to this data object.  Can add several values at once, collected
      as a dict keyed by target variables.
      Data ends up being written as follows (see docstrings above for dict structure)
       - A good default for 'target' is 'general' if there's not a specific target
      @ In, tag, str, section to add metadata to, usually the data submitter (BasicStatistics, DataObject, etc)
      @ In, xmlDict, dict, data to change, of the form {target:{scalarMetric:value,scalarMetric:value,vectorMetric:{wrt:value,wrt:value}}}
      @ Out, None

    def addRealization(self, rlz):
      Adds a "row" (or "sample") to this data object.
      This is the method to add data to this data object.
      Note that rlz can include many more variables than this data object actually wants.
      Before actually adding the realization, data is formatted for this data object.
      @ In, rlz, dict, {var:val} format where
                         "var" is the variable name as a string,
                         "val" is either a float or a np.ndarray of values.
      @ Out, None

    def addVariable(self, varName, values, classify='meta'):
      Adds a variable/column to the data.  "values" needs to be as long as self.size.
      @ In, varName, str, name of new variable
      @ In, values, np.array, new values (floats/str for scalars, xr.DataArray for hists)
      @ In, classify, str, optional, either 'input', 'output', or 'meta'
      @ Out, None

    def asDataset(self):
      Casts this dataobject as an xr.Dataset.
      Functionally, typically collects the data from self._collector and places it in self._data.
      Efficiency note: this is the slowest part of typical data collection.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, xarray.Dataset, all the data from this data object.

    def constructNDSample(self, vals, dims, coords, name=None):
      Constructs a single realization instance (for one variable) from a realization entry.
      @ In, vals, np.ndarray, should have shape of (len(coords[d]) for d in dims)
      @ In, dims, list(str), names of dependent dimensions IN ORDER of appearance in vals, e.g. ['time','x','y']
      @ In, coords, dict, {dimension:list(float)}, values for each dimension at which 'val' was obtained, e.g. {'time':
      @ Out, obj, xr.DataArray, completed realization instance suitable for sending to "addRealization"

    def getDimensions(self, var):
      Provides the independent dimensions that this variable depends on.
      To get all dimensions at once, use self.indexes property.
      @ In, var, str, name of variable (if None, give all)
      @ Out, dims, dict, {name:values} of independent dimensions

    def getMeta(self, keys=None, pointwise=False, general=False):
      Method to obtain entries in the metadata.  If niether pointwise nor general, then returns an empty dict.
       @ In, keys, list(str), optional, the keys (or main tag) to search for.  If None, return all.
       @ In, pointwise, bool, optional, if True then matches will be searched in the pointwise metadata
       @ In, general, bool, optional, if True then matches will be searched in the general metadata
       @ Out, meta, dict, key variables/xpaths to data object entries (column if pointwise, XML if general)

    def getVars(self, subset=None):
      Gives list of variables that are part of this dataset.
      @ In, subset, str, optional, if given can return 'input','output','meta' subset types
      @ Out, getVars, list(str), list of variable names requested

    def getVarValues(self, var):
      Returns the sampled values of "var"
      @ In, var, str or list(str), name(s) of variable(s)
      @ Out, res, xr.DataArray, samples (or dict of {var:xr.DataArray} if multiple variables requested)

    def realization(self, index=None, matchDict=None, tol=1e-15):
      Method to obtain a realization from the data, either by index or matching value.
      Either "index" or "matchDict" must be supplied.
      If matchDict and no match is found, will return (len(self),None) after the pattern of numpy, scipy
      @ In, index, int, optional, number of row to retrieve (by index, not be "sample")
      @ In, matchDict, dict, optional, {key:val} to search for matches
      @ In, tol, float, optional, tolerance to which match should be made
      @ Out, index, int, optional, index where found (or len(self) if not found), only returned if matchDict
      @ Out, rlz, dict, realization requested (None if not found)

    def load(self, fname, style='netCDF', **kwargs):
      Reads this dataset from disk based on the format.
      @ In, fname, str, path and name of file to read
      @ In, style, str, optional, options are enumerated below
      @ In, kwargs, dict, optional, additional arguments to pass to reading function
      @ Out, None

    def remove(self, realization=None, variable=None):
      Used to remove either a realization or a variable from this data object.
      @ In, realization, dict or int, optional, (matching or index of) realization to remove
      @ In, variable, str, optional, name of "column" to remove
      @ Out, None

    def reset(self):
      Sets this object back to its initial state.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None

    def sliceByIndex(self, axis):
      Returns list of realizations at "snapshots" along "axis"
      @ In, axis, str, name of index along which to obtain slices
      @ Out, slices, list, list of slices

    def write(self, fname, style='netCDF', **kwargs):
      Writes this dataset to disk based on the format.
      @ In, fname, str, path and name of file to write
      @ In, style, str, optional, options are enumerated below
      @ In, kwargs, dict, optional, additional arguments to pass to writing function
      @ Out, None
class CodeInterfaceBase(utils.metaclass_insert(abc.ABCMeta, object)):
  Code Interface base class. This class should be the base class for all the code interfaces.
  In this way some methods are forced to be implemented and some automatic checking features
  are available (checking of the inputs if no executable is available), etc.
  NOTE: As said, this class SHOULD be the base class of the code interfaces. However, the developer
        of a newer code interface can decide to avoid to inherit from this class if he does not want
        to exploit the automatic checking of the code interface's functionalities
    def __init__(self):
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
        self.inputExtensions = []

    def genCommand(self,
      This method is used to retrieve the command (in tuple format) needed to launch the Code.
      This method checks a boolean environment variable called 'RAVENinterfaceCheck':
      if true, the subcodeCommand is going to be overwritten with an empty string. In this way we can check the functionality of the interface without having an executable.
      See Driver.py to understand how this Env variable is set
      @ In, inputFiles, list, List of input files (length of the list depends on the number of inputs have been added in the Step is running this code)
      @ In, executable, string, executable name with absolute path (e.g. /home/path_to_executable/code.exe)
      @ In, flags, dict, optional, dictionary containing the command-line flags the user can specify in the input (e.g. under the node < Code >< clargstype =0 input0arg =0 i0extension =0 .inp0/ >< /Code >)
      @ In, fileArgs, dict, optional, a dictionary containing the auxiliary input file variables the user can specify in the input (e.g. under the node < Code >< clargstype =0 input0arg =0 aux0extension =0 .aux0/ >< /Code >)
      @ In, preExec, string, optional, a string the command that needs to be pre-executed before the actual command here defined
      @ Out, returnCommand, tuple, tuple containing the generated command. returnCommand[0] is the command to run the code (string), returnCommand[1] is the name of the output root
        if preExec is None:
            subcodeCommand, outputfileroot = self.generateCommand(
                inputFiles, executable, clargs=flags, fargs=fileArgs)
            subcodeCommand, outputfileroot = self.generateCommand(

        if os.environ.get('RAVENinterfaceCheck',
                          'False').lower() in utils.stringsThatMeanTrue():
            return [('parallel', '')], outputfileroot
        returnCommand = subcodeCommand, outputfileroot
        return returnCommand

    def readMoreXML(self, xmlNode):
      Function to read the portion of the xml input that belongs to this class and
      initialize some members based on inputs.
      @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, Xml element node
      @ Out, None

    def _readMoreXML(self, xmlNode):
      Function to read the portion of the xml input that belongs to this specialized class and
      initialize some members based on inputs. This can be overloaded in specialized code interface in order
      to read specific flags
      @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, Xml element node
      @ Out, None

    def generateCommand(self,
      This method is used to retrieve the command (in tuple format) needed to launch the Code.
      @ In, inputFiles, list, List of input files (length of the list depends on the number of inputs have been added in the Step is running this code)
      @ In, executable, string, executable name with absolute path (e.g. /home/path_to_executable/code.exe)
      @ In, clargs, dict, optional, dictionary containing the command-line flags the user can specify in the input (e.g. under the node < Code >< clargstype =0 input0arg =0 i0extension =0 .inp0/ >< /Code >)
      @ In, fargs, dict, optional, a dictionary containing the auxiliary input file variables the user can specify in the input (e.g. under the node < Code >< clargstype =0 input0arg =0 aux0extension =0 .aux0/ >< /Code >)
      @ In, preExec, string, optional, a string the command that needs to be pre-executed before the actual command here defined
      @ Out, returnCommand, tuple, tuple containing the generated command. returnCommand[0] is the command to run the code (string), returnCommand[1] is the name of the output root

    def createNewInput(self, currentInputFiles, oriInputFiles, samplerType,
      This method is used to generate an input based on the information passed in.
      @ In, currentInputFiles, list,  list of current input files (input files from last this method call)
      @ In, oriInputFiles, list, list of the original input files
      @ In, samplerType, string, Sampler type (e.g. MonteCarlo, Adaptive, etc. see manual Samplers section)
      @ In, Kwargs, dictionary, kwarded dictionary of parameters. In this dictionary there is another dictionary called "SampledVars"
             where RAVEN stores the variables that got sampled (e.g. Kwargs['SampledVars'] => {'var1':10,'var2':40})
      @ Out, newInputFiles, list, list of newer input files, list of the new input files (modified and not)


    ####### OPTIONAL METHODS #######

    def getInputExtension(self):
      This method returns a list of extension the code interface accepts for the input file (the main one)
      @ In, None
      @ Out, tuple, tuple of strings containing accepted input extension (e.g.(".i",".inp"]) )
        return tuple(self.inputExtensions)

    def setInputExtension(self, exts):
      This method sets a list of extension the code interface accepts for the input files
      @ In, exts, list, list or other array containing accepted input extension (e.g.[".i",".inp"])
      @ Out, None
        self.inputExtensions = exts[:]

    def addInputExtension(self, exts):
      This method adds a list of extension the code interface accepts for the input files
      @ In, exts, list, list or other array containing accepted input extension (e.g.[".i",".inp"])
      @ Out, None
        for e in exts:

    def addDefaultExtension(self):
      This method sets a list of default extensions a specific code interface accepts for the input files.
      This method should be overwritten if these are not acceptable defaults.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
        self.addInputExtension(['i', 'inp', 'in'])

    def finalizeCodeOutput(self, command, output, workingDir):
      this method is called by the RAVEN code at the end of each run (if the method is present).
      It can be used for those codes, that do not create CSV files to convert the whatever output format into a csv
      @ In, command, string, the command used to run the just ended job
      @ In, output, string, the Output name root
      @ In, workingDir, string, current working dir
      @ Out, output, string, optional, present in case the root of the output file gets changed in this method.
        return output

    def checkForOutputFailure(self, output, workingDir):
      This method is called by RAVEN at the end of each run if the return code is == 0.
      This method needs to be implemented by the codes that, if the run fails, return a return code that is 0
      This can happen in those codes that record the failure of the job (e.g. not converged, etc.) as normal termination (returncode == 0)
      This method can be used, for example, to parse the output file looking for a special keyword that testifies that a particular job got failed
      (e.g. in RELAP5 would be the keyword "********")
      @ In, output, string, the Output name root
      @ In, workingDir, string, current working dir
      @ Out, failure, bool, True if the job is failed, False otherwise
        failure = False
        return failure
Exemple #9
class Step(utils.metaclass_insert(abc.ABCMeta, BaseType)):
    This class implement one step of the simulation pattern.
    myInstance = Step()                                !Generate the instance
    myInstance.XMLread(xml.etree.ElementTree.Element)  !This method read the xml and perform all the needed checks
    myInstance.takeAstep()                             !This method perform the step

    --Internal chain [in square brackets methods that can be/must be overwritten]
    self.XMLread(xml)-->self._readMoreXML(xml)     -->[self._localInputAndChecks(xmlNode)]
    self.takeAstep() -->self_initializeStep()      -->[self._localInitializeStep()]
    --Other external methods--
    myInstance.whoAreYou()                 -see BaseType class-
    myInstance.myCurrentSetting()          -see BaseType class-
    myInstance.printMe()                   -see BaseType class-

    --Adding a new step subclass--
     **<MyClass> should inherit at least from Step or from another step already presents
     **DO NOT OVERRIDE any of the class method that are not starting with self.local*
     **ADD your class to the dictionary __InterfaceDict at the end of the module

    Overriding the following methods overriding unless you inherit from one of the already existing methods:
    self._localInputAndChecks(xmlNode)      : used to specialize the xml reading and the checks
    self._localGetInitParams()              : used to retrieve the local parameters and values to be printed
    self._localInitializeStep(inDictionary) : called after this call the step should be able the accept the call self.takeAstep(inDictionary):
    self._localTakeAstepRun(inDictionary)   : this is where the step happens, after this call the output is ready
    def __init__(self):
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
        self.parList = [
        ]  # List of list [[role played in the step, class type, specialization, global name (user assigned by the input)]]
        self.sleepTime = 0.005  # Waiting time before checking if a run is finished
        #If a step possess re-seeding instruction it is going to ask to the sampler to re-seed according
        #  re-seeding = a number to be used as a new seed
        #  re-seeding = 'continue' the use the already present random environment
        #If there is no instruction (self.initSeed = None) the sampler will reinitialize
        self.initSeed = None
        self._knownAttribute += [
            'sleepTime', 're-seeding', 'pauseAtEnd', 'fromDirectory'
        self._excludeFromModelValidation = ['SolutionExport']
        self.printTag = 'STEPS'

    def _readMoreXML(self, xmlNode):
      Handles the reading of all the XML describing the step
      Since step are not reused there will not be changes in the parameter describing the step after this reading
      @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, XML element node that represents the portion of the input that belongs to this Step class
      @ Out, None
        printString = 'For step of type {0:15} and name {1:15} the attribute {3:10} has been assigned to a not understandable value {2:10}'
            'move this tests to base class when it is ready for all the classes'
        if not set(xmlNode.attrib.keys()).issubset(set(self._knownAttribute)):
                'In step of type {0:15} and name {1:15} there are unknown attributes {2:100}'
                .format(self.type, self.name, str(xmlNode.attrib.keys())))
        if 're-seeding' in xmlNode.attrib.keys():
            self.initSeed = xmlNode.attrib['re-seeding']
            if self.initSeed.lower() == "continue": self.initSeed = "continue"
                    self.initSeed = int(self.initSeed)
                        printString.format(self.type, self.name, self.initSeed,
        if 'sleepTime' in xmlNode.attrib.keys():
                self.sleepTime = float(xmlNode.attrib['sleepTime'])
                    printString.format(self.type, self.name,
        for child in xmlNode:
            classType, classSubType = child.attrib.get(
                'class'), child.attrib.get('type')
            if None in [classType, classSubType]:
                    IOError, "In Step named " + self.name + ", subnode " +
                    child.tag + ", and body content = " + child.text +
                    " the attribute class and/or type has not been found!")
                child.attrib.get('type'), child.text

        self.pauseEndStep = False
        if 'pauseAtEnd' in xmlNode.attrib.keys():
            if xmlNode.attrib['pauseAtEnd'].lower(
            ) in utils.stringsThatMeanTrue():
                self.pauseEndStep = True
            elif xmlNode.attrib['pauseAtEnd'].lower(
            ) in utils.stringsThatMeanFalse():
                self.pauseEndStep = False
                    printString.format(self.type, self.name,
        if None in self.parList:
                'A problem was found in  the definition of the step ' +

    def _localInputAndChecks(self, xmlNode):
      Place here specialized reading, input consistency check and
      initialization of what will not change during the whole life of the object
      @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, XML element node that represents the portion of the input that belongs to this Step class
      @ Out, None

    def getInitParams(self):
      Exports a dictionary with the information that will stay constant during the existence of the instance of this class. Overloaded from BaseType
      This function is called from the base class to print some of the information inside the class.
      Whatever is permanent in the class and not inherited from the parent class should be mentioned here
      The information is passed back in the dictionary. No information about values that change during the simulation are allowed
      @ In, None
      @ Out, paramDict, dict, dictionary containing the parameter names as keys
        and each parameter's initial value as the dictionary values
        paramDict = {}
        paramDict['Sleep time'] = str(self.sleepTime)
        paramDict['Initial seed'] = str(self.initSeed)
        for List in self.parList:
            paramDict[List[0]] = 'Class: ' + str(List[1]) + ' Type: ' + str(
                List[2]) + '  Global name: ' + str(List[3])
        return paramDict

    def _localGetInitParams(self):
      Place here a specialization of the exporting of what in the step is added to the initial parameters
      the printing format of paramDict is key: paramDict[key]
      @ In, None
      @ Out, paramDict, dict, dictionary containing the parameter names as keys
        and each parameter's initial value as the dictionary values
        return {}

    def _initializeStep(self, inDictionary):
      Method to initialize the current step.
      the job handler is restarted and re-seeding action are performed
      @ In, inDictionary, dict, the initialization dictionary
      @ Out, None
        self.raiseADebug('jobHandler initialized')

    def _localInitializeStep(self, inDictionary):
      This is the API for the local initialization of the children classes of step
      The inDictionary contains the instances for each possible role supported in the step (dictionary keywords) the instances of the objects in list if more than one is allowed
      The role of _localInitializeStep is to call the initialize method instance if needed
      Remember after each initialization to put:
      self.raiseADebug('for the role "+key+" the item of class '+inDictionary['key'].type+' and name '+inDictionary['key'].name+' has been initialized')
      @ In, inDictionary, dict, the initialization dictionary
      @ Out, None

    def _localTakeAstepRun(self, inDictionary):
      This is the API for the local run of a step for the children classes
      @ In, inDictionary, dict, contains the list of instances (see Simulation)
      @ Out, None

    def _endStepActions(self, inDictionary):
      This method is intended for performing actions at the end of a step
      @ In, inDictionary, dict, contains the list of instances (see Simulation)
      @ Out, None
        if self.pauseEndStep:
            for i in range(len(inDictionary['Output'])):
                #if type(inDictionary['Output'][i]).__name__ not in ['str','bytes','unicode']:
                if inDictionary['Output'][i].type in ['OutStreamPlot']:

    def takeAstep(self, inDictionary):
      This should work for everybody just split the step in an initialization and the run itself
      inDictionary[role]=instance or list of instance
      @ In, inDictionary, dict, contains the list of instances (see Simulation)
      @ Out, None
        self.raiseAMessage('***  Beginning initialization ***')
        self.raiseAMessage('***    Initialization done    ***')
        self.raiseAMessage('***       Beginning run       ***')
        self.raiseAMessage('***       Run finished        ***')
        self.raiseAMessage('***     Closing the step      ***')
        self.raiseAMessage('***        Step closed        ***')
Exemple #10
class Model(utils.metaclass_insert(abc.ABCMeta,BaseType),Assembler):
    A model is something that given an input will return an output reproducing some physical model
    it could as complex as a stand alone code, a reduced order model trained somehow or something
    externally build and imported by the user
    plugins = importlib.import_module("Models.ModelPlugInFactory")
  except Exception as ae:
    print("FAILED PLUGIN IMPORT",repr(ae))

  def getInputSpecification(cls):
      Method to get a reference to a class that specifies the input data for
      class cls.
      @ In, cls, the class for which we are retrieving the specification
      @ Out, inputSpecification, InputData.ParameterInput, class to use for
        specifying input of cls.
    inputSpecification = super(Model, cls).getInputSpecification()
    inputSpecification.addParam("subType", InputData.StringType, True)

    ## Begin alias tag
    AliasInput = InputData.parameterInputFactory("alias", contentType=InputData.StringType)
    AliasInput.addParam("variable", InputData.StringType, True)
    AliasTypeInput = InputData.makeEnumType("aliasType","aliasTypeType",["input","output"])
    AliasInput.addParam("type", AliasTypeInput, True)
    ## End alias tag

    return inputSpecification

  validateDict                  = {}
  validateDict['Input'  ]       = []
  validateDict['Output' ]       = []
  validateDict['Sampler']       = []
  validateDict['Optimizer']     = []
  testDict                      = {}
  testDict                      = {'class':'','type':[''],'multiplicity':0,'required':False}
  #FIXME: a multiplicity value is needed to control role that can have different class
  #the possible inputs
  validateDict['Input'  ][0]['class'       ] = 'DataObjects'
  validateDict['Input'  ][0]['type'        ] = ['PointSet','HistorySet']
  validateDict['Input'  ][0]['required'    ] = False
  validateDict['Input'  ][0]['multiplicity'] = 'n'
  validateDict['Input'  ][1]['class'       ] = 'Files'
  # FIXME there's lots of types that Files can be, so until XSD replaces this, commenting this out
  #validateDict['Input'  ][1]['type'        ] = ['']
  validateDict['Input'  ][1]['required'    ] = False
  validateDict['Input'  ][1]['multiplicity'] = 'n'
  #the possible outputs
  validateDict['Output' ][0]['class'       ] = 'DataObjects'
  validateDict['Output' ][0]['type'        ] = ['PointSet','HistorySet','DataSet']
  validateDict['Output' ][0]['required'    ] = False
  validateDict['Output' ][0]['multiplicity'] = 'n'
  validateDict['Output' ][1]['class'       ] = 'Databases'
  validateDict['Output' ][1]['type'        ] = ['HDF5']
  validateDict['Output' ][1]['required'    ] = False
  validateDict['Output' ][1]['multiplicity'] = 'n'
  validateDict['Output' ][2]['class'       ] = 'OutStreams'
  validateDict['Output' ][2]['type'        ] = ['Plot','Print']
  validateDict['Output' ][2]['required'    ] = False
  validateDict['Output' ][2]['multiplicity'] = 'n'
  #the possible samplers
  validateDict['Sampler'][0]['class'       ] ='Samplers'
  validateDict['Sampler'][0]['required'    ] = False
  validateDict['Sampler'][0]['multiplicity'] = 1
  validateDict['Sampler'][0]['type']         = ['MonteCarlo',
  validateDict['Optimizer'][0]['class'       ] ='Optimizers'
  validateDict['Optimizer'][0]['required'    ] = False
  validateDict['Optimizer'][0]['multiplicity'] = 1
  validateDict['Optimizer'][0]['type']         = ['SPSA','FiniteDifference','ConjugateGradient']

  def generateValidateDict(cls):
      This method generate a independent copy of validateDict for the calling class
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
    cls.validateDict = copy.deepcopy(Model.validateDict)

  def specializeValidateDict(cls):
      This method should be overridden to describe the types of input accepted with a certain role by the model class specialization
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
    raise NotImplementedError('The class '+str(cls.__name__)+' has not implemented the method specializeValidateDict')

  def localValidateMethod(cls,who,what):
      This class method is called to test the compatibility of the class with its possible usage
      @ In, who, string, a string identifying the what is the role of what we are going to test (i.e. input, output etc)
      @ In, what, string, a list (or a general iterable) that will be playing the 'who' role
      @ Out, None
    #counting successful matches
    if who not in cls.validateDict.keys():
      raise IOError('The role "{}" is not recognized for the entity "{}"'.format(who,cls))
    for myItemDict in cls.validateDict[who]:
      myItemDict['tempCounter'] = 0
    for anItem in what:
      anItem['found'] = False
      for tester in cls.validateDict[who]:
        if anItem['class'] == tester['class']:
          if anItem['class']=='Files':
            #FIXME Files can accept any type, including None.
            if anItem['type'] in tester['type']:
              tester['tempCounter'] +=1
              anItem['found']        = True
    #testing if the multiplicity of the argument is correct
    for tester in cls.validateDict[who]:
      if tester['required']==True:
        if tester['multiplicity']=='n' and tester['tempCounter']<1:
          raise IOError('The number of times class = '+str(tester['class'])+' type= ' +str(tester['type'])+' is used as '+str(who)+' is improper. At least one object must be present!')
      if tester['multiplicity']!='n' and tester['tempCounter']!=tester['multiplicity']:
        raise IOError('The number of times class = '+str(tester['class'])+' type= ' +str(tester['type'])+' is used as '+str(who)+' is improper. Number of allowable times is '+str(tester['multiplicity'])+'.Got '+str(tester['tempCounter']))
    #testing if all argument to be tested have been found
    for anItem in what:
      if anItem['found']==False:
        raise IOError('It is not possible to use '+anItem['class']+' type = ' +anItem['type']+' as '+who)
    return True

  def __init__(self,runInfoDict):
      @ In, runInfoDict, dict, the dictionary containing the runInfo (read in the XML input file)
      @ Out, None
    #if alias are defined in the input it defines a mapping between the variable names in the framework and the one for the generation of the input
    #self.alias[framework variable name] = [input code name]. For Example, for a MooseBasedApp, the alias would be self.alias['internal_variable_name'] = 'Material|Fuel|thermal_conductivity'
    self.alias    = {'input':{},'output':{}}
    self.subType  = ''
    self.runQueue = []
    self.printTag = 'MODEL'
    self.createWorkingDir = False

  def _readMoreXML(self,xmlNode):
      Function to read the portion of the xml input that belongs to this specialized class
      and initialize some stuff based on the inputs got
      @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, Xml element node
      @ Out, None
      self.subType = xmlNode.attrib['subType']
    except KeyError:
      self.raiseADebug("Failed in Node: "+str(xmlNode),verbostiy='silent')
      self.raiseAnError(IOError,'missed subType for the model '+self.name)
    for child in xmlNode:
      if child.tag =='alias':
        # the input would be <alias variable='internal_variable_name'>Material|Fuel|thermal_conductivity</alias>
        if 'variable' in child.attrib.keys():
          if 'type' in child.attrib.keys():
            if child.attrib['type'].lower() not in ['input','output']:
              self.raiseAnError(IOError,'the type of alias can be either "input" or "output". Got '+child.attrib['type'].lower())
            aliasType           = child.attrib['type'].lower().strip()
            complementAliasType = 'output' if aliasType == 'input' else 'input'
            self.raiseAnError(IOError,'not found the attribute "type" in the definition of one of the alias for model '+str(self.name) +' of type '+self.type)
          varFramework, varModel = child.attrib['variable'], child.text.strip()
          if varFramework in self.alias[aliasType].keys():
            self.raiseAnError(IOError,' The alias for variable ' +varFramework+' has been already inputted in model '+str(self.name) +' of type '+self.type)
          if varModel in self.alias[aliasType].values():
            self.raiseAnError(IOError,' The alias ' +varModel+' has been already used for another variable in model '+str(self.name) +' of type '+self.type)
          if varFramework in self.alias[complementAliasType].keys():
            self.raiseAnError(IOError,' The alias for variable ' +varFramework+' has been already inputted ('+complementAliasType+') in model '+str(self.name) +' of type '+self.type)
          if varModel in self.alias[complementAliasType].values():
            self.raiseAnError(IOError,' The alias ' +varModel+' has been already used ('+complementAliasType+') for another variable in model '+str(self.name) +' of type '+self.type)
          self.alias[aliasType][varFramework] = child.text.strip()
          self.raiseAnError(IOError,'not found the attribute "variable" in the definition of one of the alias for model '+str(self.name) +' of type '+self.type)
    # read local information

  def _replaceVariablesNamesWithAliasSystem(self, sampledVars, aliasType='input', fromModelToFramework=False):
      Method to convert kwargs Sampled vars with the alias system
      @ In , sampledVars, dict, dictionary that are going to be modified
      @ In, aliasType, str, optional, type of alias to be replaced
      @ In, fromModelToFramework, bool, optional, When we define aliases for some input variables, we need to be sure to convert the variable names
                                                  (if alias is of type input) coming from RAVEN (e.g. sampled variables) into the corresponding names
                                                  of the model (e.g. frameworkVariableName = "wolf", modelVariableName="thermal_conductivity").
                                                  Viceversa, when we define aliases for some model output variables, we need to convert the variable
                                                  names coming from the model into the one that are used in RAVEN (e.g. modelOutputName="00001111",
                                                  frameworkVariableName="clad_temperature"). The fromModelToFramework bool flag controls this action
                                                  (if True, we convert the name in the dictionary from the model names to the RAVEN names, False vice versa)
      @ Out, originalVariables, dict, dictionary of the original sampled variables
    if aliasType =='inout':
      listAliasType = ['input','output']
      listAliasType = [aliasType]
    originalVariables = copy.deepcopy(sampledVars)
    for aliasTyp in listAliasType:
      for varFramework,varModel in self.alias[aliasTyp].items():
        whichVar =  varModel if fromModelToFramework else varFramework
        notFound = 2**62
        found = sampledVars.pop(whichVar,[notFound])
        if not np.array_equal(np.asarray(found), [notFound]):
          if fromModelToFramework:
            sampledVars[varFramework] = originalVariables[varModel]
            sampledVars[varModel]     = originalVariables[varFramework]
    return originalVariables

  def _handleInput(self, paramInput):
      Function to handle the common parts of the model parameter input.
      @ In, paramInput, ParameterInput, the already parsed input.
      @ Out, None
    if "subType" in paramInput.parameterValues:
      self.subType = paramInput.parameterValues["subType"]
      self.raiseADebug(" Failed in Node: "+str(xmlNode),verbostiy='silent')
      self.raiseAnError(IOError,'missed subType for the model '+self.name)

  def evaluateSample(self, myInput, samplerType, kwargs):
        This will evaluate an individual sample on this model. Note, parameters
        are needed by createNewInput and thus descriptions are copied from there.
        @ In, myInput, list, the inputs (list) to start from to generate the new one
        @ In, samplerType, string, is the type of sampler that is calling to generate a new input
        @ In, kwargs, dict,  is a dictionary that contains the information coming from the sampler,
           a mandatory key is the sampledVars'that contains a dictionary {'name variable':value}
        @ Out, returnValue, tuple(input,dict), This holds the output information of the evaluated sample.

  def localInputAndChecks(self,xmlNode):
      Function to read the portion of the xml input that belongs to this specialized class
      and initialize some stuff based on the inputs got
      @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, Xml element node
      @ Out, None

  def getInitParams(self):
      This function is called from the base class to print some of the information inside the class.
      Whatever is permanent in the class and not inherited from the parent class should be mentioned here
      The information is passed back in the dictionary. No information about values that change during the simulation are allowed
      @ In, None
      @ Out, paramDict, dict, dictionary containing the parameter names as keys
        and each parameter's initial value as the dictionary values
    paramDict = {}
    paramDict['subType'] = self.subType
    for key, value in self.alias['input'].items():
      paramDict['The model input variable '+str(value)+' is filled using the framework variable '] = key
    for key, value in self.alias['output'].items():
      paramDict['The model output variable '+str(value)+' is filled using the framework variable '] = key
    return paramDict

  def localGetInitParams(self):
      Method used to export to the printer in the base class the additional PERMANENT your local class have
      @ In, None
      @ Out, paramDict, dict, dictionary containing the parameter names as keys
        and each parameter's initial value as the dictionary values
    paramDict = {}
    return paramDict

  def initialize(self,runInfo,inputs,initDict=None):
      this needs to be over written if a re initialization of the model is need it gets called at every beginning of a step
      after this call the next one will be run
      @ In, runInfo, dict, it is the run info from the jobHandler
      @ In, inputs, list, it is a list containing whatever is passed with an input role in the step
      @ In, initDict, dict, optional, dictionary of all objects available in the step is using this model

  def createNewInput(self,myInput,samplerType,**kwargs):
      This function will return a new input to be submitted to the model, it is called by the sampler.
      @ In, myInput, list, the inputs (list) to start from to generate the new one
      @ In, samplerType, string, is the type of sampler that is calling to generate a new input
      @ In, **kwargs, dict,  is a dictionary that contains the information coming from the sampler,
           a mandatory key is the sampledVars'that contains a dictionary {'name variable':value}
      @ Out, [(kwargs)], list, return the new input in a list form
    return [(copy.copy(kwargs))]

  def submit(self, myInput, samplerType, jobHandler, **kwargs):
        This will submit an individual sample to be evaluated by this model to a
        specified jobHandler. Note, some parameters are needed by createNewInput
        and thus descriptions are copied from there.
        @ In, myInput, list, the inputs (list) to start from to generate the new one
        @ In, samplerType, string, is the type of sampler that is calling to generate a new input
        @ In,  jobHandler, JobHandler instance, the global job handler instance
        @ In, **kwargs, dict,  is a dictionary that contains the information coming from the sampler,
           a mandatory key is the sampledVars'that contains a dictionary {'name variable':value}
        @ Out, None
    prefix = kwargs.get("prefix")
    uniqueHandler = kwargs.get("uniqueHandler",'any')
    forceThreads = kwargs.get("forceThreads",False)

    ## These kwargs are updated by createNewInput, so the job either should not
    ## have access to the metadata, or it needs to be updated from within the
    ## evaluateSample function, which currently is not possible since that
    ## function does not know about the job instance.
    metadata = kwargs

    ## This may look a little weird, but due to how the parallel python library
    ## works, we are unable to pass a member function as a job because the
    ## pp library loses track of what self is, so instead we call it from the
    ## class and pass self in as the first parameter
    jobHandler.addJob((self, myInput, samplerType, kwargs), self.__class__.evaluateSample, prefix, metadata=metadata, modulesToImport=self.mods, uniqueHandler=uniqueHandler, forceUseThreads=forceThreads)

  def addOutputFromExportDictionary(self,exportDict,output,options,jobIdentifier):
      Method that collects the outputs from them export dictionary
      @ In, exportDict, dict, dictionary containing the output/input values: {'inputSpaceParams':dict(sampled variables),
                                                                              'outputSpaceParams':dict(output variables),
      @ In, output, "DataObjects" object, output where the results of the calculation needs to be stored
      @ In, options, dict, dictionary of options that can be passed in when the collect of the output is performed by another model (e.g. EnsembleModel)
      @ In, jobIdentifier, str, job identifier
      @ Out, None
    if output.type == 'HDF5':
      optionsIn = {'group':self.name+str(jobIdentifier)}
      if options is not None:

  def collectOutput(self,collectFrom,storeTo,options=None):
      Method that collects the outputs from the previous run
      @ In, collectFrom, InternalRunner object, instance of the run just finished
      @ In, storeTo, "DataObjects" object, output where the results of the calculation needs to be stored
      @ In, options, dict, optional, dictionary of options that can be passed in when the collect of the output is performed by another model (e.g. EnsembleModel)
      @ Out, None
    #if a addOutput is present in nameSpace of storeTo it is used
    if 'addOutput' in dir(storeTo):
      self.raiseAnError(IOError,'The place where we want to store the output has no addOutput method!')

  def getAdditionalInputEdits(self,inputInfo):
      Collects additional edits for the sampler to use when creating a new input.  By default does nothing.
      @ In, inputInfo, dict, dictionary in which to add edits
      @ Out, None.
Exemple #11
class supervisedLearning(utils.metaclass_insert(abc.ABCMeta),
    This is the general interface to any supervisedLearning learning method.
    Essentially it contains a train method and an evaluate method
    returnType = ''  # this describe the type of information generated the possibility are 'boolean', 'integer', 'float'
    qualityEstType = [
    ]  # this describe the type of estimator returned known type are 'distance', 'probability'. The values are returned by the self.__confidenceLocal__(Features)
    ROMtype = ''  # the broad class of the interpolator
    ROMmultiTarget = False  #
    ROMtimeDependent = False  # is this ROM able to treat time-like (any monotonic variable) explicitly in its formulation?

    def checkArrayConsistency(arrayIn, isDynamic=False):
      This method checks the consistency of the in-array
      @ In, arrayIn, object,  It should be an array
      @ In, isDynamic, bool, optional, is Dynamic?
      @ Out, (consistent, 'error msg'), tuple, tuple[0] is a bool (True -> everything is ok, False -> something wrong), tuple[1], string ,the error mesg
        #checking if None provides a more clear message about the problem
        if arrayIn is None:
            return (False, ' The object is None, and contains no entries!')
        if type(arrayIn).__name__ == 'list':
            if isDynamic:
                for cnt, elementArray in enumerate(arrayIn):
                    resp = supervisedLearning.checkArrayConsistency(
                    if not resp[0]:
                        return (False, ' The element number ' + str(cnt) +
                                ' is not a consistent array. Error: ' +
                return (False,
                        ' The list type is allowed for dynamic ROMs only')
            if type(arrayIn).__name__ not in ['ndarray', 'c1darray']:
                return (False, ' The object is not a numpy array. Got type: ' +
            if len(np.asarray(arrayIn).shape) > 1:
                return (False, ' The array must be 1-d. Got shape: ' +
        return (True, '')

    def __init__(self, messageHandler, **kwargs):
      A constructor that will appropriately initialize a supervised learning object
      @ In, messageHandler, MessageHandler object, it is in charge of raising errors, and printing messages
      @ In, kwargs, dict, an arbitrary list of kwargs
      @ Out, None
        self.printTag = 'Supervised'
        self.messageHandler = messageHandler
        self._dynamicHandling = False
        #booleanFlag that controls the normalization procedure. If true, the normalization is performed. Default = True
        if kwargs != None:
            self.initOptionDict = kwargs
            self.initOptionDict = {}
        if 'Features' not in self.initOptionDict.keys():
            self.raiseAnError(IOError, 'Feature names not provided')
        if 'Target' not in self.initOptionDict.keys():
            self.raiseAnError(IOError, 'Target name not provided')
        self.features = self.initOptionDict['Features'].split(',')
        self.target = self.initOptionDict['Target'].split(',')
        self.verbosity = self.initOptionDict[
            'verbosity'] if 'verbosity' in self.initOptionDict else None
        for target in self.target:
            if self.features.count(target) > 0:
                    IOError, 'The target "' + target +
                    '" is also in the feature space!')
        #average value and sigma are used for normalization of the feature data
        #a dictionary where for each feature a tuple (average value, sigma)
        self.muAndSigmaFeatures = {}
        #these need to be declared in the child classes!!!!
        self.amITrained = False

    def initialize(self, idict):
      Initialization method
      @ In, idict, dict, dictionary of initialization parameters
      @ Out, None
        pass  #Overloaded by (at least) GaussPolynomialRom

    def train(self, tdict):
      Method to perform the training of the supervisedLearning algorithm
      NB.the supervisedLearning object is committed to convert the dictionary that is passed (in), into the local format
      the interface with the kernels requires. So far the base class will do the translation into numpy
      @ In, tdict, dict, training dictionary
      @ Out, None
        if type(tdict) != dict:
                'In method "train", the training set needs to be provided through a dictionary. Type of the in-object is '
                + str(type(tdict)))
        names, values = list(tdict.keys()), list(tdict.values())
        ## This is for handling the special case needed by SKLtype=*MultiTask* that
        ## requires multiple targets.

        targetValues = []
        for target in self.target:
            if target in names:
                    'The target ' + target + ' is not in the training set')

        #FIXME: when we do not support anymore numpy <1.10, remove this IF STATEMENT
        if int(np.__version__.split('.')[1]) >= 10:
            targetValues = np.stack(targetValues, axis=-1)
            sl = (slice(None), ) * np.asarray(targetValues[0]).ndim + (
                np.newaxis, )
            targetValues = np.concatenate(
                [np.asarray(arr)[sl] for arr in targetValues],

        # construct the evaluation matrixes
        featureValues = np.zeros(shape=(len(targetValues), len(self.features)))
        for cnt, feat in enumerate(self.features):
            if feat not in names:
                    IOError, 'The feature sought ' + feat +
                    ' is not in the training set')
                valueToUse = values[names.index(feat)]
                resp = self.checkArrayConsistency(valueToUse, self.isDynamic())
                if not resp[0]:
                        'In training set for feature ' + feat + ':' + resp[1])
                valueToUse = np.asarray(valueToUse)
                if len(valueToUse) != featureValues[:, 0].size:
                    self.raiseAWarning('feature values:',
                                       featureValues[:, 0].size,
                    self.raiseAWarning('target values:',
                        'In training set, the number of values provided for feature '
                        + feat + ' are != number of target outcomes!')
                self._localNormalizeData(values, names, feat)
                # valueToUse can be either a matrix (for who can handle time-dep data) or a vector (for who can not)
                featureValues[:, cnt] = (
                    (valueToUse[:, 0] if len(valueToUse.shape) > 1 else
                     valueToUse[:]) - self.muAndSigmaFeatures[feat][0]
                ) / self.muAndSigmaFeatures[feat][1]
        self.__trainLocal__(featureValues, targetValues)
        self.amITrained = True

    def _localNormalizeData(self, values, names, feat):
      Method to normalize data based on the mean and standard deviation.  If undesired for a particular ROM,
      this method can be overloaded to simply pass (see, e.g., GaussPolynomialRom).
      @ In, values, list, list of feature values (from tdict)
      @ In, names, list, names of features (from tdict)
      @ In, feat, list, list of features (from ROM)
      @ Out, None
        self.muAndSigmaFeatures[feat] = mathUtils.normalizationFactors(

    def confidence(self, edict):
      This call is used to get an estimate of the confidence in the prediction.
      The base class self.confidence will translate a dictionary into numpy array, then call the local confidence
      @ In, edict, dict, evaluation dictionary
      @ Out, confidence, float, the confidence
        if type(edict) != dict:
                'method "confidence". The inquiring set needs to be provided through a dictionary. Type of the in-object is '
                + str(type(edict)))
        names, values = list(edict.keys()), list(edict.values())
        for index in range(len(values)):
            resp = self.checkArrayConsistency(values[index], self.isDynamic())
            if not resp[0]:
                    IOError, 'In evaluate request for feature ' +
                    names[index] + ':' + resp[1])
        featureValues = np.zeros(shape=(values[0].size, len(self.features)))
        for cnt, feat in enumerate(self.features):
            if feat not in names:
                    IOError, 'The feature sought ' + feat +
                    ' is not in the evaluate set')
                resp = self.checkArrayConsistency(values[names.index(feat)],
                if not resp[0]:
                        'In training set for feature ' + feat + ':' + resp[1])
                featureValues[:, cnt] = values[names.index(feat)]
        return self.__confidenceLocal__(featureValues)

    def evaluate(self, edict):
      Method to perform the evaluation of a point or a set of points through the previous trained supervisedLearning algorithm
      NB.the supervisedLearning object is committed to convert the dictionary that is passed (in), into the local format
      the interface with the kernels requires.
      @ In, edict, dict, evaluation dictionary
      @ Out, evaluate, numpy.array, evaluated points
        if type(edict) != dict:
                'method "evaluate". The evaluate request/s need/s to be provided through a dictionary. Type of the in-object is '
                + str(type(edict)))
        names, values = list(edict.keys()), list(edict.values())
        for index in range(len(values)):
            resp = self.checkArrayConsistency(values[index], self.isDynamic())
            if not resp[0]:
                    IOError, 'In evaluate request for feature ' +
                    names[index] + ':' + resp[1])
        # construct the evaluation matrix
        featureValues = np.zeros(shape=(values[0].size, len(self.features)))
        for cnt, feat in enumerate(self.features):
            if feat not in names:
                    IOError, 'The feature sought ' + feat +
                    ' is not in the evaluate set')
                resp = self.checkArrayConsistency(values[names.index(feat)],
                if not resp[0]:
                        'In training set for feature ' + feat + ':' + resp[1])
                featureValues[:, cnt] = ((values[names.index(feat)] -
                                         ) / self.muAndSigmaFeatures[feat][1]
        return self.__evaluateLocal__(featureValues)

    def reset(self):
      Reset ROM
        self.amITrained = False

    def returnInitialParameters(self):
      override this method to return the fix set of parameters of the ROM
      @ In, None
      @ Out, iniParDict, dict, initial parameter dictionary
        iniParDict = dict(
            list(self.initOptionDict.items()) +
                'returnType': self.__class__.returnType,
                'qualityEstType': self.__class__.qualityEstType,
                'Features': self.features,
                'Target': self.target,
                'returnType': self.__class__.returnType
            }.items()) + list(self.__returnInitialParametersLocal__().items()))
        return iniParDict

    def returnCurrentSetting(self):
      return the set of parameters of the ROM that can change during simulation
      @ In, None
      @ Out, currParDict, dict, current parameter dictionary
        currParDict = dict({'Trained': self.amITrained}.items() +
        return currParDict

    def printXMLSetup(self, outFile, options={}):
      Allows the SVE to put whatever it wants into an XML file only once (right before calling pringXML)
      @ In, outFile, Files.File, either StaticXMLOutput or DynamicXMLOutput file
      @ In, options, dict, optional, dict of string-based options to use, including filename, things to print, etc
      @ Out, None
        outFile.addScalar('ROM', "type", self.printTag)
        self._localPrintXMLSetup(outFile, options)

    def _localPrintXMLSetup(self, outFile, pivotVal, options={}):
      Specific local method for printing anything desired to xml file at the begin of the print.
      Overwrite in inheriting classes.
      @ In, outFile, Files.File, either StaticXMLOutput or DynamicXMLOutput file
      @ In, options, dict, optional, dict of string-based options to use, including filename, things to print, etc
      @ Out, None

    def printXML(self, outFile, pivotVal, options={}):
      Allows the SVE to put whatever it wants into an XML to print to file.
      @ In, outFile, Files.File, either StaticXMLOutput or DynamicXMLOutput file
      @ In, pivotVal, float, value of pivot parameters to use in printing if dynamic
      @ In, options, dict, optional, dict of string-based options to use, including filename, things to print, etc
      @ Out, None
        self._localPrintXML(outFile, pivotVal, options)

    def _localPrintXML(self, node, options={}):
      Specific local method for printing anything desired to xml file.  Overwrite in inheriting classes.
      @ In, outFile, Files.File, either StaticXMLOutput or DynamicXMLOutput file
      @ In, options, dict, optional, dict of string-based options to use, including filename, things to print, etc
      @ Out, None
            'ROM', "noInfo", 'ROM of type ' + str(self.printTag.strip()) +
            ' has no special output options.')

    def isDynamic(self):
      This method is a utility function that tells if the relative ROM is able to
      treat dynamic data (e.g. time-series) on its own or not (Primarly called by LearningGate)
      @ In, None
      @ Out, isDynamic, bool, True if the ROM is able to treat dynamic data, False otherwise
        return self._dynamicHandling

    def reseed(self, seed):
      Used to reset the seed of the ROM.  By default does nothing; overwrite in the inheriting classes as needed.
      @ In, seed, int, new seed to use
      @ Out, None

    def __trainLocal__(self, featureVals, targetVals):
      Perform training on samples in featureVals with responses y.
      For an one-class model, +1 or -1 is returned.
      @ In, featureVals, {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape=[n_samples, n_features],
        an array of input feature values
      @ Out, targetVals, array, shape = [n_samples], an array of output target
        associated with the corresponding points in featureVals

    def __confidenceLocal__(self, featureVals):
      This should return an estimation of the quality of the prediction.
      This could be distance or probability or anything else, the type needs to be declared in the variable cls.qualityEstType
      @ In, featureVals, 2-D numpy array , [n_samples,n_features]
      @ Out, __confidenceLocal__, float, the confidence

    def __evaluateLocal__(self, featureVals):
      @ In,  featureVals, np.array, 2-D numpy array [n_samples,n_features]
      @ Out, targetVals , np.array, 1-D numpy array [n_samples]

    def __resetLocal__(self):
      Reset ROM. After this method the ROM should be described only by the initial parameter settings
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None

    def __returnInitialParametersLocal__(self):
      Returns a dictionary with the parameters and their initial values
      @ In, None
      @ Out, params, dict,  dictionary of parameter names and initial values

    def __returnCurrentSettingLocal__(self):
class CodeInterfaceBase(utils.metaclass_insert(abc.ABCMeta, object)):
  Code Interface base class. This class should be the base class for all the code interfaces.
  In this way some methods are forced to be implemented and some automatic checking features
  are available (checking of the inputs if no executable is available), etc.
  NOTE: As said, this class SHOULD be the base class of the code interfaces. However, the developer
        of a newer code interface can decide to avoid to inherit from this class if he does not want
        to exploit the automatic checking of the code interface's functionalities
    def __init__(self):
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
        self.inputExtensions = []  # list of input extensions
        self._runOnShell = True  # True if the specified command by the code interfaces will be executed through shell.
        self._ravenWorkingDir = None  # location of RAVEN's main working directory
        self._csvLoadUtil = 'pandas'  # utility to use to load CSVs
        self.printFailedRuns = True  # whether to print failed runs to the screen
        self._writeCSV = False  # write CSV even if the data can be returned directly to raven (e.g. if the user requests them)

    def setRunOnShell(self, shell=True):
      Method used to set the the executation of code command through shell if shell=True
      @ In, shell, Boolean, True if the users want to execute their code through shell
      @ Out, None
        self._runOnShell = shell

    def getRunOnShell(self):
      Method to return the status of self._runOnShell
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
        return self._runOnShell

    def getIfWriteCsv(self):
      Returns self._writeCSV. True if a CSV is requested by the user even if
      the code interface returns the data to RAVEN directly
      @ In, None
      @ Out, getIfWriteCsv, bool, should we write the csv?
        return self._writeCSV

    def getCsvLoadUtil(self):
      Returns the string representation of the CSV loading utility to use
      @ In, None
      @ Out, getCsvLoadUtil, str, name of utility to use
        # default to pandas, overwrite to 'numpy' if all of the following:
        # - all entries are guaranteed to be floats
        # - results CSV have a large number of headers (>1000)
        return self._csvLoadUtil

    def setCsvLoadUtil(self, util):
      Returns the string representation of the CSV loading utility to use
      @ In, getCsvLoadUtil, str, name of utility to use
        ok = CsvLoader.CsvLoader.acceptableUtils
        if util not in ok:
            raise TypeError(
                f'Unrecognized CSV loading utility: "{util}"! Expected one of: {ok}'
        self._csvLoadUtil = util

    def genCommand(self,
      This method is used to retrieve the command (in tuple format) needed to launch the Code.
      This method checks a boolean environment variable called 'RAVENinterfaceCheck':
      if true, the subcodeCommand is going to be overwritten with an empty string. In this way we can check the functionality of the interface without having an executable.
      See Driver.py to understand how this Env variable is set
      @ In, inputFiles, list, List of input files (length of the list depends on the number of inputs have been added in the Step is running this code)
      @ In, executable, string, executable name with absolute path (e.g. /home/path_to_executable/code.exe)
      @ In, flags, dict, optional, dictionary containing the command-line flags the user can specify in the input (e.g. under the node < Code >< clargstype =0 input0arg =0 i0extension =0 .inp0/ >< /Code >)
      @ In, fileArgs, dict, optional, a dictionary containing the auxiliary input file variables the user can specify in the input (e.g. under the node < Code >< fileargstype =0 input0arg =0 aux0extension =0 .aux0/ >< /Code >)
      @ In, preExec, string, optional, a string the command that needs to be pre-executed before the actual command here defined
      @ Out, returnCommand, tuple, tuple containing the generated command. returnCommand[0] is the command to run the code (string), returnCommand[1] is the name of the output root
        subcodeCommand, outputfileroot = self.generateCommand(inputFiles,

        if utils.stringIsTrue(os.environ.get('RAVENinterfaceCheck', 'False')):
            return [('parallel', 'echo')], outputfileroot
        returnCommand = subcodeCommand, outputfileroot
        return returnCommand

    def readMoreXML(self, xmlNode, ravenWorkingDir):
      Function to read the portion of the xml input that belongs to this class and
      initialize some members based on inputs.
      @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, Xml element node
      @ In, ravenWorkingDir, str, location of RAVEN's working directory
      @ Out, None
        self._ravenWorkingDir = ravenWorkingDir
        # read global options
        # should we print CSV even if the data can be directly returned to RAVEN?
        csvLog = xmlNode.find("csv")
        self._writeCSV = utils.stringIsTrue(
            csvLog.text if csvLog is not None else "False")

    def _readMoreXML(self, xmlNode):
      Function to read the portion of the xml input that belongs to this specialized class and
      initialize some members based on inputs. This can be overloaded in specialized code interface in order
      to read specific flags
      @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, Xml element node
      @ Out, None

    def generateCommand(self,
      This method is used to retrieve the command (in tuple format) needed to launch the Code.
      @ In, inputFiles, list, List of input files (length of the list depends on the number of inputs have been added in the Step is running this code)
      @ In, executable, string, executable name with absolute path (e.g. /home/path_to_executable/code.exe)
      @ In, clargs, dict, optional, dictionary containing the command-line flags the user can specify in the input (e.g. under the node < Code >< clargstype =0 input0arg =0 i0extension =0 .inp0/ >< /Code >)
      @ In, fargs, dict, optional, a dictionary containing the auxiliary input file variables the user can specify in the input (e.g. under the node < Code >< clargstype =0 input0arg =0 aux0extension =0 .aux0/ >< /Code >)
      @ In, preExec, string, optional, a string the command that needs to be pre-executed before the actual command here defined
      @ Out, returnCommand, tuple, tuple containing the generated command. returnCommand[0] is the command to run the code (string), returnCommand[1] is the name of the output root

    def createNewInput(self, currentInputFiles, oriInputFiles, samplerType,
      This method is used to generate an input based on the information passed in.
      @ In, currentInputFiles, list,  list of current input files (input files from last this method call)
      @ In, oriInputFiles, list, list of the original input files
      @ In, samplerType, string, Sampler type (e.g. MonteCarlo, Adaptive, etc. see manual Samplers section)
      @ In, Kwargs, dictionary, kwarded dictionary of parameters. In this dictionary there is another dictionary called "SampledVars"
             where RAVEN stores the variables that got sampled (e.g. Kwargs['SampledVars'] => {'var1':10,'var2':40})
      @ Out, newInputFiles, list, list of newer input files, list of the new input files (modified and not)


    ####### OPTIONAL METHODS #######

    def getInputExtension(self):
      This method returns a list of extension the code interface accepts for the input file (the main one)
      @ In, None
      @ Out, tuple, tuple of strings containing accepted input extension (e.g.(".i",".inp"]) )
        return tuple(self.inputExtensions)

    def setInputExtension(self, exts):
      This method sets a list of extension the code interface accepts for the input files
      @ In, exts, list, list or other array containing accepted input extension (e.g.[".i",".inp"])
      @ Out, None
        self.inputExtensions = []

    def addInputExtension(self, exts):
      This method adds a list of extension the code interface accepts for the input files
      @ In, exts, list, list or other array containing accepted input extension (e.g.[".i",".inp"])
      @ Out, None
        for e in exts:

    def addDefaultExtension(self):
      This method sets a list of default extensions a specific code interface accepts for the input files.
      This method should be overwritten if these are not acceptable defaults.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
        self.addInputExtension(['i', 'inp', 'in'])

    def initialize(self, runInfo, oriInputFiles):
      Method to initialize the run of a new step
      @ In, runInfo, dict,  dictionary of the info in the <RunInfo> XML block
      @ In, oriInputFiles, list, list of the original input files
      @ Out, None
        # store working dir for future needs
        self._ravenWorkingDir = runInfo['WorkingDir']

    def finalizeCodeOutput(self, command, output, workingDir):
      this method is called by the RAVEN code at the end of each run (if the method is present).
      It can be used for those codes, that do not create CSV files to convert the whatever output format into a csv
      @ In, command, string, the command used to run the just ended job
      @ In, output, string, the Output name root
      @ In, workingDir, string, current working dir
      @ Out, output, string or dict, optional, if present and string:
                                                 in case the root of the output file gets changed in this method (and a CSV is produced);
                                               if present and dict:
                                                 in case the output of the code is directly stored in a dictionary and can be directly used
                                                 without the need that RAVEN reads an additional CSV
        return output

    def checkForOutputFailure(self, output, workingDir):
      This method is called by RAVEN at the end of each run if the return code is == 0.
      This method needs to be implemented by the codes that, if the run fails, return a return code that is 0
      This can happen in those codes that record the failure of the job (e.g. not converged, etc.) as normal termination (returncode == 0)
      This method can be used, for example, to parse the output file looking for a special keyword that testifies that a particular job got failed
      (e.g. in RELAP5 would be the keyword "********")
      @ In, output, string, the Output name root
      @ In, workingDir, string, current working dir
      @ Out, failure, bool, True if the job is failed, False otherwise
        failure = False
        return failure
Exemple #13
class Sampler(utils.metaclass_insert(abc.ABCMeta,BaseType),Assembler):
    This is the base class for samplers
    Samplers own the sampling strategy (Type) and they generate the input values using the associate distribution.

  def getInputSpecification(cls):
      Method to get a reference to a class that specifies the input data for
      class cls.
      @ In, cls, the class for which we are retrieving the specification
      @ Out, inputSpecification, InputData.ParameterInput, class to use for
        specifying input of cls.
    inputSpecification = super(Sampler, cls).getInputSpecification()
    # FIXME the DET HybridSampler doesn't use the "name" param for the samples it creates,
    #      so we can't require the name yet
    inputSpecification.addParam("name", InputData.StringType)

    outerDistributionInput = InputData.parameterInputFactory("Distribution")
    outerDistributionInput.addParam("name", InputData.StringType)
    outerDistributionInput.addSub(InputData.parameterInputFactory("distribution", contentType=InputData.StringType))

    variableInput = InputData.parameterInputFactory("variable")
    variableInput.addParam("name", InputData.StringType)
    variableInput.addParam("shape", InputData.IntegerListType, required=False)
    distributionInput = InputData.parameterInputFactory("distribution", contentType=InputData.StringType)
    distributionInput.addParam("dim", InputData.IntegerType)


    functionInput = InputData.parameterInputFactory("function", contentType=InputData.StringType)



    variablesTransformationInput = InputData.parameterInputFactory("variablesTransformation")
    variablesTransformationInput.addParam('distribution', InputData.StringType)

    variablesTransformationInput.addSub(InputData.parameterInputFactory("latentVariables", contentType=InputData.StringListType))
    variablesTransformationInput.addSub(InputData.parameterInputFactory("manifestVariables", contentType=InputData.StringListType))
    variablesTransformationInput.addSub(InputData.parameterInputFactory("manifestVariablesIndex", contentType=InputData.StringListType))
    variablesTransformationInput.addSub(InputData.parameterInputFactory("method", contentType=InputData.StringType))


    constantInput = InputData.parameterInputFactory("constant", contentType=InputData.InterpretedListType)
    constantInput.addParam("name", InputData.StringType, True)
    constantInput.addParam("shape", InputData.IntegerListType, required=False)


    restartToleranceInput = InputData.parameterInputFactory("restartTolerance", contentType=InputData.FloatType)

    restartInput = InputData.parameterInputFactory("Restart", contentType=InputData.StringType)
    restartInput.addParam("type", InputData.StringType)
    restartInput.addParam("class", InputData.StringType)

    return inputSpecification

  def __init__(self):
      Default Constructor that will initialize member variables with reasonable
      defaults or empty lists/dictionaries where applicable.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
    self.ableToHandelFailedRuns        = False                     # is this sampler able to handle failed runs?
    self.counter                       = 0                         # Counter of the samples performed (better the input generated!!!). It is reset by calling the function self.initialize
    self.auxcnt                        = 0                         # Aux counter of samples performed (for its usage check initialize method)
    self.limit                         = sys.maxsize               # maximum number of Samples (for example, Monte Carlo = Number of HistorySet to run, DET = Unlimited)
    self.toBeSampled                   = {}                        # Sampling mapping dictionary {'Variable Name':'name of the distribution'}
    self.dependentSample               = {}                        # Sampling mapping dictionary for dependent variables {'Variable Name':'name of the external function'}
    self.distDict                      = {}                        # Contains the instance of the distribution to be used, it is created every time the sampler is initialized. keys are the variable names
    self.funcDict                      = {}                        # Contains the instance of the function     to be used, it is created every time the sampler is initialized. keys are the variable names
    self.values                        = {}                        # for each variable the current value {'var name':value}
    self.variableShapes                = {}                        # stores the dimensionality of each variable by name, as tuple e.g. (2,3) for [[#,#,#],[#,#,#]]
    self.inputInfo                     = {}                        # depending on the sampler several different type of keywarded information could be present only one is mandatory, see below
    self.initSeed                      = None                      # if not provided the seed is randomly generated at the istanciation of the sampler, the step can override the seed by sending in another seed
    self.inputInfo['SampledVars'     ] = self.values               # this is the location where to get the values of the sampled variables
    self.inputInfo['SampledVarsPb'   ] = {}                        # this is the location where to get the probability of the sampled variables
    #self.inputInfo['PointProbability'] = None                      # this is the location where the point wise probability is stored (probability associated to a sampled point)
    self.inputInfo['crowDist']         = {}                        # Stores a dictionary that contains the information to create a crow distribution.  Stored as a json object
    self.constants                     = {}                        # In this dictionary
    self.reseedAtEachIteration         = False                     # Logical flag. True if every newer evaluation is performed after a new reseeding
    self.FIXME                         = False                     # FIXME flag
    self.printTag                      = self.type                 # prefix for all prints (sampler type)
    self.restartData                   = None                      # presampled points to restart from
    self.restartTolerance              = 1e-15                     # strictness with which to find matches in the restart data
    self.restartIsCompatible           = None                      # flags restart as compatible with the sampling scheme (used to speed up checking)

    self._endJobRunnable               = sys.maxsize               # max number of inputs creatable by the sampler right after a job ends (e.g., infinite for MC, 1 for Adaptive, etc)

    self.variables2distributionsMapping = {}                       # for each variable 'varName'  , the following informations are included:  'varName': {'dim': 1, 'reducedDim': 1,'totDim': 2, 'name': 'distName'} ; dim = dimension of the variable; reducedDim = dimension of the variable in the transformed space; totDim = total dimensionality of its associated distribution
    self.distributions2variablesMapping = {}                       # for each variable 'distName' , the following informations are included: 'distName': [{'var1': 1}, {'var2': 2}]} where for each var it is indicated the var dimension
    self.NDSamplingParams               = {}                       # this dictionary contains a dictionary for each ND distribution (key). This latter dictionary contains the initialization parameters of the ND inverseCDF ('initialGridDisc' and 'tolerance')
    self.addAssemblerObject('Restart' ,'-n',True)

    #used for PCA analysis
    self.variablesTransformationDict    = {}                       # for each variable 'modelName', the following informations are included: {'modelName': {latentVariables:[latentVar1, latentVar2, ...], manifestVariables:[manifestVar1,manifestVar2,...]}}
    self.transformationMethod           = {}                       # transformation method used in variablesTransformation node {'modelName':method}
    self.entitiesToRemove               = []                       # This variable is used in order to make sure the transformation info is printed once in the output xml file.

  def _generateDistributions(self,availableDist,availableFunc):
      Generates the distributions and functions.
      @ In, availableDist, dict, dict of distributions
      @ In, availableFunc, dict, dict of functions
      @ Out, None
    if self.initSeed != None:
    for key in self.toBeSampled.keys():
      if self.toBeSampled[key] not in availableDist.keys():
        self.raiseAnError(IOError,'Distribution '+self.toBeSampled[key]+' not found among available distributions (check input)!')
      self.distDict[key] = availableDist[self.toBeSampled[key]]
      self.inputInfo['crowDist'][key] = json.dumps(self.distDict[key].getCrowDistDict())
    for key,val in self.dependentSample.items():
      if val not in availableFunc.keys():
        self.raiseAnError('Function',val,'was not found among the available functions:',availableFunc.keys())
      self.funcDict[key] = availableFunc[val]
      # check if the correct method is present
      if "evaluate" not in self.funcDict[key].availableMethods():
        self.raiseAnError(IOError,'Function '+self.funcDict[key].name+' does not contain a method named "evaluate". It must be present if this needs to be used in a Sampler!')

  def _localGenerateAssembler(self,initDict):
      It is used for sending to the instanciated class, which is implementing the method, the objects that have been requested through "whatDoINeed" method
      It is an abstract method -> It must be implemented in the derived class!
      @ In, initDict, dict, dictionary ({'mainClassName(e.g., Databases):{specializedObjectName(e.g.,DatabaseForSystemCodeNamedWolf):ObjectInstance}'})
      @ Out, None
    availableDist = initDict['Distributions']
    availableFunc = initDict['Functions']

  def _localWhatDoINeed(self):
      This method is a local mirror of the general whatDoINeed method.
      It is implemented by the samplers that need to request special objects
      @ In, None
      @ Out, needDict, dict, list of objects needed
    needDict = {}
    needDict['Distributions'] = [] # Every sampler requires Distributions OR a Function
    needDict['Functions']     = [] # Every sampler requires Distributions OR a Function
    for dist in self.toBeSampled.values():
    for func in self.dependentSample.values():
    return needDict

  def _readMoreXML(self,xmlNode):
      Function to read the portion of the xml input that belongs to this specialized class
      and initialize some stuff based on the inputs got
      The text is supposed to contain the info where and which variable to change.
      In case of a code the syntax is specified by the code interface itself
      @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, Xml element node
      @ Out, None
    #TODO remove using xmlNode
    paramInput = self._readMoreXMLbase(xmlNode)
    self.localInputAndChecks(xmlNode, paramInput)

  def _readMoreXMLbase(self,xmlNode):
      Function to read the portion of the xml input that belongs to the base sampler only
      and initialize some stuff based on the inputs got
      The text is supposed to contain the info where and which variable to change.
      In case of a code the syntax is specified by the code interface itself
      @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, Xml element node1
      @ Out, paramInput, InputData.ParameterInput the parsed paramInput
    paramInput = self.getInputSpecification()()

    for child in paramInput.subparts:
      prefix = ""

      if child.getName() == 'Distribution':
        for childChild in child.subparts:
          if childChild.getName() =='distribution':
            prefix = "<distribution>"
            toBeSampled = childChild.value
        self.toBeSampled[prefix+child.parameterValues['name']] = toBeSampled

      elif child.getName() == 'variable':
        # variable for tracking if distributions or functions have been declared
        foundDistOrFunc = False
        # store variable name for re-use
        varName = child.parameterValues['name']
        # set shape if present
        if 'shape' in child.parameterValues:
          self.variableShapes[varName] = child.parameterValues['shape']
        # read subnodes
        for childChild in child.subparts:
          if childChild.getName() =='distribution':
            # can only have a distribution if doesn't already have a distribution or function
            if not foundDistOrFunc:
              foundDistOrFunc = True
              self.raiseAnError(IOError,'A sampled variable cannot have both a distribution and a function, or more than one of either!')
            # name of the distribution to sample
            toBeSampled = childChild.value
            # variable dimensionality
            if 'dim' not in childChild.parameterValues:
            # set up mapping for variable to distribution
            self.variables2distributionsMapping[varName] = varData
            # flag distribution as needing to be sampled
            self.toBeSampled[prefix+varName] = toBeSampled
          elif childChild.getName() == 'function':
            # can only have a function if doesn't already have a distribution or function
            if not foundDistOrFunc:
              foundDistOrFunc = True
              self.raiseAnError(IOError,'A sampled variable cannot have both a distribution and a function!')
            # function name
            toBeSampled = childChild.value
            # track variable as a functional sample
            self.dependentSample[prefix+varName] = toBeSampled

        if not foundDistOrFunc:
          self.raiseAnError(IOError,'Sampled variable',varName,'has neither a <distribution> nor <function> node specified!')

      elif child.getName() == "variablesTransformation":
        transformationDict = {}
        listIndex = None
        for childChild in child.subparts:
          if childChild.getName() == "latentVariables":
            transformationDict[childChild.getName()] = list(childChild.value)
          elif childChild.getName() == "manifestVariables":
            transformationDict[childChild.getName()] = list(childChild.value)
          elif childChild.getName() == "manifestVariablesIndex":
            # the index provided by the input file starts from 1, but the index used by the code starts from 0.
            listIndex = list(int(inp) - 1  for inp in childChild.value)
          elif childChild.getName() == "method":
            self.transformationMethod[child.parameterValues['distribution']] = childChild.value
        if listIndex == None:
          self.raiseAWarning('Index is not provided for manifestVariables, default index will be used instead!')
          listIndex = range(len(transformationDict["manifestVariables"]))
        transformationDict["manifestVariablesIndex"] = listIndex
        self.variablesTransformationDict[child.parameterValues['distribution']] = transformationDict

      elif child.getName() == "constant":
        name,value = self._readInConstant(child)
        self.constants[name] = value

      elif child.getName() == "restartTolerance":
        self.restartTolerance = child.value

    if len(self.constants) > 0:
      # check if constant variables are also part of the sampled space. In case, error out
      if not set(self.toBeSampled.keys()).isdisjoint(self.constants.keys()):
        self.raiseAnError(IOError,"Some constant variables are also in the sampling space:" +
                                  ' '.join([i if i in self.toBeSampled.keys() else "" for i in self.constants.keys()])  )

    if self.initSeed == None:
      self.initSeed = randomUtils.randomIntegers(0,2**31,self)
    # Creation of the self.distributions2variablesMapping dictionary: {'distName': [{'variable_name1': dim1}, {'variable_name2': dim2}]}
    for variable in self.variables2distributionsMapping.keys():
      distName = self.variables2distributionsMapping[variable]['name']
      dim      = self.variables2distributionsMapping[variable]['dim']
      listElement[variable] = dim
      if (distName in self.distributions2variablesMapping.keys()):

    # creation of the self.distributions2variablesIndexList dictionary:{'distName':[dim1,dim2,...,dimN]}
    self.distributions2variablesIndexList = {}
    for distName in self.distributions2variablesMapping.keys():
      positionList = []
      for var in self.distributions2variablesMapping[distName]:
        position = utils.first(var.values())
      if sum(set(positionList)) > 1 and len(positionList) != len(set(positionList)):
        dups = set(str(var) for var in positionList if positionList.count(var) > 1)
        self.raiseAnError(IOError,'Each of the following dimensions are assigned to multiple variables in Samplers: "{}"'.format(', '.join(dups)),
                ' associated to ND distribution ', distName, '. This is currently not allowed!')
      positionList = list(set(positionList))
      self.distributions2variablesIndexList[distName] = positionList

    for key in self.variables2distributionsMapping.keys():
      distName = self.variables2distributionsMapping[key]['name']
      dim      = self.variables2distributionsMapping[key]['dim']
      reducedDim = self.distributions2variablesIndexList[distName].index(dim) + 1
      self.variables2distributionsMapping[key]['reducedDim'] = reducedDim  # the dimension of variable in the transformed space
      self.variables2distributionsMapping[key]['totDim'] = max(self.distributions2variablesIndexList[distName]) # We will reset the value if the node <variablesTransformation> exist in the raven input file
      if not self.variablesTransformationDict and self.variables2distributionsMapping[key]['totDim'] > 1:
        if self.variables2distributionsMapping[key]['totDim'] != len(self.distributions2variablesIndexList[distName]):
          self.raiseAnError(IOError,'The "dim" assigned to the variables insider Sampler are not correct! the "dim" should start from 1, and end with the full dimension of given distribution')

    #Checking the variables transformation
    if self.variablesTransformationDict:
      for dist,varsDict in self.variablesTransformationDict.items():
        maxDim = len(varsDict['manifestVariables'])
        listLatentElement = varsDict['latentVariables']
        if len(set(listLatentElement)) != len(listLatentElement):
          dups = set(var for var in listLatentElement if listLatentElement.count(var) > 1)
          self.raiseAnError(IOError,'The following are duplicated variables listed in the latentVariables: ' + str(dups))
        if len(set(varsDict['manifestVariables'])) != len(varsDict['manifestVariables']):
          dups = set(var for var in varsDict['manifestVariables'] if varsDict['manifestVariables'].count(var) > 1)
          self.raiseAnError(IOError,'The following are duplicated variables listed in the manifestVariables: ' + str(dups))
        if len(set(varsDict['manifestVariablesIndex'])) != len(varsDict['manifestVariablesIndex']):
          dups = set(var+1 for var in varsDict['manifestVariablesIndex'] if varsDict['manifestVariablesIndex'].count(var) > 1)
          self.raiseAnError(IOError,'The following are duplicated variables indices listed in the manifestVariablesIndex: ' + str(dups))
        listElement = self.distributions2variablesMapping[dist]
        for var in listElement:
          self.variables2distributionsMapping[utils.first(var.keys())]['totDim'] = maxDim #reset the totDim to reflect the totDim of original input space
        tempListElement = {k.strip():v for x in listElement for ks,v in x.items() for k in list(ks.strip().split(','))}
        listIndex = []
        for var in listLatentElement:
          if var not in set(tempListElement.keys()):
            self.raiseAnError(IOError, 'The variable listed in latentVariables ' + var + ' is not listed in the given distribution: ' + dist)
        if max(listIndex) > maxDim:
          self.raiseAnError(IOError,'The maximum dim = ' + str(max(listIndex)) + ' defined for latent variables is exceeded the dimension of the problem ' + str(maxDim))
        if len(set(listIndex)) != len(listIndex):
          dups = set(var+1 for var in listIndex if listIndex.count(var) > 1)
          self.raiseAnError(IOError,'Each of the following dimensions are assigned to multiple latent variables in Samplers: ' + str(dups))
        # update the index for latentVariables according to the 'dim' assigned for given var defined in Sampler
        self.variablesTransformationDict[dist]['latentVariablesIndex'] = listIndex
    return paramInput

  def _readInConstant(self,inp):
      Reads in a "constant" input parameter node.
      @ In, inp, utils.InputParameter.ParameterInput, input parameter node to read from
      @ Out, name, string, name of constant
      @ Out, value, float or np.array,
    value = inp.value
    name = inp.parameterValues['name']
    shape = inp.parameterValues.get('shape',None)
    # if single entry, remove array structure; if multiple entries, cast them as numpy array
    if len(value) == 1:
      value = value[0]
      value = np.asarray(value)
    # if specific shape requested, then reshape it
    if shape is not None:
        value = value.reshape(shape)
      except ValueError:
            ('Requested shape "{}" ({} entries) for constant "{}"' +\
            ' is not consistent with the provided values ({} entries)!')
    return name, value

  def getInitParams(self):
      This function is called from the base class to print some of the information inside the class.
      Whatever is permanent in the class and not inherited from the parent class should be mentioned here
      The information is passed back in the dictionary. No information about values that change during the simulation are allowed
      @ In, None
      @ Out, paramDict, dict, dictionary containing the parameter names as keys
        and each parameter's initial value as the dictionary values
    paramDict = {}
    for variable in self.toBeSampled.items():
      paramDict["sampled variable: "+variable[0]] = 'is sampled using the distribution ' +variable[1]
    paramDict['limit' ]        = self.limit
    paramDict['initial seed' ] = self.initSeed
    return paramDict

  def initialize(self,externalSeeding=None,solutionExport=None):
      This function should be called every time a clean sampler is needed. Called before takeAstep in <Step>
      @ In, externalSeeding, int, optional, external seed
      @ In, solutionExport, DataObject, optional, in goal oriented sampling (a.k.a. adaptive sampling this is where the space/point satisfying the constrains)
      @ Out, None
    if self.initSeed == None:
      self.initSeed = randomUtils.randomIntegers(0,2**31,self)
    self.counter = 0
    if not externalSeeding:
      randomUtils.randomSeed(self.initSeed)       #use the sampler initialization seed
      self.auxcnt = self.initSeed
    elif externalSeeding=='continue':
      pass        #in this case the random sequence needs to be preserved
    else                              :
      randomUtils.randomSeed(externalSeeding)     #the external seeding is used
      self.auxcnt = externalSeeding
    #grab restart dataobject if it's available, then in localInitialize the sampler can deal with it.
    if 'Restart' in self.assemblerDict.keys():
      self.raiseADebug('Restart object: '+str(self.assemblerDict['Restart']))
      self.restartData = self.assemblerDict['Restart'][0][3]
      # check the right variables are in the restart
      need = set(self.toBeSampled.keys()+self.dependentSample.keys())
      if not need.issubset(set(self.restartData.getVars())):
        missing = need - set(self.restartData.getVars())
        #TODO this could be a warning, instead, but user wouldn't see it until the run was deep in
        self.raiseAnError(KeyError,'Restart data object "{}" is missing the following variables: "{}". No restart can be performed.'.format(self.restartData.name,', '.join(missing)))
        self.raiseAMessage('Restarting from '+self.restartData.name)
      # we used to check distribution consistency here, but we want to give more flexibility to using
      #   restart data, so do NOT check distributions of restart data.
      self.raiseAMessage('No restart for '+self.printTag)

    #load restart data into existing points
    # TODO do not copy data!  Read directly from restart.
    #if self.restartData is not None:
    #  if len(self.restartData) > 0:
    #    inps = self.restartData.getInpParametersValues()
    #    outs = self.restartData.getOutParametersValues()
    #    #FIXME there is no guarantee ordering is accurate between restart data and sampler
    #    inputs = list(v for v in inps.values())
    #    existingInps = zip(*inputs)
    #    outVals = zip(*list(v for v in outs.values()))
    #    self.existing = dict(zip(existingInps,outVals))

    #specializing the self.localInitialize() to account for adaptive sampling
    if solutionExport != None:

    for distrib in self.NDSamplingParams:
      if distrib in self.distributions2variablesMapping:
        params = self.NDSamplingParams[distrib]
        temp = utils.first(self.distributions2variablesMapping[distrib][0].keys())
        self.raiseAnError(IOError,'Distribution "%s" specified in distInit block of sampler "%s" does not exist!' %(distrib,self.name))

    # Store the transformation matrix in the metadata
    if self.variablesTransformationDict:
      self.entitiesToRemove = []
      for variable in self.variables2distributionsMapping.keys():
        distName = self.variables2distributionsMapping[variable]['name']
        dim      = self.variables2distributionsMapping[variable]['dim']
        totDim   = self.variables2distributionsMapping[variable]['totDim']
        if totDim > 1 and dim  == 1:
          transformDict = {}
          transformDict['type'] = self.distDict[variable.strip()].type
          transformDict['transformationMatrix'] = self.distDict[variable.strip()].transformationMatrix()
          self.inputInfo['transformation-'+distName] = transformDict

    # Register expected metadata
    meta = ['ProbabilityWeight','prefix','PointProbability']
    for var in self.toBeSampled.keys():
      meta +=  ['ProbabilityWeight-'+ key for key in var.split(",")]

  def localGetInitParams(self):
      Method used to export to the printer in the base class the additional PERMANENT your local class have
      @ In, None
      @ Out, paramDict, dict, dictionary containing the parameter names as keys
        and each parameter's initial value as the dictionary values
    return {}

  def localInitialize(self):
      use this function to add initialization features to the derived class
      it is call at the beginning of each step
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None

  def localInputAndChecks(self,xmlNode, paramInput):
      Local method. Place here the additional reading, remember to add initial parameters in the method localGetInitParams
      @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, Xml element node
      @ In, paramInput, InputData.ParameterInput, the parsed parameters
      @ Out, None

  def readSamplerInit(self,xmlNode):
      This method is responsible to read only the samplerInit block in the .xml file.
      This method has been moved from the base sampler class since the samplerInit block is needed only for the MC and stratified (LHS) samplers
      @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, Xml element node
      @ Out, None
    #TODO, this is redundant and paramInput should be directly passed in.
    paramInput = self.getInputSpecification()()

    for child in paramInput.subparts:
      if child.getName() == "samplerInit":
        self.initSeed = randomUtils.randomIntegers(0,2**31,self)
        for childChild in child.subparts:
          if childChild.getName() == "limit":
              self.limit = int(childChild.value)
            except ValueError:
              self.raiseAnError(IOError,'reading the attribute for the sampler '+self.name+' it was not possible to perform the conversion to integer for the attribute limit with value ' + str(childChild.value))
          if childChild.getName() == "initialSeed":
              self.initSeed = int(childChild.value)
            except ValueError:
              self.raiseAnError(IOError,'reading the attribute for the sampler '+self.name+' it was not possible to perform the conversion to integer for the attribute initialSeed with value ' + str(childChild.value))
          elif childChild.getName() == "reseedEachIteration":
            if childChild.value.lower() in utils.stringsThatMeanTrue():
              self.reseedAtEachIteration = True
          elif childChild.getName() == "distInit":
            for childChildChild in childChild.subparts:
              NDdistData = {}
              for childChildChildChild in childChildChild.subparts:
                if childChildChildChild.getName() == 'initialGridDisc':
                  NDdistData[childChildChildChild.getName()] = int(childChildChildChild.value)
                elif childChildChildChild.getName() == 'tolerance':
                  NDdistData[childChildChildChild.getName()] = float(childChildChildChild.value)
                  self.raiseAnError(IOError,'Unknown tag '+childChildChildChild.getName()+' .Available are: initialGridDisc and tolerance!')
              self.NDSamplingParams[childChildChild.parameterValues['name']] = NDdistData

  def endJobRunnable(self):
      Returns the maximum number of inputs allowed to be created by the sampler
      right after a job ends (e.g., infinite for MC, 1 for Adaptive, etc)
      @ In, None
      @ Out, endJobRunnable, int, number of runnable jobs at the end of each sample
    return self._endJobRunnable

  def getCurrentSetting(self):
      This function is called from the base class to print some of the information inside the class.
      Whatever is a temporary value in the class and not inherited from the parent class should be mentioned here
      The information is passed back in the dictionary
      @ In, None
      @ Out, paramDict, dict, dictionary containing the parameter names as keys
        and each parameter's initial value as the dictionary values
    paramDict = {}
    paramDict['counter'       ] = self.counter
    paramDict['initial seed'  ] = self.initSeed
    for key in self.inputInfo:
      if key!='SampledVars':
        paramDict[key] = self.inputInfo[key]
        for var in self.inputInfo['SampledVars'].keys():
          paramDict['Variable: '+var+' has value'] = paramDict[key][var]
    return paramDict

  def localGetCurrentSetting(self):
      Returns a dictionary with class specific information regarding the
      current status of the object.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, paramDict, dict, dictionary containing the parameter names as keys
        and each parameter's initial value as the dictionary values
    return {}

  def amIreadyToProvideAnInput(self): #inLastOutput=None):
      This is a method that should be call from any user of the sampler before requiring the generation of a new sample.
      This method act as a "traffic light" for generating a new input.
      Reason for not being ready could be for example: exceeding number of samples, waiting for other simulation for providing more information etc. etc.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, ready, bool, is this sampler ready to generate another sample?
    ready = True if self.counter < self.limit else False
    ready = self.localStillReady(ready)
    return ready

  def localStillReady(self,ready):
      Determines if sampler is prepared to provide another input.  If not, and
      if jobHandler is finished, this will end sampling.
      @ In,  ready, bool, a boolean representing whether the caller is prepared for another input.
      @ Out, ready, bool, a boolean representing whether the caller is prepared for another input.
    return ready

  def _checkRestartForEvaluation(self):
      Checks restart data object (if any) for matching realization.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, index, int, index of matching realization in restart (None if not found)
      @ Out, inExisting, dict, matching realization (None if not found)
    #check if point already exists
    if self.restartData is not None:
      index,inExisting = self.restartData.realization(matchDict=self.values,tol=self.restartTolerance,unpackXArray=True)
      index = None
      inExisting = None
    return index,inExisting

  def _constantVariables(self):
      Method to set the constant variables into the inputInfo dictionary
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
    if len(self.constants) > 0:
      # we inject the constant variables into the SampledVars
      self.inputInfo['SampledVars'  ].update(self.constants)
      # we consider that CDF of the constant variables is equal to 1 (same as its Pb Weight)
      pbKey = ['ProbabilityWeight-'+key for key in self.constants.keys()]
      self.inputInfo.update(dict.fromkeys(['ProbabilityWeight-'+key for key in self.constants.keys()],1.0))

  def _expandVectorVariables(self):
      Expands vector variables to fit the requested shape.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
    # by default, just repeat this value into the desired shape.  May be overloaded by other samplers.
    for var,shape in self.variableShapes.items():
      baseVal = self.inputInfo['SampledVars'][var]
      self.inputInfo['SampledVars'][var] = np.ones(shape)*baseVal

  def _functionalVariables(self):
      Evaluates variables that are functions of other input variables.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
    # generate the function variable values
    for var in self.dependentSample.keys():
      for corrVar in var.split(","):
        self.values[corrVar.strip()] = test

  def _incrementCounter(self):
      Incrementes counter and sets up prefix.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
    #since we are creating the input for the next run we increase the counter and global counter
    self.counter +=1
    self.auxcnt  +=1
    #exit if over the limit
    if self.counter > self.limit:
      self.raiseADebug('Exceeded number of points requested in sampling!  Moving on...')
    #FIXME, the following condition check is make sure that the require info is only printed once when dump metadata to xml, this should be removed in the future when we have a better way to dump the metadata
    if self.counter >1:
      for key in self.entitiesToRemove:
    if self.reseedAtEachIteration:
    self.inputInfo['prefix'] = str(self.counter)

  def _performVariableTransform(self):
      Performs variable transformations if existing.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
    # add latent variables and original variables to self.inputInfo
    if self.variablesTransformationDict:
      for dist,var in self.variablesTransformationDict.items():
        if self.transformationMethod[dist] == 'pca':
          self.raiseAnError(NotImplementedError,'transformation method is not yet implemented for ' + self.transformationMethod[dist] + ' method')

  def _reassignSampledVarsPbToFullyCorrVars(self):
      Method to reassign sampledVarsPb to the fully correlated variables
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
    fullyCorrVars = {s: self.inputInfo['SampledVarsPb'].pop(s) for s in self.inputInfo['SampledVarsPb'].keys() if "," in s}
    # assign the SampledVarsPb to the fully correlated vars
    for key in fullyCorrVars:
      for kkey in key.split(","):
        self.inputInfo['SampledVarsPb'][kkey] = fullyCorrVars[key]

  def _reassignPbWeightToCorrelatedVars(self):
      Method to reassign probability weight to the correlated variables
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
    for varName, varInfo in self.variables2distributionsMapping.items():
      # Handle ND Case
      if varInfo['totDim'] > 1:
        distName = self.variables2distributionsMapping[varName]['name']
        self.inputInfo['ProbabilityWeight-' + varName] = self.inputInfo['ProbabilityWeight-' + distName]
      if "," in varName:
        for subVarName in varName.split(","):
          self.inputInfo['ProbabilityWeight-' + subVarName.strip()] = self.inputInfo['ProbabilityWeight-' + varName]

  def generateInput(self,model,oldInput):
      This method has to be overwritten to provide the specialization for the specific sampler
      The model instance in might be needed since, especially for external codes,
      only the code interface possesses the dictionary for reading the variable definition syntax
      @ In, model, model instance, it is the instance of a RAVEN model
      @ In, oldInput, list, a list of the original needed inputs for the model (e.g. list of files, etc. etc)
      @ Out, generateInput, tuple(0,list), list contains the new inputs -in reality it is the model that returns this; the Sampler generates the value to be placed in the input of the model.
      The Out parameter depends on the results of generateInput
        If a new point is found, the default Out above is correct.
        If a restart point is found:
          @ Out, generateInput, tuple(int,dict), (1,realization dictionary)
    # split the sampled vars Pb among the different correlated variables
    ##### TRANSFORMATION #####
    ##### CONSTANT VALUES ######
    ##### VECTOR VARS #####
    ##### RESTART #####
    index,inExisting = self._checkRestartForEvaluation()
    # reformat metadata into acceptable format for dataojbect
    # DO NOT format here, let that happen when a realization is made in collectOutput for each Model.  Sampler doesn't care about this.
    # self.inputInfo['ProbabilityWeight'] = np.atleast_1d(self.inputInfo['ProbabilityWeight'])
    # self.inputInfo['prefix'] = np.atleast_1d(self.inputInfo['prefix'])
    #if not found or not restarting, we have a new point!
    if inExisting is None:
      self.raiseADebug('Found new point to sample:',self.values)
      ## The new info for the perturbed run will be stored in the sampler's
      ## inputInfo (I don't particularly like this, I think it should be
      ## returned here, but let's get this working and then we can decide how
      ## to best pass this information around. My reasoning is that returning
      ## it here means the sampler does not need to store it, and we can return
      ## a copy of the information, otherwise we have to be careful to create a
      ## deep copy of this information when we submit it to a job).
      ## -- DPM 4/18/17
      return 0,oldInput
    #otherwise, return the restart point
      # TODO use realization format as per new data object (no subspaces)
      self.raiseADebug('Point found in restart!')
      rlz = {}
      # we've fixed it so the input and output space don't really matter, so use restartData's own definition
      # DO format the data as atleast_1d so it's consistent in the ExternalModel for users (right?)
      rlz['inputs'] = dict((var,np.atleast_1d(inExisting[var])) for var in self.restartData.getVars('input'))
      rlz['outputs'] = dict((var,np.atleast_1d(inExisting[var])) for var in self.restartData.getVars('output')+self.restartData.getVars('indexes'))
      rlz['metadata'] = copy.deepcopy(self.inputInfo) # TODO need deepcopy only because inputInfo is on self
      return 1,rlz

  def generateInputBatch(self,myInput,model,batchSize,projector=None):
      this function provide a mask to create several inputs at the same time
      It call the generateInput function as many time as needed
      @ In, myInput, list, list containing one input set
      @ In, model, model instance, it is the instance of a RAVEN model
      @ In, batchSize, int, the number of input sets required
      @ In, projector, object, optional, used for adaptive sampling to provide the projection of the solution on the success metric
      @ Out, newInputs, list of list, list of the list of input sets
    newInputs = []
    while self.amIreadyToProvideAnInput() and (self.counter < batchSize):
      if projector==None:
    return newInputs

  def localGenerateInput(self,model,oldInput):
      This class need to be overwritten since it is here that the magic of the sampler happens.
      After this method call the self.inputInfo should be ready to be sent to the model
      @ In, model, model instance, Model instance
      @ In, oldInput, list, a list of the original needed inputs for the model (e.g. list of files, etc. etc)
      @ Out, None

  def pcaTransform(self,varsDict,dist):
      This method is used to map latent variables with respect to the model input variables
      both the latent variables and the model input variables will be stored in the dict: self.inputInfo['SampledVars']
      @ In, varsDict, dict, dictionary contains latent and manifest variables {'latentVariables':[latentVar1,latentVar2,...], 'manifestVariables':[var1,var2,...]}
      @ In, dist, string, the distribution name associated with given variable set
      @ Out, None
    latentVariablesValues = []
    listIndex = []
    manifestVariablesValues = [None] * len(varsDict['manifestVariables'])
    for index,lvar in enumerate(varsDict['latentVariables']):
      for var,value in self.values.items():
        if lvar == var:
    varName = utils.first(utils.first(self.distributions2variablesMapping[dist]).keys())
    varsValues = self.distDict[varName].pcaInverseTransform(latentVariablesValues,listIndex)
    for index1,index2 in enumerate(varsDict['manifestVariablesIndex']):
      manifestVariablesValues[index2] = varsValues[index1]
    manifestVariablesDict = dict(zip(varsDict['manifestVariables'],manifestVariablesValues))

  def finalizeActualSampling(self,jobObject,model,myInput):
      This function is used by samplers that need to collect information from a
      finished run.
      Provides a generic interface that all samplers will use, for specifically
      handling any sub-class, the localFinalizeActualSampling should be overridden
      instead, as finalizeActualSampling provides only generic functionality
      shared by all Samplers and will in turn call the localFinalizeActualSampling
      before returning.
      @ In, jobObject, instance, an instance of a JobHandler
      @ In, model, model instance, it is the instance of a RAVEN model
      @ In, myInput, list, the generating input

  def localFinalizeActualSampling(self,jobObject,model,myInput):
      Overwrite only if you need something special at the end of each run....
      This function is used by samplers that need to collect information from the just ended run
      For example, for a Dynamic Event Tree case, this function can be used to retrieve
      the information from the just finished run of a branch in order to retrieve, for example,
      the distribution name that caused the trigger, etc.
      It is a essentially a place-holder for most of the sampler to remain compatible with the StepsCR structure
      @ In, jobObject, instance, an instance of a JobHandler
      @ In, model, model instance, it is the instance of a RAVEN model
      @ In, myInput, list, the generating input

  def finalizeSampler(self,failedRuns):
      Method called at the end of the Step when no more samples will be taken.  Closes out sampler for step.
      @ In, failedRuns, list, list of JobHandler.ExternalRunner objects
      @ Out, None

  def handleFailedRuns(self,failedRuns):
      Collects the failed runs from the Step and allows samples to handle them individually if need be.
      @ In, failedRuns, list, list of JobHandler.ExternalRunner objects
      @ Out, None
    self.raiseADebug('| RUN SUMMARY |')
    if len(failedRuns)>0:
      self.raiseAWarning('There were %i failed runs!  Run with verbosity = debug for more details.' %(len(failedRuns)))
      for run in failedRuns:
        ## FIXME: run.command no longer exists, so I am removing the printing
        ## of it and the metadata for the time being, please let me know if this
        ## information is critical, as it is debug info, I cannot imagine it is
        ## important to keep.
        self.raiseADebug('  Run number %s FAILED:' %run.identifier)
        self.raiseADebug('      return code :',run.getReturnCode())
        # metadata = run.getMetadata()
        # if metadata is not None:
        #   self.raiseADebug('      sampled vars:')
        #   for v,k in metadata['SampledVars'].items():
        #     self.raiseADebug('         ',v,':',k)
      self.raiseADebug('All runs completed without returning errors.')
    self.raiseADebug('  END SUMMARY  ')

  def _localHandleFailedRuns(self,failedRuns):
      Specialized method for samplers to handle failed runs.  Defaults to failing runs.
      @ In, failedRuns, list, list of JobHandler.ExternalRunner objects
      @ Out, None
    if len(failedRuns)>0:
      self.raiseAnError(IOError,'There were failed runs; aborting RAVEN.')
class PostProcessorInterfaceBase(utils.metaclass_insert(abc.ABCMeta, object),
    This class is the base interfaced post-processor class
    It contains the three methods that need to be implemented:
      - initialize
      - run
      - readMoreXML
    def __init__(self, messageHandler):
      @ In, messageHandler, MessageHandler, message handler object
      @ Out, None
        self.type = self.__class__.__name__
        self.name = self.__class__.__name__
        self.messageHandler = messageHandler

        self.transformationSettings = {
        }  # this dictionary is used to store all the setting required to back transform the data into its original format
        # it gets filled in the run method and used in the inverse method

    def initialize(self):
      Method to initialize the Interfaced Post-processor. Note that the user needs to specify two mandatory variables:
       - self.inputFormat:  dataObject that the PP is supposed to receive in input
       - self.outputFormat: dataObject that the PP is supposed to generate in output
      These two variables check that the input and output dictionaries match what PP is supposed to receive and generate
      Refer to the manual on the format of these two dictionaries
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
        self.inputFormat = None
        self.outputFormat = None

    def readMoreXML(self, xmlNode):
      Function that reads elements this post-processor will use
      @ In, xmlNode, ElementTree, Xml element node
      @ Out, None

    def run(self, inputDic):
     Method to post-process the dataObjects
     @ In, inputDic, dict, dictionary which contains the data inside the input DataObject
     @ Out, None

    def _inverse(self, inputDic):
      Method to perform the inverse of the post-process action
      @ In, inputDic, dict, dictionary which contains the data to be back pre-processed
      @ Out, None

    def checkGeneratedDicts(self, outputDic):
      Method to check that dictionary generated in def run(self, inputDic) is consistent
      @ In, outputDic, dict, dictionary generated by the run method
      @ Out, True/False, bool, outcome of the outputDic check
        checkInp = self.checkInputFormat(outputDic['data']['input'])
        checkOut = self.checkOutputFormat(outputDic['data']['output'])
        if checkInp and checkOut:
            return True
            if not checkInp:
                self.raiseAWarning('PP Generation check on Inputs failed!')
            if not checkOut:
                self.raiseAWarning('PP Generation check on Outputs failed!')
            return False

    def checkOutputFormat(self, outputDic):
      This method checks that the generated output part of the generated dictionary is built accordingly to outputFormat
      @ In, outputDic, dict, dictionary generated by the run method
      @ Out, outcome, bool, outcome of the outputDic check (True/False)
        outcome = True
        if isinstance(outputDic, dict):
            if self.outputFormat == 'HistorySet':
                for key in outputDic:
                    if isinstance(outputDic[key], dict):
                        outcome = outcome and True
                        self.raiseAWarning('Bad PP output type for key:', key,
                                           ':', type(outputDic[key]),
                                           '; should be dict!')
                        outcome = False
                    for keys in outputDic[key]:
                        if isinstance(outputDic[key][keys],
                                      (np.ndarray, c1darray)):
                            outcome = outcome and True
                                'Bad PP output type for key:', key, keys, ':',
                                '; should be np.ndarray or c1darray!')
                            outcome = False
            else:  # self.outputFormat == 'PointSet':
                for key in outputDic:
                    if isinstance(outputDic[key], (np.ndarray, c1darray)):
                        outcome = outcome and True
                            'Bad PP output type for key:', key, ':',
                            '; should be np.ndarray or c1darray!')
                        outcome = False
            self.raiseAWarning('Bad PP output dict:', type(outputDic),
                               'is not a dict!')
            outcome = False
        return outcome

    def checkInputFormat(self, outputDic):
      This method checks that the generated input part of the generated dictionary is built accordingly to outputFormat
      @ In, outputDic, dict, dictionary generated by the run method
      @ Out, outcome, bool, outcome of the outputDic check (True/False)
        outcome = True
        if isinstance(outputDic, dict):
            for key in outputDic:
                if isinstance(outputDic[key], (np.ndarray, c1darray)):
                    outcome = outcome and True
                    self.raiseAWarning('Bad PP output type for key:', key, ':',
                                       '; should be np.ndarray or c1darray!')
                    outcome = False
            self.raiseAWarning('Bad PP output dict:', type(outputDic),
                               'is not a dict!')
            outcome = False
        return outcome

    def checkArrayMonotonicity(time):
      This method checks that an array is increasing monotonically
      @ In, time, numpy array, array to be checked
      @ Out, outcome, bool, outcome of the monotonicity check
        outcome = True
        for t in time:
            if t != 0:
                if time[t] > time[t - 1]:
                    outcome = outcome and True
                    outcome = outcome and False
        return outcome
Exemple #15
class StepManipulator(utils.metaclass_insert(abc.ABCMeta, object)):
    Base class for handling step sizing in optimization paths
    # Initialization Methods #
    def getInputSpecification(cls):
      Method to get a reference to a class that specifies the input data for class cls.
      @ In, cls, the class for which we are retrieving the specification
      @ Out, inputSpecification, InputData.ParameterInput, class to use for specifying input of cls.
        specs = InputData.parameterInputFactory(cls.__name__,
        specs.description = 'Base class for Step Manipulation algorithms in the GradientDescent Optimizer.'
        return specs

    def getSolutionExportVariableNames(cls):
      Compiles a list of acceptable SolutionExport variable options.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, vars, dict, acceptable variable names and descriptions
        return {}

    def __init__(self):
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
        # TODO
        ## Instance Variable Initialization
        # public
        self.type = self.__class__.__name__
        self.needsAccessToAcceptance = False  # if True, then this stepManip may need to modify opt point acceptance criteria
        # _protected
        self._optVars = None  # optimization variable names (e.g. input space vars)
        # __private
        # additional methods

    def handleInput(self, specs):
      Read input specs
      @ In, specs, InputData.ParameterInput, parameter specs interpreted
      @ Out, None

    def initialize(self, optVars, **kwargs):
      initializes this object
      @ In, optVars, list(str), optimization variables (e.g. input space)
      @ In, kwargs, dict, additional arguments
      @ Out, None
        self._optVars = optVars

    # Run Methods #
    def initialStepSize(self, **kwargs):
      Calculates the first step size to use in the optimization path.
      @ In, kwargs, dict, keyword-based specifics as required by individual step sizers
      @ Out, stepSize, float, new step size

    def step(self, prevOpt, **kwargs):
      Calculates a new step size to use in the optimization path.
      @ In, prevOpt, dict, previous optimal point
      @ In, kwargs, dict, keyword-based specifics as required by individual step sizers
      @ Out, newOpt, dict, new optimal point
      @ Out, stepSize, float, new step size
      @ Out, stepInfo, dict, additional information about this step to store

    def fixConstraintViolations(self, proposed, previous, fixInfo):
      Given constraint violations, update the desired optimal point to consider.
      @ In, proposed, dict, proposed new optimal point
      @ In, previous, dict, previous optimal point
      @ In, fixInfo, dict, contains record of progress in fixing search
      @ Out, proposed, new proposed point
      @ Out, stepSize, new step size taken
      @ Out, fixInfo, updated fixing info

    def trajIsFollowing(self, traj, opt, info, data):
      Determines if the current trajectory is following another trajectory.
      @ In, traj, int, integer identifier for trajectory that needs to be checked
      @ In, opt, dict, most recent optimal point for trajectory
      @ In, info, dict, additional information about optimal point
      @ In, data, DataObjects.DataSet, data collected through optimization so far (SolutionExport)

    def modifyAcceptance(self, oldPoint, oldVal, newPoint, newVal):
      Allows modification of acceptance criteria.
      Note this is only called if self.needsAccessToAcceptance is True.
      @ In, oldPoint, dict, old opt point
      @ In, oldVal, float, old objective function value
      @ In, newPoint, dict, new opt point
      @ In, newVal, float, new objective function value

    def needDenormalized(self):
      Determines if this algorithm needs denormalized input spaces
      @ In, None
      @ Out, needDenormalized, bool, True if normalizing should NOT be performed
        return False

    def updateSolutionExport(self, stepHistory):
      Prints information to the solution export.
      @ In, stepHistory, list, (magnitude, versor, info) for each step entry
      @ Out, info, dict, realization of data to go in the solutionExport object
        # overload in inheriting classes at will
        return {}
Exemple #16
class GradientApproximater(utils.metaclass_insert(abc.ABCMeta, object)):
    GradientApproximators use provided information to both select points
    required to estimate gradients as well as calculate the estimates.
  # Initialization Methods #
  def getInputSpecification(cls):
      Method to get a reference to a class that specifies the input data for class cls.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, specs, InputData.ParameterInput, class to use for specifying input of cls.
    specs = InputData.parameterInputFactory(cls.__name__, ordered=False, strictMode=True)
    specs.description = 'Base class for gradient approximation methods used in the GradientDescent Optimizer.'
    specs.addSub(InputData.parameterInputFactory('gradDistanceScalar', contentType=InputTypes.FloatType,
        descr=r"""a scalar for the distance away from an optimal point candidate in the optimization
        search at which points should be evaluated to estimate the local gradient. This scalar is a
        multiplier for the step size used to reach this optimal point candidate from the previous
        optimal point, so this scalar should generally be a small percent. \default{0.01}"""))
    return specs

  def getSolutionExportVariableNames(cls):
      Compiles a list of acceptable SolutionExport variable options.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, vars, dict, acceptable variable names and descriptions
    return {}

  def __init__(self):
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
    ## Instance Variable Initialization
    # public
    # _protected
    self._optVars = None   # list(str) of opt variables
    self._proximity = 0.01 # float, scaling for perturbation distance
    self.N = None          # int, dimensionality
    # __private
    # additional methods

  def handleInput(self, specs):
      Read input specs
      @ In, specs, InputData.ParameterInput, parameter specs interpreted
      @ Out, None
    proximity = specs.findFirst('gradDistanceScalar')
    if proximity is not None:
      self._proximity = proximity.value

  def initialize(self, optVars):
      After construction, finishes initialization of this approximator.
      @ In, optVars, list(str), list of optimization variable names
      @ In, proximity, float, percentage of step size away that neighbor samples should be taken
      @ Out, None
    self._optVars = optVars
    self.N = len(self._optVars)

  # Run Methods #
  def chooseEvaluationPoints(self, opt, stepSize):
      Determines new point(s) needed to evaluate gradient
      @ In, opt, dict, current opt point (normalized)
      @ In, stepSize, float, distance from opt point to sample neighbors
      @ Out, evalPoints, list(dict), list of points that need sampling
      @ Out, evalInfo, list(dict), identifying information about points

  def numGradPoints(self):
      Returns the number of grad points required for the method

  def evaluate(self, opt, grads, infos, objVar):
      Approximates gradient based on evaluated points.
      @ In, opt, dict, current opt point (normalized)
      @ In, grads, list(dict), evaluated neighbor points
      @ In, infos, list(dict), info about evaluated neighbor points
      @ In, objVar, string, objective variable
      @ Out, magnitude, float, magnitude of gradient
      @ Out, direction, dict, versor (unit vector) for gradient direction
      @ Out, foundInf, bool, if True then infinity calculations were used

  def needDenormalized(self):
      Determines if this algorithm needs denormalized input spaces
      @ In, None
      @ Out, needDenormalized, bool, True if normalizing should NOT be performed
    return False

  def updateSolutionExport(self, grads, gradInfos):
      Prints information to the solution export.
      @ In, grads, list, list of gradient magnitudes and versors
      @ In, gradInfos, list, list of identifying information for each grad entry
      @ Out, info, dict, realization of data to go in the solutionExport object
    # overload in inheriting classes at will
    return {}
Exemple #17
class supervisedLearningGate(utils.metaclass_insert(abc.ABCMeta, BaseType),
    This class represents an interface with all the supervised learning algorithms
    It is a utility class needed to hide the discernment between time-dependent and static
    surrogate models
    def __init__(self, ROMclass, messageHandler, **kwargs):
      A constructor that will appropriately initialize a supervised learning object (static or time-dependent)
      @ In, messageHandler, MessageHandler object, it is in charge of raising errors, and printing messages
      @ In, ROMclass, string, the surrogate model type
      @ In, kwargs, dict, an arbitrary list of kwargs
      @ Out, None
        self.printTag = 'SupervisedGate'
        self.messageHandler = messageHandler
        self.initializationOptions = kwargs
        self.amITrained = False
        self.ROMclass = ROMclass
        # members for clustered roms
        ### OLD ###
        #self._usingRomClustering = False    # are we using ROM clustering?
        #self._romClusterDivisions = {}      # which parameters do we cluster, and how are they subdivided?
        #self._romClusterLengths = {}        # OR which parameters do we cluster, and how long should each be?
        #self._romClusterMetrics = None      # list of requested metrics to apply (defaults to everything)
        #self._romClusterInfo = {}           # data that should persist across methods
        #self._romClusterPivotShift = None   # whether and how to normalize/shift subspaces
        #self._romClusterMap = None          # maps labels to the ROMs that are represented by it
        #self._romClusterFeatureTemplate = '{target}|{metric}|{id}' # standardized for consistency

        #the ROM is instanced and initialized
        #if ROM comes from a pickled rom, this gate is just a placeholder and the Targets check doesn't apply
        self.pickled = self.initializationOptions.pop('pickled', False)
        # check if pivotParameter is specified and in case store it
        self.pivotParameterId = self.initializationOptions.get(
            "pivotParameter", 'time')
        # return instance of the ROMclass
        modelInstance = SupervisedLearning.returnInstance(
            ROMclass, self, **self.initializationOptions)
        # check if the model can autonomously handle the time-dependency
        # (if not and time-dep data are passed in, a list of ROMs are constructed)
        self.canHandleDynamicData = modelInstance.isDynamic()
        # is this ROM  time-dependent ?
        self.isADynamicModel = False
        # if it is dynamic and time series are passed in, self.supervisedContainer is not going to be expanded, else it is going to
        self.supervisedContainer = [modelInstance]
        self.historySteps = []

        nameToClass = {'segment': 'Segments', 'cluster': 'Clusters'}
        ### ClusteredRom ###
        # if the ROM targeted by this gate is a cluster, create the cluster now!
        if 'Segment' in self.initializationOptions:
            # read from specs directly
            segSpecs = self.initializationOptions['paramInput'].findFirst(
            # determine type of segment to load -> limited by InputData to specific options
            segType = segSpecs.parameterValues.get('grouping', 'segment')
            self.initializationOptions['modelInstance'] = modelInstance
            SVL = SupervisedLearning.returnInstance(
                nameToClass[segType], self, **self.initializationOptions)
            self.supervisedContainer = [SVL]

    def __getstate__(self):
      This function return the state of the ROM
      @ In, None
      @ Out, state, dict, it contains all the information needed by the ROM to be initialized
        # clear input specs, as they should all be read in by now
        ## this isn't a great implementation; we should make paramInput picklable instead!
        self.initializationOptions.pop('paramInput', None)
        for eng in self.supervisedContainer:
            eng.initOptionDict.pop('paramInput', None)
        # capture what is normally pickled
        state = self.__dict__.copy()
        if not self.amITrained:
            supervisedEngineObj = state.pop("supervisedContainer")
            del supervisedEngineObj
        return state

    def __setstate__(self, newstate):
      Initialize the ROM with the data contained in newstate
      @ In, newstate, dict, it contains all the information needed by the ROM to be initialized
      @ Out, None
        if not newstate['amITrained']:
            # NOTE this will fail if the ROM requires the paramInput spec! Fortunately, you shouldn't pickle untrained.
            modelInstance = SupervisedLearning.returnInstance(
                self.ROMclass, self, **self.initializationOptions)
            self.supervisedContainer = [modelInstance]

    def reset(self):
      This method is aimed to reset the ROM
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
        for rom in self.supervisedContainer:
        self.amITrained = False

    def reseed(self, seed):
      Used to reset the seed of the underlying ROMs.
      @ In, seed, int, new seed to use
      @ Out, None
        for rom in self.supervisedContainer:

    def getInitParams(self):
      This function is called from the base class to print some of the information inside the class.
      Whatever is permanent in the class and not inherited from the parent class should be mentioned here
      The information is passed back in the dictionary. No information about values that change during the simulation are allowed
      @ In, None
      @ Out, paramDict, dict, dictionary containing the parameter names as keys
        and each parameter's initial value as the dictionary values
        paramDict = self.supervisedContainer[-1].returnInitialParameters()
        return paramDict

    def train(self, trainingSet, assembledObjects=None):
      This function train the ROM this gate is linked to. This method is aimed to agnostically understand if a "time-dependent-like" ROM needs to be constructed.
      @ In, trainingSet, dict or list, data used to train the ROM; if a list is provided a temporal ROM is generated.
      @ In, assembledObjects, dict, optional, objects that the ROM Model has assembled via the Assembler
      @ Out, None
        if type(trainingSet).__name__ not in 'dict':
            self.raiseAnError(IOError, "The training set is not a dictionary!")
        if not list(trainingSet.keys()):
            self.raiseAnError(IOError, "The training set is empty!")

        # provide assembled objects to supervised container
        if assembledObjects is None:
            assembledObjects = {}


        # if training using ROMCollection, special treatment
        if isinstance(self.supervisedContainer[0],
            # not a collection # TODO move time-dependent snapshots to collection!
            ## time-dependent or static ROM?
            if any(type(x).__name__ == 'list' for x in trainingSet.values()):
                # we need to build a "time-dependent" ROM
                self.isADynamicModel = True
                if self.pivotParameterId not in list(trainingSet.keys()):
                        'The pivot parameter "{}" is not present in the training set.'
                        'A time-dependent-like ROM cannot be created!')
                if type(trainingSet[self.pivotParameterId]).__name__ != 'list':
                        'The pivot parameter "{}" is not a list.'.format(
                        " Are you sure it is part of the output space of the training set?"
                self.historySteps = trainingSet.get(self.pivotParameterId)[-1]
                if not len(self.historySteps):
                    self.raiseAnError(IOError, "the training set is empty!")
                # intrinsically time-dependent or does the Gate need to handle it?
                if self.canHandleDynamicData:
                    # the ROM is able to manage the time dependency on its own
                    # TODO we can probably migrate this time-dependent handling to a type of ROMCollection!
                    # we need to construct a chain of ROMs
                    # the check on the number of time steps (consistency) is performed inside the historySnapShoots method
                    # get the time slices
                    newTrainingSet = mathUtils.historySnapShoots(
                        trainingSet, len(self.historySteps))
                    assert type(newTrainingSet).__name__ == 'list'
                    # copy the original ROM
                    originalROM = self.supervisedContainer[0]
                    # start creating and training the time-dep ROMs
                    self.supervisedContainer = [
                    ]  # [copy.deepcopy(originalROM) for _ in range(len(self.historySteps))]
                    # train
                    for ts in range(len(self.historySteps)):
            # if a static ROM ...
                #self._replaceVariablesNamesWithAliasSystem(self.trainingSet, 'inout', False)
        # END if ROMCollection
        self.amITrained = True

    def confidence(self, request):
      This is to get a value that is inversely proportional to the confidence that we have
      forecasting the target value for the given set of features. The reason to chose the inverse is because
      in case of normal distance this would be 1/distance that could be infinity
      @ In, request, dict, realizations request ({'feature1':np.array(n_realizations),'feature2',np.array(n_realizations)})
      @ Out, confidenceDict, dict, the dictionary where the confidence is stored for each target
        if not self.amITrained:
                RuntimeError, "ROM " + self.initializationOptions['name'] +
                " has not been trained yet and, consequentially, can not be evaluated!"
        confidenceDict = {}
        for rom in self.supervisedContainer:
            sliceEvaluation = rom.confidence(request)
            if len(list(confidenceDict.keys())) == 0:
                for key in confidenceDict.keys():
                    confidenceDict[key] = np.append(confidenceDict[key],
        return confidenceDict

    def evaluate(self, request):
      Method to perform the evaluation of a point or a set of points through the linked surrogate model
      @ In, request, dict, realizations request ({'feature1':np.array(n_realizations),'feature2',np.array(n_realizations)})
      @ Out, resultsDict, dict, dictionary of results ({target1:np.array,'target2':np.array}).
        if self.pickled:
                RuntimeError, 'ROM "' + self.initializationOptions['name'] +
                '" has not been loaded yet!  Use an IOStep to load it.')
        if not self.amITrained:
                RuntimeError, "ROM " + self.initializationOptions['name'] +
                " has not been trained yet and, consequentially, can not be evaluated!"
        resultsDict = {}
        if isinstance(self.supervisedContainer[0],
            resultsDict = self.supervisedContainer[0].evaluate(request)
            for rom in self.supervisedContainer:
                sliceEvaluation = rom.evaluate(request)
                if len(list(resultsDict.keys())) == 0:
                    for key in resultsDict.keys():
                        resultsDict[key] = np.append(resultsDict[key],
        return resultsDict
Exemple #18
class Optimizer(utils.metaclass_insert(abc.ABCMeta, BaseType), Assembler):
    This is the base class for optimizers
    Optimizer is a special type of "samplers" that own the optimization strategy (Type) and they generate the
    input values to optimize a loss function. They do not have distributions inside!!!!

    myInstance = Optimizer()
    myInstance.XMLread(xml.etree.ElementTree.Element)  This method generates all the information that will be permanent for the object during the simulation

    myInstance = Optimizer()
    myInstance.XMLread(xml.etree.ElementTree.Element)  This method generate all permanent information of the object from <Simulation>
    myInstance.whatDoINeed()                           -see Assembler class-
    myInstance.initialize()                            This method is called from the <Step> before the Step process start.
    myInstance.amIreadyToProvideAnInput                Requested from <Step> used to verify that the optimizer is available to generate a new input for the model
    myInstance.generateInput(self,model,oldInput)      Requested from <Step> to generate a new input. Generate the new values and request to model to modify according the input and returning it back

    --Other inherited methods--
    myInstance.whoAreYou()                            -see BaseType class-
    myInstance.myCurrentSetting()                     -see BaseType class-

    --Adding a new Optimizer subclass--
    <MyClass> should inherit at least from Optimizer or from another derived class already presents

    DO NOT OVERRIDE any of the class method that are not starting with self.local*

    ADD your class to the dictionary __InterfaceDict in the Factory submodule

    The following method overriding is MANDATORY:
    self.localGenerateInput(model,oldInput)  : this is where the step happens, after this call the output is ready

    the following methods could be overrode:
    def __init__(self):
      Default Constructor that will initialize member variables with reasonable
      defaults or empty lists/dictionaries where applicable.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
        #FIXME: Since the similarity of this class with the base sampler, we should merge this
        self.counter = {
        }  # Dict containing counters used for based and derived class
            'mdlEval'] = 0  # Counter of the model evaluation performed (better the input generated!!!). It is reset by calling the function self.initialize
            'varsUpdate'] = 0  # Counter of the optimization iteration.
        self.limit = {}  # Dict containing limits for each counter
            'mdlEval'] = sys.maxsize  # Maximum number of the loss function evaluation
            'varsUpdate'] = sys.maxsize  # Maximum number of the optimization iteration.
        self.initSeed = None  # Seed for random number generators
        self.optVars = None  # Decision variables for optimization
        self.optVarsInit = {
        }  # Dict containing upper/lower bounds and initial of each decision variables
        self.optVarsInit['upperBound'] = {
        }  # Dict containing upper bounds of each decision variables
        self.optVarsInit['lowerBound'] = {
        }  # Dict containing lower bounds of each decision variables
        self.optVarsInit['initial'] = {
        }  # Dict containing initial values of each decision variables
        self.optVarsHist = {
        }  # History of normalized decision variables for each iteration
        self.nVar = 0  # Number of decision variables
        self.objVar = None  # Objective variable to be optimized
        self.optType = None  # Either maximize or minimize
        self.optTraj = None  # Identifiers of parallel optimization trajectories
        self.thresholdTrajRemoval = None  # Threshold used to determine the convergence of parallel optimization trajectories
        self.paramDict = {
        }  # Dict containing additional parameters for derived class
        self.absConvergenceTol = 0.0  # Convergence threshold (absolute value)
        self.relConvergenceTol = 1.e-3  # Convergence threshold (relative value)
        self.solutionExport = None  #This is the data used to export the solution (it could also not be present)
        self.values = {
        }  # for each variable the current value {'var name':value}
        self.inputInfo = {
        }  # depending on the optimizer several different type of keywarded information could be present only one is mandatory, see below
            'SampledVars'] = self.values  # this is the location where to get the values of the sampled variables
        self.constants = {}  # dictionary of constants variables
        self.FIXME = False  # FIXME flag
        self.printTag = self.type  # prefix for all prints (optimizer type)

        self._endJobRunnable = sys.maxsize  # max number of inputs creatable by the optimizer right after a job ends

        self.constraintFunction = None  # External constraint function, could be not present
        self.mdlEvalHist = None  # Containing information of all model evaluation
        self.objSearchingROM = None  # ROM used internally for fast loss function evaluation

        self.addAssemblerObject('Restart', '-n', True)
        self.addAssemblerObject('TargetEvaluation', '1')
        self.addAssemblerObject('Function', '-1')

    def _localGenerateAssembler(self, initDict):
      It is used for sending to the instanciated class, which is implementing the method, the objects that have been requested through "whatDoINeed" method
      It is an abstract method -> It must be implemented in the derived class!
      @ In, initDict, dict, dictionary ({'mainClassName(e.g., Databases):{specializedObjectName(e.g.,DatabaseForSystemCodeNamedWolf):ObjectInstance}'})
      @ Out, None
        ## FIX ME -- this method is inherited from sampler and may not be needed by optimizer
        ## Currently put here as a place holder

    def _localWhatDoINeed(self):
      This method is a local mirror of the general whatDoINeed method.
      It is implemented by the optimizers that need to request special objects
      @ In, None
      @ Out, needDict, dict, list of objects needed
        ## FIX ME -- this method is inherited from sampler and may not be needed by optimizer
        ## Currently put here as a place holder
        return {}

    def _readMoreXML(self, xmlNode):
      Function to read the portion of the xml input that belongs to this specialized class
      and initialize some stuff based on the inputs got
      @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, Xml element node
      @ Out, None
        Assembler._readMoreXML(self, xmlNode)

    def _readMoreXMLbase(self, xmlNode):
      Function to read the portion of the xml input that belongs to the base optimizer only
      and initialize some stuff based on the inputs got
      @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, Xml element node1
      @ Out, None
        for child in xmlNode:
            if child.tag == "variable":
                if self.optVars == None: self.optVars = []
                varname = str(child.attrib['name'])
                for childChild in child:
                    if childChild.tag == "upperBound":
                        self.optVarsInit['upperBound'][varname] = float(
                    elif childChild.tag == "lowerBound":
                        self.optVarsInit['lowerBound'][varname] = float(
                    elif childChild.tag == "initial":
                        self.optVarsInit['initial'][varname] = {}
                        temp = childChild.text.split(',')
                        for trajInd, initVal in enumerate(temp):
                                    trajInd] = float(initVal)
                            except ValueError:
                                    "Unable to convert to float the intial value for variable "
                                    + varname + " in trajectory " +
                        if self.optTraj == None:
                            self.optTraj = range(
            elif child.tag == "constant":
                value = utils.partialEval(child.text)
                if value is None:
                        'The body of "constant" XML block should be a number. Got: '
                        + child.text)
                    self.constants[child.attrib['name']] = value
                except KeyError:
                        child.tag + ' must have the attribute "name"!!!')
            elif child.tag == "objectVar":
                self.objVar = child.text

            elif child.tag == "initialization":
                self.initSeed = Distributions.randomIntegers(0, 2**31, self)
                for childChild in child:
                    if childChild.tag == "limit":
                        self.limit['mdlEval'] = int(childChild.text)
                    elif childChild.tag == "type":
                        self.optType = childChild.text
                        if self.optType not in ['min', 'max']:
                                IOError, 'Unknown optimization type ' +
                                childChild.text + '. Available: mix or max')
                    elif childChild.tag == "initialSeed":
                        self.initSeed = int(childChild.text)
                    elif childChild.tag == 'thresholdTrajRemoval':
                        self.thresholdTrajRemoval = float(childChild.text)
                            IOError, 'Unknown tag ' + childChild.tag +
                            ' .Available: limit, type, initialSeed!')

            elif child.tag == "convergence":
                for childChild in child:
                    if childChild.tag == "iterationLimit":
                        self.limit['varsUpdate'] = int(childChild.text)
                    if childChild.tag == "absoluteThreshold":
                        self.absConvergenceTol = float(childChild.text)
                    if childChild.tag == "relativeThreshold":
                        self.relConvergenceTol = float(childChild.text)
            elif child.tag == "restartTolerance":
                self.restartTolerance = float(child.text)

            elif child.tag == 'parameter':
                for childChild in child:
                    self.paramDict[childChild.tag] = childChild.text

        if self.optType == None: self.optType = 'min'
        if self.thresholdTrajRemoval == None: self.thresholdTrajRemoval = 0.05
        if self.initSeed == None:
            self.initSeed = Distributions.randomIntegers(0, 2**31, self)
        if self.objVar == None:
                IOError, 'Object variable is not specified for optimizer!')
        if self.optVars == None:
                IOError, 'Decision variable is not specified for optimizer!')
        if self.optTraj == None: self.optTraj = [0]
        for varname in self.optVars:
            if varname not in self.optVarsInit['upperBound'].keys():
                    IOError, 'Upper bound for ' + varname + ' is not provided')
            if varname not in self.optVarsInit['lowerBound'].keys():
                    IOError, 'Lower bound for ' + varname + ' is not provided')
            if varname not in self.optVarsInit['initial'].keys():
                self.optVarsInit['initial'][varname] = {}
                for trajInd in self.optTraj:
                    self.optVarsInit['initial'][varname][trajInd] = (
                        self.optVarsInit['upperBound'][varname] +
                        self.optVarsInit['lowerBound'][varname]) / 2.0
                for trajInd in self.optTraj:
                    initVal = self.optVarsInit['initial'][varname][trajInd]
                    if initVal < self.optVarsInit['lowerBound'][
                            varname] or initVal > self.optVarsInit[
                            IOError, "The initial value for variable " +
                            varname + " and trajectory " + str(trajInd) +
                            " is outside the domain identified by the lower and upper bounds!"
            if len(self.optTraj) != len(
                    'Number of initial values does not equal to the number of parallel optimization trajectories'
        self.optTrajLive = copy.deepcopy(self.optTraj)

    def localInputAndChecks(self, xmlNode):
      Local method. Place here the additional reading, remember to add initial parameters in the method localGetInitParams
      @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, Xml element node
      @ Out, None
        pass  # To be overwritten by subclass

    def endJobRunnable(self):
      Returns the maximum number of inputs allowed to be created by the optimizer right after a job ends
      @ In, None
      @ Out, endJobRunnable, int, number of runnable jobs at the end of each job
        return self._endJobRunnable

    def getInitParams(self):
      This function is called from the base class to print some of the information inside the class.
      Whatever is permanent in the class and not inherited from the parent class should be mentioned here
      The information is passed back in the dictionary. No information about values that change during the simulation are allowed
      @ In, None
      @ Out, paramDict, dict, dictionary containing the parameter names as keys
                              and each parameter's initial value as the dictionary values
        paramDict = {}
        for variable in self.optVars:
            paramDict[variable] = 'is sampled as a decision variable'
        paramDict['limit_mdlEval'] = self.limit['mdlEval']
        paramDict['limit_optIter'] = self.limit['varsUpdate']
        paramDict['initial seed'] = self.initSeed
        return paramDict

    def localGetInitParams(self):
      Method used to export to the printer in the base class the additional PERMANENT your local class have
      @ In, None
      @ Out, paramDict, dict, dictionary containing the parameter names as keys
                              and each parameter's initial value as the dictionary values
        return {}

    def getCurrentSetting(self):
      This function is called from the base class to print some of the information inside the class.
      Whatever is a temporary value in the class and not inherited from the parent class should be mentioned here
      The information is passed back in the dictionary
      @ In, None
      @ Out, paramDict, dict, dictionary containing the parameter names as keys
                              and each parameter's initial value as the dictionary values
        paramDict = {}
        paramDict['counter_mdlEval'] = self.counter['mdlEval']
        paramDict['counter_varsUpdate'] = self.counter['varsUpdate']
        paramDict['initial seed'] = self.initSeed
        for key in self.inputInfo:
            if key != 'SampledVars':
                paramDict[key] = self.inputInfo[key]
                for var in self.inputInfo['SampledVars'].keys():
                    paramDict['Variable: ' + var +
                              ' has value'] = paramDict[key][var]
        return paramDict

    def localGetCurrentSetting(self):
      Returns a dictionary with class specific information regarding the
      current status of the object.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, paramDict, dict, dictionary containing the parameter names as keys
                              and each parameter's initial value as the dictionary values
        return {}

    def initialize(self, externalSeeding=None, solutionExport=None):
      This function should be called every time a clean optimizer is needed. Called before takeAstep in <Step>
      @ In, externalSeeding, int, optional, external seed
      @ In, solutionExport, DataObject, optional, a PointSet to hold the solution
      @ Out, None
        self.counter['mdlEval'] = 0
        self.counter['varsUpdate'] = [0] * len(self.optTraj)
        self.nVar = len(self.optVars)

        self.mdlEvalHist = self.assemblerDict['TargetEvaluation'][0][3]
        self.objSearchingROM = SupervisedLearning.returnInstance(
            'SciKitLearn', self, **{
                'SKLtype': 'neighbors|KNeighborsRegressor',
                'Features': ','.join(list(self.optVars)),
                'Target': self.objVar,
                'n_neighbors': 1,
                'weights': 'distance'
        self.solutionExport = solutionExport

        if solutionExport != None and type(
                solutionExport).__name__ != "HistorySet":
                IOError, 'solutionExport type is not a HistorySet. Got ' +
                type(solutionExport).__name__ + '!')

        if 'Function' in self.assemblerDict.keys():
            self.constraintFunction = self.assemblerDict['Function'][0][3]
            if 'constrain' not in self.constraintFunction.availableMethods():
                    'the function provided to define the constraints must have an implemented method called "constrain"'

        if self.initSeed != None: Distributions.randomSeed(self.initSeed)

        # specializing the self.localInitialize()
        if solutionExport != None:

    def localInitialize(self, solutionExport=None):
      Use this function to add initialization features to the derived class
      it is call at the beginning of each step
      @ In, solutionExport, DataObject, optional, a PointSet to hold the solution
      @ Out, None
        pass  # To be overwritten by subclass

    def amIreadyToProvideAnInput(self):  #inLastOutput=None):
      This is a method that should be called from any user of the optimizer before requiring the generation of a new input.
      This method act as a "traffic light" for generating a new input.
      Reason for not being ready could be for example: exceeding number of model evaluation, convergence criteria met, etc.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, ready, bool, indicating the readiness of the optimizer to generate a new input.
        ready = True if self.counter['mdlEval'] < self.limit[
            'mdlEval'] else False
        convergence = self.checkConvergence()
        ready = self.localStillReady(ready, convergence)
        return ready

    def localStillReady(self, ready, convergence=False):  #,lastOutput=None
      Determines if optimizer is ready to provide another input.  If not, and if jobHandler is finished, this will end sampling.
      @ In, ready, bool, variable indicating whether the caller is prepared for another input.
      @ In, convergence, bool, optional, variable indicating whether the convergence criteria has been met.
      @ Out, ready, bool, variable indicating whether the caller is prepared for another input.
        return ready  # To be overwritten by subclass

    def getLossFunctionGivenId(self, evaluationID):
      Method to get the Loss Function value given an evaluation ID
      @ In, evaluationID, string, the evaluation identifier (prefix)
      @ Out, functionValue, float, the loss function value
        objective = self.mdlEvalHist.getParametersValues(
            'outputs', nodeId='RecontructEnding')[self.objVar]
        prefix = self.mdlEvalHist.getMetadata('prefix',
        if len(prefix) > 0 and utils.returnIdSeparator() in prefix[0]:
            # ensemble model id modification
            # FIXME: Need to find a better way to handle this case
            prefix = [
                key.split(utils.returnIdSeparator())[-1] for key in prefix
        search = dict(zip(prefix, objective))
        functionValue = search.get(evaluationID, None)
        return functionValue

    def lossFunctionEval(self, optVars):
      Method to evaluate the loss function based on all model evaluation.
      @ In, optVars, dict, dictionary containing the values of decision variables to be evaluated
                           optVars should have the form {varName1:[value11, value12,...value1n], varName2:[value21, value22,...value2n]...}
      @ Out, lossFunctionValue, numpy array, loss function values corresponding to each point in optVars
        tempDict = copy.copy(
        for key in tempDict.keys():
            tempDict[key] = np.asarray(tempDict[key])

        if self.gradDict['normalize']: optVars = self.denormalizeData(optVars)
        for key in optVars.keys():
            optVars[key] = np.atleast_1d(optVars[key])
        lossFunctionValue = self.objSearchingROM.evaluate(optVars)[self.objVar]
        if self.optType == 'min': return lossFunctionValue
        else: return lossFunctionValue * -1.0

    def checkConstraint(self, optVars):
      Method to check whether a set of decision variables satisfy the constraint or not
      @ In, optVars, dict, dictionary containing the value of decision variables to be checked, in form of {varName: varValue}
      @ Out, satisfaction, tuple, (bool,list) => (variable indicating the satisfaction of constraints at the point optVars, list of the violated constrains)
        violatedConstrains = {'internal': [], 'external': []}
        if self.constraintFunction == None:
            satisfied = True
            satisfied = True if self.constraintFunction.evaluate(
                "constrain", optVars) == 1 else False
            if not satisfied:
        if self.gradDict['normalize']: optVars = self.denormalizeData(optVars)
        for var in optVars:
            if optVars[var] > self.optVarsInit['upperBound'][var] or optVars[
                    var] < self.optVarsInit['lowerBound'][var]:
                satisfied = False
                if optVars[var] > self.optVarsInit['upperBound'][var]:
                        [var, self.optVarsInit['upperBound'][var]])
                if optVars[var] < self.optVarsInit['lowerBound'][var]:
                        [var, self.optVarsInit['lowerBound'][var]])

        satisfied = self.localCheckConstraint(optVars, satisfied)
        satisfaction = satisfied, violatedConstrains
        return satisfaction

    def localCheckConstraint(self, optVars, satisfaction=True):
      Local method to check whether a set of decision variables satisfy the constraint or not
      @ In, optVars, dict, dictionary containing the value of decision variables to be checked, in form of {varName: varValue}
      @ In, satisfaction, bool, optional, variable indicating how the caller determines the constraint satisfaction at the point optVars
      @ Out, satisfaction, bool, variable indicating the satisfaction of constraints at the point optVars
        return satisfaction

    def checkConvergence(self):
      Method to check whether the convergence criteria has been met.
      @ In, none,
      @ Out, convergence, bool, variable indicating whether the convergence criteria has been met.

    def normalizeData(self, optVars):
      Method to normalize the data
      @ In, optVars, dict, dictionary containing the value of decision variables to be normalized, in form of {varName: varValue}
      @ Out, optVarsNorm, dict, dictionary containing the value of normalized decision variables, in form of {varName: varValue}
        optVarsNorm = {}
        for var in optVars.keys():
            optVarsNorm[var] = (optVars[var] -
                                self.optVarsInit['lowerBound'][var]) / (
                                    self.optVarsInit['upperBound'][var] -
        return optVarsNorm

    def denormalizeData(self, optVars):
      Method to normalize the data
      @ In, optVars, dict, dictionary containing the value of decision variables to be deormalized, in form of {varName: varValue}
      @ Out, optVarsDenorm, dict, dictionary containing the value of denormalized decision variables, in form of {varName: varValue}
        optVarsDenorm = {}
        for var in optVars.keys():
            optVarsDenorm[var] = optVars[var] * (
                self.optVarsInit['upperBound'][var] -
            ) + self.optVarsInit['lowerBound'][var]
        return optVarsDenorm

    def generateInput(self, model, oldInput):
      Method to generate input for model to run
      @ In, model, model instance, it is the instance of a RAVEN model
      @ In, oldInput, list, a list of the original needed inputs for the model (e.g. list of files, etc. etc)
      @ Out, generateInput, tuple(int,dict), (1,realization dictionary)
            'mdlEval'] += 1  #since we are creating the input for the next run we increase the counter and global counter
        self.inputInfo['prefix'] = str(self.counter['mdlEval'])

        self.localGenerateInput(model, oldInput)
        #### CONSTANT VARIABLES ####
        if len(self.constants) > 0:
        self.raiseADebug('Found new input to evaluate:', self.values)
        return 0, model.createNewInput(oldInput, self.type, **self.inputInfo)

    def localGenerateInput(self, model, oldInput):
      This class need to be overwritten since it is here that the magic of the optimizer happens.
      After this method call the self.inputInfo should be ready to be sent to the model
      @ In, model, model instance, it is the instance of a RAVEN model
      @ In, oldInput, list, a list of the original needed inputs for the model (e.g. list of files, etc. etc)
      @ Out, None

    def finalizeActualSampling(self, jobObject, model, myInput):
      This function is used by optimizers that need to collect information from a finished run.
      Provides a generic interface that all optimizers will use, for specifically
      handling any sub-class, the localFinalizeActualSampling should be overridden
      instead, as finalizeActualSampling provides only generic functionality
      shared by all optimizers and will in turn call the localFinalizeActualSampling
      before returning.
      @ In, jobObject, instance, an instance of a JobHandler
      @ In, model, model instance, it is the instance of a RAVEN model
      @ In, myInput, list, the generating input
        self.localFinalizeActualSampling(jobObject, model, myInput)

    def localFinalizeActualSampling(self, jobObject, model, myInput):
      Overwrite only if you need something special at the end of each run....
      This function is used by optimizers that need to collect information from the just ended run
      @ In, jobObject, instance, an instance of a JobHandler
      @ In, model, model instance, it is the instance of a RAVEN model
      @ In, myInput, list, the generating input

    def handleFailedRuns(self, failedRuns):
      Collects the failed runs from the Step and allows optimizer to handle them individually if need be.
      @ In, failedRuns, list, list of JobHandler.ExternalRunner objects
      @ Out, None
        self.raiseADebug('| RUN SUMMARY |')
        if len(failedRuns) > 0:
                'There were %i failed runs!  Run with verbosity = debug for more details.'
                % (len(failedRuns)))
            for run in failedRuns:
                metadata = run.getMetadata()
                self.raiseADebug('  Run number %s FAILED:' % run.identifier,
                self.raiseADebug('      return code :', run.getReturnCode())
                if metadata is not None:
                    self.raiseADebug('      sampled vars:')
                    for v, k in metadata['SampledVars'].items():
                        self.raiseADebug('         ', v, ':', k)
            self.raiseADebug('All runs completed without returning errors.')
        self.raiseADebug('  END SUMMARY  ')

    def _localHandleFailedRuns(self, failedRuns):
      Specialized method for optimizers to handle failed runs.  Defaults to failing runs.
      @ In, failedRuns, list, list of JobHandler.ExternalRunner objects
      @ Out, None
        if len(failedRuns) > 0:
                              'There were failed runs; aborting RAVEN.')
Exemple #19
class Metric(utils.metaclass_insert(abc.ABCMeta, BaseType)):
    This is the general interface to any RAVEN metric object.
    It contains an initialize, a _readMoreXML, and an evaluation (i.e., distance) methods
    def getInputSpecification(cls):
      Method to get a reference to a class that specifies the input data for
      class cls.
      @ In, cls, the class for which we are retrieving the specification
      @ Out, inputSpecification, InputData.ParameterInput, class to use for
        specifying input of cls.
        inputSpecification = super(Metric, cls).getInputSpecification()

        return inputSpecification

    def __init__(self):
      This is the basic method initialize the metric object
      @ In, none
      @ Out, none
        self.type = self.__class__.__name__
        self.name = self.__class__.__name__
        # If True the metric needs to be able to handle (value,probability) where value and probability are lists
        self.acceptsProbability = False
        # If True the metric needs to be able to handle a passed in Distribution
        self.acceptsDistribution = False
        # If True the metric needs to be able to handle dynamic data
        self._dynamicHandling = False
        # If True the metric needs to be able to handle pairwise data
        self._pairwiseHandling = False

    def initialize(self, inputDict):
      This method initialize each metric object
      @ In, inputDict, dict, dictionary containing initialization parameters
      @ Out, none

    def _readMoreXML(self, xmlNode):
      Method that reads the portion of the xml input that belongs to this specialized class
      and initialize internal parameters
      @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.Element, Xml element node
      @ Out, None

    def evaluate(self, x, y, weights=None, axis=0, **kwargs):
      This method compute the metric between x and y
      @ In, x, numpy.ndarray or instance of Distributions.Distribution, array containing data of x,
        or given distribution.
      @ In, y, numpy.ndarray, or instance of Distributions.Distribution, array containing data of y,
        or given distribution.
      @ In, weights, numpy.ndarray, optional, an array of weights associated with x
      @ In, axis, integer, optional, axis along which a metric is performed, default is 0,
        i.e. the metric will performed along the first dimension (the "rows").
        If metric postprocessor is used, the first dimension is the RAVEN_sample_ID,
        and the second dimension is the pivotParameter if HistorySet is provided.
      @ In, kwargs, dict, dictionary of parameters characteristic of each metric
      @ Out, value, float or numpy.array, metric results between x and y
        value = self.__evaluateLocal__(x, y, weights=weights, axis=0, **kwargs)

        return value

    def isDynamic(self):
      This method is utility function that tells if the metric is able to
      treat dynamic data on its own or not
      @ In, None
      @ Out, isDynamic, bool, True if the metric is able to treat dynamic data, False otherwise
        return self._dynamicHandling

    def isPairwise(self):
      This method is utility function that tells if the metric is able to
      treat pairwise data on its own or not
      @ In, None
      @ Out, isPairwise, bool, True if the metric is able to handle pairwise data, False otherwise
        return self._pairwiseHandling

    def __evaluateLocal__(self, x, y, weights=None, axis=0, **kwargs):
Exemple #20
class supervisedLearning(utils.metaclass_insert(abc.ABCMeta),
    This is the general interface to any supervisedLearning learning method.
    Essentially it contains a train method and an evaluate method
    returnType = ''  # this describe the type of information generated the possibility are 'boolean', 'integer', 'float'
    qualityEstType = [
    ]  # this describe the type of estimator returned known type are 'distance', 'probability'. The values are returned by the self.__confidenceLocal__(Features)
    ROMtype = ''  # the broad class of the interpolator
    ROMmultiTarget = False  #
    ROMtimeDependent = False  # is this ROM able to treat time-like (any monotonic variable) explicitly in its formulation?

    def checkArrayConsistency(arrayIn, isDynamic=False):
      This method checks the consistency of the in-array
      @ In, arrayIn, object,  It should be an array
      @ In, isDynamic, bool, optional, is Dynamic?
      @ Out, (consistent, 'error msg'), tuple, tuple[0] is a bool (True -> everything is ok, False -> something wrong), tuple[1], string ,the error mesg
        #checking if None provides a more clear message about the problem
        if arrayIn is None:
            return (False, ' The object is None, and contains no entries!')
        if type(arrayIn).__name__ == 'list':
            if isDynamic:
                for cnt, elementArray in enumerate(arrayIn):
                    resp = supervisedLearning.checkArrayConsistency(
                    if not resp[0]:
                        return (False, ' The element number ' + str(cnt) +
                                ' is not a consistent array. Error: ' +
                return (False,
                        ' The list type is allowed for dynamic ROMs only')
            if type(arrayIn).__name__ not in ['ndarray', 'c1darray']:
                return (False, ' The object is not a numpy array. Got type: ' +
            if len(np.asarray(arrayIn).shape) > 1:
                return (False, ' The array must be 1-d. Got shape: ' +
        return (True, '')

    def __init__(self, messageHandler, **kwargs):
      A constructor that will appropriately initialize a supervised learning object
      @ In, messageHandler, MessageHandler object, it is in charge of raising errors, and printing messages
      @ In, kwargs, dict, an arbitrary list of kwargs
      @ Out, None
        self.printTag = 'Supervised'
        self.messageHandler = messageHandler
        self._dynamicHandling = False
        self._assembledObjects = None  # objects assembled by the ROM Model, passed through.
        self.numThreads = kwargs.pop('NumThreads', None)
        #booleanFlag that controls the normalization procedure. If true, the normalization is performed. Default = True
        if kwargs != None:
            self.initOptionDict = kwargs
            self.initOptionDict = {}
        if 'Features' not in self.initOptionDict.keys():
            self.raiseAnError(IOError, 'Feature names not provided')
        if 'Target' not in self.initOptionDict.keys():
            self.raiseAnError(IOError, 'Target name not provided')
        self.features = self.initOptionDict.pop('Features')
        self.target = self.initOptionDict.pop('Target')
        self.verbosity = self.initOptionDict[
            'verbosity'] if 'verbosity' in self.initOptionDict else None
        for target in self.target:
            if target in self.features:  #self.features.count(target) > 0:
                    'The target "' + target + '" is also in the features!')
        #average value and sigma are used for normalization of the feature data
        #a dictionary where for each feature a tuple (average value, sigma)
        self.muAndSigmaFeatures = {}
        #these need to be declared in the child classes!!!!
        self.amITrained = False
        self.kerasROMDict = self.initOptionDict.pop(
            'KerasROMDict', None)  # dictionary for ROM builded by Keras

    def __getstate__(self):
      This function return the state of the ROM
      @ In, None
      @ Out, state, dict, it contains all the information needed by the ROM to be initialized
        state = copy.copy(self.__dict__)
        state['initOptionDict'].pop('paramInput', None)
        ## capture what is normally pickled
        if not self.amITrained:
            supervisedEngineObj = state.pop("supervisedContainer", None)
            del supervisedEngineObj
        return state

    def __setstate__(self, d):
      Initialize the ROM with the data contained in newstate
      @ In, d, dict, it contains all the information needed by the ROM to be initialized
      @ Out, None

    def initialize(self, idict):
      Initialization method
      @ In, idict, dict, dictionary of initialization parameters
      @ Out, None
        pass  #Overloaded by (at least) GaussPolynomialRom

    def setAssembledObjects(self, assembledObjects):
      Allows providing entities from the Assembler to be used in supervised learning algorithms.
      @ In, assembledObjects, dict, assembled objects that the ROM model requested as an Assembler.
      @ Out, None
        self._assembledObjects = assembledObjects

    def readAssembledObjects(self):
      Collects the entities from the Assembler as needed.
      In general, SVL don't need any assembled objects.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None

    def train(self, tdict):
      Method to perform the training of the supervisedLearning algorithm
      NB.the supervisedLearning object is committed to convert the dictionary that is passed (in), into the local format
      the interface with the kernels requires. So far the base class will do the translation into numpy
      @ In, tdict, dict, training dictionary
      @ Out, None
        if type(tdict) != dict:
                'In method "train", the training set needs to be provided through a dictionary. Type of the in-object is '
                + str(type(tdict)))
        names, values = list(tdict.keys()), list(tdict.values())
        ## This is for handling the special case needed by SKLtype=*MultiTask* that
        ## requires multiple targets.

        targetValues = []
        for target in self.target:
            if target in names:
                    'The target ' + target + ' is not in the training set')

        #FIXME: when we do not support anymore numpy <1.10, remove this IF STATEMENT
        if int(np.__version__.split('.')[1]) >= 10:
            targetValues = np.stack(targetValues, axis=-1)
            sl = (slice(None), ) * np.asarray(targetValues[0]).ndim + (
                np.newaxis, )
            targetValues = np.concatenate(
                [np.asarray(arr)[sl] for arr in targetValues],

        # construct the evaluation matrixes
        featureValues = np.zeros(shape=(len(targetValues), len(self.features)))
        for cnt, feat in enumerate(self.features):
            if feat not in names:
                    IOError, 'The feature sought ' + feat +
                    ' is not in the training set')
                valueToUse = values[names.index(feat)]
                resp = self.checkArrayConsistency(valueToUse, self.isDynamic())
                if not resp[0]:
                        'In training set for feature ' + feat + ':' + resp[1])
                valueToUse = np.asarray(valueToUse)
                if len(valueToUse) != featureValues[:, 0].size:
                    self.raiseAWarning('feature values:',
                                       featureValues[:, 0].size,
                    self.raiseAWarning('target values:',
                        'In training set, the number of values provided for feature '
                        + feat + ' are != number of target outcomes!')
                self._localNormalizeData(values, names, feat)
                # valueToUse can be either a matrix (for who can handle time-dep data) or a vector (for who can not)
                featureValues[:, cnt] = (
                    (valueToUse[:, 0] if len(valueToUse.shape) > 1 else
                     valueToUse[:]) - self.muAndSigmaFeatures[feat][0]
                ) / self.muAndSigmaFeatures[feat][1]
        self.__trainLocal__(featureValues, targetValues)
        self.amITrained = True

    def _localNormalizeData(self, values, names, feat):
      Method to normalize data based on the mean and standard deviation.  If undesired for a particular ROM,
      this method can be overloaded to simply pass (see, e.g., GaussPolynomialRom).
      @ In, values, list, list of feature values (from tdict)
      @ In, names, list, names of features (from tdict)
      @ In, feat, list, list of features (from ROM)
      @ Out, None
        self.muAndSigmaFeatures[feat] = mathUtils.normalizationFactors(

    def confidence(self, edict):
      This call is used to get an estimate of the confidence in the prediction.
      The base class self.confidence will translate a dictionary into numpy array, then call the local confidence
      @ In, edict, dict, evaluation dictionary
      @ Out, confidence, float, the confidence
        if type(edict) != dict:
                'method "confidence". The inquiring set needs to be provided through a dictionary. Type of the in-object is '
                + str(type(edict)))
        names, values = list(edict.keys()), list(edict.values())
        for index in range(len(values)):
            resp = self.checkArrayConsistency(values[index], self.isDynamic())
            if not resp[0]:
                    IOError, 'In evaluate request for feature ' +
                    names[index] + ':' + resp[1])
        featureValues = np.zeros(shape=(values[0].size, len(self.features)))
        for cnt, feat in enumerate(self.features):
            if feat not in names:
                    IOError, 'The feature sought ' + feat +
                    ' is not in the evaluate set')
                resp = self.checkArrayConsistency(values[names.index(feat)],
                if not resp[0]:
                        'In training set for feature ' + feat + ':' + resp[1])
                featureValues[:, cnt] = values[names.index(feat)]
        return self.__confidenceLocal__(featureValues)

    def evaluate(self, edict):
      Method to perform the evaluation of a point or a set of points through the previous trained supervisedLearning algorithm
      NB.the supervisedLearning object is committed to convert the dictionary that is passed (in), into the local format
      the interface with the kernels requires.
      @ In, edict, dict, evaluation dictionary
      @ Out, evaluate, dict, {target: evaluated points}
        if type(edict) != dict:
                'method "evaluate". The evaluate request/s need/s to be provided through a dictionary. Type of the in-object is '
                + str(type(edict)))
        names, values = list(edict.keys()), list(edict.values())
        for index in range(len(values)):
            resp = self.checkArrayConsistency(values[index], self.isDynamic())
            if not resp[0]:
                    IOError, 'In evaluate request for feature ' +
                    names[index] + ':' + resp[1])
        # construct the evaluation matrix
        featureValues = np.zeros(shape=(values[0].size, len(self.features)))
        for cnt, feat in enumerate(self.features):
            if feat not in names:
                    IOError, 'The feature sought ' + feat +
                    ' is not in the evaluate set')
                resp = self.checkArrayConsistency(values[names.index(feat)],
                if not resp[0]:
                        'In training set for feature ' + feat + ':' + resp[1])
                featureValues[:, cnt] = ((values[names.index(feat)] -
                                         ) / self.muAndSigmaFeatures[feat][1]
        return self.__evaluateLocal__(featureValues)

    def reset(self):
      Reset ROM
        self.amITrained = False

    def returnInitialParameters(self):
      override this method to return the fix set of parameters of the ROM
      @ In, None
      @ Out, iniParDict, dict, initial parameter dictionary
        iniParDict = dict(
            list(self.initOptionDict.items()) +
                'returnType': self.__class__.returnType,
                'qualityEstType': self.__class__.qualityEstType,
                'Features': self.features,
                'Target': self.target,
                'returnType': self.__class__.returnType
            }.items()) + list(self.__returnInitialParametersLocal__().items()))
        return iniParDict

    def returnCurrentSetting(self):
      return the set of parameters of the ROM that can change during simulation
      @ In, None
      @ Out, currParDict, dict, current parameter dictionary
        currParDict = dict({'Trained': self.amITrained}.items() +
        return currParDict

    def writeXMLPreamble(self, writeTo, targets=None):
      Allows the SVE to put whatever it wants into an XML file only once (right before calling pringXML)
      Extend in subclasses.
      @ In, writeTo, xmlUtils.StaticXmlElement instance, Element to write to
      @ In, targets, list, list of targets for whom information should be written
      @ Out, None
        # different calls depending on if it's static or dynamic
        if isinstance(writeTo, xmlUtils.DynamicXmlElement):
            writeTo.addScalar('ROM', "type", self.printTag, None, general=True)
            writeTo.addScalar('ROM', "type", self.printTag)

    def writePointwiseData(self, *args):
      Allows the SVE to add data to a DataObject
      Overload in subclasses.
      @ In, args, list, unused arguments
      @ Out, None
        # by default, nothing to write!
            'Writing ROM "{}", but no pointwise data found. Moving on ...')

    def writeXML(self, writeTo, targets=None, skip=None):
      Allows the SVE to put whatever it wants into an XML to print to file.
      Overload in subclasses.
      @ In, writeTo, xmlUtils.StaticXmlElement, StaticXmlElement to write to
      @ In, targets, list, optional, list of targets for whom information should be written
      @ In, skip, list, optional, list of targets to skip
      @ Out, None
        writeTo.addScalar('ROM', "noInfo",
                          'ROM has no special output options.')

    def isDynamic(self):
      This method is a utility function that tells if the relative ROM is able to
      treat dynamic data (e.g. time-series) on its own or not (Primarly called by LearningGate)
      @ In, None
      @ Out, isDynamic, bool, True if the ROM is able to treat dynamic data, False otherwise
        return self._dynamicHandling

    def reseed(self, seed):
      Used to reset the seed of the ROM.  By default does nothing; overwrite in the inheriting classes as needed.
      @ In, seed, int, new seed to use
      @ Out, None

    def setAdditionalParams(self, params):
      Sets parameters aside from initialization, such as during deserialization.
      @ In, params, dict, parameters to set (dependent on ROM)
      @ Out, None
        newMH = params.pop('messageHandler', None)
        if newMH:
            self.messageHandler = newMH
        # reseeding is common to many
        seed = params.pop('seed', None)
        if seed:
        # overload this method in subclasses to load other parameters

    ### ROM Clustering (see ROMCollection.py) ###
    def isClusterable(self):
      Allows ROM to declare whether it has methods for clustring. Default is no.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, isClusterable, bool, if True then has clustering mechanics.
        # only true if overridden.
        return False

    def checkRequestedClusterFeatures(self, request):
      Takes the user-requested features (sometimes "all") and interprets them for this ROM.
      @ In, request, dict(list), as from ROMColletion.Cluster._extrapolateRequestedClusterFeatures
      @ Out, interpreted, dict(list), interpreted features
            'This ROM is not prepared to handle feature cluster requests!')

    def getLocalRomClusterFeatures(self, *args, **kwargs):
      Provides metrics aka features on which clustering compatibility can be measured.
      This is called on LOCAL subsegment ROMs, not on the GLOBAL template ROM
      @ In, featureTemplate, str, format for feature inclusion
      @ In, settings, dict, as per getGlobalRomSegmentSettings
      @ In, picker, slice, indexer for segmenting data
      @ In, kwargs, dict, arbitrary keyword arguments
      @ Out, features, dict, {target_metric: np.array(floats)} features to cluster on
        # TODO can we do a generic basic statistics clustering on mean, std for all roms?
            'Clustering capabilities not yet implemented for "{}" ROM!'.format(

    def getGlobalRomSegmentSettings(self, trainingDict, divisions):
      Allows the ROM to perform some analysis before segmenting.
      Note this is called on the GLOBAL templateROM from the ROMcollection, NOT on the LOCAL subsegment ROMs!
      @ In, trainingDict, dict, data for training
      @ In, divisions, tuple, (division slice indices, unclustered spaces)
      @ Out, settings, object, arbitrary information about ROM clustering settings
      @ Out, trainingDict, dict, adjusted training data (possibly unchanged)
        # by default, do nothing
        return None, trainingDict

    def adjustLocalRomSegment(self, settings):
      Adjusts this ROM to account for it being a segment as a part of a larger ROM collection.
      Call this before training the subspace segment ROMs
      Note this is called on the LOCAL subsegment ROMs, NOT on the GLOBAL templateROM from the ROMcollection!
      @ In, settings, dict, as from getGlobalRomSegmentSettings
      @ Out, None
        # by default, do nothing

    def finalizeLocalRomSegmentEvaluation(self, settings, evaluation, picker):
      Allows global settings in "settings" to affect a LOCAL evaluation of a LOCAL ROM
      Note this is called on the LOCAL subsegment ROM and not the GLOBAL templateROM.
      @ In, settings, dict, as from getGlobalRomSegmentSettings
      @ In, evaluation, dict, preliminary evaluation from the local segment ROM as {target: [values]}
      @ In, picker, slice, indexer for data range of this segment
      @ Out, evaluation, dict, {target: np.ndarray} adjusted global evaluation
        return evaluation

    def finalizeGlobalRomSegmentEvaluation(self, settings, evaluation):
      Allows any global settings to be applied to the signal collected by the ROMCollection instance.
      Note this is called on the GLOBAL templateROM from the ROMcollection, NOT on the LOCAL supspace segment ROMs!
      @ In, evaluation, dict, {target: np.ndarray} evaluated full (global) signal from ROMCollection
      TODO finish docs
      @ Out, evaluation, dict, {target: np.ndarray} adjusted global evaluation
        return evaluation

    ### END ROM Clustering ###

    def __trainLocal__(self, featureVals, targetVals):
      Perform training on samples in featureVals with responses y.
      For an one-class model, +1 or -1 is returned.
      @ In, featureVals, {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape=[n_samples, n_features],
        an array of input feature values
      @ Out, targetVals, array, shape = [n_samples], an array of output target
        associated with the corresponding points in featureVals

    def __confidenceLocal__(self, featureVals):
      This should return an estimation of the quality of the prediction.
      This could be distance or probability or anything else, the type needs to be declared in the variable cls.qualityEstType
      @ In, featureVals, 2-D numpy array , [n_samples,n_features]
      @ Out, __confidenceLocal__, float, the confidence

    def __evaluateLocal__(self, featureVals):
      @ In,  featureVals, np.array, 2-D numpy array [n_samples,n_features]
      @ Out, targetVals , np.array, 1-D numpy array [n_samples]

    def __resetLocal__(self):
      Reset ROM. After this method the ROM should be described only by the initial parameter settings
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None

    def __returnInitialParametersLocal__(self):
      Returns a dictionary with the parameters and their initial values
      @ In, None
      @ Out, params, dict,  dictionary of parameter names and initial values

    def __returnCurrentSettingLocal__(self):
Exemple #21
class supervisedLearningGate(utils.metaclass_insert(abc.ABCMeta, BaseType),
    This class represents an interface with all the supervised learning algorithms
    It is a utility class needed to hide the discernment between time-dependent and static
    surrogate models
    def __init__(self, ROMclass, messageHandler, **kwargs):
      A constructor that will appropriately initialize a supervised learning object (static or time-dependent)
      @ In, messageHandler, MessageHandler object, it is in charge of raising errors, and printing messages
      @ In, ROMclass, string, the surrogate model type
      @ In, kwargs, dict, an arbitrary list of kwargs
      @ Out, None
        self.printTag = 'SupervisedGate'
        self.messageHandler = messageHandler
        self.initializationOptions = kwargs
        self.amITrained = False
        self.ROMclass = ROMclass
        #the ROM is instanced and initialized
        #if ROM comes from a pickled rom, this gate is just a placeholder and the Targets check doesn't apply
        self.pickled = self.initializationOptions.pop('pickled', False)
        if not self.pickled:
            # check how many targets
            if not 'Target' in self.initializationOptions.keys():
                self.raiseAnError(IOError, 'No Targets specified!!!')
        # return instance of the ROMclass
        modelInstance = SupervisedLearning.returnInstance(
            ROMclass, self, **self.initializationOptions)
        # check if the model can autonomously handle the time-dependency (if not and time-dep data are passed in, a list of ROMs are constructed)
        self.canHandleDynamicData = modelInstance.isDynamic()
        # is this ROM  time-dependent ?
        self.isADynamicModel = False
        # if it is dynamic and time series are passed in, self.supervisedContainer is not going to be expanded, else it is going to
        self.supervisedContainer = [modelInstance]
        # check if pivotParameter is specified and in case store it
        self.pivotParameterId = self.initializationOptions.pop(
            "pivotParameter", 'time')
        self.historySteps = []

    def __getstate__(self):
      This function return the state of the ROM
      @ In, None
      @ Out, state, dict, it contains all the information needed by the ROM to be initialized
        # capture what is normally pickled
        state = self.__dict__.copy()
        if not self.amITrained:
            supervisedEngineObj = state.pop("supervisedContainer")
            del supervisedEngineObj
        return state

    def __setstate__(self, newstate):
      Initialize the ROM with the data contained in newstate
      @ In, newstate, dict, it contains all the information needed by the ROM to be initialized
      @ Out, None
        if not self.amITrained:
            modelInstance = SupervisedLearning.returnInstance(
                self.ROMclass, self, **self.initializationOptions)
            self.supervisedContainer = [modelInstance]

    def reset(self):
      This method is aimed to reset the ROM
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
        for rom in self.supervisedContainer:
        self.amITrained = False

    def getInitParams(self):
      This function is called from the base class to print some of the information inside the class.
      Whatever is permanent in the class and not inherited from the parent class should be mentioned here
      The information is passed back in the dictionary. No information about values that change during the simulation are allowed
      @ In, None
      @ Out, paramDict, dict, dictionary containing the parameter names as keys
        and each parameter's initial value as the dictionary values
        paramDict = self.supervisedContainer[-1].returnInitialParameters()
        return paramDict

    def train(self, trainingSet):
      This function train the ROM this gate is linked to. This method is aimed to agnostically understand if a "time-dependent-like" ROM needs to be constructed.
      @ In, trainingSet, dict or list, data used to train the ROM; if a list is provided a temporal ROM is generated.
      @ Out, None
        if type(trainingSet).__name__ not in 'dict':
            self.raiseAnError(IOError, "The training set is not a dictionary!")
        if len(trainingSet.keys()) == 0:
            self.raiseAnError(IOError, "The training set is empty!")

        if any(type(x).__name__ == 'list' for x in trainingSet.values()):
            # we need to build a "time-dependent" ROM
            self.isADynamicModel = True
            if self.pivotParameterId not in trainingSet.keys():
                    IOError, "the pivot parameter " + self.pivotParameterId +
                    " is not present in the training set. A time-dependent-like ROM cannot be created!"
            if type(trainingSet[self.pivotParameterId]).__name__ != 'list':
                    IOError, "the pivot parameter " + self.pivotParameterId +
                    " is not a list. Are you sure it is part of the output space of the training set?"
            self.historySteps = trainingSet.get(self.pivotParameterId)[-1]
            if len(self.historySteps) == 0:
                self.raiseAnError(IOError, "the training set is empty!")
            if self.canHandleDynamicData:
                # the ROM is able to manage the time dependency on its own
                # we need to construct a chain of ROMs
                # the check on the number of time steps (consistency) is performed inside the historySnapShoots method
                # get the time slices
                newTrainingSet = mathUtils.historySnapShoots(
                    trainingSet, len(self.historySteps))
                if type(newTrainingSet).__name__ != 'list':
                    self.raiseAnError(IOError, newTrainingSet)
                # copy the original ROM
                originalROM = copy.deepcopy(self.supervisedContainer[0])
                # start creating and training the time-dep ROMs
                self.supervisedContainer = [
                ]  # [copy.deepcopy(originalROM) for _ in range(len(self.historySteps))]
                # train
                for ts in range(len(self.historySteps)):
            #self._replaceVariablesNamesWithAliasSystem(self.trainingSet, 'inout', False)
        self.amITrained = True

    def confidence(self, request):
      This is to get a value that is inversely proportional to the confidence that we have
      forecasting the target value for the given set of features. The reason to chose the inverse is because
      in case of normal distance this would be 1/distance that could be infinity
      @ In, request, dict, realizations request ({'feature1':np.array(n_realizations),'feature2',np.array(n_realizations)})
      @ Out, confidenceDict, dict, the dictionary where the confidence is stored for each target
        if not self.amITrained:
                RuntimeError, "ROM " + self.initializationOptions['name'] +
                " has not been trained yet and, consequentially, can not be evaluated!"
        confidenceDict = {}
        for rom in self.supervisedContainer:
            sliceEvaluation = rom.confidence(request)
            if len(confidenceDict.keys()) == 0:
                for key in confidenceDict.keys():
                    confidenceDict[key] = np.append(confidenceDict[key],
        return confidenceDict

    def evaluate(self, request):
      Method to perform the evaluation of a point or a set of points through the linked surrogate model
      @ In, request, dict, realizations request ({'feature1':np.array(n_realizations),'feature2',np.array(n_realizations)})
      @ Out, resultsDict, dict, dictionary of results ({target1:np.array,'target2':np.array}).
        if self.pickled:
                RuntimeError, 'ROM "' + self.initializationOptions['name'] +
                '" has not been loaded yet!  Use an IOStep to load it.')
        if not self.amITrained:
                RuntimeError, "ROM " + self.initializationOptions['name'] +
                " has not been trained yet and, consequentially, can not be evaluated!"
        resultsDict = {}
        for rom in self.supervisedContainer:
            sliceEvaluation = rom.evaluate(request)
            if len(resultsDict.keys()) == 0:
                for key in resultsDict.keys():
                    resultsDict[key] = np.append(resultsDict[key],
        return resultsDict
Exemple #22
class TimeSeriesAnalyzer(utils.metaclass_insert(abc.ABCMeta, object)):
    Act as base class for objects that coordinate the time series analysis algorithms in RAVEN. Note these
    are not the ROM/SupervisedLearning objects; rather, used by those as well as other
    algorithms throughout the code. Maintain these algorithims in a way they can
    be called without accessing all of RAVEN.
    # class attribute
    ## define the clusterable features for this trainer.
    _features = []

    def getInputSpecification(cls):
      Method to get a reference to a class that specifies the input data for
      class cls.
      @ Out, inputSpecification, InputData.ParameterInput, class to use for
        specifying input of cls.
        specs = InputData.parameterInputFactory(cls.__name__,
        specs.description = 'Base class for time series analysis algorithms used in RAVEN.'
            r"""indicates the variables for which this algorithm will be used for characterization. """
            r"""sets a seed for the underlying random number generator, if present."""
        return specs

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
      A constructor that will appropriately intialize a supervised learning object
      @ In, args, list, an arbitrary list of positional values
      @ In, kwargs, dict, an arbitrary dictionary of keywords and values
      @ Out, None
        self.name = self.__class__.__name__  # the name the class shall be known by during its RAVEN life

    def handleInput(self, spec):
      Reads user inputs into this object.
      @ In, inp, InputData.InputParams, input specifications
      @ Out, settings, dict, initialization settings for this algorithm
        settings = {}
        settings['target'] = spec.parameterValues['target']
        settings['seed'] = spec.parameterValues.get('seed', None)

        settings = self.setDefaults(settings)

        return settings

    def setDefaults(self, settings):
      Fills default values for settings with default values.
      @ In, settings, dict, existing settings
      @ Out, settings, dict, modified settings
        if 'seed' not in settings:
            settings['seed'] = None
        return settings

    def characterize(self, signal, pivot, targets, settings):
      Characterizes the provided time series ("signal") using methods specific to this algorithm.
      @ In, signal, np.array, time-dependent series
      @ In, pivot, np.array, time-like parameter
      @ In, targets, list(str), names of targets
      @ In, settings, dict, additional settings specific to algorithm
      @ Out, params, dict, characterization of signal; structure as:
                           params[target variable][characteristic] = value

    def getResidual(self, initial, params, pivot, settings):
      Removes trained signal from data and find residual
      @ In, initial, np.array, original signal shaped [pivotValues, targets], targets MUST be in
                               same order as self.target
      @ In, params, dict, training parameters as from self.characterize
      @ In, pivot, np.array, time-like array values
      @ In, settings, dict, additional settings specific to algorithm
      @ Out, residual, np.array, reduced signal shaped [pivotValues, targets]
        # DEFAULT IMPLEMENTATION, generate one signal and subtract it from the given one
        # -> overload in inheritors to change behavior
        sample = self.generate(params, pivot, settings)
        residual = initial - sample
        return residual

    def generate(self, params, pivot, settings):
      Generates a synthetic history from fitted parameters.
      @ In, params, dict, training parameters as from self.characterize
      @ In, pivot, np.array, time-like array values
      @ In, settings, dict, additional settings specific to algorithm
      @ Out, synthetic, np.array(float), synthetic signal

    def writeXML(self, writeTo, params):
      Allows the engine to put whatever it wants into an XML to print to file.
      @ In, writeTo, xmlUtils.StaticXmlElement, entity to write to
      @ In, params, dict, parameters from training this ROM
      @ Out, None
        pass  # overwrite in subclasses if desired