def write_test_results_to_file(self, output_folder, results_folder): """ Function to write the test results of the model to a csv file. Args output_folder (str): the name of the output folder defined in the configuration yaml file results_folder (str): the name of the folder where the results of the current execution will be stored """ results_folder_path = join(utils.app_dir, output_folder, results_folder) fold_path = join(results_folder_path, "test_results") if not exists(fold_path): mkdir(fold_path) df = pd.DataFrame( columns=["classifier", "metric", "result_kind", "result"]) row = 0 for metric_name, metric_value in self.test_metrics.items(): df.loc[row] = [self.model_name, metric_name, "test", metric_value] row += 1 file_path = join(fold_path, "Results_test_{}.csv".format(self.model_name)) df.to_csv(file_path, sep=",") utils.visualize(df, output_folder, results_folder, "test_results", "Plot_test_{}.png".format(self.model_name), captions=self.captions)
def visualize_classifier(properties, models, metric_name, metric_caption): path = join(utils.app_dir, properties["output_folder"], "results") captions = ["Experiment1", "Experiment2", "Experiment3"] for model in models: model_path = join(path, model) df = pd.read_csv(join(model_path, "Results.csv"), index_col=0, header=0) utils.visualize(df=df, output_folder=properties["output_folder"], results_folder="results", folder_name=model, filename="{}_{}.png".format(metric_name, model), captions=captions) best_df = pd.read_csv(join(path, "Best_Results_{}.csv".format(metric_name)), index_col=0, header=0) captions = [metric_caption] visualize(df=best_df, output_folder=properties["output_folder"], results_folder="results", folder_name=None, filename="{}_best.png".format(metric_name), captions=captions)
def get_fold_avg_result(self, output_folder, results_folder): """ Calculates and writes in a csv file the average value of each metric from all the folds for the specific model. Args output_folder (str): the name of the output folder defined in the configuration yaml file results_folder (str): the name of the folder where the results of the current execution will be stored """ metric_names = [ MetricNames.macro_precision.value, MetricNames.micro_precision.value, MetricNames.macro_recall.value, MetricNames.micro_recall.value, MetricNames.macro_f.value, MetricNames.micro_f.value ] for metric_name in metric_names: metric_list = [] for fold_metric in self.fold_metrics: metric_list.append(fold_metric[metric_name]) self.avg_metrics[metric_name] = sum(metric_list) / len(metric_list) results_folder_path = join(utils.app_dir, output_folder, results_folder) avg_folder = join(results_folder_path, "fold_avg") if not exists(avg_folder): mkdir(avg_folder) csv_path = join(avg_folder, "Results_avg.csv") df = pd.DataFrame( columns=["classifier", "metric", "result_kind", "result"]) row = 0 for metric_name, metric_value in self.avg_metrics.items(): df.loc[row] = [self.model_name, metric_name, "avg", metric_value] row += 1 df.to_csv(csv_path, sep=",") utils.visualize(df, output_folder, results_folder, "fold_avg", "Plot_avg_{}.png".format(self.model_name), captions=self.captions)
def write_fold_results_to_file(self, output_folder, results_folder, fold_num): """ Function to write a fold's results (metrics) to a csv file. Args output_folder (str): the name of the output folder defined in the configuration yaml file results_folder (str): the name of the folder where the results of the current execution will be stored fold_num (int): the number of the current fold """ results_folder_path = join(utils.app_dir, output_folder, results_folder) if not exists(results_folder_path): mkdir(results_folder_path) fold_path = join(results_folder_path, "fold_{}".format(fold_num)) if not exists(fold_path): mkdir(fold_path) metrics = self.fold_metrics[fold_num] df = pd.DataFrame( columns=["classifier", "metric", "result_kind", "result"]) row = 0 for metric_name, metric_value in metrics.items(): df.loc[row] = [ self.model_name, metric_name, "validation", metric_value ] row += 1 filename = "Results_{}.csv".format(self.model_name) file_path = join(fold_path, filename) df.to_csv(file_path, sep=',') utils.visualize(df, output_folder, results_folder, "fold_{}".format(fold_num), "Plot_fold_{}_{}.png".format(fold_num, self.model_name), captions=self.captions)
def convolution(image, kernel, average=False, verbose=False): if verbose: utils.visualize(image, 'gray') # plt.title("Image") # image_row, image_col = image.shape kernel_row, kernel_col = kernel.shape output = np.zeros(image.shape) pad_height = int((kernel_row - 1) / 2) pad_width = int((kernel_col - 1) / 2) padded_image = np.zeros((image_row + (2 * pad_height), image_col + (2 * pad_width))) # set image for padded img padded_image[pad_height:padded_image.shape[0] - pad_height, pad_width:padded_image.shape[1] - pad_width] = image if verbose: utils.visualize(padded_image, 'gray', title = "Padded Image") # plt.title() # for row in range(image_row): for col in range(image_col): output[row, col] = np.sum(kernel * padded_image[row:row + kernel_row, col:col + kernel_col]) if average: output[row, col] /= kernel.shape[0] * kernel.shape[1] print("SHAPE CALCULATED : {}".format(output.shape)) if verbose: utils.visualize(output, 'gray', title = "OUTPUT IMG {}GAUSSIAN {}KERNAL".format(kernel_row, kernel_col)) # utils.title("OUTPUT IMG {}GAUSSIAN {}KERNAL".format(kernel_row, kernel_col)) # return output
def main(_): print("FLAG1") pp.pprint(flags.FLAGS.__flags) if FLAGS.input_width is None: FLAGS.input_width = FLAGS.input_height if FLAGS.output_width is None: FLAGS.output_width = FLAGS.output_height if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir): os.makedirs(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir) if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.sample_dir): os.makedirs(FLAGS.sample_dir) #gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.333) run_config = tf.ConfigProto() run_config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True # extract zipfile print(FLAGS.dataset) print(os.path.join(FLAGS.data_path, "*.zip")) source_path = glob.glob(os.path.join(FLAGS.data_path, "*.zip")) print(source_path) for i, zipped_file in enumerate(source_path): print("Extracting image zip %s of %s" % (i + 1, len(source_path))) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(FLAGS.data_path, "celebA")): print("...File already exists") else: print(zipped_file) unzip_and_save(zipped_file, FLAGS.data_path) print("...Extracted!") print("Reading from %s" % os.path.join(FLAGS.data_path, "*/*.jpg")) unzipped_data_path = os.path.join( FLAGS.data_path, "*/*.jpg") #right now we support only one dataset print(unzipped_data_path) with tf.Session(config=run_config) as sess: if FLAGS.dataset == 'mnist': dcgan = DCGAN( sess, input_width=FLAGS.input_width, input_height=FLAGS.input_height, output_width=FLAGS.output_width, output_height=FLAGS.output_height, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, sample_num=FLAGS.batch_size, y_dim=10, data_path=FLAGS.data_path, #glob signature dataset_type=unzipped_data_path, crop=FLAGS.crop, checkpoint_dir=FLAGS.checkpoint_dir, sample_dir=FLAGS.sample_dir) else: dcgan = DCGAN(sess, input_width=FLAGS.input_width, input_height=FLAGS.input_height, output_width=FLAGS.output_width, output_height=FLAGS.output_height, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, sample_num=FLAGS.batch_size, data_path=unzipped_data_path, dataset_type=FLAGS.dataset, crop=FLAGS.crop, checkpoint_dir=FLAGS.checkpoint_dir, sample_dir=FLAGS.sample_dir) show_all_variables() if FLAGS.train: dcgan.train(FLAGS) else: if not dcgan.load(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir)[0]: raise Exception("[!] Train a model first, then run test mode") # to_json("./web/js/layers.js", [dcgan.h0_w, dcgan.h0_b, dcgan.g_bn0], # [dcgan.h1_w, dcgan.h1_b, dcgan.g_bn1], # [dcgan.h2_w, dcgan.h2_b, dcgan.g_bn2], # [dcgan.h3_w, dcgan.h3_b, dcgan.g_bn3], # [dcgan.h4_w, dcgan.h4_b, None]) # Below is codes for visualization OPTION = 1 visualize(sess, dcgan, FLAGS, OPTION)
def eval(): input_data = tf.placeholder( dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, FLAGS.input_size, FLAGS.input_size, 3], name='input_image') center_map = tf.placeholder( dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, FLAGS.input_size, FLAGS.input_size, 1], name='center_map') model = sppe.Model(FLAGS.stages, FLAGS.joints) model.generate_model(input_data, center_map, FLAGS.batch_size) center_map = utils.generate_gaussian_map(FLAGS.input_size, FLAGS.input_size, FLAGS.input_size / 2, FLAGS.input_size / 2, FLAGS.cmap_variance) with tf.Session() as sess: saver = tf.train.Saver() ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(CONFIG.model_dir) if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path: saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) #构造输入数据 data = h5py.File(FLAGS.data_file, 'r') # centers = data['center'], imgnames = data['imgname'], scales = data['scale'], gt_joints = data['part'] total_size = len(data['index']) mesures_rsts = [] n = 0 while n * FLAGS.batch_size < total_size: i = n * FLAGS.batch_size j = min((n + 1) * FLAGS.batch_size, total_size) n += 1 centers = data['center'][i:j] img_names = data['imgname'][i:j] scales = data['scale'][i:j] batch_gt_joints = data['part'][i:j] #将人体放中心,crop到368x368,调整坐标 imgs, joints_list = data_process.crop_to_center( img_names, FLAGS.input_size, scales, centers, batch_gt_joints, False) imgs_input = np.array(imgs) / 255.0 - 0.5 # imgs_input = np.expand_dims(imgs_input, axis=0) center_maps = np.array(list(center_map) * len(imgs_input)) center_maps = np.reshape( center_maps, [len(imgs_input), FLAGS.input_size, FLAGS.input_size, 1]) #inference pred_heatmaps =[model.stage_heatmaps[FLAGS.stages - 1]], feed_dict={ model.input_image: imgs_input, model.center_map: center_maps }) pred_heatmaps = pred_heatmaps[0] batch_pred_joints = [] for i in range(len(pred_heatmaps)): pred_heatmap = pred_heatmaps[i, :, :, 0:FLAGS.joints].reshape( (FLAGS.hmap_size, FLAGS.hmap_size, FLAGS.joints)) pred_heatmap = cv2.resize(pred_heatmap, (FLAGS.input_size, FLAGS.input_size)) preds_joint = np.zeros((FLAGS.joints, 2)) for joint_idx in range(FLAGS.joints): joint_coord = np.unravel_index( np.argmax(pred_heatmap[:, :, joint_idx]), (FLAGS.input_size, FLAGS.input_size)) preds_joint[joint_idx, :] = joint_coord # 画出关节和肢体 # cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(VALID_CROP_DIR, img_names[i].decode('utf-8')), imgs[i].astype(np.uint8)) #画关节和肢体前 utils.visualize(imgs[i], preds_joint) cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(VALID_OUTPUT_DIR, img_names[i].decode('utf-8')), imgs[i].astype(np.uint8)) batch_pred_joints.append(preds_joint) #pck mesures_rsts.extend( pck.compute_pck(12, 3, joints_list, batch_pred_joints, 0.2)) #2:右肩 11:左胯,对应的mpii是12和3 acc_joints, acc_ave = pck.compute_pck_accuracy(mesures_rsts) print(" head top acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[0] + "\n neck acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[1] + "\n right shoulder acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[2]+ \ "\n right elbow acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[3] + "\n right wrist acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[4] + "\n left shoulder acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[5] + \ "\n left elbow acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[6] + "\n left wrist acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[7] + "\n right hip acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[8]+ \ "\n right knee acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[9] + "\n right ankle acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[10] + "\n left hip acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[11] + \ "\n left knee acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[12] + "\n left ankle acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[13] + "\n average acc: %.2f" % acc_ave) return acc_ave
img_np = np.moveaxis(torch.squeeze(img).numpy(), 0, 2) img0 = torch.squeeze( img0).numpy() #p.moveaxis(torch.squeeze(img).numpy(), 0, 2) #print(img_np.shape) with torch.no_grad(): #output = model(torch.tensor(img[None]).to(device)) output = model( output = # looping over batch items for out in output: coords = extract_coords(out) print(coords) # s = coords2str(coords) #predictions.append(s) q_img = visualize(img0, coords, camera_matrix) print(q_img.shape) q_img = cv2.resize( q_img, (int(q_img.shape[1] * 0.25), int(q_img.shape[0] * 0.25))) # show predictions on image cv2.imshow("Prediction", q_img) cv2.waitKey() # cv2.imshow("Predictions", visualize(img_np, coords, camera_matrix)) # cv2.waitKey() #df_val['PredictionString'] = predictions #df_test.to_csv('predictions.csv', index=False) #print(df_val.head()) #def sigmoid(x):
from utils import utils import canny_edge as ced imgs = utils.load_data() utils.visualize(imgs, 'gray') detector = ced.cannyEdgeDetector(imgs, sigma=1.4, kernel_size=5, lowthreshold=0.09, highthreshold=0.17, weak_pixel=100) imgs_final = detector.detect() utils.visualize(imgs_final, 'gray')
def eval(): input_data = tf.placeholder( dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, FLAGS.input_size, FLAGS.input_size, 3], name='input_image') center_map = tf.placeholder( dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, FLAGS.input_size, FLAGS.input_size, 1], name='center_map') # center map的大小也是368x368 model = cpm.Model(FLAGS.stages, FLAGS.joints) # 这里的stages和joints是传进来的参数,跟训练集的关节点个数应该相等 model.generate_model(input_data, center_map, FLAGS.batch_size) center_map = utils.generate_gaussian_map( FLAGS.input_size, FLAGS.input_size, FLAGS.input_size / 2, FLAGS.input_size / 2, FLAGS.cmap_variance ) # 预测的时候,需要把人放图像中间,这里构造center map是以图片中心来构造的,如果预测人没有在中间,就会出现问题 with tf.Session() as sess: # if FLAGS.model_path.endswith('pkl'): # model.load_weights_from_file(FLAGS.model_path, sess, False) # else: saver = tf.train.Saver() ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(CONFIG.model_dir) if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path: saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) #构造输入数据 data = h5py.File(FLAGS.data_file, 'r') # 打开h5文件 # centers = data['center'], imgnames = data['imgname'], scales = data['scale'], gt_joints = data['part'] total_size = len(data['index']) # 验证集的大小 mesures_rsts = [] #存储每个人的pck预测结果 n = 0 while n * FLAGS.batch_size < total_size: #一次读一个batch i = n * FLAGS.batch_size j = min((n + 1) * FLAGS.batch_size, total_size) n += 1 centers = data['center'][i:j] img_names = data['imgname'][i:j] scales = data['scale'][i:j] batch_gt_joints = data['part'][i:j] #将人体放中心,crop到368x368,调整坐标 imgs, joints_list = data_process.crop_to_center( img_names, FLAGS.input_size, scales, centers, batch_gt_joints, False) # 输入图片,368x368,在中心,这里的joints_list是更新过的ground truth imgs_input = np.array(imgs) / 255.0 - 0.5 #归一化到[-0.5,0.5] # imgs_input = np.expand_dims(imgs_input, axis=0) #增加了batch的维数为1,此刻test_img_input: 1x368x368x3 center_maps = np.array(list(center_map) * len(imgs_input)) center_maps = np.reshape( center_maps, [len(imgs_input), FLAGS.input_size, FLAGS.input_size, 1]) #inference pred_heatmaps = [model.stage_heatmaps[FLAGS.stages - 1] ], #最后一个stage的heatmap,列表长度为batch_size的值 feed_dict={ 'input_image:0': imgs_input, 'center_map:0': center_maps }) #stage_heatmap_np[0]的shape为 [1, 46, 46, 15] pred_heatmaps = pred_heatmaps[ 0] #得到的heatmap只有个stage的,长度为1,[0]之后的长度是32 batch_pred_joints = [] for i in range(len(pred_heatmaps)): pred_heatmap = pred_heatmaps[i, :, :, 0:FLAGS.joints].reshape(( FLAGS.hmap_size, FLAGS.hmap_size, FLAGS.joints)) # 将有效的heatmap切出来,把背景排除,结果:46x46x14,每张图只有一个人 pred_heatmap = cv2.resize( pred_heatmap, (FLAGS.input_size, FLAGS.input_size)) # heatmap变成了368x368x14 preds_joint = np.zeros((FLAGS.joints, 2)) # 预测出的关节坐标 for joint_idx in range(FLAGS.joints): joint_coord = np.unravel_index( np.argmax(pred_heatmap[:, :, joint_idx]), (FLAGS.input_size, FLAGS.input_size)) # 求出关节点相对于368,368的坐标值 preds_joint[joint_idx, :] = joint_coord # 画出关节和肢体 cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(VALID_CROP_DIR, img_names[i].decode('utf-8')), imgs[i].astype(np.uint8)) #画关节和肢体前 utils.visualize(imgs[i], preds_joint, joints_list[i]) #image, 预测坐标,gt坐标 cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(VALID_OUTPUT_DIR, img_names[i].decode('utf-8')), imgs[i].astype(np.uint8)) batch_pred_joints.append(preds_joint) #pck mesures_rsts.extend( pck.compute_pck(12, 3, joints_list, batch_pred_joints, 0.2)) #2:右肩 11:左胯,对应的mpii是12和3 acc_joints, acc_ave = pck.compute_pck_accuracy(mesures_rsts) print(" head top acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[0] + "\n neck acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[1] + "\n right shoulder acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[2]+ \ "\n right elbow acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[3] + "\n right wrist acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[4] + "\n left shoulder acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[5] + \ "\n left elbow acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[6] + "\n left wrist acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[7] + "\n right hip acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[8]+ \ "\n right knee acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[9] + "\n right ankle acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[10] + "\n left hip acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[11] + \ "\n left knee acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[12] + "\n left ankle acc: %.2f" % acc_joints[13] + "\n average acc: %.2f" % acc_ave) return acc_ave