Exemple #1
    def generate_mixup_sample(self, sample_dict):
        label_boxes_3d = sample_dict[maps_dict.KEY_LABEL_BOXES_3D]
        label_classes = sample_dict[maps_dict.KEY_LABEL_CLASSES]
        points = sample_dict[maps_dict.KEY_POINT_CLOUD]
        label_class_names = np.array([self.idx2cls_dict[label] for label in label_classes])

        tmp_label_boxes_3d = label_boxes_3d.copy()
        # expand by 0.1, so as to cover context information
        tmp_label_boxes_3d[:, 3:-1] += cfg.TRAIN.AUGMENTATIONS.EXPAND_DIMS_LENGTH
        points_mask = check_inside_points(points, tmp_label_boxes_3d) # [pts_num, gt_num]

        pts_num_inside_box = np.sum(points_mask, axis=0) # gt_num
        valid_box_idx = np.where(pts_num_inside_box >= cfg.DATASET.MIN_POINTS_NUM)[0]
        if len(valid_box_idx) == 0: return None

        valid_label_boxes_3d = label_boxes_3d[valid_box_idx, :]
        valid_label_classes = label_class_names[valid_box_idx]

        sample_dicts = []
        for index, i in enumerate(valid_box_idx):
            cur_points_mask = points_mask[:, i]
            cur_points_idx = np.where(cur_points_mask)[0]
            cur_inside_points = points[cur_points_idx, :]
            sample_dict = {
                maps_dict.KEY_SAMPLED_GT_POINTS: cur_inside_points,
                maps_dict.KEY_SAMPLED_GT_LABELS_3D: valid_label_boxes_3d[index],
                maps_dict.KEY_SAMPLED_GT_CLSES: valid_label_classes[index],
        return sample_dicts
Exemple #2
    def generate_mixup_sample(self, sample_dict):
        """ This function is bound for generating mixup dataset """
        all_boxes_3d = sample_dict[maps_dict.KEY_LABEL_BOXES_3D]
        all_boxes_classes = sample_dict[maps_dict.KEY_LABEL_CLASSES]
        point_cloud_path = sample_dict[maps_dict.KEY_POINT_CLOUD]

        # then we first cast all_boxes_3d to kitti format
        all_boxes_3d = cast_box_3d_to_kitti_format(all_boxes_3d)

        # load points
        points = np.fromfile(point_cloud_path, dtype=np.float32).reshape(
            (-1, 5))
        points = cast_points_to_kitti(points)
        points[:, 3] /= 255
        points[:, 4] = 0  # timestamp is zero

        points_mask = check_inside_points(points,
                                          all_boxes_3d)  # [pts_num, gt_num]
        points_masks_num = np.sum(points_masks, axis=0)  # [gt_num]
        valid_box_idx = np.where(
            points_masks_num >= cfg.DATASET.MIN_POINTS_NUM)[0]

        if len(valid_box_idx) == 0:
            return None

        valid_label_boxes_3d = all_boxes_3d[valid_box_idx]
        valid_label_classes = all_boxes_classes[valid_box_idx]

        sample_dicts = []
        for index, i in enumerate(valid_box_idx):
            cur_points_mask = points_mask[:, i]
            cur_points_idx = np.where(cur_points_mask)[0]
            cur_inside_points = points[cur_points_idx, :]
            sample_dict = {
                # 0 timestamp and /255 reflectance
                cur_inside_points,  # kitti format points
        return sample_dicts
Exemple #3
def vote_targets_np(vote_base, gt_boxes_3d):
    """ Generating vote_targets for each vote_base point
    vote_base: [bs, points_num, 3]
    gt_boxes_3d: [bs, gt_num, 7]

        vote_mask: [bs, points_num]
        vote_target: [bs, points_num, 3]
    bs, points_num, _ = vote_base.shape
    vote_mask = np.zeros([bs, points_num], dtype=np.float32)
    vote_target = np.zeros([bs, points_num, 3], dtype=np.float32)

    for i in range(bs):
        cur_vote_base = vote_base[i]
        cur_gt_boxes_3d = gt_boxes_3d[i]

        filter_idx = np.where(np.any(np.not_equal(cur_gt_boxes_3d, 0),
        cur_gt_boxes_3d = cur_gt_boxes_3d[filter_idx]

        cur_expand_boxes_3d = cur_gt_boxes_3d.copy()
                            3:-1] += cfg.TRAIN.AUGMENTATIONS.EXPAND_DIMS_LENGTH
        cur_points_mask = check_inside_points(
            cur_vote_base, cur_expand_boxes_3d)  # [pts_num, gt_num]

        cur_vote_mask = np.max(cur_points_mask, axis=1).astype(np.float32)
        vote_mask[i] = cur_vote_mask

        cur_vote_target_idx = np.argmax(cur_points_mask, axis=1)  # [pts_num]
        cur_vote_target = cur_gt_boxes_3d[cur_vote_target_idx]
        cur_vote_target[:, 1] = cur_vote_target[:, 1] - \
            cur_vote_target[:, 4] / 2.
        cur_vote_target = cur_vote_target[:, :3] - cur_vote_base
        vote_target[i] = cur_vote_target

    return vote_mask, vote_target
Exemple #4
def iou_assign_targets_anchors_np(batch_iou_matrix, batch_points,
                                  batch_anchors_3d, batch_gt_boxes_3d,
                                  batch_gt_labels, minibatch_size,
                                  positive_rate, pos_iou, neg_iou,
                                  effective_sample_range, valid_mask):
    """ IoU assign targets function
    batch_iou_matrix: [bs, points_num, cls_num, gt_num]
    batch_points: [bs, points_num, 3]
    batch_anchors_3d: [bs, points_num, cls_num, 7]
    batch_gt_boxes_3d: [bs, gt_num, 7]
    batch_gt_labels: [bs, gt_num]
    valid_mask: [bs, points_num, cls_num]

        assigned_idx: [bs, points_num, cls_num], int32, the index of groundtruth
        assigned_pmask: [bs, points_num, cls_num], float32
        assigned_nmask: [bs, points_num, cls_num], float32
    bs, pts_num, cls_num, gt_num = batch_iou_matrix.shape

    positive_size = int(minibatch_size * positive_rate)

    batch_assigned_idx = np.zeros([bs, pts_num, cls_num], np.int32)
    batch_assigned_pmask = np.zeros([bs, pts_num, cls_num], np.float32)
    batch_assigned_nmask = np.zeros([bs, pts_num, cls_num], np.float32)

    for i in range(bs):
        # first calc the 3d iou matrix or 2d iou
        # pts_num, cls_num, 7
        cur_points = batch_points[i]
        cur_anchors_3d = batch_anchors_3d[i]  # [pts_num, cls_num, 7]
        cur_valid_mask = valid_mask[i]

        # gt_num
        cur_gt_labels = batch_gt_labels[i]  # [gt_num]
        cur_gt_boxes_3d = batch_gt_boxes_3d[i]  # [gt_num, 7]
        iou_matrix = batch_iou_matrix[i]  # [pts_num, cls_num, gt_num]

        # first filter gt_boxes
        filter_idx = np.where(np.any(np.not_equal(cur_gt_boxes_3d, 0),
        cur_gt_labels = cur_gt_labels[filter_idx]
        cur_gt_boxes_3d = cur_gt_boxes_3d[filter_idx]
        iou_matrix = iou_matrix[:, :, filter_idx]

        # first we check whether a point is within a box
        points_mask = check_inside_points(cur_points,
                                          cur_gt_boxes_3d)  # [pts_num, gt_num]
        sampled_gt_idx = np.argmax(points_mask, axis=-1)  # [pts_num]
        # used for generating label_mask
        assigned_gt_label = cur_gt_labels[sampled_gt_idx]  # [pts_num]
        assigned_gt_label = assigned_gt_label - 1  # 1... -> 0...
        # used for generating dist_mask
        assigned_gt_boxes = cur_gt_boxes_3d[sampled_gt_idx]  # [pts_num, 7]
        # then calc the distance between anchors and assigned_boxes
        # [pts_num, cls_num]
        dist = np.linalg.norm(cur_anchors_3d[:, :, :3] -
                              assigned_gt_boxes[:, np.newaxis, :3],

        # then we get assigned_idx by whether a point is within an object
        filtered_assigned_idx = filter_idx[sampled_gt_idx]  # [pts_num]
        filtered_assigned_idx = np.tile(
            np.reshape(filtered_assigned_idx, [pts_num, 1]), [1, cls_num])
        batch_assigned_idx[i] = filtered_assigned_idx

        # then we generate pos/neg mask
        assigned_idx = np.tile(np.reshape(sampled_gt_idx, [pts_num, 1, 1]),
                               [1, cls_num, 1])
        iou_mask = np.tile(
                       [1, 1, len(filter_idx)]),
            [pts_num, cls_num, 1])  # [pts_num, cls_num, len(filter_idx)]
        iou_matrix = np.sum(
            np.equal(iou_mask, assigned_idx).astype(np.float32) * iou_matrix,
            axis=-1)  # [pts_num, cls_num]
        if cls_num > 1:
            label_mask = np.tile(np.reshape(np.arange(cls_num), [1, cls_num]),
                                 [pts_num, 1])
            label_mask = np.equal(label_mask,
                                  assigned_gt_label[:, np.newaxis]).astype(
            label_mask = np.ones([pts_num, cls_num], dtype=np.float32)
        iou_matrix = iou_matrix * label_mask + \
            (1-label_mask) * np.ones_like(iou_matrix) * -1  # count and ignored

        pmask = np.greater_equal(iou_matrix, pos_iou)  # [pts_num, gt_num]
        dist_mask = np.less_equal(dist, effective_sample_range)
        pmask = np.logical_and(pmask, dist_mask).astype(np.float32)
        nmask = np.logical_and(np.less(iou_matrix, neg_iou),
        pmask = pmask * cur_valid_mask
        nmask = nmask * cur_valid_mask

        # finally let's randomly choice some points
        if minibatch_size != -1:
            pts_pmask = np.any(pmask, axis=1)  # [pts_num]
            pts_nmask = np.any(nmask, axis=1)  # [pts_num]

            positive_inds = np.where(pts_pmask)[0]
            cur_positive_num = np.minimum(len(positive_inds), positive_size)
            if cur_positive_num > 0:
                positive_inds = np.random.choice(positive_inds,
            pts_pmask = np.zeros_like(pts_pmask)
            pts_pmask[positive_inds] = 1

            cur_negative_num = minibatch_size - cur_positive_num
            negative_inds = np.where(pts_nmask)[0]
            cur_negative_num = np.minimum(len(negative_inds), cur_negative_num)
            if cur_negative_num > 0:
                negative_inds = np.random.choice(negative_inds,
            pts_nmask = np.zeros_like(pts_nmask)
            pts_nmask[negative_inds] = 1

            pmask = pmask * pts_pmask[:, np.newaxis]
            nmask = nmask * pts_nmask[:, np.newaxis]

        batch_assigned_pmask[i] = pmask
        batch_assigned_nmask[i] = nmask

    return batch_assigned_idx, batch_assigned_pmask, batch_assigned_nmask
Exemple #5
def mask_assign_targets_anchors_np(batch_points, batch_anchors_3d,
                                   batch_gt_boxes_3d, batch_gt_labels,
                                   minibatch_size, positive_rate, pos_iou,
                                   neg_iou, effective_sample_range,
    """ Mask assign targets function
    batch_points: [bs, points_num, 3]
    batch_anchors_3d: [bs, points_num, cls_num, 7]
    batch_gt_boxes_3d: [bs, gt_num, 7]
    batch_gt_labels: [bs, gt_num]
    valid_mask: [bs, points_num, cls_num]

        assigned_idx: [bs, points_num, cls_num], int32, the index of groundtruth
        assigned_pmask: [bs, points_num, cls_num], float32
        assigned_nmask: [bs, points_num, cls_num], float32
    bs, pts_num, cls_num, _ = batch_anchors_3d.shape

    positive_size = int(minibatch_size * positive_rate)

    batch_assigned_idx = np.zeros([bs, pts_num, cls_num], np.int32)
    batch_assigned_pmask = np.zeros([bs, pts_num, cls_num], np.float32)
    batch_assigned_nmask = np.zeros([bs, pts_num, cls_num], np.float32)

    for i in range(bs):
        cur_points = batch_points[i]
        cur_anchors_3d = batch_anchors_3d[i]  # [pts_num, cls_num, 3/7]
        cur_valid_mask = valid_mask[i]  # [pts_num, cls_num]

        # gt_num
        cur_gt_labels = batch_gt_labels[i]  # [gt_num]
        cur_gt_boxes_3d = batch_gt_boxes_3d[i]  # [gt_num, 7]

        # first filter gt_boxes
        filter_idx = np.where(np.any(np.not_equal(cur_gt_boxes_3d, 0),
        cur_gt_labels = cur_gt_labels[filter_idx]
        cur_gt_boxes_3d = cur_gt_boxes_3d[filter_idx]

        points_mask = check_inside_points(cur_points,
                                          cur_gt_boxes_3d)  # [pts_num, gt_num]
        sampled_gt_idx = np.argmax(points_mask, axis=-1)  # [pts_num]
        # used for label_mask
        assigned_gt_label = cur_gt_labels[sampled_gt_idx]  # [pts_num]
        assigned_gt_label = assigned_gt_label - 1  # 1... -> 0...
        # used for dist_mask
        assigned_gt_boxes = cur_gt_boxes_3d[sampled_gt_idx]  # [pts_num, 7]
        # then calc the distance between anchors and assigned_boxes
        # [pts_num, cls_num]
        dist = np.linalg.norm(cur_anchors_3d[:, :, :3] -
                              assigned_gt_boxes[:, np.newaxis, :3],

        filtered_assigned_idx = filter_idx[sampled_gt_idx]  # [pts_num]
        filtered_assigned_idx = np.tile(
            np.reshape(filtered_assigned_idx, [pts_num, 1]), [1, cls_num])
        batch_assigned_idx[i] = filtered_assigned_idx

        if cls_num == 1:  # anchor_free
            label_mask = np.ones([pts_num, cls_num], dtype=np.float32)
        else:  # multiple anchors
            label_mask = np.tile(np.reshape(np.arange(cls_num), [1, cls_num]),
                                 [pts_num, 1])
            label_mask = np.equal(label_mask,
                                  assigned_gt_label[:, np.newaxis]).astype(

        pmask = np.max(points_mask, axis=1) > 0
        dist_mask = np.less_equal(dist,
                                  effective_sample_range)  # pts_num, cls_num
        pmask = np.logical_and(pmask[:, np.newaxis],
        pmask = pmask * label_mask
        pmask = pmask * cur_valid_mask

        nmask = np.max(points_mask, axis=1) == 0
        nmask = np.tile(np.reshape(nmask, [pts_num, 1]), [1, cls_num])
        nmask = nmask * label_mask
        nmask = nmask * cur_valid_mask

        # then randomly sample
        if minibatch_size != -1:
            pts_pmask = np.any(pmask, axis=1)  # pts_num
            pts_nmask = np.any(nmask, axis=1)  # [pts_num]

            positive_inds = np.where(pts_pmask)[0]
            cur_positive_num = np.minimum(len(positive_inds), positive_size)
            if cur_positive_num > 0:
                positive_inds = np.random.choice(positive_inds,
            pts_pmask = np.zeros_like(pts_pmask)
            pts_pmask[positive_inds] = 1

            cur_negative_num = minibatch_size - cur_positive_num
            negative_inds = np.where(pts_nmask)[0]
            cur_negative_num = np.minimum(len(negative_inds), cur_negative_num)
            if cur_negative_num > 0:
                negative_inds = np.random.choice(negative_inds,
            pts_nmask = np.zeros_like(pts_nmask)
            pts_nmask[negative_inds] = 1

            pmask = pmask * pts_pmask[:, np.newaxis]
            nmask = nmask * pts_nmask[:, np.newaxis]

        batch_assigned_pmask[i] = pmask
        batch_assigned_nmask[i] = nmask
    return batch_assigned_idx, batch_assigned_pmask, batch_assigned_nmask
Exemple #6
    def preprocess_samples(self, indices):
        sample_dicts = []
        biggest_label_num = 0
        for sample_idx in indices:
            sample_id = int(self.idx_list[sample_idx])
            img = self.kitti_object.get_image(sample_id)
            img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
            image_shape = img.shape
            calib = self.kitti_object.get_calibration(sample_id)

            points = self.kitti_object.get_lidar(sample_id)
            points_intensity = points[:, 3:]
            points = points[:, :3]
            # filter out this, first cast it to rect
            points = calib.project_velo_to_rect(points)

            img_points_filter = get_point_filter_in_image(points, calib, image_shape[0], image_shape[1])
            voxelnet_points_filter = get_point_filter(points, self.extents)
            img_points_filter = np.logical_and(img_points_filter, voxelnet_points_filter)
            img_points_filter = np.where(img_points_filter)[0]
            points = points[img_points_filter]
            points_intensity = points_intensity[img_points_filter]

            if self.img_list in ['train', 'val', 'trainval'] and cfg.TEST.WITH_GT:
                # then we also need to preprocess groundtruth
                objs = self.kitti_object.get_label_objects(sample_id)
                filtered_obj_list = [obj for obj in objs if obj.type in self.cls_list]
                if len(filtered_obj_list) == 0:
                    # continue if no obj
                    return None, biggest_label_num

                # then is time to generate anchors
                label_boxes_3d = np.array([box_3d_utils.object_label_to_box_3d(obj) for obj in filtered_obj_list])
                label_boxes_3d = np.reshape(label_boxes_3d, [-1, 7])
                label_classes = np.array([self.cls2idx_dict[obj.type] for obj in filtered_obj_list], np.int)

                # then calculate sem_labels and sem_dists
                tmp_label_boxes_3d = label_boxes_3d.copy()
                # expand by 0.1, so as to cover context information
                tmp_label_boxes_3d[:, 3:-1] += cfg.TRAIN.AUGMENTATIONS.EXPAND_DIMS_LENGTH
                points_mask = check_inside_points(points, tmp_label_boxes_3d) # [pts_num, gt_num]
                points_cls_index = np.argmax(points_mask, axis=1) # [pts_num]
                points_cls_index = label_classes[points_cls_index] # [pts_num]
                sem_labels = np.max(points_mask, axis=1) * points_cls_index # [pts_num]
                sem_labels = sem_labels.astype(np.int)
                sem_dists = np.ones_like(sem_labels).astype(np.float32)
                sem_labels = np.ones([points.shape[0]], dtype=np.int)
                sem_dists = np.ones([points.shape[0]], dtype=np.float32)

            points = np.concatenate([points, points_intensity], axis=-1)
            if np.sum(sem_labels) == 0:
                return None, biggest_label_num

            # finally return the sealed result and save as npy file 
            if self.img_list in ['train', 'val', 'trainval'] and cfg.TEST.WITH_GT:
                sample_dict = {
                    maps_dict.KEY_LABEL_BOXES_3D: label_boxes_3d,
                    maps_dict.KEY_LABEL_CLASSES: label_classes,
                    maps_dict.KEY_LABEL_SEMSEG: sem_labels,
                    maps_dict.KEY_LABEL_DIST: sem_dists,

                    maps_dict.KEY_POINT_CLOUD: points,
                    maps_dict.KEY_STEREO_CALIB: calib,

                    maps_dict.KEY_SAMPLE_NAME: sample_id,
                    maps_dict.KEY_LABEL_NUM: len(label_boxes_3d)
                biggest_label_num = max(len(label_boxes_3d), biggest_label_num)
                # img_list is test
                sample_dict = {
                    maps_dict.KEY_LABEL_SEMSEG: sem_labels,
                    maps_dict.KEY_LABEL_DIST: sem_dists,
                    maps_dict.KEY_POINT_CLOUD: points,
                    maps_dict.KEY_STEREO_CALIB: calib,
                    maps_dict.KEY_SAMPLE_NAME: sample_id
        return sample_dicts, biggest_label_num
Exemple #7
    #         not_in_sum += not_in * (cur_pts_cnt > 0)
    #         print(cur_pts_cnt, cur_pts_cnt > 0, not_in)
    # print(not_in_sum)
    # exit()

    # finally test point iou
    gt_num = label_boxes_3d.shape[1]
    anchors_num = anchors.get_shape().as_list()[1]
    iou_matrix = np.ones([batch_size, anchors_num, gt_num],
    iou_points = query_points_iou(points, anchors, label_boxes_3d, iou_matrix)
    iou_points, anchors = sess.run([iou_points, anchors])
    iou_points_np = np.zeros([batch_size, anchors_num, gt_num],
    for i in range(batch_size):
        cur_anchors = anchors[i]
        cur_gt_boxes = label_boxes_3d[i]
        cur_anchors_mask = check_inside_points(
            points[i], cur_anchors)  # pts_num, anchors_num
        cur_gt_mask = check_inside_points(points[i],
                                          cur_gt_boxes)  # pts_num, gt_num
        intersect = cur_anchors_mask[:, :,
                                     np.newaxis] * cur_gt_mask[:,
                                                               np.newaxis, :]
        union = np.logical_or(cur_anchors_mask[:, :, np.newaxis],
                              cur_gt_mask[:, np.newaxis, :]).astype(np.float32)
        cur_iou = np.sum(intersect, axis=0) / np.maximum(
            np.sum(union, axis=0), 1.)
        iou_points_np[i] = cur_iou
    print(np.where((iou_points - iou_points_np) != 0))