Exemple #1
def max_box_width(num_boxes, name_width=0, padding=0):
    screen_width = zyutils.get_terminal_width()
    total_boxes_width = screen_width - name_width - (2 * padding)
    print("Screen is {} wide, fitting {} boxes".format(screen_width,
    return total_boxes_width // num_boxes
Exemple #2
def max_box_width(num_boxes, name_width=0, padding=0):
    screen_width = zyutils.get_terminal_width()
    total_boxes_width = screen_width - name_width - (2 * padding)
    print("Screen is {} wide, fitting {} boxes".format(screen_width,
    return total_boxes_width // num_boxes
Exemple #3
def zygrid(*iterables, **kwargs):
    """ Takes lists, returns them formatted as a printable table.

    *iterables:     Multiple same-length lists or tuples. These can be
                    either rows or columns depending on whether the 'row'
                    arg in kwargs is True or False.
    *kwargs:        Formatting args, passed in as a dictionary. Options
                    True/False options:
                    'rows':     whether *iterables are to be formatted as
                                rows or columns.
                    'color':    whether each box is formatted with itself,
                                or with an optional passed in color
                    Options with arguments:
                    'wrap':     whether or not rows are wrapped after
                                a certain length.
                                    int: wrap after that many columns
                                    'max': wrap after as many columns
                                    will fit on terminal screen
                                    optional column names
                                function used to trim column names longer
                                than box_width
                    'row_names':    optional row names
                    'box_width':    otherwise box_width will be set as
                                a function of the widest item
                    'side_padding': buffer of blank spaces to the right and
                                left of the formatted table
                                'right': table formatted to right margin
                                'center': table centered
                                'left' or None: formatted to left margin

    # set up the crucial variables
    rows = kwargs.get('rows', True)
    row_name_width, row_name_iterator = row_names_generator(
        kwargs.get('row_names', None))

    # next, massage & measure the iterables
    if rows is False:
        iterables = rotate_iterables(iterables)
        rows = True

    # are we wrapping the rows:
    wrap_flag = kwargs.get('wrap', False)
    screen_width = zyutils.get_terminal_width()
    minimum_box_width = min_box_width(iterables,
                                      buffer=kwargs.get('box_buffer', 1),
                                      color=kwargs.get('color', False))
    if wrap_flag is not False:
        iterables = wrap_iterables(iterables, screen_width, minimum_box_width,
                                   row_name_width, rows, wrap_flag,
                                   kwargs.get('color', False))

    num_rows = len(iterables)
    num_boxes = len(iterables[0])
    # deal with color vs. no color
    if kwargs.get('color', None) is not None:
        format_func = lambda x: "{}{:^{wid}}{}".format(*x, wid=box_width)
        format_func = lambda x: "{:^{wid}}".format(str(x), wid=box_width)

    # set up the row contents
    row_content_iterator = row_content_generator(iterables, format_func, rows)

    # get the width of the boxes
    if kwargs.get('box_width', None) == 'max':
        box_width = max_box_width(num_boxes=num_boxes,
                                  padding=kwargs.get('side_padding', 0))
    elif kwargs.get('box_width', None) is not None:
        box_width = kwargs['box_width']
        box_width = minimum_box_width
        #  box_width = min_box_width(iterables,
        #  buffer=kwargs.get('box_buffer', 1),
        #  color=kwargs.get('color', False))
    box_width = max(box_width, minimum_box_width)
    width_residual = screen_width - (num_boxes * box_width) - row_name_width

    # justification for table
    if kwargs.get('table_justification', None) == 'right':
        right_pad = ' ' * width_residual
    elif kwargs.get('table_justification', None) == 'center':
        right_pad = ' ' * (width_residual // 2)
        if kwargs.get('side_padding', 0) > 0:
            right_pad = ' ' * kwargs['side_padding']
            right_pad = ''

    # prepare the column names
    if kwargs.get('column_names', None) is not None:
        #  column_names = kwargs['column_names']
        column_names = ' ' * row_name_width
        if kwargs.get('column_names_trim_func', None) is None:
            for nam in kwargs['column_names']:
                column_names += '{:^{wid}}'.format(
                    nam if len(nam) < box_width else nam[:box_width - 4] +
            for nam in kwargs['column_names']:
                column_names += '{:^{wid}}'.format(
                    nam if len(nam) < box_width else
        column_names = right_pad + column_names
        column_names = None

    # make the strings!
    res = []

    for i in range(num_rows):
        r_nam = next(row_name_iterator)
        temp = next(row_content_iterator)
        res.append(right_pad + r_nam + temp)

    if column_names is not None:
        res.insert(0, column_names)
    return res
Exemple #4
def zygrid(*iterables, **kwargs):
    """ Takes lists, returns them formatted as a printable table.

    *iterables:     Multiple same-length lists or tuples. These can be
                    either rows or columns depending on whether the 'row'
                    arg in kwargs is True or False.
    *kwargs:        Formatting args, passed in as a dictionary. Options
                    True/False options:
                    'rows':     whether *iterables are to be formatted as
                                rows or columns.
                    'color':    whether each box is formatted with itself,
                                or with an optional passed in color
                    Options with arguments:
                    'wrap':     whether or not rows are wrapped after
                                a certain length.
                                    int: wrap after that many columns
                                    'max': wrap after as many columns
                                    will fit on terminal screen
                                    optional column names
                                function used to trim column names longer
                                than box_width
                    'row_names':    optional row names
                    'box_width':    otherwise box_width will be set as
                                a function of the widest item
                    'side_padding': buffer of blank spaces to the right and
                                left of the formatted table
                                'right': table formatted to right margin
                                'center': table centered
                                'left' or None: formatted to left margin

    # set up the crucial variables
    rows = kwargs.get('rows', True)
    row_name_width, row_name_iterator = row_names_generator(
        kwargs.get('row_names', None))
    # next, massage & measure the iterables
    if rows is False:
        iterables = rotate_iterables(iterables)
        rows = True

    # are we wrapping the rows:
    wrap_flag = kwargs.get('wrap', False)
    screen_width = zyutils.get_terminal_width()
    minimum_box_width = min_box_width(iterables,
                                      buffer=kwargs.get('box_buffer', 1),
                                      color=kwargs.get('color', False))
    if wrap_flag is not False:
        iterables = wrap_iterables(iterables, screen_width, minimum_box_width,
                                   row_name_width, rows, wrap_flag, 
                                   kwargs.get('color', False))

    num_rows = len(iterables)
    num_boxes = len(iterables[0])
    # deal with color vs. no color
    if kwargs.get('color', None) is not None:
        format_func = lambda x: "{}{:^{wid}}{}".format(*x, wid=box_width)
        format_func = lambda x: "{:^{wid}}".format(str(x), wid=box_width)

    # set up the row contents
    row_content_iterator = row_content_generator(iterables, format_func, rows)

    # get the width of the boxes
    if kwargs.get('box_width', None) == 'max':
        box_width = max_box_width(num_boxes=num_boxes,
                                  padding=kwargs.get('side_padding', 0))
    elif kwargs.get('box_width', None) is not None:
        box_width = kwargs['box_width']
        box_width = minimum_box_width
        #  box_width = min_box_width(iterables,
                                  #  buffer=kwargs.get('box_buffer', 1),
                                  #  color=kwargs.get('color', False))
    box_width = max(box_width, minimum_box_width)
    width_residual = screen_width - (num_boxes * box_width) - row_name_width

    # justification for table
    if kwargs.get('table_justification', None) == 'right':
        right_pad = ' ' * width_residual
    elif kwargs.get('table_justification', None) == 'center':
        right_pad = ' ' * (width_residual // 2)
        if kwargs.get('side_padding', 0) > 0:
            right_pad = ' ' * kwargs['side_padding']
            right_pad = ''

    # prepare the column names
    if kwargs.get('column_names', None) is not None:
        #  column_names = kwargs['column_names']
        column_names = ' ' * row_name_width
        if kwargs.get('column_names_trim_func', None) is None:
            for nam in kwargs['column_names']:
                column_names += '{:^{wid}}'.format(nam if len(nam) < box_width
                                                   else nam[:box_width - 4]
                                                   + '...',
            for nam in kwargs['column_names']:
                column_names += '{:^{wid}}'.format(
                    nam if len(nam) < box_width else
        column_names = right_pad + column_names
        column_names = None

    # make the strings!
    res = []

    for i in range(num_rows):
        r_nam = next(row_name_iterator)
        temp = next(row_content_iterator)
        res.append(right_pad + r_nam + temp)

    if column_names is not None:
        res.insert(0, column_names)
    return res