def __init__(self, user_name): """ Initializes the Instance Object. Its status should be checked through the property `k`. """ if _Utils.user_exists(user_name) is False: self.k = False return None self.k = True self.udb = utils.Database().user self._user_dat = self.udb.find_one({"user_name": user_name}) self._updates = set()
def __init__(self, survey_id): """ Initializes the Instance Object. Its status should be checked through the property `k`. """ if _Utils.survey_exists(survey_id) is False: self.k = False return None self.k = True self.sdb = utils.Database().survey self._survey_dat = self.sdb.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(survey_id)}) self._updates = set()
def generate_daily(): date, terms = get_daily_papers() # insert to db"add {len(terms)} papers to database") db = utils.Database(log) values = [(, p.url, p.title,,, p.comment, p.subject) for p in terms] db.batch_update("arxiv", "paper_id", "paper_id,url,title,author,org,comment,subject", values) db.close() # create html columns = ["Title", "Org", "Comment", "Author"] arxiv_raw = os.path.join(template_folder, "arxiv_raw.html") arxiv_pc = os.path.join(template_folder, "arxiv.html") pc_head = os.path.join(template_folder, "template_head.html") pc_tail = os.path.join(template_folder, "template_tail.html") with open(arxiv_raw, "w") as fout: fout.write('<div class="container pb-3">\n') fout.write(f'<p><kbd>Arxiv NLP - {date}</kbd></p>\n') fout.write('<p><kbd>本服务由微信公众号「夕小瑶的卖萌屋」提供</kbd></p>\n') fout.write('</div>\n') fout.write('<table style="width: 100%">\n') fout.write('<colgroup>\n') fout.write('<col span="1" style="width: 35%;">\n') fout.write('<col span="1" style="width: 15%;">\n') fout.write('<col span="1" style="width: 25%;">\n') fout.write('<col span="1" style="width: 35%;">\n') fout.write('</colgroup>\n') fout.write('<thead><tr class="table100-head">\n') for idx, column_name in enumerate(columns): if column_name == "Title": fout.write(f'<th class="text-center">{column_name}</th>\n') else: fout.write(f'<th>{column_name}</th>\n') fout.write('</tr></thead><tbody>\n') for paper in terms: fout.write('<tr>\n') fout.write( f"<td class='column3'><a href='{paper.url}'>{paper.title}</a></td>\n" ) if len( > 0: fout.write(f"<td class='column3'>{}</td>\n") else: fout.write(f"<td class='column3'>-</td>\n") if len(paper.comment) > 0: fout.write(f"<td class='column3'>{paper.comment}</td>\n") else: fout.write(f"<td class='column3'>-</td>\n") fout.write(f"<td class='column3'>{}</td>\n") fout.write('</tr>\n') fout.write('</table>\n') os.system(f"rm -rf {arxiv_pc}") os.system(f"cat {pc_head} {arxiv_raw} {pc_tail} >> {arxiv_pc}")
def add(scheme, tags, target, survey, filters): push_data = { 'scheme': scheme(), 'tags': tags, 'target': target, 'survey': survey(), 'filters': filters(), 'meta': { 'added': datetime.datetime.utcnow() } } return (True, utils.Database().survey.insert_one(push_data).inserted_id)
def add(user_name, password, confirm_password, email_id): """Adds the User into Database.""" errors = [] if _Utils.validate_username(user_name) is False: errors.append("BadUserName") if _Utils.validate_email(email_id) is False: errors.append("BadEmailID") if _Utils.validate_password(password) is False: errors.append("ShortPassword") if _Utils.user_exists(user_name): errors.append("UsernameExist") if _Utils.email_exists(email_id): errors.append("EmailExist") if password != confirm_password: errors.append("PasswordNoMatch") if len(errors) is not 0: return (False, errors) else: user = { 'user_name': user_name, 'pswd': Password.get_hashed_password(password), 'email': email_id, 'status': 1, 'meta': { 'added': datetime.datetime.utcnow() } } utils.Database().user.insert_one(user).inserted_id return (True, )
def __init__(self): self.database = utils.Database()
def email_exists(email_id): """ Checks if the Email exists in Database. """ return utils.Database().user.find_one({"email": email_id})
def user_exists(user_name): """ Checks if the User exists in Database. """ return utils.Database().user.find_one({"user_name": user_name}) is not None
async def resume_verification_queue(): guild = bot.get_guild(809900131494789120) verification_queue = guild.get_channel(811625549062733845) moderator_role = guild.get_role(810130497485275166) db = utils.Database(bot.db_path) async with aiosqlite.connect(bot.db_path) as conn: cursor = await conn.execute("SELECT * FROM submission_tracking ") submissions = [ (submission_id, ast.literal_eval(submission)) for submission_id, submission in await cursor.fetchall() ] await conn.commit() # Clean up previous messages for the same submission for submission_id, submission in submissions: for message in await verification_queue.history(limit=100).flatten(): if message.embeds and message.embeds[ 0].footer.text and message.embeds[ 0].footer.text == submission_id: await message.delete() author = guild.get_member(int(submission["contributors"][0])) verification_message_embed = discord.Embed( title=f"Submission: {submission['name']}", # description="\n".join([f"**{s_name}:** {s_value}" for s_name, s_value in specs.items()]), colour=green) for item, value in submission.items(): field_value = value if isinstance(value, list): value = [str(item) for item in value] field_value = f"{', '.join(value)}." if isinstance(value, dict): field_value = "\n".join([ f"**{entry_name}**: {entry_value}" for entry_name, entry_value in value.items() ]) verification_message_embed.add_field(name=item.capitalize(), value=field_value, inline=False) verification_message_embed.set_author(name=author, icon_url=author.avatar_url) verification_message_embed.set_footer(text=submission_id) verification_message = await verification_queue.send( embed=verification_message_embed) def reaction_check(r, u): return not and moderator_role in u.roles and r.emoji in ( "✅", "❌") and == for reaction in ("✅", "❌"): await verification_message.add_reaction(reaction) # Wait for a reaction on the submission in the verification queue # If no reaction is added and it times out, it will just be ignored. try: reaction, user = await bot.wait_for("reaction_add", check=reaction_check, timeout=86400) except asyncio.TimeoutError: ignored_embed = discord.Embed( description= f"Your submission for the part **{part}** has expired.", colour=green) await author.send(embed=ignored_embed) await db.add(, "ignored") # Delete submission from database (in case the bot restarted) async with aiosqlite.connect("data.db") as conn: await conn.execute( "DELETE FROM submission_tracking WHERE submission_id = ?", (submission_id, )) await conn.commit() verification_message_embed.colour = grey await verification_message.edit(embed=verification_message_embed) return if reaction.emoji == "✅": await db.add_part(submission) approved_embed = discord.Embed( description= f"Your submission for the part **{submission['name']}** has been approved. Thank you for contributing!", colour=green) await author.send(embed=approved_embed) await db.add(, "approved") # Delete submission from database (in case the bot restarted) async with aiosqlite.connect("data.db") as conn: await conn.execute( "DELETE FROM submission_tracking WHERE submission_id = ?", (submission_id, )) await conn.commit() verification_message_embed.colour = grey await verification_message.edit(embed=verification_message_embed) elif reaction.emoji == "❌": declined_embed = discord.Embed( description= f"Your submission for the part **{submission['name']}** has been declined.", colour=green) await author.send(embed=declined_embed) await db.add(, "declined") # Delete submission from database (in case the bot restarted) async with aiosqlite.connect("data.db") as conn: await conn.execute( "DELETE FROM submission_tracking WHERE submission_id = ?", (submission_id, )) await conn.commit() verification_message_embed.colour = grey await verification_message.edit(embed=verification_message_embed)
def survey_exists(survey_id): """ Checks if the Survey exists in Database. """ return utils.Database().survey.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(survey_id) }) is not None
async def submit(self, ctx, *, part): if == 790374236946432071: return part_submissions_category = ctx.guild.get_channel(810298926678540329) verification_queue = ctx.guild.get_channel(811625549062733845) moderator_role = ctx.guild.get_role(810130497485275166) specs = {} part_data = {} stop_message = discord.Embed(description="Stopping...", colour=green) chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits def message_check(m): return == and == def cancel_message_check(m): return == and == and any(word in m.content for word in ("cancel", "send")) db = utils.Database( results = await db.search_parts(name=part) # Check if there are any duplicates for result in results: if part.lower() == result[0].lower(): duplicate = discord.Embed(description="That part already exists.", colour=green) await ctx.send(embed=duplicate) return required_information = { "type": ("Required", valid_part_types), "manufacturer": ("Required",), "sources": ("Recommended", "separate each item by a comma: `,`"), "images": ("Optional", "separate each URL by a comma: `,`"), "notes": ("Optional", "separate each item by a comma: `,`"), } # Ask for data about the part for item, item_info in required_information.items(): question = f"Send the part {item} in chat:" if len(item_info) > 1 and isinstance(item_info[1], str): question = f"Specify the part {item} ({item_info[1]}) in chat:" question_embed = discord.Embed(description=question, colour=green) question_embed.set_footer(text=item_info[0]) question_message = await ctx.send(embed=question_embed) response = await"message", check=message_check, timeout=60) # Stop the data input if the user sends "stop" if "stop" in response.content.lower(): question_embed.colour = grey await question_message.edit(embed=question_embed) await ctx.send(embed=stop_message) return # Skip the question if it's optional and the user sends "skip" if item_info[0] in ("Recommended", "Optional") and "skip" in response.content.lower(): question_embed.colour = grey await question_message.edit(embed=question_embed) continue # Check if the user sent an image URL if item == "images": match =, response.content) skip = False while not match and skip is False: question_embed.colour = grey await question_message.edit(embed=question_embed) invalid_image_url_embed = discord.Embed( description="The image URL(s) you entered are invalid. Try again:", colour=green) invalid_image_url_message = await ctx.send(embed=invalid_image_url_embed) response = await"message", check=message_check, timeout=60) if "stop" in response.content.lower(): invalid_image_url_embed.colour = grey await invalid_image_url_message.edit(embed=invalid_image_url_embed) await ctx.send(embed=stop_message) return if "skip" in response.content.lower(): invalid_image_url_embed.colour = grey await invalid_image_url_message.edit(embed=invalid_image_url_embed) skip = True break match =, response.content) invalid_image_url_embed.colour = grey await invalid_image_url_message.edit(embed=invalid_image_url_embed) # Check if the item is type and if the type is valid if len(item_info) > 1 and isinstance(item_info[1], tuple): while not response.content.lower() in valid_part_types_lower: if "stop" in response.content.lower(): question_embed.colour = grey await question_message.edit(embed=question_embed) await ctx.send(embed=stop_message) return invalid_part_type = discord.Embed( description=f"The type you entered is invalid. You must pick from: `{', '.join(valid_part_types)}.`", colour=green ) await ctx.send(embed=invalid_part_type) response = await"message", check=message_check, timeout=60) part_data[item] = response.content question_embed.colour = grey await question_message.edit(embed=question_embed) # Ask for the part specs while True: spec_name_embed = discord.Embed(description="What is the spec called?", colour=green) spec_name_message = await ctx.send(embed=spec_name_embed) spec_name = await"message", check=message_check, timeout=60) if spec_name.content.lower() in [name.lower() for name in specs.keys()]: duplicate_spec = discord.Embed(description="That spec already exists!", colour=green) await ctx.send(embed=duplicate_spec) spec_name_embed.colour = grey await spec_name_message.edit(embed=spec_name_embed) continue if "stop" in spec_name.content.lower(): spec_name_embed.colour = grey await spec_name_message.edit(embed=spec_name_embed) if specs: formatted_data = "\n".join( [f"**{item_name.capitalize()}**: {item_value}" for item_name, item_value in part_data.items()]) formatted_specs = "\n".join([f"**{s_name}:** {s_value}" for s_name, s_value in specs.items()]) stop_message = discord.Embed( title="Submitted part data", description="If you want to cancel the submission, type \"cancel\" within 60 seconds (in 60s " "it will automatically be sent." "If you want to send the submission, type \"send\".", colour=green) stop_message.add_field(name="Data", value=formatted_data, inline=False) stop_message.add_field(name="Specs", value=formatted_specs, inline=False) stop_message.set_footer(text="Your part will be submitted.") await ctx.send(embed=stop_message) # Let the user cancel the submission within 60s try: cancel_message = await"message", check=cancel_message_check, timeout=60) if "cancel" in cancel_message.content.lower(): cancelled_embed = discord.Embed(description="Your submission has been cancelled.", colour=green) await ctx.send(embed=cancelled_embed) return elif "send" in cancel_message.content.lower(): sent_embed = discord.Embed(description="Your submission has been sent.", colour=green) await ctx.send(embed=sent_embed) except asyncio.TimeoutError: pass # Break out of the loop asking for specs break spec_name_embed.colour = grey await spec_name_message.edit(embed=spec_name_embed) spec_values_embed = discord.Embed( description=f"What is the value of {spec_name.content}?\n(separate each item by a comma: `,`)", colour=green ) spec_values_message = await ctx.send(embed=spec_values_embed) spec_values = await"message", check=message_check, timeout=60) if "stop" in spec_values.content.lower(): spec_values_embed.colour = grey await spec_values_message.edit(embed=spec_values_embed) if specs: formatted_data = "\n".join( [f"**{item_name.capitalize()}**: {item_value}" for item_name, item_value in part_data.items()]) formatted_specs = "\n".join([f"**{s_name}:** {s_value}" for s_name, s_value in specs.items()]) stop_message = discord.Embed( title="Submitted part data", description="If you want to cancel the submission, type \"cancel\" within 60 seconds (in 60s " "it will automatically be sent." "If you want to send the submission, type \"send\".", colour=green) stop_message.add_field(name="Data", value=formatted_data, inline=False) stop_message.add_field(name="Specs", value=formatted_specs, inline=False) stop_message.set_footer(text="Your part will be submitted.") await ctx.send(embed=stop_message) # Let the user cancel the submission within 60s try: cancel_message = await"message", check=cancel_message_check, timeout=60) if "cancel" in cancel_message.content.lower(): cancelled_embed = discord.Embed(description="Your submission has been cancelled.", colour=green) await ctx.send(embed=cancelled_embed) return elif "send" in cancel_message.content.lower(): sent_embed = discord.Embed(description="Your submission has been sent.", colour=green) await ctx.send(embed=sent_embed) except asyncio.TimeoutError: pass # Break out of the loop asking for specs break spec_values_embed.colour = grey await spec_values_message.edit(embed=spec_values_embed) # If the spec contains multiple values, it will make it a list, else it won't if len(spec_values.content.split(",")) == 1: specs[spec_name.content] = spec_values.content else: specs[spec_name.content] = spec_values.content.split(",") # If the user didn't add any specs, it won't send the part for verification if not specs: return # Process part data, send it to the verification system and act accordingly part_data["name"] = part part_data["specs"] = specs if "images" in part_data: part_data["images"] = part_data["images"].split(",") if "sources" in part_data: part_data["sources"] = part_data["sources"].split(",") if "notes" in part_data: part_data["notes"] = part_data["notes"].split(",") part_data["contributors"] = [str(] verification_message_embed = discord.Embed( title=f"Submission: {part}", # description="\n".join([f"**{s_name}:** {s_value}" for s_name, s_value in specs.items()]), colour=green ) for item, value in part_data.items(): field_value = value if isinstance(value, list): value = [str(item) for item in value] field_value = f"{', '.join(value)}." if isinstance(value, dict): field_value = "\n".join( [f"**{entry_name}**: {entry_value}" for entry_name, entry_value in value.items()]) verification_message_embed.add_field(name=item.capitalize(), value=field_value, inline=False) # Generate the submission ID submission_id = "".join([random.choice(chars) for x in range(6)]) verification_message_embed.set_author(, verification_message_embed.set_footer(text=submission_id) verification_message = await verification_queue.send(embed=verification_message_embed) # Add submission to db (in case the bot restarts) async with aiosqlite.connect( as conn: await conn.execute("INSERT into submission_tracking VALUES (?, ?)", (submission_id, str(part_data))) await conn.commit() def reaction_check(r, u): return not and moderator_role in u.roles and r.emoji in ("✅", "❌") and == for reaction in ("✅", "❌"): await verification_message.add_reaction(reaction) # Wait for a reaction on the submission in the verification queue # If no reaction is added and it times out, it will just be ignored. try: reaction, user = await"reaction_add", check=reaction_check, timeout=86400) except asyncio.TimeoutError: ignored_embed = discord.Embed(description=f"Your submission for the part **{part}** has expired.", colour=green) await await db.add(, "ignored") # Delete submission from database (in case the bot restarted) async with aiosqlite.connect( as conn: await conn.execute("DELETE FROM submission_tracking WHERE submission_id = ?", (submission_id,)) await conn.commit() verification_message_embed.colour = grey await verification_message.edit(embed=verification_message_embed) return if reaction.emoji == "✅": part_id = await db.add_part(part_data) approved_embed = discord.Embed( description=f"Your submission for the part **{part}** (ID :`{part_id}`) has been approved. Thank you for contributing!", colour=green ) await await db.add(, "approved") # Delete submission from database (in case the bot restarted) async with aiosqlite.connect( as conn: await conn.execute("DELETE FROM submission_tracking WHERE submission_id = ?", (submission_id,)) await conn.commit() verification_message_embed.colour = grey await verification_message.edit(embed=verification_message_embed) elif reaction.emoji == "❌": declined_embed = discord.Embed( description=f"Your submission for the part **{part}** has been declined.", colour=green ) await await db.add(, "declined") # Delete submission from database (in case the bot restarted) async with aiosqlite.connect( as conn: await conn.execute("DELETE FROM submission_tracking WHERE submission_id = ?", (submission_id,)) await conn.commit() verification_message_embed.colour = grey await verification_message.edit(embed=verification_message_embed)