print(name, F) a = source_xml.createElement(r'a') a.setAttribute( r'href', '' + F.replace(src_old, '')) a.appendChild(source_xml.createTextNode(name)) td.appendChild(a) tr.appendChild(td) td = source_xml.createElement(r'td') td.appendChild(source_xml.createTextNode('%s MB' % size)) tr.appendChild(td) td = source_xml.createElement(r'td') td.appendChild(source_xml.createTextNode(date)) tr.appendChild(td) table_body.appendChild(tr) release -= 1 initContent() writeToSource() #print(source_xml.toxml()) #xml.dom.ext.PrettyPrint(source_xml, open(src_html, 'w')) source_xml.writexml(utils.UnicodeFileWriter(open(src_html, "w"))) #utils.delFirstLine(src_html)
# read through ack.xml for c in ack.getElementsByTagName("contributor"): print(c.getAttribute("name"), ">>>", end="") if c.hasAttribute("location"): addGeo(c.getAttribute("location")) else: print(" <--- UNKNOWN LOCATION !!!") print() print("This is now written to file %s:" % geocode_xml_outfn) print(out.toprettyxml()) #xml.dom.ext.PrettyPrint(out, open(geocode_xml_outfn, "w")) out.writexml(utils.UnicodeFileWriter(open(geocode_xml_outfn, "w")), newl="\n") print() print("calculating statistics and writing to description") nbContribs, nbPlaces = getStatistics() print() print( "now writing table entries for search engines and javascript disabled ones" ) writeToDevmap() print("file written to %s" % devmap_tmpl) #xml.dom.ext.PrettyPrint(devmap, open(devmap_xml, "w")) #devmap.writexml(utils.UnicodeFileWriter(open(devmap_tmpl, "w")), newl="\n") # utils.delFirstLine(devmap_xml)
def index(root, strip): """ main method, walks through all sub directories, for each of them, reads the md5 sums from $md5file writes and entry for the table for each file below the md5 sum if available or calls for calculating it in the end, writes the index.html files for each dir """ for dir, dirs, files in os.walk(root): print 'Directory %s' % dir if dir == '.' or dir.endswith('meta'): continue listxml = minidom.parse(outfile) el = listxml.getElementsByTagName(u'div') output = None for e in el: if e.getAttribute(u'id') == u'output': output = e break title = listxml.getElementsByTagName(u'title')[0] keep = len(dir) - len(root) + len(strip) shortdir = dir[-keep:] title.appendChild(listxml.createTextNode('SageMath Download - %s' % shortdir)) table = listxml.createElement(u'table') table.appendChild(getTableHeaderDir(listxml, shortdir)) #siblings = [ d for d in os.listdir('..') if os.path.isdir(os.path.join('..', d)) ] #table.appendChild(getTableHeaderSiblings(listxml, siblings)) if notesfile in files: table.appendChild(getNotesText(listxml, dir)) files.remove(notesfile) tr = getTableRowDir(listxml, dirs) table.appendChild(tr) #no files (only index.html, hence > 1), no need to list them if len(files) > 1: table.appendChild(getTableHeader(listxml)) knownMd5 = readMD5(dir) #reads file even = True # even/odd for different backgrounds of table rows filesKey = lambda fn:os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(dir,fn)) for fn in sorted(files, reverse=True, key = filesKey): even = not even if fn in [listfile, md5file, notesfile]: continue f = os.path.join(dir, fn) tr = getTableRow(listxml, f, fn, shortdir, even) table.appendChild(tr) if knownMd5 is not None:# and (os.path.getsize(f) / 1024.0 / 1024.0) > MIN_SIZE: isNewer = os.path.getmtime(f) > knownMd5['__MTIME__'] if isNewer: delMd5Entry(dir, fn) if knownMd5.has_key(fn) and not isNewer: trMd5 = getMd5Row(listxml, knownMd5[fn], shortdir, fn, f) else: trMd5 = getMd5Row(listxml, calcMd5(dir, fn), shortdir, fn, f) else: trMd5 = getMd5Row(listxml, None, shortdir, fn, f) table.appendChild(trMd5) output.appendChild(table) output.appendChild(trackPageView(listxml, shortdir)) output_file = os.path.join(dir, listfile) if os.path.exists(output_file): listxml.writexml(utils.UnicodeFileWriter( open(output_file, "w"))) print 'written to: %s' % output_file else: print 'WARNING: file %s does not exist and hence directory information is not written to it' % output_file