def __init__(self, input_nodes, hidden_layers_nodes, config={}): """ Deep Auto Encoder Cox Class Constructor. Parameters ---------- input_nodes: int The number of input nodes. It's also equal to the number of features. hidden_layers_nodes: list Number of nodes in hidden layers of neural network. config: dict Some configurations or hyper-parameters of neural network. """ #super(DAECox, self).__init__() # neural nodes self.input_nodes = input_nodes self.hidden_layers_nodes = hidden_layers_nodes # network hyper-parameters _check_config(config) self.config = config # reset computational graph tf.compat.v1.reset_default_graph() # graph level random seed tf.compat.v1.set_random_seed(config["seed"]) # some gobal settings self.global_step = tf.compat.v1.get_variable('global_step', initializer=tf.constant(0), trainable=False) self.keep_prob = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32) # It's the best way to use `tf.placeholder` instead of ``. # Since style of `batch` is not appropriate in survival analysis. self.X = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, input_nodes], name='X-Input') self.Y = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 1], name='Y-Input')
def disable_nfs3(): prot = '4' if (config.nfs_srv != 'native'): prot = '3,4' #print (config.nfs_srv, prot) _check_config("/etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf", "NFS_Core_Param", " ", '{NFS_Protocols = %s;}' % (prot), 1)
def __init_redisconf(self, path, hostname): src = os.path.join(self.config.home, "etc/redis.conf.tpl") dist = os.path.join(path, "redis.conf") cmd = "cp " + src + " " + dist os.system(cmd) cmd = "mkdir -p " + self.workdir + "/data" os.system(cmd) #cmd = "chmod a+w " + self.workdir + "/data" #os.system(cmd) _check_config(dist, "port", " ", self.port, True) _check_config(dist, "dir", " ", self.workdir + "/data", True) _check_config(dist, "pidfile", " ", self.workdir + "/run/", True) _check_config(dist, "logfile", " ", self.workdir + "/redis.log", True) _check_config(dist, "bind", " ", hostname, True) return True
def __init__(self, hidden_layers_nodes, input_samples, input_nodes, config={}): """ Deep Global Balancing Cox regression (DGBCox) Class Constructor. Parameters ---------- hidden_layers_nodes: list Number of nodes in hidden layers of deep auto-encoder neural network. input_samples: int The number of input samples. input_nodes: int The number of input nodes (i.e. features/genes). config: dict Some configurations or hyper-parameters of DGBCox. """ # super(DGBCox, self).__init__() # nodes self.input_nodes = input_nodes # samples self.input_samples = input_samples # neural nodes self.hidden_layers_nodes = hidden_layers_nodes # hyper-parameters _check_config(config) self.config = config # reset default computational graph before tf.Session() tf.compat.v1.reset_default_graph() # graph level random seed tf.compat.v1.set_random_seed(config["seed"]) # some gobal settings self.global_step = tf.compat.v1.get_variable('global_step', initializer=tf.constant(0), trainable=False) self.keep_prob = self.config['dropout_keep_prob'] # It's the best way to use `tf.placeholder` instead of ``. # Since style of `batch` is not appropriate in survival analysis. self.X = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, input_nodes], name='X-Input') self.Y = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 1], name='Y-Input')
def etcd_set_config(cls, init_cluster, state, proxy): config = Config() ip = socket.gethostbyname(config.hostname) os.system("echo > /etc/etcd/etcd.conf") _check_config("/etc/etcd/etcd.conf", "ETCD_NAME", "=", '"' + "%s" % (config.hostname) + '"', True) _check_config("/etc/etcd/etcd.conf", "ETCD_DATA_DIR", "=", '"' + config.etcd_data_path + '"', True) _check_config("/etc/etcd/etcd.conf", "ETCD_ADVERTISE_CLIENT_URLS", "=", '"' + "http://%s:2379" % (config.hostname) + '"', True) _check_config("/etc/etcd/etcd.conf", "ETCD_LISTEN_CLIENT_URLS", "=", '"' + "http://%s:2379," % (ip) + '"', True) _check_config("/etc/etcd/etcd.conf", "ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER", "=", '"' + "%s" % (init_cluster) + '"', True) if proxy: # set etcd conf as proxy mode _check_config("/etc/etcd/etcd.conf", "ETCD_PROXY", "=", '"' + "on" + '"', True) else: _check_config("/etc/etcd/etcd.conf", "ETCD_LISTEN_PEER_URLS", "=", '"' + "" + '"', True) _check_config("/etc/etcd/etcd.conf", "ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER_STATE", "=", '"' + "%s" % (state) + '"', True) _check_config("/etc/etcd/etcd.conf", "ETCD_INITIAL_ADVERTISE_PEER_URLS", "=", '"' + "http://%s:2380" % (config.hostname) + '"', True)
def add_raw_redis(self, idx, _uuid): workdir = os.path.join(self.workdir, "redis", _uuid) cmd = "mkdir -p " + workdir os.system(cmd) src = os.path.join(self.config.home, "etc/redis.conf.tpl") dist = os.path.join(workdir, "redis.conf") cmd = "cp " + src + " " + dist os.system(cmd) port = 16384 + idx _check_config(dist, "port", " ", port, True) _check_config(dist, "dir", " ", workdir, True) _check_config(dist, "pidfile", " ", workdir + "/", True) _check_config(dist, "logfile", " ", workdir + "/redis.log", True) _check_config(dist, "bind", " ", socket.gethostname(), True) _check_config(dist, "unixsocket", " ", workdir + "/redis.socket", True) _check_config(dist, "unixsocketperm", " ", "770", True)