Exemple #1
    def _extractUtilities(self):
        fragment = self._doc.createDocumentFragment()

        # We get back a generator but in order to have a consistent order
        # which is needed for the tests we convert to a sorted list
        registrations = [reg for reg in self.context.registeredUtilities()]

        for registration in registrations:
            child = self._doc.createElement('utility')

            provided = _getDottedName(registration.provided)
            child.setAttribute('interface', provided)

            name = _getDottedName(registration.name)
            if name:
                child.setAttribute('name', name)

            comp = registration.component
            # check if the component is acquisition wrapped. If it is, export
            # an object reference instead of a factory reference
            if getattr(comp, 'aq_base', None) is not None:
                child.setAttribute('object', comp.getId())
                factory = _getDottedName(type(comp))
                child.setAttribute('factory', factory)


        return fragment
Exemple #2
    def _extractUtilities(self):
        fragment = self._doc.createDocumentFragment()

        registrations = [ {'component': reg.component,
                           'provided': _getDottedName(reg.provided),
                           'name': reg.name}
                          for reg in self.context.registeredUtilities() ]
        site = aq_base(self._getSite())

        for reg_info in registrations:
            child = self._doc.createElement('utility')

            child.setAttribute('interface', reg_info['provided'])

            if reg_info['name']:
                child.setAttribute('name', reg_info['name'])

            comp = reg_info['component']
            # check if the component is acquisition wrapped. If it is, export
            # an object reference instead of a factory reference
            if getattr(comp, 'aq_base', None) is not None:
                if aq_base(comp) is site:
                    child.setAttribute('object', '')
                    child.setAttribute('object', comp.getId())
                factory = _getDottedName(type(comp))
                child.setAttribute('factory', factory)


        return fragment
Exemple #3
    def _extractAdapters(self):
        fragment = self._doc.createDocumentFragment()

        # We get back a generator but in order to have a consistent order
        # which is needed for the tests we convert to a sorted list
        registrations = [reg for reg in self.context.registeredAdapters()]

        for registration in registrations:
            child = self._doc.createElement('adapter')

            factory = _getDottedName(registration.factory)
            provided = _getDottedName(registration.provided)
            name = _getDottedName(registration.name)

            for_ = u''
            for interface in registration.required:
                for_ = for_ + _getDottedName(interface) + u'\n           '

            child.setAttribute('factory', factory)
            child.setAttribute('provides', provided)
            child.setAttribute('for_', for_.strip())
            if name:
                child.setAttribute('name', name)


        return fragment
Exemple #4
    def _extractAdapters(self):
        fragment = self._doc.createDocumentFragment()

        registrations = [ {'factory': _getDottedName(reg.factory),
                           'provided': _getDottedName(reg.provided),
                           'required': reg.required,
                           'name': reg.name}
                          for reg in self.context.registeredAdapters() ]

        for reg_info in registrations:
            child = self._doc.createElement('adapter')

            for_ = u''
            for interface in reg_info['required']:
                for_ = for_ + _getDottedName(interface) + u'\n           '

            child.setAttribute('factory', reg_info['factory'])
            child.setAttribute('provides', reg_info['provided'])
            child.setAttribute('for_', for_.strip())
            if reg_info['name']:
                child.setAttribute('name', reg_info['name'])


        return fragment
Exemple #5
    def _extractUtilities(self):
        fragment = self._doc.createDocumentFragment()

        registrations = [{
            'component': reg.component,
            'provided': _getDottedName(reg.provided),
            'name': reg.name
        } for reg in self.context.registeredUtilities()]
        site = aq_base(self._getSite())

        for reg_info in registrations:
            child = self._doc.createElement('utility')

            child.setAttribute('interface', reg_info['provided'])

            if reg_info['name']:
                child.setAttribute('name', reg_info['name'])

            comp = reg_info['component']
            # check if the component is acquisition wrapped. If it is, export
            # an object reference instead of a factory reference
            if getattr(comp, 'aq_base', None) is not None:
                if aq_base(comp) is site:
                    child.setAttribute('object', '')
                    child.setAttribute('object', comp.getId())
                factory = _getDottedName(type(comp))
                child.setAttribute('factory', factory)


        return fragment
Exemple #6
    def _extractAdapters(self):
        fragment = self._doc.createDocumentFragment()

        # We get back a generator but in order to have a consistent order
        # which is needed for the tests we convert to a sorted list
        registrations = [reg for reg in self.context.registeredAdapters()]

        for registration in registrations:
            child = self._doc.createElement('adapter')

            factory = _getDottedName(registration.factory)
            provided = _getDottedName(registration.provided)
            name = _getDottedName(registration.name)

            for_ = u''
            for interface in registration.required:
                for_ = for_ + _getDottedName(interface) + u'\n           '

            child.setAttribute('factory', factory)
            child.setAttribute('provides', provided)
            child.setAttribute('for_', for_.strip())
            if name:
                child.setAttribute('name', name)


        return fragment
Exemple #7
    def _extractAdapters(self):
        fragment = self._doc.createDocumentFragment()

        registrations = [ {'factory': _getDottedName(reg.factory),
                           'provided': _getDottedName(reg.provided),
                           'required': reg.required,
                           'name': reg.name}
                          for reg in self.context.registeredAdapters() ]

        for reg_info in registrations:
            child = self._doc.createElement('adapter')

            for_ = u''
            for interface in reg_info['required']:
                for_ = for_ + _getDottedName(interface) + u'\n           '

            child.setAttribute('factory', reg_info['factory'])
            child.setAttribute('provides', reg_info['provided'])
            child.setAttribute('for_', for_.strip())
            if reg_info['name']:
                child.setAttribute('name', reg_info['name'])


        return fragment
Exemple #8
    def registerStep( self, id, handler, title=None, description=None ):

        """ Register an export step.

        o 'id' is the unique identifier for this step

        o 'step' should implement IExportPlugin.

        o 'title' is a one-line UI description for this step.
          If None, the first line of the documentation string of the step
          is used, or the id if no docstring can be found.

        o 'description' is a one-line UI description for this step.
          If None, the remaining line of the documentation string of
          the step is used, or default to ''.
        if title is None or description is None:

            t, d = _extractDocstring( handler, id, '' )

            title = title or t
            description = description or d

        info = { 'id'           : id
               , 'handler'      : _getDottedName( handler )
               , 'title'        : title
               , 'description'  : description

        self._registered[ id ] = info
Exemple #9
    def registerStep(self, id, handler, title=None, description=None):

        """ Register an export step.

        o 'id' is the unique identifier for this step

        o 'handler' is the dottoed name of a handler which should implement

        o 'title' is a one-line UI description for this step.
          If None, the first line of the documentation string of the step
          is used, or the id if no docstring can be found.

        o 'description' is a one-line UI description for this step.
          If None, the remaining line of the documentation string of
          the step is used, or default to ''.
        if not isinstance(handler, str):
            handler = _getDottedName(handler)

        if title is None or description is None:

            method = _resolveDottedName(handler)
            if method is None:
                t, d = id, ""
                t, d = _extractDocstring(method, id, "")

            title = title or t
            description = description or d

        info = {"id": id, "handler": handler, "title": title, "description": description}

        self._registered[id] = info
Exemple #10
    def registerStep(self, id, version, handler, dependencies=(), title=None, description=None):
        """ Register a setup step.

        o 'id' is a unique name for this step,

        o 'version' is a string for comparing versions, it is preferred to
          be a yyyy/mm/dd-ii formatted string (date plus two-digit
          ordinal).  when comparing two version strings, the version with
          the lower sort order is considered the older version.

          - Newer versions of a step supplant older ones.

          - Attempting to register an older one after a newer one results
            in a KeyError.

        o 'handler' is the dottoed name of a handler which should implement

        o 'dependencies' is a tuple of step ids which have to run before
          this step in order to be able to run at all. Registration of
          steps that have unmet dependencies are deferred until the
          dependencies have been registered.

        o 'title' is a one-line UI description for this step.
          If None, the first line of the documentation string of the handler
          is used, or the id if no docstring can be found.

        o 'description' is a one-line UI description for this step.
          If None, the remaining line of the documentation string of
          the handler is used, or default to ''.
        already = self.getStepMetadata(id)

        if already and already["version"] > version:
            raise KeyError("Existing registration for step %s, version %s" % (id, already["version"]))

        if not isinstance(handler, str):
            handler = _getDottedName(handler)

        if title is None or description is None:

            method = _resolveDottedName(handler)
            if method is None:
                t, d = id, ""
                t, d = _extractDocstring(method, id, "")

            title = title or t
            description = description or d

        info = {
            "id": id,
            "version": version,
            "handler": handler,
            "dependencies": dependencies,
            "title": title,
            "description": description,

        self._registered[id] = info
Exemple #11
    def registerStep( self, id, handler, title=None, description=None ):

        """ Register an export step.

        o 'id' is the unique identifier for this step

        o 'step' should implement IExportPlugin.

        o 'title' is a one-line UI description for this step.
          If None, the first line of the documentation string of the step
          is used, or the id if no docstring can be found.

        o 'description' is a one-line UI description for this step.
          If None, the remaining line of the documentation string of
          the step is used, or default to ''.
        if title is None or description is None:

            t, d = _extractDocstring( handler, id, '' )

            title = title or t
            description = description or d

        info = { 'id'           : id
               , 'handler'      : _getDottedName( handler )
               , 'title'        : title
               , 'description'  : description

        self._registered[ id ] = info
Exemple #12
    def registerStep( self
                    , id
                    , version
                    , handler
                    , dependencies=()
                    , title=None
                    , description=None
        """ Register a setup step.

        o 'id' is a unique name for this step,

        o 'version' is a string for comparing versions, it is preferred to
          be a yyyy/mm/dd-ii formatted string (date plus two-digit
          ordinal).  when comparing two version strings, the version with
          the lower sort order is considered the older version.

          - Newer versions of a step supplant older ones.

          - Attempting to register an older one after a newer one results
            in a KeyError.

        o 'handler' should implement IImportPlugin.

        o 'dependencies' is a tuple of step ids which have to run before
          this step in order to be able to run at all. Registration of
          steps that have unmet dependencies are deferred until the
          dependencies have been registered.

        o 'title' is a one-line UI description for this step.
          If None, the first line of the documentation string of the handler
          is used, or the id if no docstring can be found.

        o 'description' is a one-line UI description for this step.
          If None, the remaining line of the documentation string of
          the handler is used, or default to ''.
        already = self.getStepMetadata( id )

        if already and already[ 'version' ] > version:
            raise KeyError( 'Existing registration for step %s, version %s'
                          % ( id, already[ 'version' ] ) )

        if title is None or description is None:

            t, d = _extractDocstring( handler, id, '' )

            title = title or t
            description = description or d

        info = { 'id'           : id
               , 'version'      : version
               , 'handler'      : _getDottedName( handler )
               , 'dependencies' : dependencies
               , 'title'        : title
               , 'description'  : description

        self._registered[ id ] = info
Exemple #13
 def __init__(self, id):
     self.id = str(id)
     self._import_registry = ImportStepRegistry()
     self._export_registry = ExportStepRegistry()
                                        'Export import / export steps.',
     self._toolset_registry = ToolsetRegistry()
Exemple #14
 def __init__(self, id):
     self.id = str(id)
     self._import_registry = ImportStepRegistry()
     self._export_registry = ExportStepRegistry()
         'Export import / export steps.',
     self._toolset_registry = ToolsetRegistry()
Exemple #15
    def _extractUtilities(self):
        fragment = self._doc.createDocumentFragment()

        # We get back a generator but in order to have a consistent order
        # which is needed for the tests we convert to a sorted list
        registrations = [reg for reg in self.context.registeredUtilities()]

        for registration in registrations:
            child = self._doc.createElement('utility')

            provided = _getDottedName(registration.provided)
            child.setAttribute('interface', provided)

            name = _getDottedName(registration.name)
            if name:
                child.setAttribute('name', name)

            comp = registration.component
            # check if the component is acquisition wrapped. If it is export
            # an object reference instead of a factory reference
            if hasattr(comp, 'aq_base'):
                # if the site is acquistion wrapped as well, get the relative
                # path to the site
                path = '/'.join(comp.getPhysicalPath())
                site = aq_parent(self.context)
                if hasattr(site, 'aq_base'):
                    site_path = '/'.join(site.getPhysicalPath())
                    rel_path = path[len(site_path):]
                    if not rel_path:
                        rel_path = '/'
                child.setAttribute('object', rel_path)
                factory = _getDottedName(type(comp))
                child.setAttribute('factory', factory)


        return fragment
Exemple #16
    def _extractUtilities(self):
        fragment = self._doc.createDocumentFragment()

        # We get back a generator but in order to have a consistent order
        # which is needed for the tests we convert to a sorted list
        registrations = [reg for reg in self.context.registeredUtilities()]

        for registration in registrations:
            child = self._doc.createElement('utility')

            provided = _getDottedName(registration.provided)
            child.setAttribute('interface', provided)

            name = _getDottedName(registration.name)
            if name:
                child.setAttribute('name', name)

            comp = registration.component
            # check if the component is acquisition wrapped. If it is export
            # an object reference instead of a factory reference
            if hasattr(comp, 'aq_base'):
                # if the site is acquistion wrapped as well, get the relative
                # path to the site
                path = '/'.join(comp.getPhysicalPath())
                site = self.environ.getSite()
                if hasattr(site, 'aq_base'):
                    site_path = '/'.join(site.getPhysicalPath())
                    rel_path = path[len(site_path):]
                child.setAttribute('object', rel_path)
                factory = _getDottedName(type(comp))
                child.setAttribute('factory', factory)


        return fragment
Exemple #17
    def export(self, export_context, subdir, root=False):
        """ See IFilesystemExporter.
        context = self.context

        if not root:
            subdir = '%s/%s' % (subdir, context.getId())

        exportable = self.listExportableItems()

        stream = StringIO()
        csv_writer = writer(stream)

        for object_id, object, adapter in exportable:

            factory_namer = IContentFactoryName(object, None)
            if factory_namer is None:
                factory_name = _getDottedName(object.__class__)
                factory_name = factory_namer()

            csv_writer.writerow((object_id, factory_name))


        prop_adapter = IINIAware(context, None)

        if prop_adapter is not None:

        for object_id, object, adapter in exportable:
            if adapter is not None:
                adapter.export(export_context, subdir)
Exemple #18
    def export(self, export_context, subdir, root=False):
        """ See IFilesystemExporter.
        context = self.context

        if not root:
            subdir = '%s/%s' % (subdir, context.getId())

        exportable = self.listExportableItems()

        stream = StringIO()
        csv_writer = writer(stream)

        for object_id, object, adapter in exportable:

            factory_namer = queryAdapter(object, IContentFactoryName, None)
            if factory_namer is None:
                factory_name = _getDottedName(object.__class__)
                factory_name = factory_namer()

            csv_writer.writerow((object_id, factory_name))


        prop_adapter = queryAdapter(context, IINIAware, None)

        if prop_adapter is not None:

        for object_id, object, adapter in exportable:
            if adapter is not None:
                adapter.export(export_context, subdir)
Exemple #19
    def registerStep(self, id, handler, title=None, description=None):
        """ Register an export step.

        o 'id' is the unique identifier for this step

        o 'handler' is the dottoed name of a handler which should implement

        o 'title' is a one-line UI description for this step.
          If None, the first line of the documentation string of the step
          is used, or the id if no docstring can be found.

        o 'description' is a one-line UI description for this step.
          If None, the remaining line of the documentation string of
          the step is used, or default to ''.
        if not isinstance(handler, str):
            handler = _getDottedName(handler)

        if title is None or description is None:

            method = _resolveDottedName(handler)
            if method is None:
                t, d = id, ''
                t, d = _extractDocstring(method, id, '')

            title = title or t
            description = description or d

        info = {
            'id': id,
            'handler': handler,
            'title': title,
            'description': description

        self._registered[id] = info